MLM Reps Are MAD at Rachel Hollis | AntiMLM

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[Music] this is just a week full of bonus videos i feel like the other week was a week full of bonus videos everyone's getting bonus videos non-stop bonus videos for everyone i hope you enjoy what's up my fellow small business supporters it is savvy today i'm here with a quick bonus video because tomorrow on wednesday i have another quick bonus video where i'm announcing my nanowrimo project but i ran a poll on my instagram recently here's the poll where i said mlms are mad at rachel hollis for no longer supporting them in her new book do you want a bonus video this week and i had two options they said you could either choose i need it with like six e's i need it or you could choose not necessary you know 11 people chose not necessary so i thought you know out of those 11 people maybe maybe it's not necessary but 169 said they need it so i'm like okay okay we're at well over 90 percent of people saying they need it so if you guys need it i am here to provide it for you cold as hell out it's snowing in chicago and i'm here to provide the drama let's get into it get you some nuts there was lots of memes makes me wonder if i should pick up lesbianism chicago you guys asked for it hey everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new welcome to my channel for the first time i'm savvy this is savvy writes books on this channel we talk about book stuff and writer stuff and small business owner stuff and anti-mlm stuff and exposing weird business practices stuff it might sound like my channel's chaotic and maybe it is but to me it all goes together because i am a small business owner who runs forever home friends which is a series of children's books plushies and other things based on real rescue dogs and their journeys to adoption i'm also a young adult and new adult and newly business self-help author check out savvy business owner linked in the description below so as an author and a small business owner i tend to have a lot of feelings both on books and writing and also on unethical business practices and things like multi-level marketing if you've been to this channel for a while you know what kind of vibe we have here about a month ago i put up a video right after rachel hollis new book called didn't see that coming here let me go get it it's got rachel hollis book didn't see that coming i annotated the [ __ ] out of this book and i had a few people in my comments being like hey savvy i want to buy your annotated versions of the books but then i was like i don't really want to get into reselling books and that kind of thing and also a lot of people i ran a poll and a lot of people said that they would want to win it as a giveaway so i've decided i'm going to give this book as a giveaway if this video gets 50 000 views i will give away to one of the people in the comments so if you want to win this book if you want to win my version of this book with all of my annotations and snarky side comments and post-it notes write in the comments below i want to win this book or write somewhere that you want to enter the contest so that i can do a drawing of people down to the drama so when i was reviewing that book a couple days like the day i received that book in the mail before i even did my full review of it i did like another quick bonus video like i'm doing right now i want to just talk about i just want to talk about page 146 in this book just just page 146 that's it that's it she starts talking over here like dr z from the netflix unwell show get rid of everything that isn't necessary a home food water those are necessities your iphone netflix subscription trips to starbucks those are luxuries you know what in my quarantined depression this shit's not a luxury rachel i got the cinnamon one it tastes like french toast i love it anyway the part that i really wanted to get into and that i taught you this video was where she was talking about how you know if you are in a place where you need money right now there are so many ways to you know get a quick side job or to sell some of your items and stuff but she says but please remember this important prerequisite figure out a way to make more income that doesn't cost you any money to start for real i'm positive someone is going to read this and be inspired to head on over to the internet and ask how she should make extra income and then four weeks later her starter kit has arrived for the new at home business she just paid 700 dollars to join then she says to figure out ways to make money that don't require money although i have one major problem in this which is that after this whole section where she says um not to pay a bit like not to pay for a starter kit and that kind of thing she says don't be dumb so this section right here is her being like you know joining those mlms with the upfront starter kit because she doesn't directly say multi-level marketing but it seems pretty clearly implied that she's saying this is not the smart move for you to do and part of me was happy that she was like not feeding into the mlm movement anymore because i you know as you guys know this is an anti-mlm channel we are not in favor of multi-level marketing and network marketing companies here i have 40 videos on the playlist if you want to see more of my research and breakdown of why they don't work um i'm not going to explain it here because i don't want to be repetitive and make this video too long so i covered in a previous video how i was happy to see that but that i also thought it was a little bit victim blamey that she was like don't be dumb because as we know rachel herself had been the person at the mlm conference she spoke at the beach body conference she spoke at the arbonne conference she spoke at the doterra conference she spoke at the lularoe conference she was speaking at all of these conferences giving people advice about how to stay in these companies and why they shouldn't give up on these companies and now in this book she's saying