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well guys uh we have you missed the worst of it so we're going over the fence posts on this side without trying to take off any parts of our header which can easily come off and we're underneath the fence on this side so we're actually going like this and we've had to go in around and back in and coming around and back out and back in and then down the road and it's a lot of fun you're probably like holy crap mike why are you having to go over all these fence posts look at these gigantic cuts in the road that we have to work with that's hard on duels that's like two feet deep two feet um because our next field is only about a mile or two up and it's not worth trying to put on our transports for that and then we're gonna try and we're gonna jump into this ditch here up this ditch so we can take off some of this uh oh watch these rocks mike hold on we're gonna climb this climb this ditch here we're gonna climb this ditch oh still going too fast hold on hold on hold on hold on tip the header back here joystick is a little bit more of a challenge here when you're working with this stuff see by going in this field here we can actually bypass about a quarter mile that and that is what i like to hear see technically they're not supposed to have their fences that close the road allowance but you know they're just back roads so everybody wants to get them as close as you can obviously but on the other hand you're not normally transporting 50 feet ahead or down there either so but uh yeah and by looks we're actually going to jump across again and go down uh some hayland by look of it that's all nicely been cut already just so you can bypass some of this fence posts we have ripped stuff off that sensor bar is the first to go the first to go so this gate is uh mighty small so you sometimes you got to back your you actually have to drive in back one header in rotate it up and then sometimes it takes two or three points to get in but you can do it you can get a 50-foot header without lifting over into a 20-foot gate particular one we're going to go over this side get it over here just before we hit this fence post on the front of the header drop this header down and then go up and over that fence post i can't do it while i'm driving i'm sorry so now we're we're gonna go over this one here we have the header down over here there that's how we do it now we'll jump across over here and we're just about there you guys are just about there and this is how you move the 50 foot header down and we're here one more gate to get through and we're at the field buddies we made it we made it well guys we're just finishing up the last quarter down here before we embark on a move we got eric running around out here somewhere i can see him running behind that combine eric is uh he's an awesome guy he's actually a he's an engineer from heston that's been up here for i don't know a week a week or so you see him standing out there that guy is awesome you know i've often heard that engineer sometimes they design stuff from their office and they should have to work from work on it as well and i 100 agree with that and eric has definitely been that kind of guy he crawled through the air duct of the back of the combine that lets the air out for your sieves he crawled through that and started digging at a plug like a badger like that guy is he's part machine i'm i'm positive anyway the nicest guy ever it's so awesome to be supported and uh and just to have echo and these engineers up here so that way we can show them what's wrong hey these pins are here and hey this is going on hey this is out of calibration hey this keeps giving trouble so it's been awesome to have him up here and uh he's a cool guy are you gonna hop on here good sir oh eric oh hello he's on his phone here should i text him or hello hello see joke's on you guys that's not actually a real person that's just uh a mannequin we have in the field no here is a real person actually but uh yeah we're done so we're gonna start hooking up our header trailers again like i showed you in one of the last videos and we're gonna take off down the highway stay tuned all right everyone is pretty much hooked up to their headers right now there's ashton uh i can't because i don't have a header i don't have a hitch on the tent so we're gonna have to pull it with something else so we're just about ready to go well they're they're moving out but not me i know you guys have a question mike how come you're not moving out well uh echo won't let us road to kanban so that was really short notice to us actually we had about about an inch of rain down here oh half an inch half an inch to one inch depending on where you were i guess i should say so we've been off for two days if i would have known that we couldn't road it it had to be hauled we would have had it hauled a long time ago but they as soon as we were hooking up our headers we got a call saying we can't wrote it i'm like come on you guys the funny thing is is we're just about there like we're 30 40 miles from home already we're halfway to our field well i think we're probably over halfway so that's a bit of a kick in the pants oh well we'll carry on all right guys i'll see you when i see you and we're moving down the highway we're obviously not going very fast you can see the combines all up there between the bug guts i will let you know when we get there yeah i'm standing in the middle of the highway here the tracks are warming up a little bit here on the track unit we're just going a little too fast so we're gonna have to slow the track unit down hence the grain cart i'm talking the tracks on the two track are as cool as cool as a cucumber the tracks on the nine ideal cools a cucumber these idlers on this one and it's empty by the way not cool as a cucumber you could cook an egg on them literally so he's gonna slow down i'll follow him terry with the other header he's going to catch up with the combines because they haven't slowed down and we got about 16 miles left to go so we're we're not far away well we're still moving here caught back up with the other combines they did it they stopped and did a bearing check at the same time so as you can see there's three uh three vehicles that are passing right now you can see we're trying to get by this is actually really easy because they have a whole lane practically they got a whole lane it's when you're moving an air drill when you're to that white line to that white line and you really can't get over that's what's a challenge this is