Refactoring YOUR Designs [LIVE]

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what is up everybody we're going to get started here momentarily i'm just going to let uh you guys filter in say hello in the chat i'll say hello back and we'll get started it's my daughter's birthday today actually it's tomorrow but we're selling celebrating it today she's going to be nine we're going on vacation also this is a big big big deal right here the pre-launch it's about halfway finished but you can join early during the pre-launch week which begins september 14th which is exactly how many days from now uh 10 days so in 10 days after a couple days after i get back we are pre-launching where if you join and you try really hard and you join the mentorship program you're going to just be an awesome designer i yeah it's gonna be freaking awesome also you'll get a discount for joining during the pre-launch week one week window and then when it's finished it's opened up forever so hopefully a few months after the pre-launch it'll be completely ready all right look lakshiya okay say my name do that again and you're gonna be putting time out no more spamming up he's spammed timeout yep definitely unreal don't spam the chat all right all right so for all of you i who may be new basically this is a live ui ux review show where you submit your design the instructions are in the youtube description here and i will review it so you join up discord blah blah blah you have to do the roll assign all this crap to open up the access for this channel and then you submit it all right so let's go ahead and just get ready to rock we'll do this for maybe 45 minutes today like i said it's a birthday for my child and i have to um i i'm busy i am freaking busy all right so let's get started very first one oh and by the way today is a little special one because i i'm actually gonna hop in to uh figma to redesign some aspects so i'm not gonna be able to get through a bunch of these reviews i'm sorry it's just it is what it is all right i like to keep things a little bit different though oh and by the way when i am i'm i'm going to myrtle beach south south carolina for a week leaving tomorrow um i still have all my videos ready to rock in fact i'm uploading four or five videos two or three youtube shorts um then also my regular two videos so i'm not going anywhere even though i am all right let's check these out i haven't checked any of these out yet move them off screen make sure i'm not getting trolled with uh adult content or anything yeah here we go all right okay let's see here not much of an actual design i'm not gonna bother honestly trying to refactor anything here just because there's not enough all it is is a person's picture their name and then a bunch of buttons so for what it is i guess there's no major concerns in terms of ui design that we're i'm worried about because the contrast is there uh white space is there there's just not really what i would call a big layout this is just kind of like hello this is my name here are my links um so for what it is it's not horrible you look like a really you look like a young person uh but what i would try to do if this is supposed to be like a portfolio really build out the layout uh and get some inspiration by going to sites like dribble and all that um and turning into a real portfolio if that's what the intention is rather than just it being like a link farm all right next up let's go down here her name is claire claire's funny claire is a very uh funny child because i she talks crap to me it's hilarious like i just told her the other day it was in the context of a conversation i'm like yeah i look like i'm 24 by the way i'm like 38. and she's like she's like no you look like you're 65. so yeah she she gets me all right um next one all right this is a ultra simplistic layout as it seems um monochromatic for the most part the only thing i would probably adjust here i mean if you really want to stick with ultra simplistic just with type only i kind of more of a fan of moving the logo right here in line with this and also extending some more white space so more to push this down further make a start here um push this over here to this left alignment and honestly you could probably better utilize columns here so you could have a two column approach here to to list out this stuff like this could be one column and this could be another column side by side at least on a large resolution like this because we have all of this space to work with outside of that no other huge issues i like the very subtle borders that you have going here in fact next week one of the videos is all about borders and how you can use low and high contrast borders um but yeah nothing here that really sparks my interest to want to redesign it so not bad overall i know this is what monster or poppins it's monster at yes it is all right next up thank you for mr toxic is helping me out that's not very toxic it's very it's very helpful behavior you know what one thing gets a noise crap out of me these days everybody labeling toxic it's toxic behavior that's so toxic it's not like most times it's just like somebody disagreeing with you and they're going to call that toxic unreal anyways next up figma as you can tell i'm not really a huge fan of what culture all right um this one all right so here we have a figma prototype and i think we can definitely do something with this i see we have you know what's really funny the previous submission or the previous two submissions i with the borders and how i alluded to i'm doing a video on borders well guess what i'm also doing a video on uh blurring as a means to increasing contrast uh that's gonna be the second video for next week um [Music] there's just