The Secret World of Elden Ring: Reacting to VaatiVidya's Mind-Blowing Lore Analysis

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today we're going to be watching vayati videos album ring lore explained um I'm a little bit nervous to watch this because if you watched my bloodborne law or prepared to cry video I did actually cry so I hope this doesn't make me cry um yeah I'm very excited to watch this viati video is amazing his in-depth law and even the law he finds through like item description and like symbolism and like a lot of things are obviously open to interpretation but he does the work um he is incredible so I'm really excited to watch this I've never seen it before I have basic law knowledge on Alden ring like the greater will the outer Gods the god that mogwin uses um Melania and Nicola radagon America but not super in-depth so I feel like this is going to fill in a lot of the blanks for me um as always byatti videos channel and the original link to this video will be found in the description and lunch jump straight into it our story doesn't begin in the between it begins in the cosmos far away with an outer God called the greater will there are a lot of outer Gods mentioned in Elden ring you can think of these kind of like the great ones of bloodborne they're distant beings they're all powerful and they're quite unknowable by Design but many of these outer Gods want to make their presence felt in the world the greater will may be most of all is it quiet let me turn it up a smidge yeah the only thing I don't know about is like the frenzied flame law I know that um the merchants are all linked to the frenzied flame somehow and they live underground like in the shunning grounds and it's really sad but I don't know the full story um but yeah Carly is one of my favorite characters in Alden rink he's just so pure and like uh the music that he plays with his little like I don't even think it's like a violin but his little thing that he plays really reminds me of the Hunter's dream music as well from bloodborne so the Church of ela or Ella however you say is like my safe place in Alden ring send it sent a golden star hurtling towards the lands between the olden star's incantation tells us that this golden star was bearing a beast an Elden Beast the olden remembrance calls it a vassal beast of the greater will if you didn't know a vassal is someone who holds land on behalf of their Overlord obviously this is fitting in this case because the Elden Beast occupied the lands between on behalf of the greater will and was a living incarnation of the concept of order as such this Beast would later become the Elden ring the Elden ring itself is made up of Runes of power some great some small that together represent a sort of logic for the world to follow thus the Elden ring represents order the true nature of this order is a subject of constant debate and research undergone by fundamentalists but two of the key fundamentals are the laws of causality and regression you can think of the law of causality as cause and effect where actions have consequences and those consequences are new causes that Branch out into Infinity these are the relationships between things then there's the law of regression that states that all things eternally yearn to converge and return to their Roots fittingly then the Elden ring is housed within the urge tree which Towers over the lands between but it's very important to stress that life in the lands between okay for some reason it wouldn't let me pause I wanted um bayati to explain both of those but it's so interesting to me that you really think and and this is the same in every Soul's game but there's so much time travel and um connection to the cosmos in all of them it's more prevalent in my opinion in bloodborne Dark Souls 3 obviously has a lot of time travel um Dark Souls one like I'm not sure too much about the lore on Dark Souls 1 but Dark Souls 1 obviously where you go to the Asylum and then you go back later on Dark Souls 3 where you go to like slave night Gale especially in the DLCs it's really prevalent and bloodborne with um you know the bosses the cosmos the DLC again with all the nightmares on top of each other so it's so interesting that that is like a key theme in album ring again and I think that that's something that from soft do really really well that are in my opinion no one else does as well as them um and the album Beast is such a bizarre boss I remember when I got to the end of the game in my first playthrough and I was like expected but also this is really weird and it's the same with bloodborne with you know guillermen and then the moon presence like there's always that Cosmic Beast um and then obviously Dark Souls 3 you fight the soul of Cinder which is like all of the people in the time that came before sort of merged into one so I like that from soft do this amazing like Jewel intertwined like storyline with like the land and then the sky in space did not begin with the herd tree the olden ring or the Eldon Beast no the lens between were occupied well before the greater will came there were other beings here there were other factions here there were other gods here and there was even another great tree here before the urge tree and this is where a huge twist regarding the urge tree comes in so there are incantations in the game called aspects of The Crucible according to their descriptions of the earth trees Primal vital energies and I quote they are an aspect of the primordial Crucible where all life was once Blended together but how could all life be Blended together in the urge tree if the urge tree appeared after life existed well there can only be one answer right that the urge tree is a parasite and it took over a tree that existed here before this ancient tree was called the Great tree and I think like I don't want to keep pausing too much but I think like with um Melina and she burns the tree you're sort of a bit like oh you're you're like naughty what are you up to but