Reacting to VaatiVidya's Bloodborne story explained!

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today we're going to be watching vayati videos bloodborne story explained um yeah just insane law I'm gonna be really taking it in um a lot of you guys know a lot about the law but vayati video does a lot of their own research Deep dive into the law and the history um and I thought it would be great to watch it together the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the honor ain't not the truth HP Lovecraft our eyes are yet to open fear the old blood these were the words spoken between Master Willem and Lawrence from the cautious teacher to the ambitious student fear what you do not understand fear the old blood and so our Story begins as you might have guessed with blood ancient blood deep below the city of yharnam Lies the ancient underground Labyrinth of tumeru you know it as the Chalice dungeons the old Labyrinth was carved out by the tumerians Superhuman beings that are said to have discovered a Sinister truth can I just say I know we're only like 50 seconds in but if you really don't know a lot about this game you're just like yep heal with the blood vial you really don't think about like what the blood is and I remember when this K this game came out and I saw someone playing it for the first time when it first came out years ago it was way before I moved um that's how I always measure stuff by moving from one end of the country to the other and um God like 2016 2017 and I remember being blown away by um Central yarn on but like your brain really doesn't actually think about what's going on you really have to take in those item descriptions and you really have to look at the items because the storytelling is so symbolic and it's not as straightforward as you think even though everything's really steeped in law this had another name for the Labyrinth they called it the Tomb of the Gods for below they found traces of god-like beings named the great ones the great ones could function on transcendental planes of thought meaning they had elevated their Consciousness beyond the Physical Realm the benefits of operating on this plane are unclear perhaps it was in the name of immortality or perhaps power as even beyond the great ones could interfere with beings and events in the waking world it is clear that some sort of Ascension took place as there are numerous references to some great ones being left behind of all the strange life forms that reside in the nooks and crannies of the old Labyrinth the slugs are clear signs of the Left Behind great ones and when you think about the Village the fishing Hamlet there's big barrels of slugs as well when you really look and there's slugs hanging off the lights as well so there is like slugs everywhere in bloodborne really and I didn't really notice that until after the fact and I'd gone back and I was editing episodes and I was like they're slugs everywhere and that's obviously why such great one appears to be abandoned debritus a left behind being who apparently did not Ascend with her Brethren one day abritus would be discovered by the humans above in a crusade that begins with a character named Willem Master Willem presided over a prestigious place of learning bergenworth situated by a tranquil Lake and secluded within a gigantic Forest bergenworth housed the mines that would change the world in fact everything sacred in yarnam came to be traced back to bergenworth including the most influential characters within our story and there are five who I'm going to help you become familiar with there was Master Willem Rune Smith Carroll Lawrence michalesh and German I'll introduce them to you in the order that they become relevant in the story as I said Master Willem was the head of the school at bergenworth the man was obsessed with the truth and believed in pushing the limits of humanity in almost every dialogue and description Willem is referred to as master or Provost clearly deserving of a great deal of respect many would eventually diverge from his tutorage but few can say that they didn't owe everything to his research for while Willem presided over bergenworth the scholars there discovered terrific things in the tombs below the city of yharnam once a group of young bergenworth scholars discovered a holy medium deep within the tomb this led to the founding of the healing church and the establishment of blood healing it's hard to be sure exactly what was found but we do know it was related to the great ones on the ground floor of burgenworth college we find the Pearl slugs remnants of the great ones and at the very top of the college we find the empty Phantasm shell an empty invertebrate shell that is said to be The Familiar of a great one and also as well like willem's eyes are covered because um he's about like transcending Humanity right so his eyes are covered because he has like insight and he can see like with his mind I'm not sure if that's the best way to describe it but that's how I like interpreted it so that's why like that's why his eyes are blindfolded right I don't know why micolash's head is in a cage though maybe he'll say later but that like like in near mirgo's wet nurse they've all got the cages on and is that like the side of the scholar after this discovery whatever it was that showed them that the great ones existed the bergenworth scholars