Reading Centers

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good morning it's Jamie from not so wimpy teacher and it is the fourth day in a series that I have been doing about teaching reading so I'm really excited because I know some of you have been watching every single day and I really appreciate you are giving up a little bit of your time to hang out with me the first day we were trying all about the reading mini lesson like the whole group lesson the second day we talked all that independent reading time how to get the kiddos reading on their own yesterday we were chatting about responding to reading that one's a big one and today we're going to talk about my reading centers so I'm going to be doing some giveaways today during my live and so if you're here watching it live then you're already entered to win so okay sorry my bracelet it's stuck on my shirt okay you see all right so this is today's video we're gonna be talking about the rotation that I call centers now a caveat that I only have this in here is that I'm talking about I only have them for third grade and you get asked all the time when you make them for another grade level and maybe some time in the future but right now third grade is a lot of work to make making sure that all of these units are perfect and putting a lot of thought into how to make them into a fun engaging Center include text and still make it small enough that it's easy to store for a teacher doesn't have too much color ink is easy to print there's a lot of things that go into it and it's just it's sticking up every moment of my time right now so I can't even think about another grade yet okay so that being said if you are not heating they're good and you just want to stick around and see what type of resource I'm using so that you could try and search for something similar for your cave level that's fantastic okay so if you missed any of the videos in my series that I already did the reading mini-lesson the independent reading and the responding training if you missed any of those videos you can find them on my Facebook page just head over to my facebook page not my groups but my actual Facebook page of cold nuts OMB teacher head already that if you click on the video tab at the top that's gonna be easiest way to find them there's a little time called videos click on it and I'll show you all my videos and these last three that I did is this reading series will be the first three that'll appear so that's gonna be your easiest way to find them I will add them to my youtube channel eventually but right now I've got all of my kids home I went to a break and we're doing some family time and so I'm going to get them ready in January for my youtube channel alright good morning they're good is sort of my favorite grade level I do have people who use these centers in second grade and fourth grade but I mean from specifically for third grade and then they have secondary teachers who use them and I guess it talks about the level of York is a mean second grade class can vary so much from school to school state to state so whenever people ask me if they could use it another green level I always say that it's best if you go to the preview really check it out and think about your specific students and it may very well work for you all right like I said there will be some giveaways my Center stirring up my life this morning if you're watching so anyone who's watching is already entered to win all right let's get started if you've been watching the videos the next couple sides are going to be familiar for you as I've started every video with I make all my decisions about how I teach reading and what resources only used to teach reading with the same basic goal in mind I want my students to love reading I want them to be bookworms I want them to pick up books when they don't have to you want them to read at home I want them to read with our vacations I don't want reading to seem like a homework assignment I want them just to love reading I want to get them really excited about authors series in genres that interest them and so everything I do in writing or in reading sorry I think about that will this help me students learn to love to read yes I need to teach them all kinds of standards I'm in a Common Core State and you have a lot of standards to teach them but ultimately those standards are so much easier to teach a child who loves to read than a child who thinks he does not like reading and so I put most of my time and helping them love to read and I find that after I get kiddos who love reading who are willing to pick up books that the rest comes so much easier not easy but easier hey so I have to tell you that that's just a really important part of the type of reading teacher that I want to be alright and so I've shown this last couple days to but I want to show it again because this was a sample of what my reading rotation schedule would look like okay so I had four groups because I had about I usually 24 to 28 kids in my class so I you have four groups I don't want him to be a really big so that you weren't really giving individual attention to students which i think is the benefit of reading groups so I did have four groups but I only met with two each day this sounds crazy to some teachers who are being used to meeting with all the reading groups every day I used to do that as well I just got frustrated that I didn't seem to be getting much done with any one single group when I have one hour to do my reading notations and I have four groups that means I have 15 minutes per group but didn't you have to figure in all of the transitions and I'm really not spending 15 minutes which group maybe 12 and that's just not enough time to read text have a deep discussion about it and then we even do some written work on it that's just not enough time we're barely getting through any text so I didn't feel like I was making much of a difference with my readers I had a mini lesson but the time I was supposed to be making the magic happen with my small groups it was so sure so I had to think of a solution and I went this schedule and