Reacting to FEATURETTES with George Lucas on Attack of the Clones

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yo welcome back everyone uh thank you for the quick transition let's do the thumbnail um i saw someone comment who else is bothered uh but he didn't do number eight for the uh the other thing what was it documentaries so we can do that at the end of this so let's get started with story love action let's go episode 2 takes place 10 years after episode one and now anakin is a padawan learner apprentice jedi and obi-wan is his mentor padme finished her term as the queen of nebu and has gone on to become a senator the movie is essentially a story about anakin and anakin's dealing with his emotions the difficulty of his being torn between his duty and his emotional needs which relate to padme it must be difficult having sworn your life to the jedi not being able to do the things you like i'll be with the people that i love are you allowed to love thought that was forbidden for a jedi it's uh the beginning of the end of democracy in the republic we go to camino which is a very exotic more fantastic science fictiony kind of planet very surreal and we also go to geonosis which is a planet of insect-like creatures in terms of the scope visually the amount of planets the vehicles that have been designed for this this is the most ambitious of all the various chapters that have been made already this is back to the spirit of adventure the excitement the drama everything is in the script that made people fall in love with the original star wars since episode 1 he'll have been training anakin heavily patience use the force think sorry master they're like um two old friends who've been together a long time and who spend too much time together you know i don't like it when you do that sorry master i forgot you don't like flying well you've lost it if you'll excuse me i hate it when he does that obi-wan kenobi's worried anakin's a bit uh headstrong and um overconfident boy has exceptional skills but he still has much to learn master his abilities have made him well arrogant he loves obi-wan uh because he is sort of a father figure for him but at the same time there still is that resistance because anakin does want to break free of what he's doing right now i'm ready for the trials but he feels it i'm too unpredictable he won't let me move on she is now a senator she had been the queen but her reign ended and the new queen asks her to stay and help out and be a senator so she's still in the political scene do you have any idea who is behind this attack we will find out who's trying to kill you padme i promise you escort the senator back to naboo she'll be safer there they have to travel together a lot because he's protecting her throughout the film they're putting these very extreme settings because they're in hiding i don't even want to know how long it took natalie portman to be in hair and makeup for like every scene you're making fun of me no i'd be much too frightened to tease a senator she really struggles with sort of the the career versus romance um issue you're starting to become a jedi i'm i'm a senator we could keep it a secret we'd be living a lie i couldn't do that could you anakin he understands that as a jedi he's not allowed to fall in love even though he feels so passionately for padme it's that confusion uh that really causes him all of his anxiety this one obviously we we kind of know what happens to anakin um we just don't know how and why it's all obi-wan's fault he's holding me back you're not all powerful well i should be anakin's flaws like all classic mythological heroes are the flaws that everyone carries with them the issues that he's confronting is that a good jedi overcomes those flaws and kind of goes above the normal human tragedy that most people have to experience what is it pain suffering death i fear anakin is starting to display some interesting characteristics that need to be watched closer evil isn't just pure evil a lot of times it comes from good episode two is sort of like a an extended portrayal of how evil evolves and it really allows you to i think feel for his struggle much more and i think that uh most people would make some of the same choices that anakin does it's no different than having somebody in your family that you love who's got a serious problem there's not much you can do you don't stop loving them and i think that's what's going to happen especially with somebody as good as hayden i go on a kind of dick tracy detective spree i've always wanted to have my own shit when he gets one and he gets to take off in it on his own adventure on this one a bit like luke skywalker does in his x-wing when he goes to find the other they are using a bounty hunter named jango fett to create a clone army wait your clones are very impressive you must be very proud they'll do their job well i needed a jedi who was an older jedi that had left the order who was very good i decided to go with a more elegant sophisticated kind of person reminiscent of obi-wan kenobi as an older man i play a character called count dooku a battle-scarred jedi he's obviously a man of immense power mental power and physical power you must join me obi-wan and together we will destroy the sith commerce skills are preparing for war there can be no doubt of that when you have two lightsabers who believes in peace and the power of negotiation until it seems that it's absolutely inevitable and nothing else can be done i will create a grand army of the republic to counter the increasing threats of the separatists this is actually the beginning of the clone wars so there's a lot of intense action sequences in this film this is the heyday the golden age of jedi as a large group and before we've never seen that before there's always been a couple of jedi fighting each other it's a bigger part and i do more things in it that just means that i have to work a little harder making sure i stay alive for the next i look at these as the swashbuckling adventures you know the modern era to work on a film that has the scope of the star wars saga it's kind of like a dream come true for an actor because you're doing something that you know is gonna last forever what more can an actor want in terms of being in a story which is immortalized in the eyes of millions of people it's very rewarding very enthralling and it's magic i think people like seeing you know themselves in a fantastical world it's really