React JS Tutorial For Beginners

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we're going to talk about 100 devs uh we're gonna jump into like what is react what are components what are props what are State we're going to do some things to help us learn react see some bad code see some examples and then you're gonna have some homework that's a reading and some videos to watch and then next week we put more stuff into practice we go deeper I'm leaving out all the big words tonight no disrespectful stuff we're just going to do the basics see it understand it and we'll get into the heavy lifting tomorrow maybe a slightly shorter class maybe a little End early action tonight uh because we're gonna we're just gonna let things sink in marinate over the weekend right and then come back with these Concepts baked in react folks it's time for some react now with react see some examples in action uh but my my warning uh is that we're going to be baddies we're gonna see some bad code I'm Gonna Save all the the heavy lifting for next week all right uh the place I always ask folks to start with react and what I assigned for homework was the react docs you'll also notice that the beta version of the new docs just dropped recently so you might have been reading the docs and noticed at the top bar that there's new beta docs react honestly has some of the best documentation in the game when you have to sit down and learn a new library a new framework a new whatever the place you're often going to start is with the documentation and sometimes that documentation is old dusty it's confusing but the react docs are pretty good so in the spirit of getting used to reading documentation in the spirit of knowing that you're gonna be transitioning to a job where reading documentations become part of your daily life it makes sense to get started using the react docs because they are just that good for a lot of folks you want to employ strategies to help you get through reading some folks will use readers that will read aloud stuff to them some folks will install plugins like B-Line reader which makes it easier to read through things but you have to get comfortable with the idea of reading through material because a lot of times there won't be books sorry sorry there won't be videos there won't be tutorials or the stuff you need isn't yet available in those types of mediums and so the reading is really important I can't tell you how much of my day when I'm learning new stuff is spent reading documentation and I want you to get comfortable with it before you're on the job so the homework to start off with start it with the docs cool now if you've given it the good old 100 devs try right and you still need a little bit more help Mine Wolf in their last streams has actually walked through the docks together so once again Community talk give it the gold good old 100 devs try right and then after you've given that good old 100 try if you still need a little bit more kind of working together through it definitely check out my own streams I'll link them in the uh follow one follow-up cool let's start with a little bit of es6 plus review when I say es6 plus what the heck do I mean es6 plus what do I mean mule said after 2015 okay yep acama script yep so the standard of which we use to build JavaScript is called ecmascript and in 2015 a lot of significant changes happened and it started a development cycle that added on to the specification for JavaScript that added a lot of features and so we call all these like newer features es6 plus so from 2015 forward kind of all the latest stuff that gets baked in the JavaScript and a lot of these newer features that you might not have come across too often are actually heavily used in react so I like to start off with just a little bit of review uh just before we start looking at code tonight the code really doesn't matter like you don't have to understand it you don't have to really get intimate with it but as we go deeper especially as you do the tutorials especially as we get ready for next week you're going to see some of this stuff quite often so it makes us just to kind of highlight it very quickly we're going to see classes in the beginning throw out the arguments class functions I don't care about right now we'll get into that all next week but you're going to see classes again it's important to note that classes enable us to spit out objects we have this lovely Constructor object that enables us to spit it out we have the ability to have methods on our classes and so the objects that we get from these from these classes uh could have properties that are signed and they could have methods that were assigned as well you think of classes like our templates for objects exactly we're going to be using it to create components in the beginning before switching to functional components all right another thing that you're going to see quite often are spread operators and there's both an array spread and an object spread so here are two variables Foo and bar and we can see that they're both set equal to an array when I do the ellipses the three dots followed by the variable name I can actually pull all the values out of the array without having to do things like looping through it Etc right if I create a new array with my square brackets using literal notation and I do the ellipses for the two variables I wind up with a new array that has all the values inside of it kind of replacing any type of concatenation that we might have done before or anything we might have done to like Loop through we can just spread out these values and create really new arrays um and combine different arrays together it makes life a lot easier and when we start seeing react code you're going to see this quite often so it's helpful to know all right this is spread operator all we're doing is pulling the values out of that array and using them folks are saying I use this today on code Wars yeah this shows up in tons of code Wars Solutions so definitely something you want to have in your repertoire um definitely comes in clutch with code words for sure cool uh there's also an object spread which you're going to see a lot especially when it comes to react where you have kind of your your style a part of a component as well and so if we look at this spread we have this lovely object up here called default Style and then inside of this style object you can see that you can see that I spread the object and what's going to happen is all the all of the values that were in this by one second demo Pro all the values that were inside of this default style are now going to make their way into this style object so what winds up happening is that inside a style there will also be a color block there will also be a font size 12. there will also be a font wait normal and I don't have to constantly keep retyping this I can just spread that object wherever I need it right now um this code right uh uh this code that we're seeing is going to pop up in the sorry I have something in my eye Jesus this code that you're seeing is going to pop up in the two tutorials um that I just shared with you on the previous slides so just notice something you're going to see kind of over and over again all right um we have this idea here that we can pull in these values and then something that will also be helpful is that you have to remember that it's still read from top to bottom and so what will wind up happening is we passed in these three values with the spread but we still override it the font weight right from what was originally normal to bold and so what you'll see here is that the final style object has a font weight of bold even though the spread was there the Cascade is kind of still in effect mm-hmm it's kind of like a Cascade exactly cool all right so we're actually going to see this tonight and so when we get to it we'll see all right this is uh some lovely spreading here uh we also have destructuring and destructuring is a really important concept that we've actually seen already in our back end code and I think it's really important that you take some time to [Music] understand it a little bit more deeply because it just does come up a hell of a lot and so free codecamp actually has a wonderful article on destructuring that is linked here in the slides you can just click that link and read it make that part of your homework uh the beautiful thing about destructuring is you can do it with arrays and you could do it with objects Jason Derulo hey how you doing thank you for get this Subs hope you're doing well good to see you yeah this is all over the place in uh react yeah it really is you're gonna see the structuring everywhere so it makes sense to get comfortable with it um here you can see some very simple syntax where we have name and team and we have two values and basically what we're able to do is to pull all the values out of this Ray and give them a variable name that we can use so very quickly instead of having to like Loop through and like assign variable names to each value inside of the array we can use this notation and very quickly be able to say all right name is now Bob team is now 100 devs and loop through it um array destruction we'll see we've actually already seen object destructuring and object restructuring is kind of the same thing uh this is kind of following the template from the free codecamp article but in this case we have mascot uh with name of Bob and team of 100 devs and I'm able to create individual variables of name and team from this original object so when I say name I get Bob when I say team I get 100 devs I'm not actually using the object I'm just kind of pulling these values out we'll also destructure all the time exactly uh where have we seen where have we seen destructuring so far yeah so when we did uh Brad's authentication course their authentication the ensure off the insure guest right that ensure auth that ensure guest um that was an example of Destruction right that was a big old object that were able to pull out the pieces that we wanted give them their own variables and use them inside of our files and so we carried that code over to our binary upload boom as well and so we have already been using destructuring even if you haven't known that you're using destructuring so we've seen it in our passcode you're going to see it in react all the time right cool so definitely give this article a read and when you see this syntax don't freak out when you see the syntax here don't freak out we see the syntax here don't freak out you can definitely go through and understand the structuring in more detail and know that it comes up quite often cool all right this is uh this is my my warning tonight we're not looking at good code uh tonight we're not looking at at clean code we're not looking at good react