launched an inquiry into the great ones and the old blood for from this point onwards there is an explosion of Law and history and references to what the scholars found in the tombs below yharnam many of these references come from Rune Smith Carroll the second character of our story Carol transcribed the inhuman utterings of the great ones into what we now call Carol runes in true lovecraftian fashion it is really likely that it's impossible for humans to comprehend the speech of the great ones but Carol apparently had a knack a talent for creating a visual representation of the great one's words the hunter who receives this Workshop tool can etch Carol runes into their mind to attain their wondrous strength I didn't realize that runes were like in the mind I just thought they were like almost like a mark I didn't realize they were like in the mind I don't know why I didn't put that together that's so interesting first Willem would have been proud of Carol's runes as they do not rely upon blood in any measure this statement is curious it tells us three things first Provost Willem and Carol were close as Willem would have been proud of him and second Willem didn't have a chance to be proud so it's possible that the two lost contact and thirdly and most importantly Willem would have been proud because the runes did not rely on blood in other words Willem did not approve the use of the old blood the blood found in the Tomb of the Gods the metamorphosis Rune States the discovery of blood made their dream of evolution a reality metamorphosis and the excesses and deviation that followed was only the beginning believed in a different path he believed in attaining more insight for Humanity's eyes had yet to open the eye states that Master Willem looked to beings from higher planes for guidance and sought to line his brain with eyes in order to elevate his thoughts and with these descriptions you should have some idea of the scale of ambition of these characters with the discovery of beings greater than them came a desire to ascend into godhood to push Humanity into its next stage of evolution the only question was how blood or insight and this was a question that split the ranks of the bergenworth scholars it's how we arrived at the cutscene we started out earlier with Master Willem and Lawrence parting ways Pastor William I've come to bid you farewell oh I know I know you think now to betray me from this cutscene we can infer that Lawrence was a high-ranking student of Master Willem because firstly Lawrence refers to Willem as master and secondly Willem clearly regards Lawrence highly enough to call this departure a betrayal no yeah and then obviously Willem is about insight and Lawrence was about the blood so interesting I know like when you play the game but when you really hear it in like a more simple form and don't forget I finished bloodborne a little while ago so interesting it's crazy how it's almost like two religions in a sense listen Lawrence disagrees he does not see it as betrayal and here we come to the heart of what their disagreement is about essentially it boils down to the difference between the two resources in the game Willem believes man requires insight and knowledge to ascend Lawrence believes in the power of blood Lawrence attempts to reassure Willem telling him he will always fear the old blood but that this fear will not stop him using it yeah I tell you I will not forget our adage we are born of the blood made men by the blood undone by the blood our eyes are yet to open fear the old blood I must take my leave Lawrence leaves the bergenworth scholars presumably with a small group of rebels and goes on to found the healing Church Willem remains at bergenworth and attempts to elevate his thoughts to a higher plane he will return to our story at a later time so while I tell you of what Lawrence went on to do imagine Willem here in bergenworth sitting in his rocking chair over the lake musing on how to acquire insight and Elevate his thoughts to a higher plane everything Lawrence would come to achieve was based on the knowledge he had come by in bergenworth in retrospect we clearly see why William saw Lawrence's departure as a betrayal perhaps Willem himself even planted these ideas in Lawrence's mind a note in the lecture hall reads Master Willem was right Evolution without courage will be the ruin of our race Lawrence had courage but it is likely that his courage boarded on arrogance well I was just about to say that it's probably Lawrence's because he was obviously willem's Protege it was obviously his arrogance and him potentially trying to carve out his own Mark if Willem succeeded in transcending and gained insight he's gonna be like the rock star you know of like Evolution so in a way maybe Lawrence wanted to carve out a little piece of history for himself as well again worth student uniform States the healing church has its roots in bergenworth and naturally borrows heavily from its uniform design the focus not on knowledge or thought but on pure pretension would surely bring Master women to despair if only he knew so Lawrence threw caution to the wind and put his faith in the old blood think on human history imagine if in any era a church was founded that had access to a substance that could cure any illness imagine if this church gave it freely to a city how powerful that City would become and how powerful