like a fun trip for the imagination it's just the story of people wanting to break free from their surroundings and reach new ground the struggle from you know the good side and and the dark side and something that we we all deal with that which i guess is a theme in all of the star wars movies okay next love thank you hamza appreciate that man thank you ethan yeah i think with this one they just took a bunch of clips and they just put it all together from stuff we've seen before i think we've seen let's let's jump to action all the star wars films are action films episode two is no different and even though it's primarily a mystery and a love story it has you know sizeable action people getting jacked in this movie well hey you know it's a star wars movie it is the classic big themes that make you think but then it's really fun and action-filled and you've got this bites that are you know these modern sword fights it's a magical world long time ago in the galaxy far far away and it continues i look at these as the swashbuckling adventures of you know the modern era so these are the new adventures that expand your imagination do you have any idea who is behind this attack we will find out who's trying to kill you padme they're trying to solve a puzzle though somebody's trying to kill padme and they're trying to figure out who and why while she's asleep a droid's come to the window to kill her so we both sent that at the same moment and saved the day everyone goes after them and i race downstairs to grab a speeder and go after them and they go through everything they're through buildings they're upside down they're shooting it's going to be a fantastic chase it's so dense every single image has so many things going on follow that speed up he went that way this is a shortcut i think how many times before we had to do miniatures and stop motion and now we can do things that were unthinkable before we couldn't even think about having a chase through a city in reality to do it we were in a speeder that was rocking about and actually made you feel rather sick after a while it's like going on a fairground ride over and over again where you're not allowed to go have a hot dog you know that was a tough day i was just being thrown around all day trying to hold on and climbing all over the speeder it's pretty nutty you know i don't like it when you do that sorry master i forgot you don't like flying well you've lost it if you'll excuse me i hate it when he does that they end up in the bowels of coruscant which we haven't seen before where they crash and take off on foot we go chasing through the streets uh it was lots of fun to shoot you know and just knocking extras over and fell down a few cool no you get lots of cuts and bruises filming this while annika is sent to protect padme uh obi-wan goes off to see if he can solve the mystery of who's trying to kill her dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is i go on a kind of dick tracy detective spree it's good it's really good then uh the plot deepens you know they are using a bounty hunter fed to create a clone army is there a bloopers reel it starts off at long range because once the once obi gets near him with his lightsaber he's going to be in trouble that's something that i should never do but it was raining and it slipped jango fett is able to escape and there's this wild chase through an asteroid field that is really spectacular blast that's why i hate flying this time i get to fly a really cool spaceship a little starfighter of my own a bit like luke skywalker does in his x-wing when he goes to find yoda which is burning it looks fantastic this thing after a really series of complex events obi-wan gets captured in geonosis and padme is hell-bent on going and saving obi-wan they land on geonosis and then they get trapped into this droid factory they made me look so cool they put me on a conveyor belt with nothing it was all blue around me so i basically had to run and dodge things and just completely making stuff up and then they painted stuff around me that looks like i'm like jumping through things and i look so brave it was pretty exciting i felt very action star finally both of them are caught and they are sentenced to be executed first they're about to be killed by the monsters and then shot by some droids and then the jedi come to save them in phantom menace there were four or five jedi and this one there are four 500 jedi we've never seen that before there's always been a couple of jedi fighting each other yeah i think this is the first time that we really get to see all the jedi in action which is an amazing sight all jedi don't fight exactly alike so that each jedi has his own particular style a lot of the aggression that i hold in my character is exemplified in my fighting style jedi's are always supposed to be very much in control of their emotions and anakin maybe loses control a little bit and some of the darkness emerges we've not seen mace fight yet and we know that he's second only to yoda now i finally get to do it i mean it would be a shame for me to participate in a film like this and never get to use my lightsaber so i'm i'm amped i was thinking about a style for him but it's sam jackson's style you know that he has so much style of his own there's very little you have to do since i'm supposedly the second baddest person in the universe i dispense people pretty quickly confirm use as little energy as possible but i'm pretty lethal i've probably done more sword fights on celluloid than any actor in history and this fight is greater than anything i've ever been involved in it's not very fun not to have a lightsaber when everyone else gets a lightsaber and i get these guns that look like little hair dryers it was interesting to see her in combat mode she's a real fighter they wipe out a lot of the droids and everything and they escape in these gunships and then you come out of the arena and you realize that there's a bigger war going on that all the jedi have arrived with clones and the clone army starts attacking the droid army has been a full-scale war since the formation of the republic the gun this clone war has this takes the idea of a battle scene and takes it to the level that we'd always sort of been aspiring to but never quite got there we have clones and droids and flying termites and rockets taking off flying gunships ground troops 200 jedi it's much much more complex than anything we've ever attempted before