something there's there's things happening about this design that i think could be improved and i think it has a lot to do with scale everything's kind of large um we have this type here that's pretty large the cup is large i these are pretty large as well and i think it could be improved pretty decently by making some small adjustments um i'm not sure i'm not sure if i want to tackle this one for a redesign yet though um i just think there's too much happening there's a clutter as well i mean because look we have this type here um it's sitting on the it's center line and not only do we have an image behind it but we also have this real strong blur that's occurring and this is black text and this is white text and then we have a call to action that's not centered yet it's left line things are just kind of all over the place so i think um it could be just a matter of you know making some small adjustments that take a matter of like two minutes that could really improve this um quite a bit i just think there's too much happening here and it could be simplified um next up down here not a fan of pushing this title over here because it's not even right aligned it's kind of like off center and that throws things off i would rather take this push this right here in line and if you want to do some sort of border on top of it or whatever you could definitely do that um muhammad is getting his cursor in here um i like this portion it's not bad now down here i'd say this email field is a little bit too small you need more white space around the enter your email area because just just it's just too squashed down so i think that could definitely be improved why are you doing that that is very annoying okay next up and who who the heck is i messaging me it makes my thing flash i don't like that all right next up we got some major issues here major issues let's refresh that see if there's anything happening all right okay let's let's do a quick redesign of this one uh because i think there's a lot happening here that we could definitely improve uh how many people are here 130 that's not too bad on a saturday evening um all right let's let's uh let's improve this i think we can make some significant improvements and i'll do my best to to make this as fast as possible i'm going to hop into figma and i'm going to start a new file um let me get the chat back up here though i don't want to maximize this and hide you all and then you start crying all right i oops yeah i don't want to get that out all right here's the original design and let's get a frame out here of desktop let's get the same general feeling going i mean we can use a gradient background subtle like that so i will take uh this we'll choose linear and the first one we will get this color and then the second one will bump that opacity up and we'll get the darker side okay and then i'll come back over here and we'll get the correct angle going from light to dark you can definitely do this all right all right so we have a sidebar here but look at these icons dmr i don't even know what that is like what happens when we click on that it's not it's not even clickable so it just says dmr i don't know what that means and then we have icons without actual labels like that's that's that's a tough sale it doesn't even make sense honestly to have a sidebar like this um so maybe we'll think about that as well so let's uh and then notice up here it says hello like this is the main content section but this is where like your name or your logo should go so let's just say we're going to refer to you as to share t-u-s-h-a-r let's increase that let's um i'm not sure what we're using i feel like using nunito for for some reason so let's bump that up to char let's make it bold and we'll keep it black all right now next up you know it has a home button and then has an icon for i don't know what is and then we have another icon for i have no clue what that is either so that's a big ux no no you're making people guess before they click on it you don't want that so i'm just going to put in some freaking fake links um and we'll push this over here so we're going to assume we're going to have a home and let's make these not bold and let's scale them down just a bit maybe to like 22. and so we'll have a home want to make sure these align correctly duplicate we'll do i my work and then we'll do a contact see we're keeping things simple and we're using patterns that people know and and expect we're making it as simple as possible so now we say hi or hello i am to shar i'm not going to say that and i'm not going to say i'm a web developer we're going to say we're going to give ourselves a headline that really freaking works much better than that so we're going to say uh i [Music] i make your designs rock now you could probably think of something a lot better and cool than that but that's just what i'm thinking off the top of my head in like literally a span of five seconds and a bunch of people watching me uh so don't judge me um i make your designs rock you know you just want something that's unique and interesting with flair uh and then in your sub head you could put something like um web developer slash ui expert i don't know that may or may not be true in his case or their case whoever they are um but you know we can just put a sub headline there we could put it up here if we want you know we could also instead of extend it all the way out we could go like this and make it really beefy and large like we can do this i make your designs rock and then let's fix that leading which is the line height all right so now we're really filling this up see notice he has all this there's not much content here it's just a few head headings and then there's a a description and