FINALLY watching VaatiVidya's An Elden Ring Movie: Age of the Stars | NEW FROMSOFT PLAYER REACTS

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hello everyone welcome or welcome back to my Channel today we're finally going to watch a video that people have been asking me to watch for so so many weeks now I haven't really had the time to watch it cuz it's 1 hour long but today I decided I'm finally going to sit down and I'm going to watch it because I have such high hopes for this for this video and I'm so excited for it we're going to watch an eldering movie age of the Stars apparently this is a movie that VAR video made about the Ronnie ending of eldering I think I think that's what it is they have a whole series called prepared to cry where they made movies I think about the different endings of eldering from what I've gathered so far um this is the one ending that I personally picked so it is the one ending that I can watch without being spoiled at all so I picked this one to watch first and I'm very very excited for it a little bit about about my background uh I am currently playing throw foft games for the very first time over on Twitch I started with elder ring and I picked the Ron ending which is why I'm so hyp for this we already made it through SEO and Dark Souls 1 and we very much this week moved on to Dark Souls 2 so if you want to hang out with us and see all my life First Reactions feel free to follow us over there yeah I don't think there's anything else to say uh I barely know anything about this video I um I've just been told that these are really really good um so yeah let's just check it out I'm really excited okay so this is the video It's called an eldering movie h of stars it was uploaded 2 months ago so it's quite new uh it has 2 million views and it's uploaded B viia uh they make a lot of really really good law videos so I definitely uh would recommend you checking them out they have more of these videos so if you enjoy them feel free to go over there and watch the rest of them uh I probably won't because I want to play the endings first uh so yeah we're going to we're just going to watch this one first and then we'll see maybe if I ever beat the game a second time and I get another ending I'll watch the other ones but for now let's just hop into this one the first war for Leonia was a clash of blue against gold oh this so pretty against Faith the Stars against the ER tree Champions fought on either side but none were as great as renala and rigan oh this look sick who somehow put their differences aside from this three children were born each with rigan's flaming red hair Reichard radan and Ronnie of the three the princess Rani was most favored by the mother karia was a matriarchal society after all and holy [ __ ] power would inevitably pass to [Music] her I expected a lot but not this oh my God this is I thought I thought this was going to be like scenes from the game uh turned into movies but this is a whole another level like oh my god there must be so many artists working on this this is crazy so with rala leading her by the hand she found it her very own Moon ooh but I want my own Moon would be eclipsed by the two fingers who spoke for the greater will they schemed to have the young imperion follow their path a puppet on their strings what the [ __ ] why would you do that she's so cute and so they granted her a shadow a half wolf named blly to protect Ronnie all in the name of the greater will these two are so good together big fan but it was a mistake and Ronnie and blly grew extremely close so Ronnie Grew Older with with loyal allies by her side heck yeah and thanks to the greater will she was never alone best NPCs hands down unlike her mother who would be abandoned by radican [ __ ] after this rala was no Champion she was destroyed by grief and left with nothing but radicans golden egg not the egg meanwhile rigan reforged his Moonlight Greatsword into a great sword of order oh this isck his true colors as he embraced his other half the sword was once a gift of betral not anymore suddenly bereft of her parents Ronnie ventured deep into the woods and there she found a new Mentor a snowy Crone oh well versed in witchcraft who taught the young ranii in the of her mother in contrast to Rani Redan grew in admiration of the father and in an unparalleled Act of power he mastered gravity magic and turned against the Stars this is so cool holy [ __ ] Reichard on the other hand wried and rankled against order as did Ronnie who would not acques and yet her body belonged to the golden order for she was a demigod perhaps even more than she knew so she devised a plot stealing death and forging it into black blades that could Cast Away her imperian flesh and so as order slowly fell apart she set aside her her great Rune and left with blly and EEG and was never seen again oh this is so beautiful holy [Music] [ __ ] o oh yes tarnished are we come to the lands between for the Elden ring h of course you have no shame in it unfortunately for you however you are Maiden oh I know oh the music oh that not those [ __ ] this is this is what I expected this kind of movie is what I expected to you this ring it will summon a spectral Ste torrent named torrent I'm obsess passing skill Warrior blood must truly run in thy veins punished oh this is so cool [Music] oh oh my camera is always a pleasure care to purchase anything the how of Santa Claus in the Mistwood I suppose he must still be skullking about I know why not meet him for yourself next time you hear the wolf's howl make this signal right under under the source don't fret there is