there's some really good action in this movie uh people are getting wiped out man there's some wipeouts in this movie a lot of people think episode two is just a sweet intimate love story um but actually i think it's truly the most action-packed of all the films that we've done so far so far until episode three rolls around dude i can't wait to go through the bonus disc for episode three cannot wait we'll probably be there sometime in august probably go through that sometimes it's gonna take us probably uh i don't know what like a week to go through episode one five days if i do it every day i don't know i kind of just want to make this like a summer series and just do this every single day i think that would be really fun i mean pretty much all the videos get copyrighted anyways because of the music but i just i i have a really fun time doing this man it's summer why not it must be difficult having sworn your life to the jedi not being able to do the things you like i'll be with the people that i love episode two is georgia's first real um romance movie it's still got you know all the classic star wars elements got a lot of battles and stuff but the story is really centered around this love story between anakin skywalker and senator amidala in the earlier films episodes four five and six there's a there is a little kind of flirtation but it's never carried very far obviously han solo and and leia fall in love with each other you like me because i'm a scoundrel in your life i haven't like nice man uh but that isn't the sort of core of the story and it takes place over three movies this one it's a much more condensed love story there's still a lot of action and war sort of a love story against the backdrop of a war when george first began to speak to me about episode two when george said to me why don't you make it oh wow love theme it's like the old hollywood movies it's introduced gradually when the lovers are reunited not as lovers but as acquaintances in the beginning of the film anakin has been in love with padme ever since he was 10 years old are you an angel and he worshipped her when he was young and now they're finally getting back together you're sweating relax i haven't seen her in 10 years master when he first sees padme um his attraction changes from when we first saw the relationship and how it left uh you know it was it was a much more childlike affection annie my goodness you've grown so have you grown more beautiful i mean well for a senator i mean and he'll always be that little boy i knew i'm tattooing padme just thought of him as a little kid so it's padme adjusting the fact that he's now a grown-up guy sometimes we must do what is requested of us you've grown up and all of a sudden he comes back and she's like wow you know he's grown up into this handsome young hayden christensen so their relationship really goes from this sort of her looking down on this younger guy to him sort of proving himself as a real force the jedi what do you know probably one of the nicest themes in all of star wars actually the undercurrent of the whole love theme is is very touching very sweet and it's it's more like courtly love you're making fun of me no i'd be much too frightened to tease a senator we have a much more romantic story so that padme's costumes are obviously more sultry in nature as george sort of progressed with the script he sort of realized more that he wanted to show a softer sort of friendlier side to to padme where she could be looking sexy and and gorgeous and young and in skimpy clothes i think the biggest difference i've shown a bit more skin in this one this is my uh sexed up version i guess of of the queen i got over the hump of 18 so i i'm allowed to show tummy now i guess there's romance for you know the kids who love romance stories and young girls young girls will be in love with hayden and you know the guys are going to be excited because anakin's character is exciting everyone's character is exciting escort the senator back to naboo she'll be safer there they have to travel together a lot because he's protecting her because someone's trying to assassinate her don't do anything without first consulting either myself or the council yes master he's constantly telling the jedi order that the anakin's not ready to be sent off on a on an assignment on his own he's he says that his abilities haven't made him arrogant excuse me i'm in charge of security here milady that's not a good thing to be here it's dangerous and then they don't listen to them and we all know what happens in the end throughout the film you know they're put in these very extreme settings because they're in hiding uh that really lend themselves to you know falling in love and they're uh spent a lot of time in a lakeside palace or in you know grassy fields and it's really conducive to two people finding very passionate emotions for each other so then they sort of have these encounters where they they discuss their ideas and they discuss their you know lives and he's trying to show off to her all the time you know probably in ways that he's not allowed to you know using sort of his jedi tricks padme is a very strong-willed person you know he's not so much attracted to the power that she holds in her political arenas but rather the power and strength that she holds within herself she's uh very beautiful and intelligent and it would be easy for anyone i think to fall in love with her padme is attracted to anakin mainly for his looks i mean let's be honest um he allows her to be a little less serious about herself and laugh a little and you know fall in love the love story is a very classic love story of forbidden love uh two people who fall in love with each other when they really can't do that we could keep it a secret we'd be living a lie i couldn't do that could you anakin it's a star-crossed set of lovers really where the lovers are separated by class or by family as they are romeo and juliet by rank as they are in episode two be mindful of your thoughts anakin they betray you you've made a commitment to the jedi order a commitment not easily broken he understands that as a jedi he's not allowed to fall in love even though he feels so passionately for padme and it's this sort of uh these conflicting emotions well there are jedi rules you know and one of them is that you don't you don't fall in love and he breaks those rules he feels very passionately about becoming a great jedi but at the same time