Reacting to Popular Tech YouTuber's Website Designs 😂

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[Music] what is up everybody today i'm reacting to 10 different youtubers personal websites now here's the thing i haven't actually seen these websites yet i i researched it i found your website i put it in the address bar and i just made sure it loaded i kind of like blurred my vision and just clicked off real quick so we're going to be reacting to these websites together now most of these youtubers aren't actual designers so this is obviously kind of like a light-hearted fun sort of thing but i do want to know which youtuber has the best website in your opinion let me know in the comments and let's get started make sure to subscribe though now wait one moment if you're interested in front-end development you may be interested in my new course at called from figma to code this course is going to teach you all about how to take high fidelity mockups created by myself and make them a reality in the browser with html css in some javascript if you've ever been handed a figma file and weren't sure how to handle the html and css this course is for you as a breakdown everything starting with extremely simple examples and ending up with a fully responsive front end so make sure you click the very top link here in the youtube description to get access to my new course from figma to code along with many others for a low monthly fee now let's get started all right very excited here are all the tabs there's 10 different tabs up here with the youtubers and their channels and what we're going to do now is i'm going to paste in their actual website address so the first person here is dennis ivey a personal friend he's a coder he specializes in django i believe um i give him crap all the time and i'm about to give him probably a little bit more crap once we check out his website dennis all right i mean actually you know what i remember seeing this before because i did a live stream with him where he's talking about his website uh and i was looking at it a little bit um i'll be honest when i scroll down one thing i notice is things are just kind of uh you know there's a white space here they're kind of uneven things are kind of going back and forth like in and then out and then in and out um but most importantly though i mean it's really simple listen if you're not a designer try to keep things as simple as possible and this is pretty simple and so for somebody like dennis who's you know mainly a coder or entirely a coder uh this actually isn't bad i've seen aspiring designers try to whip out all the bells and whistles and just overdo things with effects and stuff and then it ends up looking like something like like a 10 year old in 1999 designing their first website so overall not bad for dennis all right next up dev ed we all know dev ed coder slash ui ux designer uh let's check his website out developed by ed all right so i believe i remember him mentioning our discord server that he's used um some sort of platform for courses i forget what it's called it's a popular one um of course this this whole hero section style uh it's kind of reminiscent of like the 2016's or something where you have a photograph if you are like that's a watermarked eye and then you have center text on top of it but you know what it works though um but so this one this is not something he created himself i believe this is based on some type of uh store template where you just put in your picture or something like that so that one's not too exciting let's continue on though with traversing media uh the juggernaut of youtubers um let's check out traversing media of course brad's not a uh an actual designer uh for the most part specializes in front end development and some back end stuff um now just taking a look at this um so just uh scroll down here okay i like this section a little bit more of course it's kind of like the the previous one where we have a watermark photograph background you can still read this although it's a little bit difficult to read this especially with type already like code in the background but coming down here i would probably try to simplify these cards just a little bit it looks a little bit like christmas to me with the green and the red um perhaps it's different when you okay yeah so it's still the cards are still a little bit cluttered but you know it's brad traversy so anybody you could he could just puke on his website and people would still just buy his courses anyway so it doesn't really matter um coming down here i kind of like this section here 142 million video views i think i have like 42 million so yeah there's that that's brad all right next up is oops let's get back over here coder coder so i she's one of the nicest people uh we hang out in the discord server and she's one of these creators has a 192 000 subscribers i of course a coder so let's check out her website very simple all right want to learn how to code we've got tutorials and resources geared towards self-taught web developers check it out below all right so if you're not a designer which i i really don't know i didn't research her if she's a naughty designer or not like i said keep things as simple as possible and that's exactly what's happening here so there's there's no issues in terms of readability accessibility as it appears um the yeah the uh the thumbnails here you can read them they're simple i have nice little illustrations on them the cards not too bad maybe a little bit too much white space above here but you know for the most part this is actually pretty solid for what i see next up is kevin fowle okay so my pal kevin powell uh css expert i think most of us pretty much know that his channel has been exploding lately um let's check out kevin powell's website hi i'm kevin i teach people how to make the web and how to make it look good while they're at it that's a very good headline i talk about good headline ad copy all the time and it's just i this one's done quite well he could have said hi i'm kevin i do css half of you would have done that out there and it would have been very boring uh boring rather so yeah overall not too bad maybe a little bit more white space inside uh this container and also around this text it's a little bit jumbled up but you know what i'm splitting hairs here i and again this is another very simple example i where there's a good white space all around pretty much there's nothing too crazy happening uh so overall i like it for what it is very nice um web dev simplified all right web dev simplifies 604 000 subscribers cut covers a lot of uh just front end development so let's check this one out all right