Responding to Reading

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hello hi teaching buddies this is Jamie from nonsan with me teacher this is Adeline if you have not met her yet this is Adeline she's almost three months old and she's our stuff if you didn't know we have we have a 14 year old twin 13 year olds a 12 year old and now mom is Adeline so if you're joining me I want you to know that today is the third video in our series about teaching reading thank you we started off with a video about the whole group mini lessons and then yesterday we got a video about the read to self independent reading time if you miss either of those where you can see them right now it's still on my Facebook page and the way I recommend is you go to my facebook page that's one big teacher not many base book groups but like this book page it's not so big teacher and click on the video tab up at the top of my page and that'll take you to all my videos and then the ones that I just did would be the top ones so it'll be easier to find that way than scrolling through my Facebook page today's video though is all about responding to reading we're gonna kind of teach our kiddos how to write about what they're reading about so that's what we're gonna be talking about today so um thank you guys let me know do you already have your students writing about their reading on a regular basis is it something they do occasionally is it something you haven't quite gotten to yet I'm curious where you are at right now thank you people say she looks like me in my head and I mean we don't see it yeah we don't see what our kids look like really until I'm much older but we get told a lot so again let me know do you already do your shoots already do response to reading often occasionally they're not quite there yet wherever you're at it's okay just helps me to know where you're at and how I can help you the most can I assist some do it as like a homework assignment I'm doing it a couple times a week and sinners sometimes here there something they struggle with and and you're not alone I think that's the case for all students and think that response to reading is probably one of the most difficult things we're going to ask them to do as readers because they need to be able to read comprehend what they're reading and write about what the reason that's a lot to ask all right I'm gonna say goodbye it's really cold in my office so okay okay I see lots of occasionally sometimes I just see lots you saying you're struggling a little bit and that's that's to be expected I think I think we all struggle a little bit when teaching our kids how to respond to reading like I said I think it's one of the most key things we're asking them to do they're having to read comprehend and write about what they're reading so you're asking them to mix so many different skills together and you may have a student is a fantastic reader but that doesn't necessarily mean they're great at writing about what they read about so and vice-versa you can have an amazing writer but they struggle to be able to put what they're thinking about their book into words so I mean you're not alone if your students are struggling you're not alone you think it's pretty tricky and I think we just take it a little at a time we just celebrate all their little successes and hopefully by the end of the year what I was seeing a huge difference there to write about the reading about a lot of states are asking students to respond to text in their state tests so it's become more and more important that we get kids writing about the text you know also is the deepest way to show their understanding of the book to show comprehension to be able to write about it and really shows a deep understanding of the text so it's definitely somewhere we want to go alright it's okay if we struggle and I love that we're in a group right here where we can all admit like we're struggling a little bit okay okay all right hmm that's interesting we kids do uh someone we do it as a class but they're struggling to do it independently well I think you're about halfway there so if you've got them doing it well together as a class you're on your way you know what it's solely December we've got time okay I need to text by typing adds a whole nother wrench in the game doesn't that hmm responding to reading is the only type of the text dependent type writing is the only thing main type of writing they do on their state test in some states that is true which makes it even more important that we are practicing it and teaching it using two to three sources that's challenging all right so today we're going to be talking about how I do response to reading in my class I'm going to show you how I organized that my my rotations and I'm gonna tell you how I helped my kiddos to become better responding it to text these are just some tools that worked for me remember always that it should your your students and that you are a different teacher I'm different kiddos with different needs you may even have to write standards so always know that you should modify things to work best for you and your kiddos and then I'm only sharing what has worked for me in the past and hopes that some these tools and tips might help you and your kiddos but always always know that you are the teacher and you should make modifications that help you in your particular classroom okay some ones that they do well orally responding but not as much in writing in that that's still we're on our way it's a good step ok so again if you did miss one of my other two videos you can check them out by going to my Facebook page clicking on the video tab you'll find the two videos that I've done the last two days one on the writing mini lesson and our the reading mini lesson sorry and one on the independent reading time today I'm only talking about response to reading so here we go I started all my videos the same way when I talk about reading I really want you to know that my number one goal always when teaching reading was how my students loved to read and that how I chose rotations how I did my lessons everything that I did I asked myself will this help me students love to read it's fantastic to teach your kids to respond reading it's fantastic if they can identify main ideas and used text features and and tell you character traits and compare contracts those are all wonderful skills that they are probably going to be tested on and standards that I certainly have to cover but number one I need them to love reading if they love reading all those other things are going to be so much easier to teach to them and ultimately in life it's not that important to know how to identify main idea but