React State Management – Intermediate JavaScript Course

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Here are all the sections included in this course:



useMemo & useCallback



Context and Custom Hooks

React Query & React Location





The new use hook



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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/casivaagustin 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2022 🗫︎ replies
In this intermediate react course about React  state management, Jack Harrington will teach   you about hooks state context, using request  libraries for state management, Redux, and more. Hi, I'm Jack Harrington. I'm a principal  full stack software engineer. And I am   super excited to be here on Free Code Camp,  talking about my favorite topic, which is   react state management. And the first thing I  want to answer about React state management is,   what is state management. So state management  is basically half of your React app. When you   think about it, you've got the presentation  side of the house, that's the HTML and how   you format it. And then there is the data  that's in your application, the state,   and to me state in state management is the beating  heart of a React app. And why do I say that? Well,   it actually is, the only time a React app will  rerender is when state changes when you add an   item to a cart, when you remove an item from  a cart. That's the time when the React app re   renders. And so state is the engine that moves  your React app. In fact, I would go so far as   to say that reacts whole job is to turn state  into HTML, at least in the web context. So in   this video, I'm going to give you a complete  overview of all of the different ways that you   can manage state in your React application. And  that's going to start off with React Native state   management. This is the hooks we've all come to  know and love things like use state use reducer,   use memo and use the fact we are going to drill in  deep on these hooks and make sure that we really   understand them because they are the foundation  upon which all of the other state management   models are built. In the second section, we're  going to talk about indirect state managers. These   are third party libraries like React, query,  react location, React Router, it's not their   primary job to manage state, but react query,  for example, it goes off and agrees data from   the server and it gets it back. And now it holds  that data which has an effect managing that state.   And perhaps the combination of native hooks,  and one of these third party libraries, like   React query or application is enough for your  state management needs for your application.   And then in the third section of the video, we're  gonna talk about direct state managers. These are   third party libraries whose sole function is to  manage state, things like Redux, Joe tie vow,   sheEO and zouche done, and we'll talk about the  different models and which one you might want to   select for your application. And then, at the end,  we'll talk about some new things that are coming   with some react RFCs that are just coming out  next Jas 13. That changed the way that we think   about how we might want to manage state in our  application. And I'll sum up by giving you some   recommendations about what I suggest you might  think about in terms of choosing state management   technologies for your app. But it all starts with  getting to know react hooks really well. So let's   get right into it. So we're going to start off by  taking a look at native state management in React,   and in particular, concentrating on the use  state hook. So to do that, I'm going to build   a VT application, I'll do that using yarn, create  Veet then either the name of the application that   you want, so I'm going to going to use native use  date. And now V which is a awesome way to create   web applications can take multiple templates,  I'm going to use the template for React.   Alright, now I'm gonna bring that up in VS code.   Alright, so here we have our  application and bring up the console.   And then we'll do yarn to install all the  dependencies. And then yarn dev to start it up.   And I'll click on this link. And there you go.  Awesome. Here's our application. It's even got   a little bit of interactivity, a little state in  this case, but we're just gonna remove everything   that we see here to start. So where is that  located? Let's locate it over map dot JSX.   And I'm going to remove pretty much all of this.   But we'll keep around Eustache because we know  we're gonna need it. Okay, so the first thing   we're gonna do is experiment with using a numeric  state a number. And actually a counter is the best   way to do that. So we're going to basically  we implement this from scratch. Now all of   this code is available to you on GitHub for free  in the link in the description down below. But   you can just follow along me if you please. So  okay, so here's our end. We're gonna it define   that we have some state associated with this  component. So to do that we say use state.   And we'll start our counter off at a  given number, say let's start with 10.   Now the output of use eight is an array. So let's  go and get data array. And within that array,   the first item is the current value of that  piece of state. So we'll call that count.   And then the second item is a setter  function, you call that function to set   that piece of state. So call that set count.  Now let's create a button that has the count.   And let's take a look see what it looks like.  All right, so we've got a button down here,   kind of hard to see a little bit. But it's got  10 on it, but it doesn't do anything yet. So we   want to create an onclick. So how do we do  that? Well use unclick. And then we give it   a function. So we're gonna say add one is our  function. And then we'll define that function.   So here's a mistake that I've seen people  do. See, we will do count plus plus,   I think the idea is that well, count is just  a count. And when I said it, it should be   retained. So let's try that out. Let's see if that  actually works. But click on that nothing happens.   And so why is that? Well, we're seeing that we're  getting an assignment to a constant variable. Now,   what's outputting? That is actually console ninja,  you want to go grab that? That's my folks that   Wallaby link to that also in the description down  below. It's free. And it's super handy like this.   So well, okay, we get it. This is defined as a  const. Right? So let's go and redefine that as a   let, and maybe that will work. All right, let's  give it a try. Now, click still doesn't work,   but we don't get an error. Interesting. Okay.  So why is this? Well, learning why this is,   is really critical to understanding pretty much  all of state management in React. So I want to   spend a bit of time on it. And one of the things  I want to do is I want to use a workbook to show   how this is actually working. So I'm going to  create in as another extension called cuaca, a   worksheet. And what we'll do is I'm going  to create a function that returns a value   kind of like use date, so we'll  call that function get state.   And let's say that it has some value and say 42. And then when he called get  state, or just returns that value,   now down here, I'm gonna call get state.  Now currently just returns 42. But I'm   gonna go store that somewhere. So I need to  store that in a new value, so like my value.   And we'll just ask cuaca, what my value is.  It's 42. And now if I set it to something else,   now my value is 22. Cool. But what happens when  I go and get the state again, so I'll say my   value again. And now my value again, is still 42.  Because setting the value of a return, just sets   your local copy. So scalars, and that includes  strings, numbers, and booleans. So a number in   this case, are returned and passed by value, where  arrays and objects are passed and returned by   reference. And there's a huge difference there.  So when you're returning something by value,   you don't get it, you get a copy of it, which  is not the same thing. Now you could say, Oh,   Jack, you know, you got it all wrong. And  this is returning an array. Okay, fine.   Go try the same thing with array. All right,  yeah. So we see that, again, my values 42,   we set the local copy to 22. And then we again,  set that and there's no difference, same sort   of thing down here. Right, all we're doing is  just d structuring a scalar within an array.   Now there actually is a way to kind of make  get state do this. And that's the beauty of   JavaScript enclosures. But when you hack around  that much, you're not actually representing how   React is actually managing state. And the proof is  in the pudding. The proof is in this doesn't work.   So what works is to use that set count function  that's given to us to set that count to be the   count plus one, or whatever you So let's go over  here and try it again. And now it works perfectly.   So now I mentioned that count is associated with  this particular instance of this component. But   this component is the app, right? So we  only have one. So what if we're going to   have multiple ones of these, let's go and  take an app and just rename it counter.   And then we'll make a new app, then we'll just  make a bunch of counters and see how that works.   Now we have one counter down here. Let's go make  a bunch. Cool. Now we've got four count buttons.   And now we can click on each one of them. And  they all independently set. And that's what I   mean by the state being coupled with the instance  of that component, each one of these components,   these counter components, maintains its own  count. And thus, going back over here, we can go   in independently, you take each one of these, and  they all maintain their states individually. So   we talked about how to manage a scalar, a simple  scalar using use eight. Let's talk about how to   manage an array. So we do that a lot as well. So  I'm going to create an array of names. And then   we're going to have an ability to add a name to  that. So let's get rid of one of these counters.   And I'll create a new function, which  is a component called name list.   So let's create some state  to hold that list of names.   Jack, Jill and John. In fact, actually,  let's go fix this to be const. Again,   so that's good, okay, good. And now  we're going to render that state. Nice, and let's go and  actually put it into our app.   All right, good looking list there. Alright,  so we want to be able to add an item   to that array. So we need an input field.  So that's another thing you can do,   you can have multiple pieces of state  associated with the same component. So   we're just going to have another, here's a  state called name, which is a scalar string. And then we need an input field.   Now when this text changes, we get an event. And  that event has a value for the current target the   target of that event being that input. And within  that target, we have the current value, that would   be the last thing that the user typed or the last  state of the text field. So we just set the name   to that target value. And again, we're using the  setter, right, we don't want to go and say name   equals target value, because we know for strings,  and for numbers and Booleans, we get back copies,   we don't get back the real thing. So we can't  just set it, we got to use that setter set name.   So now we've got our set. Let's go take a look.  And see that works. seems to work pretty well.   Cool. So now let's go and add a button so we can  add an item to the list. Now we need to add a   click handler that is going to respond to clicking  on Add name to add that name to that list. Okay, so here we have ADD name. So how  are we going to implement on this? Well,   what we could do is good just  a push the name on to list.   Alright, let's go check this out. I'm gonna go  and add some just random text in there. I'll   hit Add name, and nothing happens. But here's  an interesting deal. If I change the state of   the component, we'll get a rerender. So  if I backspace, that's going to change   the state of the Name field, which calls  set name, set name then does two things.   It sets the name. And it also in queues a  rerender request for this particular component.   When the rerender happens, we get that same list.  And then we print it out. Now that's the big   difference here between scalars and references.  So strings, numbers, and billions are scalars.   You get back the value, a copy of the value  and then that's it, you got the local copy. But   when it comes to objects and arrays, JavaScript  manages those by reference. And when you give   react a reference to this particular array, it  then holds not the array data. It's setup, but   it holds a reference to that array. And then  it gives us back that same array reference,   we then use an in place command push to mutate  that data of that array in place. And that's why   as we add more items, when we do a  refresh, we actually get that updated data.   The problem is that react has no idea that  we've done that. So the second part of what   a setter does, which is to in queue, a  request for a rerender of a component   doesn't happen. So what if we did  this? What if we said setlist?   And we'll just give it the same list again, I  mean, hey, you know, we've made a change, which   is just going rerender. Okay, let's try that. So  fresh, add the name again, and nothing happens.   So here's the deal. When I call any  setter, when it comes to use date,   it looks at the old value, and it looks at the new  value. And if the old value and new value are the   same, it just says I don't care. Thanks. But you  know, you're not really doing anything. So what   we're doing in this case is where we are giving it  back exactly the same reference as we had before.   So it's looking at those two references and  saying, oh, that's the same array. And so you're   just asking me to do nothing really. And so it  doesn't in-q A rerender request. So we need to do   in order to make this work is instead of in place,  mutating the array, we create a new array that has   the contents of the old array, plus the new name.  So maybe we do that as we create a new array.   We'll give it all of the old  array, so list in this case,   and then we give it our new name. Now we  don't have to do that push anymore. Hit save.   And away we go. Even better, we can do  set name and set that to an empty string.   Then after we add it, that's set to an empty  string. And it's important to know that with   React 17 with React 18. These setters are  batched. So you do setlist it says that   value in queues a request, set name runs, right  after that sets that name again and queues a   request to rerender. The component. React says  hey, I've already got one for this component,   and it just ignores it. And then when the rerender  comes round, both of those values have been set.   Now the last thing I want to cover about  use state before we move on to use reducer   is that you state also can take a function  as a starting point. So let's just take our   example here of a single simple string,  and then we'll give it a function.   And that function will return  a string and says, Jack.   And there you go now is initialized  jack. So the value of doing it this way,   is that if you've got some sort of  complex calculation that you need,   in the creation of this use state, you can  do it all within that function. And that   function will guaranteed only ever get run  once, when that component is first created.   Let's continue to take a look at native state  management in react by taking a look at use   reducer, which is another way to store state in  connection with a component just like you state.   Alright, let's go and create another example  application. We'll call this one native use   reducer. And again, this is available to you in  the GitHub repository associated with this video. And I'll bring it up in VS code.   Let's install it and then run it and bring  it up in the browser. Okay, it looks good. So let's pare this down again.   Okay, we're all cleaned up. But before we get into  use reducer, I do want to talk a little bit about   a reducer function in general. And a good way to  do that would be to open up a TypeScript workbook   and look at the reduce method on an array.  So let's give ourselves an array of numbers.   And we want to total up those numbers.  So let's start with the total.   And then we'll iterate through all the numbers and  then add that to the total. And eventually, well,   what do we get? We get 6010 plus 20 plus 3060.  Think that makes sense. All right. So Another   way to do that is to use a reducer function.  So numbers has a function called reduce.   And that reduce function takes two  parameters, it takes a reducer function,   which returns something, and then it takes an  initial value. So our initial value here would   be the same as this total would start off at  zero. So that's easy enough. So this reducer   function takes two parameters, it takes the  current value, which would be zero to start.   And then it takes the number at the given index  as it indexes through the entire array. So starts   out with 2010 20, and 30. So we'll call that  N. And the output of a reducer is the new value   for the next iteration. So in this case, we want  to take the existing value, so starting at zero,   and then add on each number as we go through.  