nothing to fear I just have an inkling the two of you might hit it off cute it's early in the game and you're desperate for your first Quest I don't think I did this I think I skipped this has not stopped ever since you said foot here and it comes from a rare High Point in the M oh he's up there Peaks over its Treetops here you can find the half wolf named blle it's as if he's looking for something as if he's in need of information okay can I just very quickly say BL I always said blade I did not know you pronounce a BL I learned something today I I very much skipped this bit I'm not going to lie I I think I first interacted with them when I was in the in the towers where they live so you can get his attention with the same signal that he and Caray must have set up to do trade said you did ever the bloody Busy Body H maybe to him you don't seem so strange the name's I'm looking for a man who goes by darell he fled somewhere nearby Al so I've heard come tell me if you find him before I do I can offer you ample reward darell is nothing but a traitor and in need of a fitting end to his oh I did this did this part is a blood hound Knight a sect of Fighters who were trained as hunters and trackers these beastly Knights never speak but they choose their own master and are supposed to be loyal to them for life even rala had such an oathsworn beast in her employee and she also had blly who is yet another half wolven Warrior who is defined by his loyalty perhaps it's for this reason that blly takes darill's treachery so personally I did this bit this is this is where my BL BL whatever his name is Quest start it I actually think he might be my favorite NPC I'm not going to lie I think I I liked every bit with him and I was very very brokenhearted when I found out one of the latest steps in this quest line but yeah I think he's really really cool hey darell rotting in a cell is no true Justice no this is where it ends for you heck yeah so this is a wolf as well like a half wolf that's pretty cool I didn't know that oh I'm so excited to get back to this game the cinematics that was cool I like that good shot right right there you are had to work for it but it's done don't say I'm not a man of my word you're your price is this his actual voice in the game oh yes I should say if you venture North to R lucaria and come across a venerable blacksmith who's a little on the large side tell him I sent you he be sure to treat you right I owe you onor that's enough chitchat for now it's time we parted ways he looks so cool of course we don't know the circumstances of darill's traitorous acts but we do know that blly is obsessed with loyalty and here perhaps he is projecting his expectations of loyalty upon another ah then you made BL did you heck yeah we did wonderful I'm glad I pointed you in his Direction he's borish blunt and couldn't find his nose with both hands but he's a good egg Good Egg I think the two of you are sure to find the best in one another why you look like Santa Claus though that's what I want to know after this word of your exploits begins to spread and the Church of Ella is engulfed by a strange sleep Mist ooh oh my beloved may I have a word she so cute a pleasure to meet thee tarnished I am the witch Rena I'd heard tell of a tarnished hurtling about a top a spectral Steed and upon looking into the matter the talk I suisee is of thee Thou Art possessed of the power no to call forth a spectral Steed named torrent ah as I had hoped I was entrusted this for thee by torrance's former Master is a bell for calling forth Spirits summon them with it from Ash and return to the Earth tree the spirits will obey thine command but briefly as they recall battles P now it is thine to do with as thou wishest wolves is gave mine intrusion tarnished I doubt we shall again meet but all the same learn well the lands between oh she's so pretty how long will it be I wonder before the tarnish Tire of a basin to the two [Music] fingers like 5 minutes fingers so long ago great Champions would gather at the round table and listen to the fingers for they are envoys to the greater will and the greater will is widely regarded as the ultimate power in the universe so the two fingers speak with its language of light but they are far from benevolent and it was the two fingers that forsook the tarnished long ago when their Grace was lost only to welcome them back upon the shattering of the olden ring now they are wisened trembling and bent yet still they shepherd members of the Round Table hold sharing incantations of light and warmth but also shadows and silence o they have high hopes for the tarnished even should they be wounded even should they fall that they will continue to fight for their duty but many suspect that the fingers are corrupted broken their guidance skewed for now Grace leads you to Leonia no known for its vast forests and everpresent fog in its North stands The Academy of Ral lucaria it looks so in the East there is a high road that runs north to south and the western coast has always been closely associated with caran royalty some of whom remain to this day this is eg oh he's so cute I love him blly sent you to find blly actually did that did he quite a rare occurrence for such a guarded Soul as he perhaps he sensed something unusual about you I'm any if you're friendly with BL I will give you whatever guidance I can look little and pray for your success thank you long ago trolls like EEG swore an oath to Queen renala of karia and were eventually called into service to fight in her war against against the golden order one of those and R lucaria would join with