All The JavaScript You Need To Know For React

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hey guys how's it going i'm back here with another video and today i will go over every single thing you need to know in javascript for you to be prepared to start learning react i know for a fact a lot of people try to search for this because i remember me myself when i started learning react searching for the same thing and never getting a concrete answer and the reason for this is because a lot of people who want to learn react is either people who have zero to no experience in programming or programmers who don't have a lot of experience in web development and they know that react is a very requested a very in-demand technology and they want to get there as fast as possible however they know that in most places they recommend you to learn javascript uh like get as good as you can with javascript before you start learning react however it's that's not exactly true because not everything in javascript is necessary um for you to start learning react actually there is a very specific set of uh skills and and concepts that you need to learn um in javascript before you're going to react so for that reason in this video i will go over all of them and try to explain each one of them to the best of my abilities if you could leave a like before we get into the video i would massively appreciate it because it helped push my videos to more people and yeah let's get into the video [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so for this video i'm going to skip the the super basic stuff like defining variables and like basic introduction to functions and whatever because honestly i feel like that's implied that you need to know the basics of programming and the basics of a language syntax um with every react tutorial out there they probably won't be teaching you like what is const what is let that kind of stuff so what i'm going to be going over is the more not well known stuff in javascript or more intermediate slightly beginner stuff that will be very useful in react so the first thing i'm going to talk about is um just working with functions in general well what i mean by that well the first thing is when you're working with react you'll find yourself working a lot with arrow functions and for those who don't know arrow functions is just a different way to define your functions so in normal javascript you would for example define a function like this saying function then the name of the function let's call this function do something and you would define it with a parenthesis and your curly braces then you would write all the logic inside of here for whatever you want to do when this function is executed now with introduction of newer versions of javascript we we've seen the introduction of a different way to define this which is by using arrow functions and this syntax is actually singing in many different languages which is it's why in my opinion i kind of like this um and to define the function you can either use the const the let or the vore keywords but i would always recommend using the cons for this because it's more standard and what you would do is you would define say const then the name of the function like do something then you would put an equal sign the parentheses an arrow and the curly braces now you may think that this is more um like you're writing more stuff but in my opinion it compensates because a facility it looks it makes it a lot better when you're working with callback functions which is something that you work a lot with in javascript so um i do recommend using the arrow function and also when you're using arrow functions although they do the exact same you can actually export it a little bit differently so if you're planning on exporting this function to have access to it in another file there's two different ways of doing this if you're using this function definition you have to say export default like this and then um you'll be able to export this function but if you're using this one you don't say default you say just export const and i use this kind of notation a lot more than this kind of notation now why is this important for react well because in react you define components and components or just functions like this one i'll just say my component which takes in props which are arguments and return html like i can return a div or something like that now this is react this is something specific to react but you can see how learning the different methodologies of defining function can be useful for this kind of situation so this is why it would be important but another thing that i feel like for functions would be really important for you to know is anonymous functions so for example in react you might see a button like this i know right now it's just a button in the middle of the file it doesn't even make sense but imagine you have a button like this which has the property on click well when you have an on click usually in normal javascript you pass the name of a function inside of here right but in react you can do either that or you can just define the function inline with an anonymous function something similar to this so you could actually write a function like this where it would be executed when you click on the button and it would work perfectly and this is actually recommended in some scenarios so knowing how to create a function that doesn't have a name which is what an anonymous function is is really important because it allows you to execute commands without having to declare a function so keep in mind that this is very useful and you use it like a lot in reactive so the next thing i want to talk about is working with conditionals using the ternary operators and this is specifically very useful in react because of the nature of react when you code and react you'll you'll soon realize that um you're you're trying to minimize the the amount of lines of code you're writing especially when you're writing code directly into the ui portion of your code so react actually allows you to kind of write javascript inside of your html but it's not actually called html it's a modified version of html called jsx which allows you to directly write javascript right it's one of the best parts of react because it allows you to write conditionals and write your logic and make that represent your ui so when you're doing something like that you need