Now, if we look at this, we get 60 as the output,   how cool is that? So this function right here,  that we pass to reuse is called the reducer. And   it takes two parameters, it takes the current  value, and then it takes some new value. And in   the case of numbers, because we're iterating  through an array, it takes each one of the   numbers as we go through. And then the output of a  reducer is what the next iterations input will be.   So this reducer pattern is going to show up in two  places. In this video, it's going to show up in   the user reducer example that we're going to build  here. And it's also going to show up in Redux. So   learning how reducer is work is beneficial across  state management. Okay, so what do we want to do   with use reducer here? Well, we want to rebuild  this example of a list of names and then an input   name, and build it all in one piece of state  management. And so we'll bring in user reducer.   And we'll invoke it. And the first thing that's  designed on is what's going to be in the state,   so the state is going to have a list  of names start off with an empty array,   and then it's going to have the current  name, which will just be an empty string.   And that is going to be the state. So use  reducer, just like use state returns an array,   that array has two elements to it. The  first is the current state. So in this case,   that would be this object here. And then it  also returns a dispatch. And that's a way to   invoke the reducer function that we're going  to add. So let's create our reducer function.   And the reducer function takes the existing  state, which I'll just name, state,   and then it'll take some sort of action,  right, and that's what's going to be sent to   that dispatch. So we'll just call that action.  So by convention, action is usually an object,   and that object has a type on it. And then you  use that type in the switch statement to then   mutate that state and return a new state based  on that data that you get with that action. So   let's just start with setting that name. So we'll  create a switch statement. And we will switch on   a type which comes in from that action. So when  we dispatch, we're going to dispatch an object   that has a type on it. And then we'll create a  case. And let's call this one set name, because   our first thing is we want to be able to set that  name for that input field. So let's do set name.   And now we want to return a new version of state.  So we take all of the existing state, and then we   have a name that comes in on a key called payload.  And that's kind of by another convention, you can   really rename these keys all you want. But it's  very common to see type and payload. So the second   value that comes out of this array is dispatch.  And we're going to use that when it comes to   our input. So let's go create the input here. So  we're gonna have an input, where the type is text.   And the value is the name that comes out of  here. So that right there, we get state name,   and that gives us the State DOT name. And  then the onchange we are going to dispatch   and then we're gonna give it an object  and that object is going to have a type.   That type is going to be checked here. We're going  to pass set name, and then we're going to give it   a payload and that payload is again that target  value. So the target of the event is this input.   And then dot value is going to give you your  current value. So let's take a look see how we   go and you know what just to check it let's go  and add in a div weary output the Current State All right, let's have a look. Okay, so we've got  our input field over here. Hello. Oh, nice. So   what's actually happening here. So what's actually  happening here, let's kind of walk through it step   by step is we have an input field, it has the  current name on it. And then every time we get   a change event, which tells us we have some sort  of new text, we dispatch to this reducer function,   a type of set name and the payload that then  gets given the current state, which we know   is going to be this names as an empty array,  and then the current name, whatever that is,   and then an action, that action  has that type in it set name.   And then we just create a new object  with that state and that payload.   But let's talk about that whole references and  scalars thing and mutating a reference in place.   So let's just say that we're not going to do  that, we are going to instead just return state.   And we'll just set the name to that  payload. Let's see what happens.   Refresh, we type and nothing happens. And  again, this is because React is looking at   the references coming out of use reducer.  And saying, hey, this matches the existing   reference. So it can't see it's not going to  compare by contents, it's not going to look   at the inside the object and say, look, the  name is different between these two things,   it's going to look at the reference to the object.  So that's why we have to create a new object here.   And then just mutate the fields that we want to  mutates, we return all of the existing fields,   which mean all of names. And then we just  override the key for name and change it to   whatever is coming in off that payload. So  now we need to allow for the customer to   add an item to the array. So let's  create a new case called add name.   And we're going to turn another new object, that  new object is going to have all of the existing   state again, that includes names and names, but  we're going to override names to be a new array   that has all of the existing names in it plus the  name that we send with the payload of this action.   And I think actually, also, we  should just reset the name to   air. So easy, there it is, we can actually  mutate multiple fields at the same time.   It's pretty cool. Alright, let's go down  here. And we will make a button out of this.   Call this add name. And with an onclick  handler, we will then dispatch add name.   And you know what, actually, we don't really even  need a payload here because we already have the   state. So let's go and just do add name. So this  is going to be state DOT names we already have   just stayed on in there. Yeah, that makes more  sense. Okay, cool. So I think that's really clean,   right? All you're doing is basically say, hey,  just add the name. Okay, let's take a look.   Add name and now we don't really  know, maybe it added maybe didn't   at least it remove the existing name.  So that's a plus. So let's go and see   what we have that list of names to  see if we actually added a name. Hey, pretty cool. So as you can see, use reducer  is a nice way of managing more complex state. So   in this case, we have an object that has two  keys in it, you can imagine you would have   an object who have a lot of data in it a lot  of different keys, this would be a much nicer   way to do that. And you could go and take this  reducer, pull it out of the component code itself,   and then test it independently and not have to  worry about testing it through a React component.   So I think it's actually a really nice way  if you have complex state to model that.   Alright, now one more trick I want to show  you when it comes to use reducer, I really   like this one. So let's go and call this name  list. And then we'll make another app component.   Then we'll use namelist in there. Okay, so we're  gonna go and make ourselves a little user form.   And in here we're gonna have two  input fields, first and last name.   So let's make a div. And then within that we'll  have an input type of text. And at this point,   we'll just say that Our value is going  to be some state and state at first,   and then we'll have state DOT last.   Okay, so let's use a reducer for that. So  we'll say use reducer. And we won't specify   our reducer function quite yet. Let's go in and  set our initial state to have first and last.   And then we'll get that  state as well as a dispatch.   All right, great. Okay, cool. So let's  invoke user form here and see if it works.   Nicely, I have two fields there,  but they don't do anything.   So here's the trick. And I really love  this one. So what we're going to do is   we're going to combine the state existing  state with whatever comes in on the action.   Just like that, it's so easy. Fact actually,  we can make it just a little easier.   How cool is that. And now what we  can do is over here, in our onchange,   we can just dispatch with  whatever key we want to change.   So we send the first then first overrides  just first, but everything else remains   the same. And the same with last. So  let's give this a try around last.   And now you have two fields. And let's prove  it out. Let's go and put two divs down here.   First is first, is a dot first,  and we'll make a new div for last.   Perfect. That's sweet. So you don't have to have  a whole raft of C functions. Using this little   pattern here, you can manage very easily, large  object state and make all the mutations that you   want. It's a nice pattern when it comes to use  reducer. Alright, so next up, we're going to take   a look at two ways to observe state, use callback  and use memo. So now that we know how to declare   state using use state and use reducer, let's talk  about three hooks that allow you to monitor state,   that would be use memo, use callback and  use effect. And in this part of the video,   I'm going to cover just use memo and use callback.  So let's talk about use memo because I think it's   actually the most simple, yet somehow the  most misunderstood. So I like to think of   use memo as use calculated value. So let's  take a simple example of a list of numbers.   So here, we would define some state, we  got 1020 and 30 in there in our array,   and we want to total it up. And in fact,  we want to use that nifty reducer pattern   that we saw before. So how do we do that?  Well, we could just do something like this.   We take numbers we call reduce on it, then  with that accumulator, starting at zero,   we add each number in succession to that  accumulator, return the new accumulator,   and then that gives us our total. So we  just actually just put that down in here.   But of course, I need to bring  a new state. So let's do that.   And I'll see like, oh, there we go. Total 60s  1020 30. Together is 60. Makes sense? Now imagine   if you will, if this array was monstrous, huge,  crazy, huge 1000s of values, well, we wouldn't   want to recompute that anytime that app rerender,  which is what's going to happen here every time   react re renders our component, the entire  function gets called. So we want to do is we   only really want to recalculate total when numbers  changes. So let's bring in our friend use memo   or use calculated value, as I like to call it.  So as he's my my work, well use metal it takes   a function and that function does the  calculation. So let's do that first. Alright, so far, so good. And then it  takes a list of dependencies in an array.   And this is where a lot of folks  get into trouble. So basically,   anything that you read from should go into  the dependency array. So in this case,   we are reading from numbers. And that means  that we want to put numbers in the dependency   array and what this will do is it will only  calculate this total only run this function.   Anytime numbers changes, and in this case, case,  numbers won't change because we initialize it,   but we don't actually add anything to it or  change it in any way. So let's run it again.   And there we go. So there are two times when you  want to use use memo. And this is a really good   example of one of them. The first time you want to  use use memo is when you're calculating any value   and the process to create that value, it might  take a while. So any kind of complex calculation   that you want to do, and in this case, numbers  could be arbitrarily large. So that qualifies, so   no matter what the output is, if it's a number or  a string, or Boolean, another array or an object,   that's fine, you want to use use memo, whenever  you've got a complex calculation that you don't   want to do on every render, you  want to just be smart about it,   you want to make sure that you only run it when  you need it. The other time you want to use use   memo is when you're creating an array, or an  object. And that's because react compares arrays   and objects by reference. And so it's important  to stabilize references, as we've seen before   in the start of this video. So references  are really important, and you want to keep   those stable. So let me show you an example of  that. So we'll start off with a list of names.   Perfect, The Beatles, John, Paul,  George, and Ringo. Get up go by Oh,   that's awesome. And now let's go and  sort those. So a great sort of names. And you know, it would just do an in  place sort. And then let's help with that.   So now we've got the names, but you know what,  I also want to put the sort of names there. Now let's take a look. Okay, well, that's actually  just joined that all together using our comma. Okay, all right. So we've got a good sort of names  on here. But we actually have the same sorted list   up here. So why is that the me we start with John,  Paul, George, and Ringo. And then actually names.   Okay, so what's actually happening here is that  sort is doing an in place sort. It's actually   mutating, named in place. So yeah, we're getting  a copy of the reference to that array, but that   array has been sorted. So the first thing we want  to do is actually copy names before we sort it.   And then we sort the copy. Alright, so now  this looks good. We have our original names,   and we have our assorted names, and our original  names haven't been touched. So let's go back to   the code. And let's see. So this is good. But  every time this component re renders, it's going   to rerun this sword. That's not particularly  bad in this case, because AP is only gonna   render the ones. So let's go and put in a use memo  around this. Again, we'll make this a function.   And so what does this depend on? Well,  it depends on names. So names changes,   we want to rerun that sort. So this use of use  memo falls into both categories. And when I think   it would be important to use use memo. First, it's  an expensive calculation, potentially, you could   have a very long list of names, and you don't want  to read run that sword on every single rerender.   Awesome. It also falls into my second category,  which is that it results in an array or an object.   So this is a really good use of use memo. Let me  tell you about when I don't think you should use   memo and that's for very simple calculations, for  example, was about adding two numbers together.   So now we got count one and count two.  I'm gonna go add buttons for those. All right, looks good. Let's go to trial.  Perfect. And now we want to get a total of   these two. So right now, that'd be around  seven, right? So let's go in make a total.   So I'm going to create a count total. And I'm  going to start off by using a memo and have   an add count one to count two. And then  I'll just put that in the div down here.   Hey, nice. Okay, cool. I'm gonna get back to  seven. How cool is that? All right. So this is   not a good use of use memo. And it's because the  calculation is simple. And it results in a scalar   number or a string or Boolean, so you don't really  have to use it at in this case, it's really just   overhead in this case. So all you need to do is  just do an in place. Count one plus count two.   That's it. So now that you know what use memo  is, let's talk about some of the myths around   it. The first myth around us memo is it is somehow  connected to react memo to our in no way related,   so I'm not sure how that happened. I guess  somebody was like us memo. They need to like,   somehow react memo. But it's not that it's just  us memo is its own thing again think like use   calculated value and react memo which memorizes  components and is a good performance enhancement   in certain circumstances is just completely,  really unrelated. So the other myth that   I've heard about use memo is it is a performance  killer. And I'm not really sure where that comes   from, I think it might come from the CS concept  of memoization. So with classic memorization,   you memorize a function, and then that memorized  function remembers every single set of parameters   that sent to it, and only if it sees a new set of  parameters is a calculated new value, otherwise,   it will send back a value from that cash that  it has and that cash could get huge get crazy,   the potential number of parameters you can send to  it the combinatorial, and you just get like a big   data in memory hit use memo doesn't do that  use memo is a single level memoization All   it's doing is basically saying, hey, let's look  at this dependency, right? Is the dependency   array the same as the last time that I saw it?  If it is, then I'm just gonna give you back the   last value that you created. Otherwise, I'm gonna  allow you to create a new value for the new data.   And then I'm gonna hold on to that, but it's only  a single level. So there really isn't any kind of   performance or memory hit when it comes to use  memo. All right, let's talk about use callback.   