actually like this is not the original tree and it's grown in the place of something else and it sort of ended like everything else that came before which is really interesting great tree was almost certainly the location of this primordial Crucible and it must have been a very powerful primordial Force for the greater will to have commandeered it might even be the reason the lands between is important to the greater will in the first place it also explains why spells and enemies related to the great trees Crucible would eventually be looked down upon for example the not Talisman is fashioned from a knotted Vestige of The Crucible and it was considered a signifier of the Divine in ancient times but is now increasingly disdained as an impurity as civilization has advanced enemies related to The Crucible are the omen the Miss begotten and The Crucible Knights and all three of them would be shunned enslaved or imprisoned those who speak for the urge tree don't want you to know its roots so to speak I hate The Crucible Knights sidebar I I hope fiati doesn't make me feel bad for them because I actually hate them I hate them so much in every game there's an enemy that I hate and it's always like a sort of night in Dark Souls 3 it's like the helm Knights they're really cool but they terrify me um so yeah The Crucible nights I absolutely hate them into the spell protection of the old tree in the beginning everything was in opposition to the Earth tree but through countless victories in war it became the embodiment of order his own words become one with the order or divest thyself of it to wallow at the fringes a powerless upstart but the greater will needed more than a big tree it needed loyal agents in the lands between to this end it has the two fingers who are its envoys the two fingers heirloom has a weird picture of them but it reads of course fingers cannot speak yet these are eloquent persistently they wriggle spelling out mysteries in the air thus did we gain the words the words of our faith these words are interpreted by the finger readers these are the undying old Crohn's that you would have found throughout the lands between they passed down the wisdom of the two fingers or at least they used to you're thinking please your fingers I can't read them most of them appear to have lost their purpose and they're desperate to read your fingers and tell you annoying riddles since their two fingers are likely dead and yes of course there are multiple sets of two fingers you would have found their corpses on the tops of the Divine Towers atop these towers you loot the fingers in order to activate the true power of a great Rune specifically though you are giving benediction back to your great Rune you're taking a blessing back from the two dead fingers essentially this is just one of many blessings that the two fingers can bestow and my point is kind of that the two fingers clearly have more than just influence they have real power on some level the great oh God yeah you know where you go underground and you find Ronnie sat in front of the two fingers I did that in my playthrough um I remember the first time in my first playthrough when I went down there to like put the ring on ranny's finger and I remember being so scared because I was like why is there so much blood everywhere and then she's just sat there like immobile almost like catatonic and you're a bit like what is going on and it shows the length that she went through to like get rid of them so she had um or my interpretation of it is that so that she had she's not ruled by the greater will bull needs these powerful envoys and agents because while it's obviously incredibly powerful it does seem limited by a few things first is space the greater will didn't come to the lands between itself it sent an Elden Beast to do its bidding instead second is time there is a moment later in the game where your pair of two fingers goes because they're forced every time I film right now that he's done barking immune with the greater will for guidance for their guidance if not tens of thousands of wounds must first pass no matter for me but you how will you ever manage to wait so the greater will needs a physical manifestation of order it needs envoys to convey its will but what it also needs is a god introducing America the eternal I have this utterly enormous mind map of Elden Ring's law and there's a reason she's at the center she's essentially the equivalent of Gwyn from Dark Souls except unlike Gwynn America didn't just crawl out of the dark and find power to an extent it seems like she earned it we don't know much about her Origins except that she is of the Newman Race which is actually An Origin that you can choose in the character selection screen Newman come from outside the lands between and our supposed descendants of denizens of another world long-lived but seldom born at some point America was chosen as an empyrean what is an Imperium well an imperian is a being chosen by the fingers as a candidate for godhood as an empyrean America received the aid of a shadow to do her bidding so her Shadow is malikith much like runnys is blive is what my understanding of it is the wolf Shadow bound to its Imperium by the two fingers Luna princess Rani is another example of an imperian with a shadow bound Beast you would have met Blythe these creatures are the imperium's very own shadow they are completely loyal to their needs and by definition incapable of treachery America's Shadow was a beast called malacath every Imperium uses their shadow in different ways but America's sole need of her Shadow was as a vessel to lock away destined death so what is destined death well according to Enya it's the Rune of death the rule of death goes by two names the other is destined death we mentioned earlier that the olden ring is made up of runes and at some point maybe when she was chosen as a god Marica plucked the Rune of death from the Elden ring she gave the Rune of death to malikath her totally loyal Shadow