reading & journaling keep me sane | WEEKLY READING VLOG

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to a new reading vlog i'm in a bit of a weird mood because i'm locked down and you know it's just a little hard but it's fine just to explain why i'm a bit weird but yes hello hello hello new reading vlog and i am going to be hopefully doing a lot of reading this week because yeah there's not much else to do but we will see if i'm actually in the reading room but i want to read the secret history well i've already started it i'm on page 70 loving it and i hope to finish it it is a chunky boy but if i'm in the reading mood i can do it so we'll see but hopefully yeah yep yeah i'm also buddy reading this with caitlyn and kevin and they're really into it it's actually a reread for caitlyn so she already loves the book so that's stunning but yeah hopefully they can motivate me to read it too and then i want to start the audiobook for kingdom of the wicked which is my patreon book club book for this month and i've heard the audiobook is amazing which is why i want to listen to the audiobook so while i'm journaling playing candy crush etc i will be listening to this and we have this stunning love interest and it's basically about two sisters one murder a quest of vengeance that will unleash hell itself and this is one of the princes of hell who will be the love interest which will be a stunning moment hopefully i've heard stunning things about this book and i've heard it has really good like gothic vibes with a stunning atmosphere and the audiobook is supposed to be like really atmospheric and amazing so very excited so there's my reading plans i don't think i'll finish both of these but that would be amazing if i did so we'll see my other plan is just to not go crazy i'm gonna go film a patreon video and edit and hopefully read tonight okay so it is tuesday and i decided to start a new book and that is the score by l kennedy and i know i haven't even made progress with secret history or kingdom of the wicked but my heart just needs romance right now i just need the serotonin i need the happiness that romance books give me so that's what i'm doing you know so i actually receive this in the mail today this is the score by al kennedy and i was like you know what let's start it well actually caitlyn decided well caitlyn um suggested the idea that we both read it because she's already read it so she can reread it with me and i was like exactly and i'm just so happy so basically this is the third book in the off campus series which is a new adult romance series i read the deal which is the first book in my recent readathon vlog and it was so fun i'm not reading the second book in a series because jamie said it's not good so i'm just gonna skip that one but this is the third book and it is a companion series so you don't need to read the second book in order to understand the third book because they each follow different characters but you see the main characters from like the first two books in this book like as side characters anyway so basically this follows ally and dean dean delaurontos who caitlyn and jamie are obsessed with so i'm very excited i already met him i'm on chapter two and you know he's definitely the classic player which i'm excited about because i love when the player just becomes obsessed with that one girl and obviously i'm assuming that's what's gonna happen in this book can't wait for them to fall in love just exactly just exactly i'm so happy right now hello it is friday i have not updated the vlog in a while because i got my vaccine like the first dose of astrazeneca two days ago then i had to rest because i definitely had some side effects you know that's normal so i had like a fever and headache and stuff so i was just resting and definitely wasn't in the vlogging mode but it's all good i'm fine now the side effects lasted like 24 hours and this is your family reminder to get vaccinated yeah but i did do some reading so i have some updates to give you so firstly for the school i got up to page 43 and i am loving this it's so fun so far i love being delirantes like yeah but i decided i'm going to put this on hold for now because i need to prioritize my other books that jamie chose me to read in august because she has been powering through her tbr like the books that i chose for her to read and she keeps being like an offense hurry up so i need to make more progress with those books so putting this on hold but maybe i'll just read it like every now and then but i did read more of the secret history so i'm on page 114 and i'm really enjoying this but i just don't know if i'm falling in the mood for this at this current moment because it is kind of like i want to say dense but it is on like the heavier side and like you know stark academia and everything so i just wanted something a bit more fast which is why i decided to pick up fowler's fair last night i'm on page 92 and it was really fast to read so i think i can definitely finish this this weekend and i'm very excited because i'm loving this like wow it is just such a stunning feminist story and it's just so satisfying to read as a woman especially and you know this is just such a girl boss book like it is just stunning like women getting revenge on disgusting men thank you very much enjoying this but i'm actually going to start kingdom of the wicked now because i'm going to be doing some journaling and i'm going to start listening to the audiobook and i'm very excited because i am in the mood for this but i also have