So use callback is another kind of misunderstood  hook. People don't use it when they should,   should use it when they don't need to. Let's  try and demystify it a little bit. Okay,   so we have this list of names, right, John, Paul,  George, and Ringo. And we have a sorted names use   memo. So let's go and create a generic component  that sorts in a list of incoming strings.   We'll call it sorted list, you give it  a list of strings, and it sorts them,   and then displays them. So first, let's grab this  use mellowed out here, we're gonna need that.   And so it's now the sorted list. And it will  depend on list. And then we will return a div   that has our sorted list joined. Cool. All  right. So let's go down here and replace   this sort of names with a sorted list. And  we'll give it the list, which is our names. And   it looks really good. And it's doing its sorting  and everything still works. So looks good. So I   want to see how often this sort of list runs. So  I'm going to make this into a curly brace function   and just return that sword. And I'll put it in  my console log. Cool. And we can see that we are   running the sword twice. But that's because we're  actually mounting the component twice. That's our   React 18 thing. When you're in dev mode in strict  mode and react 18 Every component gets run twice.   So that's not a big deal. But let's go and click  on all these buttons. And we can see that we're   not getting run anymore. This component  is re rendering. I'm going to add that to   sorted list render. And now we can see that  every time I click this count, we do get a   sorted list render, you can see that's 20, right,  they're getting 20 times that call. By the way,   this is console ninja that's putting  in the console in context like that.   Really excellent extension  and it's free to try it out.   So okay, so now let's go and say that we want  to make the sorted list a little bit smarter, we   want to be able to give this sort function a sort  comparator. So let's say that you want to do your   string sorting somehow slightly differently. So  we're going to allow you to have a sort function   and we're going to send that  sword function on to sword   and now we got to define that sword function.  So down here, we will define our sword function.   And we will say that we are going to take two  strings, and we're just going to compare the two   and we'll pass that sort  function on to our sorted list. Nice and So this sorting still works. In fact, we  can, let's see, you just multiply this by negative   one. And now we get the inverse, we get Ringo,  Paul, John George. But we've actually messed up   because we don't have our sort function in our  list of dependencies. Because if sort function   were to change, we were to give it a different  algorithm, we would want a different result. So   let's go and add that to our list of dependencies.  So now, let's hit this button a couple of times.   And now we can see that every single time we  render, we also run sort. So what's happening   there? Well, what's happening there is that every  time that we rerun app, which is every time we   click that button, because we set the state, the  state then says, you need in queue a rerender,   of the app component, that then reruns this  whole component all the way down the line.   And we create a store function. And  then we pass it on to our sorted list.   And now the sword function is the  same implementation each time,   we're not changing the implementation. But we are  changing the reference every time. We're creating   a new function every time that we go through this.  Now, is it any different if it were to do this?   Is there some magic in React that will make it  so that that's not a problem? Oh, let's try.   Nope, still gets called every single time. So  there's no difference between doing it in line   like this. And having it called out like that?  So how do we stabilize the reference to that   sort function, so that when we get down here  to our dependency array, we keep seeing that   the search function is the same every single  time? Well, one thing to do would be just   to pull this out of the function entirely. Up  there, now we've got this global sort function.   Give it a try. Alright, so that works, we're  not getting a complete one to one match between   rendering and running that sort. But I'm not  super happy about having this outside of the   component like that. I don't think that's all that  clean. I'd rather have it where I had it before,   right in the component. So how do we do  that? Well, we can use use callback for that. So you can wrap this function and use callback.   And then what's the dependency right?  Well, the dependency array in this case,   is empty. Because we're not actually using any  data that's in this function. We're not using   total or names or count or any of that this  is just a simple stock comparison function,   we just want to make sure that that reference  remains the same over time. So we're just going to   use an empty dependency array there. That way we  only ever create sort func once. Let's hit save.   Try it again. Hit a bunch counts. And there  we go. Now we have a stabilized version of   our source function. And we will only ever call  sorted list appropriately if the list changes   or the search function changes. But we're  not going to rerun it on every single go.   So that's why use callbacks important. So when  should you use use callback, when you should use   use callback if the callback you're creating  like unclick or the unchanged or whatever is   going on to a nested component has a property.  So in this case, we're passing sword function   as a property to the sorted list. And you  don't know the internals of sorted list.   Maybe it depends on that sword function. And if  that sword function reference changes, it's going   to go and update. So make sure that you stabilize  references that you send to a React component. If   you're just using a simple HTML element like  input, you don't need to use use callback for   something like onchange. It's overkill. The other  time that you want to use use callback is if you   are creating a custom hook, which we'll get to in  just a bit. Anytime that you create a callback in   a custom hook, you want to make sure that you use  use callback to do that because you have no idea   what the component that's going to use that hook  is going to do with that callback. And you want to   make sure that the reference to that callback is  absolutely stable over time. Alright, so the next   thing we're gonna take a look at is everybody's  favorite hook use effect. So let's talk about   use effect. Everyone's favorite hook. It's not  actually that complicated, but it does have a lot   of foot gun potential. In fact, it's the hook  that is the one that's most often the culprit   when it comes to infinite loops. inside of React  apps. So let's talk about how to do it right,   and how to avoid those pesky infinite loops. So we  have a VT app here, it's called native user fact,   it's checked into the GitHub repo in the source  linked in the description down below. And this   is our starting point. So it's just a standard VT  app. Currently, app was nothing. But we do have   some extra stuff in here in the public directory,  we got a list of names Jack, Jill and Jane. And   then we have corresponding JSON files for each  one of our people. Not a particularly great API.   But one of the things that we use use effect  for a lot is to make API requests. So let's   do that. Let's actually use a combination of  use state and use effect to fetch the names.   So first, we have to define our  data. And that will be our names.   We'll start off with an empty array.  And then let's just print it out.   Let's take a look. And now I currently have  names with nothing, because we have an empty   array over here. So let's go populate that  array. Well, one way we could do that would   be to do fetch right here. Let's go and get our  names at JSON. Then we get our response back.   And then we set the names. He's easy,  lemon squeezy, we'll take a look. And   there they are. Ah, oh, wait, hold on.  What's going on here? Oh, oh, wow. Yeah,   we blew up. So here's what's happening. So a  render app app, then declares that state names,   then starts a fetch, then that goes off and  asynchronously runs, we then return our HTML with   our names in it. Eventually, this fetch responds,  we then get this asynchronous then where we get   the JSON out of it. That again, asynchronously  responds, then we do this, then here, where we   then set the names, which starts the whole process  over again, because what set names does as we know   from before, it sets the names a state, and it  in queues, a rerender. So it redraws the names,   which in turn, runs app, which in turn now goes  and gets the new names that we got. So yay, we're   cool. Good for that. But then we start another  batch right away, and so are in an infinite loop.   So how do we get around this? Well, we use use  effect. And use effect would allow us to say,   hey, only go do this thing once. So what  does use effective? Well, it takes a function   that is going to call once the Dom has rendered  or really whenever react wants to call your use   effect, but not going to call it right away,  it's going to hold it and then call it whenever   it wants to when the dependency array changes.  So let's put our fetch inside that. And then   for a dependency array, we'll just use an empty  dependency array. We're not depending on anything,   we're not reading anything inside of this  user fact. So we don't have to put anything   in the dependency right? So let's save that  out and see, is this gonna work? thing? Oh,   it works. And it's rock solid, stable. How cool  is that? Yay. Now it actually does go and fetch   names dot JSON twice. So let's talk a little bit  about why that's happening. And why that's not   really a huge problem. So what's happening is with  React a team, every time it renders a component in   dev mode, with strict mode enabled, it mounts  it, which renders it, it unmount it, which,   in the case of a use effects should call  a cleanup function if we define one,   but we haven't defined one here, and then  it remounts it again. And that remounting   calls that use effect again. So we get called  twice. And a lot of people freaked out about this   and wasn't very, we're very happy about it. But  that's what it is. So if you want to not do that,   you can actually disable that by removing  strict mode from your app over in the   main dot JSX. Again, this only happens in dev  mode. It's not gonna happen in production, but   I do got tweaked about it. So  there we go. So let's try it again.   It refresh and now we only get named JSON, the  ones right now the use of what we have here is   not an infinite loop. This is a saw to use  effect, a good pattern. Let's go and kind of   build on this by taking names and turning into a  list of buttons. And when we click on the button,   we'll go and load the corresponding data. And  that will show us how to use a dependency array   with our use effect and do it safely. So we'll  start off by mapping our names into buttons.   We'll turn these into buttons. So now when we  click on one of these, we want to say that that   is our new selected name. So we need some state  to store that. So let's call that selected name.   And we'll start off at null. And  then if you click on that button,   we're going to set that selected name  to whatever name you just clicked. And just to check if this works,  let's put that in a div down here.   Jack Joel Jain perfect, works great. Okay, so now  we want to do is we want to go and get the data   when this selected name changes. So let's go and  build a use effect where we look at selected name.   And then we fetch whatever name that  is. So we'll use a template string here.   And then we'll give it the selected name dot JSON.  And what's the so we need some place to store the   data. So we need a data for that selected person  will call that selected name details. And so down   here, instead of set names with the response back  from the JSON, we'll do set selected name details.   And we'll just take that data cool.  And now we've got our data in there,   I'll take a look. So in the div down here, and we  will JSON string five. And because it's an object,   and react doesn't like when we just render  objects directly, so let's JSON stringify that   put in our selected name details and see we get  all right, so we start off with no, that's good,   because we start off with our selected name  details as null over here. And then as you cook on   Jill, we set the selected name to Jill, that then  triggers this use effect because this selected   name, which is now Jill, is different from what  we had before, we should know. So we have an array   with Nolan it now we have an array with Jill  in it. And so that triggers that use effect.   But here's an interesting little side note,  we also got a no dot JSON request. So what the   heck's up with that? Well, what happened there is  that we started off with the selected name it No.   And then we came down here and react  said, Hey, cool. So we're loading.   We don't know what was in that dependency right  before root didn't have a dependency right before.   So whenever you're gonna have in here is gonna  be different. So the dependency array had an   array with no one it. And so it ran you that  our use effect with a selected name that No,   which is not what we want. So all we need to  do to get around that is then to just bracket   this in a an F, and say, Well, hey, only go get  the data if we actually have a selected name.   So there we go. But now that  I've shown you all this,   this is actually the wrong way to do it. Because  really, we are responding to a user event here,   we're doing this onclick we have our data right  there, what we should do is we should do it   right in the callback. So instead of having  the selected name, and then the use effect,   what we should do instead is create a  callback, called like on select name.   And this is going to be a name. And  then we'll just go and fetch that name. Now we can get rid of all this use effects stuff.   And over here, we will just call that  on select a name change with the name.   And let's see how it works. Perfect, and very  reliable and no potential problem with use effect.   And this is something I see a lot where folks  use a combination of state and to use effect,   when in reality, they're just responding to  some user interaction and they should just go   and do the action. Right at that point. It's the  simplest thing to do. And it's the right thing to   do in this case. So you really want to as cool  as US fact is limit the amount that you use it   to justify things where you need it, like,  for example, this use effect up here. Okay,   so let's talk about when use effect gets a little  bit hairy. And that's when use effect depends   on data that it also writes. So to experiment  with that, let's create a stopwatch component.   And what this stopwatch is going to do is  it's going to have a an incrementing time.   So it starts off at zero and it just  every second goes up by one. So return   a div that has time   with a timer on it. So far, so good. So let's  bring that down in here, and we'll use it.   There we go. Time is zero. Cool. So what do we  need to do to get this going? Well, we need to use   a set interval. So now we know that we're going  to put a set interval right here, and just set   the time to the time plus one, and then do 1000,  that just like that fetch that we had before,   you're going to run into an infinite loop. Because  every second, we're going to set that time,   that setting at the time is going to force  a rerender of the entire stopwatch function,   which is going to get the new time, Yay, it's  gonna be one. And then it's going to run another   set enroll, which is going to create lots and lots  and lots and lots of intervals. So we don't want   to do that. Well, we want to go and create one  interval. So let's go and use use effect for that.   And we know from before that we want to  create an empty dependency right here,   because we only want this  interval to get created once.   So let's try this out and see  this works. So I'm gonna hit Save.   And now we go from zero and we got a one. We stick  there. So what's the deal? What's what on console   log, and see what's up. So we'll do console dot  log. And we'll just put in time, well, what's   time, because that should be going up and up and  up. Right, that number. So it's it save to go,   zero to one. But if we look back at our code, we  can see in the console, which is out here, with   console ninja, we're just getting a time at zero  over and over and over again. So what's happening?   