Making Star Wars Episode 1: FULL Documentary

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what's going on everyone hope you're having a great day so far i'm very excited because today we're going to be going into the beginning of making episode one where it all began or at least in george's mind so sit back relax and let's watch this documentary and of course there are tons of other things that we're going to go into after this i'm going to release some deleted scenes and then we've got the main menu of course which is going to cover tons more information featurettes web documentaries etc etc so let's begin the auteur theory of film actually is very true if you know directors because they are very much like their movies and in the case of somebody who writes and directs you know it is my life i mean everything i write is my life i'm not writing some sort of hypothetical thesis on something i'm writing a story that i have to get extremely emotional involved in because it's going to take two or three years of my life to do it so i can't just sort of say oh this will be fun and knock it off in a week i have to this is like a marriage this goes on you have to be in love with this thing for at least four or five years and probably for the rest of your life who's the cameraman there and so it begins storyboards well i would say in the end that this is set yeah we've got one little piece of wool yeah oh yeah two pieces and then this is a you guys this is real this is real real real not surreal not surreal real just gonna be tricky that's real that's real real that's a real stuff like crate i was feeling so good about my ability to do that and then i screwed it up i know this is gonna work i know it's gonna work because it's impossible you know we're pushing the envelope in a few places but the biggest issue is volume it was just the amount of stuff yes and of course that's the part that creates the the world jar jar is a key to all this if we get jar jar working because he's a funnier character than we've ever had in the movie as well the thing that's really big here is is uh in the um the big grass planet battle there yeah zillions of creatures and we we don't have a real good way of doing that right now what about so yeah the whole thing is how you gonna top the pod race yeah because it's pretty intense they'll be exhausted by the time the in the pod race i'll be ready to go home but the thing is that we can top the pod race with this incredible jedi battle that we've always heard about in the last three movies but never really got to see and then that with anakin you know kind of duplicating the luke skywalker roll but you see the echo of where it all is going to go instead of destroying the death star he destroys the ship that controls the robots again it's like poetry so if they rhyme every stanza kind of rhymes with the last one hopefully it'll work and it did well you'll become permanently part of the model so if you can do the other one just like that and then um repeat this and then just and then glue it right down okay just like that and dough hasn't been through the backpack right now it doesn't it'll be something like that that looks pretty good right now we got a actual leg got a thigh a calf and a foot getting ready to go to england i went through with jeff the paw brace so they're going to start joe and he are going to really do a serious breakdown on um because i know george won't let the pub race out yet but they'll start working on dust movement speed blurring are you going to scream tomorrow no i go to new york tomorrow i'm going to fly to new york and then show natalie the script everything's said but you know it's a bold idea the mattress commit to three movies without reading a single line so i thought we'd be better she'd be a lot happier if she knew yeah and save her anakin is a little boy who lives with his mother all right this is natalie who is otherwise known as admit we were just discussing where we were in the scene and a little shop that sells used spaceship parts all right michael first stop you've never met each other so this is the first first time you've ever said anything to each other all right let me know when it's good for you all right roll pitch out speed okay action are you an angel what an angel i've heard the deep space pilots talk about them they live on the moons by ego i think the most beautiful creatures in the universe are you an angel what an angel i've heard the deep space pilots talk about them they live on the moons of aego i think scene one take one and action are you an angel what an angel they're the most beautiful creatures in the universe they're so good and kind they make even the most hardened space spice pirates cry i've never heard of angels scene one take two are you an angel what an angel i've never heard of angels before you must be one maybe you just don't know it scene one take three you can't see the difference between the two kids again okay thank you thanks for watching i hope so would you choose i like jake because he seems more natural i like his body language he's just not trained and this one just hits the beats yeah i was gonna say some people audition real well okay tell me which one do you like better let me know right now in charge jake lloyd or the other guy i mean jake did a great job but i think i don't know the other guy had a bit of a camera look behind him look forward make those quick moves look back then forward yeah that's better more abrupt okay that's good he's getting kind of quick at this and she's been practicing wow what's it been like you've been telling all your friends you're leaving for star wars huh um the only thing i said was um i've gone away for the summer to film star wars and then all these hands raised up for questions so what kind of questions did they ask you oh so how come it takes two years to film because they didn't hear me right