Reacting To My Wifes Favorite Clips

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edition these clips have been selected by none other than my wife so i've of course taken on the challenge because i never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever laughed how many episodes have we done a billion and i ain't cracking now let's do it first clip is hungry micropat enjoys his dinner so rachel's just caught this girl's waddled back to um to feed her but she's very hungry as you can tell busy yeah would you like some food that's not a laugh oh she's hungry alright so what's in that rachel i'm smiling because this is such a marxian i'm laughing at something else not the video itself so it doesn't count right say thank you blended food meal worms some vitamin powders yeah threes okay um to take care of their teeth and i've actually mixed it with some microbial milk which we make up we're not getting a bat it's not happening yeah i'm the man of the house it looks like a pug i think that's what it looks like egg edgar when eats yeah she's a she's a bigger juvenile okay some more okay okay look at you storms here so it's just it's just very hungry as you can see thank um she'll take nearly a whole meal all right next hill what is this crazy chica call okay creatures and i just found chicago yard oh yeah i forgot to mention this is animal edition so it fits that hackers here these are all uh animal clothes which is my weakness to be fair but i'm strong enough i know i can do it so this is pretty cool i hope it's alive because usually you don't find them alive no they're creepy looking did you hear that wow okay i need to get something to play so angry that was awesome wow i was scared of my life why are kids so fearless and i got a phone call to put it in don't put it in the cup don't do it it's angry it's gonna eat you [Applause] okay so it's pretty loud yeah but i'm gonna have to touch it no you don't what are you on about oh i definitely heard it did you hear that giant sound he made all right what's next again a guinea pig fight oh they're all kind of information as well oh i've seen this this is phenomenal i love this click i don't know if maritza showed it to me already but he does a full-on jojo charge attack [ __ ] [ __ ] it doesn't count if i've already seen it everyone knows this get out of here look at this charge there whoa that's it all right that's been it then i had enough for you you messed with my [ __ ] lettuce again mate guinea pigs don't mess around again hey you got a thing or two to learn useless pug you would never hurt anyone you're so weak you're so weak and pathetic look at you this face could never hurt anything you're so weak you're so weak pathetic show them how strong you are show them your bicep damn damn oh he's not even he's not even worth that all right let's watch more so far zero laughs no study dance oh the legs my fire alarm is out of battery okay fine i like it [Laughter] birds are cute birds are cute say it loud say it iggy what are you so excited about you want to go all right she got me once but i got three strikes okay lucky eats a banana bananas are good they are potassium gotta get it oh no it's a banana it's a banana what's it meant [ __ ] where's the moment [Laughter] it worked it damn it i'm weak [Laughter] oh that's a great clay furiously attacks banana gets like one gram banana oh that's great fine i lose one what are you gonna do sue me oh what is that b oh i've seen this it's horrifying youtube don't demand it oh god oh that mouth that mouth looks so yeah yeah yeah cute bunny uh-huh sexy bunny oh god it's starting to horror movies oh god what have i done it goes from sexy to horrifying so fast no one's ready for it mr bubbs oh mr bugs i recognize that is he the crazy dog [Laughter] baby boy there's a demon inside that dog it's trapped and it comes out when they call you a good boy oh this is cute [Music] oh blessed video [Music] [Laughter] you're welcome cheers to you didn't laugh we thoroughly enjoyed oh wait there's more [Music] and they have the adopted audacity to say dogs don't smile how explain they scientific i i am never listening to scientists how loud he coming oh lord big boy it finally came the big one would you rather be fit or fat why not both oh my god dude our cat growing up i swear was a mega chunker maybe even olaudi coming he weighed like eight kilos or something ungodly i remember coming home from school and i would enter the kitchen where the cat flap is and he's just standing there half his face out so humiliated because he got stuck obviously good times i was an [ __ ] cat but you know little closer he's going for it there he keeps going can't stop there oh cute that's adorable loved it very much have i given up on the life you lose yes because i clearly failed oh it's it's jambolas oh they're in the hot spring we saw this on the anime euro camp apparently in nature they go in hot springs and i didn't believe it but here i am looking at it incredible is that lemon oh homie's just chilling what a life to live in he goes in the bucket bro you're not gonna fit get out of here don't even try oh okay i was wrong oh that's so cute i stand corrected yeah that was amazing they're so chill this is the life i want to live right here no oh you killed him [Laughter] cat too strong shut the [ __ ] up boy [Laughter] why did you do this oh it breaks my heart no the witness is shocked can't be like i don't appreciate your tone okay this is a must-watch oh because it's eggy oh eggy okay stop being so depressed look it's right there i can see him in there yeah he got freaked out by maya's finger one night it was so funny no we gotta watch that together again look he's fine he's stronger than ever you can tell he's had no brain damage because oh how awake he looks okay let's watch it together hey look how pathetic you are look look look he's looking so intently oh you're you're a tough dog now huh uh you're a tough dog what was that what a loser [Laughter] hey hey hey hey relax relax i know it's embarrassing i understand but you got uh oh he's he's out of here no one thinks you're tough big guy oh my god we also have one of our dog maya that's so funny it was a vine it was a quite popular vine for a while i gotta find it here it is find it uh we'll have to add some other audio in unfortunately but maya wanted to get up on the bed look at her oh [Laughter] [Music] you see the fear in her eyes wait why does she have two eyes what the [ __ ] oh okay there we go it looks like she had two eyes there for a second what the [ __ ] oh bless pug breaks my heart and today no more edgar oh i'm sorry am i bothering you you're oh don't make my comment oh look so older shut up well that was your life you lose animal edition hosted co-hosted by march selected by marzia very well done appreciate it hope you enjoyed smash like subscribe for more videos see you tomorrow bye bye bye bye hey and you can't go to the zoo you need to go to the [ __ ] loop i got something something for you and you leave [Music] [Music] [Music] gonna go with it aloo i got something for you you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 4,705,862
Rating: 4.9591084 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: 34x9esCNld0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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