Well, what's happening is that we first  initialized this effect when we got our   initial component render, and at that time,  time value was zero. And what JavaScript did   was we created a closure here, and we captured  time, zero. And so now inside of this function,   time is forever going to be locked at zero. So  what's one option? Well, we could go and add   time in there as a dependency so that when time  changes, we rerun this, and we get a new value   for time. But that's going to run into the same  infinite loop problem, because we're going to go   and create interval after interval after interval  after interval. Another option is that there's a   secondary way to call a setter on use day. One  way is to just give it the new value. Another   way is you give it a function, and that function  takes the previous value, and then you get to   return whatever the new value is. So in this case,  that would be time plus one. So let's hit Save.   And now we have a working timer. And if we  were to go into here and put in a console log,   we would see that this number for time, the actual  current value goes up and up and up. And in fact,   I can make this a little bit easier to  understand by just putting in like, for example,   like T to distinguish it from time, because time  is captured, then this function, but T is just   the current value for time. And there's one more  thing to know about use effect. And that's that   the function that you give us effect can return  a cleanup function. And that cleanup function   we had called whenever the all these effects  is getting kind of unmounted or gotten rid of,   and the new use effect is coming in. So in this  case, what we're going to want to do is we're   going to want to clear that interval that we've  created. So I'm going to capture that interval ID   and then I'm going to return a cleanup function.  Or I clear that interval. And that makes this   a solid timer interval. I asked actually this  question a lot when it comes to interviews and   if you were to give me this code, probably mine  is that console Ugh, definitely give you a passing   grade on your interview. So of course, there's  a lot to understand and know about you the fact   but use the fact that is really important as  you build your own custom hooks. Or if you just   want to use React Native state management as the  state management foundation of your application,   use effect is the kind of thing that you're going  to really need to become familiar with. And make   sure that you are very comfortable with it, yes,  you can get yourself into some serious hot water   with use effect. But in all honesty, it is an  understandable thing. And when you understand   the fundamentals of JavaScript and how they work  with use effect, it actually is a lot less spooky,   so just spend a lot of quality time with it.  And I swear, you will get a lot better at it.   I mentioned early on that there was this other  way of storing state in a component called use   ref. So we'll take a look at that next. Okay,  let's take a quick look at use ref. It is one   more way to associate state with a component  in React. The interesting thing about use ref,   though, is that when you change the value of a  reference, it doesn't actually cause a component   rerender. So that can be convenient in some cases.  But there's actually two ways that folks use use   ref. So let me show you the first way, the most  common way, and then I'll show you about the state   management side of it. After that. This is the  native use ref folder in our GitHub repository of   applications. We're looking over there. So I'm  gonna bring in use ref. And the first thing I'm   gonna use it for is, I think, the most common  use case, which is to get a reference to an   HTML element. So in this case, we'll create an  input element and then get a reference to that.   So we have this text element. And now we want to  set focus on that input when it first starts up.   So I'm going to create a ref, a reference to that  element by using use ref and then just starting   off with the initial value of No. And then I will  use ref equals, and then just give it that graph.   Now let's see if this works. Okay, it looks  good. We can go and add stuff in there.   But what we want is we want that input to be  initially given the focus, so they get the   little blinking cursor in there when it starts  up. So how do we do that? Well, we need to one   know that the reference is defined as something  that means that the component will have rendered,   and then we will have gotten a reference to that  element. And the way that we know that is if we   use a use effect, because use effect runs after  all that happens. So let's bring in user fact. And we want this to only happen once. So what  do we do, we give it an empty dependency array.   And then within that dependency array, we just  focus on the current. So what is current? Well,   when you have a reference, you have a current  value associated with that reference. You don't   just do input ref dot focus. Because input ref  is itself, just a pointer to current and current   is the thing that you can set or read from. So  let's hit save, see how we do. And now anytime   that the page refreshes, we automatically  set focus to that element. So super easy,   nice. That is the way you get access to elements  in React. And that's the primary use of user.   But there's another use, and that is to maintain  state without doing any updates. Let's build out   an example here. So we're going to have a list  of names. And then we're going to use this input   fields to go and add a new name to our list of  names. So let's get that all set up. So we have   our use date with our empty array of names  to start, let's go and put that into a div.   Cool. So now we need a button  that we can use to say, hey,   add this name that we just typed into  this list. So let's create an on ad name.   And we'll assign that to the onClick. Now remember  from before, when I talked about use callback,   we're not using a use callback here because  I'm just passing this on Add name function   to this HTML element is not its own React  component. So I know exactly what's going   to happen with that unclick it's not going  to create any kind of referential identity   problems like we would have with passing that on  Add name to a nested React component that may do   I don't know what was that on Add name. Now  we need to do is we need to go and set names   to the current names plus, the value of this  component was pretty cool, right? Because we   already have a link to this input. Or we can just  reach out and grab it. So we can say, okay, cool,   get the value from that component. This is called  an uncontrolled input in React. And it's actually   the most efficient way to manage an input.  You don't have to use that set and get value.   And then one last thing we can do is we can just  set that value to an empty string. Cool. So let's   give this a try. Oh, looks like it's blown up.  Let's see why. So I got my name inspector console.   We didn't bring in new state. Make sense?  Okay. So let's get back over here. Use state.   Cool. And there we go. All right. So Jack, and  name Hey, wow. So what about use ref? In this   world? Well, let's say instead of having just the  names, each one of these had like Id one is John,   and Id two is Jane. So you have an ID and a name.  So it's not just a name, it's structure. And let's   go make names. Sing that tune. So this is going to  be name. And then name dot name. On exactly great,   fine. Okay, looks good. So now there we go.  But now when I do add Name, foo, this is gonna   blow up because add name, I'm just adding the  single value, right, I'm just adding a string,   what we really need to do is have an ID with  something that's a 10. Right now, and then a name.   There we go. So we want to track this ID, and we  want a an incrementing ID auto incrementing ID.   So that's where something like use ref is going  to come in handy. We don't necessarily want to   use use date for that ID because we don't really  care that the UI gets updated when we change that   value. So we can just manage the ID using a ref.  So let's create that Id ref by using use ref and   then starting it at one. And now down here. We can  just use ID ref dot current. And we can just treat   it like a value i current Boss Boss. Let's take  a look. Current Boss, boss. Nice. And then down   here. Current Boss, boss. Awesome. And just to  check, let's go in add in the down here.   All right, so there we go. Yeah, one is John. Two  is Jane, just like you set up right here with the   one and the two. And then we have Jack, let's  see what I get. I get three. How cool is that.   So you can set this value current without forcing  a refresh of the React tree, which is great. Of   course, we matter. In this case, since in all  honesty, I just on Add named as a set name, which   in turn actually still rerender the component but  I think in some cases is valuable to hold state   in a use ref like this. And it's just good to  know that that's there, if you need it. Next up,   we're gonna start finishing up our look at Native  react state management, by getting into context,   and also creating your own custom state management  hooks, exciting stuff. And that's going to   culminate in us building our own pokimane search  application seems like it's time to start wrapping   up React Native state management, before we get  into indirect state management, like React query,   and and state managers like Redux and Joe  tie and all those. But before we do that,   we need to talk about context. And we also need  to talk about custom hooks, because those are   the ways to kind of package and redistribute  state in a native react state management model.   We also need to talk about TypeScript. So you  might have noticed that I haven't been using   TypeScript up until well, now. And the reason  is, because I want us to focus on the model of   state management and learning about the reactive  nature of state in the native react state model,   declaring, say, using new state and use reducer.  And then monitoring state using use callback,   use memo and use effect. But now it's time to  talk about TypeScript. Because in reality, you're   probably going to want to use TypeScript when  you're using almost any state management system,   including React Native state management.  So from here on out, we will be doing   TypeScript. So now the native context app that  you're looking at right here is basically the same   thing we've been looking at so far. Except that I  use the react dash TS template, invite the bullet.   So it's the TypeScript version. And I've also  added tailwind and a Pokemon JSON file that has a   list of Pokemon in it, including what was or which  apparently is a grass and poison, and Pokeyman   has all these stats. And we'll be using this  datasource going forward, as we take a look at   how to actually put all of what we learned into  practice. So that starts with learning about   custom hooks. So let's go and build ourselves  a custom hook to go and get that pokimane data.   So what are the things we're no we're gonna need,  or no, we're gonna need state, we're gonna have   to hold it. So let's bring in use state. And we  also know that custom hooks start with the word   use. And so I guess I'll just say use Pokeyman as  the name of this custom hook, and custom hooks are   implemented as functions. So let's create our  use boogeyman function. Now, I don't think it   needs to take any arguments, we just have used  boogeyman, and it will have a list of Pokemon   that it will then return. So now we have our  state, we'll initialize it to now in fact,   actually, let's be nice, let's initialize it  to an empty array. The next thing we need to   do in our use Pokemon hook is to use an effect  to go and do that fetch. So let's try that out. So use a fact takes a function,  and also takes a dependency array,   we only want to load the Pokeyman once, so  which dependency already we use, we use an   empty dependency array. So now let's do our  fetch. And we'll get our local Pokeyman json file   which will then convert the response on and  take the data, and then we'll set the Pokemon   with that data. But of course, we don't  have set pokemons I was gonna add that.   And now just give it the data. So now we have  a problem that we don't actually see yet,   which is that that type of Pokemon  isn't what we expect type boogeyman is   a never array. So what does  that mean? Well, it means that   TypeScript can't infer what this array is  going to be. So it defaults to saying, well,   never can have an empty array, it has to be empty  for its whole life. That's the only thing that I   can guarantee about. So we need to define what a  Pokemon looks like. And then tell you state that   is going to be an array of that. So how do we do  that? Well, we define an interface for Pokemon.   So we look over here, Pokemon JSON and got ID  name type, which is an array of strings. And   that corresponds to this interface, ID name, type,  which is an array of strings, and then all of the   parameters for that book came out. And now with  this interface, we can then tell you state that   this is going to be a pokey Monterrey. And the  way that we do that is we use the generic syntax,   and then we put in a Pokemon array. And now if  I look over here at Pokemon command, Caveman AI,   we are getting back a pokimane array. But if  you're like, shouldn't have been able to infer   the type of the Pokemon from Polygon JSON. I  mean, yeah, it's sitting right there. Well, no,   because we get Pokemon JSON at runtime. So it has  really no idea what the structure of that is until   we tell it what the structure of that is. So this  is your first lesson in native react hook typing.   Honestly, it doesn't get a whole lot more complex  than this, you notice that there is no typing on   user fact, there is no typing on this use Pokeyman  hook, we could add return typing if we wanted to   by just saying we're going to have a list of  Pokemon, which is going to be either an array   of Pokemon or no, but honestly, par is going to  have an array Pokeyman. And but that's it. So   you really don't have to use TypeScript a lot  when it comes to react state management. Okay,   so let's see what we're getting back. Let's do  use pokimane down here, and we'll get our broken and the easiest way to do this and just find out  is this a JSON stringify it and let's see we get   and we get a whole bunch of data. Nice.  Love it. So now we got our data source.   Let's say that we want to go and make  a Pokemon list that shows Pokemon. So it's gonna take Pokeyman as a prop, and that  Pokeyman prop is going to be an array bogeyman.   And you know what, let's do it a little bit  nicer reformatting. And this will create a   div. We'll map through our Pokeyman  we'll create a div for each one. And   let's try this out. So we're going to do  Pokemon list and then give it a Pokemon.   There we go, a nice list of boogeyman a long  list above, what if we don't want to have to   prop drill everything, because here we're doing  what's called prop drilling, we're taking data,   and we are sending it down as props. Maybe this  Pokeyman list is deep inside of our hierarchy   of React components. And we don't want to have  to go and grill that Pokemon property all the   way down. And maybe we have a bunch of different  components that use boogeyman and we just don't   want to have to shuffle that data all round is an  easier way to do that. And the answer is yes. And   it's context. That's what we need to do. We  need to provide this put your own data down   to anyone who wants to use it. And the way that  we do that is we route it through context. So we   need to create some context. So the first thing  we need to use out of React is create context.   And you know what, I'm just going to start off  looking at context, just by creating, like,   very simple context, we'll just say like  a theme provider or something like that.   So we're going to create a theme context.   Okay, so now how do we use this theme  context? Well, we need to wrap components   that consume the context with a context  provider. And when we do that, is we   instantiate a theme context dot provider. So  automatically, when you do create context,   you get back a dot provider, and it's a React  element that you can use to provide value down any   specified value by just specifying the prop for  the value. So in this case, we're gonna say dark   is the value the current value, it starts off  defaulting to light. So now how do we consume   this, let's just give it a try. Let's  go over into pokeymon list and try and   see if we can consume theme context.  So I can show you how Rao's around.   So we'll bring in the use context  hook, which is how you access context.   And in this case, we're just going  to get the theme by using that use   context hook and pointing it at that theme  context. So let's see what the theme is.   And the theme is dark, nice. If I go  over here, and I change that value to   light, our theme is light. And we can see that we  don't actually have to prop drill down the theme.   We just have that theme context. And wherever  we want to use that theme. We just use context,   we give it the context, and we get  the value back. Okay, so obviously,   we don't want to do theming. Or maybe we do,  you can do that for yourself if you like,   what we want to do is use this pokemon data.  So we're gonna provide this pokemon data   down to the rest of the application through this  context. So I'm gonna call this pokemon context.   