the church would become within it this is exactly what happened in yarnum people came far and wide to be treated with the miraculous Blood Of The Gods and the people of yharnam put their faith in the healing Church in fact what happened in yarnum is eerily similar to what happened in the tombs deep below where the blood was originally found and as you know many chalice dungeons especially those of Lauren are now overrun by horrific beasts the lower Laurent chalice States I I haven't done the Chalice dungeons I said this in my Max or reacts videos so the fact that there's like flaby bloody spiders down there I'm not sure about that Trace remains of medical procedures in parts of ailing Laurent whether these were attempts to control the scourge of the Beast or the cause of the outbreak is unknown the ailing Laurent chalice States the tragedy that struck this ailing land of Laurent is said to have its root in the scourge of the Beast some have made the dreaded extrapolation that Yana may be next Janam was next through overuse of the healing blood the city would eventually succumb to the scourge of the Beast until then though Lawrence and the healing Church managed to grow in power with the miraculous healing properties of their special yet infected blood yarnum grows to become a city of worship and fear as you explore throughout the city you see the influence of the church one of the biggest jump scares of my game was this guy on the stairs in my episode two or three everywhere with yarnum's resources Lawrence clearly had the power to grow the church beyond what would have been possible at bergenworth all the while he continued exploring the Labyrinth below yharnam the tomb prospector said reads attire of the Tomb Prospectors who explore the old Labyrinth on behalf of the healing Church the healing Church traces its roots to bergenworth and is therefore aware of the ruins true importance these ruins contain much more than Hunter trinkets indeed they hide the very secrets of the old great ones sought after by those with the insight to imagine greatness on top of this Lawrence split the church into multiple branches each with a different purpose there was the choir the school of Menses and the workshop will get to oh the school of Menses that's why they have the the cages on their head right I remember now branches as they become appropriate but the main purpose of the church at least to the people of yharnam was the administration of blood healing within the grand Cathedral itself lies a note that says heir to the ritual of blood purveyor of ministration place your hand upon the altar's sacred covering and inscribe Master Lawrence's adage upon your Flesh Blood ministers would have been those who administered the blood healing how else would the people of yharnam be so obsessed with blood in yarnum they produced more blood than alcohol as the former is more intoxicating however the ministration of blood was likely a means to an end for the healing church still intended to commune with the great ones in hopes of ascending Humanity to a higher plane this task was given to the choir a group who were a part of the healing Church can I just say as well the achievement that you get for coming here I can't even remember what it's called The Nightmare choir or I remember when that flashed up on my screen and that felt like a really iconic moment come into this area of the game as well this area for me was just like I I don't know it hit different going through the halls and the werewolf on the chandelier and like this area I really liked and obviously the boss is the Jelly Bean boys oh my God what are they called and there's loads of them and one gets really big um and that's like the first time you know that you face something other than you know in the Forbidden Woods just before you get to bergenworth but them being in that wood in sorry in this boss area you're a bit like oh okay the game's beginning to take like a really big turn now and the same with ROM where you get the time of day shift and it's like a a really big shift in the game members of the choir are both the highest ranking clerics of the healing church and Scholars who continued the work that began at bergenworth the eye covering indicates their debt to the teachings of Master Willem even though their paths diverged the choir garbed in black and white with the familiar eye covering occupied at the upper Cathedral Ward it seems to have been their job to research and make contact with the great ones the great is chalice became the Cornerstone of the choir the elite delegation of the healing church it was also the first great chalice brought back to the surface since the time of bergenworth and allowed the choir to have audience with the britus abritus was the Left Behind great one who came to reside below the grand Cathedral we are told that the grand Cathedral is the birthplace of the healing Church's special blood and if the church were indeed using the blood of the great ones that who's to say it wasn't a britus's blood the ogre of abritus is one of the secret Rites of the choir used by the high-ranking members of the healing Church use phantasms the invertebrates known to be orgas of the great ones to partially summon abandoned abritus one of the few rights that allow one to directly utilize the power of the great ones and evidence that the choir had approached