he feels so passionately for padme it's that confusion uh that really causes him all of his anxiety it's the same struggle for for padme she she's the so the more mature one the more rational one the one that's not letting her emotions run away with her it's really a struggle for her to say you know can i be selfish and fall in love myself when i have all these aspirations and all these things i need to accomplish so it's the struggle to sort of maintain some sanity in the uh overwhelming wave of chaos brought about by love he's holding me back we have a sense with anakin that there's a dark side to him and his dark side already clouds the relationship he does have an edge he's got sort of a james dean sullen edge to him she sees this sort of darkness to him but obviously that's always intriguing girls always like the bad boys the anger is is a is a product of his confusion he's very passionate about the path that he wants to take as a jedi you know he's very determined and he feels like he's being held back he wants to break free of that but at the same time uh you know he's found this love in his life which takes him in a completely different direction the idealistic sunny aspect hopeful aspect of what of what we feel is balanced by the sense that that experience gives us that these relationships never quite work out the way we idealize them and something will happen to tilt it if evil can love then what is evil if you know love is what makes you human and then is someone who is evil human still i mean it just makes all the questions involving the film a lot more complex you know they fall in love and the struggle is whether they should allow this to happen to their lives even though they know it's going to be very destructive you know in the end they they do decide to give in to their emotions and ultimately they will suffer all the consequences of that that was cool i don't remember for watching that one the loved one i was like it's live whatever but it was actually interesting let's go and uh finish what was it the web documentary number eight i believe i didn't finish i didn't do which i'm pretty sure i did but let's see if i didn't what's number eight jigsaw puzzle building model communities i feel like we did see this one right one of the models but let's watch it anyways if we haven't seen it you know i think someday you're going to be able to no we didn't everything we can do with models we need to do in the computer but we're not there yet it should take longer at this point in time for them to build and finish a cg model than it does for them just to build one the constraints of building miniatures around a certain shot has just been blown wide open we can we can do whatever we need to do to get the image and then it can be doctored altered or or touched up digitally look at that guys the major shifts and visual effects since i've been in this profession that is uh that's just incredible i just turned around and suddenly we're in the computer world the models are used as a starting point and then they have digital enhancements on top of them so it's not like we just do the model and put in the picture and it's done so we got one side which we call a hero side of the model which is where we spend all our time making things real nice our miniatures are built with the filmmaking process in mind we're not just building a piece of art we're building something that needs to be photographed this will actually break into several sections for shooting which pieces will be removable so cameras can get in and such that you're gonna shoot through the various angles and things are what you need for the scenes but you can actually pull them out and move them around and and reconfigure them terrific wow that's great i mean they all it all just you know goes together like a jigsaw puzzle pretty quickly we have people who have very strong art backgrounds and we have electricians we have painters you know we're doing a lot of miniatures as environments so george went ahead and shot all of his actors in front of blue screens and we're creating the rooms that they're actually acting in so this is a 10th scale miniature of the interior corridor here's the artwork we started with were those the heads of the lost future environment here this hallway with obi-wan that definitely sells it once a character goes into a model like this it's done deal it's sold and you really believe it and which what you're seeing is all this is all the all the miniature stuff that we shot and then the thing that you're missing here because this is shot in production is all the digital stuff that goes in there that will change but i don't think the shot will change i mean we've we've got that bot from uh from george whenever we change a shot at fuji finished this is incredible it's really just a way of getting a lot of detail very fast without you know having to spend a huge amount of time on the computer to do it if the shot requires the camera to be say inside a room or inside an environment the detail and level of model making needs to be exact and perfect sometimes it takes us a few tries to accomplish a perfect part this one looks pretty good you can see right here there's a dimple in the piece that can i can really be highlighted and blow it so the idea is no dust perfect part wow we have model makers that know just how to make a model look like it's correctly aged and built and structured correctly and weighted you know it looks like a building has actually got the right weight to it there's no detail on this plane at all but by breaking it up with paint and creating aging and drips it's an illusion of a three-dimensionality to this part that doesn't exist we have a limited amount of resources a limited amount of time and then you build whatever you need to build to accomplish a shot in the computer world all the computer guys will need to learn how to make the models but also make them or be able to render them in time especially organic shapes but even a lot of architectural models is very time consuming and it's faster and better still to do a lot of work with models it's interesting interesting you can see how they created the originals you know when there really wasn't any vfx we got to see such a nice model on display and uh they do the explosions and everything and it's like it's pretty cool man um i think that wraps it up for episode 2 texas kitchen gallery star deleted scenes documentaries theatrical trailers