the golden order only fadigan to abandon renala and then leave Leonia in this state of civil Strife but I'm going to say I'm not a fan of rodagon he's a little [ __ ] I'm not going to lie he he doesn't deserve rala he does not again that was long ago Brave tarnished a word of warning if you please this territory one belong to the Karan royal family their manner lies not far beyond this point when the rowar academy turned on the carians the Knights of the Kuku descended on this tract after leveling it They carried on to the manor the carians were taken off guard but their strength had not waned and they repelled the knight's Onslaught by Conjuring an enchanted snare that remains potent to this day that is why I say tarnished Don't Go Near The Manor the music and everything lie with the corpses of the heedless Knights of the cucko is that where the swords come from I'm learning so much today oh my God but like the music and everything chef's kiss chef's kiss rip me oh oh what is this oh not the hands oh I hate those I actually never went in here cuz of the hands oh that's stunning look at that sword amidst carer's enemies and treasure the Knights of the cucko live on as puppets who are forced now to fight for the Carion that they once tried so hard to destroy it such perhaps you'd be better off exploring R lucaria the academy that closed its doors to the world after the shattering the academy wisely declared that it wouldn't interfere and locked its Gates so it is that even now it's filled with Scholars or at least it was these Sorcerers dedicated themselves to Glenstone research and they venerated many Masters and their head master was rala rala also the queen of karia but rala disgraced herself by Falling for rigan who left her witless and innan so now there is this limited caran presence in Rial lucaria except for a few loyalists who defend the grand library for it is here that rala remains locked away with the Great Rune of The Unborn and the Egg don't forget the egg oh this fight was terrifying ooh new friend friend oh my God this is beautiful little Calver I'll soon biry a new a Sweeting fresh and [Music] pure I'm like surprised again and again of how deep this game is the amount of Law and depth children born a new by R are all frail and shortlived and rigan's golden protection can only last last so long so sad ral's true defense lies in the golden egg which is Enchanted with a snare it's a spell that conjures a version of renala at the height of her power something designed by the daughter to protect the mother upon my is Ronnie the witch mother's Rich Slumber shall not be disturbed by thee foul trespasser oh send word far and wide of the last queen of Kara ranala of the full moo Ronnie did that and the Majesty of the night she conjure to protect her mom oh this is so sad a I feel bad for killing her now in this battle rala is defended by her oathbound beasts Giants and dragons that had partnered with her over her long age of wandering the lands between for she was there at the beginning of it all it makes so much sense now oh little rannie my dear daughter weave thy night into being this was merely a fight against a conjured spirit and yet those final words seem real so sad I'm going to be so [ __ ] annoying when I replay this game on stream cuz I'll be like every time I reach your bar I'll be like okay Story Time guys this is the law behind this one and everyone's going to be like oh God she's doing it again she's going insane oh God you need a m for these scen progress towards the three sisters towers that are defended by adula who is rani's oathsworn Dragon I never got this was once a Devourer of sorcerous until she was bested by Ronnie and subsequently she swore a nightly oath to her Dark Moon she fle before we can defeat her yeah I never got this part we'll see her again before I never did for now we're granted access to Ron's rise I don't think I ever fought her a second time again we cross paths I believe I said my name was Rena when last we met it pleaseth me to see torrent hailen hearty but tarnished what business hast thou here I have no memory of inking thee in invitation rude no reason in particular thou claim intriguing then mayhaps fate hath steered thee to this reunion wil thou enter into my service any witch Rani I stole death long ago and search now for the dark path that I might one day Abend the whole of it it makes so much now that I know the law everything she says makes so much more sense oh my God I'm obsessed and rid the world of all that came before well has that roused thy interest it has Mommy I see a choice well made thou a rare sort not many would have accepted the offer but I require as much of those under my command I anticipate good work from the then I ask we proceed with haste there is in my service a half wolven Warrior by the name of blly I join him in searching for the hidden treasure of nocon the Eternal City I have called for BL to greet thee below take from him the particulars long time friend BL if you forgotten glad to have you in the service of mistress Rony well getting right to business I'm still in limra the Eternal City of nocon Lies somewhere at the bottom of this land I'm planning to go below through the well in the Mistwood see if I can't find find the road to knr from there don't keep me waiting eh watching this makes me realize how lucky I was to find all these things I don't think I did any of this intentionally I just I just stumbled across it and at some point someone in my chat was like so if you want to finish the Ronnie Quest you should go here next but this like it's crazy that people