that i'm only taking three three and a half months did you tell them why it's gonna take so long for it to come out with the special effects and stuff yeah yeah that's what i said i was gonna take them because of the special effects you know how much money they're gonna spend to make this movie um probably over fifty thousand dollars okay what was it like 50 million basically what we've done is we've taken over the rolls-royce factory uh which has about 850 000 square feet and we converted it into stage space right now we have 600 people working for us 150 million usd on three ships 24 hours a day this is amazing right through this is just one of our battle parades actually oh man look at this this is this is the new storm trooper oh this is our new storm trooper but in a way he's the old model replaced by star wars being the new stormtrooper yeah because what you don't realize is that these guys really aren't very efficient they these things you know jedi cut them down like they're butter and they really are pretty useless yeah pretty useless really these old dangle weed here yeah so uh no oh sorry you know these droids i can't get the physiology right there we go and so what happens in the end is they all join forces and everything and the gungas battle the droids in this huge kind of war and peace battle like literally one piece right huge you know 10 000 troops i mean both sides coming out each other coming at each other that's great it's gonna be great that's gonna be great it's gonna be great that's gonna be great the way i work is uh the first thing i'll do is i'll go and i'll shoot a wide shot i'll just set the camera up in the corner you know i'm not gonna relentlessly go down and lay out the storyboards or everything exactly what's going to happen because i i want to on the day when i see that wide shot play itself out in the set i take it you say action after we roll camera if i forget to say action or cut just step in and say action cut i manage action and cut and faster and more intense and then mostly i sit there looking miserable and quiet is this him yeah he's looking a bit lame at the it'll moment slightly warm inside that's it a bit moist it feels disgusting what is that material silicone it's a cinderella moment it fits i shall marry the prince right does that feel painful anyway uh more painful than normal ah if you try and do this this might not work it might dig in as well okay okay close to close now if you have yours if you're doing exaggerated dialogue does it work exaggerated dialogue oh yes it kind of moves yeah some people pay huge amounts of money to have a woman put them in this kind of thing yeah not me and then tell them what to do okay try again big man exaggerated dialogue um how are we gonna start what are we gonna do if i put my producer hat on then it's purely i don't care how we get this done i don't care who pays for it i gotta somehow get my movie made when our budget is 50 million dollars that's how much money we have you know it's oh george you know the sentiments that you express i am not sympathetic i guess they went over i think you can agree that we're not really fat on how much time goes into animating a particular thing or building a particular creature or environment so judith and i looked at every single padres shot we we had the i think we had the 14-minute version of it um and we identified the environments that we would apply to do eb crater we've got 19 000 to create that environment but i mean there's 600 thousand dollars worth of pods then then you actually have to do the shots which are sixteen million right so where is the thing that breaks down how much it costs per shot hi steve my name is rick mckellen i'm the producer of star wars do you know where i can reach you and now and we're making some very aggressive uh take some very aggressive positions on okay well we're just gonna have to be able to animate the full face on jar jar in two weeks brilliant all right my dear take care bye fantastic all right he's gonna call any minute you just put me through into this meeting okay you know austin i i have i have uh a reputation as a troublemaker back at i almost always be thank god that's why you're here exactly okay so listen i'm i'm doing my damnedest to figure out well how do we even do a shot like this and and uh okay well these are the techniques i think they're gonna be the most bang for the buck and geez well we're gonna you just have to be able to animate that in two weeks it says how can we manage to change the operating procedures in a way that we can completely revolutionize the way we make movies so that this is all doable because it's not just it's not just that we have to do it for this picture we have to do it for two more pictures and also if this picture works then everybody also want it done for their picture and what are we going to do you know i mean nobody can afford to do it at these prices so except george hello dude i'm so fucking happy this is just it's brilliant absol it's so i'm so happy george is so happy it's just it's just fantastic oh it's listen i had uh i saw liam on sunday in prague and and i told him we were getting closer and closer and he was so thrilled i mean really really happy we all are it's gonna be fantastic though i mean it's gonna be a great movie it's going to be a lot of fun but it's also i think going to be so worthwhile this is my daughter how are you hello my son chet all right jack jamie hi how are you all right your name is just like yours are we ready are we sure that this isn't a terrible mistake are you scared to death oh no i'm really looking forward to it i love you this is the biggest one this is the highest if he decides he wants it longer then he can wear the wig okay and play the part it's thank you see scottish hair really grows in really thick and tight the thickest hair in the world it's nice that it stands up yeah okay but it