i think i'm going to upload the theatrical trailers on their own without my face just for fun um that's why i get mad people who say the prequels are bad because of cgi the prequels used more practical effects than the original trilogy yeah and a lot of people don't know that that's the problem so i'll give them credit on the visuals but they should have went with darth jar jar uh check out dex's kitchen they talk about sound effects okay let's do that i loved watching the revenge of the sith featurettes when i was younger i loved the series so far if you could ask george one question what would it be i wouldn't ask him anything i don't think i i think i would just say thank you that's all i'd say films are not released they escape creating a universe of sounds for episode 2 architecture beneath the dome before and after montage of islam's visual effects i want to see that hmm excuse me shut me down machines creating machines i guess there's no talking in this one huh be cool that's pretty neat 25 minutes buckle in to make a stream just for this sound is a very important part of the keep going it's not just an assembly line thing where you sort of cut the picture and then you just dump the sound on later it's a much more thought out than that the sound effects in star wars are really what gives these fantastic visuals credibility and we just take for granted that these machines these weapons these aliens enjoy your stay these places are all real there always had to be someone selecting or creating the sounds that would be put into the soundtrack and there's a real legacy there the recordings live on you know we have over 5 000 sounds in the star wars library and i've been recording things since about 1975. and i've kind of kept a mental record of the things we've recorded kind of a living database i guess quite often i go back to the original tapes to find new material that we've never sampled before but the stock is breaking down chemically but we have found they can be resurrected if we place them in an oven which warms the tapes up and we'll restore it so we can actually play it on one of our ancient quarter inch tape machines you have to learn to bake them correctly if they're left in too long you end up with this interesting piece of art which used to be sound i don't know you can use these recordings as a inspiration sometimes for new things i've been working with ben byrd our sound designer on episode two for the last couple of years and uh he's the godfather of the star wars sound universe make sure six is done in the first part most people don't realize all the different sound elements that make up a final soundtrack of a film pretty rough right now like the foley and the sound effects and the adr and the production dialogue and that process will take about a year before we get to the mix we're always on the alert for new sounds and it's a 1942 gas air raid alerts it's disgusting we collected a bunch of mechanical sirens and that one was a real star we took it and recorded it down in the parking garage so it really would echo now we use this for the speeder's dive in the speeder chase i love mechanical sounds you know things that are especially old devices things that aren't you just can't find them anywhere one of the sounds we gathered was the vickers vimy biplane which matt went out and the recorded of that airplane uh ended up being used for the sound of the gun ships that are in the clone war at the end of the film some of the sound of that biplane was i pitched it up and made a higher pitch sound out of it for the geonosian fighters i'm the supervising sound editor i provide him raw sound effects elements the main thing when you're out recording is you're just going to look for something unique something you hear you haven't heard it before and you grab it and you can use it for you know anything the droid factory sequence required practically every bit of machinery we've ever recorded machines that we recorded back as far as empire strikes back some yellow stamping machines that were used i found in the past that we've used almost every sound we've recorded by the end of the film that's crazy all those bits and pieces were brought into the sound design room and reworked it create new sounds out of them i always wanted to blend the literal with the non-literal always you've made machine sounds stamping cutting banging the things you might expect with these machines but this is a foreign alien world what's to say would sound like the ford motor company it should have some other otherworldly quality to it i'm constructing this mentally as i go so it's sort of a intensive it's composition the idea of using percussion musical sounds intermixed with the actual organic sounds of the machinery so it'll be a little bit of a surprise have some kind of dramatic freshness to it and to be just what the audience may expect going in we're just gonna try it and we can keep it separate we can throw it away we can use it we i just want to have follow through on this idea anakin how many times i told you there's dialogue replacement because the set often can be very noisy if anakin and obi-wan are riding in the speeder well there's wind machines blowing on them the track is just unusable um it's recorded and then it uses a guide for the actors to come in and repeat their performances to get a clean and intelligible version of the dialogue has they all left to come to the adr session yet struggles and i can cut that in it's not like she has dialogue that's true it's not dialogue it's just struggling it's just struggling okay here we go yeah incredible pair of lungs there yeah let's do one more for safety and uh yep well that was good exactly an action picture here we go for take two that was good that was great yeah i think we got that covered i'm doing i hit the ship as well yes it's all part of the same thing here we go take one i hit the ship but they used a decoy you know trying to look out for something you used to care i still care i hit the ship but they used a decoy see that's now i got so much more to work with okay that was great i think i'm fine here i made my knife okay that's cool man you have the digital characters too which you have to start from scratch thanks everybody the better one is right and only those who have turned to the dark side can sense the possibilities of the future on this film we're going to record something like close to 900 lines of the dialogue meditate on that