ReadyMILL End Mill Replacement

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we're gonna show you how to replace the end mill portion of your ready mill at home now the ready mill is our new milling tool that we use with our router jig Pro and the ready mill is actually two separate pieces ready mill consists of a tool holder which is this part here and of course an end mill now the ready mill at one end has threads on it which when this is all put together allows you to thread this directly on to your router at the other end there's a bore which will accept this end mill now when it's cold like it is right now you cannot put the end mill in and of course you cannot take it out but you can separate these at home by using a torch so we don't use a torch when we assemble them here but this we've designed it in such a way that it makes it possible for the users at home to do it and what it does ultimately is it saves you money now you can purchase the entire ready mill from us in its entirety like you see here so the reason you would want to replace either this or the end mill itself so you break a tooth or you wear the end mill out after milling several lowers then you can purchase this or the end mill now this tool holder technically never needs to be replaced there's no reason to buy another one so if you have a torch and you feel like this is something that you can do by all means you're gonna save about 20 dollars just buying the end mill alone without the tool holder okay so what we're gonna need is a torch we're using a map gas torch which is typically the yellow can you can use propane as well it just may take a little bit longer because propane doesn't burn as hot as map gas but and the idea of what we're trying to do is heat this portion of the tool holder so that we can pull the end mill out and put the new on it we're gonna need pliers and of course your replacement end mill which is available on our website okay so use extreme caution obviously you're going to be getting this tool holder extremely hot with Torche so whenever you're handling it use pliers and don't put it down on anything wooden or plastic I'm gonna put it right on this vise here so the other thing is these are extremely sharp these end mills so when you're handling them use extreme caution and if you have gloves that's probably a good idea - it doesn't take a lot to cut yourself on this so we're gonna start by putting this into device there are flats on here which are used to tighten this on to the router but in this case we can use that put them in the vise jaws like this and we're going to tighten the vise up just enough snug it up so that it can't move but don't over tighten the vise and what we're trying to do is heat the top half inch portion of this ready mil of the tool holder we're not going to heat the bottom and we don't want to heat the end mill itself we're just gonna direct the flame right at the top here right where my fingers are until it reaches a dull red glow and at that point we're going to remove the end mill and reinstall the new one and I'll stop when I get to that point okay at this point I can see that the flame is starting to glow orange around the tool holder and I can see that the tool holder is starting to change color so at this point I know that I'm getting close so I'm gonna get my end mill ready and my pliers so again we don't want to overheat this tool holder any more than we have to just get it hot enough to pull the old end mill out and of course put the new one in so I'm gonna do that so when you feel like you're getting close start to twist DML when it starts to twist it will come out okay just like that so now the end mill is out this is gonna be extremely hot so put it down on your vice or something metal again don't put it on your floor or your table cuz it will burn okay now when you're doing it you're not gonna stop to talk so I'm gonna reheat a little bit you're gonna want to reheat it a little bit too because you really kind of get one shot at getting this new end mill in so heat it back up until you get night a nice even consistent dull red glow and you're going to push the end mill in to the bottom you want it to go all the way in and feel it bottom out just like that so now your end mill has been replaced we're gonna let this air cool do not put this in oil or water or spray anything on it or do anything to it to try to cool it off faster just leave it as it is you can put it on the back of your vise like so and let it just cool off wait about a half an hour and then it's gonna be usable you're gonna be able to go ahead and use it with your jig now as a side note each time you replace the end mill this cool-looking discoloration on the tool holder is actually a form of oxidation that builds off the surface of the tool holder now we've perfected the size of this 'ready mill the tool holder portion to slip fit through the bearing in the router adapter plate and so with this oxidation building off the surface there's a chance that the fit isn't going to be perfect in here you're not going to have a reliable slip fit it might be tight getting it back in there if that's the case once this has cooled you can take a mildly abrasive scouring pad do not use a grinder or sandpaper or anything it's you're taking off literally ten thousandths of an inch so you can take this and just clean that discoloration off you may not have to do it you can check this first make sure that you still have a nice reliable slip fit between the tool holder and the bearing if you do don't touch it if you don't if this is too tight then just simply clean it up a little bit or use a little bit of oil some motor oil or something just just rub a little bit like coating of oil onto the two older which will help it slip in there and then once you're using it it's going to kind of wear itself back in anyway so it's going to be perfect alright guys so again 5d tactical comm you're going to look for the replacement end mill for the ready mill which is right on our website saves you about twenty dollars simple as that if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us but you know this is another cost-saving innovation by 5d tactical the replacement end mills are cheaper than any end has ever been in a router based 80% lower system so aside from all the other things that the ready mill does I think this is one thing that our customers are really going to like all right have a good one thanks guys
Channel: 5D Tactical
Views: 38,449
Rating: 4.9067798 out of 5
Id: Dy96PQiJqeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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