actually do this like do people do this intentionally that's actually insane it's going down and so you go down deep below the Earth to an ancient civilization that predates any others that are found on the surface here ancestral followers and Clay men persist well outside the perview of the earth tree but built amidst these ancient ruins is is a newer still ancient city nocon an eternal City where people of the night were banished to long ago for their treas so pretty their legacy lives on in EG blly Ronnie and now you me I'm part of the gang [ __ ] yeah ah good to see you apologies M but I don't have much to report oh I can see bloody knr right above me but I'm absolutely stumped I've tried all the gateways to no avail perhaps it's time to ask celus and recall that spiteful little rat acting like he knew something let's give him a squeeze show him just how sharp my teeth are let's [ __ ] him up I guest I wouldn't go that far besides I should check on some things here leave this place to me you just do what you feel is right if either of us learns anything we tell the other right anything for you ah and so you go to confront cvus [ __ ] was once a preceptor a teacher of magic who served the Kion Royals when rigan married rala these preceptors were ordered to Dawn masks of confidence mouths ditched shut with gold thread to make it clear that all their matters were to be kept strictly private ran was hiding a secret and that secret was that of course rigan was also America and civis also has many secrets of his own wait so did renala know that rakon ragon was also or this like CU they know if they have their mouth shot to not tell secrets these people are new right huh interesting something to think about you must be rani's new hiring yes but then how does he talk I've heard all about you I don't know what it is the mistress sees in a provincial tarnished like you oh [ __ ] you since we have The Misfortune of serving the same lady I am Sal preceptor in the sorcerous Arts as loathsome as civis is it seems he knows something about nocon well well you're asking me about that are you the task was left to you and the mongrel was it not not only are you incompetent but Shameless to boot what a dick there's no helping it now's as good a time as any I'll let you in on it there's a glint Stone SW sorcerer by the name of selin in limra she owes me for the help I gave her when she was expelled from the Academy I asked her to look into the matter some time ago I'll write you a letter of introduction go ask her I'm pretty sure I also found her on accident so he doesn't know how to get to nocon but he does know someone who might I don't think I S was expelled R lucaria for her research into the Primeval current and among other things these dark arts taught selin how to slice open her heart and imbue a primal Glenstone with her soul disgusting selin is still in hiding but you eventually track her down accidentally but yes of her anyway oh tarnished are you I am jiren foolish old Warrior and witness you didn't know selin did you well whatever the case she's dead now a it is strange though the woman she was like a husk her soul already fled I suspect selin lives on elsewhere I'm sure she'll turn up eventually in another body the Knight once served the caran Royals as a War Commander for their General Redan naturally then he was also familiar with the caran Royal blacksmith EG well I haven't heard that name in an age then you must serve princess Rony the next time you speak to eegi tell him this the Festival of radan will surely set Ron's fate back into motion by the way is that old fool still hammering out weapons H his enormous frame cramped in that little place bit of a Hy sort rude strange fell when I knew him and funny thing his swords were all plant as Stone but not one of them decade when faced with a Scarlet rot jiren shares a long history with his General radan the man preferred a Pneumatic existence and yet before long he became sworn to red Bound by an oath of honorable death so Jared was there when Redan conquered the stars and he remained by his side even after the Scarlet rot brought the general to his knees for he had an oath to keep a promise to bring Redan an honorable death but then why then why does he send us to the festival if that means we're going to kill radan if he's on redan's site what does how does that make sense releasing the night sky from his grasp Jaren now that's a name I haven't heard for a while oh no wait how did I not see it before I ought to retire as War councel for such a gross oversight let me explain the fate of the Kian royal family is Guided by the stars as is the fate of Lady ranii team Ronnie air in the Karan Royal line but General radan is the Conqueror of the stars who stood up to the swirling constellations halting their movement in a smashing Victory and if General radan were defeated the Stars would once again resume their movement as would lady rani's destiny that makes sense so although he has lost his mind to rot Redan still still somehow keeps the stars and Ron's fate in stasis this is why you need him dead we got to [ __ ] him up so rani's fate is kept in stasis by stars ran I'll be on my way to this Festival of ran you're coming too right that was the first time I Redi I'll meet you at Red main Castle in kid the way ahead is pleasingly simple we fight sword and F [ __ ] yeah this fight made me rage quit for a month cuz I didn't understand that you're supposed to use summons I yeah I stopped playing for like month and then I saw my friend do it on Twitch and she used the summons I was like oh that's how you do