And okay, so what are we gonna put in there as  a starting state, what we could do is, we could   say that we have just a, an array of Pokemon,  because that's the output of what is of this use   Pokemon here. And let's see, does that work? So  Pokemon context, let's go down here to the context   generator, look at my context was given a value  value is going to be the output of us Pokeyman.   Looking pretty good. Now, we don't have put  him on there. So we actually get rid of it.   And now we can pick up Pokemon from the boogeyman  context. And so I'll rename this pokemons GTX.   And if I look at that, then the context  is an object where we have Pokemon.   But it's a little easier. This is beauty Pokeyman.   And there we go. Well, we don't have a theme, was  it? Let's get rid of that. All right. Looks good.   Nice. So now using context, we can see that we  can move around all that data without doing any   properly. But there's a few things that I don't  like one, I don't like to use context directly.   So I want to make a hook that gets us access to  that context data that's named appropriately. And   unfortunately, use Pokeyman is kind of camping  on that name, because use Pokeyman would be a   really good name for that hook. So what I'm  going to use, instead of use Pokeyman Well,   we could do something like use Pokemon source  that kind of works through that. So down here,   this is going to be the source hook that has the  data in it. And then we can do something like,   define us Pokemon, by just returning  the US context from the Pokemon context.   And now down here, we can just use bogeyman.  Alright, it's starting to look a little cleaner,   I like that. And now there's one more fix up, I  think we should do around this context sharing   mechanism, before we get into actually kind of  fleshing out this app and using all of the other   hooks that we've seen. So the first thing we need  to do is get the typing right, on create context.   So the way that we do that is  to use that generic syntax.   And what are we going to have in our context,  where we're going to have the return type of the   US Pokemon source function. So this is us poking  around source, we're gonna have the return type of   that. And it's either gonna be that or undefined.  So now we can just set this to undefined.   Now, the problem is that the  output of us Pokeyman is either   all of the cool stuff that we got from us  boogeyman, source, or undefined. And so down here,   as we use it, it's like, Ah, you could be  undefined dude. And you're not handling that.   But we know that it's always going to be valid,  we know that we're always gonna have a value.   So one thing we could do is, we could just use an  exclamation point that basically tells TypeScript   Hey, it's always gonna be not undefined.  But another thing I've seen people do,   and I'm kind of torn on whether exactly this  is the right idea, but I think it's fine is to   instead of allowing for undefined, so we just go  back to something like this. We just take an empty   object. And we can take that empty object Intel  and why basically, to Typescript and tell it that   it is a return type from that use pokemons source.  So the way that we do that is we say as unknown.   And then as the return type of use pokemons source  comm I have to go through this two step with   TypeScript. You know, honestly, once you get this  set up, you won't really see most of this typing,   and you'll just be using it and it'll be fine.  So little hacks like this aren't necessarily that   tough, you're only gonna have these a few  places in your code base. Alright, well,   I think we got a pretty good start. Here, we have  our Pokemon data. And we've got tailwind, we have   a bunch of knowledge about these other hooks that  we can use. So we can make an application that   gives us a searchable Pokemon index. That even  looks pretty cool. Alright, we'll do that next.   Alright, we're starting off at exactly the  same point, I've just taken the native context   directory and cloned it to native Pokemon.  So if you're following along on the GitHub,   this is the native Pokemon app. And what we  have is we have a list of the Pokemon cool.   So the first thing I want to do is kind of  refactor this a little bit, it's get a little   messy. So I'm gonna go and take all of the  stuff that's related to the data the store,   and I'm gonna pull that out and put it in  its own file, we'll call that store dot TSX.   Pop that all down in there. Alright, so what do  we need out of here? Well, we need most of it,   actually, we need to use boogeyman source. And we  need put you on context. And we need use Pokeyman.   Cool. So now let's go back over  here, and get rid of all of that.   And then import it from that store.   Not too shabby. Let's hit save, try, refresh.   Refreshing. I love it. But there's one thing I  am not quite sold on. I don't like that the app   is having to maintain this connection between us  working on source and Pokemon context provider.   And I think we can kind of hide that elegantly. By  making a Pokemon provider component, I think it's   actually pretty easy. So let's go over here to  our store. And then we will export a new component   called Pokeyman provider, which will take children   where those children are a React node type. Now  put our children in there. And now we can get   rid of the export of the Pokemon context, as  well as the export of the US Pokemon source.   Nobody else needs to know about the US. So let's  bring in Pokemon provider over and out on TSX. And here we go. Nice. Again, let's try it out.  Very good. Cool. So let's make this a bit swanky.   Right. So the first thing we're going to do is  we're going to wrap the whole Have in a centering   tag. And tailwind, that means setting the max  width of the screen and then auto, the x axis. So   MX auto, kind of bring it in from the sides. Let's  take a look at that up. Nice, very cool. So now   it's kind of in a little bit. So now we're gonna  model pokeymon in an HTML sense as a list item. So   in order to bracket that, you have to have a UL  or an unordered. list. And so for our tailwind,   we're gonna say that this is a grid. And let's  take a look, see how that goes. Pretty good, nice.   And then we're gonna bring in a bunch of HTML,  which is going to format our pokimane. And,   of course, all of this code available to  you in GitHub for free. I'm gonna type   it all in because there's a whole bunch of  tailwind, but I do need to go and add a key.   And let's take a look. Wow, that's pretty  cool. So the next thing we want to do is   have a search box. So I'm going to create a  search box up here. And we're going to provide   for searching so let's go and create a  component for this called Search box. And we will return input tag in there, give it  some nice tailwind Ng, and we'll take a look. Ah,   whoa, that's good. Looking already. Nice. So  now we need a place to store that data, right,   we need to hold the search term. So let's go over  here and take a look at our use Bergamot source   because I think that's a good spot for it. Now,  we could just add another item in here for search.   And in fact, actually, you don't even need  to specify string. They're just that will do.   But I do want to show how to type use  reducer. So let's use a reducer for this. And   let's see how we go. So we're  going to use use reducer.   And the initial type is going to be a  an array of Pokemon and a search term.   Fair enough. Now we need to bring in user  reducer. Cool, okay. And we need a reducer,   right. And that's going to take two things is  going to take the current state, and it's going   to take an action. And we're gonna have that  big switch statement in there. But currently,   it's complaining about our lack of typing.  So let's go and add some typing here. So   let's first type state. And we'll  call this the put you on the state. So what is that? Well, that is going to be an  array boogeyman and then the search string. Fair   enough, that's pretty easy. And then the action  was was put together some action. So the first one   we're gonna have is like the set of the Pokemon  itself. So let's call those Pokemon actions. And it's going to have a   type where we say set Pokemon, and the payload  is going to be an array Pokemon. So now we just   need to start implementing on this, so I need  to switch on that action and set that pokimane.   So we're gonna return the existing  state with the new payload.   And that's it. Yeah, pretty good. So that's how  you type a use reducer. So now the output of that   is going to be the data and the dispatch. So let's  get that out of there. The first parameter is   going to be that object. And from that parameter,  we're going to grab the Pokemon and the search.   And then we're going to grab that dispatch. Oh,   okay, looking good so far, but now down here   that set Pokeyman. So we need to  replace that with that dispatch. And what is the type on that will set Pokeyman? And was  the payload, the data? So now coming out of   this function, we're also going to return  the search string. And we just return it   and have a look at us bogeyman and say, What are  you getting out of there is getting the array   Pokemon, and that's our string. So let's go use  that. So we'll go over here to our search box,   we will grab our user schema and instead  of boogeyman, we'll just grab search   and set that as the value. So to see this all  wired up, let's do something fun. Let's call this   set the initial state  something foo. Yeah, perfect.   So now we need to have a  way of setting that search.   So let's uh, Add another  option for our postman action. And we'll call this one set search   and give it a string as the payload. Now we need  to switch on that type and return an updated state that has the new search in it. Easy  peasy, lemon squeezy. But we need a way   to actually dispatch that. And we're not  exposing dispatch. So what do we do? Well,   we need a set search function. Now we need  to return that. So this set search function   is going to take a search string  and return nothing a void.   So how do we define that?  Well, we can come down here,   we can say that set search is a search  string and dispatches a type of set search   with a payload of that search.  Cool, and then we return it.   But I didn't say something  early on about use callback,   and custom hooks that you should always use use  callback in custom hooks when you're defining   a function that you're returning. So let's  do that. Let's bring in our use callback. And then down here with set search,  I'm going to call use callback.   And what do we use for the dependency array? Well,  we use an empty dependency array because there   are no dependencies. There's nothing going on in  here except for the dispatch, which is a constant,   and then search, which is given as a parameter.  So there's nothing we need to depend on.   Okay, so let's go take a look over in our app. And   we will do set search on that value, and  then we need to bring in set search. Cool.   So that probably works. I'm hoping we'll work on  the idea that at work. So let's get rid of this   while we're here. And we'll go back up to our  store. So now we need to have like a searched   set of Pokemon. So we have our  Pokemon, we have our search term,   we need to calculate the array  that falls within that search.   So when we think about using a calculated  value, what do we use? We use memo. So let's   go bring in our friend use memo. And so we'll  create a new array of the filtered program on   using them ml and will return a filter where  we take any poking around with a name includes   that search. So what is the dependency  array going to look like in this case?   Let's have a think about that for a second.  So what are we reading from here? Well,   we're reading from Pokeyman. So that's clearly  got to go in there. And we're also reading   from the search, because we're including  search there. So let's give that a go. Now,   what do we do with filter bogyman? Well, we can do  is we can just say, well, the poem on the return   isn't the original whole list of Boogeyman.  It's just the filter boogeyman by just saying   filter Boogeyman. So now let's try and filter this  down to be you lb, and we have just the Baltimore   How cool is that? See, that's the  reactive nature of React state management.   You're creating this connection between  the original data source Pokemon,   and that search term. And then when either of  those things changes, this use memo triggers,   and then we get an updated filter Pokemon. So  once you get those relationships set up, right,   it actually is a very elegant system. Okay, so  let's just take the top 20 here, because this   gets a little crazy, and we've got to eat 800 of  these things. So let's just slice off the top 20.   Now make a little bit more efficient.  Alright, so another feature thing, I want to   make this case insensitive. So the way we do that  is we would lowercase everything and compare that.   Cool, and now if I go over here, and I  type in bu LV lowercase, or whatever case,   it finds all sorts of case insensitive. That's  nice. And then I guess the last thing I want to   do is I want to sort the Pokeball on the  way out, and I think that's another good   use for use memo. So let's go and create  a sorted version of the filter Pokeyman. So we're gonna take that filter bogeyman and we'll  just sort Under the name, so we'll do a dot name.   And then locale and compare that to be dot name.  So what do we need to depend on? Well, the only   thing we're reading from here is filter Pokeyman.  So let's add filter Boogeyman. And now we've got   started to bug him on. Put that in there for alpha  Pokemon. And cool. Now we have a sorted list. So   let's see. VOB are you Oh, yeah. Okay, there you  go. So, B, G, S T sorted. Alright, so this is very   cool. We've learned all about reacts native state  management system, we've used a lot of it in this   particular example, I certainly recommend if  you want to, to stop the video at this point,   work through this example, get comfortable with  it. Because this set of hooks, use a use reducer   use callback, use memo use effect, that is the  underpinnings of state management in react in   2022. Everything else kind of fits on top of that.  So if you're using indirect state management,   like React, query, react form, or react  application, those work in conjunction   with these hooks. If you're using something  like redox, or Joe tie, or recoil, or Zustand,   you're going to use a combination of that, and  also the native hooks built in. So it's really   important to get a foundation set where you  really feel comfortable with all of those hooks   and in particular, obviously, use the fact that  it trips a lot of folks up. So now we're gonna   get into indirect state management by taking a  look at one of my favorite libraries react query.   So now that we understand the foundation of  native react state management, it's time to   take a look at third party libraries and see  how they can help us make our lives easier. And   we're going to take a look at two, we're gonna  take a look at React query and react location.   Let's go take a look over their websites.  So here's our current site, obviously,   in our 10 stack query site. Now, react  location react query are both part of   hinterlands Lee's hand stack, it's really cool.  So react query is primarily designed to do is   allow you to easily query data from a server  as well as post data to a server to mutate it   can be used actually, to manage any promise. So  it's a generally awesome library, there's another   one called SW R from versal. That's also really  good. I think react query is currently like 12k,   SBRs, 4k, so you can decide for yourself which  one you want to use, they're fairly similar.   React location is a 10 stack version of React  Router, we're going to use that because we're   going to turn our single page app into a multi  page app. So let's start off with React query and   make it a little easier on ourselves to query the  Pokeyman. So let's go over here and take a look   at the inspector and look at the network. And  we can see that when we refresh, we're actually   getting pokeymon dot JSON twice. And this freaks  a lot of folks out. But it really just as a matter   of being in development mode was strict mode on  so why does this happen? Well, if I look over here   in Maine, we can see that react strict mode is on.  And in React 18 strict mode, what happens is react   automatically when it first gets your component  it mounts it and then an unmount set, and it   rebounds it and the idea is to help you look for  any leaks that you might have particularly in use   effects that you don't close out properly. But  the net result is that things like use effect,   which we use down here. If they have  well, any dependency, right, honestly, but   people believe that the empty dependency race as  this is only going to happen on load or on Mount.   And what happens is use effect gets run twice  because you mount unmount and then rebound. So   actually, the contract is true use effect with  an empty dependency rate only ever gets run once   on a mount. But it just happens that react  18 in strict mode with development mode   on actually mounts you twice. So yeah,  that's why you get two calls. But hey,   it's fine. Let's go and replace basically  all of this fetch code with React query.   So how are we going to do that we're going to  start by bringing in the React query library.   