the adult who loves to read that's what that's what I want for my kiddos I want them to become adults who love to read too so that's a little caveat to all of my reading videos is that I my decisions based on love to read more so than on things like phonics and that's worth it so alright I showed this like yesterday and I'm going to show it again Internet chat with you a little bit this is my schedule for my reading rotations and I have tried lots of different things that didn't work for one reason or another and this is what I ended up with and what really works for me and it may not work for you and it may not be something that you can or want to implement your classroom but again I like to show you and tell you what I did because I get asked all the time okay I had four reading groups I had an hour to do my reading rotations and so I only met with two groups we did two rotations every day that way our rotations could be just about a half an hour each this was in third grade this was a very they were capable of a 30 minute rotation after training and practice not like the first day but they were capable of this the reason I decided to only meet with two groups and I get asked us all the time aghast but you have me well our kids every single day I was I used to have my four groups and they met with them each for 15 minutes when you add in all of the transitions I wasn't getting 15 minutes with each group I was getting me b12 and by the time you open up text and you start reading 12 minutes isn't very long 12 minutes isn't long enough to read something and have a deep conversation about it and then maybe even write about it 12 minutes didn't cut it for me in that in that teacher rotation but also even in my independent reading 12 minutes of reading you don't get invested in in love with the text in 12 minutes centers it wasn't long enough they you get out the materials and it stuck with materials away respond to reading they're barely like looking up some text evidence and it's going to change so I had to come up with the way like how can they have more time how can we get rid of those wasted transitions and this is what I decided to only do two rotations this meant less transition time wasted and then more time one particular rotation to get dive in deep so maybe I don't see every kiddo every day but if I add up the minutes I need to spend with them in a week I'm now spending more time with them so this is actually beneficial to all of my students so now if I had about I usually had 24 to 28 kids so I had to have four groups I had in between six and eight kids in a group and I felt like that was pretty much my max if you had a smaller class you can have three groups and so you can see what my kiddos are doing like group while they meet with me on Monday and then they were spawned reading for the second rotation Tuesday that you read to self as in centers Wednesday they're back of meeting with me and responding to reading if I only have three groups there would be as time spot where I would have a rotation of kiddos coming to me like I can look at center group 4 where it says meet with teacher I wouldn't have a group to meet with me that if I only had three groups so during that time you could pull your your struggling readers you could do some RTI support you could go and you could sit with the lower reading group and do centers with them or help them guide them through their response to reading you can do some reading conferences with kiddos that are reluctant readers if you have maybe a smaller class I would say if you had a teen or less that you could probably go to three groups and then have that extra time if you're really worrying about seeing every K every day it's not that my kids are not growing as readers that read a it's not because I have really meaningful reading rotations even the day that they're not meeting with me they're doing something extremely valuable and so I didn't feel like it's not like I'm just giving them filler work and so the days are not with me aren't important you can see that the days are not with me they're doing the read to south which ultimately number one we need to get a kid to love to read it's not to read whatever they want and then they're doing centers which are and engaging moving things but they also have lots of text and arson our standards based so all extremely important things that they're they're doing during that time so I did get asked that all the time what about what about and I have to say I spent more minutes with every single one of my readers when I switched to this this model I I just I found this to be more successful so I start off my reading block with a 20-minute whole group time and then we switch to reading rotations so this is like a reading workshop where we have a mini lesson and then we go into independent time because it gives me a time to differentiate and meet my readers where they are at I got asked what would you think about doing reading all whole group and I would just be a mess of had you reading all whole group our readers just don't have the same needs I'm sure your readers don't have the same needs so having this small group was a necessity for me okay no I do not have this interest before second grade I'm working on third grade this year and they take every moment my time right now so I cannot commit it to any other grade levels at this time but maybe in the future but let me get through third grade before I make any promises because they're really hard to make and they just want to stay focused if you're interested and coming back to look at the schedule to think more about whether or not in something you're wanting to do with your kiddos just take a screenshot of it also on my blog Natsumi teacher comm if you go to my blog I use the search button to search ela block you'll see an entire blog series about my whole ela block including reading vocabulary grammar and writing and you'll see a picture of this schedule as well so that you can read more about it okay and you if you're interested in the whole doing three groups I actually mapped that out a little bit as well say you could visually see it better so if you're interested in that information head over to nuts would be teacher dot-com and then just search ela blocked and you'll see it all right now yesterday we talked all about the lead to self rotation today we're going to talk about the responding to reading rotation I did want to tell you that there's another alternative in a way that I've done this before right now you can see I have four rotations meet with teachers ponder reading sinners and read to self if you have a technology station and something like they're using epic or where