it so good memories it looks sick so are all these sorts made by the big Smith ah there you are took your sweet time okay I I hurried okay the play are all made up and waiting for the curtain let's give them a show to remember eh just don't you go dying on me for Ronnie's sake too I won't welcome the stars of aligned the festival is n General radan mightiest demod of the shattering awaits you gooseb Champions prepare for battle with the music the general claim glory and grab that great Rune a celebration of war the Ron [Music] Festival oh my God this just makes me realize that I did not understand this quest line like the reasoning and the connections and everything but it do it makes so much sense holy [ __ ] is that an actual spell in the game you Chuck that [ __ ] but leave Leon out of this he's to cute to die oh my God what a shot oh this looks so cool I feel like when you play this game so much is happening in the fights that you can't even take in like all the animations and attacks and everything but looking at it from the outside they they are so cool [Laughter] well played good sir my thanks to you and your razor sharp wits then there's nothing left to say except I am Iron Fist oh oh no a PO part oh this fight was such a pain uh-oh di roll oh using ral's spells and [Music] everything we can't really be certain why radan was holding back the Stars was it to defend his home or was it on behalf of the golden order or did he simply have something to prove whatever the case with his death Ron's fate is immediately freed from stasis and a falling star tears through the Earth in Lim grave opening a direct path for her and you to nocon this game is so good I was waiting for you what a sick way to fighting the glory of the Clash is shared by radan and you and did you see that afterwards a falling star right before our eyes I can't fathom how radan was falling back that scale he was a living Legend If Ever I saw one and the path has now been cleared to norran where rani's fate will be decided let's meet where the falling star bit the Earth we'll take up our souls once more for mistress Ronnie a this is so cool I'm obsessed little Booky man big Booky man ah you finally come BL told me everything you've defeated General radan unlocking the stars there is no parallel to your achievement nor to Lady rani's acute Judgment of character thanks to you lady rani's fate once again stirs oh BL wanted me to tell you not to bother waiting for him and head straight to nocon oh yeah he's not even down there right task apparently a matter of great urgency you need not await BL descend underground alone with a fallen Star Struck Lim grave and make it yours the precious Treasure of noon so that lady Rani May tread the dark path of the emperion and so you scramble through the debris left by a falling star and finally make your way towards nocon this is one of three Eternal cities to where a race called the KNX were banished long ago for somehow they had invoked the eye of the greater will and the knocks were forbidden from returning to its surface such we don't know exactly what they did to deserve this eternal in tment but it probably had to do with a weapon the treasure of nocon a Finger Slayer blade oh born of a corpse and drenched in Blood and said to be capable of harming the greater will and its vassals oh so it was that the nox became nothing more than another civilization that had lost its fate sharing their ruins with silver teers listless treasure hunters and the songs of the ancestral followers so sad this is nocon oh this is so [Music] cool the thing is what I'm thinking about right if all the endings have such deep intertwined stories holy [ __ ] this game is insane I it keeps blowing me away like I've already played the whole game but like I have so much left to do oh my God I'm obsessed oh my [Music] God I'm so ah I don't even know what to [Music] say but now that redan's death has freed the Fate in the night sky we are able to discover necron's treasure this is what blly was sent to find yet we are the ones to claim it don't even remember rnie can finally Usher in the stars and bring about her age of night ah it was thee not blly it Seth even in my my Slumber I sensed it it is in thy possession is it not the hidden treasure of necron my thanks finally all the pieces are in place soon must I begin my journey upon the dark path only I may tread but before I leave I must entrust thee with this take it my thanks for thy Sterling efforts my discarded flesh lith beyond the seal unlocked by it I never found a strange gift perhaps but a rare sort such as thee would welcome it I'm sure I want to talk about dark path she had to do some pretty terrible things to get here for example she stole destined death and sacrificed her own corporeal flesh R herself of the whole that the fingers had over her and to her this was necessary in order to rid the world of all that came before and append the whole of it but her sacrifice wasn't all that was required the Destin's death demanded a body and a soul so another demigod was very carefully selected and she chose Godwin the golden by killing him Ronnie could at once shed her body and strike a terrible blow to the gold as well ridding them of Godwin the golden who was probably the very best of them we all know what happens to Godwin so you have to ask does rani's end justify the means I am certain now fate Steed us to our first encounter I must thank torrent too for his part this is so sad oh there you are good of you to drop by bman have you heard lady ranii has departed on her journey along the dark path of the imperion