examples we're looking at old stuff we're looking at bad stuff we're going to be baddies and write bad code because tonight has nothing to do with the code has nothing to do with actually writing components it has nothing to do with the actual syntax it will be using going forward tonight is simply I want you to walk away understanding why so this is my warning if you're a code weaning get out this is not going to be a good class for you you're gonna have a really rough time over the next two hours uh so yeah my my warning that I'm about to be a baddie we're gonna be right to Bad Code we're going to look at some bad code we're gonna welcome some old code all right and uh I always get this question and I just want to be very clear um I have people like I've read some of the DMS in the past and I'll get this is a very common DM especially when I get to react Leon how dare you teach them that that old way of doing things you're setting them up for a a lifetime of react failure and my response is always how many folks have you helped get jobs in the last six months because if it's less than a hundred you're not on my numbers you're not on my numbers if it's less than a hundred you ain't all my numbers that means hundreds of companies hundreds of companies that I am seeing people walk into I am getting the real boots on the ground what they're experiencing what they're working on and I could tell you right now one of the most common things that a lot of my folks that are walking into entry-level roles are doing is they're updating react code bases from class-based components to functional components so why would I not teach both right why would I not show you some bad code why would I not say hey this is some things you're probably still going to see out in the wild right these are some things that I'm seeing my students having to work on quite frequently and so yeah I'm I'm gonna still show it so if you're a code weaning you're getting ready to send me that message you already know what my response is going to be it's floats all over again exactly it floats all over again but that being said things have fundamentally changed right and so I want that to be very clear the the way that we're writing the ACT is change it's changed over the last year too and for the for the better there there are lots of improvements that we're going to talk about next week that make our lives easier but tonight's not about any of that it's just understanding why I react oh all right react is a library for handling your UI that's it have a wonderful night everybody hope you do well have a great weekend I will see you on Sunday for the continuation of the super review uh that that's it all right everybody let's figure out who we're gonna raid let's see who's online no please don't leave me hmm react is a library for handling your UI it very simply allows you to write components which you can reuse and extend when needed and it does not handle anything else so I used a couple big words there we're gonna break down tonight but it's simply a library for handling your UI bruh that's it what the heck is a UI that's my first question of the chat what's a UI to user interface exactly it's a user interface it's the thing that our users are going to interface with to use your application right and so if we look at an older UI this is kind of Facebook's old UI for folks that aren't that aren't hip yet Facebook was the folks that kind of initially helped develop and popularize react and they used it to solve some very real problems that they were facing as their code base got larger okay so what we're looking at right now is Facebook's old UI like their older user interface this is actually one of my past uh cohort members uh Facebook page they've given me permission to use it I just blanked out anything that like mattered um that's why there's a lot of like missing stuff all right yeah cool now when it comes to Facebook sorry when it comes to react being a library that handles your UI right somebody asks what's the difference between a library and a framework uh you could think of a library as kind of just a set of tools but with no like Rhyme or Reason for how you should use those tools there is no opinionated stuff behind how you use those tools it's not bringing in other scaffolding for you to use those tools it's just a collection of kind of like methods right it's a collection of things that enable you to do some stuff we'll go deeper into that on Tuesday but that that's kind of it like a framework's going to give you a lot more and some people kind of argue whether or not react is technically a framework or not but we'll be able to have that argument better once we learn the basics so let's save that argument for Tuesday yeah that's a that's a big codeweedy uh big codeweenie argument but I don't think we're ready to have that argument yet so let's learn a little bit and then we can have the argument cool all right so Facebook is I keep saying Facebook react is simply a library for handling your UI and Facebook was running into some significant trouble as their app was getting bigger as their UI was handling more stuff or seeing more stuff uh so far we've built some very simple uis and we introduced an architecture pattern uh that we've been using recently uh what's the big architecture pattern that we've been using recently that helps keep our applications organized yeah it's been MVC and if we're worried about the UI or the user interface like the things that our user is actually interacting with to do things on our application what part of the MVC structure is react kind of going to be existing in yeah it's going to be existing in this view area we're actually going to introduce an extension to MVC um which which kind of adds a slightly different twist to it but for now we're just happy to exist in view territory right our user interface is always going to be handled by our views how we get into things like view model we'll save for later but the idea right now is that Facebook needed a better way to handle their views and so let's take a look at Facebook's kind of older interface when this kind of stuff started kicking off so here's Facebook's old user interface let's take a look at all this stuff that's actually happening real quick we have posts and posts kind of have all their different complexities likes time all this other fun stuff we had stories that were popping off we had uh creating posts I don't know if statuses were still technically a thing we had um Marketplace and watch and knowing whether or not there are new things to watch or new things in the marketplace we had all of our groups and whether or not there are new posts in those groups you could explore new things and see as those pages were going up or down you had your events that were coming through and sometimes it'd be more or less events you had information on the pages that you created you can see all the things that recently happen you can see the games that your friends are playing and you could drop into those friend Pages again uh you could keep track of whether or not your friends were online or not you could see all your events coming through your friend requests all your stuff all your stuff on this page and so if we are thinking about kind of our current understanding of how we handle our views this is a colossal unmaintainable hot garbage dumpster fire of a mess right because all of this stuff is going to be in like one what like the contents probably in like one big ass HTML file or in our case right now one ejs file there's so much logic happening look at all this logic right like are they is there new stuff is is the likes going up are there new posts do you have new notifications do you have new note friend requests like if we're going to be handling all that pretty much like conditional logic right that would probably all be in One Singular what right now with the way we've been doing things like one JS file right imagine having all of this logic all of this logic like all this client-side logic whether or not it should be red or gray or green or numbers going up going down like all that stuff if we're thinking about it right now right is maybe one ejs file maybe a few if we figured out partials right maybe like our header and footer got separate on the partials which we could think of partials as kind of like the beginning of components right but all this logic is all over the place right all this logic's all over the place all this style is probably in one CSS file until we start breaking out so there's just too much if I take a developer and I tell them to go and fix something on this page it's over right it's over to Define what to fix to be afraid not to break anything like go back to kind of even like our object oriented lectures right like is any of this stuff abstracted are we encapsulating the right stuff like it's like is there like is this maintainable is it easy for new developers to jump in and make changes and not lose sleep at night and the answer is like no where we're at in our journey right now the answer is just a big fat no but what I want you to do is I want you to take a just a slightly deeper look at this and what we're going to notice is that a lot of this stuff is being reused okay I feel like a lot of this stuff is kind of repeating itself right so we we we're going to have posts and there's probably posts on this page like your home page other people's pages are those posts across different pages really fundamentally any different not really and our stories that appear on this page versus some other place really any different no and so what react really introduced first is an idea of a component and then a component really changes the game when you start to look at a lot of these uis a lot of these uis are using the same thing over and over again right if we look at these shortcuts that kind of have the numbers going up it's almost the exact same component as the Explorer so we could figure out our logic we could figure out our styling we could figure out kind of our content and store it all in one component and then be able to reuse it where we need it to right and so this idea of breaking things down into components really does add to the maintainability of our code and what I mean by that is that one we can keep all of our stuff together right we can keep our logic our styling our our content into these components and then these components can be reused not only across the page but across our entire application and maybe even across other applications is a post on Facebook fundamentally any different than a post on Instagram right Facebook owns both Facebook and Instagram are they fundamentally any different no no I'm not saying this is how it actually works at Facebook but the idea is there right like we could write our