I ready or some other type of online program my centers include a reading response and so you could take the reading response rotation and make that technology and then they're still doing their response to reading in the center of rotation so that's another option for those of you probably who teach and those of you who do teach their grade Muse me centers if you're wanting to add in the technology component you could do that or if you're not in their grading of the centers to work with you could add in the technology in place of what I use what I call centers you could add in a Technology Center instead okay so let's check out comma shape if you don't have the center as you could use technology if you have the centers and you want to use technology replace their response to reading because my centers included a response reading okay again you can see this and grab it on my blog or take a screenshot but we're gonna go ahead and move on and we're gonna talk all about teaching your students to respond to reading okay I managed to show you the resource that rice students used during horse-pond reading center they use reading menus here's wine please remain in this reading menu has nine different prompts on it need first six are for fiction and the last three for nonfiction I made these two salt like a huge problem happening read itself I talked to you yesterday about how much I believe there should be student choice students agree whatever they want to read a graphic novel a magazine article but that's lower than their level but that's higher than letter level they should pick that they rating should not be assigned because that's how we teach a kid to love to read we've let them discover the types of texts they like well I wanted I can see respond to reading so I was giving them these prompts and it would say something like what it is the major problem in the book theory I'm looking some strange responses here's what oh asking straight responses just because well whenever you ask it cannot be right about books expect a strange response or two but I was getting things like I had this kid oh I missed kiddo his name was chase just the sweetest kid Oh perky and the kind that I totally get along with and he wrote me this whole thing about the problem well he wrote all about whales he was reading a nonfiction text but he was trying so hard to answer the question then he was writing about problems whales have it wasn't really what I was looking for but he was trying to make it work and I hadn't thought about that like some of my kid was reading nonfiction there's my problem and solution in nonfiction that's not how structured so right away and they were set up to fail then they have other kiddos who had just started their work because read to souther reading at their own pace and so they just started in their book and I've asked me what the problem is there no I merely just found out my main character is I mean they weren't ready for Conrad you knows who are almost done with their book and yeah they could write about the problem but it would have been nice also ask them to write about the solution all my kettle's reading different things there are all at different places in their text and so the one question that's all wasn't working so right away make sure when you're doing reading response that there is some choice in the questions so that it works well with any tax that they might be reading and that's why I made my menus actually so each week they get a menu my resource I think is would work really well for grades two through five especially three and four if you teach two or five look at the preview to decide if it's right for your kiddos because there's a huge difference in levels across different states so take a look but what you have here is there's thirty six different menus you have one for each week of the school year I'll talk about they're editable so if there's certain questions you want them to ask then or answer and then you could make your own menu out of the editable version but I'm not thirty-six ready to go they all have six fiction questions and three nonfiction I decided to go with six and three because I noticed that probably at least two-thirds of my class chose to read fiction during 32 self-type a lot less for reading the nonfiction and so I and that's why there's more efficient questions so now students have choice you can pick a question that works or their text and let's take some training we're gonna get to that right that's next let's take some training to teach them how to hack a question but if they're reading nonfiction and architects the question about what is the problem this for you explain a time that you had a similar problem that's not gonna be the questioning hack what is the setting of the story give evidence to support your answer that's a perfect question for someone who's just started the book because usually you learn the setting right away what character trait best describes the main character in your story why perfect for those fiction readers right but those who are reading a nonfiction book or magazine article what new facts have you learned in your book what is the main idea in your book and how did the detail support the main item what text feature did you use while reading how did it help you to better understand the text so questions better suited for any part of the book they might be at and any genre they might be reading so that was the first big hurdle I to get over I also went ahead and having a little self check down at the bottom it's a way to it's mirrored okay it's a way to remind them of the things they ought to be doing every time they're responding to text a little checklist nice little reminder right now I'm not I compared mine some people like to just just lay this on their whiteboard or the smart board and have kids respond in their notebook and that's fine because I graded mine I went ahead and made photocopies of it and put the writing deeper on the back for them I don't like grading notebooks because I was too hefty to bring homework or even just cart over to my desk too great so I didn't do that I'm gonna get to modeling in just a minute I'm just want to show you the resource I was using and then I'm gonna show you how I use - okay so they had a section on the back to write their answer and then you'll notice down here this is like beautiful there is the rubric the rubric is right down there so they know exactly what you're going to be grading based on and it's fast for me to grade it is that we want to make a separate copy of rubrics it's right here I can just circle and move on and if you send it home parents can see exactly why they received the score