then like this this 3d thing but look how small things are he's not utilizing all the space that it possibly could so by making a nice strong big headline when you don't have much content it's a great way to fill out uh the ui of some sort so just think about that and we could do small things to make this type interesting and also further increase what's called the visual hierarchy so we can take uh maybe maybe we'll wrap this in like a little background container so we'll take this we'll make it white and kind of like just kind of like a highlighter effect of some sort maybe even make this smaller [Music] all right so we really increase the visual hierarchy between these these couple elements uh and we want to make sure we have good evil not evil but equal white space all around all right so that's one potential way to take it um and then we have a um a description so if i come back here where the hell did it go that's not it it's right here now i think this is a pretty long description especially for a hero section but we'll see let's paste it in and see what happens here so while i increase this let's get regular to really reinforce that typographic visual hierarchy the thing i always one of the things i talk about often i so if you want to do something like this you can probably pull it all the way out and then figure out a illustration of some sort maybe that's where this little thing can come into play i think if i use something that makes a little bit more sense and is better more visually appealing than just like a a cube but still it probably something like that you know could go right here in this section and so notice just how more filled out this is compared to this all right so that's my real quick refactor um of this particular design of course i could go much more but i we have some other submissions to get through all right let me let me um look at the chat okay cool everything is going smooth my mic didn't turn off that's awesome all right next up reliable tutorials is that actually you like are you a tutorial creator all right mathematic tuitions for hsse and g set in vasco i have no clue what any of that is i like the background it's a very subtle watermark very low contrast which means everything sitting on top of it can really pop out um i hate saying pop because that's like the worst thing a client can say can you make my design pop well this is high contrast so things really do stand out so it works well i would say for this larger resolution kind of want to fill things out a little bit more you can make things a little bit bigger but but not much it still works pretty well looking at the rest of this so yeah one of the things i i talk about like at least 20 times for these streams is when it comes to forms if you're going to use these uh the placeholder values don't use an actual placeholder value it'll look like a placeholder value use a floating label at minimum that way when you click in it people aren't like oh crap i forgot what i'm like what is what is this field for so you always want to have the label present visually all right um outside of that everything here is pretty pretty standard i you might want to increase the leading here this line height is a little bit scrunched it's going to be easier for people to reach if you increase that just a bit this is the best part of the design up here in my opinion all right pretty solid next up wait why did somebody uh glad i didn't skip over that thinking it was red already alrighty next up this is a pretty what i would call standardized design it's a real common aesthetic but i'm looking at anything that's objectively wrong in terms of the ui design fundamentals so looking at that it seems like we have some pretty good visual hierarchies established based on the type that's occurring here so this is pretty decent the call to action stands out quite well let me um change this to english um i would probably want to use a little bit more of a higher quality photo here it looks like it's it's a little bit pixelized uh but it's still fine um now these have down arrows but they're not working over here um but this one's working and this this seems pretty good don't really have too much of a problem with what's occurring here notice the borders very subtle which works fine you could probably even go a little darker with those borders um all the sections have good eve equal white space between them so that's really important because consistency in terms of white space and alignment and a lot of other things when it comes to using ui design fundamentals is very important overall consistency really helps structure a ui and this is all very consistent no problems with this although what is this this is kind of strange it should be like in columns rather than just uh um a single row or a single column rather all right pretty good not bad next up we can definitely improve this and i'm going to focus on this part right here uh yeah we can definitely improve this in fact here's what i'm going to do i'm going to i we're going to f12 this we're going to get this whole container hopefully it's in an easy container oh dang it um let me think how can i alright well we're just gonna delete that part for now i'm going to [Music] do that and then we're going to come to figma wherever the hell figma is at did i really close it unreal hold on a new file all right so let's let's um look back here i'm gonna refresh this real quick that's my daughter's like screaming down there i told them don't be loud i know you have a friend over for your birthday and stuff but i don't i'm like i have to live stream all right so let's look at um what was occurring before so if i take this here one last time copy that put this over here that way we have