Reacting to World-Class Soloists' Childhood Violin Performances

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Hello guys! Today, we have a very sacrilegious episode. Sacrilegious for us. Yes. Today, we are once again confronting the realities of how difficult this world is. Yes. Recently, we did a video where we reviewed our playing when we were young. A lot of you guys were like… “Oh. TwoSet said they're not prodigies,” “but see, they are prodigies!” Tsk! No no no no no. You don't understand. As to drive the point home... Today, we will be looking at... the childhood playing videos... of today's world-class soloists. Exactly! So to start off… of course, none other than the violin goddess herself... Hilary Hahn. 15 years old in 1995… All right, I mean… So when you were 15… That was your clip from the Grave, right? The Bach? UGH!! HALP! AHH!! Let’s… - That was Brett playing Bach at around 15. - Yes. Yeah. Now let's see how Hilary plays Bach. WHOA…! Dude. - Dude, that's actually seriously impressive! - Yeah. That's not easy. It's not. It may sound easy to some of you listening compared to the other pieces we've heard. Eddy: Yeah. But something… It's EXTREMELY hard. Like, I don't think I can do that today. It would very hard. Well, just her sound as well… It's so clean! - She's not- - And then- - She's not like, cheating any note. - Yeah. It's all there. There's more of Hilary. - Oh, now it's Hilary when she was 10! - Hilary- Dude, it’s getting younger and younger. Oh my god. Whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no. I've never seen this clip before. Eddy: Dude, her left 4th- pinkie! Dude, her shift is better than my shifts! Brett: Dude… Whoa… Brett: DUDE..! Brett: That sound at 10! Ugh! *groans* Dude, she’s got phrasing, man. And then... go back. The bow savings. *sings* - Even the gliss-es between shifts is like- - Yeah. I think her, like, musicality is developing already. It's refined. Yeah, and then her bow distribution is already starting to be refined. Yeah. I wonder what baby Hilary was thinking when she plays. I wonder if Hilary remembers this. Yeah! - It’s like “Calculating bow distribution…” - Yeah. “Drrrr! Right! Left!” “10 centimetres left! Go!” Now, next one! Midori Goto. “Carmen Fantasy.” Oh my god. But how old is she here? 16. That's around the age of your Paganini, right? Yeah. Oh no. Here we go. OHH!! I love we're just comparing to all my- A HA HA HA HA!! Eddy: HA HA HA HA HA!! A hA! A ha HA! - You can just tell from the first note. - Ha ha ha… You’re like… Ugh… Tsk! Ugh… No way she’s 16! - She definitely doesn't sound 16. - She doesn’t sound 16 at all. Aa hA HA! AAAAAAH!! AAAAAAAAH! Guys, like… If we were to both play one line… We wouldn’t be able to do it. …we would still be… ...sound worse than her playing it on one violin. Brett: Yeah. There's a lot more talent in this than every- the whole YouTube put together. - Yeah. - Like, there's so much talent in this. I know... In case your self-esteem is still not completely destroyed, - let's keep going. - Yeah. - Oh, this is the- Wait, that’s the famous clip! - Midori! Yeah, when she was even younger at 14 years old. Wait, I didn't even see it break. When was- When did it break? It’s still E string. That’s E string. - Yeah! - Yeah! - It broke there! - Yeah. And she’s playing up on the A string. OH MY GOD! She changed her fingering on the spot! WHAT?!! HOLY MOLY! To explain to non-string musicians, right? You're normally doing one particular pattern that you practiced into muscle memory, like... - E string, A string, E string, A string… and- - ...countless hours. And the E string snaps. So now, in order to play up on the same note musically, she has to… now do a completely different pattern - that she's never practiced before. - New pattern, she’s never practiced it. And she's doing by ear on the spot. Just ****ing guessworking! I mean, she's not guesswork. - She probably knows- ‘cause she knows so well. - She clearly knows the violin so well. - I would be guessworking my *** off. - Yeah. - I almost didn't catch where she snapped the string. - Yeah. Yeah. - You have to listen to it. - And you can tell when she goes to the concertmaster to switch the violin. - That means string’s broke. - Yeah. - And asked to switch with the concertmaster. Yeah. - Yeah. - Now she’s playing a different violin, dude. - I know. How does she play a complete new violin so well?! Like, it takes me like, 2 months to- - I feel like her baseline is just so high. - Yeah. - She's like “Give me any violin. I'll do it.” - Yeah. All right! Of course! Ay…! The OG Perlman at 13! Perlman has always struck me as someone that plays such effortlessly. - It feels so like… - Yes. He can make such a rich tone while being so free… - Yeah, and relaxed. Yes. - and relaxed at the same time. Yeah. That's so nice. Dude, these are… Remember, guys, these are 13-year-olds. It’s so in tune, but also so musical. All right, last one. (German) Anne-Sophie Mutter, at the age of 9. You can tell it’s Anne-Sophie Mutter’s tone. The vibrato. - Oh, yes, yes. - The way she plays. - That's definitely her type of sound. - There's that fiery sound. Yeah, it's amazing that’s been there - since she was a kid, actually. - Wow, that's crazy. That kind of personality in the sound. You really do hear people’s personality - come out through their playing. - Yup. - But it's like Perlman hasn't changed. - Yeah. Hilary hasn't changed. I mean, they've changed, like- - They become more… - …of what they were. …refined, more expressive versions, but they have like a fundamental… …core to their sound, yeah! - And it doesn't change! - Yeah. Like my crunching. My crunching hasn't changed. AAAARRRGH!! On that note, guys. As Ling Ling says, you have to go practice. Oh, oh, you know what else Ling Ling says? Oh yeah! Ling Ling says you haven't subscribed yet!? What?! Subscribe with 40 accounts! - Yes! - We need to hit 4 million subscribers, - Yes! - so we can do our next… - live performance! - Yes, exactly! The quicker we get there, the quicker we will do another performance. - So Ling Ling says subscribe! - Like simple mathematics, right? Like… Look at how many great concertos there are for the violin. Now… If we can only play one concerto per 1 million subscribers, Eddy: then through mathematics… the quicker we get subscribers, the more concertos you guys get to hear! Exactly! I mean, how many concertos are there, like 20? 200 million subscribers to hear all the concertos! Brett: Let's do it, guys! - 200 million… - 200? - I think- - 20! Oh yeah. Yeah. That's right, guys. Accent the like button. Legato the subscribe button. And we'll see you guys next time.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 309,131
Rating: 4.9897165 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: p_gqA9oPR8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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