shouldn't look like he has been to a barber shop at all the most difficult part is to not go too far just go strange enough yeah that's the biggest trap people fall into in these kinds of movies is they just they go too far yeah how about that much that's fine don't get any more though is it just will it just be brighter the top part i sort of think it's better if it's paraded all the way down in essence it's a symbol of a learner it's got to have you know when we wrap the bottom of it if we do wrap it we could wrap it actually in little colored threads it's got there's got to be some significance in maybe that rapping how many years you've where you are on the training process well as a rough start i think that's a good length i do think we should rehearse some sword fighting and stuff with and see what happens how far they we don't want to get in the way nice huh my name is ahmed i play jar jar judy's going to be dressing you ah we're pursuing the idea of doing the jar jar body on the set and the head and the digital that's how they do that soup you want to walk through this here is the sad news well but interesting news at first glance we might think there's a large chunk to be saved from um jar jar in his suit but looking at all the shots that he's in um which is 461 the difference of the approach we would take without a suit versus doing a suit is about a million three well a million saved is a millionaire and the year is going to be on that too they don't want to use that's going to be put through a whole series of movements yes i mean the works so that they have everything they can possibly try to track so if the suit gets damaged don't worry about it has got a great walk and everything and when he translated into jar jar it was great the thing is though one of the things that could make this thing the most special thing in the world is that it is a pure cg character but what we're trying to do in the end is speed up the animation we have the guy anyway i'm shooting the guy anyway so if you have the guy in the suit it costs you the aggravation of how does he stand in the suit the wear and tear in the suit doesn't look good yeah no i know but that's all that stuff but what you gain is that there are moments where he interacts with humans and everything which costs very fast one of the purposes of this well the purpose of this test is to see what the head attachment is really going to be like and it's been brought up as a concern that we may need to have some additional tracking marks further out because we have to match the shoulders as well to actually do that blend so that as there's some shoulder movement we need to be replicating that so that our blend actually blends so the important thing to get data on is around the neckline right here and potentially around the shoulders too and when you walk because now we're gonna be in a wide figure again you know the sort of loose arms that kind of don't have much in them yeah that's we're just trying to take care of this one turn over please and speed in and squat down and look around okay i look at the camera and you see something oh my gosh no way leave me he's so tall yeah and you just slow it down one more with feeling just be careful because if they turn on when you're doing this and they were hardcore dude metal freaking pipes darth vader's was lilac it's not blue right i thought this is always red and oh red and the other one the skywalkers was kind of yeah but it's just off bad i've been waiting for this for weeks i've been thinking every morning i'd say i wonder if it's today i'll get to choose no that's nice because those those like i and also in terms of length which is important also isn't it although the popular belief is that lance doesn't matter that's all right yeah how's it with a little 12 huh that's all right could he have chosen darth maul's what is that about darth vader when he's a young boy yeah this is when he's a good boy fun fact what happens to him mold hilt and makes windows hills from episode 1 look very similar this is it the beginning i can't believe it and after this meeting i'll finish reading how to finish writing the script i'll start with me i'm rick i'm the producer hi rick i'm george i'm responsible for all this i'm natalie and i'm playing i'm a dog i'm printed i'm jake and i'm playing anakin skywalker mom i'm home oh my annie what's this these are all my friends mom this is jar jar binks and i enjoyed r2d2 an extremely well put together little droid without a doubt it saved the ship as well as our lives master yoda said i should be mindful of the future but not at the expense of the moment be mindful of the living force my young padawan yes these junk dealers must have a weakness of some kind gambling everything here revolves around betting on those awful races promise me you'll train the boy he is the chosen one always two there are no more no less a master and an apprentice but which one was destroyed master or the apprentice this is roll 1b backup duct tape of star wars the beginning um this is an hhb portrait gt thousand uh 48 kilohertz camera running 24 frames all right we're going to get that shot ready now so you don't need to be standing around on the platform move off thank you i mean you're resetting good luck everybody now let's kick ass 77 take one and action everything is going as planned the republic will soon be in my control ready and yeah so he you know we'll do it when he comes into here kind of do her they'll be able to catch him he won't come that close to him your majesty there is little chance the senate will act on chancellor valorum seems to think there is hope the chancellor has little real power he has been mired by baseless accusations of corruption okay cut that's a wrap thanks very much first shot tomorrow looks towards the desk area so props are actually appreciated the table tonight yeah you were terrific open the doors a