our post component once and then reuse it across our application and maybe even across other applications and then the beautiful thing is if any other engineer wanted to come and fix how posts work they know exactly where to go they're not jumping through a hot mess of a Javascript file to find the logic for likes right they're not jumping through a hot mess of 10 000 lines of CSS to change how a post looks right we can store all of that logic all of that style all that content into one reusable easy to maintain component and so as we start to build out our applications what we want to be able to do is see components everywhere if we could start breaking down our applications into reusable components not only does it like make your life easier when you have to maintain or update or work with other Engineers that want to do the same but it also accelerates your development because you can just reuse them I on uh two classes ago I showed you how to how to like make your MVPs stylistically look good very quickly what did I use to get that landing page done in like three seconds it was components that were using Tailwind right and so I was literally able to like re-cut like copy and reuse my components and I had a nice header I had a nice hero I had a nice footer and boom boom boom copy and pasted and and I'm done right now this is kind of like a very simple introduction to it but these reusability of components they maintainability of the components to make our lives a lot easier especially as our uis start to get more complex so tonight we're going to talk about components we're going to talk about something called props we're going to talk about something called State and when we use all three of these things combined we can build uis that handle our views that really enable us to build faster build more maintainable code and make it so that we can not have a hot dumpster fire of a massive client-side JavaScript the mess of client-side CSS and all this other stuff that's coming through so uh what I want to do now is we're at the top of the hour so we're going to take our break when we come back from the break we're going to kind of dive into this idea of con a components a little bit deeper and then I'm going to introduce something called props which really does add flexibility to our components and then we'll bring state in and then we're going to see some real examples play around with some real code and hopefully walk away tonight having a feeling about what react might do for us as we continue on our Development Career so we're talking about components let's take a look at some of the components that uh Facebook might have been implementing here and let's kind of think about it would be like without components just again for a quick second right uh let's go and take a look at this uh what do these red dots use like what do these red dots used to mean what was that for yeah it was like new like new stuff right like new things were either there to be watched or there's something new in the marketplace and so if we were doing this like originally somewhere in our JavaScript file was like the code to change that from Gray to red um there's probably some sort of ajaxi stuff going on we look at any of these updates like there's some sort of way that we're like actually getting new information and updating it there's probably like if we were doing it like the way we've been doing it like would there be a page refresh which if you're refreshing the page for all of this crap right like no that can't happen um if we look at something like the bell too right like think about that for a second uh that Bell could be like that dark blue it could be white it could have a number the number has to keep going up right like that's a that's a lot of that's a lot of JavaScript to keep track of and if we were doing it the way we've been doing it this would all be like in a singular file and imagine trying to maintain all of this crap all right so the beautiful thing about components as Facebook's UI got bigger and bigger more and more not maintainable by the easy starts with imagination components through react gave them some really a beautiful things like if we think about this kind of box here as a component we can keep all of this logic about the dots we could keep all this logic about kind of when they show when they go from Gray to to red when all that stuff happens and better yet these dots can be their own component that is reused in a larger let's say like feed component or something like that right so we can actually start having components that exist inside of other components or extend right and so we can really start to think about each piece of this UI as a component and that component could have all of its logic it could have all of its CSS everything in one place now some folks start to say Leon well this kind of this kind of seems like it violates what like Leon you're telling me that you're combining like your content your style your JavaScript into this one entity called a component uh we're starting to get pretty close to violating separation of concerns exactly and so what was the goal of separation of concerns what was the goal kind of subtly what was the goal of separation of concerns yeah thank you blah it was organization right it was adding maintainability to our code it was making exactly well our life easier it was making it so that when other developers came and worked on our code they knew where to go and what to do and the real purpose behind separation of concerns and why I introduced it so early on is because I want you to think critically about the code that you write right like the reason why separation of concern is introduced at that point is because I need you to start thinking like a developer what's going to make your life easier what is going to make the life of the other developers you're working with their lives easier and as we add more stuff to our developmental skill set we might need to revisit some of these paradigms and so in in essence I mean if you really think about it you got got right you got got right like it's where we started but there might be some other things that might be a little bit better now we've been a little bit further along down the timeline right and so when it comes to separation of concerns yes it was about adding maintainability it was about adding organization it's about separating presentation and business logic and all that stuff is still happening right all that stuff is still happening with components it's just a different way of going about it and so will it actually be separated onto individual files depending on how you go about building out your components some folks will have everything in their component it will have the style it will have the logic it'll have everything in one place sometimes people will separate out on the individual files that are all associated with one component that'll be up to you so and the team that you join about how how together things are but you're still adhering to it just in a slightly different way and at the end it's still achieving the same goals of that maintainability that organization having new developers know where to go when they sit down when they sit down and the big sweeping change is that these dots now have to be squares right they know where to go right they know where to go right so that's the idea of components going forward now as we start to think about components we start to think about the reusability of our components I want you to pay attention to some things that were happening in this UI over here there was something that would show up when your friends were logged on what would show up when any of your contacts were online anybody remember it would show up there before messenger or things like that yeah we would have a Green Dot that showed up when that user was online now a question for you in terms of like logic like there's an update that has happened there's somebody online or there is something new to watch or there's something new in the marketplace is there really any difference between these dots and these red dots give me a little creative freedom here hey Jesus hey we're in your territory tonight if you all have react questions just go to just go to Nick on Discord hey hey Zeus they're they're there for you yeah they're uh there there's no difference right there's real no difference between the green dots that show up here and the red dots that show up here except for one change and that change is the color so the beauty of react components is that you can pass in what we call props and props give flexibility to your components there's nothing fundamentally different between the dots that show up for new things in the marketplace and the dots that show up when somebody's logged on except for the color and so with props we could pass the color we care about into our components right so the component that we're using over here we would pass in a prop of red and the component that we're using over here we have passed in the component sorry the prop of green we could literally reuse the exact same component and just pass in different props we get all the reusability we get all the maintainability of having just to maintain one component that is these dots but we get the flexibility of saying well over here the dots should be read and over here the dot should be green it's not something we have to go and like fundamentally change our CSS nothing we're going like fundamentally change any logic we just need to pass in a freaking color so it knows to be red for this component and green for that component that's it so components have this wonderful bit of reusability if somebody needs to edit how dots function across our entire application they go to our dots component right these dots are going to show up here here here maybe 20 other places across our application we're going to need these freaking dots but in some places we're going to want them to be read some place around with them be green someplace where I want them to be blue we don't have to want to rebuild a whole new component we don't have to rebuild all that logic redo all that CSS we just want to be able to say it should be red green blue and so when we use the component we can pass that color into it via props and get that flexibility cool could you implement darker mode light mode across the whole app simply with props possibly yeah let's think about it that way yeah now let's think about another like really cool like key thing to Facebook when we're looking at our posts right we're thinking about posts they're a posts on Facebook and they're also post on Instagram we said earlier that a post on Facebook was fundamentally exactly the same thing as a post on Instagram but there's probably just like a few key differences what's