Gordon Ramsay's Soup Recipes | Part One

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soups can be light and delicate or rich and gutsy they're versatile practical and easy to make and for my ultimate hearty lunch i'm making one of my childhood favorites roasted tomato soup beautiful vine tomatoes the riper the tomatoes the better the soup take the core out get your thumb and place it half a centimetre underneath the tip of your knife place it in and then just twist around that's the only part of the tomato that we're not using red onion and garlic red onion because it's sweeter than a white onion slice your onions and your garlic nice and fine traditionally be making it in a pot it's so much better to start it off on top of the stove searing the tomatoes and the garlic when it goes in the oven you actually roast the tomatoes and they don't stew there's a big difference in flavor be quite generous with the olive oil it makes the soup nice and glossy shiny salt pepper and then a little teaspoon of cayenne just gives it that heat but it's not as fierce as chili take your tomatoes and just slice them in half and then a little touch of sugar that's gonna help intensify the sweetness a little sprinkle of aged bottled vinegar it gives that nice dark rich acidity to the soup into the oven 20 25 minutes 180. to make my soup even more irresistible i'm going to make a punchy sun-dried tomato pesto to drizzle over the top now i'm making this in a pestle and mortar because you feel so much more in control and you're not depending on a blade that's whizzing around at a thousand miles an hour next in a dry pan toast off some pine nuts toast them the absolute max and then in smell in there is incredible parmesan lightly grate that this is where it starts to become creamy extra virgin olive oil doesn't need salt because the parmesan is going to season it for you and just take a couple tablespoons of the oil that the sun-dried tomatoes are in really helps to make that stunning pesto i can smell those roasted tomatoes want them out wow next pour in a little vegetable stock or chicken stock so it sits halfway up the tomatoes put your spoon through those tomatoes they break up instantly bring that up to the bowl let it simmer for three or four minutes i want to make it a little bit more creamy now cream in give that a little stir you can keep it rustic and you get your masher in and you've got that nice thick rich chunky tomato soup or get yourself a stick blender blitzing it like that you delays the bottom of the pan and you get all those amazing flavors from the bottom that's delicious to make my lunch extra hearty i'm gonna knock up a deliciously gutsy version of cheese on toast to go with my tomato soup whilst we have it an absolute classic i'm gonna make a roux 50 grams of butter three nice tablespoons of flour and that's all the roux is basically traditionally you would use flour butter and milk but in welsh rabbit the milk is often cheekily substituted for a stiff slug of stout gives it that strong gutsy flavor i want it nice and thick make sure those lumps are out a nice teaspoon of dijon mustard and then season it nice and spicy moisture sauce gives it that delicious intriguing flavor now that smells amazing almost brings tears to your eyes beautiful now whilst rabbit wouldn't be a stunning welsh rabbit without rich mature cheese soap and a great montgomery cheddar goes well with the beer and drop that in really important to put this in while the roux is still nice and hot because the cheese melts now for the bread i prefer a good rustic country loaf that will stand up to my hardcore topping i want that nice crisp base to my welsh rabbit so toast it both sides [Music] spread that beautiful cheesy berry spicy mixture just great got a blister and bubble and gratinate god a little splash alien perry and back under the grill for 90 seconds in one delicious creamy roasted tomato soup it's coming back to me all those days i had off school i used to purposely lie about feeling ill just to get a bowl of my mother's tomato soup how bad was that but my god it was worth it oh now my welsh rabbit [Music] look at those babies that just takes cheese on toast to another level wow roasted creamy tomato soup with a sun-dried tomato pesto served with the most amazing delicious welsh rabbit i feel like ringing in sick [Music] all over southeast asia you find people cooking and eating the huge bowls of delicious noodle soups it's a very simple dish but the variations you get are extraordinary different meats different fish and even different dumplings but what i love most about noodle soup is the fact there's a complete meal carbs protein and vegetables in one big bowl of happiness for my ultimate southeast asian lunch i'm showing you one of my favorites spicy clam and noodle soup followed by sweet morish banana and coconut fritters for dessert first up my dessert banana fritters take your bananas and to get them really nice and soft just rub the banana sip together flour and baking powder sugar into the flour then add coconut for texture and a pinch of salt sounds strange in the dessert but it works brilliantly especially with the fritters it makes the batter nice and crisp start crushing and use the back of the fork and just push it against the side of the bowl and then once you've mixed that through i'm gonna make that mix now slightly fragrant with some lime zest now the lime just really elevates the sort of richness and the denseness of the banana cover with tim film so it doesn't get a skin on top sit that in the fridge for 15 minutes as the banana fritter mixture rests i'm getting on with my broth for the noodle and clam soup fish stock is the base bring that up to the boil now to take that broth to another level in with chopped shallots fresh ginger add a whole chili seeds and all i actually quite like it spicy adjust chop once and into the broth bring up the ball and let it simmer galangal it's sort of almost like a softer version of ginger slightly milder you can use galangal paste but i prefer the fresh stuff the stems for the coriander