Get started. Let's see we need to install. So  we're going to yarn add tan stack rack weary and then I'll bring up the site again.   So now what we need to do is we need to on the  app side build a query client provider as well   as a query client Now that query client is  basically a cache. So that's actually going   to help us with this double problem. Because when  we ask react query to go and get that put you on   JSON for us the first time, it's gonna  go and get it. And then the second time,   it's gonna say, Hey, I've already got this  thing cache, you don't need to worry about   that. And it's going to handle that for us.  So how do we get that process started? Well,   we got to bring in the Create Client provider, as  well as a great client creator from the 10 stack.   And then we'll create our query client.  And then we'll wrap our whole app in a   query client provider. This is again, like  context thing, like we learned earlier.   This is just a context based provider that is  managed by that tan snack, react query. So let's   give this a try. See if it works. Hit refresh, and  everything is still refreshing. Cool. So let's go   over to our stored at TSX. And see how we can use  this well, we can use this by bringing in US query   from pans dat. And now down here, we're gonna  make some changes. So I'm gonna get rid of this,   as well as the Pokemon, because we're not going  to manage the Pokemon ourselves anymore, we're   going to use canned stack for that. So we're gonna  get rid of anything that would be setting Pokemon.   And initializing it cool, awesome.  And we'll get rid of our use effect.   And we don't need to set Pokemon.   Alright, looks good. So now, we can use use query.  So what what is use query do. So now we can use   use query. So let's bring in use query. And it  takes a bunch of parameters. The first one is a   query identifier. So put an array which says  that this is going to be the Pokemon array.   So that uniquely identifies this particular  query for caching purposes, then you need to   give it a fetcher. So we're going to give it fetch  Pokemon dot JSON. And then we're going to get the   JSON from that request. So we have to provide it  with the fetcher. And it actually doesn't do that   for us, which is kind of interesting thing. But  again, use query is more of a promise watcher,   it doesn't really care what promises you throw at  it. So in this case, we're throwing a fetch at it,   which is the query, that isn't the title of the  talk. Okay. And then the last thing we need to do   is give it what the initial data is. So when  it's not got the request done, what do you   actually want to put in there in the meantime,  and we'll just put an empty array in there.   Okay, that's cool. So let's go and  get the data out of this. So we'll get   an object from it. That object contains  data. And we can just rename that to Pokemon.   But this is actually typed as any currently.  So let's cast that to a Pokemon array.   And now we have an array of Pokemon. Let's give  it a try and see we go, refresh. Nice. It's that   easy. Literally, how cool was that. So we don't  have to have that use state or use reducer that   holds that data, we don't have to have use the  fact that go gets that data, we can just use   React query, and then let it manage the data. And  that's what I mean by an indirect state manager   is react queries primary job is to manage that  promise. But in doing that, it also has to get   the data from that promise, which it retains, and  it stores for us. So it manages part of our data.   So let's go see if it's actually solved our double  network call problem, go to Network. And yeah,   now we're only getting that Pokeyman JSON, just  the ones even in React 18 in development mode.   Alright, so now it's time to turn our awesome  single page app into a multi page app using React   application. And in doing this, we're going to see  that the URL is going to contain part of the data   because what I want to do here is I want to be  able to click on one of these and get detail about   Beedrill or blast noise or whatever it is. And  that's going to go to a slash Pokeyman slash ID.   And that ID is going to be part of  our data, right? It is part of our   data model for the application. So let's  go and see how we do react application.   So go over an installation, and we see that  all we need to do is bring in React location,   stop server, paste that line in, start the server  again. And so what do we need to do? Well, we need   to bring in a few things from our React location.  We need to bring in a link. That's what we're   going to use to do the client side links or any  Use outlet, which is a way where you can specify   where the content of the route is supposed to  go, which is effectively like the query client.   So we're going to create one of those like that,  we're gonna use the router, which is a component   that wraps the application gives us that context.  And then we're also going to use use matches the   way we can get the parameter from the route. So  the next thing we need to do is give ourselves a   list of routes. Now routes are listed as an array.  Each array has a path and then an element that you   want to render. When you go to that particular  path, there's actually a whole bunch of stuff   around this are as loaders, everything else,  there's children elements, that is a really   a much more robust system than what I'm showing  up here, I just want to kind of show off sort of   the basics. So in this case, our current route  is slash, and what we want to show in there is   our search box and our Pokemon list. So what  are we gonna do this, we're gonna go and wrap   our div in that router, give it that location,  as well as the routes that we just created. And we'll finish off the router. And now we can  take this content section and replace that with   the outlet. So whatever the route is, that content  is going to go in here and our nice MX auto kind   of put it all together. If you had like a header,  we go above that, if you have like a footer or go   below it, all that kind of stuff. All right,  let's go over here. Hit refresh. And there   you go. So we can try this out, see if that's  actually the case or not to say div main route.   Refresh, cool. We are on the main route.  And currently we're talking in French.   That's kind of cool. All right. Okay,  let's get rid of the main route there.   And now we want our detail route. So  we want a Pokemon detail component.   Here. And where we want to put  that we will put that on a path.   Like Pokemon. And then ID and the colon ID means  that anything in the slot here is going to be   assigned to a parameter called ID. And there's  a bunch of different things you can put on that.   But that's pretty standard way to define routes.  And we'll just point that at the Pokemon detail.   All right, and then the last thing you need to  do is we need to make each one of these Pokemon   clickable can they currently not? So let's  go back over here. And we'll use that link.   Give it the key, say that we're  going to the Pokeyman at that PID.   Get rid of this key and then finish off the link.   And there we go. So let's see. Okay, hey, now  we got a little finger. Let's click on that.   And we have our detail page again in French, but  not really. Okay, cool. Nice. So how do we get the   ID from this? Well, we use that use match to get  the ID from the parameter that is ID right here.   So we bring in use match, we get the ID,  and then we need to get our list of Pokemon.   And then within that, we need to find the Pokemon  that corresponds to that ID. So we do a find.   And then we do that parts of the end, I'm  just going to use plus ID there because   I like that a little bit better. And  then if we don't have any Pokemon data,   we can just say, you know,  no Pokemon found or whatever. Because we already have the data. But if  we do have the data, let's Stringify that. And let's see, we get click on Beedrill. And  nice, now we get our data. Now all we need to   do is just format it. So I'm gonna actually bring  in a fairly big block to format this and give us   something that you can play with and have some fun  with. Alright, so I'm gonna replace this div with   this code, and we'll walk through it. So at the  top, we're gonna have a container div, it's gonna   give us a little margin, then we're gonna have a  home link, that's going to link back to slash, so   we have a way to get back, then we're gonna have  a two column grid that's going to have the image   of the Pokemon, and then over in the other one  will have a bold name. So the Pokemon data here,   change that out. Alright, and then we'll have  our stats. And then we go through each one of   the stats, so hitpoints, attack events, special  attacks, special defense, all that stuff. And with   that, we create a two column grid where we have  the stat name, and then we have the Pokeyman data.   So here's a little fun little piece of TypeScript  in here. stat is just going to be a string, HP so   and so forth. and Pokemon data is a type object.  So it doesn't know that stat is going to be a key   from that type. But we can basically tell it that  it is going to be that by saying that this stat is   going to be a key of the type of Pokemon data.  So we're gonna get the type from Pokemon data,   which has a Pokemon. And then we're gonna get  a key from that type, and all the keys and that   type, our HP attack, and so on and so forth.  And so that's why we don't get any issues with   TypeScript right there. Nice, a cool looking  Beedrill, and all of the information about it.   Alright, so really, what are we talking  about here, what we're talking about,   as an indirect state manager, that in this case,  this react application library is holding the   ID of our Pokemon was is essential data to  the function of the page. And so this ID in   conjunction with all of the work that we've  done in use Pokeyman gives us an ability to   run that detail page and show the Pokemon that the  person is interested in. So it's a combination of   our native state management that we've already  built, as well as smartly leveraging third party   libraries like React Router, in addition to  replication. And if you're doing lat forms   management, I might recommend that you might look  at something like React hook form, or Formic or   final form, because all of those will manage the  fields for you. So if you have a big form that has   lots of different fields with lots of different  validations, you don't need to manage all the   state of the actual form fields themselves, you  can let that third party library do that for you.   And I use rakshak form and swear by it. So go  check that out. If you look at the GitHub repo   this associated with this video that's linked  to in the description down below, you'll find   a direct Pokemon starter folder. And this direct  Pokemon starter is what we're going to use as we   experiment with these different state managers.  So what is this? Well, this is a simple starter   that we have for this particular application,  I grab the search box, we get the Pokemon list,   and all of it is basically sort of unimplemented  and is waiting for us to implement on the store.   And the first direct state manager that we are  going to play with is one called sushi Don,   it's very popular, and is a unidirectional Data  Manager. So I'm gonna go and clone this direct   Pokemon starter and create one called direct  Pokemon to show and, and get started with it.   Alright, so I'm gonna go and copy recursively  that direct Pokemon starter to direct Pokemon   switched on and then bring it up in VS code.   All right, now the first thing I  need to do is install switch donde.   And I just gotta I gotta show you the homepage  resist. This is amazing. So this is the sushi Don   homepage, it shows you a little bit about how to  use sush. Don, I just love it. Because like it's   a bear. It's cool. I just love this page. So well,  whatever. Anyway, so Okay, so there's our zouche   on the page. And we can see from it how we create  a Tucson store, we use create. And that's going to   give us back our own custom hook that's going  to manage that store for us. And we can use a   setter to set it from a method. So let's try it  out. Let's go back over here to our source and   in the store. And we'll bring in that create.  And now we're going to create use Pokeyman.   So what do we want in our Pokemon  store? Well, we want the Pokemon list,   we probably want a list of all the Pokemon in  the store. Because the Pokemon is gonna be like a   filtered and sorted version of it, we want a full  list of Pokemon. So we'll call that all Boogeyman.   We'll have a way to set the Pokemon.  So that'll be a setter and you give it   the Pokemon. And then we also need  the search string, all that search   and a way to set that search. Okay, now let's  start this up. So we'll create a Pokemon array,   which is just empty, the whole pokimane array is  empty. And we'll set the all Pokeyman function   to take a Pokemon array and then  set that all Pokemon to that array.   And we'll set search to an empty string,  and then we'll have a setter for a search.   So I'm also going to go and set pokimane  here, because I can implant the searching   filter and right away but I do want  to have that Pokemon data available.   All right, so let's go over to our app and  bring it in. So let's bring in US Pokemon.   And then up here, we're going to get  search and set search from use Pokeyman.   Now this is one way to do it. Another way to  do it is to use what's called a selector. So   here's here's how select It works. So let's say we  want to get search in particular. So we'll use use   Pokeyman. And that will get given a function which  gets given the state. And we peel off from that,   the search. And I think that's actually the best  way to go. Because what a selector allows you   to do is say, Hey, I only want this part of the  store. So only when that store part updates do,   I actually want to get updated. And that's a  way to kind of select down from the store. So   we have large stores that are being looked  at by a bunch of different components. But   the components update on different things. They  should all use selectors. And I think it's just   best practice to really start off by using  selectors. So we also got to get set search.   And now we can implement on this.  So search is going to go into value.   And this is going to call set search. With the  event target value, gotta bring in the event.   And Cool. All right, and then down here and  the boogeyman list, we will have our Pokemon. And we will run. Okay, nice. Let's give it a try.  Yarn dev to bring up the server and here we go. So, nothing, so why nothing? Well, we haven't  actually gone and gotten the data yet,   but at least it's not blowing up. So that's a  good thing. All right, so let's, uh, let's go and   fetch the data, your mind our JSON   and then get the JSON from that. And then we're  going to call that set all Pokemon method on that   hook. Seems weird, right, but it actually works.  So the first thing we need to do is reference   the hook. So use Pokemon. And then we got to get  the state from that that state includes set all   Pokemon, and we can use that to set that Pokemon.  So let's try now. All right, cool. So what this   is showing us is that you have this externalized  state manager in this Tucson hook us Boogeyman.   But you can talk to it outside of a React  component context, which is one of the things that   we look for in direct state managers, direct state  managers should be able to be accessed by a unit   test, or by code that's external to the React  tree, or code that's internal to the React tree.   And that's a sign of a good direct state manager.  And Sushant is a very good direct state manager.   Okay, so I think we're doing good. The only  problem is that we don't actually search   anything. So we click that and nothing. So let's  go make an admin so so let's go make ourselves   a filter and sort function that takes a list of  Pokemon all Pokemon and a search, and then gives   us back the list of Pokemon matches that search  also sorted. So we'll call that search and sort.   bogeyman, it'll take a list of the Pokemon,  it'll take a search string, and then it will filter through that.  And then sort them by name.   But also, we only want to get the  top 10. So let's just slice that off. And there we go. Okay, cool. So  now we have our search and sort.   Let's go down here to our set all  Pokemon. And for Pokemon, we can   call that set in search, we have Pokemon, but  we also have our search. So where's our search   coming from? Well, our search, we gotta go get  that. So we're going to you bring in the GET   parameter, and then we'll call get, and  that'll give us the search the current search.   So we're gonna do the same  thing down here in search.   So we're going to set Pokeyman to be the  search and sort of Pokemon, but in this case,   we don't have the pokemon so we need to  go get that but we do have the search. And let's here we go. Perfect.  Love it, and so fast. And you   see why people really love swift on it is  a very concise, very easy way to make a new   custom hook that manages data for you externally  to the React tree. So you can make it global.   