How to Cold Blue a Rifle Barrel - woodworkweb

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hello everyone Colin canet here for Webb and today we're back with part two we're going to be doing some reblooming on this 22 barrel now the product we're going to use for this is a product from outers I've never used this before it is a cold bluing we're not going to be hot bluing this gun what I can tell you is if you have somebody that you know that does hot bluing that from my experience is the best bluing that you can get but a lot of people poopoo the cold bluing but there's several products on the market and they actually do work very well the difference is that with a cold bluing you often need to do some some recoding with it it does take more time and effort but you will get some very good results what they don't tell you with cold bluing there are several products some of them work better with some steels than others and I don't know of a way of finding out which bluing products work best with what steel so we're just going to do try this product on this deal and see how it turns out now the first thing we need to do is to do a little bit of disassembly here in this case I'm going to take off the rear sight and we need we need to keep that handy because we're going to read blue it as well and the elevator we're going to leave that the trigger on because it's pinned in there but we will still refinish it and the front sight you can decide whether you want to take it off or not most sites are dovetailed a pressure fit in there I've decided that in this case it's in there pretty good we're going to leave it in there and rather than pull it out and refinish it what I'm going to do is I'm going to use by the brush on my little dremel tool to get around in there and we'll do that bluing and that way we don't change the deciding too much on the gun so the first step is to start using steel wool and they say just keep using steel wool and keep working on the existing bluing until it comes off so we're going to do that and when we come back we should have the bluing all off and we can start the next step well we've taken the steel wool and clean this gun as good as we can the next step now is to use some degreaser and they say to cut a sponge that they're supplying in half this is basically just like a soap and to completely and thoroughly wash the gun with this and then I'm going to go away and rinse it in cold water and then we'll let it dry and when we come back we can actually start the bluing process now we've decreased the gun and rinsed it off with cold water and off-camera I made this little stand with just a cleaner in it so that we can show you so that we can apply the bluing a little bit easier and so you can see it a little easier and now it says to just put some bluing on the sponge and to start putting it on and allowing it to overlap doing it in oh wow that's amazing how well that works and when we get finished with this we need to take this and rinse it in hot water then we'll be wiping it very gently with some ultra fine steel wool and then we will reapply as needed I'm I'm amazed how well this I'm actually quite amazed how well this is working now that's a pretty decent coat on there right now as a few areas that are a bit sketchy but that's ok we're going to go right now and do what they say and rinse that in hot water let me get that site a little bit better there and we'll come back and apply our second coat ok ok there's our first I've just wiped off read it through hot water and wiped off the coating and it I it looks pretty amazing but I'm going to give it at least one more coat and they say to lightly sand it with some ultra fine steel wool and then we'll put on the second coat this is amazed this is looking very good quite happy with that ok let's try our second coat now you you okay wipe that off take that and put that under hot water and then we'll come back okay we're going to do the third and final coat right now and I've degreased between coats you okay we're just going to give our final buffing now and watch that come up nice glossy a nice glossy effect oh it's just looks so much better you there we go and that's cold bluing and this concludes our video on the Reeb looing of the rifle which was part of our whole gun refinishing project that we've done and the bluing I have to say the bluing turned out just brilliant it's cold bluing but it turned out way better than our expectations so we're pretty happy if you like what we're doing we ask you to subscribe to us and there will be a link to that right after this video there will also be links to the refinishing of the gun so you'll be able to see that as well or the refinishing of the stock and don't forget to follow us on Twitter like us on Facebook and connect with us on Google+ and those links will be in the description field underneath this video I'm calling canet for woodwork web thanks for watching you
Channel: WoodWorkWeb
Views: 457,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rifle bluing, cold bluing, rifle restoration, gun bluing, cold bluing for gun, gun restoration
Id: T5m7rSsu0uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 23 2014
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