they received as well all right here on the paper and I like that but again some people like to display this on a whiteboard how kids respond in their radius readers notebook and that's perfectly acceptable some people like to take several menus and laminate them and put them into their Center and kids just pick up any menu and take it back to their desk and respond to it and that's another great way to do that these are in my store and I will be giving you a link but go ahead and wait a moment we didn't tell the end of the video hinted because I'm going to be giving away some of these reading menus so let's make sure and see if you're a winner first and if you're here on the video then you're already eligible totally okay I'm just gonna announce a few winners here and there okay but this is what I used there is a bigger version of the rubric as well and that in that resource and I mean talking a lot about using the rubric but that's the resource I use and now I want to kind of show you a little bit about how I used it all right so you saw that my kiddos gold should respond to reading twice a week some paragraph an hour each are about half an hour out in transition Louis I only asked them to complete one readers response a week so they have plenty of time to do it and that means I'm asking for really quality work I'm not asking for just like a two sentence response I'm asking them to go back to the text and use evidence so and then I'm asking them to edit it and turn in a quality piece of work at the end of the week so they're doing one per week in my house begin in your class do what you think works best always okay sorry let me throw this or this whole break okay now how I taught my students I think the biggest mistake that we make s teachers when it comes to reading response is that we expect too much too soon we send them off to independently write about their text too soon I like to do the I do we do you do model and I took my time with this we are just we work at such a fast pace as teachers that sometimes I think we rush it too much it's kind of like what I was talking about yesterday with teaching them their routines and building their endurance for read to South I feel like with respond reading take your time at the beginning of the year or can't started yet in January get started but take your time and give yourself some grace give your students price this takes a while to learn this is tricky okay we're gonna start with the ideal this is important so if you head back in January you're gonna start off with your reading aloud to your kiddos you're meeting up with your favorite chapter book or it can be a picture book to be a mentor text type local you know something you're using for another purpose in your class and that's what your that's the text you're going to use to model the reading response you are going to be writing on a whiteboard or smart board something where all the students can see it and so you read it out loud so now they've all heard the same tax that's important because you want them to have the same background okay they've already now you're going to pick up your menu and you were thinking out loud you're not asking them to do it you're asking them any questions or anything you're thinking out loud you're going to say the things you want them to be thinking while they're responding to to the reading so it's kinda like this you just rattle out of me like oh great now I need to pick a question to respond to there's nine choices here and I can pick any one of these but it needs to be just right because I might know the answer to some of these well first of all I'm reading a fiction book and it says here that questions one through six are best for fiction and seven to nine of us for nonfiction so I'm gonna just gonna take my pencil and I'm gonna cross off number seven eight and nine okay I'm gonna cross those off because I didn't read nonfiction and I read fiction I already know I don't to use those now I've got six choices I'm gonna read each one of them weigh them out loud to your kiddos so they can hear the questions and you're gonna say hmm what characters best describes the main character I might be able to write about that but I did just start the book so I only know a little bit about the character that's a maybe let's see if there's anything that's better what does John Ross is a story that you're reading and how do you know hmm I know it's fiction but I'm not entirely sure if it's realistic or if it's gonna be fantasy because it just read one chapter I'm gonna cross that one out I don't feel very comfortable answering that one yet what is the setting of the story evidence for Interpol why at least in the setting the story started in that's a definite possibility I'm gonna leave that one for now number four is what is the favorite part of the story so far and why hmm I only read one chapter is the only beaver perfect our house the first chapter that's probably not going to be a very strong one for me to pick right now maybe later on I can pick that one I'll cross it off what questions do you still have about your story and explain your answer a lot of questions about my Astoria so does that make it a good question to answer hmm I have a lot of questions because I haven't read yet though maybe it's not actually a good time to write that maybe it would be better if I ran a little bit and then they like they were suspense and so my questions were more meaningful cross that off what is the problem in the story explain it time you've had a similar problem I don't know the problem yet I've only read one chapter hmm so I guess that one's crossed off too so I definitely I'm too to pick from what character trait best describes your main character and what is the setting of the story which one of those could I do best which one of those or anything like that happen Amazon for and I can support it probably the setting the author spent a couple of paragraphs explaining the setting Jimmy so I think that's going to be the brush I'm gonna pick I'm gonna boil circle that all of that just to show them how to pick a question and you know what you're not I'm gonna do it just once you're going to do that for several days but that's just an example of how you're doing the idea you're gonna continue on because now you're going to answer the question and the whole time you're thinking you're not taking questions for them and getting their opinions or answers yet let them listen to you okay does you want them to have this conversation with themselves and their heads when they get to writing so next time you like well what is the study I need to get my book out and you tell them responding to tax I need to first look