it worked wonders for me and so I kept with it I use a similar type of schedule for me math rotations and it's just it just really works for me and so I wanted to share it with you and if it's just not something you're interested in and that's fine I'll have to make our own decisions as the teachers in our classroom but I loved you doing this so I have two groups to meet with each day so as you can see in this little schedule I would meet with Group one first and then I would meet with on Monday I'd meet a good group one and then I meet with group two and they would do that again on Wednesday and then when Sara exactly the same and then on Tuesdays I'd start by meeting with group 3 and then I would meet with report if this helped me students cuz they had the exact same schedule on Mondays as they did Wednesdays seems kept on Tuesdays to do Thursdays they get a hang of it really fast but it gave me closer to 30 minutes about 28 or so minutes when you figure out transitions but we removed some transition times waste and so now I'm getting a lot more time with my kiddos I actually found that at the end of the week I spent more minutes with each one of my readers using this rotation schedule than with the trying to squeeze meeting all of them in and every day so I I know some people think it's a little crazy but I ended up with more minutes with each student so I think that's really important also when they weren't meeting with me thought they were doing busy work they were doing really meaningful reading tasks so it was good for them if you have smaller class than me you could possibly go to three groups and if you want to see a visual look at that schedule you head to my blog not so be teacher and search Yelp a block and I wrote out what it might look like if you had three if you have three groups and use the same source schedule then that section one where I made a group for you wouldn't have a group to meet with that right so you could actually pull intervention kiddos back to work with them do RTI you can have some reading conferences by pulling a couple kettles you could go sit with a group that's working on centers or response to reading to assist them you could do makeup work with a student who'd been out for a while it could give you some flexibility I never had a lot of class well to do that but I did dream about how wonderful it would be to have a class where I could have that one flexible time slot so if you have a smaller group that might be something to think about a way to meet with more of your readers every day okay so yesterday we talked about what I do during the respond to reading Center and the day before we talked about the read self Center and today we're talking about the one I just called Center and you can call it anything you want that's what I called it now those of you who want to add in a technology piece you could replace the responder reading with technology and then my centers include a response to reading so therefore you could kind of kill two birds with one stone if you wanted to but I know a lot of teachers don't have the technology available and so this is another alternative if you don't have technology available or your students are using their technology to do their response to reading on Google classrooms that's another option okay so I don't have Friday list excited do reading centers on Friday I tend to spend a whole lot more time on science and social studies on Fridays it was also an opportunity for me to squeeze in some art time to time and we tempted to do any assessments in math reading language that we had to get done we tempted to do those on Fridays so I just did my rotations Monday through Thursday but of course you could add in Friday and on Friday you can have like even if you had a shorter time you could have a whole group read aloud read it aloud time or read to self time well you pulled some intervention kiddos you could have a catch-up time too so all righty tomorrow ending the question do you have these for other grades like I said when they started the video only third grade I only have these centers for third grade all right so let's talk a little bit about my centers and about how I use and why I used them this way okay first of all these centers I have them for third grade right now I have six sets I have four for fiction and four for not our two for nonfiction I am continuing to work on them as I can while still maintaining high quality and I will eventually have 16 mix sets to get you do the whole year because these are intended to be a to week to week centers but you use them however it works fast in your classroom so I will have 16 them up I will not be bundling them until all 16 are complete and get all the time it's just really stressful for me to make a bundle and charge you for something that I have not yet made that a lot of pressure on me it stresses me out and I have five kiddos and so I did meet the decision that that wasn't really in my best interest right now and that I will just keep working really hard on making these and get them all to you as quick as I can while still maintaining the quality that I want them to have okay so there will eventually be sixteen eight of them will be nonfiction a double fiction and so what I've been doing is I made for fiction and now I'm working on making forward on fiction and then I'll make four more fictions that you can go back to and forth all right so here we go here's kind of a look at work and what they would look like this is sort of how I would store them when my students were not using that math that makes sense like we're not quite to the unit on ask and answer questions for fiction or we've already finished the unit this is how it's forum these are photo boxes they're from Michaels they come in a big box of them there are actually sixteen in a box so one box one holds all 16 of the reading units that's handy and they go on sale periodically for as little as ten dollars for the whole box I've seen him as low as ten but I'll buy even at 20 because I love these suckers they're like four by six I believe and they fit the center's in here