from Rena's rise as she calls it it would not have been possible without you as lady rani's War counselor and moreover her childhood Warden I express my deepest gratitude anything for you and only you were lady rani's true champion it's us my purpose is nearing its end I've served lady Rani for as long as I can remember it has been a long and wondrous Journey now lady Rie is in your hands oh it's going to be so I pray that you serve her well until the very end oh this going to be so sad so we decide to take the portal at Rena's rise this Tower is likely named after the snowy Crone that taught Ronnie her sorcery Ronnie modeled her doll after that mentor and Ronnie and the doll that she inhabits are busy somewhere on the other side of this portal which leads to the anel river which flows underneath Leonia underneath the Moonlight Plateau here you find a miniature doll this is the last bit right of Rani that she likely devised so that she could Advance unseen in this place her two fingers are close and their baleful Shadows are even closer looking for trespasses I hated this oh a dogged fellow aren't we this is so easy to miss thy Habit to talk to dolls fine fine I hadn't expected any soul to recognize me in this guise but now the cat is out the bag I cannot allow thee thy freedoms perform for me a service as recompense eliminate the baleful Shadows which prow these lands the name of Rani the witch is already suied by Thee I will not broke disobedience in this matter wait so did blle disobey Ronnie towards the end or why did he turn evil maybe she's maybe they're going to talk about it so Rani is here trying to get close to her fingers so that she can kill them and finally finish what she started long ago even even without rani's body to Puppeteer her two fingers still command great power remember these are the mouthpieces of the greater will they conjure great light and so naturally also have the power to cast living Shadows the baleful Shadows are one such example and the Shadows of the imperion are another but even the two fingers are capable of ering in their judgment let us speak of the past a while I was once an imperian of the demigods only I Mika and Melania could claim that title each of us was chosen by our own two fingers as a candidate to succeed Queen Mara to become the new god of the coming age which is when I received blly in the form of a vassel tailored for an imperion but I would not acquas to the two fingers I stole the ruin of death slew mine own imperian flesh casting it away I would not be controlled by that thing the two fingers and I have been cursing each other ever since and the baleful Shadows are there assassins soon you size up against a baleful shadow which naturally resembles blthe it's easy to imagine then why someone might doubt his loyalty even when I turned my back upon the two fingers blle remained my loyal Ally I love that though he was created a vassal for an imperion he was a colossal failure on the part of the two fingers BL and EG both art willing to give too much to me yet they both understand what lith beyond the dark path that I must betray everything and read the world of what came before ah should I add thee to the list another one kind of heart as kind of heart as they yes please this form hath loosened my tongue I've let slip too much forget what thou heard forget perhaps the baleful Shadows are what the fingers think blly should have been okay so this is not him without bl's great sword of frost and with blades of destined death instead a tool that only the Agents of order have any right to wield now oh okay this this fight was hard I struggled with this one oh boy they so they picked such good music for this that weapon is sick what weapon is that that build looks so cool what kind of build is that I want to do that cool spells and big ass weapon oh Shadow Thou Art the last tell the two fingers that Ronnie the witch cometh to rent thy flesh with a fateful wound n to heal this fight was so hard beautifully fought my thanks to was more of a challenge than than I envisioned now I can finally stand before them this is Farewell My Dear tell BL and EG I love them it's so sad oh this whole time BL couldn't be at Ronnie's side fighting on her behalf so you had to be instead EG LED you to believe that blly was sent away on more important matters but what could be more important than this true so you return to Leonia and confront him on the matter very well there is something you should know the two fingers gave BL to Lady Rani as a faithful follower her very Shadow incapable of treachery but if Lady Rani as an imperian resists being an instrument of the two fingers the shadow will will go mad transforming from a follower into a horrid curse but such is his Destiny in such matters bl's own thoughts hold no weight it pains me so but he must be neutralized for lady Ran's siake did he lock himself away so EEG had blly locked away I didn't know that in Lim grave incidentally it's the exact same cell that a supposedly traitorous Blood Hound once occupied oh my God that's crazy a half wolf is here imprisoned not for any treachery but to prevent it oh it's you it's me life old EEG trapped me here told me I'd bring North but Bale to Lady Rani but there's no chance that could happen I'm part of a be a very Shadow I thought old EEG knew as much honestly I don't know what's going on anymore oh no I think I did do that can you fight him though I don't think I fought him I I do think I did that I did talk to him my thanks friend or not I don't remember I'm going to see Mr Rani now I don't know what came over old IGI but even