But it also integrates really well with your React  app. And also with any other hooks. You could use   things like use memo or use state or user research  In conjunction with this, you can have Sushant   manage the global data, and then any local data  managed with basic react hooks. So, awesome stuff.   So I've talked a little bit about how Tucson  is a uni directional state manager. And that's   like Redux. So what is a unidirectional state  manager means well, it means that the data flow   in a unidirectional Data Manager only goes in one  way, in order to mutate the store, you have to   dispatch a action or call a method on the store  that then changes a store. And because you're   subscribed to the store, you then get updated, and  only goes in one direction. The next thing we're   gonna look at is Val sheEO. And Val sheEO, is an  example of a bi directional statement, or you can   actually just directly set a value and get updated  if that value is updated somewhere else. So it's a   bidirectional connection to the state manager. If  you've heard of mob X, Val shield is very similar,   just a little bit smaller. Okay, let's go try out  value. Okay, so I've cloned direct Pokemon starter   into a new directory called direct Pokemon Val  sheEO, and added Val shield to it. And so let's go   over and check out Val sheEO. And see what it's  about. Well, this is the Val sheEO, MPM page.   And it shows you that basically, we're creating  a proxy. So our state is held in this proxy,   we use a proxy to create that. And then inside of  React, we use the use snapshot hook to connect to   that proxy. So in the case of, for example,  a counter, we get the snapshot of the state,   so that would include count zero. And then when  we click, we just add on to the count, we just set   the value, and automatically, this component will  rerender. Because we know that we also subscribe   to count over here, it's just a really nice way  to manage data. Okay, so let's go and create   our store based on our proxies and snapshots.  So I'm going to bring in proxy from Bauccio.   And we'll create a couple proxies, we'll create  the search proxy by saying we have a proxy and   the query string is an empty string. And then we  also have to have a proxy for all of the Pokemon.   So far, so good. And now we know we need  to go fetch it. So let's do the fetch work.   And then get the JSON back from that. And  then with that Pokemon, we're just going   to set that value. That's all we need to do, we  just need to set all Pokeyman Pokeyman. to that.   And let's see, so Okay, cool. Let's go  over to our app dot TSX. And bring this in.   Alright, so to use our proxies, we need to  use snapshots. So let's bring in new snapshot   from value, and that will bring in our proxies  from that store, and now it's gonna get it.   So we're going to get a snapshot of the  search proxy, and we'll use that as the   value. And then on the change, we'll just set  that value. Search dot query equals the event   target value. So use snapshot is really what's  doing the subscription to that proxy. It's   connecting that proxy with React, so that when  search changes, this user snapshot, basically   fires set some state that state has given back  to us as a snap, and we can then display it. And   that's how Bauccio fits into the React rendering  cycle. In order to set it you just go and set   the value of the proxy directly. So there's a  little bit of a differential there, you don't   want to just call like search that query because  that's not actually going to connect you directly.   Okay, so now here with Pokemon list, let's  go and get that all Pokemon and get that.   And now down here, we can just take the Pokemon  from that snap, and let's see, are we working?   We are, of course, we got crazy  numbers of boogeyman because   we've got all the boogeyman in  the list, and we don't search.   So how do we fix that? Well, we fix that by  using another utility from vallecito called   derive and derive allows us to derive data  from multiple proxies. So let's bring in derive   from the utils. And then derive allows us to  create a new proxy. So we'll call that Pokeyman   And you give it an object. And then with an  object you give it some call this key list.   Now let's do the function that takes and  getter. And then we can use that get her to   get other proxies. So we get the search, get  the query from that convert to lowercase, and   we get all the Pokemon and then filter it based  on that query. Pretty cool, right? So now, we can   get rid of exporting all boogeyman and go back  over here to app dot TSX. Changes to Pokeyman.   J that boogeyman and let's see  snapback what we call it again, list.   Cool. Hit refresh. Bu lb. Oh, okay. Let's  get on here. Oh, okay. And on to lowercase.   Cool. And I think we also slice and  sword right? So let's do the slice.   Take the first 10 and then sword.   Perfect. Love it. And now we only have a 10.  Great. Awesome. How cool is that? I mean,   that is a very, very simple state management  model. When you set a value, you just set it.   And then over here, we just do the same thing with  all Pokeyman. We just we just set it up, how cool   was that, and then use that snapshot to go  and subscribe to it that's very clean. And   then this derive. I love this. So this ability  to just take multiple data sources and derive   some data from it dynamically, that is just  great. And it automatically updates anytime   that search changes or on clicking on changes,  the thing just automatically re renders. I love   that. The another great thing that I love about  state managers like this. And along that line,   another model of state management that I'm really  excited about is called atomic state management.   And there's three state managers out there  that really define the current state of atomic   management, there was the original library recoil  from Facebook, there is the Jo tiny library from   dicey carto that she caught Oh, just happen to  also write val, sheEO and soussan. So if you want   to subscribe to somebody on Twitter, and learn  all about state, definitely a good follow. And   he's also written a great book recently on state  management. So you might want to check that out.   And also there is nano stores. So  those three libraries recoil Joe tie,   and Anna sores are excellent places to look  when it comes to atomic state management,   I'm going to choose to use Joe tie,  and we're gonna go check that out next.   All right, so let's take a look at the Joe tie  atomic state management library and how to use it   in the list of directories that is in the GitHub  repo associated with this video, there is direct   Pokeyman Joe tie. And this is where this code  lives. It's a clone currently of direct Pokemon   starter, and we'll just go through it one by  one. So let's go over and look at the store.   And this is we're going to start building out  our atoms. So what are we talking about here,   let's go over to our Joe type page and see how  this works. So we bring in atom, which is how we   define a piece of state and use atom, which is how  we use it in the React context. So for example,   you have a text atom that you've created by using  Atom Hello. And then you can have another atom   that depends on that atom. So shut when text atom  changes, this uppercase atom will get recomputed   to do to uppercase. So again, you're creating  this network of data. If you think about like an   Excel spreadsheet, or a Google Sheet, right,  you can imagine text Adam would be a cell,   and then uppercase atom would be another  cell that references that original cell.   But uppercase is it. And that's one of  the cool things about this atomic state   management system is you create this web of  state and just automatically updates itself.   And then to interact with it you use use atom,  give it the atom that you want to talk to.   And then you get back basically a value and I  set up just like you would with US state. So   it's very, very simple. So the first thing we  want to do is bring in that Adam from Joe tie. And let's declare our search, Adam.   Fair enough, easy. But how do we get the list  of all the Pokeyman? Well, that's actually a   little bit cooler. And I'm going to do it a little  bit differently than I have with the other ones.   So we're going to use this Adams with query. And  this allows us to use tans, Dax, query core. So   it's basically react query, now connected to a  Jota atom. So let's go and add these libraries   and then start the server up again. And then  we import So Adam has a query. And now we just   need to create an all Pokemon atom that uses  that Adams a query. So we're saying to Adams a   query that we are getting back a, an array of  Pokemon, we give it a function, you give it a   query key just like we did with us query before,  where you give it a unique key for your query,   in this case, Pokemon. And you give it a function,  just like we did before with us query, now we're   giving it that exact same fetch function to go  get that data and that gives us back all Pokemon.   And so let's try this out. So we got our search,  and we got our Pokemon, that's probably enough to   get started. So let's go over here, app dot TSX.  And bring this in will bring in US Adam from Joe   tie. And also bringing us Adam value us Adam  value just subscribes to the value of the Adam.   So we'll use Adam the original, which is just  like you stage to go and get the search Adam,   because we're going to want to set and  get that. And we use Adam value for the   all Pokemon because all we want to do is just  get the value of that. Now let's get our atoms   from that store, and then for  the search box, let's use that said the value. And then here  with the event said that search.   Good enough. Now with the added  value, we're going to get our Pokemon on the all Pokeyman atom, and we just  display it, hit save, go back over to our   display and Bob's your uncle. Nice, but it was  urging. So we need to go and create an atom   that looks at both the all Pokemon atom and the  search atom. And when either of those changes,   updates itself. So let's go and create a boogeyman  atom that depends on both of those things. So in this case, we give it a function,  that function takes a getter. And with that,   we can get the current value of the search item  by just getting a search item, the current value   of all Pokemon by getting the all Pokemon and we  just filter. So let's go make this to lowercase.   And then we'll use to lowercase in there.   And now we've got our Pokemon Adam. So let's  go and get rid of that export because I don't   need that and go over to our app and bring  in the Pokemon. Adam, let's call it that.   Let's get out of the way. And then down  here. All boogeyman becomes boogeyman Adam.   Hit save. Hit refresh. Be you lb  nice. Perfect. Wow, that's cool.   You know, I do like this cascade model. And  currently we're just filtering but we also want to   slice and we want to sort. So let's create another  atom that depends on pokimane atom that has that.   So it takes the existing pokimane  atom. And then it sorts it   based on the name, and oh, we also got a slice it.   Cool. And now we got to sort of put them on  Adam. And we can go back over here to our app.   Bring that in instead. And depend on  that. Let's see. Does it work? Yeah,   blast away started out. Okay, you will be cool.  And also is it? Yep, it's trimming down to 10.   How cool was that. So now we can see that we have  this cascade of atoms in the store, we've got our   search atom, which is basically a simple piece of  text. And then we got our all pokimane atom which   is in a synchronous atom that is based on 10 stack  query, it goes off and makes that query and then   set itself. And that automatically integrates  with the other atoms such that when it updates,   any dependent atoms get updated, which includes  this pokimane atom, which subscribes to both   the search atom and also the all pokimane atom  and then returns for its own sake the filtered   version of that data. So this is how you derive in  this Joe tie or recoil or nano stores type system.   And then we have another atom that listens to  bokeem on atom and so you when you any of these   things update, like the search updates, you get  this awesome, automatic cascade. And the thing I   really like about it is is that cascade and it is  slightly different from the native react version   of that, because we only we kind of have that  in the native react system, right, we've got use   date, and use reducer, which are effectively atom.  And then we have use memo, which is basically a   way of deriving another atom from the original  atom. The only problem is the based on the nature   of React, we have to mend the dependency raise,  notice that we don't have to do that here. By   getting the atom, we're automatically subscribing  to it, which is a much, much cleaner way to   work. And you don't have to worry about the fact  that you might have dependency arrays that might   not have all of the stuff in it that you actually  need. So it removes another potential for error.   The next and last direct statement we're  gonna take a look at is the venerable Redux.   So I realize getting to Redux at pretty much  the end of the video is kind of like walking a   whole marathon and saying, Hey, here's Everest,  it's just a little bit at the end, no big deal.   Redux is a huge state management ecosystem.  Essentially, Redux is the longest surviving react   state manager, it's been around since the days of  class based components. And probably actually even   before that, and I gotta say, it can be a little  daunting. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna   use the Redux toolkit to simplify it a little bit.  Redux toolkit gives you a bunch of helpers on top   of Redux, that reduces a lot of the boilerplate,  which is a lot of folks, gripes with Redux is that   there's a lot of boilerplate. It also has a React  query equivalent built right into it. So that's   pretty cool. So we will use that to go and get  our data for us. So this is the Redux toolkit.   And I've created our app. Our app is in the direct  Pokemon Redux folder. And it is just a clone of   the direct Pokeyman starter as we deal with all  these. Now, this is what we're going to add to the   code. We're gonna add Redux, which is the base  library for Redux and react Redux, which is   the couplers, basically, between react and Redux,  basically just hooks, and the Redux Toolkit, which   as I said, Is this simplifying stuff, simplifying  functions that allow us to really easily create   stores and slices. So we'll get into that what  that is in a second. Let me start at the server.   And then bring it up, and we got our search box.  Awesome. Okay, so let's go over here to our store.   And so what are we gonna do, we're gonna create a  Redux store, and our Redux store is going to have   slices in it. So now, when react first started,  the idea was you'd have one ginormous store that   would have all of your data in it. And folks got  going rather, hey, that doesn't scale really well,   because of having one big store with all the  data in it for the entire application, peoples   are running over each other. And so it's nice as  a way to slice the data into parts and pieces so   that you can manage it better. So let's bring  in a few imports from Redux toolkit, the first   would be create slice, so we're going to create  a slice to hold our search state. So this is just   going to be the search me the text string of the  search and also a way to set the search. So we're   going to create a slice that slice name, as you  can call search, the initial value, the initial   state of this slice is just gonna be a search with  an empty string in it. And then we're gonna have   our reducers. So we talked about reducers, when it  came to use reducer, this is a set of functions,   each one of which is effectively a reducer. In  this case, we've got a set search, and it takes   a state and an action. And the little difference  here with Redux toolkit versus traditional Redux   is that in traditional Redux, you would return  a state where that particular value is mutated,   but the rest of the were the same, but you return  an entirely new state with all you know, new keys,   whereas in this case, Redux toolkit is making it a  little bit easier in that you can just go set the   values in the state, and then it does the merging  of your changes with the original state. And it's   actually fairly common. And this is actually  fairly controversial in Redux world. And as far as   I know, I'm not a huge Redux person, honestly, but  I'm gonna give you the best I got here. So okay.   So this search slice has gotten us a lot of stuff.  So let's take a look. So slice has an actions,   and a reducer and name. So we're going to  export out of here, the action for a set   search coming out of actions. And now we're going  to configure a store that Has that reducer in it.   So we're going to use the Configure  store, it's going to give us back   a store that we're going to export.  And we're just going to give it that   reducer from the search. So that is how we  register each slice into the overall store.   