a reference point let's fix up this area right here um all right a single platform for all your work i i like the type i like the copy itself so let's let's stick with that a single a single is a single platform for for all your work okay something like that you can't see it yet because it's very small now what am i going to use you know what i'm going to use i'm going to use poppins this time they look like they were using something like ariel you know a font like mozzarella poppins yeah just what did john frock say no it was the green computer man you can't go wrong with uh poppins all right all right so it's well we can make this a little bit larger yeah let's just do a yeah let's do that we'll do three lines a single platform for all your work that'll work um and then we have this uh headline right there i mean not headline but description now let's bring that down quite a bit maybe we can go 30 and then we will also go to regular and then we will also just hit zero here wait or not or auto rather all right we could probably boost that up even more than 30 and then also adjust the leading all right and then pre-register today this is the biggest part that i think that's the issue like we have to i could tell based on the type here there's some tracking or letter spacing that's just extended too much and extended letter spacing if not used properly in the right context i doesn't look good at all it really just makes things look cheap and so pre-registered today i could tell and and it's free with two exclamation points it's killing it not enough white space too so you know we have a headline sub headline that's its own little semantic little world and then we have a form underneath it the call to action so we need to really physically separate these out with more white space between them so pre-registered today it's free let's work on that i hold on i have to tell my kids to be quiet for a second [Music] claire claire yeah stop screaming alrighty i am back okay all right next up the dot react you're doing might be confusing gary what's that mean what do you mean my dot react all right um pre-register today it's free okay so there's gonna be a form all right let me delete that let's use this let's do this all right pre-registered today um [Music] dennis what's up i know dennis you need to have yourself some kids already you guys are having way too much fun just being by yourselves him and his wife down in florida i mean come on join the rest of us and just get some freaking kids you know i only say that because i'm jealous of him sometimes you know although my kids are getting older things are getting easier when they're really young it's really freaking difficult you can't go out and just like drink all day like freaking just hanging out in the ocean like freaking dentists all the time so all right pre-register today let's get the form filled in here [Music] uh all right so we need a a form a text field background all right so we could probably go something like this give ourselves a little bit of rounded corners [Music] enter your email address all right let's about bring to the front let's also not bold it regular [Music] enter your email let's uh not make it 100 contrast if it's going to be like a floating label slash placeholder holder so we're going to use that little trick where we grab the color it's sitting on and push it up so we're working in the same hue but we're just adding tint or lightness to it enter your email we can duplicate this for a button because you want your button to be the same kind of aesthetic here i pre-register we'll just use that you don't want to use submit or anything like that these days we'll crank this up to bold don't worry everybody we will be done with this refactor real quickly um trying to see if there's any secondary colors it could be that right there um so what we could do is take this background we'll get this color and then we're probably gonna have to go black with that in order to get better contrast i know this is looking a little bit silly i there we go so um we could probably put this up here i think this needs to be a little bit bigger and as such put that right there this could be bumped up as well i think all right [Music] you could also um to kind of frame this form a little bit better you could do something like this as well we could take uh actually let me just take this we'll duplicate it we'll right click and send it back and we'll wait we don't want to go back to just above there there we go and we can wrap it around a container of sorts and let's give it a different shade so we could go darker possibly yeah i kind of like going darker now of course the white space is all screwed up so let's fix that let's take all this stuff move it over here so that the container begins right there and then we will put put this up here push this right around here and there we go all right so here's our before and after honestly this could be worked on a little bit better but i'm not going to worry about it too much i'm just kind of focused on this area here so that we have this from this so i think we could all agree that i this over here is quite a bit better works a lot better um actually this may not pass the contrast guideline so you might want to bump that up there we go uh so yeah going from this to this i think it's a lot better all right next up is that one i think i think i've seen this yeah i just did you last i did you last time maybe you did improve it but i can't remember but just in the interest of trying to get some new people in here i'm gonna have to skip yours i'm sorry let's snazzy we got some 3js happening back here let's refresh this so that's kind of weird because at first there's like this interface but then