i will or i must might as well get three in a row right beautiful i think that's beautiful i don't that was take two or take one that was basically two well two two is the one and this is master jedi obi-wan um i'm just about done with spotting lama sue here so we're gonna need to take this this is the composite reel you gave me from the picture department i don't have time to send anything fedex if you could put it up on our internet server for sound firm over in sydney so they'll have the same media we have and then i'll just make sure that the tie line's working which is going halfway around the world okay how far away are they 15 000 miles yeah something like that so the actors get sydney and george and i are going to be in his theater in the main house long distance looping the audio is going via isdn as being encoded on both ends to sound cd quality and then the video is actually i've got duplicate video on both sides and i'm just sending control information to both so i'm not actually sending video fed demanded only one thing an unaltered clone for himself curious isn't it i have to hear it again yeah i think you had it just you were just one beat too early vet demanded only one thing an unaltered clone for himself curious isn't it yes that was really good for the whole thing this is the best we've ever had it in terms of the setup and quality and the ability to actually do it yeah this works amazingly well considering that they're in australia and we're here we tend to work with a smaller crew over a longer period of time compared to other feature films we actually have a very small sound editing crew we really did this film with two principal sound effects editors we have those elements of the metal and then i'm going to add some dirt in and then we still have these unrolling effects too which are when bruce has been doing all the geonosium crowds and all the crashes and impacts and you know that sort of thing terry's working on the lasers i'm doing the creatures um some poor person is going to have to do all the lightsabers right who is that person hiya terry all right so what do we have today do i hear the arena a little bit of it sure see how dense it is that's not enough lasers wow they'll probably be shooting in those marching shots you know i i just don't know but that's great um to be more lazy than this than ever before in any star wars movie density okay i think so very good so i'm off to my next round keep up the good work foley are the sound effects that are really too specific to be found in a library i got the uh the deputy do and the chamois you know i'm gonna bring this over we'll spot the scenes uh with the foley department and they will go through like an old radio play and perform them like with props and the foley editors will then put that in exact sync with the picture and we'll mix it down as part of the effects track there was some really excellent foley sounds done by danny thorpe and jana vance for the cahoons crawling across the floor give it a go thank you oh wow no way if it's asteroids exploding and you know rocket ships flying by that wouldn't be us we carry the reels that have a lot of people that are moving and walking and doing stuff it just gives an added level of realism to the scene especially if you're dealing with digital characters that have no sound whatsoever yeah that's really good that's awesome nice job recording too that one was not so good maybe let's make them like a little a little like a parting because there you can see that they're still together and they're going to come back together and then we'll get a okay another one but we got to make it sound you know no way this changes the scene forever oh my gosh i can't rip anymore it's not film oh that's good ben you're sweating is that an elbow kiss or a forearm kiss or you have to know what you're doing with your hands i don't want to know it was great yeah okay all right let's go to the next thing oh gosh right now i'm just trying to create some buzzy insecty kind of sounds out of actual speech we started out speaking english and then we slowly changed it word at a time and then we started talking through the edge of a piece of paper making a buzzy sound start cutting it up in little pieces and changing the speed and do it make it so it's too fast you know you could never say it this way live we talked about the idea that since pogba apparently has two mandibles he has an up and down and a side to side like a like a grasshopper and that if i make this sort of buzzy thing he would go can we just kind of do that with a funny little animation with part of his mouth and talk it's important to be articulate like this because i think it is reasonably articulate i mean this is the most organic in terms of it's not pitch changed or anything so there's no electronic aspect to it he said we have no choice but to order our treat uh-huh okay he's wearing fatigue so he's much more emphatic it means you need to you should really see it as long as you keep not going on simultaneously right like they butt against each other a word can form into that it sounds great yeah it's good the last uh the last voice in the whole film right now for me from here on in it's just a giant mix i can't believe we're here finally my job is to work with the editors to make sure that we get all the elements of the film like the foley the sound effects the replaced dialogue the production dialogue and the sound design and to make sure that they get all of those elements into sync with the most current picture and then we bring that to the mix the final mix lasts for about a month on star wars film we go into a dark room every day and we listen uh to every sound and every bit of music and every bit of dialogue and we inch our way through each scene sometimes only completing a few minutes a day wow he can immediately decide whether he you know wants some major changes of some sort uh often tearing george built putting them back together a different way until we find something that really satisfies us all and will satisfy george lucas gary and ben are in charge there's anybody else who has any power over here the first day of the final is always always uh unknown you never know what's going to happen until you start running it all together the whole problem is that we haven't heard michael's done the dialogue he hasn't really heard everything that we've done in effects we haven't heard the music at all so nothing was just