my fair loot box so this is the spoiler card for july and the theme is tales retold and i actually have seen the book already on instagram and it is stunning so very excited to see it in person okay so first we have this book sleeve and this is kind of an interesting texture to be honest i'm not a fan of this texture it's kind of like clever i think but stunning design not sure what this is from these are the main characters from the blood of stars duology okay then we have this little tea tin and this says be glad of your human heart pity those who don't feel anything at all honestly this is the perfect time for me to hear that quote and this is from a court of funds and roses then we have an umbrella which is always exciting because my umbrellas always get stolen by penny so i always need some umbrellas and this is a stunning design this is inspired by heartless which is an ounce of wonderland retelling which is why it has also wonderland five and i know people say opening umbrellas inside is bad luck but i live on the wild side so stunning oh my god i love it then we have some cinderella is dead socks this stunning art print which is maya from the star touched queen and these are the monthly character tarot cards and these characters from caraval and we have the book this is the book six crimson cranes by elizabeth lim look at this edition like it's actually a joke oh my god in the spine wow that is something oh wow oh yeah this character yep that's just stunning this is an asian fantasy and it says the princess and exile a shape-shifting dragon six enchanted cranes and an unspeakable curse it will take more than magic to find their way home this is literally beautiful like sorry this color palette like exactly and of course we have the monthly bookmark oh wow this stunning character art and the letter from the author so thank you so much for elite as always absolutely stunning literally can't get over how exciting this book is y'all have them linked below and now i'm going to start kingdom of the wicked what is this stance i don't know honestly i'm not doing the best right now but it's fine lockdown is hard but i'm excited that i got vaccinated and i'll be fully vaxxed by the end of september very exciting [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so it is sunday and i have and i haven't really made any more progress with kingdom of the wicked or the secret history but i did finish that was fair i don't even know if i mentioned that i started this but yeah i decided to pick it up early in the week and i finished it yesterday and i loved it it's just such a girl boss book like literally such a satisfying revenge story it kind of has like jennifer's body vibes because it's just about this woman getting revenge on men for being disgusting rapists and i really loved it i loved the discussion throughout and i loved just how empowering it made me feel reading it and it was also a really quick read so yeah definitely i recommend this obviously huge trigger warning for rape but if you can read it it's just stunning so four out of five stars four thousand fifth i don't really know if i'm going to be doing any more reading today because to be honest i'm not thriving at this current moment in time so i think i'm actually going to just go outside and journal cleanse my mind so like you know go to the park or something and then later tonight i have a fortnight stream with jamie and richard so that will be fun but yeah we will see if i do any more reading today but i kind of doubt [Music] you [Music] [Music] do [Music] hello so it is actually monday so i need to end the vlog but i have made my progress with kingdom of the wicked and i'm on chapter 13 so i'm on page 93 and i'm loving it like it's so fun so far the banter between wrath and the main character amelia he's just stunning and i already love them like yep ship them yeah it's just such fun vibes and the premise is stunning basically they have to work together and that's a classic trope that i just love when two people who hate each other are forced to work together and then they fall in love like it's just such a fun trope that never gets old for me so i'm just loving it and they have really good chemistry so far i'm loving the audiobook it's really atmospheric and i love like the soundtrack that they use sometimes for like really atmospheric scenes and yeah i'm just having a really good time and i'm really happy so i'm definitely going to finish that next week but i'm going to talk about that more in my next reading vlog obviously so i will talk to you later hope you enjoyed this video don't forget to check out my other channel's journal with colleen a smart chloe and i also have my patreon where i have extra content like x-rating vlogs extra live shows we do monthly buddy read obviously the body read for this month etc um i have my socials or linked below including my twitch which is game with chloe which is very stream games and talk and stuff and it's fun hope you're having a good day night and i'll see you in my next video [Music] you
Channel: Books with Chloe
Views: 12,500
Rating: 4.9765568 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, booktuber, books, read, reading, reads, bookswithchloe, youngadult, youngadultbooks, ya, yabooks, readingvlog, vlog, weeklyreadingvlog, kingdomofthewicked, thesecrethistory, foulisfair, journaling, journal, readingjournal, thescore, romance, aestheticvlog, australia
Id: ksy5LFI6YLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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