if the odds are slim I need to check the mistress is safe is he the one that kills her Ronnie can finally set in motion the fight against her fate she's dreamed of for so long wait is that why she dies as you can see blly is still in control even as the two fingers she doesn't even fully die at the hands of Ronnie yet blly remains this living contradiction forced to be loyal to two parties who are at complete odds with one another EEG believes that this should drive him mad especially this close to the end at the final stage of rani's ultimate betrayal but it hasn't he's fine he's according to caran tradition the princess of Kara is supposed to give a ring and sword to her chosen consort but Ronnie locked away her ring of betrothal in the grand library and engraved it with warning I remember telling you not to take the ring from this place that the Solitude beyond the night is better left for her alone nope but ignore her and follow doggedly in her path I thought I might expound a little further upon the order I Envision mine will be an order not of gold but the stars and moon of the chill night I would keep them them far from the earth beneath our feet as it is now life and souls and Order abound tightly together but I would have them at a great remove and have the certainties of sight emotion faith and touch all become impossibilities which is why I would abandon this soil with mine order would Thou come to me even now yes yes please we're so desperate for this woman essentially rani's order would be one that is largely removed from the world the Goddess that spearheads it would be unreachable she would not accept the love of the masses their worship their offerings none of it this differs greatly from amica's Golden order which demanded veneration it wiped out other ideologies it grafted those it couldn't wipe out onto itself and gave the world absolute evils to content with all with America as its figurehead so to bring about such drastic change is her surprise that Rani has to go to extreme lengths to become her Lord you have to find your own way to the Moonlight Plateau past a malformed star ring of betral in hand to a place defended by R's oathsworn Dragon I don't think I beat this one of Manus celus the word cus means Heavenly but the word Manus means of the hand so You' learn that it's here that Ran's own Heavenly hand had settled two fingers that brazenly look underneath the cathedral named after them two fingers that know there is no weapon that could kill them well she doesn't actually di Finger Slayer blade I got that confused Legacy of the Eternal City of nocon which was finally put to use by Rani herself oh she's so pretty and covered in blood but we're getting married yay look at us we finally are not mless anymore [Music] her character design is so sick bye-bye love you so it was thee who would become my Lord perhaps I needn't have warned Thee I am pleased however thou artart A fitting choice I go now to the night sky it is there I shall find mine order I bid thee travel the path of the Lord and once all is done we shall see each other once more you know what's really funny is like ble is like so cool and epic and he should be doing all of this and then our character is so goofy and silly and just cheesing it way its way through all of this and like just wearing stupid outfits and whatnot and for some reason that's really [ __ ] funny that we're the ones that finish this Quest Ronnie's sigil is a full moon cold and Leen and this sword is a beam of its very light gifted by a caran queen upon her spouse to honor longstanding tradition so it was you that would become Ron's Lord not B who was forced to wait while you fulfilled the role of Shadow and consort poor ble with the two fingers dead something has indeed broken in BL but somehow he still remains loyal to R the law states that blly would have defied Destiny itself if it would have had him turn upon his lady but Ronnie was always destined for the dark path since there Falls no shadow where there shines no sun Ronnie leaves her Shadow behind oh I'm part of her very being I could never betray her no matter what might happen Jesus [Music] Christ oh my God this is so intense I don't remember doing this in the game is it possible to skip this cuz I don't think I did this stop please oh Ry he needs me oh God this is so [Music] sad this is horrible you walked the same path as B for so long but in the end only you can go on I hate it oh this is so sad promise to look after BL for me will you uh a man is honest to a fault but fortunately now he has you did we not just kill him awkward before bl's death he was attacked by a group of black knives it's impossible to know who sent them or why they acted as they did but if they've gone after blly then it follows that the next Target would be EEG Unthinkable how could blly how did he break free from his cell no more importantly BL became a curse that plagued lady Rani yet even in Madness gave himself to her I've made a grave misjudgment and I thought myself a capable War counselor I'll catch up with you soon enough BL when I do I only hope you'll accept my apology this is so sad go as you must lady Lani along the path of Darkness inevitably eegi dies fighting as well destined to catch up with blly in death as you escape the consequences and continue along the path to Elden Lord I don't remember this being so sad I really don't in this ending the golden ring is set aside completely to be eclipsed by the moon as it was long ago back when fate was still in the night sky in the age before the UR tree before the Elden ring commanded the Stars the battle