probably the biggest difference between a post on Instagram and a post on Facebook there's really only one big difference right they both have like text or they both have like a text they both have like images right like they both have like almost the same stuff but the real big difference in my mind is like on Facebook it's a thumbs up for liking and it's a heart on Instagram right fundamentally the same thing right maybe a little bit different in terms of like text or image or something like that but fundamentally a post on Facebook should operate almost the exact same as a post on Instagram but the likes are a different icon so what could we use to keep the same component across two different code bases that have fundamentally the same logic the same kind of styling almost right we just want likes and to look different on one versus the other what could we use to pass in a thumbs up or a heart yeah we could use our props on Facebook to pass in a thumbs up and we could use our props on Instagram the pat to pass it a heart so we now not only get the ability to reuse the component throughout our application on Facebook right like we could have a post here on the home page the news feed Etc but maybe we could even reuse components across different applications as well and this is something I do a lot for me I have a lot of components that I have written that do key things for me and when I'm building out a new application I can just go yoink that component plop it into my react code base and I know it has everything that I need I know that it has all the logic all the styling has all the content that I need and the ability to reuse that anywhere I want is huge it really speeds up my development cool uh so if you build a component you can just reuse it over and over again yeah that's kind of the idea because if we really if we really look right like if we really look at this UI is there anything different between shortcuts and explore like look look at it is there anything different between shortcuts and explore not really right they have slightly different icons but it seems like they have all the same functionality they have all the same style they have all the same logic right like they still have like the numbers going up so if we were to do this originally right we might have JavaScript handling each one of these like numbers that are going up right we might even have two different sets of them for the different areas but we can start to see this as a component so maybe this number going up is a component the kind of list of links is a component and so we can just reuse these components wherever we want so we kind of like copy and paste and boom we got a new component we might have to pass in slightly different text these texts might be props that we're passing in and we'll figure out ways to do that later on but it's still the same thing that we're just reusing and any other page that needs this type of thing we can reuse that component over and over again and yes we can have components inside of components right and that that that makes it even more maintainable because if I want to work on these numbers going up right think about this I want to work on these numbers going up there's two ways we could approach it the old way I wanted to work on these numbers going up these numbers going up were probably intimately tied to this content right there is something in my JavaScript file that was targeting this specific place in the Dom there was some JavaScript that I was like using that like made that number work with that content or at least that place in my content what if I decided you know what Leon I don't want these numbers anymore back in the day what would we have done like if I just I don't want the numbers anymore what would I have done back in the day well now I'm going to my age that cried I'm going to my HTML or my ejs I'm removing the content like the HTML like whatever I'm using for my templating language then I'm like trolling through my JavaScript to find all the logic that was controlling each of those numbers going up maybe there were some like fetches that were pulling data from somewhere like so now like I gotta go through all my content in my HTML I had to go through all my JavaScript I might even have to go through like a lot of my CSS to pull out all those styles that I was using I probably had specific classes for it um because that was a big pain in the butt but if this was a component right if this was a component and that component was just being used inside of another component all I have to do is remove that component and I'm done I literally just I just I just delete one line I delete one line and it all goes away I don't have to worry about going through all these individual files and if I want to add it back I just add one one line and it's back right so we're talking about like the maintainability of our code like react can really change your life right if if all your logic your style all that stuff is campaigned in one little area the ability to add and remove stuff the ability to reuse stuff across your application becomes huge yeah and we're going to see some examples of the components in a second we're going to see some examples of the component don't worry we're gonna we're gonna work through it gonna be able to see kind of all these things in action I'm going to show you props and action I'm going to show you the the components in action and how we can reuse them all right so we talked about components bringing maintainability to our code the ability to reuse components over and over again which Dave's time and development effort we talked about having props which enable us to pass individual things into our components that we can reuse them we want something to be red versus green we don't have to rewrite a whole new component we can have that flexibility by passing in props and then there is one last thing that we have to add and it's something called state you could think about each component having an object that exists inside that component that we can access so state is just an object on a component that we can access now the really cool thing about this object that exists inside the component is that when the state changes right when that object inside the component changes well the component foreign we have components we can add a flexibility or components by passing in new things via props but each of our components can also have an object we're going to call State and when that state changes our components can react now let's think about it let's think about it friend logs on right friend logs on this dot component could have a state that says are they online right now are they online is false as soon as they log on that state changes to true and since the state changed that component's going to what gonna react exactly it's going to react it's going to go from Gray to Green all that logic we need to know what happens when the state changes the component already knows right the component already knows what to do when State changes that that's the beauty of building out these components is we we get to put in all the logic set hey when that state changes this is how I need you to react right let's look at something else let's look at um this this Bell this Bell probably has a state of what you figure out what the state might be here yeah it probably has a state remember States just an object right let's just keep it very simple for right now let's just think about State as an object it probably has a count property when that count property goes from 16 to 17 what does that component do it reacts right it knows what to do it knows how to go from 16 to 17. better yet let's think about if it was zero right let's say there's no notifications right let's say there is no notifications and it was just a dark gray or dark blue Bell right there's no red box there's no coloring as soon as it goes from zero to one that component knows how to react it knows to all right now make it white now bring in the red box now put in a number of one right all of that is contained in the component no chasing down some JavaScript file no wild conditional logic that's just all over the place no chasing down our style changes it's all contained in that component and when the state changed it knows how to react if we were going back to the Dark Ages and we had all this in a JavaScript file right all these little bits of logic all this conditional logic all this stuff in a singular file is bad news we would start messing up our conditionals we would stop we would start messing up like what happens when we get new information it just becomes not maintainable and so the idea of bringing components into the mix does quite a few things components bring maintainability they bring reusability the ability to have props brings flexibility to the components we've already written so we don't wind up having a bunch of very similar components we can have one and kind of the unique changes we need for each we can pass in as a prop and then the last thing is this state and each component can have its own State and when that state changes the component knows how to react that logic that style everything is contained in that one area we don't have to go chase it down we don't have to worry about when we remove components that it's going to break some other places of our code base we can add and remove them as we see fit does it make sense why we might use components all right is that is that kind of clear like why we might use components yes cool all right that's the goal for tonight the goal for tonight is just to understand all right components might make our life a lot easier as we start to develop more and more complex uis the reusability the maintainability uh the ability to to not have to worry about what happens when our state changes right like all that's been coded out for us right we we can just add and remove them as we see fit awesome so what I want to do now is I want to talk through some of kind of the important bits and Bobs when it comes to react we're going to see some examples and then we'll we'll end class uh there's one other thing too since we're just talking about State real quick um and we're going to see it again in a little bit but think about all these things where state is changing right think about all these things where state is changing State changed let's just kind of state change State change State change State change State change State change State change day change day changed change change change change change change change change change probably each of these third state changing likes to change change change change I'm gonna stop here like all these things that have to change if we were doing it how we've been doing it that's also a lot of what this kind of I know