Who Bore a Black Blade imbued with this rune it's kind of Genius really in a single act she removed the concept of death from the lands between while also commanding total control of death through her Shadow who could deliver it at her win ah I didn't know that so there you go I I do I thought what was on their blade I know it's the Black Blade Malik if the Black Blade but I don't think I realized that it was like death and it was destined death that was on the blade so the black knife assassins also like teach the summon and who like did the coup with Ranny they obviously have that same power as well on their weapon now some of you might be asking if death is removed from the lands between how come I can kill this dog first off shame on you second from a law point of view that dog isn't really dead it's simply in the process of its Spirit or its Soul returning to the urge tree catacomb dungeons for example are specifically constructed near the roots of the great tree for this reason so that the Earth tree can reabsorb their ashes back into it this process replaced the concept of a death that you were destined to have but this random Spirit outside of a catacomb dungeon says it best as another example of this Theory when you kill a major boss you receive a remembrance of them these are spirits and they are hewn into the old tree in this way thanks to the Earth trees Grace their Spirits are immortalized in a sense this new form of death also explains what's happening when you summon Spirits from Ash and return to the Earth tree however some Spirits never return to the Earth tree and they rise within death as corpses or skeletons instead oh so this was the New Order and it's important to stress that it was in this moment when the Rune of death was removed when destined death was taken this is when order became the golden order The Forbidden Shadow plucked from the golden order upon its creation specifically this was America's golden order so not only did she become a God and a vessel for the Elden ring she became renowned as Marika the Eternal for her removal of destined death it was a huge part of her character and her reign as well however America had more than just death to conquer she had Wars to fight as the world was occupied by many forces that could threaten her golden order my boy Placida sax um again something else I didn't know so I knew that um America had the golden order and it's to do with her but I didn't realize that that's what it was born from um and obviously I I knew the catacombs I thought the catacombs were like trapped Souls not at the base of the earth tree because that's where that like that's what happened with destined death so that's really interesting as well there was war with the storm Lord who likely ruled over Stormville and there was a war with the Giants who were masters of a flame that could burn the urge tree there was war with the ancient dragons who accidentally had stones that could twist time and thus slay a God and finally there was war brewing with the carrion royalty who had previously obeyed laws which contravened the golden order thus sort of similar to how the greater will needed an imperian to enforce its will America herself needed someone to wage war so there was to be a husband a consort an Elden Lord the man chosen was horalu a ferocious Warrior who became known as the lord of the battlefield his crown was warranted with strength and while it was for this strength that America married him he was also required to take a vow to conduct himself as a lord to suppress the ceaseless lust for battle that raged within horalu took the Beast Regent sarosh upon his back you'll notice this is another example of a beast being given for the purpose of serving order thus In This Moment he went from being horalu Warrior to Godfrey the first Elden Lord consort to Queen America and a certified demigod Godfrey and America had three demigod children together there was Godwin the golden who you saw being killed in the opening trailer and they were also the reviled Omen twins morgot who guards the Earth tree and Moog who became Lord Moog is weird you might think that godric was another demigod child but he actually wasn't instead he was probably descended from Godwin anyway we'll talk about the demigods more in detail in another video so subscribe for that but for now just know that Godfrey and his offspring were the first demigods henceforth known as the golden lineage in his Wars Godfrey LED his 16 Crucible Knights into battle who were named so for they fought with the primordial powers of the earth tree their incantations were aspects of The Crucible itself and they likely fought Giants dragons the stormlord and more to usher in their age the age of the Earth Tree in America's own words hark brave warriors Hawk my Lord Godfrey we commend your Deeds guidance hath delivered ye through each ordeal to the place ye stand put the Giants to the sword and confine the flame Atop The mount let a new Epoch begin an Epoch glistening with life brandish the Eldon ring for the age of the Earth tree the other tree would go on to be largely seen as a blessing for all of those in the lands between especially those close to it in Lane Dell the capital city of the old tree the tree bestowed blessings for example the Dew that dropped from its branches were like Jewels it loomed overhead as a constant reminder of order and its roots reached far and wide relieving many of the burden of death in fact ERD tree burial was one of the highest honors a hero could receive one by one the previous factions of the world fell the Giants were put to the sword and their fell God was killed by America herself the ancient dragons Broke Down the Walls of Langdale but met Fierce retaliation however I think the house of the earth tree encountered the most trouble against the land to their Southwest Leonia here the house of the Moon repelled their offensives time and time again and I mean that literally because there was not just one but two wars