is over I [Music] see look it's your mom but also kind of your dad bit confusing isn't it I do solemnly swear to every living being and every living Soul now cometh the age of the Stars a Thousand-Year Voyage under the wisdom of the Moon here Beth the chill night that encompasses all reaching the great beyond into fear doubt and loneliness as the path stretcheth Into Darkness so rani's order will still exist but it will never again be seen believed in or touched by the living to bring this about out her sacrifice is absolute she has to leave and never return but at least she'll still have you me well then shall we which hand which hand do you grab oh God which one is it going to be consult eternal s thank you for watching you know despite being one of the most convoluted quest lines that from software has ever devised Ronnie's ending is the most popular ending in alen ring it speaks to the power that this narrative has that so many of you took the time to have your playthroughs defined by it and that's why we wanted this prepar to cry episode to be the best of all so special thanks then to everyone else who made this project what it was first and foremost to miss Pap one who was my project partner my editor and capture artist he also gave really valuable Insight on which parts of my script work which didn't and all of this wouldn't have been what it was without his help and then there's John develin the artist for prepare to cry awesome visual introductions we set out to create scenes that players were never able to see in game and I think we achieved that goal John put a Monumental amount of effort into this art and I'm so appreciative of that and then it was Xavier who brought this art to life animating it and never complaining even though I was probably really annoying whenever I requested a ton of changes so huge props to Xavier I'm going to leave this there was Arcane Bard who worked on the sound effects and music for this introduction bringing to a whole new LEL level where the music and sound effects could perfectly match the tone of what's seen on screen that is so difficult to do but they nailed it finally Alex row contributed the music for the noon scene he took a few notes of music that the ancestral shamans sing and he turned it into this fully fledged Masterpiece that was just amazing to show off in this video but finally thank you to you guys um your views and your support on patreon or you buying merchandise all of that just allows me to justify spending a lot of money commissioning the most talented people out there for these projects so insane thank you for enabling all of this this marks the end of the five main episodes of oh this is the last one cry which we wanted to be really epic in scale because all of these are based around some of the most powerful stories each corresponding to an ending in the game there are still more prepare to cry videos that we want to make and there are definitely more law videos I want to make but they'll probably have to wait until I've spent some good time with armed core so this is kind of goodbye gold ring content for a little while but I'll be back don't worry about that thank you again for sticking with me through all of this thank you for watching and I'll see you next time insane literally insane what a masterpiece of a video like literally that was so [ __ ] good just props sasti and his team that was insane that was so good I loved every second of it um I'm probably not going to watch the other ones for now cuz I do want to play the game and get the endings first myself but oh that was so good so sad as well so sad like the name prepar to cry valid just valid that was like the depth of this game at some point like I keep discovering new things and thinking wow I played this quest line and I didn't know this like that was just chef's kiss thank you guys so much for recommending this to me a blown away that was just incredible big shout out to vati for making these videos they are absolutely insane like the the effort and work that must be put into these videos is incredible so well done the art in it the music in it like the the it was just insane insane honestly thank you guys so so much for watching and watching this with me I had a really good time I'm like I don't even know what to say make sure to check out vati 100% uh they are absolutely incredible at these La videos follow me on Twitch if you want to hang out with me while I play all the fromsoft games for the very first time we would really enjoy having you over there um subscribe to me on YouTube if you want to um I post a lot of playthroughs of fromsoft and some reaction content as well yeah I hope you had a good time today and if you want give this video a like I would gladly appreciate it and I will see you on my next video I'm like I'm going to sit down and think about this that was a lot that was so good I'm like obsessed with it oh I'm like so happy that I started playing these games I like I'm so excited to go back to eldering and get another ending cuz I'm going to pay so much more attention to the next one 100% And I'm actually going to try and follow the story and law of it cuz I learned a lot today and yeah I don't know it was really good thank you all so much for hanging out with me today and I will see you in my next video bye-bye guys [Music] bye-bye yeah
Channel: beckachuu
Views: 22,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JPkCyf0bi8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 57sec (4257 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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