it's a stretch here but it's also a lot of what's happening on the page if we were to do this in the end yeah exactly Shadow song it's a lot of refreshing we don't want to have to refresh anymore and so the beautiful thing about react is it has something called the virtual Dom uh has something called the virtual Dom so what we're actually doing is all of these things are changing like as all this dates changing and our and our components are reacting uh we don't actually have to refresh the whole page and better yet we only wind up refreshing the small tiny piece that actually needs to be refreshed so we're not repainting the whole Dom the whole Dom tree we're using something called the virtual Dom to compare the actual Dom versus the change that we want and we're making a patch to the actual Dom that just changes this little piece and so I have a I I really like from some of the reading that we're gonna do there's a really good example that highlights this that we're gonna see like live and I'm going to show you through um some cool Chrome tricks how we can actually see that the whole page is not refreshing it's just the small things that are cool now uh we have some we have some some some more nice I need to make we're about to we're about to go into some some more technical terms we're about to see some code I don't really need you to understand this right now I I don't I don't really need to understand these bigger Concepts I don't need you to understand the the one-way data flow versus two-way data binding or any of that crap uh for for now let's just let's just understand what components are what's uh what's some props what some State and we'll take it from there right when we were using react there's kind of two crucial apis that we're kind of consuming react which contains all the apis for like how we actually create components and then react Dom which tells us how to render those components to the Dom so react actually gives us the API for creating the individual components and then react Dom enables us to actually take those components and put them into the Dom like that like we have to have some mechanisms for doing those two things and so these two apis are what enable us to do it and we're going to see them in some of our code there's also another big component of react and it's jsx um jsx is just a syntax extension to JavaScript and it's really just a shortcut for this specific API and what it does is it just helps us generate the stuff that eventually spits out HTML so we can kind of think of it almost like our ejs it's going to look an awful lot like JavaScript but some things are going to be a little suspect and a little bit different and we'll be noticing that some some quirks to it just like our ejs kind of looked like our HTML but it really wasn't at the end of the day we're just using it to eventually build our component and spit out the actual HTML cool we'll go deeper with it next week um there's another really good resource that I really love for react and a lot of my examples are going to be kind of built off of some of the stuff that comes in this this uh this overview so is just like another resource that I'd like for react especially for some of the older stuff that we'll be covering we talked about two big things that come to react already we talked about props you can just think about props as arguments that are being passed into our components just like when we had like functions and we're able to pass into arguments to a function you could think about your props as the exact same thing it's a way of right right it's the same way of passing in uh values into these components right that's it and then we also have uh state which is just an object that's built into the component and when that object changes our component reacts and importantly re-renders right so that reacting also includes the re-rendering of that component using that virtual Dom to make that actual change in the Dom so if we can kind of absorb kind of some of these very high level Concepts it will be in a good spot remember that virtual Dom is a way of us kind of looking at the Dom as it stands right right looking at the Dom as it stands and saying I want to make very specific changes and being able to make those changes without having to re-render the full Dom uh the way it works is that we keep the real Dom and a virtual Dom we make all of our changes on the virtual Dom and based on what we change we say hey just make this very simple update right so as we start to build out our components as we start to see these things uh estate changing our components reacting and needing to re-render we take advantage of this virtual Dom to make the specific individual changes that we need to make cool that's all the big stuff I'm going to throw out to you for tonight I don't really want to go too much deeper because I think and you got to go through the reading you got to go through the materials first and then you will come back on Tuesday to go deeper into all these kind of higher level Concepts do I currently work with react all the time um I think it's something that you should have in your repertoire right you're having your repertoire I don't think you need to go as deep with it as you might think to get a job it's good to understand these high level Concepts it's good to understand what it might bring to your code right but I don't need you to go much deeper than the materials that I'm sharing so if you go through this class and our classes next week you go through the two courses I shared Brad's course in the Ken C Dodds course that's enough you really don't need more than that for right now because there's a good chance when you get to your job they might not actually use react so you're better off spending your time right now especially as we go into the hunt finishing up your 100 project investing your data structures algorithms making sure you're doing your code words and all the other things I'm asking the basics are enough to get the job and as you figure out what your local kind of job market is asking for you might invest a little bit more react you might invest a little bit more in things like view or angular whatever it might be but I just want you to see the basics of what one of these UI type libraries can do for you and you don't really need to go super super super super deep on it to get the job cool all right another warning we're about to be bad he's about to see some bad code I'm about to see some bad code it's all right we're baddies we're seeing bad code it's all right all right so we're gonna look through some examples and these examples uh come from the reading that I assigned and there's three of them that are on code sandbox and so we're going to look through these different examples on code sandbox we're going to play with them and um I just need you to let these Concepts marinate in your brain uh the rest of tonight over the weekend I really do need you to start thinking about components everywhere um I like you can look at anything in your life as components and everything that you're doing please over the next weekend just just think about components right like like when you're hungry and you're going into the refrigerator you can see your refrigerator of a component and your refrigerator is made up of a bunch of other components that are inside your refrigerator right you might have almond butter inside your refrigerator almond butter is a component that exists inside your refrigerator component and your your your your almond butter right might have a prop that you passed in of crunchy or creamy right that you you might have a crunchy almond butter you might have a creamy almond butter right and uh when when you eat it your state might change right you might get bigger I don't know right I know it's silly but I really do want you to try this I really do want you just to like take a few moments throughout your weekend to say all right what's in front of me how could I view these as components what could I view as props for these components what would be the state of these components and I want you to just to really see components everywhere they're everywhere folks just gotta see them they're everywhere they're everywhere all right and so let's see some components together and then over the weekend I need you to see them everywhere else so there are three examples here that come from the reading uh they're all in code sandboxes which are pretty cool uh these code sandboxes just enable you to run code directly in the browser so we're actually running our react code in here and um right off the Jump please please do not think you need to understand any of this code this is bad code this is code that we will not be using going forward uh this component is not how we would write components in the future it's going to come in the reading so I want to see it now together I want to show you how can we did these older class components uh but this is like not this is us being baddies writing bad code I do like it because it helps it very simply to see some really key features that we need to see uh before we move on to how we would actually probably use components in the future cool also it's not something that you would ever have memorized uh it's not something that you would ever have like in your memory it's just an example for me to show you how these things come together cool you can see that we're importing react uh what is that going to give us the ability to do we import react what is that going to give us the ability to do yeah create components remember that react is the API that enables us to create the component so we need that we want to create the components and then uh when we import react Dom what is that going to give us the ability to do yep to enable us to render them to the Dom right remember we actually have to put this stuff into the Dom if we want our users to see it on the client uh so one reactive was to create components and the other enables us to put it into the Dom and so you can actually see that we're using a little bit of what here a little bit of what we talked about earlier tonight a little bit of what a little bit of the structuring right to give us the component that's coming from react and so here with this kind of older class-based syntax you can see that I am making a component uh that's coming from the components in react so this class of card is the component I am making but it's just a react component I get the name whatever the heck I want I could have called this zaboomafoo it would have been fine but since I'm making cards that you see over here I called it cards and here is everything I am using to make this card component and then down here is me actually rendering these card components to the Dom now if we look we can see kind of our component is in this