it hi it hides real quickly so it's jarring it's like what is that like it just it disappeared i wanted to see what the hell that was and so when you open up with this crazy animation it's hiding stuff like it's just too jarring in my opinion so i wouldn't do that now assuming it just started out like this i i still have an issue with this container sitting around it you don't need this container and i'm not really sure if i can get rid of it based on how things are structured here um we got a backdrop filter yeah i'm not sure how i can get rid of like any background like the color wait is that it yeah there's a lot of stuff happening with this thing okay so i see why you did it because this right here this little earth thing does you know it has high contrast elements in it what i would like you to see i would i think would make more sense is if you took this 3js element or i'm assuming it's 3gs it's something like that um and then just squash the uh the brights up from it so it you could still have it in the background but make it more of a watermark and then that way this right here will be higher contrast because right now it's like hard to read your name but the grid the mid-gray background that you had just didn't look good at all so i would also get rid of this this high contrast border in the middle between these elements and then just push these two things away from each other a little bit more all right and then like this section here there's a big issue it's my it's my belief that it's pretty much impossible to use a mid gray and this is a mid gray here in the context of a ui design and just make it look decent at all like i always say you either go real light or you go real dark and you can't go wrong with either way so you should definitely think about that these dividers here are 100 unnecessary they just add unnecessary clutter you could use them if you didn't use a background with your cards right here but the background with the cards being that you already have a background on the cards you've already established that these are three different things therefore this here these dividers these gradient based dividers are unnecessary eyes also more white space on the top and bottom of this container all right hopefully that was helpful next up any no animation okay all right so we have a major issue with visual hierarchy um it just says about me real quick real really big and then down here we have like this tiny afterthought it's like hey i'm blah blah blah i designed to develop software no also your picture here this vector we only need to see one of you so get rid of this one figure out something else that could go over here additionally notice with this section that you have here you have all this space vertically all this stuff uh but then at the top the contents just shoved up there to create more of a balance in your design take this container use the grid css grid or whatever and then just center it vertically and also there's not much here so center it here horiz horizontally as well and it'll just fill out the design much much better also your about me projects these these little arrows right here they're not little they're too large i would make those quite a bit smaller um just because they're they demand too much attention so i would also think about that got a light and dark mode all right next up critique my portfolio alrighty cabbage the pre-launch is september 14th so you'll be able to join at a discounted price for accessing about half of the course is completed so far and then within a few months after that it will be completed all right yep i am live jvs is pretty much single-handedly responsible for ensuring that is ready in 10 days and so yeah i i i i hope it happens all right yeah how's that going by the way you said you were interested in trying to get it ready by tomorrow so all right um again too much white space here all over big white space um also not a fan of the alignment we can see this is all center line over here but in it we've established kind of like a column right there at the left of home but then this is kind of like offset over here it it's not too much offset so in css you can you have the ability to use media queries and therefore you can say uh anything um underneath or over under or over x pixels then we can make things really large so at a larger viewport resolution like this look at all this space like you can really just scale things up a lot more uh and fill up your design it's like for a smartphone like this might be okay although it's still kind of centralized in the middle i'd like to see things separated out more so you can utilize this space more but out here it's just way too much way too much and this feels like it was just made only for mobile just because we have like a single column here in the middle and not a rest of the space is being utilized that is a floating label at least so i will give you props to that at least when this is focused it floats up here and says name so that's a good thing all right all righty let's see hey as long as it's as it's ready by the 14th i'll be happy all right so a big problem i see with this one um home region about yeah we got some issues with alignment in white space um and also contra like the the just the overall quality like this hamburger with the like a darker gray behind it does not work well at all it doesn't contrast well with this blue get rid of that eye background for this hamburger menu also scale down the size of the hamburger too it's quite a bit big in relation to the rest of the type right here also home region about move those in a little bit closer is too much white space between them and then finally sahara where this star see we see a clearly defined column