the Eldritch truth I feel bad every time though and she didn't transcend with them because she's like a baby great one I feel a bit sad the upper echelons of the healing church are formed by the school of mensus based in the Unseen Village this brings us to our next important character mikalash who was likely the head of the school of menses was as the name implies a place of learning research and experimentation for the healing Church their students said reads the healing church has its roots in bergenworth and naturally Burrows heavily from its uniform design the school was based Below yharnam in a place called yahagul The Unseen Village clearly the work of Menses was intended to be kept a secret from the people of yharnam in fact as time went on the school increasingly seems to have been working alone even separately from the healing Church itself the AHA gulatire tells us the hunters of yahagu answer to The Village's Founders the school of Menses hunters in name only these kidnappers blend into the night wearing this attire don't we know it true Hunters that title was saved for the third subsection of the healing Church the hunters of the workshop these capable Warriors of the church appeared as the scourge of the Beast began to show in yarnum the workshop Hunters served under German the first Hunter who you're all familiar with the hunter attire reads one of the standard articles of Hunter attire fashioned at the workshop a fine piece of Hunter attire that provides stable defense to anyone facing yarnam's beastly threat allows one to stalk beasts unannounced by cover of night it's possible the unannounced part of that sentence is to do with killing beasts without them noticing you but it could also be because the workshop was a secret institution the original Workshop is located in a very hard to find part of Cathedral hidden and think about it you don't want the townsfolk believing that the blood is turning them into beasts when that information is floating around you want to avoid Panic at all costs so the hunters hunted beasts under the cover of night but the hunters and the beastly Scourge couldn't stay a secret forever in what would come to be called Old yharnam a nude yeah because when you obviously first start bloodborne you're told by Eileen and you think well all right then I'll I'll crack on and you don't really think much about it you're just like sure Eileen I'll do I'll do whatever you say I'll do whatever you want you don't really think much of it like you don't realize that like you know all the towns folk are like you Hunters do nothing but obviously like they're in like a state of like Mass hysteria at this point and they and they don't know what's going on these appeared it was called Ashen blood I call it a disease but the small medicinal tablets used to treat it actually counteract poison a tablet used to treat Ash and blood the baffling sickness that ravaged old yarnum long ago these tablets only provide short-term relief the Ashen blood ailment eventually triggered the spread of the beastly scourge think about that we know that the old blood heals every illness we know that the old blood causes the beastly Scourge and we now know that the Ashen blood caused the beastly Scourge to spread in short it seems like people were infected with the Ashen blood and the medicine that they had only provided short-term relief and they were forced to imbibe the old blood instead it's even possible that the healing Church used this Ashen blood to gain power swooping in with this miracle cure and liberating the people from the Ashen blood disease since Ashen blood seems poisonous in nature perhaps the church even poisoned the populace just for that excuse the old blood because that excuse to get the populace to believe in you that would have been so powerful but whatever the case the beastly Scourge was triggered overwhelmingly in all the anim we know that much to the point where they actually had to burn it down and cordon off aldyanam from the rest of the city the red moon hangs low and beasts rule the streets we left no other choice than to burn it all to cinders now it makes sense why that guy is in the chair and you get that out the charred hunter outfit as well like obviously you know that there's the big beast hanging in the air in the um like the hall in this area as well and you hit it down and you can set everything on fire but they don't in my opinion they definitely did it on purpose because they wanted power they wanted to be Gods over men and I feel like they they low-key poison them for sure with this the hunt became known to all perhaps the church feared an uprising from the people of yharnam for a note in central yharnam reads when the hunt began the healing Church left us blocking the Great Bridge to Cathedral Ward as old yharnam burned to the ground that Moon lit night as a result German's Workshop was sealed and closed with the scourge of the Beast known to all perhaps there was no need for secrecy anymore the saw Hunter badge comes to read badge crafted long ago at the workshop attests to one's prowess as a hunter of beasts the workshop is gone and no group recognizes this meaningless badge at this point the church Retreats they block themselves off in Upper Cathedral Ward and come up with a new strategy for dealing with the scourge of the Beast that is spreading throughout yarnum eventually the