index.js file and we also have an index.html file this is going to be very very common we're going to have some just very simple HTML and this is where we're going to actually append all of our components right all of our components are going to be appended into this div right remember we're going to have components those components have to make their way into the Dom the way we make them into the Dom is we actually just place them into the Dom in this area so if we go back and we look at our index.js we can see all right we're going to select that div which had the ID of app like if we look it has the ID of app we're going to select that div that has the ID of app and we're going to render our elements to that place in the Dom so all we're saying here is all this stuff that I've just highlighted is going to make its way into this div this is how we're going to place our components into the Dom so just very quickly we have the ability to create components we have the ability to render them into the Dom down here we're saying hey where in the Dom I putting this stuff and what am I putting into the Dom it's this stuff right here so that's very high level just so you can have a rough understanding that we're going to build our components we're going to put them into the Dom it's not magic we actually have to tell it where to go where to put the stuff into the Dom and that's what we're doing with these kind of other simple files now the thing that we really care about is right here these three lines right the SE three lines are our actual what these three lines are our actual what yeah these are our actual components we can see up here that we've created the component called card right we've created the component called card and what we are doing down here is actually using the this card component and we're just having to use the card component three times right we use that component that we created three times we did card card card right we use that component three times we can actually see what this component spits out what does this component spit out yeah this component spits out a div right it spits out a div and the cool thing is you can see that it that div also has some Style and so we can see that style is coming from up here well style spread the default style so the default style will be a color of white a border color of red a border size of one a border Style style of solid we're also going to have some margins some padding and then wait before we get to this line 16. it looks a little weird here border color border size border Style camo case what's going on here yeah it's not actually CSS this is the jss syntax we just talked about that that extension right that it's not actually CSS kind of like how our ejs was not actually HTML same thing here this is not actually CSS this is the jsx syntax that's going to help us to eventually spit out the stuff that we care about so it's going to look a little funky it's going to look a little different and remember this is bad code we might actually have our CSS in a separate file and then just use that file inside the component but for now we have everything together so we have some base Styles here the default style we spread them into style and then that style is going to eventually be applied to our div so when I use card down here I know that this card is going to be a div when I use card again here I know that it's going to be a div when I use card down here again I know that it's going to be a div now each of these cards here are fundamentally all the same but what is different about them their colors are all different go back and think to our dots on the Facebook UI were the gorgeous styling were the dots fundamentally different between like the marketplace thoughts or their friends logging in dots were there were there any differences there no it was just a color we wanted to be able to use the same component we wanted just those components to look a little different depending on what we wanted them to look like and so the beautiful thing here is I have this lovely card component that spits out a div however on line 16 you're seeing that each component will have a background color that comes from the where where this background color come from will come from the props exactly it'll come from the props and so when we look at these cards we see these cards here we can see that each card has a prop what is that prop that each of these cards comes with yeah each of these cards has a color prop right each of these cars has a color prop and the Beautiful Thing is whenever I go to use these card components I can pass in those different props right and each of my components even though they are the same will now each have a different background color right this color prop right here is being used right here so the very first card will have a background color of sky blue that's why this one looks sky blue the next card will have a color prop of Steel blue all right so that will have a background color of Steel blue and then the last card component has a prop of the color yellow and we have this lovely background color of yellow now the yellow is very hard to read that that that white on yellow does not look good so if I wanted this last card component to be something different uh it'd be very easy to change it so what color should I change it to purple people are saying let's change it to purple cool there we go and so now it's purple we're able to pass in a different prop and when that component goes to be rendered we can use those colors uh so that we can reuse the same card component over and over again but have the flexibility for certain things to be slightly different we could have a card we could have a um post component where we were going and making our posts but we would have props on them that were like likes and one could be a heart and one could be a thumbs up right we have the ability to pass in different props that will do different things inside of our components we still get the maintainability and the reusability of the components throughout our entire application we can still get the flexibility should we need it by these props cool I love the color scheme no all right so this is the beginning of kind of starting to see these components come to life we're starting to see props come through um I want to be able to look at a few other examples another example of props but also another example of state so we're going to take our break we're at the top of the hour when we come back from break we're going to see two more examples that further our understanding of props but also help us understand State as well we'll get to see some cool things like the virtual Dom in action individual re-rendering and so we'll see a lot of neat stuff when we come back from break let's take a look at another component here remember you're absolving yourself from actually understanding any of this code it doesn't matter we're just here to see some components we're here to see some props we're here to see some State understand what they might bring exactly as well says to be Baddies let's take a look at another one here all right let's go ahead and change this number right now it says at 10 degrees Fahrenheit water is considered to be a solid state of matter let's go ahead and change this to um let's go and do 33 and as soon as I typed in 33 we could see what what happened what happened here oh it reacted foreign so for it to react what else do we know happened here if if this component is reacting what what what what happened yeah the state changed exactly uh the state changed when the state changed the component knew how to react now what do we think in this component example without looking is State like what are we keeping track of in terms of State for this component yeah in this case it's the temperature and so if we look at this water component we can see that it has a state object and it has a current temp property of 10. right it has a current property of 10. the cool thing is I have this method here called set temperature and when the current temperature changes you can see I'm actually setting the state all right I'm setting state to be the new temperature if we go all the way down here we can see that this component right we can see that this component is a div this component has an input and a paragraph right and we can see that it has this lovely like on change method once again absolve yourself from understanding uh this code but the idea here is that whenever the number changes we're running this set temperature method right so right here when the number changes in this input we're running this set temperature method right and that set temperature Method All That temperature method is doing is it is setting the state to be that new temperature so when I typed in 33 when I typed in 33 this on change method fired and it ran the set temperature method right the set temperature method change the state from what it was 10 before to now 33. right the 33 and when that set state ran it changed the current temperature property on state from 10 to 33. since the state changed what is this component going to do react exactly it's going to react now how it reacts we actually get the code out so you can see our lovely render method here and we can see all the stuff that's going to happen for us to render out this div right the goal of this component is to render out this div that has the input and also has this paragraph and we could see inside the paragraph that we have the this dot state that current temp which is pulling the current temperature right it's pulling the current temperature from our state so right now current temperature would be what right now current temperature will be what 33 nice and then state of matter we're using here as another variable that we haven't actually be this defined yet so the things they're going to change in this paragraph or the Cur or are the current temperature that's coming from our state and then uh the solid liquid or gas will leave out plasma for now right it's not liquid or gas that it could be and so if we look at this component a little bit deeper here we have our state which has the current temperature property we have a method that changes that state whenever the value and the input changes and then we have some some logic here we're going to say hey if that current temperature and state is less than 32 then our state of matter will be solid if it's greater than 212 or equal to greater or equal to 212 then it'll be gas and if it's not solid or gas we're going to say that it's a liquid right I'm going to say that it's a liquid and so when this component goes to render and it renders out this div it's going to pull the value from a state which is 33 and it's going to plug in whatever state of the matter was in this