like don't join one that's dumb it's like well you're the one who told people to do it in the first place so it's incredibly hypocritical of her so i have incredibly mixed feelings about this part because i'm like on the one hand rachel yes i would welcome you into the anti-mlm movement um but only if you apologize but she's not gonna apologize because she's all about girl stop apologizing right so in that case like girl i don't know what to tell by the people you don't understand we only are judged by the people who are made uncomfortable by our desire for something else that is so false okay [Music] and why do you care you love her does she love you then why wouldn't she want the best for you on the other side of heart was you getting financially free yes you knew that on the other side was hard is you being the leader okay this is where the real problems start rachel is basically saying here you chose this path because you want to be financially free you chose this path of working more than 40 hours a week to make less than minimum wage if you were working 40 hours a week and it's because you want to be financially free so i figured like okay i put out that video the day that the book came out we've discussed this everything's been discussed nope because just recently a bunch of mlm wraps a bunch of uh multi-level marketing people finally got around to reading this book and got to that section and screenshotted it and there has been some discourse on facebook about how everybody is super mad about this so uh shout out real quick to the mlm police i'm gonna link the mlm police's page in the description below follow the mlm police she does awesome work exposing shady practices of mlms on facebook and on instagram while i primarily do it on youtube she does it a lot on facebook and instagram and she does so much good content and she sent me these screenshots so shout out to the mlm police y'all here is what this top leader of a network marketing company who's at the top of the pyramid here's what she posted she said rachel hollis you are so disappointing i can't believe you shame anyone in direct sales and network marketing you made millions of dollars doing events for us and then you turn around and say that guess what rachel we ain't dumb girl i am so grateful that the hundreds of thousands of sisters that i work with were smart to invest in themselves and start a business because we were dumb we have been able to bring moms home to their kids give people better quality of life strengthen families rebuild marriages cultivate lifelong friendships contribute millions to communities support nonprofits around the world around the world and the list goes on and on we are not dumb our mission is strong and let me tell you you just fired us up to tell our own story even louder wow i am just in shock of what you wrote boycotting you bye felicia okay so there is so much to unpack in this because it's like one of those things you guys seen that meme with the football player who's like they had us in the first half you know that's how i feel about this right where it's like the beginning of what she's saying i agree with in the sense that rachel hollis was hypocritical she really did make money off of exploiting mlmrs and then turn around and act like they were dumb and that's insulting to do to someone that you specifically gave that advice to it's victim blaming to call the people to to shame people who get roped into an mlm i think it's much better to call out the structure of the companies and call out the corporate headquarters for these companies that is propagating all this in the first place but that's a different topic regardless i agree that it was shitty of rachel to be like i'm on stage at the arbonne conference your sister wants you to quit arbonne well doesn't she love you if she loves you she would know this company's the best for you you can keep spending money you can cut off the p your your aunt who doesn't support your doterra business it's fine and it's like no no and the fact that she said that and now is like well you are obviously the stupid one if you chose to say like that's not fair of rachel to say that and that is shitty and but we're we're used to rachel not apologizing right we're used to her not being able to take any fault for what she's done so i'm not surprised but i understand where her anger is coming from however i'm going to heavily disagree with everything after that so when she lists like what they've been able to do bring more moms home to their kids how many times in an mlm do we see oh you want to stay home with your kids and also have a full-time career and the next thing you know you see posts of people who are in mlms who are working 80 90 100 hour weeks people who are like oh i'm i'm working from my kid's soccer game i'm working from my kids dance recital i'm working while i'm in labor with my kid from my phone and it's like no you're taking like you're physically with your family but you're not mentally and emotionally present because you're having to work way more hours to earn less money than the average full-time job so that's not true that's just a false equivalency there and then it has given people a better quality of life i don't know what mlm she's in but a lot of these have the false health claims and i would say it's given a lot of people worse quality of life i recommend watching my review of the show unwell which delves into some of the multi-level marketing companies that have essential oils that sell those and while essential oils can be good for aromatherapy purposes and things like that but there were some examples of people trying to eat them and put them on their skin and how it made people sick and made their skin break out and things like that so in a lot of cases it's giving people a worse quality of life um rebuild marriages i disagree with that one too i see so many examples of you know i see this with lularoe a lot right where it's like there's even an option when you're ordering lularoe leggings on the website where