workshop Hunters would disband and the church founded the church Hunter Workshop in its place Ludwig was the chief Hunter of the healing Church which consisted of hunters garbed in Black and White the black church Hunter attire reads most healing Church Hunters are Elementary doctors who understand the importance of early prevention of the scourge achieved by disposing of victims even potential victims before signs of sickness manifest themselves their black attire is synonymous with fear and that peculiar Yana Madness the black church Hunter's job was clear remove any sign of this collaborative Beast even if it hasn't manifested itself yet the fear that it inspired in the citizens shows most in Upper Cathedral Ward are deathly afraid of the church the white church Hunters jobs were a bit different these doctors are superiors to the black preventative hunters and specialists in experimentally backed blood Administration and the scourge of the Beast they believe that medicine is not a means of treatment but rather a method of research and that some knowledge can only be attained by exposing oneself to sickness their experimentation might explain the monstrously large Church Giants who would have been particularly useful in the fight against the beasts Ludwig's great sword exhibits several departures from the workshop's design suggesting that the church anticipated much larger inhuman beasts on top of this Ludwig took a much more overt approach to Beast hunting nightly he would Embark upon Central yharnam across the Great Bridge to fight back against the beasts but he was not alone the population of central yharnam joined the hunt as well swelling the ranks of the hunters Ludwig the first Hunter of the healing Church once recruited the animites to serve as Hunters this Hunter's attire was made for new recruits and has excellent straightforward defense but not nearly enough to allow an ordinary man to stand any real chance against the beasts it sounds like a very clever move as it probably stopped the populace blaming the church and likely formed more of a US versus them mentality meanwhile in bergenworth master Willem had an epiphany we are thinking on the basist of planes what we need are more eyes Willem took this very literally the remaining students of bergenworth appear to have been transformed into multi-eyed fly-like creatures and more importantly William himself found an umbilical cord of a great one which was a very significant and power and also the Pebbles are eyes aren't they so obviously that's really steeped in the law um and obviously ingesting the umbilical cords like brings you Insight which is why at the end of the game you can fight the moon present it's really interesting that like Willem found himself an umbilical cord artifact Provost Willem sought the chord in order to elevate his being and thoughts to those of a great one by lining his brain with eyes the only choice he knew if man were ever to match their greatness used to gain insight and so they say eyes on the inside although no one remembers what that truly entails it's difficult to know exactly how Willam came across or created an umbilical cord so we'll have to go into that in another video just know that he has one for now when we encounter Willem he directs us to the Great Lake the power of great bodies of water is actually referenced in a few runes great volumes of water serve as a bulwark guiding sleep and an auger of the Eldritch truth overcome this hindrance and seek what is yours the lake and what lies within it hides the truth ROM the bergenworth spider lies within and there's a lot we don't know about her but I'll tell you what we do know I'll tell you what I know she's bloody pain in the ass laughs the boganworth spider hides all manner of rituals and keeps our lost master from us a terrible shame the spider is certain to reveal nothing for True Enlightenment need not be shared I believe this is what the vacuous part of ROM's name refers to this creature is somehow hiding the true nature of the world and when you defeat it you don't need insight to see the world for what it truly is and that's why you see all of the um amygdalas like on the buildings and stuff after you fight Ramen obviously like the sky shifts it's like you're closer to the truth so interesting it's so well done the night moves forward the blood moon descends and after killing rum we have finally granted access to what remains of yahagul home of mikalash and his school of menses School of Menses appears to have grown apart from the healing church and the choir there is little information on mikalash and his school but we can prove that there was a split firstly Nicholas uses the auger of abritus a secret right of the choir shared among the high-ranking members of the healing church this suggests he was trusted with this information and was once a sane member of the church to prove that there was a split between the healing churches choir and the school we note clear signs of distrust and fighting between the groups imprisoned inside yahagul is the corpse of a member of the choir and inside the nightmare of Menses we find who the official guide calls Edgar choir intelligence clearly the choir was suspicious of what was going on in Yahoo with the school of Menses and based on what we find there in yahagul it seems the choir had good reason to be the school of Menses were