another example of something pretty simple um looking at this yeah there's no really logo it's just a simple uh hyperlink this gray right here i would like to see color in that you know rather than just a gray all right so what i like to do is change eye the color here we're going to grab a color that already well i for some reason it's not working it's not allowing me to choose this blue anyhow let's come over here manually in the hue selector come out to blue and maybe we'll just come out here to like a desaturated blue or something like that rather than just going gray like this this way we're getting in the hue that's found in other areas of the user interface and it just makes it a little bit more consistent in terms of color other than that these are little cards with the the thumbnails on the left they're consistently designed also this eye section over here very good in terms of typographic visual hierarchy white space contrast all quite good the net ninja all right this is uh another juggernaut of a youtuber who puts out a video essentially every single day sometimes two times a day um so let's check out net ninja's website which is all right so this is interesting layout probably one of the more unique ones that i've seen the most unique so far uh it's it's a fully fluid uh layout that expands all the way but it still works pretty well even on this large 4k resolution learn about that net ninja pro all right looking at the cards here very good price comparison sort of thing right here emphasizing one or the other yeah this is actually pretty solid i have to say nice nice nice coding phase all right coding phase another youtuber uh coming up on 100 000 subscriber subscribers rather and let's check out all right so another one of these approaches with the uh the watermark background but i do like the purple i i like that quite a bit and one thing i don't really like is this this button here i think we could we could probably make that stand out a little bit more so so i'm gonna do a solid one and we're gonna see if we can improve this just this button really quickly so background that's the one thing i think i'm gonna do what we want is maximum contrast from the background that it's sitting on or near maximum contrast so we could go white now look how much that sticks out now now once we take this uh color which was white we can actually um we'll just come around to purple because that's what this is found uh on the rest of the site we could take our font weight we can bold that big time we can increase the font size as well so we'll do font size maybe 1.5 rem nah 1.3 rem and then maybe boost up the padding which i'm not sure if that's already there in another property but we'll try it anyways i all right well he has some type of weird styling on there we're going to leave that off for now but this is i what i've changed it to and this is what was there before it's kind of just like a dark kind of anti-pattern you want your call to action to stand out having said that everything else here is pretty solid uh coming down uh actually pretty good um thumbnails here in these cards the way that they're designed yeah this is actually cool it's a lot of color here awesome stuff all right here is another one now this person adrian actually oh 100k super subscribers just passed that yesterday i believe uh is also a ux ui designer so i'm interesting to see interested to see what his website's going to look like all right i looks very looks very simple um one thing of course this is this is me nitpicking i'd like to see the container i have the same exact width i this kind of spread out over here then over here and then on the inside is this here now mind you sometimes these people they're not creating their own website from scratch or whatever even though they can i'm not sure if that's the case with adrian but for the actual articles and this uh the thumbnails these are actually real solid and it's actually it's a very simple approach so yeah i actually like this as well it's very easy to uh the article page is easy to read as well very cool uh last but not least is going to be james q quick coming up again i almost 100 000 subscribers uh let's check out james's website he was scared because i told him i was doing this in the this the discord he said he hasn't updated his website yet but honestly compared to the other ones i really don't see like any type of massive deficiency um a little interested on the the letters tracking here uh the letter spacing a little bit extended um but for the most part i mean yeah this is real clean real simple i like the font i it's it's probably poppins if i had to guess which is my favorite font right now all right so i've just reacted to a bunch of other people's websites now let's react to my website the last time i updated it i i believe it was like in 2008 so we have to we have to consider that gary simon look at that i'm the worst of all because i have not decided to update my website and i kind of just leave it there you know just as a reminder uh of where it came from now back then this is actually pretty solid design notice how the container is so small because back then resolutions on on monitors they weren't very large um this is kind of just when um the the smartphones were coming out um this is not responsive though yeah so this has been a long time since i i actually look at this this is this is yeah that's not html that's actual um those are pictures those are actual pictures what was i thinking and here is a of course i put this little quick landing page up last year um it's been almost a year been collecting emails make sure you enter your email address to be notified when uh the new relaunches and i'm actually going to show you a little sneak peek of uh part of the landing page made in 3js which we'll be releasing here uh real soon and that is right here so this is all 3js i created this little model here in blender i'm going to probably have a secondary call to action here as well but this is going to be a long page ad copy um in terms of the the sales page to try to get people to join and this is coming out very soon i'm very excited all right everybody hopefully you enjoyed that whose website did you like the most let me know in the comments what you thought about this and also make sure to subscribe if you haven't yet and i'll see you real soon goodbye [Music] you
Channel: DesignCourse
Views: 25,959
Rating: 4.916533 out of 5
Keywords: reacting to, designer reacts to, web design review, ui review, ui design, ui ux, gary simon, designcourse
Id: WTJv88zzit8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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