Re-Blue an entire barrel with Super Blue Remington 1100 project part 1

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what's going on guys got this remington 1100 here that i picked up for about a hundred bucks it is definitely a project gun so i figured this is going to be a great little winter project that i have going on here uh this is going to be kind of a part one slash uh how to re-blew an entire barrel video because as you can see i have pitting along the muzzle i have pitting along the entire barrel the receiver has pitting and rust all over it uh the receiver i'm going to do something different with but today we're going to focus on reblueing the entire barrel using this birchwood casey super blue that we're going to try for the first time today and just see how it turns out if i re-blew the entire barrel so stick around let's go ahead and get started all right so the first thing we're going to go ahead and do is get this automotive wet sandpaper this is 400 grit sandpaper that we're going to use to remove a lot of the pitting that is around the muzzle and all along the barrel as well as remove the bluing that is on the barrel and get this all kind of uniform into bare metal this will be my first time bringing a bluing or a barrel all the way down to its bare metal basically to re-blue the entire thing so it should be pretty interesting to see how this turns out it's my first time using this super blue i have used perma blue and i'll have that video linked down in the description box down below but today we're doing super blue which supposedly is a little bit better again going with this 400 grit wet sandpaper we're going to go ahead and sand down the entire barrel until i get rid of all that bluing and the most part of the pitting that i want to deal with there's a lot of elbow grease involved with this and for something that may or may not turn out i'm not going to try to put too much work into it especially if this is simply just going to be a field project and for those of you that are taking on this project just know that your end result is only as good as your beginning prep work so sand hard sand often all right so as you can see i have gotten rid of the majority of any pitting uh that was on the barrel now so what i'm gonna do now if i get my camera to focus is uh just gonna use that scotch brite pad right there and really buff the sanding marks or any sanding marks that i've left you can see some of them there on the side of the barrel this is pretty much right down to the bare metal there's only a few parts that are not which i'm not too worried about again just kind of bluing this to see if it works anyway so we will go ahead and get started with the scotch brite definitely something to keep in mind if anybody's doing anything like this is to make sure that you're sanding all along the barrel in the same direction you start doing something like this you're going to wind up with sand marks like this and nobody wants to see that in their new finish so sand up and down on the barrel do not try to change any course at all with your hand or anything just make sure that thing is straight up and down now you can see i got rid of that really bad spot up there so that looks really good there are still a very few amount of pits in here which right there you can see it's just simply i'm not going to be able to get to those um i don't want to go have to go back and do this all again and i don't expect this bluing to be factory perfect or anything like that so for what this is this should work out pretty well for me this is not a chrome to finish under the lighting that's kind of deceiving this is actually just a matte finish so whenever the bluing goes on there it's just going to be a nice matte blue color to it not real glossy or anything like that so let's go ahead and get started with the bluing process all right if you're not familiar with the bluing process and how to blue metal i'll have a video linked down there in the description box down below on a how-to i used perma blue in that video i'm not gonna be doing a how-to right here just gonna to let you guys follow along but we're using super blue today it's just birchwood casey super blue it's supposed to be the most effective deepest blue that you can get out of a user-friendly affordable process such as this right here uh using heat to remove all the oils from the barrel and the from the metal of course with a rag using steel wool to chase the uh the perma blue or i'm sorry the super blue after you put it on there and i'll be trying to attack all sides of the barrel with cotton ball soaked super blue and run down the barrel to try to get the most even layer possible since this is such a large amount or a large surface area to try to get it evenly again this isn't going to be a how-to but that was just a quick run down again i'll have that link in the video link for the how-to video on how to do the purple blue same process in the description box down below if you're curious so right now we're just going to go ahead and chop this up and fast forward all right again i'm just going to soak this rag here with some of this denatured alcohol again that's going to remove any oils from my hands i'm also going to get the oils off my fingertips while i'm handling this as to not oil it up while i'm handling it i'm just going to wipe it down get all the oil off all right one of the things i forgot to mention is that i'll be using a heat gun to apply some heat to this not to get it super hot or anything like that but just to get the barrel nice and warm it it will take this super blue a little bit better whenever the barrel is warmed up or when the metal is warmed up [Music] all right i've got the barrel heated up again just warmed up not really didn't put a blazing temperature on it or anything like that good idea to wear some gloves with this again i'm going to try to attack all sides of this barrel with these cotton swabs at the same exact time here to get a nice even coat and all i'm really