perfectly for storing them when you're not using them but I also I also use them for the actual Centers of my students are using so I have another set of five then I always just leave labeled Center one two three four five okay so I always have these just labeled and that you can see there's no skill labeled so if it's time for us in January we're going to do asking answer questions fiction I'm able to take out the five centers that are in this particular unit and they're color coded for me so for instance Center one is this little turquoise color and it's in our two is orange so I can take them really quick I can see which Center they are with because they're color coded and stick them in the boxes I'll pick Center went in here butts in our two in the other box labels in our two and that way they're ready to go for my students my students can quickly grab one of the boxes and get to work no I don't have one right next to me but my centers come with a recording buck and the recording buck U is used for all five centers it takes two sheets of paper and it folds in half it's a little book where students would record the answers to all five centers it doesn't take much paper metodo copying and helps my students to stay organized they just have this one little booklet that they use for all five centers okay so that's kind of what the surger are like to put together they're super easy super easy to put together they're just there's about one sheet per Center so about five sheets I knew it on cardstock I would recommend laminating them and if you plan on using a mirror your that's gonna be beneficial to you to have them laminated so you don't have to prep next year but it's only five sheets okay now the actual centers themselves I needed them to be engaging to students so then they would want to do it that they would think it was fun and I'm gonna see here if I can get one of my recording books out for you maybe but I also wanted there to be text included so you're gonna see lots of different ways they're trying to include text but still make it engaging so for instance this is in point of view fiction this is one of the cards it's a passage in order to fit the box it does go ahead and fold in half okay but it has text in it and then the students have a matching activity to do where they have to match a character to their point of view from the story okay so that's one Center a lot of matching there are there's always a text card Center that one's a little more challenging because they don't have anything to match with they have to have to come up with the answers for themselves so this one here is a task card one and there's text on the task bar it's not super long but it is text and that's super it's tough to make sure that you have lots of text within your centers but they're still interesting all of the Centers has two differently different directions like this one here it says carefully read the text who is most likely telling the story write your answer in the recording book don't forget that writers sometimes tell the story and so then they are gonna read this little short snippet and try and figure out who might be telling that particular story they'll record it in that recording book um see lots of different matching and sorting type things color coding what is Jackie's family's point of view about softball underlined the answer in orange you get out crayons are eighty more fun than just reading a passage this one here there's text inside the recording book and then there's some questions for them to answer so I tried really hard to include tons of text that would be meaningful to your students and kind of tricking them into making it super fun because when it's fun they're gonna like it more if they like what they're doing in reading then they're going to like reading more okay I remember my main goal is to get them to love reading so that's important I'm trying to get a recording book to show you guys I want to be able to show that to you okay so they all have five centers they all have student friendly deck directions then I'll have one recording book that they use to do five centers and in my rotation it heaps about two weeks for most students to get through all of the centers as far as differentiation it is super easy to differentiate because you can just cross off those tasks card centers I told you those ones we've probably the most challenging cross off that wrote that Center and don't have your intervention kiddos do it or hold that Center to your meet the teacher table and do it together that's how you can easily offer some differentiation there okay all right here's an example of the recording buckers like the fiction point of view 1:1 record book it's actually the two sheets of hay or that new coffee front to back front to back and fold in half and you got yourself your book that does all five centers okay there's your matching what's your point of view storyteller who is it here's your color-coding the answers look some texted and I make it was really about interesting things I do my real best something about the most interesting topics to an eight or nine year olds like I really really think about this I read about cotton candy videogames I also for you guys I sneak in science and social studies in there too okay Little Mix come balance it out okay now let's talk about Center five seven five is the theme for every unit slightly different question but the same type of skill it is a response to rating and that's what's so cool about it is that even if you don't use that as a whole Center and use menus that this particular sinners unit will have them doing some response to reading okay so the only thing is that you'll have to provide some text for this and it can be done anyway you can just totally let them go to your classroom library and take a picture about this use a picture book because you want them to get through the whole book before responding or you can have a basket or a bin set up where you have selected five six books and they have to pick one of those it could be a weekly Basel story the only caveat is that you want to make sure