right here well that's where home should start as well so that everything kind of starts on that same column also your little cards here they especially this one it doesn't really contrast well with this background because it's the same it's a desert they're both deserts so you need to figure out a way in which you can increase that contrast and there's a lot of different ways that you can go about that um mainly i would probably just change this photograph here for the desert into something that's higher contrast and lighter color so that being that it's sitting on this area which can be dark is a little bit darker it'll contrast more so think about that and also this draw this text shadow this gray no completely get rid of that don't have any type of shadow behind it it simplifies it much more this right here kind of just makes it look cheap next up yeah padding on the cards as well alrighty wow this is some uh character here for a second i thought like this was an attempt at like communism like with the whole red and black and then i thought this was the hammer and sickle thing up here like the communist side all right um all right so i don't like that leading i think we can definitely decrease that leading um quite a bit like line height that's not working it looks like this might be structured in some strange way line height is not working why would line height not be working damn it am i forgetting my css properties i don't know but either way this should be squashed in less white space between the lines of text um right here also we have some weird tracking occurring or letter spacing i think it just that makes it a little bit hard to read just bring that sucker in just put the default uh for this type um work that's a pretty decent call to action um let's come down all right so right here this is discombobulated it's just i it's this right here is just randomly placed it feels like and then over here we have the actual type like really it would make sense to take this type make it start right here underneath on the column and that way it's very easy to go from from from reading this type this headline to reading this this is just unnecessarily just placed over here in a way that doesn't make sense so put that there um and then maybe put a graphic or an illustration of some sort over to the right all right we'll review another one let's continue on what is all right so i'm not sure what's happening oh i think i just did that one all right there we go all righty so this this background graphic it looks like it was shot like on a like 1998 digital camera or something like it's and then just like completely i don't know what's happening here but my eyeballs they don't like it and it looks like this text is a part of it so there's way too much wrong occurring in this little section right here for me to be like yeah unreal unreal definitely want to use actual html type and you don't want to bake in your your your type in the images that's something i we used to do like back in the late 90s you don't want to do that um did this actu this section up here you know the coloring and all that stuff is pretty decent but then this comes up and it's like what is happening um and then this down here we have some issues like gray on purple that's a huge no um this right here this is what that's these out of stock like this color right here is what out of stock should be like this this gray color that works much better you don't need to wrap the low contrast border in here although it's not terrible because it's low contrast but yeah that's what i would fix about that design primarily and that was completely not a rick rule all right next up ooh snazzy look at this let's refresh that and look at the intro loading pretty nice yeah i like this now i don't like that so i liked everything here but then it just repeats kind of into something very similar i feel like these sections need to have a lot of contrast and then maybe you can reuse this in a later section down in the design but yeah it's pretty cool for the most part i like to see this like with a white background like going from crazy to like just a very light or white background maybe with a very subtle like gray grayscale very light sort of textured background or something like that but yeah for the most part quite solid got a bunch of kids looking at me um the logo just completely gets lost so i want to think about that probably a use case for having like a a bar across the top that's white and then that way we could see the logo this is all kind of improperly aligned it just i would push this over to the left and and try try to pro honestly i would restructure this completely uh just because it's just cattywonkus i'm using really stupid words today but i think it definitely could be improved just in terms of a different layout combine these into their own sections um like this would be one section and then this would be another section but it's styled differently all right this one's not loading i'll give you three more seconds three two one sorry you're using one of these weird web hosts that are slow i think refresh i really like the background photograph being dark and grayscale i really like this font and i really like this color and the secondary font so what are these fonts here fair display i very either very little much like that one um and then this is play fair display as well uh but it works well it's italic and it's not bold so there's good visual contrast so mandela explore the real taste of italy all right yeah this is nice i really like this layout it's very modern i like it yep all solid don't have anything negative to say really i think it would make a little bit more sense to have some sort of maybe an animated