minute please see everybody tomorrow good night night guys thanks very much all right we're gonna leave the pinaka one till the end of the day and uh you know i'm hoping i can really cut through this scene she's great she's fantastic and she just it all came together she was perfect you know i only had to do two takes she really had it down she was great just great and ian well ian's always great i mean he's he's reliable but i didn't have no idea what was going to happen with her so what we're doing now is you on this level have i just grabbed you and grabbed onto it all right so you you hit you you fell off there hit that rolled over and managed to hold on to it pull yourself back onto that level and look as though you're about to do a superman from there to here good what we're trying to find out is the best way to have you actually bounce yourself onto their you know graceful jedi knight move yeah 66 echo take one and b cameras come them up is you can actually see that it bounces on something okay i mean you can't avoid the bounce can't we no yeah 166 echo take five amd cameras and action three two one go and action right cameras and action i think you have why else would you be here i can see there's no fooling you anakin you mustn't let anyone know we're here we're on our way to coruscant the central system in the republic on a very important mission and it must be kept secret perusca cut let's try it again there's some pieces in there print that one okay let me try one without dealing with your food so you just can focus on your wine no it's not the food that's a problem it's really i'm used to saying kuru skin all right if you if you mispronounce it it's okay no everybody will start laughing no no no no let's get towards the edge on that line and it's hard to know exactly what he's gonna do do it this is where it all began funny kind of way because it's some stuff i feel like an emotional scene with his mother he was like right on the button every single time he did it you don't quite know what you're gonna get and it's different every time and sometimes it's really special so you don't want to grind it into the ground play with it okay george where the hell did all the sand come from put his air back in please can you talk without moving your mouth too much well just so you keep the jaw closed try now uh we are increasing security on our naboo detention camps fine try that it looks okay to me okay first position okay it is locked off thank you please stand by i feel there's more to this my master the two jedi may be using the queen for their own purpose the main things here are we have the walking hologram generator which will be added in computer graphics but it's in front of everybody's walking we have a matte painting of feed city to put back there and the light fixtures on the wall in the hallway are not what george wants so we're going to replace them with something else when the camera pans over to look out this archway we want to have filled that archway full of tanks and battle droids so it's a relatively straightforward shot it was too hot yesterday they said it gets hotter than that yeah this is suicide fortnight unless you've heard how are you doing i'm cool for now just waiting for it to get high that's about give them shield part of that you've got to be the most difficult he won't be here and neither was the bulbasaur just move in okay i think he's getting smaller turn over 26 jules take two a camera hey you that'll be seven dragons well i'd say cut got cut yeah it's only that whip pan and i guess if you saw him there then you wouldn't believe he would have gone for the frog so i would say no vendor right i would say no vendor we're gonna widen up a little bit but i still don't think you'll see it okay how are you doing i'm hot i can imagine but i'm hot too but i'm cool you know what i'm saying i wish i could say the same 135 it's so hot my mother's in new york she feels it especially when it's like this you mustn't take the fun out of it the only thing we're all suffering here is actually is the heat and there's a lot of people who pay to come to this sort of temperature and have a holiday so if you can just uh get people to think that uh this is a temporary break in their holiday for 10 hours or 12 hours then they'll have a good time the twin sons solo sun in this case we had a big storm last night they were 75 million hour winds we're not sure the roads are here they're trying to clean up here on the location oh no it's just incredible it's like four months work i mean the main thing here is not to have panic and everybody just to be running all over the place i think we have to head up little teams of people and work methodically through it otherwise it'll be chaos and people will be just ripping things up this is graham this is seriously graham i think this is gonna take all your skills this is what digital technology is for it's a tool just wow look at that i know that one's done the engine sets look at that no this is fucking grim yeah we have anakin these are his engines which play the most crucial part in the movie they're split in two which um doesn't look good and then this is the the scumbag of the universe and his engines are completely fucked yeah this is heartbreaking it is thank god this beauty's okay though okay that's amazing that that one is the only one that really survived yeah it's the force the pods are really badly so we're going to have to really uh work hard to get those i think that's going to have to push that right down to the end of the schedule over uh and any news on liam's wig is that all taking place can we win on this one over yeah rick they're trying to clean it up here on the location but um at the moment we still haven't tracked down liam's beard check algeria over he's more for cast than anybody else we have a charter plane and they are leaving and that's going to charter planning