Girl, Wash Your Face: the First Negative Review on #BookTube!

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hi I'm Savi and today we're gonna be reviewing the book so we are reviewing girl washed your face now I personally don't wash my face I mean I do shower every now and again like I shower a couple times a week don't worry all the reviews I could find on YouTube of this book were overwhelmingly positive and I found a few negative reviews on Goodreads now I personally thought this book was [ __ ] so I'm gonna be like the dissenting voice the only negative YouTube review of this book and if you liked this book if this book inspired you if it made you feel like a better person or a better mom or whatever like good for you I genuinely hope you enjoyed it I'm not here to like yup you're young or whatever but I personally thought this book was really bad and I'm gonna explain why so I do respect the fact that rachel is a really successful entrepreneur she started up her own social media company and her event planning company and she made a lot of money doing that and rose to the top and I think that is fabulous this book I did not think worked and the main reason for that is that rachel is trying so hard to make herself hashtag relatable so I actually listen to this book on audible so I'm gonna play you guys a couple clips of things that really bothered me in this book and we're gonna start with the first point where I realized that Rachel was super out of touch you've seen them in fact you're reading a book written by one right now ultimately I think that's what people are commenting on in my photos there's a name your life looks so perfect but what I think they mean is your life seems happy nope you look content that's no Thursday I'm always optimistic and grateful you're always laughing it's not what they're thinking [Music] Rachel people aren't jealous of your life because you're happy do you know why people want your life money funding on [ __ ] - Tom Rachel you have a lot of money that's why they're commenting saying how can I have your life not like wow girl you look happy like wow girl you're not living in poverty that's [ __ ] amazing that's why people are like how you not know they're not the same person where's my trust Pam Pam's a liar now what what what okay so our friend Pam here who is doing an oddly specific diet every Monday and then decides that she wants to have a piece of cake at her son's birthday party which is like a totally reasonable thing ruins her diet it is eating pizza and Rachel walks in and is like Pam why are you eating pizza I'm the food police over here i watch what everybody's eating in these in this office and I comment on it because that's a totally normal and non-invasive thing to do and Pam's like oh yeah you know I decided not to do the diet because I want to eat some cake and pizza again and would you trust pam pam why would you oh my god like rachel this situation is so oddly specific that i kind of worried that like like did pam hurt you Rachel are you okay like to depend do something like you you can tell me friends let me paint a quick picture of myself in high school okay I was a solid 20 pounds heavier I weren't close from the good book and I was Rachel I'm currently definitely more than 20 pounds heavier than you are now in high school I wasn't even president of the drama club I was just a member I was I was someone who got teased but there was that one instance maybe that's why it sticks out in my brain maybe that's why it still feels so shameful hmm we'll call this girl Nina her actual name is Tina but I'm trying to write in code here that's kind of funny actually it was the girl who always seemed totally confident in herself for her and she was pop I also develop breasts and a sense of humor before everyone else it's not a good thing the humor is a coping mechanism to deal with the fact that everyone's sexualizing you and you're 12 [ __ ] off Rachel we were supposed to be writing a paper on Zora Neale Hurston Nina mentioned something about shaking her toes I don't know why she mentioned it I assumed popular girls share grooming tidbits the way the rest of us mortals talk about the weather but anyway while I didn't say directly I talked so much smack about it's my best friend later that day who shaves their feet what do people do that do people [ __ ] like I don't care if you shave your feet like do whatever makes you happy if you want silky smooth toes go ahead but like I don't think that smack is it like I I've never heard of that [Music] some people conversation most people would have forgotten about a conversation like that by now but it keeps haunting me years later because the whole time I was mocking shmita and her hairy toes oh my god Rachel okay I got to tell you guys I have never once shaved my toes I didn't even know that this was the thing people did I guess me saying this I'm acting literally exactly like Rachel was acting to her friends in high school so I guess that makes me a [ __ ] popular girl or whatever but no I'm being totally honest with you and like I don't care if you shave your toes I don't think you're gross or anything right prove it to you hol up look see I have never once shaved my time anyway if you shave your toes keep shaving your toes I don't have a problem with it if you don't don't feel pressured to start now that you're aware that it's a thing the amount of hair on your toes does not make you a better or worse person literally no one cares except Rachel because her views are different from yours viciously gossiping with other women taking the social media to write hateful things to people you don't even know I feel so called out right now okay I'm not gonna lie I realized that Rachel's going off on like why we shouldn't judge other people and Here I am she's a person I don't even know and I'm here on the internet talking about why I hate her book but there's also a part in this where Rachel talks about how she doesn't even read her reviews because she like doesn't want to deal with the