it's like do you need us to slip a thing in there that says congratulations on winning free lularoe so that your husband doesn't know that you spent money like do you need us to pretend that you didn't spend money on this so that you can lie about your finances to your spouse we see that all the time so no and then on the like i've read stories on the anti-mlm subreddit i've talked to people i've heard all of these stories about how mlms have made couples like torn them apart because one person is really really devoted to this company and the other person saying hey this is costing us money this isn't doing us well but then they're upline and the other people in the company are doing some of those cult tactics are doing some of those cult tactics being like well this person's negative this person doesn't believe in your future like all of that so no i don't believe that it rebuilds marriages if you can provide me some evidence girl do your thing so i agree that rachel's unethical i just think that this woman and her companies are unethical too uh two people can be unethical at once shocking not giving up my starbucks for [ __ ] all right let's look at some of the comments on this so a lot of these comments um a lot of these comments were also from mlm reps and they reinforced that yes what we're doing is the best financial decision for us rachel was wrong to say this which it's again it's like i do think she was wrong to say don't be dumb i think a much better way again i've talked about how i wish i could have been rachel's editor for this book because if i were writing this section i would have been like i know in the past i spoke at mlm conferences but since speaking at those i learned about some of the detrimental things that can happen to people's lives and i've seen some of my close friends who were representatives for those companies end up losing money and after doing some further research i have realized that i don't think that they're a very smart financial move i apologize for misleading you in the past but here's what i think you should do in the future is that that hard is it that hard to apologize miss girl stop apologizing give me 50 000 views so you can win this book all right so this person says oh rachel i know many brilliant people who pay six figures plus to start a business if it only cost seven hundred dollars then that's actually pretty sweet i've broken this down in the past uh you guys know how much it cost me to start forever home friends was 7 500 i raised it through crowdfunding so when i originally wanted to get my original book illustrations and print runs and first couple stuffed animals created and things like that i ran a kickstarter campaign where people pre-ordered and people's through people's pre-orders i raise the money and then i use that money to produce the products so 7 500 is four figures it took me four figures to start my business um and regardless i am in control of my products so it's completely different so if you pay that 700 to join an mlm you're not going to get to start a business you're going to get to be required to sell things at price points that other people set for you even if you don't think that those prices are actually profitable to you and also on top of that you're going to probably pay more than 700 considering most mlms have some kind of auto ship or monthly fee requirement or something like that so maybe it's 700 for the starter kit but then everything beyond that this person says just yesterday watched someone a pastor calling network marketing a pyramid scheme and a scam and i was like you got this pastor's number i might start going back to church this person says she claims to be a christian speaker and author and stood on our stage the day by say by saying she had to give praise and honor to our lord and savior and as everyone began clapping she said beyonce i'm sorry but no that's blasphemy i'm sorry that you haven't accepted that beyonce's a goddess all right so this person says this person says well thank god i was dumb enough to get involved in network marketing it gave me income four times than my old corporate job and the business skills people i met friends i've made and places i've traveled made my small investment worth it it paid off big time being dumb okay so when a lot of people say that their mlm made them four times as much money again i don't know this person's life i haven't seen their tax returns i'm just talking with i've interviewed a lot of people on this channel that were formerly in mlms and things like that and when a lot of people say that they're making four times what their previous job was they're talking about revenue a lot of mlm's though the corporate people the up lines they don't encourage people to keep a detailed spreadsheet of how much they spent and how much they earned and then compare those numbers regularly month to month so a lot of the time you're earning revenue but if you had to pay for that product to be on auto ship that's not deducting it from that combine that with the fact that a lot of mlms such as amway arbonne herbalife mlms like that encourage you to buy the products for your own personal use to get the discount so you're actually buying those products which are often more expensive than the regular drugstore products you'd be buying instead so you're spending that money to have the products for yourself and then on top of that maybe you're earning revenue and commissions that's four times what your regular job was but are you deducting what you spent to have the product on auto ship are you deducting what percentage of that commission had to go to your upline are you deducting um everything that you had to spend all the money that went out of your bank account as well a lot of people have told me that they weren't and if you are like good for you but how many people are under you and how many people are not doing that you have to exploit to make that that's my question so disappointing as a professional i'm so incredibly thankful that i could start a global