Classic French onion soup recipe - how to Make your own at home

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hi guys welcome back today another dedicated to one of my colleague at work she asked me can you make a French onion soup on your channel because I cannot get the right taste this is exactly the perfect time so here we go what do we need for that French onion soup yellow onion veal or beef stock good quality butter and we're going to serve it with some toasted bread and some great content cheese that's going to be melted in the oven that's it very simple very classic so let me show you how to make a restaurant-quality french onion soup in order to get a real and tasty French onion soup this is what I'm going to be using 400 grams of sliced onion half a liter of water a half a litre of stock a homemade fresh bouquet garni salt and pepper and as a little extra I'm going to use this chunk of a rump steak I'll show you in a minute why the first thing you're going to start with is to make your stock before you make the onions I'm using a pan on high heat a little bit of oil and I take the steak I was talking about this is rump steak and I'm going to put this species here and let them really get really really Brown all right when you get that color it's almost burnt but not exactly burn just before then you're going to start with your water 1/2 liter that's going to stop the cooking and then you add your delicious stock leave this on a high heat wait until it boils when it boils put the heat back on simmer and you leave it on the side of the stove on at least 1/2 hour and now for the onion I'm melting 50 grams of butter and the only thing you do is putting just all over your onions in a cast-iron pan or try to take something with a thick bottom and we're going to basically cook these onions in the butter until they are nice and brown so this is a slow process medium to low heat and you have to be patient when your onions are coated with butter you can add your salt and pepper so don't put too much you can always add afterwards them done alright guys sorry about that a bit prime of my microphone I have to do a voice over but after 30 minutes basically this is what you get it's nice and brown and you see that brown patch at the bottom this is exactly what you want you have so from here basically what we're going to do we're going to start adding the stock in so you take it really bit at a time not too much to make sure you remove all the caramelization from the bottom of the pan okay and you're going to repeat this process until you pour all of your stock all of your stock is in you're going to take your bouquet garni plunge it inside and you're going to leave this to simmer for another 20 minutes so I'm using just a lid and we'll check it when it's done okay so 20 minutes later I've turned the heat off I'm just going to discard my bouquet garni and look at this look at this result this is my soup it's brown as you can see the color of the juice is lovely and I'm just going to have a quick taste because this is when you crack the seasoning mmm nice the onions are cooked just a hint of paper in there I think this is perfectly seasoned I don't like to put too much salt so now let's dress up that lovely soup the French style all right and now for the serious stuff let's dress up this soup you take one of these bowl with the handles I've dried some bread in the oven you start by putting apparently from what the book said two pieces of bread at the bottom you didn't pour some soup on top so if I get messy guys forgive me it's my first time okay so you don't want to have it too full because things get a bit higher okay then it says you add some more bread to fill it up okay and here's the fun part you add up to 200 grams of cheese that's what it says honestly this is apparently it has to be a cheese bonanza I'm putting 100 grams on it to give you an idea you can put double that but I don't want to go too much over the top we're gonna try with a hundred grams okay so now when you get this you put it under the grill until the cheese's totally melted so let's do that and I come back on the camera and that's it look at this this is out of the oven the cheese has melted and the bread is nice and toasted what we're going to do now is the cheesy test it's basically when you take some of the cheese you should have yeah look at this strings that's exactly what you want oh this is a cheesy cheesy soup delicious look at this you can roll your cheese and this is hotter than the Sun - but I'm gonna try mmm I would say only one thing highly recommended perfect soup for a winter evening like that I'm going to enjoy that little bowl of onion soup but that's it for this week's recipe I hope you enjoy and I hope you can make it at home again and come back from on a French cooking Academy of course always comment subscribe so whatever you like I'm always happy to respond to comments and I see you next time for our next recipe bye bye
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 388,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: authentic onion soup, authentic french onion soup, real onion soup, onion soup, french onion soup, french onion soup (dish), french onion soup recipe, onion soup recipe, french onion, how to make onion soup, how to make an onion soup, soup recipes, soup (type of dish), cheese (food), how to
Id: Co6ej47MOVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2016
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