if you're doing a fiction centers unit that you're giving them fiction picture books if you're doing a nonfiction unit that they have non-fiction books or passages or magazine articles that's all okay so they will go they will get their book they will read it and then they will read this question and respond to us is from whose point of view is the story told this is a fiction point of view one give evidence from the text to prove your answer so they've read a picture book they're learning about fiction point of view now they're going to tell this point of view the stories coming from and give evidence they have a little checklist of things they want to make sure that they do this is very similar to what's on my reading menu so they should be very familiar with that and there are directions telling how much do they will do this twice because there's room for ooh inside each recording book which means they could do one each week or just do one one day one the next day whatever they choose okay because that's what this slide says it's all about choice and it's all about consistency so here we go with the my reading centers I told you there's five different centers in each set so we're working on being idea and details that's what our mini lessons are about that's we're doing our notebooks about that's what we'll be talking about meet the teacher so I'm gonna put these centers out and if you like you could put them out like later as a spiral of you or you can put them out while you're doing it I think it works either way so I'm going to pry out these main idea in detail centers and I'm gonna make sure they have some non-fiction books used for Center five and I'm ready to go right pal okay I'm not gonna tell them like okay Timmy you need a center one day and Joyce use her today I don't do that it's all about getting them some choice okay we we have the same way and we like just have a little bit of choice it's just a tiny bit of choice 20 whatever administration gives you a little bit of leeway you love it give your kiddos a little bit of leeway and it makes it more fun so I put the five centers out and they can pick to do them in any order that they want so my kiddos are gonna want to get the response to read and done right away and some of them prefer to do the matching some of them are just gonna grab the first box they see and they don't really care what it is and that's fine too if you have large groups you may want to print two sets of each one since there's only five centers if you have more than five kids then you're going to want to have two sets or let them work in partners but give them a little bit of choice saying with the reading response at the end and it's nice when you can give them some choice of different books and so I think these are the two books or these are the two stories or the two are people who have to use it's nice if you can put out a few sit they just have a little bit of choice okay that's really important it makes it more fun and if you make it fun then they will work harder and we want them to love reading so we want to show that reading is fun okay now consistency oh my gosh this is key so I don't I don't want to upset anyone if use daily 5 that's fantastic I don't but I do know that they talk a lot about choice and the importance of choice and I couldn't agree more with that but when it came to prepping the materials I found it to be just too much worked it was just something I I didn't like doing had to come up with different activities for work or they would get bored had to come up with lots of different work on writing or they would get bored and so it just was too much work for me what I like about this rotation is that they do that exact same things they get really used to you doing these centers every two weeks the skill will change but what they're doing really doesn't they're still doing a lot of matching and color coding and task cards and they know that there's directions and they know that they need to go get their little box and and they know that they've got five centers to complete and they can check them off on the back so once I have taught them how I want this done once I have modeled where to get the materials from once we've kind of walked through some of the center's together read the directions talk about what they meant I don't have to waste classroom time going over it week after week I'm not adding a whole lot of new to it it's a different skill but we're practice we're learning the skill whole group so I don't have to waste time going over okay this is what your Center choices are this week here's what you're allowed to do this week here's how it works I don't do that at all I'm just like okay it's time for time for reading rotations and that saves us time which means I get more time with my readers less time spent giving instructions it's also really easy for me to prep I can prep my reading centers for now through May it's gonna be so easy to plug that into my lesson plans I don't have to go searching for new material it's just it's consistent it stays the same week after week and that is what makes my lesson planning so much faster my prep so much faster okay so give them some choice to make it fun provide lots of consistency so you don't have to give additional directions and I think this makes a huge difference in our reading rotations now I do want to give away some of my reading centers again they are firth they are for third grade I do have some 2nd and 4th grade teachers that have had some success with them but I create them specifically for third grades so if you are a different grade level I was just going and checking out the preview before you decide if it's a good match for your specific cation sir some more questions as soon as I do my giveaway because I know you guys have had some and I've had a hard time reading them all while I'm talking I noticed that I get distracted if I read them on talking so okay I've read a few these questions and I'm definitely gonna get them answered all right here we go I am going to pick some winners I'm gonna pick three winners and these winners they