fought here and in both of these there was no victory for the golden nor for the moon and I suspect it was probably because of these lobsters might be from like a mile away honestly they never met actually it was probably because that's so funny oh God I hate the lobsters that's so interesting again there's so much that you really don't realize can I also just take a second to appreciate how stunning this video is the the screen grabs and like I really feel like even the bloodborne ones incredible but the sweeping shots of the land and my goodness the production on this video is absolutely insane it is beautiful carrier Knights who according to their weapons were able to wield sorceress battle skills and despite numbering fewer than 20 this power made them a match for even the champions of gold in battle these Enchanted Knights were anointed by the lunar Queen a young astrologer who went on to establish the house of karya as royalty in this land with her bewitching lunar magic she won over the Academy of Raya lucaria where glenstone's sorcery was studied and United the carrion royal family and the Learned Scholars of Raya lucaria defended their home from the golden aggressors at the head of this great Golden Army was radagon Lord Radigan was a great Champion possessed of flowing red locks he came to these lands at the head of a great golden host when he met lady ranala in battle these two Champions clashed fell in love and joined their houses Radigan once cleansed himself with Celestial Dew repented his Territorial aggressions and swore his love to ronalda the order of the earth tree and the fate of the moon were conjoined and all the wounds of War forgiven you might think it's strange that the greater will would permit this Union but it's not too odd all things considered as with most from software games sorcery and Faith are just two sides of the same coin and both of these Powers stem from the cosmos radagon and ranala were known to have three children together Luna princess Rani who inherited her mother's propensity for lunar magic radon who took after his father radagon and would go on to master gravitational magic and Reichard who pioneered new hex sorceries and would go on to feed himself to a Great Serpent it follows that at some point after this Marika began to Harbor doubts doubts about the golden order that she had had a hand in creating in America's own words I declare my intent to search the depths of the golden order through understanding of the proper way our faith our Grace is increased those Blissful early days of blind belief are long past my comrades why must he falter and it's at this point that we should talk about America's motivations her character this is surely going to be one of those huge points of debate in the coming years but for now my working theory is that she wanted to discover the truth behind order and the truth behind the greater will and she believed that bonds had to be broken so that they could be better understood she believed that there was great meaning to be found in hardship Queen Marica has high hopes for us that we continue to struggle onto eternity the Lord Godfrey his struggle ended at the end of his campaigns according to his armor he led the war against the Giants faced the storm Lord alone and then there came a moment when his last worthy enemy fell and it was then as the story is told that the Hue of Lord Godfrey's eyes faded in truth he was robbed of his grace then America sent him away my Lord and thy Warriors I divest each of thee of thy Grace With Thine Eyes dimmed ye will be driven from the lands between he will wage war in a Land of so he became the first tarnished essentially because his grace was taken away from him I didn't realize that even though it's in his armor I did I don't think I've ever read it I didn't realize that that's how he was born a tarnish because of like his last battle and His Last Enemy fell it sort of robbed him of that I didn't realize that that's really sad where you will live and die this became known as the Long March of the tarnished as Godfrey and his tarnished descendants walked away from the lands between but Queen America absolutely had a plan here that Lord Godfrey and his descendants would one day return stronger having struggled outside of Grace I will give back what I once claimed return to the lands between wage war and brandished the Elden ring grow strong in the face of death Warriors of my lord lord Godfrey soon after she found a new husband either that or a new husband was found for her when Godfrey first Eldon Lord was hounded from the lands between Radigan left renala to return to the Earth tree capital becoming Queen marika's second husband and King consort take imagine you has been just like open leaves you'd be raging wouldn't you title of second Eldon Lord the mystery endures to this day as to why Lord Radigan would cast lady Ronaldo aside and moreover why a mere Champion would be chosen for the seat of golden Lord whatever the case as a part of this Union radagon's prior three children with rinala became demigod stepchildren granted Grace thanks to their new family tree Ronaldo was broken by this and so was her country Leonia the queen set reads when ronalda head of both the Academy of Raya lucaria and the carrion royal family lost her husband radagon her heart went along with him and then those at the Academy realized that ranala was no champion after all in the wake of radagon's betrayal and ranala's poor judgment Leonia struggled with civil war with the Academy of Raya lucaria on one side and the carrion Royals on the other and it's here during the age of the Earth tree that Luna princess Rani daughter of ronala and radagon stole a fragment of the Rune of death Rani is the most interesting character to me because she organized a whole coup and obviously she's cursed with The Mark of Death as well that Godwin so my understanding is Godwin's body died but his soul lived on no is it the other way around and then ranny's body