in the book from answer get out your book right here on page three the author is describing the car better than anything comes the setting at least so far now I'm going to start writing when I start writing I'm always going to start by repeating part of the questions the question is what is the setting of the story I'm going to start with the setting of the story is Michaela's bedroom on page three the author tells us that Michaela is bedroom is decorated in purple and has a large bed with fluffy pillows and a huge stuffed teddy bear okay model from right and keep keep moms what you want them to do okay back to the text I wouldn't ever say oh yeah oh did I answer all the questions oh it says give evidence to support your answer oh I'm giving evidence right now to support my answer did I answer the question completely let's see while setting is the time and the place oh and so when the story is taking place I'm gonna go back and explain that to you are doing a whole buncha talking which is not how I love to teach but right now this is what they need they need to hear it they need to see you do it they all have heard the same text and they're watching you do this for a few days and every class is different every every group of Karos is different and you've been doing reading response for a while you may only need to do it once or twice and you have not been doing reading response at all you may need to plan to spend a week doing it maybe you don't have enough time to do a whole response each day remember that they're going to be breaking it up into pieces as well they won't be doing the whole response in one day probably so it's okay if you only get through choosing a question one day and then the next day you start you draft it in the next day you edit it with them but you want to do it in front of them and you want to think out loud hey alright so you've done some thinking out loud so they have seen what a great reading responses going to look like they have seen at least one maybe oh do feel it's awesome if you can also get to a nonfiction one even if it's like you read a passage during science or social studies time use that as your shared text and show that poem and do it with nonfiction right so it's never too late to get started the bump part would be if we just don't do it at all right okay double out I do now you're ready to get to the weed you a couple of different ways I can I've done we do and I would mix them both you feel like ever best meets your culture needs of course okay so for we do I generally would start with whole group we do again with the tax read aloud or passage they've just read in science or social studies or even that if you have to use a reading curriculum and you've read a story from the basal anything where they all read the same text or heard the same tax now that we do is a lot like me I do except for now going to ask them their opinions maybe they counter reading menu in front of them in so you're like all right guys let's work on how we're gonna pick the question why didn't turn to talk to your partner read through the questions and figure out which one or two would be good options for us based on what we've read get them like two minutes three minutes don't give too long and gift students too long they get off-topic maybe they don't quite finish but it's better and then getting them off the topic and losing track and focus here okay then come back together and do it together like okay what did you guys think should we pick from numbers one through six or number seven or nine oh we've met nonfiction then we can just cross off one through six that's good guys that perfect that's the first thing we need to do now we've narrowed it down to just three which of these three do we want to do and chat with them well why they would pick a question or wouldn't pick a question that way they can have a chance to practice that together and I knew lots of turn and talk to your partner turn talk to her because kids need permission to talk saying it and hearing it help commit these things to our memory it gives them a little bit of practice and you can quickly walk up and down your classroom and here's some conversations going on so that you know where to pick up like if you heard some strange things you're like wow they really understand crush me when we get talking hope we better explain rush to me because they're gonna see that when they work independently later and that's the other bonus of going through a couple of different menus together as if they'd seal out the questions and get to ask you for help if they need it okay so during the lead you you're going to work together to pick the questions then together you say okay how should we start turn tell your partner what our first sentence should be okay you're right we should start by repeating part of the question so we pick the question what is the main idea so we should start with the main idea Bob blink blink blink it is perfect then we received a part of the question now we need to give some evidence from the text where can we find some evidence we should be looking for supporting details where did you find some supporting details trying to tell your partner one supporting detail you think we should include they are not having to produce something for a grade but they are still helping you to come up with a class response okay now this does this requires not classroom management when you're not getting us doing this whole group activity and you want to keep kids engaged or I like sitting still you need to keep them engaged that's why a lot of time talk to your partners and that's why you also want to keep it pretty fast okay another way to do we do that might be a little bit easier with the cut of the engagement and you can do both I would do both but if you don't feel linked your class can handle the whole group try it in your small group rotations I would model all the steps on one day if you have time but again like I said it's okay if you don't maybe today you're just gonna work on picking a question tomorrow you're gonna work on drafting it the next day you're working on editing it but if you have time to go through a whole rotation of how to completely do it then the next day you can complete do another one it gives them even more opportunity to practice each step so under title but another one do we do is in your small group reading so take some breaks from what you have been using in your small groups to practice this because it's so important you know that most most states test that on this now in your small group you have a shared reading it could be your class read aloud or your whole class read that's fine because they've read that