can email me and let me know which set of reading which reading unit they want I don't know if I mentioned but it's not just the centers that come in the reading units you get the five centers you get the PowerPoint for your whole group lesson you get two interactive notebook activities and three reading assessments all for the same skill so my winners can email me and they can let me know I currently have six of them available so they can let me know which of those six they want character traits fiction context clues nonfiction context clues meaning ten details point of view for fiction or asking answer questions for fiction those are the six I have ready now and let's pick some winners okay make your sweater oh I hope I don't mess up your name but I might so I apologize in advance here we go my first winner is Angela Luden's Randall Randall rtin DL Angela I'm sorry about what your your name but you are my first winner and you can choose whichever unit you would like for my reading units again they come with the five centers they come with the PowerPoint they come in to our economic activities and three assessments so pretty much everything you're going to need to teach the skill and have your kiddos practice it for two weeks all right another winner go inspect another one again I have these for third grade only at this time I will consider additional grade levels possibly but I can't even think about all right now and I'll stress me out all right my second winner is going to be Robin Anderson Robin Anderson you are my second winner you can pick any one of my reading units just go ahead and send me an email and I will send it over to you as soon as I can get to my computer so my first winter was Angela Riedel and my second winner was Robin Anderson and I want one my room in there and anyone who's on the video live here is already entered to win so my third winner and I know I hope you guys are in third game I guess I have no way of knowing but hopefully I have some third-grade teachers here here we go my third winner is gonna be Stephanie Malley Carter Carter CA rder Stephanie yeah you are my third winner and you can choose any one of my reading unit I have six different ones right now for you to choose from eventually there'll be 16 and I'll eventually all bundle them but not until 16 are complete okay but those of you who did not win all six of my reading units are on sale today only just today Sunday so I went ahead and marked them down by 20% so that you could all grab a deal before you head back to school if it's something that you were interested in again each one of these units does include that PowerPoint I talked about using whole group it comes with two interactive notebook activities that I use whole group you can use whole or small group if you chose and it includes the five centers I'm showing you today as well as the three assessments that you could use the end of the two weeks so those are all on sale and I dropped a link before but I'll drop it again and I'll also update the description this video to have a link to those reading units when you go to the resources here and this will answer a bunch of your questions when you click on that link if you head to any one of my reading resources it'll have a list of all of the different skills I will be doing and the order that I'm doing them in so that way you can check and see if I'm gonna have different skills and whether it's gonna be something coming really soon or coming a little later okay they're all listed there for you okay I'm gonna answer some questions I did get asked if you if I take a grade on this and I do at the end of the two weeks I would collect this recording book and I would go ahead and score it and put a grade in the grade book for it but I mean that's totally up to you if that's not something that you want to do or I need to do then you can use it and just go over the answers with Tarot's but I like to go ahead and square it and if I have kiddos who are really struggling I can take those centers back to my neat the teacher table and we can go back through them together so that I can use it as an opportunity to reteach those kiddos who may need some extra help if you do notice that you have some groups that just seem to be struggling then maybe every couple of days you can have them bring their booklets back to you or meet the teacher table so you could go over a couple one thing you might do in the beginning is just go over like number one of each of the five four centers because the fifth was a response you might go over number one just to get them started in right direction okay but you don't either well you don't need a rubric to grade numbers one through four there's an answer key there's a correct answer and there is a rubric for number five I score it just like it did the reading menus yesterday using that exact same guidelines so and any other questions that I can answer about my reading centers early finishers in my classroom during reading if you finish early you read or you might allow them to write in the Writers Workshop notebooks but and my last year at which you're finished I don't have a whole bunch of fancy fast finished activities because in my classroom like when kiddos are stoked to read because that's sort of the environment we've created so yeah I when they finish anything early they know to go ahead and grab a book and read and they're excited to do so okay feel like I just missed a question but when will my next reading unit be available we took a little bit of time off to celebrate holidays with our family but it is in the works already so it will be out in January I'm just not sure yet exactly when in January it's too soon for me and to say but it'll be out in January I don't use these as much as a Spyro amusement ask like in math you do a spiral review you in math I give like my multiplication centers after I've done by multiplication unit with these I do feel like they could be used the exact same time as you're doing the unit but you could also do it spiral if you prefer so you could be teaching about one skill and have them do centers about