died and her soul lived on yeah so Ronnie killed her body so her soul could live on but Ronnie actually didn't look like that in life ranny's appearance as far as I know is a sorcerer who helped her learn magic that she admired so she took on her guys so find that really interesting as well because obviously that's not what Ronnie looked like I don't know if anybody knows what Ronnie looks like or if rayati is actually going to explain that in a second but Rani to me is the most interesting because she she is like she did this whole coup but it makes you wonder if the coup that Rani LED with the black knives assassins was actually orchestrated by Baraka and it was Marika all along who did it happened during the golden age of the Earth tree long before the shattering of the Elden ring someone stole a fragment of the Rune of Death From malacath the Black Blade as mentioned previously malacath was America's Shadow and he had sealed destined death in a Black Blade then a fragment only a fragment of this Rune of death was stolen and once this happened malikath went a step further in protecting destined death he bound the blade within his own flesh such that none might rob death ever again it was too late however this fragment of the Rune of death was used immediately that night to kill a demigod America's own son the golden that was the first recorded death of a demigod in all history and it became the Catalyst soon the Elden ring was smashed and thus sprang forth the war known as the shattering now there is a lot of really credible evidence that America was behind this plot to have a fragment of the Rune of death that's well my goodness I actually probably know more than what I thought I got really excited then um yeah crazy stolen there's also a ton of evidence that America is behind the entirety of your tarnished Quest but we'll talk about that in another video for now all you really need to know in terms of the timeline at least is this after the marriage of America and radagon and after a fragment of the Rune of death was stolen America went on to shatter the Elden ring and radagon attempted to repair it to no avail the olden ring had been broken into runes some great and some small you know it's said that Lord Radigan harbored a secret a famed sculptor of the earth tree Capital was once summoned to render Lord radican's likeness in Giant stature when he glimpsed the skeleton in raleighan's closet and as such it said the great statue Harbors his secret too of course the huge twist in Elden ring is that radagon is America or depending on what you believe he became her for she knew it was going to happen in America's own words oh radican little hound of the golden order that yet to become me the art yet to become a God let us be shattered both mine other self you can tell when from software is keeping something a little bit open-ended and of everything in Elden Ring's law this will also go on to be one of the biggest unknowns as we move forward for example the wording Thou Art yet to become me reinforces that America and radagon were two separate entities before the shattering however in contrast there is also evidence that radagon was always part of America for example Enya says that edemicots are each and all the direct offspring of Queen America but how can this be if radagon married Ronaldo and had those demigod children the only way that makes sense is if radagon was always America and he just went over there to seduce ranala long ago I'll present more concrete theories in the future but on this matter the most important thing is what do you think while you can figure out a ton of Elden Ring's story not all of it is open to interpretation certain things are and this is one of them and you oh I really don't know I knew that they were one of the same but I thought it was I didn't realize that they were always or the you know it's speculated that they were always one I don't know I thought that they became one entity after the fact interesting interpretation is a big part of what makes this story special at any rate the union of radagon and America seems to be a union of two fundamental opposing laws of the golden order we mentioned these laws earlier actually there's the law of causality and America is an agent of cause and effect and there's the law of regression as radagon is a character who aspires to be complete and regress together so I have a theory that forcing these two beings that represent these Concepts together would have corrected America's deviance but even so she was imprisoned in the urge tree for the crime of the shattering Malika's trespass demanded a heavy sentence but even in shackles she remains a God and and the Visions vessel the conjoined radagon and Marika even had two demigod children of their own mikola and millennia oh hang on the quality just went really funny then let me just fix that there we go these two children were born Afflicted mikola was cursed with eternal childhood and Millennia harbored a horrific rot Within even so these two children were both chosen as imperians they were immensely sacred beings and eligible to inherit godhood from the greater will see I know a little bit about their law and mostly because when the Gameplay trailer dropped and you saw Melania fight radagon not radagon uh radon um loads of theories came out online so I know a little bit more about them too and their speculation that the DLC is going to be based on mikola and potentially there's rumors Godwin but definitely mikola because the uh photo that they released like the you know the still that from soft released it has tauren in it and Torrance old master was mikola and Nicola had long blonde hair and was cursed to Eternal Youth and it does look like a young child or it could be America um but yeah there's speculation that Nicola is um who the DLC is going to be based on but obviously Mickler is inside the egg that morgue steals so when you actually finally get to Melania at the end of the game obviously Nicholas inside