business for a small purchase of product my children cheer every day because they have their mama with them i'm no longer gone ten plus hours a day from their lives i'm so proud of all the people who choose to live their lives on their terms and not according to this kind of closed-minded thinking life is short we should be free to live it with those we love i don't understand how what i'm saying in this case is closed-minded but what this person is saying why do they think i'm the closed-minded one and they're not i'm open to all kinds of business models and i will do research on all of them the fact is studies by the ftc have been done to prove that less than one percent of people turn an actual profit and of those profits the majority come out to less than minimum wage of the time spent so unless unless you are some magical outlier and if you are like you need to prove that to me because i have yet to see anyone prove to me with their spreadsheet with their tax return show i know i know it's invasive to show me your bank account but like i just can't believe it because everything i've seen all the studies have that have been done all the people that have left these companies and come out and said yeah you know what i was lying about making that much money because i was told to lie about making that much money because that's the amount of money i had the potential to make that combined with the fact that a lot of these companies um impress like the law of attraction onto people and the law of attraction states that you want to say you already have something because then you'll attract it to you so you want to say like i make seven figures a month if you say that it means that you're putting the thought into the universe to attract seven figures a month but a lot of people who say that are doing it for that purpose they don't actually have it again i'm not saying what this person's doing i don't know this person's life you are free to live your life on your terms and do whatever you want but let me just say i think what you're doing is going to lose you money or it is going to lose a lot of your friends that you recruit money because in terms of supply and demand we've talked about this market over saturation supply and demand mlms do not make sense it doesn't make sense to recruit your competition there's no way that makes sense it was so shitty of rachel to make so much money off of mlms to exploit the people in them by encouraging them to stay in them and collect her paycheck and go home and then turn around and say this without any recognition that what she said was wrong in the first place so i agree that the way that rachel went about this was shitty and unethical but i don't agree that mlms are ethical or a good business practice or profitable at all whoa how could she speak to this if she's never tried it to anyone who says that my question is have you tried it then how do you know i'm gonna get demonetized for that okay so here's another post from a different facebook page about this um and i think this is someone from scentsy based on the fact that they signed this post with amami and wax boss i know i know i was just controversial yesterday and here i am again but who are you miss rachel hollis you've gladly built your current platform on the back of women that are building something larger than themselves for a vision they never imagined possible and seeing as you took money to speak to and on something you don't believe in makes you the most inauthentic type of human you just showed the whole world you can be bought you'll say whatever you need to to whoever you need to as long as there's enough zeros in it for you who are you to take big money from companies to speak to their audience only to not so vaguely jab fun and call them dumb in your book who are you to tell any woman the work she does or wants to do has no value who are you to tell anyone how to invest their money for that matter last i checked you are not dave ramsey your financial advice seems as sound as your marriage advice and in case someone didn't know business of any kind requires something in order to flip products on amazon as she suggests one must invest in product in order to clean clean homes that she suggests one must invest in supplies in order to start an etsy shop one must invest to secure the etsy shop then invest in products to create who are you to tell anyone what platform products businesses are okay and not acceptable you ma'am are one giant walking billboard fyi fyi clap emoji college tuition is also spending money to make money clap emoji and can sometimes force you to be in massive debt for years to come clap just last night my friends on here told me about the numerous degrees and debt they have and do not currently or have ever used what's the real scheme here kill me if 2020 has done anything this year i hope it has taken the stigma out of how people work to support their families and that real jobs can be conducted from anywhere not just a building with a time clock the vast majority of self-made women are self-employed many through business is similar to mine we are not dumb we are visionary and we are doing what we can where we can and you do not get to call that dumb grow up get educated get your giant head out of your own rear it's 20 20 signed a mommy and wax boss okay okay y'all getting fired up and now i need to take off my scarf because i'm so fired up it's a thing again where it's like i want to be clear because sometimes i get comments from mlm reps in my comment section that argue with things i didn't say or mischaracterize my arguments and i want to make it clear that i don't disagree with every single word in this woman's letter however i do disagree with a lot of the sentiment behind it and i think there's a lot of mischaracterization of the way that anti-mlmers view the mlm world and there's also a lot of mischaracterization of what business ownership is which i feel like happens a lot i feel like mlms need to rely on mischaracterization of business ownership well