REAL Classic French Onion Soup - THE FULL MONTY! (professional Michelin Star restaurant recipe)

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[Music] french onion soup is another example of a classic recipe that has died the death of a Thousand Cuts as people are making it with prepackaged beef stock and putting tons of sugar in it sugar has no place in French onion soup even the formidable Raman Blanc was seen thickening with soup with flour in a video there is no flour in this recipe when it is properly made thickening comes only from the reduction of First Rate quality stock if you look at the edge of the onion you'll see that the outer layer of it is is tougher than the inner layers for this you need to do what sometimes called a deep peel you're going to not just take the brown skin off but we're going to actually take this whole layer that's just below the skin off because this is this is going to remain tough it won't break down you'll have this is where your stringy bits will come from so this you can save this and use it as as onion and in stocks and and other things but we can't use it for this okay now we got rid of this part too now this onion this inner onion this is what we want we want to repeat that for all the rest of them okay now I've got all of the onions deep peeled now this is one of those things that I I kind of assumed everybody knew this but I I recently found out that they didn't uh the direction that you um cut an onion will depend will will influence how it tastes in the end if you cut it in this direction if you if you cut it into rings like this it will be harsher uh tasting because you'll broken up more of the cells so for French onion soup it's always traditional to cut along this line and we're only going to cut these into fourths you can see where the the root is so you're going to get rid of the root just by cut cutting it into fours we want to do make as few Cuts as possible get rid of that that Center section that's no good either and then you can see where the RO is just make the your your second cut to divide the quarters right along that route this means that you've made the absolute minimum number of cuts that you need to make into the onion and there we have the part of the onion that we're going to use and we're not going to cut it any more than this this will result in a very sweet and smooth um soup and we won't have to add any sugar at all to this and sometimes Mother Nature being the that she is sometimes she makes an onion like this that that doesn't want to conform so you find the root and you just manually cut it out like this little V cut like that and that this is also fun this is what you don't want though you don't want these pieces with the root in them and um when you get that you put them all in um bracing dish like this and and then we've got some butter here and add just this is the the butter can add a little bit of olive oil to this and microwave it up in order to melt the but we've got the butter melted now I'm just going to drizzle it over the top of these doesn't have to worry about it too much cuz as it as it brazes it's going to be kind of mix around on its own um and I'm also going to put in a couple of bay waves we'll have to fish those out later and uh now just put uh lid on it in begin the braze okay it's been brazing for three hours now you can see the the onions are uh turning yellow there a little bit of uh caramelization on them and the beauty of this I didn't add any water all the liquid you see in here is the onion juices themselves so I'm just going to turn these around a little bit make sure everything's even and I'm going to put them back I removed the bay leaves by the way I'm going to put these back in the oven again now uncovered no cover on them for just a little while longer half an hour I do another stir around here getting darker as you can see and we're going to put it in for the final time final time back in and this is another 30 minutes and these onions are pretty nicely caramelized here without having actually gone dark and nasty these are in a good we have the onions they're dark and caramelized that are going to go into food processor with a teaspoon of uh dried thyme and little bit of the stock just to help it along a little bit this is the the beef stock that that we're going to cook the uh the soup with we'll put a little bit of it in to help it process again we're not looking to puree the onions of course we want still want some Che pieces in there and that's good that this is enough now this gets mixed back in with the rest of the stuff and and starts getting heated for making the soup okay you're going to remove the hard part we don't want to use minced garlic for this make thin [Music] slices you want so that's a nonstick pin put the butter side down h begin cooking it this is on a a heat of five on 1 to 10 we're going to cook this SL and the Butter's melted it's just starting to cook going to turn it over use the other side to soak up the rest of the butter and keep cooking it slow meanwhile the soup is simmering away and one of the mistakes I see people making is to start um putting cherry and uh vinegar and other ingredients in it at this point you add those at the end you just want to finish it so you taste what it is that you're doing um the same thing for salt we're going to let this cook for for the full 20 or 30 minutes before we're going to start seasoning it okay it's been uh a few minutes now now this side that's get most of the butter is going to be the one that's going to get most of the toasting so I'm going to turn it back around still got that low heat on it I'm going to put the cheese on top of it this can be done ahead of time can make this part up in fact you should make this part up ahead of time and then I'm going to cover turn the heat down even lower turning it down to a three on 1 to 10 now we're just going to let this sit there until the cheese melts over the top of it and the bottom of the bread gets really nice and toasty so um few more minutes just watch it keep an eye on it until the cheese looks really nice and M and this is the stage we're looking at for the cheese croutons um you can see the cheese is nicely melted they're very nice and golden on the other side um don't forget these are going to go under the the broiler to finish uh uh toasting that cheese so this is a good stage to stop them at you can set these aside you can do a whole bunch of these in advance however many you need they'll stay just like that for um you know hours and then just stick them into the soup and Flash them under the boiler to to finish off the the dish okay this has been simmering way for just over 20 minutes now is the time we're going to begin seasoning it and and tasting to see what it's like so I'm going to begin some fine ground black pepper uh the salt is probably the trickiest thing actually a very important stage in this recipe too little and you won't have any flavor too much it'll be nasty you have to very carefully control your salt in this add a little bit at a time keep tasting but before I even taste it I'm also going to add about a good tablespoon or so balsamic vinegar and maybe a tablespoon and a half of dry cherry usually ol alsoo um uh very rich Cherry is what I prefer for most things but in this case this soup is so sweet already these onions are so sweet that I don't want to add any more sugar by using a sweet cherry in um you certainly never ever want to add sugar to this onion soup prepared this way this is be very careful taste it you'll see it's already extremely sweet okay I just tasted this is good but it needs just a little bit more salt but I'm going to add it gradually and carefully cuz I can tell you from experience the soup goes from being not salty enough to being sickeningly salty in a surprisingly little addition so you have to really really watch your salt on this it absolutely has to be salty but too much and you'll ruin it okay that's about perfect now going to um spoon it into the ramkin put the croutons on top and Flash it under the boiler also look for my cocktail cocktails of the South Pacific and Beyond Advanced Mixology available through Amazon online
Channel: CookinginFinland
Views: 271,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: French Onion Soup (Dish), soup, onions, beef, stock, professional, Michelin Star, restaurant, Gruyere cheese, real, authentic, classic, how to, cook, Recipe, Kitchen, Cooking, Food, Cook (Profession), Recipes, Cuisine, French, Soup (Type Of Dish), scalelabs, scalelab network, scalelab, scalelabnetwork
Id: hsXlWw6_tps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2013
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