to decrease the amount of lines of code you're writing inside of your ui so that it doesn't become super messy so that's where ternary operators come in because writing an if statement is pretty big right to write something like if true then do this it takes in already three lines of code and don't even mention doing an if else statement which uh actually put the wrong kind of brackets but it takes in one two three four five lines of code right and if you're writing code in react you don't really need this you don't want this so what i like to do is for example like this imagine that um we have a boolean right let age equal to 10. let's just say age is equal to 10. you have a not a boolean a number right and i have an another uh variable which is um like a name of someone let's say name right and for some reason this person's name is called pedro right very nice coincidence well i want to say something different i want to say that if the age is is 10 or greater if the age is greater greater than 10 then this person's name is pedro but if it's not for some reason this person's name is jack right but to do something like that i would have to say if age is greater than 10 then let's say name is equal to pedro like this pedro and else we would say name is equal to jack which is all fine and well but the problem again as i mentioned is this is taking way too much space and there's easier ways of doing this and this is where the three ternary operators come into place they're basically shorthand notations for doing if statements or if else statements so if i have some if i didn't even have an if else here if it was just okay let the name be equal to pedro if age is greater than 10 then first of all let me make this greater than 10 let me make this 16 which is not my age by the way but i if i want to do something like this i can just say okay let's name equal to age and if age is greater than six to m greater than 10 then set it equal to pedro i know this looks weird but all you're saying here is if this condition is true then do this and since this is after the equal sign we're just saying let name be equal to pedro if this condition is true and this will work now there's the author ternary operator which is the this one over here which is the the or the double or which is kind of the opposite um it would work the other way so if it's not equal to 10 it basically wouldn't do this because this right now is satisfying the condition and finally there's the if else operator which is basically what we wanted in the in the beginning so if you want to set it equal to pedro if age is greater than 10 then we say if age is greater than 10 then let's set name equal to pedro else accidentally deleted everything else we put a colon let's name this jack so this is the f if else operators this basically says if this is true then this else this and this will work the same way as that huge fl statement that i presented to you guys earlier so why is this useful where in in react you find yourself uh creating a returning html right so if i have a component like i mentioned um you would have something like this where it's a function which returns some sort of html like a div right but imagine that you have two divs you have a div that says pedro so you have some sort of piece of ui which which displays the name pedro and some sort of piece of ui which display jack right and you want to conditionally render this two pieces of ui depending on this variable age well you could just say return if age is greater than 10 then return this else return this and this would work perfectly this is something we're doing a lot in react we we add these conditions so that um our ui will change based on the state of our application so this is why ternary operators are extremely important and will be very useful for your react development journey the next thing i want to talk about is i really want to go over really quickly all of the important stuff related to objects because objects are very useful it's one of the most useful data structures a language can have objects by the way are also known as dictionaries in python or hash tables hash maps it has different names but in javascript it's called objects and i feel like that's the best name in my opinion um it's the most the one that makes more sense and objects are very important in react and there are specific things that people don't learn when they're learning javascript or usually forget which i want to remind you guys because they will be used a lot in javascript in react and the first thing is being able to destructure objects right so imagine we have this object over here which is a person right and i'll define the object really easily by saying it has three properties one which is name which is pedro the other one which is age which is my actual age which is 20 and the last one is let's say is married which is a boolean which is true or false and in my case it's false so okay we have this object called person which is really nice and imagine if we went to create variables that represent specific values inside of this object so usually if you want to do something like that you can say const name is equal to right then we say const age is equal to person.age and then we say const is married is equal to person dot is married this works fine we now have three different variables and it's all fine but again we run into the problem where this is taking too much space we can actually do this in a single line by using the destructuring property of objects which it works like this you say const then you open and close curly braces so this is equal to the object name which is person and you can destruct anything any key value pair from this object directly over here as a variable like i can grab the name the age and that is married directly from here and now i have three different variables which represent their corresponding properties inside of person now this is really nice you use this a lot especially when you're working with props which i won't go over because this is not a reactor this is a javascript tutorial for people who want to learn react or are learning react but it is very useful for that and you'll find yourself using this a lot and another thing uh that this corresponds to that is important and to learn is basically whenever you have an object like this where it's called person and you already have a variable for example name which is equal to pedro