REAL Doctor reaction to Cells at Work! Anime review | Hataraku Saibou | Pneumococcus

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I love this show and can't wait for season 2 👍

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/call_off_duty_doc 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi and welcome back to doc off call i'm maddie your doctor from the uk in today's video we're going to be going through another anime breakdown and today we're going to be looking at the long requested cells at work don't forget if you like videos like this why not come over to my channel where i've got many more videos where i break down other anime series otherwise don't forget to like and subscribe let's make a start already from the intro i can see there's gonna be kind of like a cute [Music] anime okay i hadn't realized that there were that many cells in the body 72 million billion or something that's crazy i mean it sounds plausible um but you know every day's a school day so learn something new [Music] okay so this is the first cell we're introduced to so red blood cell they're the main sort of uh cell involved in gas exchange in the body so it transports oxygen um around the body and brings co2 the waste product back to to the lungs to get rid of that's never sounded cooler so vascular endothelial cells are being shouted out in japanese it definitely sounds cooler in japanese than it does in english and that's funny actually because sometimes when you get sort of western movies releasing their japanese sort of trailer um it often seems more dramatic and more cool so yeah this is pneumococcus the the bacteria that we'll be dealing with today um and as you can see he's kind of commenting on the uh environmental conditions there and bacteria really thrive at um at an optimal temperature and those that tend to damage in the body like sort of 37 degrees any any higher or any lower and the activity of the cells tends to be less less optimal okay i didn't realize it was going to be this gory um but yeah that the white blood cell character it kind of looks like a cross between ichigo from bleach and he's kind of got like a rambo knife as well so that's pretty cool that's pretty cool so yeah the neutrophil's got his own little soundtrack as well which is which is pretty cool and uh you know um know uh cells in the in the body don't actually walk around carrying walkie-talkies instead they they uh they communicate with one another with sort of chemical signaling and interactions between receptors um but it's it's funny the way they've depicted it here in the anime [Music] so he's now coming across like he's a sort of clint eastwood type um yeah clint eastwood or john wayne from the cowboy days so it looks like one of them survived and he's gotten away uh probably gonna cause some sort of trouble elsewhere in the body i guess okay so yeah in this bit she's got her sort of box of co2 so she's trying to get that uh to the lungs to get rid of it's a waste product and then she's bumping into these one-way valves and that's interesting because you do actually have valves like that in your veins and they basically prevent backflow of blood um and basically allow it to go in the one direction interestingly as we get older these vowels can kind of become weakened and incompetent and as a result they lead to things like varicose veins in your lower legs [Music] i don't know why the spleen has been depicted as some sort of sexy organ um i mean there's nothing really sexy about it when i'm at work um to be honest i don't really think too much about the spleen it's not often people come through presenting with a problem with their spleen but uh some people um i mean it's it's basically involved in getting rid of um sort of dead red blood cells and in part related to the immune system so some people who've had it removed end up needing to be on antibiotics life long which is an interesting fact so that's interesting she's kind of gone down one of the wrong paths again almost down one of the lymph ducts and lymph ducks actually drained the lymphatic system or the lymph tissue from around the body and lymph tissue is the fluid which is found between cells rather than the fluid that's found within the cells now interestingly if the lymph duct gets blocked it can lead to things like lymphedema which results in swelling in the feet and i like this kind of like awkward type of humor where um you know it kind of goes quiet and look they even change the animation type to help depict that it's very clever so the white blood cells found them again and uh you know once your body's come into contact with a pathogen once the second time they detect it they tend to have a quicker response a more effective response because they they kind of know what they're dealing with yes that's an interesting way to illustrate that part so yes the pneumococcus bacteria is an encapsulated bacteria um which basically acts as like a self-defense to the body's immune system um allowing it to kind of like escape from from its attack um and seemingly it's used in this case and it's kind of gotten away so let's see let's see what happens yeah so this is true about bugs of any kind you know once they get into the body they like to rapidly divide and um if that kind of gets out of control it can overwhelm the body's immune system and it can lead to much more sort of dangerous consequences foreign that's a really dangerous situation when the bugs get into the bloodstream and cause bacteremia they can go on to cause things like sepsis which is an overwhelming infection that begins to result in sort of the organs and shutting down now what we do as doctors is when we suspect people might have bacteremia so if they're really poorly we take what's called blood cultures so blood tests that allow us to send their blood to the laboratory so they can look under the microscope and see what the exact bug is that's causing the infection and sort of tailor antibiotics to treat it [Music] so yeah that's true your body is normally able to withstand most bugs in your environment um but if you're immunocompromised or immunosuppressed from either having like cancer or chemotherapy or other treatments like long-term steroids then you can have a weakened immune system that's not able to cope with the normal