another I do feel the way I wrote these that they really could use at the same time that you're doing the less and zhanna but your group of kiddos might be a little different than mine and so you might have to consider that okay I'm still answering I did have a reading series that I was supposed to use I just wasn't really super good about it I did as little as I possibly could do and get away with because it didn't make my students love reading and so I was I was naughty I'm sorry I even admitting it because I felt like somebody's gonna hear I'm gonna get in trouble but I did as little as I cut out of the out of the curriculum as I could get away with sometimes we'd read the story that's it and only once okay how about using the grammar and the reading units that's a great question if you already use me grammar units then you know you have inter entered notebook activities for them you have interactive notebook activities with these reading units you can use one notebook and split it in half and you'll have plenty of space where they can do the grammar on one half and their reading on the other half so it works perfectly and inside my reading units I even include dividers for you to be able to do that so some of these are coming really fast I can't quite I can't quite read them fast enough to answer them do my units fit with Lucy Hawkins reading I don't know I never use Lucy crock is reading so probably not because I don't know making resources specific to someone else's curriculum is a copyright violation and so I do not and will not ever create a resource that's specific to someone else's curriculum but my reading units people find work well as a supplement to those using Lucy Hawkins I've never used Lucy Hawkins for reading so I can't say when do i do spelling this is another time to get really young honest with you I don't love the spelling I just don't I feel like it's one of those things where my certain parents will make their kids write their words fifty times a night and they'll do good on their spelling test and the kids who probably mean that the most probably aren't going to and and then they memorize it for Friday and they can't actually use it in their writing so um yeah my school required spelling I think spelling is more for parents because if parents out there that's that's how we were taught to spell this just how they that the that's how they can help their kin oldest and so they feel involved by helping with spelling and add spelling words and I gave them to them they were just a random list that my school had put together that didn't necessarily follow any one particular program or anything and my kiddos tend to do find out Friday tests without a whole bunch of activities to work on them so I didn't spend most time on I have done words are way before and that's a fantastic program but does take a lot of classroom time and special management that you really you really have to get creative with and I don't have a lot of tips for you there because I only use it for a year and so I feel like I didn't get really great at it yet all right I'm still have a little bit of time to answer some questions one time frame would I recommend that's all I can see I'm guessing it's about the centers I put them out for two weeks my reading centers I put them out for two weeks almost all my students can finish it in two weeks and your kiddos who can finish it in two weeks probably means they're not ready for them probably means they need some assistance maybe cross out Center five and I'll have them do a response to reading see if they can do some of the matching first and work their way up to it but if it's taking them longer than you're the two weeks you're giving them then they're really struggling so they need some assistance I hope all my honesty doesn't get me in trouble I did just leave a link to my ela pacing guide that I'll kind of show you the order that I did all of these units you can do them in any order you want though but it was just an idea so I dropped a link to that I know someone's leading some comments wanting some suggestions about when to schedule things with a pullout I feel like the case because you just got to get super creative and decide which rotation would be okay for my students to miss which are they getting the most from which will they get the least from and try to get creative about how you make your schedule so that kiddos who are leaving for a pullout are maybe missing a rotation that wasn't they weren't ready for it yet it wasn't a good use of their time how do I help my kids with spelling I am a firm believer well one thing I mean they still had spelling I just didn't do a bunch of class time on it but I am a firm believer that the best spellers are students who read a lot I think you learn a lot about spelling by reading and so I just I'm tip and literature and getting kids involved in that so I feel like that makes a huge difference if you want to learn more about how I help my kids with spelling when they're actually writing I suggest my writing videos that are on my youtube channel there you go to youtube search notes will be teacher and I have a whole playlist for writing and there's a video specifically about editing student writing that you might find helpful but I just think that you build the best spellers and writers by creating kiddos who love reading it's just it's one of my believes and I know why we're all and agree with me and that's okay yeah writers make commit good readers readers maker writers it's just giving them to love it could this be used for fifth I wrote I need these for a third I'm gonna be honest I made them for third but you can look at the preview and decide if it would be a good fit for your classroom how many suits are ideal in a group the ideal if I understand like three or four but that's never really been a possibility I I've always felt real comfortable around six but I've often had to have seven or eight even in a group so but I do try to keep it I don't really want it to be bigger than that but I feel pretty comfortable when there's six but any less is fine with me too all right