or it could be something just your small groups read whether it's a reader from your curriculum a passage that you that is level for them or a novel that you're reading as part of a book club or work I'm Allison okay so just think I take a shared reading experience in order actually work together on these and and when we do you still working together so now in the small group you're really doing the same to you what a time Home Rule but you only have that like four to eight students a little easier to keep them engaged they need to be helping you during the idea you were doing all the work and they were just listening during the week do you want them to help you but it's not something they're doing independently it's not something you're gonna grade so you're gonna go through the process I'd like how to pick out a question one how do we start our pants or where in the text should we go to find our answer how do we make sure we've shown evidence and really the important part that you should do during the we do and even during that I do model this take out the rubric after you've finished a response either a ninety or we do take out the rubric then go through it explain to the water lubricant so that they know how to use it on their menu if you're choosing to give the moraine paper that has the rubric on it you want them to not read it so you want to explain to them that their goal is to get all twos on each section and that's sometimes because we're not perfect that work sometimes gonna get ones and zeroes and that's just a place where we know we're going to need to improve on and grow so go through the rubric and explain to what it means so completion to get a to the answer has to be complete it can't just be partially answer if it's partially I'm sorry thing we are going to get on one sentence is the answers have to be incomplete sentences and part of the question has to be used in the answer in order to get it to so we're going to talk about that means now you're gonna take the rubric and you're gonna go over your draft and kind of grade it together okay guys did we is the answer complete do we answer everything well then go back to the question let's read it did we answer every part of the question all right we give ourselves a - all right let's get our sentences are they complete sentences what is it complete sentence we have two levels we have two punctuation we have to have a subject and a predicate okay partner for question used in the answer underline it let's I didn't make sure alright good now we can give ourselves a two for that um thoughtfulness is the answer thoughtful or does it show limited thought did we really put some effort into this or did we just kind of give a fluffy answer hmm explain to them what that means and it's okay if your draft doesn't get a perfect score in fact a better learning opportunity anyways text evidence is the answer supported with significant text evidence just a tiny minute X evidence or did you really dive into the text and music to answer question and editing does the answer have various menu errors so have them graded your group response together show them how you are going to be grading it then later on they know exactly what you were doing okay all right so that's the lead you first you were even all-american thingy allowed the media you can be a holder if you could in small group you can do it both but the idea is that they are assisting now it's time for you do my recommendation is to first do that you do in a small reading group instead of just part of their rotations independ the at their desk you're not they're not able to help them because you're busy with another reading group I would just recommend this because it's warm opportunity for you to get to guide to them before you do they're doing something that's maybe very great I would have my reading group do it and that way I'm sitting right there and I can assist them and say oh don't forget you should be opening the book quite a bit if you use in the text residence right in order to make very few spelling errors you compile use the book to help you with some of this spelling those sorts of hints and then after you've given them enough time to work on it then as a group you could even trade and use the rubric to grade or don't even try it upgrade their own using the rubric as you go they are doing all of the work but you're still there if they're getting frustrated if they need assistance understanding the questions that sort of thing if it's a higher reading group you watch them through the we do and you just really feel like they've got this then you might be able to go ahead and do the you do just part of your reading rotations they're doing it indefinitely and you're not right there but you might just try one round of them right at the table with you doing it so they could say this year's I don't understand what this word means and the question and you know what I would tell them instead of telling what the word means right away I'll come back to whether where it means because of course I want them to know it's in the question but I might say you know what and I didn't understand what the question and I probably would not pick that question for my response because that's the truth that's one of the problem-solving strategies now to teach my students that sure I want them to learn all those questions me but while I'm busy with a reading group and they're doing this independently and they don't understand what question means instead of coming to me to say what's in this question mean I want them to make a question they already know what it means and then we can talk about it after reading or maybe the next time they come to my reading groups would be a great time to bring it up okay so I get in front of them write your response you do all the work but you're thinking out loud so they can hear you we do you can do this holder you can do the small group sickly you are guiding them through the whole process they are turning and talking to partners to come up with good response that you're making a class response it's basically are a group response you do I do recommend trying it in a small group setting first and then when they're ready put it into your reading rotations having do it independently and you can grade them with the first grade go over it together maybe in a reading group after they've already turned one in and graded it maybe you take five minutes your reading group to go back through the we work with them and help them to understand where they're at if you have kiddos who are still struggling and they don't do well have a little conference with them maybe when you're higher group is meeting you could