case it is liquid right it'll be liquid and so if we look down here at the actual component right if we look down here at the actual component we can see that we're using the water component and this water component has all of this stuff nice neat and contained in the component not only do we have the the state we have all the logic for what happens when that state changes we don't have to go chase it down somewhere it's not in some other wild JavaScript file it's all right here it's more organized it's more maintainable if I want to update this to also include plasma right maybe it's not just gonna be water I'm gonna have plasma as well we don't have to worry about going and chasing down something in our Javascript file we can come right to this component we can change just this component and only this component and add the things we want to change cool if we wanted to add a Centigrade yes that's a really good that's a really good thing to think about we could have a prop called type of temp right we could have we could have a prop called type of temp and you could pass in Celsius or you could pass in Freedom right you passed in Celsius then we would have to have some Logic for not being 32 to 12 or whatever right and if you passed in Freedom then we could we could keep these numbers right and so it's up to you if you want to use Celsius or Freedom Units and so that'd be a really great prop we could then reuse this water component we could have a water component that maybe we have a maybe we have something on our site that detects based on maybe somebody's IP address or their location if they're in say the UK or the land of the free right and so if they're the land of the free then we would use the Freedom Units and if they're in the UK they could use celsius and we could maybe pass in what we want this component to do with a prop right cool so Props there's like a function you can think of it as like arguments on a function you're passing something into the component it gives a little bit more flexibility to our components so we don't wind up having a bunch of very similar components that are just tweaked in very little ways we can reuse our components with the flexibility that we need cool all right so this is just a very simple way of seeing State we have the state object that has a current temp property when it changes our component knows how to react it'll re-render with the logic that we have contained here and we'll wind up seeing different stuff in the Dom like we can play with it like let's go back to zero we'll get solid let's do 213 we'll get gas and so we're seeing this component based on state changing react and re-render now the re-rendering we haven't been able to see that well right the re-rendering we haven't been able to see that well I want to show a last example where we can see the virtual dominant action and see this re-rendering actually um actually take place okay thank you for the gifted Subs I appreciate it for being here thank you all right how does it know that it updated it knows that it updated because the state changed that's the whole point of react right when the state changes the component reacts we don't have to code anything else right we don't have to code anything else that's like an event like we don't like we have an event listener here that's listening for the on change of the input but we don't have to have anything that says like all right when it does change like do all this stuff it just we're calling this method this method all that this method does is change the state right so if we look at our on change down here when this number changes inside the input it's going to call this set temperature method when this set temperature method runs the only thing that set temperature method is doing is changing the state and when the state changes the component reacts right gonna Force the re-rendering it's going to work through all the logic that we've we've put together and then this div will be probably different if the state changed in one of these three conditions automatically exactly is that what set state is really for so that state is just to literally change the state we want to change it from whatever we want to change it from 213 to zero the way that I have changed state is by setting the state from 213 to now zero so the current temperature value is now zero the state has changed since the state has changed our component reacts it's going to force the re-rendering all this stuff is going to be taken into account and we're going to have a new div that is spit out we're going to talk about you state yeah but not tonight Catherine can hey thank you for the hydration cheers to you ah Too Legit to Quit I actually point out something really interesting how let's let's do this let's type in 213 again how many times did State change yeah right now state has changed three times right when we changed it from zero to two that was a state changed 21 21 21 that was a state change 13 State change right it's just the way we've coded it for now where each of those on changes is its own thing uh and so what you're noticing is that it's it's super what it's super what super yeah super fast all right it's super fast all right super fast I'm watching a lot of like old like Muhammad Ali Clips I'm fast and he's getting ready to fight um Frasier on past hit the light switch I was in bed before the lights went off I'm fast always gets me oh bad man exactly the best one is he uh makes a reporter hold up their hand and it's like a three minute set up for how he's gonna hit the hand and like he's telling him like how to hold his hand how to do it more correct and eventually it just goes he's like oh do you want to do it again I'm fat all right so yeah it's really fast and why why is it so fast though bathing ape it's bad code don't worry about it yeah it's fast because of the virtual Dom right I'm not actually I'm not actually re-rendering everything I'm not re-rendering this whole page I'm re-rendering just this piece here and that piece there and that's why it's so fast right it's that virtual Dom that's enabling us to um to do it so fast right and we were doing this like the old way that we were updating the Dom nah it's just it's just not it's just not good right it's it's not as fast right and so this virtual Dom is something that we're gonna see now all right here's the last example I want to walk through tonight and what we're going to notice is that we have how many components right here actually let me open this in a new page how many components am I using kind of a tricky question it's one component but how many times am I reusing it four I technically I could break this down into like two individual pieces here if I wanted to but let's say it's one but I'm reusing it four times and without even looking at the code what do we know when I reuse these components four times what what are some things I'm going to be using here if I'm seeing four uses of the component what am I also having with these components what what are you noticing here yeah this component is going to have some props and there's gonna be a prop for a color notice how each of these colors is a slightly different color of blue right and they're all different sizes so even though I'm reusing the same component four times each time I use it the font size and the color is different and so that means when I go and look at this code I can expect that there are at least two props that are being passed in for each of these components let's take a look all right here you can see I'm reusing my counter component four times and you can see I'm passing in a color prop and a size prop all right color prop and the size property so we can see the very first counter component has a light blue and size 16. that's light blue size 16 Sky Blue 32 steel blue 80 and then dark blue and 140. same component different props that are changing the color and the size let's go ahead and take a look at this component so here's my counter component right here's my counter component you can see the end goal of this counter component is to spit out a div that has the H1 of doesn't change and then a paragraph that has the current count inside of it and the specific color and font size once again absolve yourself from understanding how this code works this is bad code we will we will write better code in the future just understand that we're using props and state here so the goal of this counter component is to spit out a div that has an H1 which is the doesn't change and then a paragraph that's going to have a different color and size based on the props that I pass in right so you can see that I'm able to pass in color sky blue size 32 and I'm able to use a little bit of what on line 15 to not have to set up individual color and individual size yeah a little bit of Destruction right a little bit of destructuring right to to pass in that color and size and we're also going to be using count which is the property on our state so here where you see count it's actually the property that's coming from our state now what you'll notice is that this state is continuing to change all right which means that this component is constantly doing what over and over again yeah it's re-rendering the state is changing and as the state changed our component reacts and it re-renders now the cool thing is we have this component did Mount method for folks that did the reading that read the docs what is component did Mount what type of method is it curious did the reading yeah it is a life cycle method beautiful cool now the beautiful thing here is this component didn't Mount lifecycle method when does it kick off when does it start running component did Mount when do you think it actually starts yeah at the beginning when when it's actually yep it's called after the Dom has been mounted exactly once this component has been rendered to the Dom this method fires right this method fires and we can see that the only thing this method does is it sets up a set interval and set interval is going to run once every second this is a thousand milliseconds so every second set interval is going to run right so once the component renders to the Dom this component starts it sets up the set interval and set interval is going to run every second right now every single second that this runs what are we doing what are we doing yeah we're adding one so every single second we are adding one to our count but notice the method right here set state we are updating our state to be whatever count was plus one so every second we are changing our state right every second we are changing our state which means every second what else is happening when State changes our component reacts and it's forcing the re-rendering of our component now so I said what is component then Mount component the