guys what do you do if there's more than 32 kids you just do what you gotta do I don't know I've had years where I have big grips and you just have to you have to remember your own primary goal of getting them to love reading and just find lots of ways to put text in their hands and I think that ultimately that's more important than how many kids are in each group which Lexile level there or what letter they are or any of that I think it's just about it's getting them to love reading and so sometimes our table is crowded with eight kids at group and it's it's not ideal but we can't change it so we just kind of work with it just just go with it I think in I think in reading I almost find it easier so they don't need a lot of space and math during small groups when working with manipulatives it's a struggle when the groups are big and reading when they're a little big at least they don't need the space we can fit at the table of course it would be better if I only have like four but it's not always possible so just just do it just work with it my own routine for transitioning literally first of all it's just super training it's like modeling it having a practice it practice it do it again do it again make an inker turn about it I I take all the time in the world that my class needs to learn how to transition because it's better to waste that time at the beginning and then just have a smooth rotations where I'm not losing minutes but basically I I simply would tell my kids I would just say class class and they'd say yes yes this is whole-brain teaching but whatever your call-out is and I would say it's time to transition and then boom it would just transition because we practiced it I even because I was doing a lot with a student-led classroom idea I would even have my students idea my reading group and it's like hey Matt it's time to transition can you let everyone know and he would stand up and say class class they would all say yes yes and he would say it's time for you to transition they got a huge kick out of who would get to be the one to do the call out top class to transition so that was kind of fun to just add a little to the mix and you can even change out your call out for different holidays or months and that can be really fun you know for different sporting events and stuff you can have different call outs also you can call out to their vocabulary words if you have a vocabulary words for the week you can call out the definition and they can call back the word and that can be a neat way to practice but basically I just did a call out and told them a transition and use fancy doorbells and sound machines and timers and things I just told them to how do you monitor progress um long said you're gonna Center for two weeks but if you have to kiddos you're most worried about half and bring the just i'ma bring the reporting book back to your meet the teacher it's very easy to all turn to one and flip through it and can get an idea of who's where but once you've dialed that you need to properly run rotations I feel like students know your expectations and when they don't meet your expectations or having behavior challenges then I had just used my behavior management system in my classroom that was a system that my school required but I would just go ahead and use it a couple of times and really that changes everything but for the most part positive reinforcement kept my kids on task at the end of my rotations periodically every day but periodically I just say you know why there is one particular reading group who was so amazing today I watched somebody already saw me didn't see any other eyes they were all on their other book and when they came to Center time they were they got the materials they didn't make a mess they were just so phenomenal so I want to I want to call him out you know everyone from group sorry just and up let's clap for you everyone loves to be recognized and so even the the thought that you might get recognized it would help keep some of my kiddos on task so how to differentiate again like I said before one new different shade Center five by offering different text the other thing you can do is simply eliminates our two which is task cards and they're a little bit more challenging just have yours have your intervention groups cross it off that Center if they're not ready for it and three another way to differentiate is having them do a center or two with you during a small group if that's something that a group in particular needs assistance back alright guys so um again all six of my reading units are on sale today only today only so if that's me interested and grab that 20% off deal save yourself a few bucks here they're tomorrow's video is all about book clubs and for those of you don't know book clubs what I do during meet the teacher time and so tomorrow is all about my meet the teacher rotation and I can't wait to tell you about it I do but clubs differently been a lot of teachers but P and Mike have loved them and they grew by leaps and bounds as readers especially in their love for reading which is my number one goal so if you miss any of the other videos if you missed this beginning of this video if you missed my video about responding to reading independent reading or the whole group reading lesson head over to my facebook page Knox would be teacher click on the video tab and you'll see them all there otherwise I will see you at the same time same place tomorrow for my video all about book clubs which is my meet the teacher died and remained rotation so grab those reading units while they're on sale and I will see you tomorrow for book clubs have a fantastic day guys bye
Channel: Not So Wimpy Teacher
Views: 6,476
Rating: 4.6144576 out of 5
Keywords: Not, So, Wimpy, Teacher, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, second grade, third grade, fourth graDE, fifth grade, reading, reading centers, independant reading, reading rotations
Id: WyfZOFphZoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 50sec (2750 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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