we'll finish the broth with the heads and that's what endeared me to the southeast asian style of cooking across my travels there was there's no waste in lime leaves for me one of my favorites incredibly pungent strong full of flavor very acidic but gives a really nice aroma to the broth just tear them in now the lemongrass so the secret here that's where all the flavor is right at the very end so you take the back of the knife and you just bash the lemongrass it's all that flavor is going to run out in seconds that's the base of the broth done the longer you leave it the more intense it gets whilst the broth infuses soak your rice noodles in boiling water for 10 minutes just enough time to fry your fritters the batter now is ready use a metal spoon to drop the batter to the bottom of the pan they hit that oil they puff up that's why it's important to put your spoon into the oil so the mixture runs off and creates this lovely little fritter and then gently fry get a slotted spoon and nice and carefully turn them the smell of that lime is extraordinary fry for two to three minutes as they start floating it signifies the fact that they're cooked off with a gas and just let them drain are those beauties lovely sprinkling when they're hot with a sugar actually sticks to them they're done ready to go the last job before serving the clams never be scared of cooking shellfish the most important rule is if they are slightly opened a millimeter discard it make sure mussels clams are always tight cook the clams for just three to five minutes or until they're all open bring that up to the boil and this is where we finish the broth touch of fish sauce a little sprinkle of sugar drain your noodles into the bowl for added texture some delicious bean sprouts get your lime fresh squeeze and lime juice in beautiful literally as the stock comes up to the boil the clams open automatically so they cook beautifully the flavor from inside the clam has enhanced the broth smell is incredible the clams cooked finish with fresh coriander and serve there you have perfect lunch a delicious spicy clam noodle with an amazing banana fritter my spicy clam noodle soup and banana and coconut fritters made in minutes and proof you only need to travel as far as your kitchen to get the taste of southeast asia [Music] spicy mexican soup it's hearty delicious robust but served with some tortillas and a wonderful salsa it's almost like a complete meal in one starting with some finely chopped red onions for my soup let's get some heat going early these are chipotle so they're smoky rich they don't come with any warning signal and these are seriously hot so be adventurous but beware a nice teaspoon of toasted cumin oregano dried now start frying off spices the heat you'll see the chilies start swelling up delicious garlic be quite generous on the oil because that helps to blow out the chili right now those onions and garlic are on fire we're gonna balance the sort of heat from the chipotle with sugar turn up the heat and really start caramelizing that sugar and the chili gives off the most amazing aroma next fry up a tablespoon of tomato puree add a can of chopped tomatoes cook kidney beans and vegetable or chicken stock to cover there's something quite exciting about big and bold flavors because in the restaurants you have to be somewhat controlled you can't go crazy so cooking these kind of dishes at home gives me that kind of release chilis particularly when they're dried continue to swell and release their heat as they're cooked so the longer you cook your dish the hotter it will be but it's not as powerful it needs to be yet and every five six seven eight minutes that's gonna get stronger hotter and more delicious bring that up to the ball and cook that out for 15 minutes whilst i allow the chili heat to infuse i'm going to crack on with quick crunchy tortilla chips and a fabulously fresh and spicy tomato salsa known in mexico as pico de gallo start by finely dicing three ripe tomatoes one or two deceeded fresh jalapeno peppers and half a red onion then chop a good handful of fresh coriander add the juice from two limes salt and pepper and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil for the tortilla chips rub a little olive oil onto six large shop bought wheat wraps sprinkle with smoked paprika and gently massage in cut each wrap into triangles and spread them onto a baking tray bake for three to four minutes in a preheated oven 180 degrees until golden brown and leave to cool to complete my mexican lunch i need to finish my deliciously fragrant spicy soup the spice is there it is absolutely spot on now for the cooling down process the mexicans are brilliant at building layer upon layer of flavor with delicious chilies and spices but they're also experts at tempering their dishes with cooling ingredients like avocado sour cream and cheese that's why you can take that amount of chili you'll have a spoon of richness spice and all of a sudden avocados almost like a little fire blanket over those chillies to further counter the chili heat mexicans use a rich tangy crumbly cheese but i'm sprinkling on lancashire which is a great british substitute and last but not least cooling fresh coriander one delicious spicy mexican soup serve that with your tortilla chips and your pico de gallo salsa a phenomenal blend of textures and layers and spice and creaminess big bold and delicious you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 635,448
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Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, kitchen nightmares, hotel hell, the f word, gordon ramsay likes the food, gordon ramsay burger, gordon ramsay steak, pasta recipes, chicken recipe, Gordon Ramsay soup, Gordon Ramsay tomato soup, Gordon Ramsay tomato, Gordon Ramsay soup recipes, Gordon Ramsay clam, Gordon Ramsay clam soup, Gordon Ramsay clam recipe, Gordon Ramsay mexican, Gordon Ramsay mexico, Gordon Ramsay mexican food
Id: bowDQL6nf7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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