easy this is what dreams are made out of you guys well mike i have questions i kind of figured you would first of all is it hard on your tires and tracks to be on this pavement well it's probably not easy for him to be quite honest but that's a 2013 cart and it's made this trip i don't know how many times and we still haven't done anything to it no tracks on that puppy yet and it has eroded it its whole life so that's just part of life you guys that's part of farming that is just part of farming i have another question yeah what's that so why do you have land so far away i don't know i guess that's just also part of life it's just called risk management for us we just we don't like everything all of our apples in one little basket i guess there's the header for the 10. looks like they're just waiting for us that's awfully nice of them i look bouncy we'll pull in all right we're here so uh i know you guys probably have a bunch of other questions and i'll try to get to those here all right i know you guys got some questions here like holy crap why is it almost dark why are we going down a gravel road mike please answer well as soon as i got to the field i uh needed to go pick up one of our guys whose truck died on i'm trying to get to work here this morning in swift current so i went and go pick him went to go pick him up and then now we're just moving trucks around such as the fire wagon fuel wagon type stuff to different fields trying to get ready to go i'm more of a gopher now since i'm not in the combine i'm more of the gopher so that's kind of why and what we're doing right now but we are working our way back here to the combines so hopefully we'll be back at the combines in about another half an hour give or take so i'll see you when we get to the field all right just getting back to the field basically dark should be some combines going on here somewhere i hope see if we can find here so we're just here uh waiting the gopher running to fix anything or help with anybody and uh so rick brought his combine over because his header on the left-hand side keeps digging in keeps digging into the dirt and the ground's kind of wet so when the ground's wet because of the rain that we had it sticks very easy see what i got over here just cleaning the dirt off the canvases so it can mean different things getting the bolts out could be one of these sensors on the sensor bar come out of uh adjustment just a little bit so we're going to do some diagnosing here and see if we can't figure this out however we can get this combine up and running all right so here's the honeybee monitor we want to check how much air it's got in it and these are the volts right here so i gotta play around with this hey i'm gonna play around with it watch your little fingies unless you don't care about them and then it doesn't matter whatever you want whatever whatever you want okay seems to be pretty close actually on the honeybee monitor so what we're going to do is we're going to go into calibrations here and we're just going to recalibrate sometimes things can come out of calibration and so we're just going to recalibrate all right you don't have to really do anything you just got to hit the calibration button and it just does it all itself and you want to try and be on level ground if you can and it will lift it up and it will tilt it back tilt it forward tilt it this way and tilt it this way but anyway i'm not gonna bore you with the calibration procedure it will typically take i don't know five minutes not very long alright so we recalibrated we actually had to go through twice just due to this header gets really sticky and it actually won't move anymore not enough jam in this feeder house to make it tilt hard enough especially when you start getting dirt and chaff and stuff like that in there so we actually had to help it we jumped on the end of it to tilt it down so that way we could finish our calibration otherwise it failed the first time so now he's gonna go try that hopefully that's gonna fix the problem it's gonna fix it right rick he's gonna fix it it's gonna fix it all right he's out of here [Music] anyone up next who's next well we're waiting here i guess about to just go take a look at the beggar this is just another day it's another day how's it going frank that's a good looking bag buddy it's a good looking bag we should do like some sort of artwork we could have some sort of fancy art like to do on like railroad cars all right we're actually in the combine right now we're just uh swapped rick out he was having a little bit more trouble so i just i hopped in it to see if i can help figure anything out and it seems to be working fine that's how it goes it's kind of like when you break down like a sensor goes and you like take it to the tech or get the tech to come down and you can't make it do it again except for us on the ideals they always seem to do it again but in normal cases it's hard to get them to do it again so it's all working pretty good now i have a steering wheel i'm not sure what to think about this it's actually good for me i can jump from one to the next to kind of see which one i like i definitely noticed a power difference all right guys that's a wrap we're calling it a night our bag is full it's actually starting to spit on us out here it's late we're tired it's been a long day um yeah and you have to remember guys we still have like an hour and 30 or so minutes to get back home just to get home we got a long drive just to get home so that's what also it kind of adds to our uh the length of our days not gonna lie so i will catch you guys on the flip side thanks for following me around you guys are awesome by the way these are just basically days in the life of farming sometimes you have good days sometimes you don't have good days sometimes you break down a whole lot sometimes you don't break down at all but the trend has been breaking down lately which has kind of been unfortunate hopefully we can get that resolved but uh we're nearing the completion of harvest by the way and uh yeah i'm just going to leave at that they're all blowing off over there i think rickles needs to uh clean his window and uh yeah you guys have yourself a good one good night and sleep tight
Channel: Mike Mitchell
Views: 238,060
Rating: 4.9497151 out of 5
Keywords: Fendt Ideal 9, Fendt Ideal 10, Fendt, Mike Mitchell, Saskatchewan, Harvest 2020, Agco, Honeybee 50ft, Honeybee 50ft Air Flex, Joystick drive
Id: 13QcduzsxyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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