at all throw it all into the pot right off the bat and then sort it out it's a surprise how it all sounds together it's kind of like brainwashing in a way you you go in and you're in the dark there's loud sounds there's one source of light on you the pop boop stood up to attention you hear things over and over and over again now be careful with their their little squeaky sounds their little chirpy chipmunk sounds yeah there's some great foley in here but i guess you don't have foley do you there's a little cutie stuff in there i think it's it's too close to what our two does and it's also i think that is our hearing the art tube it's r2 sleeping off screen get rid of it it's paid by the beep george yeah you're gonna be jabbers r2 was lost and i hope he's not too disappointed but it happens to all of us we do things that get cut out of the movie you know i've done a million things that are cut out of the movie so it would be nice to for you that guy almost runs into obi-wan the not the two guys but the first guy uh-huh maybe you should say what the instructional line is in all the movies that'd be a good place for it i think the sucker well now we got real one done now can you prep reel two please all right well good luck take two aspirin call me in the morning minor details they add up the thing they can add up to significant changes if you do enough of them coming right up here it's like it's like that and that so i'm doing now as a welding which is i think gonna take a while yeah i know well i'm not rushing i just no i'm just i'm just checking in good morning mr burt cookies who's got cookies okay i guess we're on effects i think you know it needs to be more like chattering you know like like crying and that kind of stuff not this kind of you yeah to hear the droid factory there's a real collision of a cacophony of craziness movie styles coming together now what do you think about this it's a tough one i just don't think the percussion is strong enough to withstand what's going on in there i think you should just replace the percussion part with effects in actuality some of the musical sounds that i had made for the droid factory the drums and things like that were dropped but i re the idea was sort of reborn in the monster fight rhythmic sounds that acted as a response to events on the floor of the arena horns as if it was a sports uh you know wild sports crowd blowing horns and chanting kinds of things that we immediately associate with the emotions of a giant crowd in the stadium it was a good trade actually because that's the nature of making these films that you know always change something and there's always a you can revisit a scene and evaluate it one more time it's a it's an ongoing process that is really only brought to the end uh by the calendar i don't know whether i should bring it up now but i guess i should yeah i had a rather uh this is just an aside which will probably cause you a lot of angst but we're almost done so i can't do this anymore it's back in palpatine's office a little hologram comes on and he says good we'll deal with this later send them in yeah that should really be good send them in we'll deal with this later see what you can do i'm going to cook up some cook up the words we will discuss this matter later i don't think so what is this sound i'm not gonna get tired actually it's arcing it's electrical arcing 25 years ago just seems like it's not good enough there's always a point toward the end during the final mix then i can actually sit down and address the absolute final details and it adds what i would say the final accent to a moment in the film during the asteroid chase which is basically a sound effects only sequence it was hard to come up with the sound for the seismic charts that would have dramatic contrast to every sound that had just preceded it it didn't occur to me until we were in the final mix struggling with this problem that in the best solution might be to have no sense i reasoned that all energy was pulled into it no sound could escape and was only after it had detonated that somehow the energy was released and then the sound occurred i created what i call an audio black hole certainly at this point it's just going to be minor details that are changing it will shape the reels all together as if it was final and then play it for him again and he'll but he'll decide that it basically creates a vast amount of havoc at this end if you make changes after the mix yes it's a little complicated it's inevitable george you've done it every time yeah it's just you know what would it be without a sink changing seven we wouldn't feel right every filmmaker feels that as long as there's time a couple of shots there's something they can do to improve the movie new animation or something well no we made some changes on the monaco one and they hadn't gotten into the deluxe one because they were trying to go so fast but i said no go back and make it right before you make the printing masters you know there's a reason why we improve a shot right and then it's just traditional to work until someone just takes it away from you you know films are not released uh they escape it's amazing it's amazing to see it i know you're that was the first this is normally what people get to see at the first rough cut screen yeah and just sort of think of all the hours you know just that we've lived with us for two years it's a matter now meeting or not meeting expectations that's that whole fact that you can't predict hey we're beyond that now we've finished it it's moving we've done it we've done it we did our part i find adr to be probably the most interesting one of the most interesting parts of movie making and that's where i think we saw with zam wessel you take the actor after the fact that you've actually shot the shot and then you put them in the studio and make them voice the lines again just because in the studio when you're filming obvious things are loud right the fans the people whatever that's pretty cool this wraps up uh should we watch this beneath the dome i guess why not a story of passion you're a feisty little one of tenderness i've never seen such devotion in a droid before of courage this fall lucasfilm limited takes you beyond the mystery when i saw him i said ah this guy's perfect you know i hope he speaks english behind the facade he and i have been at odds and there's actually a lawsuit pending so a lot of this i can't talk about r2d2 beneath the dome