scroll indicator right here that we have a little bit of a you know more of a direction rather than just a little line down there but outside of that that this is pretty solid yeah pretty good all right next up how long have i been going uh let me check i hate when you windows does that how do i get everything back hello i thought i could just shake and it would come pack but it's not now i have to get all my damn windows going back here unreal stupid windows all right now i need to answer my question i had how long have i been going 47 minutes wow okay all right this right here again i one of those issues like we have a left column and a right column and then we have all the space down here you just use css grid center these things vertically so that there's equal amount of white space from up here and down here work that type it doesn't i contrast enough with your vibrant background color so make it bold i probably make it i black this is a little strange check out github and blog and it's because it's weird because you have extra white space at the top even though it's a part of this um description right here so it's just a little bit inconsistent i probably want to do this just make those regular links so it looks like a normal you know flow here this part you know this has potential i like this area is decent white space i like the very subtle line separators between them but i feel like like this one especially it's just like there's a lot of stuff happening here i feel like it could be simplified all right we are going to do one more and then i am going to conclude current website well okay let's just look at the figma all right anonymous get your cursor out of here all right so one thing i don't like this this line separator i don't like that i would i would get rid of that it's just hi it's pretty high contrast i understand what's happening though you want to separate this right here this whole nav from this section and you can do that but i would probably just put a a whole like a a rectangle around this whole thing right here and just make it um maybe a really light blue the same hue as this but make it really light almost white and then that way you can create a separation between these two elements um next up let's see here i would center this if you're going to have it be this tall actually i wouldn't even make it that tall just take this and make the image end like right under here underneath apply now like all the way across like cut off like this much cards look pretty decent might want to increase the padding or the inner white space a look like maybe about twice the amount of what it currently is but this i i like the tags i like the headline of the title and i like this so that's all done well that's done well as well uh the avatar and the name and all that stuff pretty solid awesome all right somebody said wtf mine didn't get reviewed well what is your username on here actually i got to do toxic because he helped me with the little icon reacts all right so i think we need to increase the visual hierarchy between these two elements um either by making this bold and larger or i think what we could do is take this type and make the font size you're using pixels i want to do that um we'll do like what's what's 1m a little bit larger so maybe like 1.35 rem units that's better make this uh if we can font weight bold there we go so that in my opinion this is much better if i refresh it you'll see the original [Music] it's much better than what's occurring here or like you said like i said you can make this bold as well maybe slightly larger and still keep the same size you just need to increase the distinction between the two a lot more um the rest of this these are pretty decent here i feel like you're they're really quite squished and you have like how many per row like one two three four you have eight maybe make it just six per row and that way you can make it a little bit larger and that way this text doesn't feel like it's so cramped in inside that way you'll get more white space ability yep awesome all right all righty explore users okay where's your where's your are you saying i skipped yours by accident [Music] oh my god and you spammed though yeah and you you didn't submit it until 11 47 so i'm sorry you're all the way down here somewhere i yeah sorry i wasn't able to get to anybody down here um just because i i i never do i'm not able to get through everybody so if you want to be reviewed next time you make sure you hang out in the discord server uh and then you'll notice in the news section i announced these things usually an hour before but today i announced it four hours before and also on twitter um and then just try to be fast because i can't get to everybody i have a limited amount of time so i will see you all soon and just uh remember if you haven't yet put your email in here at there's probably around 15 000 people who've entered their email over the last year um to be notified when we launch and the pre-launch is occurring like i mentioned the beginning of this uh stream uh in 10 days on september 14th we'll be able to access the course as it stands it's about halfway completed um and yeah um a few months after that it should be finished though um very exciting stuff more videos to come and i will see you all very soon goodbye awkward silence as i get out my freaking youtube studio and hit end stream
Channel: DesignCourse
Views: 5,885
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Keywords: live design review, ui ux, ui ux stream, live, gary simon, designcourse, negative space
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 30sec (3270 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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