rachel didn't build her platform on mlms right she did build her platform on women that are building something larger for themselves right like the first book i the first video i did related to anything involving rachel on my channel was my review of girl wash your face that i posted almost two years ago now and the reason i even read girl wash your face in the first place was that i had read that rachel was a really successful businesswoman and as a woman in business who was in the process of growing my business i wanted to see if she had any good advice for me so she did and that book again was a major disappointment and um we stan pam merch link in description but i yeah i was like yes so she did build her platform on targeting women who were business owners and things like that but mlmers are now making something larger than themselves a lot of them are women who do have an entrepreneurial spirit and want to be a self-starter so the company takes advantage of people with that inclination and that mindset again if you want to do sales if you want to run your own business if you want to be your own boss i suggest starting something of your very own starting your own company from the ground up and not buying into someone else's company that already exists that is either that or do a franchise uh the difference with franchises is that you will have a territory get a job where you have a territory that is a big difference anyway so over here it's like you know who are you to take big money from these companies and again i agree rachel shouldn't have taken money from those companies and she shouldn't have encouraged that mindset if she was if she didn't really believe it or if she did change her mind she needs to recognize that she was wrong in the first place rachel's being an awful person so it's another case where it's like well you're both wrong this is not a the enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of thing this is like you're both wrong in different ways you're both right in a couple of ways but you're the way that you're both right is about the way that the other person's wrong which means that you're actually just both wrong does that make sense anyway so she's talking about who are you to tell any woman the work she does or wants to do has no value i don't want to be a [ __ ] here but the truth is just because you work hard on something doesn't mean that people want it let's say that for example you wanted to go into business selling dog poop so you walk around the neighborhood you spend hours every single day picking up all the dog poop and going door to door to all your neighbors you're working more than eight hours a day you're working more than 40 hours a week trying to sell this dog poop but no one wants to buy it because it's gross so like does your work have value no because nobody wants to pay for it and it doesn't provide so like i just want to be clear work that isn't paid still does have value because that's societal value so for example like being a homemaker being a stay-at-home parent mom or dad that work has value because you are saving your family finances by not having to do a daycare center or higher housekeeper or something like that but you are also providing love to your family you're also providing needs and necessities so that work has non-monetary value but let's say for example you wanted to just go sell dog poop to your neighbors like no one's willing to pay for it it's not bringing anyone happiness or love or joy or any non-financial value either it just brings no value to anyone so yes some work isn't valuable sorry if the thing you're doing if you find that there's no value that nobody wants to pay for it then maybe it doesn't have the value you thought it did it's just a lesson you have to learn who are you to tell anyone how to invest their money for that matter i mean yeah rachel needs to i agree that rachel needs to stop trying to be an advice guru in every field we saw how that worked with marriage um she's just you know stick to the thing like you need to stick to the things that you're really experienced in and really knowledgeable in and she's not a financial expert so i don't know why she keeps pretending to be one and then this person's talking about how any kind of business requires something to start up so here's part of the problem is that mlm companies are not like they try to have one foot in both rooms one foot on both sides of the barrier we'll get hard the nuts will get hard when the hard nuts what what is the old saying when that when when the when the when the tough get going i don't know what it is i don't know the phrase one foot in the door and one foot out mlms tried to be a job and euro and business at the same time but as a result they just take the worst of each of those so they take the part of of being a job where you have no control over the prices that are set you have no control over the products you have to answer to the person who founded the company you have to follow their rules so that's the part of a job but it takes the part of running your own business where there is an upfront investment and there's uncertainty about how much you're going to make and there is no guaranteed salary or hourly paycheck so it takes like the biggest risks and the worst parts of both of those and puts them together so yes if you want to start your own business usually there will be some kind of upfront investment but in exchange for having that upfront investment you are going to have complete control over everything you can control the prices of your products you can control what they look like you control everything whereas in an mlm you have none of that control and you have to sell things at the prices that other people price them as you're going to have guidelines sometimes there's going to be a monthly fee sometimes there's going to be an auto ship sometimes you're going to lose money that kind of thing it's completely completely different plus there are some businesses you can go into for yourself that don't