take five minutes away from them let them work independently for five minutes will you pull a cattle and say hey I want to talk to you like reading response I want to give you some hints about how you can improve all right so the rubric and all the menus are at a reading menu resource and I promised you that I was going to give away a few of these resources for you my reading response menus again it's thirty six different menus and they're editable so you can actually make even more and comes with rubrics and writing paper all right my first winner and if you are on the video and commented it all you were automatically entered into the contest you talked to you anything else special um my first winner is going to be Jennifer Myers Franklin Jennifer Myers Franklin you are my first winner and if my winners want to go ahead and give me an email or send me a Facebook message so I can get the resource to them that would be fantastic I will drop my email for those winners there's my email address for the winners um Jennifer Irish Franklin was my first winner my second winner good luck tip to you my second winner is going to be Robin carmine Robin karma in it I'm going to give you what my reading resource menus 436 menus in rubric these are fantastic I definitely think grades 3 and 4 would really benefit from them but I have many second to end 5th grade teachers who choose to use them and I think if you're teaching second or fifth really look at the preview to decide if you think it would be adequate remembering that your students don't have to be able to answer all 9 of questions the idea being that they're gonna pick the one that they can best answer given the text they've read and their current skills and ability ok so I already picked Jennifer Myers Franklin and Robin carmine and yeah I'm gonna pick one more winner but it's for some reason that winner is done you I wanted to let you know that I put my reading menus on sale for two day Saturday only so if you're watching this on Saturday either live or is it replay my reading menus are on sale for 20% off I wanted you guys to get a good deal on them when I was when I was talking about them I clicked something alright um so my third winner I will go ahead and give you a link to those reading videos to my third winner is Katie Gorman pick Katie Gorman pick you are my third winner so Jennifer Myers Franklin Robin carmine and Katie Gorman pick you or my three winners this morning and you'll receive everything been used for free you know I just thought I hadn't send me an email I won't get them out to you quickly the rest of you don't forget my reading menus are in sale today only for 20% off I want to give you a little bit of a deal um and I want to stick around I have a little bit if you want to ask some questions specifically about reading response or the reading menus I can answer a few questions for you huh I'm glad you guys are excited oh thank you some people are talking about the reading menus how much they've helped their kiddos you are very welcome for a sale you're very welcome for the help I enjoy being able to do this for you while you're home from school and have a little chance for some TV the rubric is not editable but you can always use what I've written on my rubric as a guide a starting point for you to make your own rubric yeah simply insert a table and a word or PowerPoint you can make your own rubric if you need to I'm trying real hard to read them sometimes the comments go fast I don't have my kids eventually answer every question menu because it doesn't necessarily work for the book that they're currently reading so I actually give them a new menu each week but you could rotate back through you could prepare just ten menus or you could give them whenever a new one every single week the questions will repeat themselves just in a different variety so there's always one that they can pick to answer but I if they always choose your eviction during itself than the last year would never be questions like a pick or vice versa so no I don't you could use Google classroom sure for your reading response you can have them type it up of course I didn't have access to Google classroom I have enough technology so I did not but absolutely it'd be very easy for you to do that yes and my rotation count had two times to do readers response let me see if I can go ahead and go back to that so my kiddos had two different times that they worked on the readers response but they have one response are responsible for turning in each week I will try to make these videos and get them up on my YouTube soon right now with baby and that the four big kids home for winter break it's hard to do anything more than just these lives if students were to finish to answer the beginning of the week first of all they need someone to be conference with about the quality of their work but if they're still training and quality work and have more time than I would let them read it to themselves more that's why my read sponsor eating as soon days meet the teacher because then they can actually get extra read to self in that day since they don't have it that day so that's what my kiddos do if they finish early I was required to use a reading program I didn't make them do the weekly story because not only kids enjoy the weekly story I let them use the readers response for what they were reading during me to self it was a way of keeping them accountable to it to some extent for the reach of self but you almost certainly could have them is the weekly story okay some of the questions went a little too fast and I couldn't see them so we didn't answer your question I do apologize and you're welcome to ask it again how do you use a data tracker yes my resource comes of the data tracker I'm a tracker you can give the students so if you're giving the Marine menu each week they can write the menu number down here and they can put this they can graph their score each week so out of ten that's how much is on the rubric out of ten they can graph their score each weeks you can see if they're growing and improving and it's kind of a motivator and helps them to take accountability for their own work if you're trying to use a link right now and you're on your phone it won't work while I'm live links work better when I'm not live how many live impression I have the extra credit ring book okay here's thing I don't know for sure that their answer is correct what I'm actually grading them on more than anything is their ability to support their answer their ability to completely answer question and support it with text okay so free so what is the best part was card trade to best describes main character I have read the book I