Now, if you do store dot get state, which you  can do from anywhere, you can do it externally   to Redux, you can do it inside the React tree,  this is all not connected to react right now, you   get the state. So that would include search dot  search, because it's the search slice and within   that the search value. And so the root state  of this store is the type of the output of get   state what it just looked at. So if we do Command  K, Command eye on that, we can see that our root   state as he searched slice, and within that the  search value. And then finally, we want to make   a selector. So talking about selectors in the in  the case of soussan. Selectors allow you to go and   take a store and get out just the data that you  want for the particular component. So we want to   create selectors for everything that we need. So  in this case, we're going to create select Search,   and that's gonna give us back the selector, the  value for the search current value for the search.   Okay, so let's go over to our app dot TSX  and start wiring this up to the search box. So to do that, we bring in a couple things from  react Redux. Now, I mentioned that react Redux   are the hooks that connect Redux to react.  So here are the things we need to bring in,   we need to bring in a use selector. That's a  hook that given a selector goes and gets the   data based on that selector. Use dispatch just  gives you a dispatch function for the current   store that you call to dispatch actions just like  we did with use reducer. Use the state and use   dispatch use dispatch exactly the same way with  Redux, which is why folks kind of think like,   oh, Redux Redux became use reducers.  And it's not that easy. But yeah, yeah,   I mean, some of these concepts are very  similar, like, for example, this match.   And then the provider and the provider  is a context, you give it a store,   and then it provides that store down to  these hooks. So it's bringing that store   from the local store.   And then let's provide that.   I mean, I love how Redux is so, so old, and  has been around for so long, that the provider   is literally named provider. It's amazing.  Like other other state management libraries,   they have, you know, Redux, or whatever,  you know, library name, provider, whatever,   query provider, whatever have you. This one is  just it's provider. It's just provider. You could   rename it if you want. But that's what comes  out of library. I think it's the music. Okay,   so we got our store. And now we want to go  get use selector to go and get the search   value. So we need to bring in that selector  for search. So we need to use that selector.   And give it that Select Search. And then we  also need to get a dispatcher. So we just call   use dispatch and get our dispatcher. And that just  basically grabs it from the context and brings it   in. Okay, so this becomes the value of search and  dispatch, we're going to it's going to dispatch   a set search with the event target value. So we  need to bring in event right here. And let's see,   actually, let's go and set this to a value for so  foo. See, we've got, Hey, how's that, and it looks   like it's working. That's great. So we've got  our slice for the search part of our local store.   So now the next thing we want to do is want to  get the Pokeyman JSON. And that means bringing   in the query part of reax toolkit. So we're going  to bring in the Create API and the fetch base   query functions from the toolkit query. So that's  the query part. And then the React version of the   query. So again, with redox, like everything is  sort of, there's the basic, and then there's the   React. Okay, so we want to go and do is we want  to build out our create API for our Pokemon JSON.   So we do is we invoke that create API, we give it  our path. So pokimane API, we give it the fetch   base query. So anytime I say that everything  that we do with this particular API is going   to be off of slash. And it's only going to have  one endpoint and that endpoint is get Pokeyman.   And that is going to call query with you my JSON.  So we're gonna get basically slash Pokeyman. JSON   there. Let's get rid of Yeah, that looks a little  better. Oh, okay. Okay, now let's take a look at   what's in pokimane API. So inside pokimane API,  we have our endpoints. Within that we've got get   Pokemon. And within that we have our use query,  how cool is that it's automatically created a   use query for us. So let's go and actually  export that. So we have our use of inquiry.   And we'll just export that. Take a  look over here, bring it in here.   And now we can use it.   And we'll give it no parameters  because nothing going in.   And the output here is either a, an array  bogeyman or undefined. So let's just say   that if we have data than once use it. And if we  don't, then we'll use the empty array. All right,   not working. Oh, I remember what it was. Okay,  more wiring to be done. Okay, so we've got this   pokimane API needed, we'll go bring  this down here and add it as a reducer.   Okay, let's take a look. Oh, where it is? Yes,  we have Redux. And it's going I love it. Okay. So   now we have, you know, bulb or whatever. Cool. So  let's say that we want to go and trim that down.   Well, if you look at the docs, the docs tell you  at this point, if you want to derive some data,   one way to do it would just be to integrate this  with an existing tool that allows you to listen   to data, and then derive data from that. And  what tools do we have for that? Well, we have   good old use memo. So we can use parts of our  existing React Native hook set and integrate   them with what we have from Redux, let's  bring in use my mouse and see how this works. So we want to filter and we want to sort the  data based on the search. So let's first get   the search right? In that, so we want to  filter and we want to sort the podium on.   And it's going to rely on the data as well as the  search. And we're going to return out of this.   The data or an empty array, if it exists, because  it might not exist might be known, filtered.   by that name, of course, we want to  do our little to lowercase thing. And then we want to slice it.   And then we want to sort it. Nice. Okay, so  that'll give us our filtered and sorted bogeyman,   or empty array, so we don't have to go check for  any more. Let's hit save and see if it works.   So it's giving us 10. That's  great. And let's say you lb noice.   Perfect. Okay, so that is one way to do it.  Another way to do it is to actually start the   requests for hooking on JSON externally to the  app, and then create a selector over in the store   that listens for when that data is done, and  then looks to see if it can take that data from   the search and do the same thing, but do it over  on the store side. So we're basically creating a   selector that's doing that kind of work for us.  So let's bring in a create selector function.   And then we will create a selector. And the first  parameter is to create a selector are a set of   functions that select out parts and pieces,  you can have as many as you want, apparently,   and the first part gives us our Pokemon. So we're  getting our data from Pokemon API endpoints,   get Pokemon select undefined. That's the parameter  that we put in and then the state or the state   coming in through deep state and we get the data.  Okay, and then we can go and take this basically,   and drop it in here. So we're  gonna take that boogeyman   and filter it on that search value. So this  could be undefined. So let's go handle that.   All right, cool. So select Pokeyman I like it. So  let's see. Now let's go over here to our app. And   instead of using that use memo, we are instead  going to just select out boogeyman based on that   slight bogeyman selector Okay, and pokimane Okay, let's give it a try. So nothing to why  is that? Well, we gotten rid of the query   that we did, he used to do this use playground  query and give it undefined that initiated the   query. So now we have to initiate the query over  here in the store. And the way that we do that   is pretty much anywhere, you can do store dot  dispatch, which is again, nice, because you   can talk to Redux, both in the React context,  as well as in the external to react context.   And then we want to call that pokimane  API with the endpoint of the get Pokeyman,   where we initiate it with at undefined. All right,  let's go to try, Hey, okay, now what's happening   is externally to react, we are initiating the  fetch of the hook Yvonne JSON here. And then   when the store updates, because that get Pokemon  returns a value is then stored in our store. And   that store changing then updates any subscribers,  it looks to see what the selector is slightly out,   in this case, the selector is looking at the  output of the get Pokeyman, as well as the search   and then using the to, to select out a mutated  version of the postman list where we filtered   it and sliced it and sorted. So you can use  selectors for more than just selecting data,   you can actually mutate the data in the store.  And the selector is actually the right place   to do that in this model. Okay, so one more  thing that people love about this is the Redux   tools. So if I go here, over here,  Redux, we can see that as I type,   we are setting the surge, and you can see all  of the different actions. And this is because   I have the Redux Dev Tools installed in my Chrome  and I'm in dev mode. And so that's automatically   registered those things together. So that's,  that's, that's pretty cool. So you can see like   the, the pending query, you can see the fulfilled  query with the data. It's pretty neat, you know,   and you can also do this cool, like, time travel  debugging people will think is really slick, dude.   Yeah. Nice. Okay, so there you have it. So Redux.  Of course, all the code is available to you in   GitHub in the link in the description below. And  of course, in this, this one is in the direct   Pokeyman, Redux directory. Now, before we get to  wrapping all this up, I do want to talk about one   more technical thing, check this out. So times  they are changing in React land. And one of the   biggest changes has been a recent RFC or request  for comment, that would add first class support   for promises to react. And the way that you do  that is kind of different in the client side code,   versus the server side code. So on the client  side code, you now have this ability to use a   new hook called use that you give it a promise.  And then when that promise is fulfilled,   you get the data from that promise, or I  guess you get undefined in the meantime.   So let's try this out. Because I think it's worth  knowing about this is not out there 100% Yet,   it is in the experimental build of React, as well  as in next Jas 13. So it definitely is coming.   There might be some changes between now and when  it actually gets out there. But I think it's worth   knowing, because it will fundamentally change how  we do state management in React going forward is   adds a lot of new functionality, but also could  replace some existing functionality that we have.   So I'll let you be the judge. So let's go over to  the terminal. And we'll do another create V app.   And we'll call this one  native use. And you know what,   I'm just going to use just basic  react, not TypeScript for this.   Bring it up with VS code. And now let's go over  to the package json. And in order to get on to   this new experimental build, I need to change  the React and react DOM versions to experimental   and then do my yarn and my yarn Dev.   And so we now have our app. Cool. All  right. So let's go and try this out.   So I'm gonna go create a new file in public  called data dot JSON is going to basically and what we want to do is want to go  get that Add data. So we're gonna go   over here to our app dot j SX, and let's  see, get rid of everything basically.   So how would we do this before? Well, we do this  before by having some use date, and we'd have a   use effect. And we'd use the use effect to get the  fetch, or we could use rack weary and SW are, as   we've seen, but now we can do something really  cool. We can basically just create a request here.   And what do you say data dot JSON. And  then we'll get the JSON out of that.   So now we have this promise just kind of floating  out in space with our data. So let's bring in use.   And then we can just get our  data by using that promise.   And let's Stringify that and see how it goes.   How cool is that? That's really neat. That  being said, you want to see a browser freak out,   watch this. So I mean, come on, right? Why  not just go and put that in here. Like that,   I mean, it'd be a lot easier to get rid of that.  Hit Save, hit refresh. And now nothing happens.   But lots of stuffs happening in our dev tools,  we're going to get in data dot JSON a whole bunch.   So why is that? Well, what's happening here?  And let me actually stop our. Alright, so what's   happening here is that we run app app then first  starts off a fetch that returns a new promise.   And we use that promise, we get the data back  the data started, no, or undefined or whatever.   And we put that out. And then finally, this fetch  actually resolves, and we get our data. Use picks   up on that, because added to then to it, and it  gets the data and returns a cool that intern re   renders app. And you and then we create another  fetch. Now, it's exactly the same fetch. I know,   I know, I know, that's frustrating, because it's  exactly the same fetch doing exactly the same   thing. But it's a new reference to a new promise  to a new fetch, even though that is doing exactly   exactly exactly the same thing. It is a different  promise. So use the end says, Oh, you made a new   promise. Cool. All right, I'll go wait for that  one. And so we get is an infinite loop, every   data to JSON resolves gets us some data. And it's  so fast, it never even gets to the point where   react can actually get enough spare time to put  anything up on the screen. That's why we don't   even get anything on the screen, in this case. And  that's why I initially created the promise at the   top level here, because that means there only  be the one that one promise that gets resolved.   Now we can go back over to our localhost.  And it works. Cool. So there you go. So   that's us now on the server side of the house,  it actually is a little bit different again. So   we take a look over here at the first class  support, if you look for the server stuff,   await in Server components. The idea  now is that you can have a component   that is server side rendering only, in  this case called node that can await   data, right in the function, you can create  this component asynchronously. This is cool,   this is huge. This is something that we never  had before in React is anything function.   And react will wait for this function to resolve  because it's a promise, and we can await it.   And once it's done, then the server will render  the page and give it out. So this is really cool.   And I think there's a lot of potential here. It  certainly is game changing in terms of how it   will change state management and react. For the  better for the worse, I don't know. We'll see as   next Jas 13 becomes more prominent, but it is very  cool. And it's certainly worth keeping up with. So   in summary, let me give you some advice on how  I think you should decide technology choices   when it comes to state management in React.  I think first and foremost for local state.   You should endeavor to use native state  management, use date, use reducer,   use memo use callback. At the point where you  get to use the fact you might want to think   about using a third party library, something  like a React query or an SBR because those   libraries are going to probably do a better  job. job at managing queries, then you would   potentially do building it on your own. Those  are just great libraries, they got re fetching,   they've got mutations is fantastic stuff, and  they're definitely going to be leveraged. And   I think a combination of native state management,  plus react query and maybe get server side prompts   if you're in the next Jas world might be enough  for average applications to manage the state.   And then if you have additional needs, in  particular, to allow for global state, so   you've got different parts of the React tree, and  you need to get saved from one place to another,   then you can either look at doing context,  if you have state that's fairly slow moving,   I think that's a good opportunity to move state  around using context. Or you can use something   like a Jewish dawn or Joe tie or Bauccio or Redux,  as we've seen, and there are lots of different   options in that space. But I think I've shown you  some of the best. Well, I hope you enjoy this.   If you have any questions or comments after all  this be sure to put that in the comment section   down below. And if you liked the video, hit that  like button. And if you really liked the video,   head on over to my channel and subscribe to  it because I do videos well, not this long,   but I do good videos, and they come out every  couple weeks or so I think you'll enjoy them.   Certainly if you're a React dev it's worth  the subscribe. It's free. See you next time.
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Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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