and you basically want to set this object to have the value name equal to this variable you have over here at the top right so this is very common i have this variable called name and i'm creating an object called person which its name key has the same value as the name variable well you could do something like this and set name equal to name but there is the shorthand notation which is really nice and i would definitely recommend you doing this which is when the key of this key value pair has the same name as the the variable you're setting it equal to you don't have to repeat the variable name you can just do this and it would be exactly the same so if i also had another variable called age and i just want to set it equal to to age over here i don't do this i just do this and it is exactly the same you can do both ways but this is recommended by four now the last thing i want to show you guys is the fact that if i want to for example um create a new variable a new object called person2 for example and i want to basically set it equal to the same thing imagine person two is exactly the same person as person one but the name is not pedro so the name is different right let me actually delete these variables over here and let's make them almost exactly the same i'll just say pedro over here for the person one and the h for the person one is 20. now person two is exactly the same but the name is different the name is jack well how would i copy this object but only change one single property of it well you can do it by doing this thing you use the spread operator which is useful not only for objects but for a lot of stuff in javascript and this basically says okay i want to keep everything inside of the person object so i'm saying i want to keep everything from this inside of this object but whatever i put over here which i can say name and change it equal to something else like check and now person two will be an object that is exactly the same as person one but this property is different so it will be just the same thing but the name is jack this is very useful believe me this is extremely useful you'll see this when you're working with erase because it can it works the same way with arrays like if i create an array over here called uh names and i set it equal to pedro then to jack and then to jessica right then i want to create an array called names2 which is exactly the same but i want to add a new name to it well i can just say okay two is equal to names but also add the person called um joel i don't know why i'm thinking of just people with j but you get what i mean right this is really important because this is how you're going to manipulate and add elements to arrays that are inside of states so if you don't know that um make sure you're you're able to at least comprehend what we're doing over here this is the same thing as just saying that names two is equal to names plus this so keep that in mind uh because it's really important the next concept which i definitely think is extremely important for you to know is be able to work with the three fundamental functions of javascript arrays so they're not fundamental i don't even know why i called it that way but it's it's the three functions that we all know when we're learning javascript which are useful for manipulating arrays in a very easy manner those three functions are the dot map function then there's the dot filter function and then there's the dot reduce function now i'm not going to talk about the dot reduce because i don't find myself using this a lot in in react like not even near the amount that i find myself using the map in the filter so i don't want to over complicate this there's thousands of videos out there of the reduce function if you want to learn it but since this is focused just on react i do feel like this two functions over here definitely uh outshine the third one so i'm gonna go over both of them right now so what exactly are the map and the filter function well so imagine you have this array called names right and i wanna for some reason console.log every single name in this array and i wanna do something different i want to i want to basically just add a a number one to the end of each of the names now ignore the usability of this example but just imagine i want to alter each element individually well how would i do that i can do that very easily by just doing a for loop and then manually mutating each of the elements to have a one at the end something like this but that as always will take a lot of lines of code right it will take like i would have to say four let i equal zero then i could also use a for each loop right which could be very useful but in this case i want to do something a little bit different i'll say names dot map and the map function takes in an argument to it the argument is basically some sort of variable that you define that represents each elements in this array so we're going to iterate through this array completely and for each element that exists in this array we're going to execute whatever is inside of this function that we created using the arrow function so this is an anonymous function which we talked in the beginning of the video and we write code that will be executed for each of the elements in the array so what we can do is we can actually access each element by grabbing them as the argument of this array so if i say something like console.log name like this then and i run this then basically it would just console log each of the names it would console like pager one jessica one carol one i also forgot to remove the one from each of them because this is what we're going to be doing with this example but basically how would i do something like mutate them directly and add the one to the end well if you return something inside of this function then for each element in this um names array it will represent the element will be will change depending on what you put over here so if i actually didn't want to wanted to change every element in this array to have the name joe then i could do something like this and every element in the array would become joe because we're not actually we're just saying return joe for each element but if i want to basically use the current name in the array together with this then i can say name plus one and it will now every element will became will become the name or the same element plus the one at the end which is the example we