amount is a life cycle method it's just a function that runs once this component renders for the first time once this component is in the Dom for the first time this method runs and it sets up our interval right so this interval is going to run every second going forward and every second it's changing the state to be whatever count was plus one right it's a homework method exactly uh so now State's going to change every second each time the state changes this component's going to react and re-render all right and re-render and we can see the re-rendering happen here but now I want to show you something really cool if this is truly react what does react come with that's Gonna Save Us a lot of it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna help us in a very significant way what does react come with that's going to help us with this specific example yeah the virtual Dom if this is updating every second that would be a lot of refreshing of the page to make this work but with the virtual Dom we don't really do that and I want to show you it uh so you can actually get what I mean now in our inspect tools so if you go right click inspect uh we've been kind of just seeing like a lot of these tools that we've been using and if you think that this is just all that's there why do I got a surprise for you actually if you click these three dots and you go to more tools look at all this stuff that's built into the Chrome tools and uh there is a rendering tool here and um for folks that have photo sensitive epilepsy I'm going to need you to stop watching and I'll tell you when to start watching again um so I'm going to turn something on I want to show an example but it will be flashing green on the on the screen so if you're sensitive to flashing green colors uh please stop watching now give you another five seconds and I'll I'll save verbally when to start watching again okay I'm going to turn something on I click this paint flashing and what's happening on the screen right now for folks that can't see is the text that says doesn't change is not actually being repainted this flashing green around the numbers is actually the part of the Dom that is being re-rendered this paint flashing shows what is actually being re-rendered on the page and what you'll notice is doesn't change is not being re-rendered it's only the numbers that are flashing green because that's the only thing due to the virtual Dom that is actually updating so notice my page is not refreshing it's just these individual pieces that are updating all right paint flashing is turned back off uh if you have uh epilepsy absolute epilepsy you can you can start watching again I've turned off that feature all right uh so the way I got to this was I clicked on the three dots the vertical ellipses more tools rendering look at all this other crap that's in here rendering and then there's this paint flashing um check box you can turn on cool so we could see that even though even though this whole div is being re-rendered the only thing that had to change was this paragraph So the virtual Dom was able to look at the actual Dom and submit a patch directly that said hey I don't need everything to refresh just this paragraph is the thing that's changing and that's the only thing that got re-rendered on the page cool all right so tonight we saw quite a few things we saw the ability to create components and components bring what to our code what what do components bring into our life when we look at something when we look at something like let's look at something like this now when we look at something like Facebook what is what are these these components bring into yeah maintainability reusability right the ability to like have our code in one place and keep it maintained the ability to reuse components as we need to and not have to keep adding more and more spaghetti code into the mix not adding more and more complicated JavaScript to mix that we're going to forget how to update so ads that maintainability it adds that reusability we saw that our components also have props and what are these props enabling our components to be able to do what is it what does it add to our components yeah adds flexibility we don't wind up with a bunch of components that are all very very similar but just changing a few tweaks here and there with the props we can have the red dots and the green dots that are the exact same component but pass in the colors that we want them to change to right we could have posts on Facebook and post on Instagram where the only thing that's different is the likes and we can pass in a heart on Instagram and a thumbs up on Facebook so the the props add flexibility uh to our components and then last but not least uh State gives us the ability right State gives us the ability to contain all of our logic in one place and have our components know what to do when that state changes we're not chasing down random JavaScript we're not chasing down different logic in different parts of our application all the logic about what should happen to that component specifically because this is tied to our UI think of all these UI flourishes that would have been a hot mess to maintain and now all those changes are contained in the component and when the state changes when it goes from 16 to 17 our Bell component knows what to do when the stuff in the marketplace goes from True from false to true the component knows what to do when the shortcuts goes from it goes from four to five our component knows what to do and we're not chasing down that logic anywhere our components are able to see if the state changes they're able to react be able to re-render and since we're using react we're not refreshing the whole page we're using this other wonderful benefit called the virtual Dom to just submit patches to the actual Dom and just change the things that we care about making this way faster as we start building out our uis cool so do we see the value that react could bring to the table we see what it could do for our uis yep cool all right and I did my job this evening I don't want to go any deeper than that what I would like for you to do this weekend is please read through this free code Camp article on destructuring as you saw it came up a lot and you already read the docs for homework where's the other reading this and next week of course is react there are two new bits of homework that I need you to get through ideally this weekend uh one is uh the goat Traverse media's course on react um kind of covers all the big changes that have happened uh there has been a big switch from kind of class-based components to functional components things like Hooks and all this wonderful stuff was introduced and so if you're reading the docs uh it kind of gives you some of the original ways things were done uh Brad's video will kind of walk you through some of the newer stuff and then uh Ken C Dodd's course is completely free and it's one of the best react courses ever made uh so you can definitely check out these two resources please before next week so all the heavy Concepts you've kind of already been introduced to kind of do it as like a first pass and then we'll kind of keep working together on Tuesday and Thursday um one thing that we have to keep in mind is that we're we're slowly starting to switch away right uh the the source of learning will will not be me going forward right the source of learning will will be on you because we only have what five more classes left together bless all the hunt Tober shenanigans and then you're on the job by yourself and when you're on the job by yourself you're going to join day one and they're going to use a tool or technology that you have never heard of right a tool of technology that we did not cover in this boot camp or sorry this experience all right and you're gonna have to be able to figure it out and work through it on your own so react is one of those topics that I'm going to introduce the basics the why the how but a lot of the heavy lifting is going to be put on you to go deep with the materials that I'm sharing and to work together next week to go even deeper so I'm I'm slowly slowly fading away y'all slowly slowly fading away and and and hoping that you right that you that you understand that that is an attempt to to ease your transition uh when you get on the job all right October is upon us uh remember that everything is due on Tuesday if you weren't able to meet the deadlines before that's okay get it in on Tuesday uh we're gonna have some fun events starting to happen before October officially starts uh but I need your materials in by Tuesday uh that means you should have been checking in for every class you should have all the homework done and up to date you should be doing you should have been doing your networking uh you've been pushing your your your code Wars every day and remember I'm asking you to each week do some prep for hunttober specifically with methods right specifically with methods so that when we are focusing on how to interview and we're focusing on how to get through technical interviews I know that we're all kind of at a base level meaning that I don't have to worry that you haven't seen these methods before we'll still go over the harder ones but I'm I'm expecting you to come into October having seen and played with these methods uh explored them understand what they do how they work and that way we can put them into practice during our month together hey blah me too all right the other big one Tuesday your client signature your approved PR whatever it may be you're submitting also due Tuesday your 100 hours project beautiful MVP do Tuesday it's been a blast seeing all of them on Twitter it's been wild some of you really kind of knocked it out the park it's been really cool to see all the MVPs come in you're not even done yet you're not even not even fully done all right uh thank you for sharing them I I definitely is definitely was really uh really pumped to see all the hard work you all been doing gearing up for October all the hard work you're doing as you come across the finish line of program and so uh thank you for sharing and thank you for putting in that work right all right at this this community is only possible because of the hard work that you put in to do all this stuff uh and it shows folks are getting amazing opportunities folks are learning you're learning in community which is even better and so uh shout out to everyone that's still here shout out to everyone that's putting in the work I love to see it
Channel: Leon Noel
Views: 30,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn to code, react, 100devs
Id: edsuuCsiah0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 36sec (6876 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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