going to do is coat this on there and then simply let it sit for 30 seconds and then rinse it off with a cold rag of water and then buff it lightly with steel wool so here we go let's get you a little focused in on here so you can kind of see some of the action and we'll start like this that's horrible uh this is i'm not going to be able to do this evenly the way i'm looking at this right now so i'm just gonna wipe it on here and you can actually start to see this thing turning immediately but that is the reason that you're doing this with so many layers is to get an even coat on there oh man this stuff stanks alright so here is my first layer extremely uneven nowhere near complete this is what i expected so far and i am simply letting this dry on here for about 30 seconds and i'm just going to rinse it off with a cold wet rag and then buff it lightly with steel wool and then redo the whole process all over again until we start to see a more uniform coating all right this sat for about 30 seconds probably a little bit longer as i warmed it up with the heat gun i now have my cold rag and i'm just going to wipe this down and allow it to dry again with the heat gun i'll apply a little bit of heat just to dry it faster and then i'm going to buff it with light steel wool that looks fairly blue from where you guys are but it is extremely uneven i am not applying hardly any pressure at all to this with the steel wool i'm simply letting my hand rest on it and buffing this finish before we repeat the entire process all over again i'll give you guys here a close-up as soon as i get done buffing this you can see just what happens whenever you start with the steel wool and then again we'll just run through the whole process one more time all right so here is the first coat after the buffing with the steel wool and you can see it is more uniform now but you can also see some of the blotchiness where the liquid immediately puddled or settled along the way this is where the steel wool comes in is where you kind of buff all that stuff out again not using a lot of pressure on the steel wool you can see is definitely darker than the chrome that it looked like before i applied this first layer i'll have to take a little more precaution in these areas along the vent rib to make sure i might just do those with q-tips but regardless i'm just going to go ahead and speed this up now and repeat all of these processes until we get a nice uniform layer all right there's the first or i'm sorry there's the second layer settling drying for 30 seconds much more uniform looking a little more promising now i'm gonna let this sit for another 20 seconds or so and wipe it off with the clean cold water okay here is coat number two after polishing it with the steel wool looking much more uniform much darker i'm going to keep on doing this again until i get a nice very uniform dark layer there's still some blotches in there i don't think you guys can see it under my horrid lighting possibly make it out but still a little bit of blotching gonna keep on going this is looking very promising so far and so what i have been told in between coats is to warm up the barrel again that's what i've been doing with warming up this barrel and that is supposed to help with getting a more even tone on there all right so what i'm doing in these later coats is as i go now when i'm starting with the steel wool is i will actually spend more time buffing away any blotches that i see now and spending a little more time on them rather than lightly buffing them out i'm spending a lot more time getting the uneven blotchiness out which you can see i've done the most part up here on the front of the barrel and i am now making my way back towards the back of the barrel where it still needs to be dealt with that is giving me a much more even which you can see right there a much more uniform bluing across the way so by spending just a little more time just buffing out any of those blotches that you can kind of see right there alright guys i think i am at the max as far as what this blue is capable of doing uh it doesn't look really deep and it also doesn't look blue it's more of like a black chrome or a black chrome polish or something like that it's definitely more uniform way more uniform than what it was and what i think i'm going to go ahead and do is maybe just do one more coat just to see what's going to happen and if it does well after that i'll keep going maybe another coat but i don't think it's going to you know dig any further than what it is right here so this is where i'm at right now let's just see what happens all right guys well there you have it it doesn't look too bad at all that last coat didn't do anything just as i guessed um i am pleasantly happy with this uh pretty surprised because you know this doesn't look too bad at all as far as how it could have turned out i think this turned out fairly decent it's definitely not a factory you know beautiful finish or anything like that but it does look good enough i really have to look really hard myself to you know to notice that it's not a factory finish and it doesn't have that deep blue look to it but it does have a deep smoked black to it not sure how how well this is going to hold up but with me buffing on it with a steel wool on it it's not too bad at all it definitely looks better than what i think this would have turned out uh barbecue paint uh not sure how that would have turned out but if it failed that's what i was gonna do and i think i am completely happy with this and the way it turned out i'm just gonna run it this way but anyway guys i hope you appreciate this video if it helped you out feel free to hit that like button down there and help this channel to grow and we will catch you guys on the next video
Channel: ZRUS Outdoors Channel
Views: 102,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zombies-R-us, ZRUS, Outdoors
Id: stcDIVGxG1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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