attempting to commune with the great ones and they succeeded as Willem did they found an umbilical cord we find four chords in the game that allow contact with the great ones and mikalash had one this chord granted Menses audience with MoGo but resulted in the stillbirth of their brains as we know most great ones reside in the nightmare realm and whatever ritual they performed with this chord ripped Menses and its students into a nightmare that's why you find the lecture hall in the Nightmare and that's why there's hundreds of dead students throughout yahagul all wearing the cage that appears to have delivered them to their harrowing nightmare mikalash's corpse provides a Gateway into the Nightmare and we find him here clearly insane wandering the Halls oh my God what I had no idea I didn't realize that was actually mikalash I feel like my mind has just been blown again you just don't put two and two together or some people do but I didn't I didn't realize that was miklash's corpse in that chair and I didn't realize that's why all those bodies were like there whoa my mind has just been blown mikhailash believes that it's possible to ascend towards becoming a great one citing ROM as his example ROM however is not fully developed rather she has the blood of their kin and let's just go back to Rome for a second when you defeat Rome Queen yarnum appears she's a tumerian woman who has clearly suffered a child's birth gone horribly wrong she is linked to the nightmare of Menses to the ritual that ROM was hiding and she appears in this nightmare looking up towards mergo's loft where mergo and his wet nurse reside Queen yanam hails from the tumerian civilization that was in power long ago and she was blessed with a child of the great ones from the way she appears outside mogo's Loft it is clear that her Consciousness her spirit was pulled into this nightmare as well even when you encounter Queen yanam's real self in the tumerian tombs the baby MoGo screams whenever you hit her and even when you kill in the tombs it is clear that she is not actually dead but her horrific Consciousness is only asleep and it stirs in unsettling motions her Consciousness seems to be showing up here in the nightmare completely separate from her physical form the same thing is happening with you with mikalash with the great ones in the nightmare with you you all exist in this nightmare that Menses created so your next question is which grade one impregnated yarnum with MoGo all those years ago I believe it is formless erden the great one urdan lacking form exists only in voice to cite the fastest evidence to present there's nothing in the Cradle after you defeat MoGo and MoGo himself the child has no form also his cries are heard throughout your adventure he exists everywhere additionally mogo's wet nurse has no form under those robes and also the women that are impregnated when this Blood Moon descends are all related to Urban but we'll get to that in another video when you defeat mogo's wet nurse you get a message unlike any other that you've received slain instead of prey slaughtered you get Nightmare slain you defeated a true great one that's elevated its Consciousness to the nightmare realm and the game is nearing its end however all of this should make you think the nightmare of Menses isn't the only dream world I've said foot in is it this entire time I've actually been journeying out from the Hunter's dream Guided by lanterns that led me to mergo and her wet nurse all of which is made possible by German and his doll travel to the the Hunter's Workshop in the waking world and seek the truth every great one loses its child and then yearns for a surrogate the third umbilical cord precipitated the encounter with the Pale Moon which beckoned the hunters and next to the chord is the unanimated doll take a hairpin from this real doll and then pass it along to the doll in the dream when you give her the hairpin she sheds a single tear which reads created from The Shining silver doll tear this Blood gem is acquired yet unfaltering friend that continually restores HP the life essence of a hunter perhaps this stole's Creator had wished for such a friend albeit in vain it's clear that German called upon the great ones using an umbilical cord similar to the manner in which mikhilash did the great ones that inhabit the nightmare are sympathetic in spirit and often answer when called upon gurman lonely and lacking purpose after the church had no more need for his Workshop must have called upon the great ones a great one responded The Pale Moon presence and imprisoned German within the dream yeah the wall German sleeps he utters this rare piece of dialogue that clearly shows he does not want to be here huh Lawrence Master Willem and Buddy help me unshackle me please anybody I've had enough of this dream the night blocks or sight oh somebody please [Music] God so for what purpose was the dream conceived well the doll tells us that countless Hunters have passed through here and all of the graves tell us that as well and Eileen and Jura both have dialogue that is Testament to that fact they talk about how they've been through this dream before as well so why are Hunters being sent through this dream unable to pass away just forced to go out into the world and kill beasts you return to the Hunter's Workshop Burning Down the dream's purpose fulfilled Ogo the purpose