haters or whatever so I don't I'm not really worried that she's gonna hear this and I think that getting critique is part of being a public figure so if I ever get famous feel free to make your videos talking about how awful I am and how I suck I don't think Rachel sucks I just don't think this book is useful so again I'm sorry from being a major hypocrite right here Rachel I'm not judging you I'm judging the content of your work and I think that's fair anyway we're gonna talk about Rachel's relationship so she gives a lot of love advice Rachel married the first person she ever dated that's okay but there are a lot of problems in their relationship which are super unhealthy and it makes me think that rachel is the last person who should be giving out relationship advice so let's see how their relationship started out [Music] rude okay so this date starts off with Rachel going to a restaurant this guy who says I hope you're not one of those girls who's afraid to eat on a date and Rachel because she is so hashtag relatable and so not like other girls decides that she's gonna eat half of an entire pizza in front of him just to prove to him that she's not like other girls so when Rachel eats a pizza to prove that she's not like other girls it's cool when Pam doesn't it means we can't trust her I'm glad we've covered that so let's hear more about how awkward rachel was when she started dating I thought we weren't supposed to judge other girls Rachel why are we judging the overweight girl overweight does not mean insecure it was the last best way I could think of to hold on to him whoa whoa okay so rachel is this Christian girl and she doesn't want to have sex with him yet and then she talks about how when he's moving she's like oh my god our relationships not good he might leave me unless I have sex with him so she has sex with him just to keep him but a healthy [ __ ] relationship also throughout this chapter Rachel keeps talking about how she was technically a virgin she'll be like I stayed over at his apartment every night we weren't technically having sex my virginity went from technical to non-existent what is technically a virgin Rachel are you saying that you were using the poop hole loophole I was right you do need to know where she's not the one so wet all right so I've ranted about this book for long enough I'm gonna talk about couple things that I liked in it one thing is that Rachel mentions that if you're depressed or you have anxiety or you're going through these problems she recommends going into therapy I think this is a healthy approach to take in these situations overall her book is like you know you're responsible for your own destiny you know take control of your life but you like if you're actually if you actually have a legitimate mental illness go to therapy work on it the one thing I wish she had gone a little more into was more specific steps and advice for how to get into therapy like a lot of people reading this book might not have the disposable income or might not have good health insurance or any health insurance at all and it might be difficult to get therapy in their position so I feel like if she had given some more specific advice like oh if you don't have health insurance here are some ways to find inexpensive therapists that might be helpful to you or here are some therapists that work with specific lower-income insurance plans like if she had something like that I think that would have made it better but I'll at least give credit where credit's due therapy is a good thing I recommend it one other thing I really liked this book is rachel tells the story about this time that she's working on her first book and she writes this book where the main character is a little bit more innocent and doesn't have a lot of life experience yet but her agent was shopping it around to multiple publishers and was like the publishers all gave the feedback you need to make this girl [ __ ] she's a young 20s woman in Los Angeles she'd be sleeping around already and stuff like that and Rachel really didn't want to and every publisher rejected this book so she self-published it and used her own social media following to get people to buy it she first started off only selling like 50 copies but now it sold like a hundred thousand because she's just kind of put in the works to market it and get it out there and she kept the protagonist exactly how she wanted her to be and a lot of her readers actually really related to this protagonist so I thought that was an amazing story of like stay true to yourself write what you want to have creative freedom don't let publishers get keep you and tell you what you can and can't put out into the world if you have a story you want to tell you tell that story and you'll find the readers that want to hear it and I thought that was like a really beautiful message and it's something that I personally really really believe in so good for you Rachel I really really like that story alright guys so that was a girl wash your face I hope you enjoyed my review of this if you enjoyed it please give it a thumbs up and please consider subscribing to my channel if you have any books you'd like to see me review in particular please leave a comment below and let me know but other than that I'm working my way through my reading queue so that I can get some more reviews out there to you guys thank you so much for watching bye [Music]
Channel: SAVY Writes Books
Views: 16,403
Rating: 4.8693876 out of 5
Keywords: girl wash your face, girl wash your face book review, rachel hollis, wash yo ass tariq nasheed, wash yo ass k-flex, thomas the money engine, negative book review, girl wash your face bad book review, fat-shaming, self-help books, self-help book negative review, not like other girls, trying too hard to be relatable, spilling the tea, booktube, spilling the booktube tea, controversial book opinions, booktube unpopular opinions tag
Id: mAAjSWgiwJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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