require an upfront investment for example let's say you want to be um a copy editor using google docs you can copy edit using suggest changes mode in google docs gmail and google drive are free to use and you can have people pay you for your service ta-da so yeah most a lot of different businesses do require upfront costs but not all of them do and a job where you don't have full control should never require an upfront cost because if someone else is employing you they should pay you it should not be the other way around and then this part college tuition is also spending money to make money i hate this anti-college stuff i will say yes college is not for everyone college is way overpriced we need better systems for student loans we need better systems for loan forgiveness we need better aid for students because college has a financial barrier and it is not fair to have any quality in that way i will say that however i will also say that i got my master's degree for free not everyone can do that but sometimes um in my example i worked at the school as a graduate assistant and my additional work that i did at the school completely waived all of my tuition so i have no debt from my masters i know other people that got a corporate job and that job was willing to pay for their graduate degree so that they could have greater knowledge to move forward so no higher education doesn't always have to cost money you can find ways around it and even if it does cost money the idea is that you are going to be learning from licensed and trained professionals who are going to be able to teach you things about that trade in that industry and not every college program is worth the money but it really depends on you and your personal needs anyway and then this last paragraph is again just a mischaracterization when it's saying that like real jobs can be conducted from anywhere yeah i know i work from home but i don't do an mlm i do a lot i make videos i do copy editing services i write books i'm savvy writes books the majority of my business is selling books i also work for a publisher like i have a lot of work that i do from home but it's not it's not an mlm so you don't have to do that the majority of self-made women are self-employed yes but mlm is not being self-employed or maybe for tax purposes it's like classified that way but it's not self-employed in the true business ownership sense so it says to grow up and get educated i feel like the phrase get educated is just used so loosely nowadays where it's like people say get educated but what they really mean is learn about why i'm right in reality i would say if you're in an mlm you need to be open to hearing anti-mlm points of view otherwise you're not truly opening yourself to an education and for those in my comments who are going to be like well savvy why aren't you open to hearing an mlm's point of view i am i've said it many times if you want to come on my channel and have a discussion or a debate if you are currently in an mlm and you are pro mlm and you think you have a lot of knowledge that covers things that i didn't cover that i missed please email me my email's in the description below i am happy to discuss it with you on a live stream let's make it happen i've offered this to many people and no one's taken me up on it yet so if you want to i'm here for it so anyway that's what happened when the mlm crowd read rachel hollis newest book what did you guys think of this video let me know in the comments below again if you want to uh win a free copy of this book help this video get to 50 000 views share it with people like it leave a comment if you want to win this book and leave a comment in my comment section being like yes i want to win this book please enter me in the drawing and then if this video does hit 50 000 views i'll do a drawing if it never does then maybe i'll just like run a different contest to give away this book because i do want to give away this and eric mori's book and all of the books that i'm annotating for these things if you want to support me as a small business owner don't forget to check out linked in the description below my newest book the love of senior dogs is now available for pre-order so that book's releasing november 7th the launch party is scheduled on this channel and it's up on facebook so the launch party is going to be saturday november 7th at 2 p.m central if you want a book about cute senior elderly dogs uh check it out in the description below tomorrow on this channel at 11 i am going to be announcing my nanowrimo project and i am also going to be announcing my streaming schedule for nanowrimo so if you want to write if you're going to participate in nanowrimo and you want to write your novel or if you just want to watch me write my entire novel live then you'll want to come to those streams stay tuned for tomorrow's video i will see you guys all again soon but in the meantime don't forget to support small businesses and don't forget to check out all of my lovely patreon supporters this video was brought to you by my patreon supporters check them all out and uh check out their links in the description below and support them as well thank you guys so much for watching this bonus video and i hope you have a wonderful day bye get you some nuts there was lots of memes makes me wonder if i should pick up lesbianism chicago you guys asked for it
Channel: SAVY Writes Books
Views: 37,067
Rating: 4.9493937 out of 5
Keywords: anti-mlm, antimlm, rachel hollis, girl wash your face, girl stop apologizing, didn't see that coming, book review, r/antimlm, savvy writes books, savy, savvy, savy writes books, antimlm youtube, antimlm community, network marketing, pyramid scheme, scam, cult, lularoe, young living, herbalife, scentsy, pink zebra, direct sales, kiki chanel, savannah marie, cruel world happy mind, monica siembieda, the antibot, the recovering hunbot, munecat, booktube, authortube
Id: bQ8hv_couYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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