of your dream and your hunt appears to have been to slay a great one three endings are presented to you the first government offers you a way out of the dream he asks you to accept your death for if you do then you'll awaken in the waking world of yharnam and your Consciousness will be no longer linked to the dream the trophy for this ending reads you lived through the hunt and saw another day the second option is to reject German He suggests that to do so must be a decision caused by Madness and he pits his will against yours to forcibly remove you from the dream all the while he entreats you to accept your death and be freed from this dream if you overpower German we meet with the moon presence appears to have conceived this nightmare just like the nightmare mergo conceived it Embraces you and in the cutscene to follow we see ourselves performing the same role that German did likely a Slave To The Moon presence or perhaps its surrogate child guiding Hunters throughout this dream in an effort to slay other great ones the trophy for this ending reads captivated by the moon presence you pledge to watch over the Hunter's dream there's one key thing you need to remember the great ones are a race but they're a race unlike any other each great one is entirely unique and they do not necessarily work together in fact from the existence of the dream I'm almost inclined to believe that the moon presence is hostile towards other great ones in the third and final ending you consume three umbilical cords yeah this is the will of the Moon presence you overpower it and in the cutscene to follow the doll coddles the being you have become you have ascended truly as few have before you the trophy description States you became an infant great one lifting Humanity into its next childhood so after the end of all this you probably still have questions what is pale blood why does the moon presence guide Hunters towards killing beasts and great ones which ending is the good ending for all this and more you need to be subscribed to the channel I'll have another video out soon analyzing the endings and from here on out the channel should split into three main parts there's going to be the lore hunting Series where we focus on one aspect of the law and really figure it out there's going to be prepared to cry which is my favorite series it's a series where I tell the story of a character within bloodborne's universe and there's going to be things you missed which are short enjoyable episodes that showcase an area of the game and tell you everything that you missed within it the criteria for these episodes is generally if I find something I think I missed or something I did miss that I included in that episode so those are the three main series we're gonna have there's also going to be other videos of course but those are the three main series I'm still thinking of doing a video on scholar of the first sin still haven't played that but thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time so I got the ending where you became a baby great one and I remember saying at the time have I become a great one and obviously that's just confirmed it um and I think it would be really interesting to watch prepare to cry because they're obviously short stories about individual characters I would love to know more about Eileen um and I knew a little bit about father gascoigne um you know from like little bits that I'd seen here and there and I I have heard a little bit of law about father gascoigne and his family and how they came to be and and who he was um but that's the only character that I think I really know anything about I didn't realize Carol was like an actual individual like a one person that um you know made these runes and I didn't realize they were like etched in your head um which is so interesting this game is so rich with law and so beautifully like told through item description and you're really not spoon-fed it and you really do have to pay so much attention um and this is just the most perfect way to sit and watch it as well so I hope you guys have enjoyed watching this video with me um I find fiati videos like voice so soothing as well like I could sit and watch him like all day if you've had a rubbish date like you could definitely just sit and like really take it all in and so I hope you've enjoyed doing something a bit different with me thank you to everyone who watched bloodborne thank you for letting it be the first series on the channel I thoroughly enjoyed the game um it's definitely one of my favorite games ever which is proven by the fact that I've said a thousand times I have um the vicar Emilia tattooed on my leg and I've got the messenger lamp as well um and yeah I'm really grateful really proud that it was the first full series on my channel I've thoroughly enjoyed it I thoroughly enjoyed this video let me know if you want me to watch prepare to cry I probably will cry um hit that like button if you enjoyed this variety videos information videos links will all be in the description below and I will see you in the next one
Views: 8,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: max0r, max0rreaction, reaction video, reacts, gamer reacts, emmalition, mati, matiasgago, vaatividya, lore video, eldenringlore
Id: x67b2dgcVZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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