the egg that's been taken already from Melania and because she's so afflicted by rot like she can't see um that he's gone I think um I definitely want to watch the lore video on Melania I would really like to know more about her I'm really fascinated by Mickler and it sounds really silly but his name is so close to mine I've actually been called Nicola loads um so it was really funny when this game came out because I'm sad and I called my first character Nicola which is so embarrassing to say out loud but I've said it now the greater will was just desperate to find a worthy successor and indeed in the shattering War to come many would try to claim the shards of the Eldon ring and they would try to take the throne including of course the tarnished who returned from their long march at long last which we'll talk about in the next main lore video I should probably also mention here that if you become a patron you'll see upcoming lore videos early as that's one of the rewards you get if you pledge to the three dollar tier and if you think my channel really adds a lot of value to the souls games for you to the point where you pledge twenty dollars then in this new tier you'll receive a new mug every three months that has a unique design on it to do with the games by from software there are four to collect the first one you'll get is inspired by Dark Souls then Elden ring then sakuro and finally bloodborne and they all have fantastic art that I worked on with an amazing artist named chu but anyway I figured this is the right place to end this video because the information here is going to be overwhelming I bet it probably was too overwhelming you know it took me ages to commit these names and the relationships they had with other characters to memory so I hope you guys are doing all right one thing that helped me a lot was that we designed an enormous mind map with pretty much all of Elden Ring's law all of its item descriptions all of its dialogues all of the relationships between characters that we can think of we added all of this together and it helped a ton in learning about the story and visualizing it all and one day I will make this asset available to you all because I think after doing it I think this is the quintessential way to piece together the story and I think giving you guys this asset eventually will make that accessible for people so I'm really excited about that I want to thank Absa and zard for accepting the paid task of helping me put all the raw data into this mind map so that I could better understand everything I want to thank Parry God for fulfilling all of my footage requests and wow creating so many cinematic scenes for this video and for you all to enjoy and I last of all want to thank John Devlin for the incredible thumbnail and of course thank you for watching there are some really exciting things ahead and I actually believe this might be the best story that from software I've ever put together I just think not only are there so many amazing item descriptions but so many of them are impactful there are so many moments where you piece together the story and have like a Eureka moment and I'm enjoying it so much but now I'm gonna go and play the game a little bit because I've been editing this video for too long so wow okay I didn't want to cut um bayati off talking at the end there but wow the work that goes into that video sorry the dog's now having a drink um he is the main character um yes so the amount of work that goes into these videos the research the descriptions the team that work on it there's so much care and love that goes into it and I think it's amazing that they're willing to share the big mind map that they've made but I knew a little bit but there was still more that I didn't know so that was really interesting I really enjoyed it but I see videos like voice is so soothing like I would listen to an entire album ring story like made by him I actually got a really weird album ring book that I'll show you really quick let me just grab it so if you haven't watched my bloodborne playthrough you'll know that I have all of the bloodborne Comics that have been coming out like the graphic novels and I got this weird book and this is off Amazon and um it's Alden Ring Road to the herd tree and it's got an original it says original story by from software but when you open up the pages I don't know if I can flip the page and show you guys it has some really strange like things in it oh sorry I hit my microphone then um and it reads really bizarre so it shows you like all the bosses and like it's really weirdly written but there's another one coming um but yeah I got this off Amazon I don't know how legit it is but they're selling it so um it's made by Yen press um so if anyone wanted to check that out that's that but yeah really bizarre little book that I got but I really want vayati videos um book I can't remember the name off the top of my head but um I went looking for it in London when I went to London a few weeks ago and I couldn't find it um but I think that the work that they do is incredible and this really does open your eyes to how rich and how thought out these games are and I'm super excited for the DLC I have been playing bloodborne on my channel so I'll leave that in a little bar for you guys um and I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you enjoyed hanging out with me and hit that like button don't forget to check out vayati video link and channel and everything's in the description and I will see you in the next one
Views: 6,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Secret World of Elden Ring: Reacting to VaatiVidya's Mind-Blowing Lore Analysis, michaela rose, Defeating Margit The Fell Omen!!! Finally!!! #shorts #eldenring, max0r elden ring, reaction, react, VaatiVidya, VaatiVidya Elden Ring, elden ring lore explained, VaatiVidya's Lore, gamer react
Id: ifrHcYO90PY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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