nothing's going to stop us if we have to work on our rest day we have to work on the rest day because i don't want them on any level because of all the chaos and everything we got off to a late start hopefully we'll get this next sequence finished and then we're only about one shot behind and then we have to rearrange the schedule but uh i think we'll go through this all right exact same thing happened in star wars it's always something ready thank you so cool okay you're coming up on staval but the ball is ahead of you there you see him he's maneuvering he's flaming somebody he's exploded somebody in front of you coming alongside him jake he's on your left now look at him you're going to beat him jake but he's not going to play okay jake lloyd is finished thank you ahmed doing a little action here so we could test how well the head replacement thing would work here are two different approaches bottom of course head replacement top is a fully animated feature as it turns out the fully animated one was actually about half the man hours of the head replacement so we spent a hundred thousand dollars on that suit that we didn't need to spend well but the suit is actually extremely useful for uh you know all the time while they were working on that we're looking at okay we're gonna get the shadow to match the this one better and this was actually really great lighting and performance reference back at ilm we do have a lot of people there who are available and ready to do shots i'd like to get started even if there's a good chance that some of those shots are going to change uh still i think we'll have learned something it's the last day of principal photography all right unbelievable 13 weeks later with all the prop shooting and the post productions will be almost uh three years in the making the first two stages have gone remarkably well it's just whether or not this third one the most difficult one but i think everybody's in the right frame of mind impossible nothing can get through us to you bye thank you very much yeah a lot of these uh diagonals are really helping and i put like a little uh yeah that flatter area in there that gives a lot come down so how many of these like backgrounds are there like are there like well a million of them are cause we're going to all the trouble of making this a completely computer generated environment for hundreds of shots should be something that we can't see in the real world don't be afraid to uh to push it a bit okay technically there are quite a number of things that have never been attempted before things that that were just not possible still aren't possible we're still working on them will there be any really heavy stuff in this loud stuff yeah probably yes okay yeah yeah yeah it should be loud but you could put a little laugh on the end of that one yeah yeah sb 309 310 take two yokoto banza all right that was good we'll try one more with a little bit more a little bit more anger yeah sb 309 310 take three yokoto banta pudu okay that's good for me okay that looks good it's good okay i think we can push it a little further and yeah that's it for me so this is uh for the first view of these droids getting hit now we're wondering on this shot this is incomplete this does not have lasers and stuff in it yet the catapult balls they get thrown yeah like what do they do when they hit the ground i think they should be able to make water balloons they should sort of splatter when they hit are they going to leave a trail behind them then i'm glowing the things black when it hits like a water balloon but then the pieces of it continue to go forward like it does here and knock people over and uh you know a big globs of it okay it's like it's like vaseline in the water balloon one of the things that we wanted to discuss this is the animag for this sequence and we've started blocking in the actual footage now so just to revisit what this action currently is the question is like this hallway shot here primarily and just the hallways in general just making sure that those are working for you yeah that looks good all right great so this was my selection now i didn't know if you wanted to make this shot longer to accept that that select of yours well do we have a tighter select it's funny enough that's tighter already i'll look at some other alternatives why don't we try to take the oh for this and the big boomers from the other one okay i think it's gonna be better i agree well let me see that podcasting the one where everybody's sitting down i had an idea how we'd do it but it's turned out to be a little more difficult than i thought but i'll show you where it's going that's going to be tricky maybe create a shrunk so what i want to do is well let's just we'll leave this for the time being and we'll create this other shot and then if this other shot works we'll come back to this shot take panaka slip him out of sync so he doesn't start to move so he's just standing there okay so see panaka's starting to move in this shot so we split him out and start him here we'll split it right in front of the pilot there just go forward this is cyber directing right yeah or 3d editing yeah there's not enough power to get us to chorus hunt the hyperdrive is leaking we'll have to land somewhere and refuel and repair this ship yeah master all right that's better we got our piece picked up a little bit here i think i may finish it off with mark then i'll come back and we'll do the certificate okay place right after one yeah i'd say two o'clock okay okay well maybe you got what you wanted there you got the you got the jar george i'm directing here in the editing room sequence which is what he loves to do just change the actors performances you know we've gotten into that it's gotten in with the last two weeks a habit of not taking anything for granted if we can split one actor from one take uh and put him you know resyncing with everybody