wanted to to present right and this is useful because um when you have lists and react and and you have for example you want to basically return a h1 tag right a header tag with each of the names right what you can do is you can say then grab the name and then for each element in this array you can return an h1 tag saying something like a name like this and what this will do in react is it will basically generate a header for each element in the list so this is how you would render or display in your website lists in react now i don't expect you to know this if because i'm i'm trying to make this video uh beginner friendly for people who never learned react but this is something that is that they kind of show you guys that it's very similar to what we've we've been doing so far and this is very common in react so this is why learning the map function is very useful now the filter function is a bit different imagine that i i want to keep everyone in this list of names and imagine this list of names have some more patros right it has pedro and it has another pedro how do i remove every single pager from this list well i can do something like this i can say names dot filter and this filter function is similar to the map function in the sense that you will it will loop through every element in this array and you can grab each name by putting the value to the argument but you put over here as a return instead of whatever you want to replace the element in the array with which is what the map function requires you actually put a condition and if the condition is true then then what we can do is we can just put over here that we only want to keep the people whose name is not equal to pedro so this over here would make names become an array without pedro this other two pages over here so it would just keep as an array as jessica and carol this is again super useful you'll see yourself doing this a lot um i i find this very useful whenever you're doing like searching or filtering through lists which obviously it's the main point of this function but again keep in mind this is just an introduction so if you want to look further i do have videos on this where i explain better so if you want to check out just going to my channel and look for the video so the last concepts that i want to go over um i won't actually uh explain it to you guys and the reason for that is because i've already made extensive videos on on them which i'm literally showing you guys right now if you want to check them out i go over all of the concepts that i'm listing right now um and those concepts are really important because um they are fundamental for any kind of web development application it doesn't have to be just react in general it works with it is important for every kind of application and the reason for that is because it is working with apis and most websites nowaday have to um communicate with an api in some sort of way so the concepts that i'm listing over here are the following first you need to be able to work with promises and async await i do have a video on that and i would i would definitely check it out or if you want you can check out other videos as well this topic specifically will be very useful because you will be requesting data and you need to be able to handle the data that you receive in a way that will work correctly then you also need to know how to fetch data and that's where the fetch api comes in now in react there's multiple ways of fetching data from an api you don't need to use the fetch api however i would definitely try to learn it first because even using other libraries like axios which is a react library to do this um it kind of it's very similar so understanding how to work with the fetch api it's very important so those are the three less topics that i wanted you guys to to at least know and that's basically it for everything that i feel like you need to know in javascript before going into react now i know that um i assumed that you guys knew the basic of javascript before this and the reason for that is because yes you you're not required to know all the stuff that i listed in this video before attempting to learn react but i do feel like if you put yourself in the position where you at least get a basic idea of what each of the concepts i listed is then you'll have a much easier time i'm going to be honest i didn't i didn't know all of these things that i listed i actually went into learning reacts without having any knowledge of javascript and it was tough but it was completely doable i know a lot of you guys like to to think that that you're you're not good enough or that whoever whichever youtuber you're watching teaching it must be a genius or whatever it's not true whatsoever i struggled a lot with react when i started learning and now i see the issues and the mistakes that i committed so i wanted to help you guys out and let you know that if you follow this kind of of of strategy if you learn this kind of stuff then you're going to put yourself in a position uh where you're going to be comfortable learning react and you'll have a much easier time than what i did when i did when i started learning so with that in mind i really hope you guys enjoyed this video if you enjoyed it please leave a like down below and comment what you want us next also give me feedback i'm trying to make some videos which are kind of like tutorials but are not just for react developers some stuff for more javascript developers as well try to branch out a little bit while also maintaining my react content so let me know what you think if you enjoyed it support the channel and yeah that's basically it really hope you guys enjoyed it and i see you guys next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: PedroTech
Views: 525,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: computer science, crud, css, databases, javascript, learn reactjs, mysql, nodejs, programming, react tutorial, reactjs, reactjs beginner, reactjs tutorial, typescript, react js crash course, react js, node js, express js, pedrotech, traversy media, traversymedia, clever programmer, tech with tim, freecodecamp, deved, pedro tech, javascript you need to know for react, how much javascript before react, javascript react, how to learn react, what is react, react basics, javascript tutorial
Id: m55PTVUrlnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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