emerging from a past shrouded in mystery r2d2 burst into the american consciousness with his star-making role in star wars a new hope he was actually at the university of arizona trying to study theater they had taken a couple classes but mostly he was what the hell is an ash can he was doing an amazing production in a christmas carol he was tiny tim i think he had played in some of the early clubs during the early 60s in england he trained with the june taylor dancers years ago and he was just you know he's a hoofer i'm not real sure that that um accent is like the real deal you know i mean homeboy is probably like from detroit or somewhere i heard that he was doing some experimental dance you know that was sort of in the 60s i don't think anybody remembers anything about what happened in those years when we were starting he was a sweet young droid and very anxious to please he'd go and get you coffee or something we actually tried to get him r2d2 in the godfather if i remember correctly he wanted him for the michael corleone role since i've read the book i mean i could just see him in those scenes when he's walking through the sicilian countryside with the two bodyguards with their shotguns and so kind of that image always made me persist in trying to get him the part but they didn't see it they bob evans called him a runt though the godfather slipped through his grasp star wars made r2 an international star still he yearned for more i think he really wanted to be in the indiana jones series so as soon as you hear that stephen and i were doing something he immediately said uh you know can i have the lead in this one day in the uh in the prop department he we found him and he had the hat and the whip well as an actor you have no way r2 is limited he used to say he would like to have been a shakespearean actor he could carry a spear he heard i think it's uh kenneth branagh was doing uh richard iii and he auditioned for the hump and he was very certain not to get it his glory day is behind him r2 faced an uncertain future after the completion of return of the jedi all of us went off to other things in our career and arts was left in his beach house in malibu with nothing to do you know watch the tide come in and out it was a dark time for him a lot of things went on during those lost years he just kind of uh did a few independent films and then he was doing some commercials i heard that he had on the side without telling anybody he had done some dinner theater and some other kinds of things i mean r2 at a certain point uh he started drinking a lot i went to see him he was living in a cabin just alone didn't take care of himself he was rusty he had let his hair grow he is somebody that i felt uh could have benefited very much from prozac no event contributed more to artoo's downfall than the good fortune of a close friend i know very well that rick and our two were friends at one point they used to hang out together and party together but after rick's academy award r2 didn't talk about him anymore well we haven't spoken in a long time and i'm not surprised that he was unhappy that i won because uh he and i have been at odds you know he's a keen follower of the academy awards i don't think he's an actor i think he's a personality notice that no one else hires him notice that i don't think george is aware you know no who's going to walk up to george and say r2d2 is a schmuck anxious to help r2 george lucas made a call to an old friend can't believe that george asked me you know is there a place for him in private ryan and for a while i considered making him a beach obstacle ironically it would take the return of the star wars series to resurrect r2's career when we came back to do the phantom menace he was very excited to be a part of it it wasn't until we actually started shooting then he started to act up there's been rumor that this he likes to drink i think so sometimes the dialogue comes out i'll just back once you know the other day he had a line with ob1 right he was meant to say right yeah and instead he said and thought that like none of us would know it you don't talk droid do you he's always on the phone with his agent like between scenes and stuff and he's always talking about what he's doing next when it's his close-up you know i give him my full performance and then when it's my close-up he just reads it from my little page and it affects my work it's when the girls started coming around it's these girls man in these short dresses and these tight clothes man it's like something he hadn't been exposed to he certainly doesn't have any problem attracting them so there must be something there i guess it's just the way he looks i can't deny that he's a good-looking robot fall there's only one place to experience the genius r2 is a brilliant actor his timing is impeccable he's like a machine feel the anguish when you're at crotch height it it's hard to make a good impression discover the truth success has gone to his dome i think in an exclusive multi-part documentary available only at r2d2 beneath the dome i've never seen this i did not know this was a thing wow okay dude okay well that's one way to end episode two's bonus dvd thank you so much for being part of the series um it's only the beginning we've only begun so i would say uh tomorrow we have the rule of two with james arnold taylor so be there for that five o'clock pacific standard time and then uh tuesday i guess we can start forget lore videos man let's start on phantom menace bonus dvd i want to see all the stuff with um qui-gon jin yuan everybody all right um maybe even little annie you know um and george of course love you guys catch you later uh see you on the gaming channel and uh let's all pray for r2 okay let's hope he let's hope he comes out of this have an awesome day guys see ya
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 153,745
Rating: 4.957191 out of 5
Keywords: Reacting to FEATURETTES with George Lucas on Attack of the Clones, star wars, star wars (film series), george lucas (celebrity), attack of the clones, anakin skywalker, film (film), revenge of the sith, making of, ewan mcgregor, natalie portman, count dooku, obi-wan kenobi, darth maul, general grievous, the last jedi, padme amidala, obi-wan kenobi (film character)
Id: z8XFilYPmu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 22sec (4282 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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