else we're doing lots of that that's to me i mean it's fantastic you can do that but it's opening up a whole world of you know i mean that just multiplies the number of decisions that you can make in a cut normally you reject whole shots because one thing is wrong but now you can keep the good things in that shot and just throw away the bad thing on which house are you gonna pay for all of this i like what you're doing in your face definitely you got the personality in there and the blinks and there's something right now what as we just discussed before is really he's happy he thinks he's got this guy and he's going to nail him for the full price um so this is where he's like so you want to give me the big pile of money uh so when he says uh so how are you gonna pay for all this i think we can even bring him up uh a little closer to camera just float him a little bit more so we get him a little bit and he's all smiles public credits republicans are no good out here i need something more real i don't know tim's this is looking great so yeah i can see you worked on the lip sync yeah i worked on the lipstick the stain in his face is really great yeah i was i was thinking maybe i could uh scrunch it up a little more like he's he's kind of like yeah public credit yeah yeah i think you can afford to do that okay around that way george the beginning and the end of this is raw yeah okay so something i'm going blind so you know some of this confer on you the level of jedi knight the council does but agree with your taking this boy as your padawan learner i do not quite believed in him i believe in qui-gon now let's just change it let's go in the hands yeah i acting wise i'm not showing you right meanwhile i'm saving but now what i'll do is i'll show you the center of the begin the things were definitely changing you don't need me for god's sake we'll always need you that's great that smells true semi qui-gon's defiance i sense and you need that we do not agree with you the council does your apprentice young skywalker will be you know we're never going to be titanic nobody can i don't think that's it can you explain that nobody can it's one of those things it just happens it's like what star wars did when i first did it it just defies reality you just never know on these things i did a more american graffiti made 10 cents failed miserably you can you can't do it you can't destroy these things it is possible 10 cents um we have about 350 finished outs now we're uh close to a third probably learned so much a long way we're pretty sure it's anakin's head and his uh shoulders yeah on here right such a bad storyboard that's yeah all right so that's that's the head right there yeah so um i'll just go through the schedule 13 has been bumped to do next week 9 25. dev 290 do 10 20. all those front views uh george's comment the other day was that whenever we cut to anakin like you know in these close-up shots you know yeah it's like like this on them and uh it's a ball that's always going back to a wide shot tt db i have scheduled starting 9 28 going high-res tend to do 10-9 this is one that was supposed to be uh for the 10-20 so i'm going to try and push that forward well i don't think we can do that if i tend to because uh i think we're ready to do the queen ship and all its landing gears without any uh reference to the model okay because when the model's not built until week in october right so john we really need to know yeah whether you have everything you need or whether you need more the comp is getting you know more and more complete and yet there were no creatures in there so i just don't want to be surprised when we need to what i'm most concerned about is the screen left side of the image whether you need some creatures back there that we haven't provided aha341a yeah we're going to get jar jar all done real soon now supposed to be a little tight okay gonna be okay all right that looks good all right you're suited up ready ready for it okay everyone let's start with a brief warm-up we're gonna start with a stretch if we can just use your performance there's no need to keyframe animate it where you're even your character's just sort of standing in the background you do these great things where you're you're moving and your hands are like that if we can capture that then we don't have to animate them we can just take those and stick those into different scenes george pioneer should i start this just by walking this way yeah mostly it's a slow realization of what you got connected to yeah first it's kind of an annoying like you stepped in dog and then you realize what it is and then you try to get away from it right you try to run over here i think the the cannon itself is not moving very far sw one shot and action all right good okay jeffy you ready i'm to be operating which vibrates the whole thing right so when we start the shot this should be going or we're shaking we just need like two or three seconds of of it doing that before bang for the for the charge and roll camera now there's we're getting the big shake here why is it working but it's fine different ways everybody ready to go otherwise yeah i want to try the handshake approach we've got a little bit of work to do ahead of us yeah i know everybody here everybody awake all right let's do it all right that's a little disjointed seems like a lot of short scenes it's bold in terms of jerking people around but i may have gone too far in a few places in a space of about 90 seconds you know you go from lamenting the death of you know a hero to escape to slightly comedic with jar jar you know to anakin returning with his little kind of tag it's a lot and you know it's it really and it's a very short time uh buckles the mind i mean i've thought about this quite a bit and the tricky part is you almost can't take any of those pieces out of there now because each one kind of yeah it takes you to the