don't know the character but they say the best character trait to describe Johnny and that he is lazy I know this because on page six has not had to ask him to clean his room three times because it was a huge mess also on page 12 his teacher was upset with him for not doing his homework therefore I know that Johnny is lazy and doesn't do the things he is supposed to do actually no but they supported it well enough to make me believe it then that is a good of reading response they use text evidence to support it so that's that's really what I'm going off of how well they support of themselves which explain to your students how hard it's gonna be for them to support their answer because you haven't always read all of their books or you don't support the answer and you don't give them enough evidence to believe you then you'll know that their answer isn't strong enough okay that's mostly what I'm grading it on if they can support it if they can talk me into believing it then it's good enough so that's how I do it but using the your basal story then you'll have read the story so to you that is a good question hope that helps you tomorrow let's talk about the next couple of videos I have two mores tomorrow Sunday's video is going to be all about reading centers I'm gonna really show you this in terms that I use I only have them available for our third grade but it might be something that even in other grades you might be interested in seeing what I do that you can determine if it's something that you could add into your routine and then on Monday I'm gonna be talking about book clubs book clubs are actually what I do with my guided reading groups during meet the teacher time so I'm talking a lot of more about my low clubs how they're very different than book clubs that you've seen or heard about before and how I used them with my small groups how many of you grade during a period okay let's talk a little about grading first of all yes you do need to grade them especially at the beginning because they really need feedback my third graders were out writing novels so that just helped me get a little easier you're looking for very specific things you're using a rubric to look for those very specific things and that makes it a little bit easier and quicker I it does take time it's the only part of my reading block that I spend very much time and doing any kind of propagating with the other part is just assessments and they're easy to grade so this does take me a little bit of time that being said I don't write every week maybe at first maybe the first like three weeks I grade every one of them but then after that don't have any other week nobody will know unless you need a whole bunch of grades I know some of you do and that Lisa probably throw in some reading exit tickets during my whole group lessons periodically but it's true reading responses take longer to grade one thing you might do is you might grade and don't tell them if they know it's not going to get graded there did you the best so maybe good one until you grade one week in the next week do recycle grape one into you work up north reinforce its way to you I know that some people like shudder like oh my gosh great it but yeah sometimes you don't have to grade them all okay that being said you do get quicker at grading them because you get better at looking for exactly what you need to find in your in the response is so you get faster on it I don't like reading them in notebooks that takes me longer like flipping through the notebook trying to find the answer kind of business so that's why I went to actually just blow copy a piece of paper and this is easier for me to take and grade and it also limit some like don't write marvelous it does not take more than that stance the question the goal is not to write the most go straight something quality so this helps and the rubrics right here on the paper and that makes it wait I will be talking about centers my center rotation tomorrow yeah I know I sometimes they need the teacher and I sometimes say my guided reading group I do use those interchangeably toy students I was talking with the teacher because it just tells them exactly what it is come to meet the teacher it just makes sense to them I use the same term for math during our math rotations data meet the teacher and she tells them exactly what they're supposed to be doing coming to the teacher sometimes that's true sometimes you just look for completion maybe one week it's worth less points and everyone who completed it gets those weights you can tell they completed it that can help speed it up some weeks but you should pay for content periodically because obviously you want them to continue to grow and their ability to respond to text so that's important okay yes most of my kiddos will take both days to finish their reading response once day if you've really modeled all of your expectations and that it's not a two-sentence quick response that they should be using evidence and sentences and editing it actually will take most my students how much time some of my students know and then we get a lot of extra reaps all time and that does not bother me one iota the more time they spend in books the better just one question a week all right so I'm trying to get a lot of e key questions so I'm going to go ahead and say goodbye so that those who need to start from the beginning to watch the replay can do so don't forget that all of my reading menus are on sale for today only just Saturday so if you're watching it live or you're watching the replay today they are on sale 20% off and I'm going to go ahead I've dropped a link to them but I'm gonna go ahead and as soon as I get done I'm going to edit the description to give you a link to those tree being menus I've got a few questions that would be answered with the first video how long he's been reading block about 80 to 90 minutes what do I do on Friday Fridays we do have reading centers we did exercise science social studies during that time if you did miss the first videos go ahead to my Facebook page not some be teacher and you'll find them by clicking on the video tab alright so I will see you tomorrow tomorrow talking about centers and I'm gonna have some centers to give away so make sure you tune in if you want to be a winner have a great day guys bye
Channel: Not So Wimpy Teacher
Views: 7,302
Rating: 4.9603958 out of 5
Keywords: Not, So, Wimpy, Teacher, Reading, Responding to reading, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade
Id: 1hlj5JSlV2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 31sec (3391 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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