bugs and as a result you can become quite poorly from you know pretty simple infections okay so his receptor's going off there which is telling him yes the bug is nearby and you know white blood cells they do have receptors i don't know if they look like that they probably don't um but it's an interesting way to depict them and then he's also calling on other white blood cells for for some support but seemingly they're all sort of overwhelmed as well with with dealing with the infection [Music] and again these moments of sort of awkward silence helped to kind of bring the humor back into it and uh get rid of some of that tenseness of the scene building up oh she's cute isn't she um and yeah so pneumococcus is trying to get to the lungs and uh when it gets there i'm guessing it's gonna try and cause like a pneumonia which is an inflammation of the lungs which is which can be really really uh serious uh imagine like having the worst chest infection you've ever had and that's close to what a pneumonia is these platelets aren't they cute um so yeah platelets are basically involved in forming clots in the body and stopping bleeding um and they can sometimes their levels in the blood can can increase with infection uh if the bacteria is caused damage to blood vessels um but look they're so cute i wish there were more of them i agree i agree they are so adorable and i like how the the helper t cell here is uh he's got his own sort of headquarters it's almost as if he's working from like a call center um to offer support and it looks like they're going to be dispatching a uh a special team with the white blood cells the the killer t cells so let's see what they look like so yeah i mean i can't imagine them being depicted any better than sort of like a swat team uh and they look badass um but that that sort of head guy his voice sounds familiar it kind of sounds like the voice actor who does jojo from the bizarre adventures uh but let me know down below if it is [Music] means that they work by breaking down red blood cells and as you can imagine that could cause trouble and of itself so if you have less blood red blood cells you're not going to be able to carry as much oxygen to your tissues or get rid of as much co2 and you can also develop sort of jaundice as well like a yellow color of the skin almost looking like homer simpson's skin um yeah so that's quite interesting oh my family had to sort of go their separate ways um but i'm glad to see she finally made it to the lungs she can finally get rid of that box of co2 that she's been carrying around i like that attention to detail so yeah in these very small alveolar sacks you have these capillaries surrounding it and which allow one cell to pass through at a time and what that does is it maximizes the surface area for gas exchange so i like that the instructions here are one in at a time it's good attention to detail whoever the authors were okay this kind of reminds me of that bit from that seven film what's in the box and of course it was the pneumococcus in the box isn't it and uh what a great scream the voice acting in this is just great what is that you haven't done your homework um although he's playing into the scene too much you know he's given the pneumococcus an opportunity to escape every villain needs to know don't give a speech just do what you're gonna do [Music] so the receptor was going off earlier because it was in the box i get it now and then as soon as they left each other the receptor stopped going off so of course he was gonna he was gonna be with the red blood cell in the box yeah but i didn't know that white blood cells had deductive reasoning [Applause] what [Music] seemingly this um capsule has become much stronger and it's kind of like a force field you know something that you'd see in star wars sort of melted his blade a bit there now i don't know too much about that in relation to medical science but anyway this is almost like one of those here's johnny uh scenes here's johnny okay so it seems like he's got a plan here to see to try and sort of trap him or something oh that's so anticlimactic i was kind of expecting some sort of super overpowered move but he's just pressing a simple button [Music] so it looks like sort of a hunter has become the hunted and he's been caught so good on the white blood cell for catching them so i can see what they're going to do here they're going to shoot him out in a sneeze rocket and that's quite a clever way of depicting this and you know don't forget your your first offenses to things like bugs are like your sneeze or your your cough reflex as well a little countdown [Music] and yeah i mean sneezes can sometimes be explosive so um definitely i can see why they would have used a rocket to depict all of this and so he's clearly the hero i like that bye bye um i'm sure we're gonna see more of this guy he seems too much of a hero and to kind of just be in episode one and not anymore all right well thank you very much for that recommendation i really enjoyed watching that first episode and i'm going to make sure to watch the rest and maybe even put out some more videos like this now i understand that season two of cells at work is coming out in early 2021 so we might watch that together and break down a few of those scenes too now if you did enjoy this video please do give us a like and consider subscribing down below otherwise i've got a lot of other videos on a few different anime shows and so why not come along to the channel and watch some of those too but otherwise i hope you're having a great christmas and i wish you all a great new year and we'll see you in the next one thanks
Channel: doc.offcall
Views: 87,042
Rating: 4.9822273 out of 5
Keywords: Real doctor reacts to Cells at work, real doctor reacts, doctor watches, doctor watches Cells at work, Doctor reacts to Cells at work, Cells at work episode 1, Doctor breaks down Cells at work, Doctor watches anime, Doctor reviews anime, Hataraku Saibou doctor review, Crunchyroll, anime analysis, Cells at work, Cells at work season 1, Cells at Work season 2, Cells at work anime, Cells at work reaction, Hataraku Saibou, REAL Doctor reaction to Cells at Work, Pneumococcus
Id: oIgi2j6QV5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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