next place and you can't you can't jump no i don't know where you are you think about the very first star wars sitting in there yeah no i know it starts opening you don't know what the hell i do a particular kind of movie which this is consistent but it is a very hard movie to follow and at the same time i've done it a little more extremely than i've ever done in the past it's stylistically designed to be that way and you can't undo that but we can diminish the effects of it we can slow it down a little bit so that if it's intense for us yeah we don't know what i'm teaching you know a regular person is going to go nuts we'll start cracking again tomorrow overall it's working well if you just pull some of this real rich oranges right up in here and let's just concentrate on the wrinkles to me just you give it the squint test and it's the contrast between the eye and the lid is it's a really high contrast actually looks really nice so does that mean changing the model or uh is that the talus we're running through we're close enough to the wall there's not much we can do to change the talus where's number two going dude number two just poke it up through the cockpit go ahead all right see you guys tomorrow all right sean hi john on the pod race we're doing an entire 10-minute sequence all you're seeing are completely computer-generated landscapes and it's kind of a difficult thing to do as it is in the picture there's always something you're looking at in the foreground it's not really about the background so but uh i've heard this speech before well well no no but i mean i i think that the language so anyway just so you see what uh what the shots feel like with something in there even though what's in there is pretty temporary looks good to me i've seen enough tests now that i'm comfortable that that's going to work pods look good well they'll they'll be better in their final forms remember in the end john you're not looking at the background you're not watching the pods you're listening to the music yeah because there's a lot of clashing and banging and then been burdened there yeah so if we're going between takes and stuff it'll be hidden pretty well the only concern that i think that one might have is that you may want a version without the chorus but i don't know if you even want to think of contemplation i love the course it gives it that churchy yeah well and i think it's going to work i mean you didn't realize this but it really goes into the third film very well and it's it's i think it'll be an important thing to reprise i mean it has a that definitely has the the quality of the inevitable fate of doom you know with larger hands at work chorus um one second sean we have pitch please and quiet with the pages thirty three one two three and see if we can have the sound less disturbed by still improved intonation you'll hear a lot of beating in that i will take it please 6m7 new take 106. it's the little old lady reel but yeah this is where there's the big knock at the projection with the umbrella handle young man what do you think you're doing up there you're going to blast orders out like i think it could be reasonably extreme you know it goes from even the pass by shots go from low sound to loudest sound you ever heard to no sound within the sound well see what you can do with it and see what happens ready set here jurors ready kind of starts quietly um it's almost like this bulbasaur should be making go up and down but it should always be there now it's there when you see it it's not there when you don't you want to build that tension of the fact that it's right on his tail there and if you don't hear it you don't really get the sense that it's right there all the time and it's going to eat him up yeah you know and if anything like that that giant sound should be getting bigger and bigger during the whole thing as he's you know struggling to stay ahead of him it's a nice rhythm because that's the thing that you're afraid of is the fact that that guy's just gonna push him yeah you know the engine's gonna come right over and right into his head come a long way over the last two years that little sequence is not a little sequence all right get out your lightsabers you just may have noticed that star wars the latest episode opens nationally at midnight tonight the hype surrounding this movie has been overwhelming now the question is will it deliver we're about to open the doors here in just a few minutes and people are revved to 2.2 million americans from new york it's like 1977. i haven't felt this since 1977. my people this is fucking awesome i remember being nine years old seeing the phantom menace just like that indescribable feeling love watching there's just something so special about watching these that feels so magical and and really brings back the nostalgia of what it was like during that time and it was only 21 years ago you know um when episode one came out it's always just such a trip and i've never actually seen a full documentary here of making episode one so a lot of it was really special and new for me so i'm glad you guys could join me on that on to the next one
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 649,510
Rating: 4.9018183 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, george lucas, making of, the phantom menace, hayden christensen, natalie portman, ewan mcgregor, christopher lee, anakin skywalker, ian mcdiarmid, obi-wan kenobi, count dooku, darth maul, general grievous, prequel trilogy, star wars the phantom menace, phantom menace, revenge of the sith, the last jedi, darth vader, star wars theory, luke skywalker, star wars explained, order 66, kylo ren, darth sidious, mace windu, star wars trailer, vader fan film
Id: BG2PtubrV1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 15sec (3975 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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