RDR2: How Dutch Van Der Linde Betrayed The Gang

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this is the story of the greatest betrayal in gaming history Dutch vanderlin Father Figure to Arthur Morgan they've known each other for over 20 years but the relationship is slipping due to one man's greed ambition and manipulation where are we going to run to they chased us from the West they chased us over the mountains they ran us into the sea wo R sir do you have my bag always Dutch Arthur let's get her in the water Dutch vanderin has been the leader of the vanderlin gang for decades and he is a very charismatic leader okay here we go along with Charisma he has a strong determination to make sure that his people are both safe and financially well from the very beginning of the game it is obvious that he cares quite a lot about his people Sean Mac they may be okay we don't know but we lost some folks now if I could throw myself in the ground in their stad I do it some of the key people in this gang include the most recent pickup micel John marsten picked up early in his life by Dutch Hosea Matthews befriended by vanderin while Hosea was trying to rob Dutch Dutch liked him and they became friends and Hosea became his right-hand man and counsel it's important to note that most of the men in Dutch's gang came into his life by attempt to Rob Dutch but he saw potential in them these are the kind of men that Dutch likes to have around including Arthur Morgan Dutch has always had a vision for the gang and formulates his plan plans around that Vision you leave the plan in to me he's willing to take us to Australia or Tahiti where the hell is Tahiti who lives there tahitians I guess Dutch has the dream of the gang finding their own piece of land where they can govern themselves by their own rules sustaining themselves and taking care of each other on their own but this vision isn't always met with reality does this go to I hope so although his intentions for the game are success and his many plans are the outcome of that Vision his closest men Arthur and Hosea are starting to wonder about Dutch from the beginning of the game though through his Charisma and determination Dutch overrules their advice I just want to stick to the plan which was to lie low then head back out west now suddenly we're about to rob a train what choice have we got Leviticus cornwall's no joke Dutch and in this instance josea was right if Dutch took his advice to stick to the plan the entire game might not have happened we go and Rob corn walls train although there were mistakes the mission is a success but it comes at a cost it places a huge bounty on the heads of all of the gang members here we go here we go you see someone their down it's also important to note that this isn't exactly Dutch's plan this is col o'driscoll's plan information that is easily glanced over but this is actually one of the keys to obtain insight into the mind of Dutch vanderin Cole M Driscoll isn't just any rival he is the man who took Dutch vanderlin wife's life and in the process taking Dutch's Only Love Away seems our friends have gone death wake them up a little the story revolves around how the gang but mainly Dutch is fighting the change that is coming with the turn of the century but beneath that Dutch is fighting with the overarching changes of Life losing a loved one maybe thinking about who he will lose next next I killed col's brother long time ago then he killed a woman I love dear we parlay with Kom Driscoll this is an interesting encounter because it highlights Dutch's attitude in general towards conflict they still believing in you better World pure World H how's that come along just fine H how's that score you stole off us which one they offered me a price studge to bring you in why didn't you take it well still might I am sorry about your brother yeah well I never liked him much I liked Annabelle but things are is slipping ever so slightly colem is Dutch's Archen enemy and when confronted with his own Bounty he asks Arthur the same question he asks com and they want you Dutch they offered me my freedom in exchange they did why didn't you take it Arthur Morgan has a lot in common with Dutch he's lost a loved one as well but in another way you can understand why these two get along so well and why the gang sticks together well look at us three Mariners ah of course will we be free po Mariners to Le up from the sea Dutch seems to be slipping a bit when we get into the story he is thinking about himself a lot more than the gang and pushing for more risky plans and outcomes but the years prior are set in stone with the game and they are loyal to Dutch if his life is threatened they come to his Aid and if their life is threatened by being around him they don't budge and they push back I don't want to kill all these folk Dutch just you in that case it'll be my honor to join you excuse me friends I have an appointment to keep with I think your new friend should leave now Dutch Dutch's relationship to Arthur is a special one unlike John he hasn't left the gang ever and unlike Hosea he isn't just a friend he's a father figure Dutch calls Arthur his son throughout the game and it's possible until now Arthur has given counsil and advice at times but he's never had to outright disagree and go against Dutch I say Lenny not micel well that depends if you want a massacre or payday I wish that there was something I could do to make the two of you get along better well that's easy make him change very funny as everyone knows Micah is the problem child of the gang he is out for his own Survival and he has a knack for Carnage and spilling blood this combination with Dutch's new ways of desperation and determination is starting to go very very wrong but still he has no sense to back down going bigger and bigger with his plans if Hosea was right about the Train Robbery not being a great idea he is also right about opposing the St Denise bank robbery you want to leave this place leave this country we need that money just don't feel good Dutch this is it this is the last job that we are ever going to pull before the year is out we are going to be harvesting mangoes in Tahiti trust me Arthur if F business well business is business we all know how the bank robbery goes but we start to see different Expressions on the members faces when Dutch is still talking about the grand plan and loyalty to the gang and there seems to be a different tone when he's talking talking about loyalty like he suspects a rat you could say that dark clouds are approaching the gang and not only do we see straight through what Dutch has to say about loyalty we also start to see the cruelty that the man has towards other human beings Jesus part of your philosophy books cover feeding a fell the goddamn alligator Dutch part that covers weakness he might fool the characters with that line but we know better what part of weakness is this he Dutch what was that horrible old Crone but you killed her she was going to betray us Arthur couldn't you tell no well I got some Spanish she was you keep killing folk Dutch so how did you know she was going to betray us what'd she say it was in her eyes and the way she was leading us but you said you knew Spanish I know human being means Arthur are you going to strangle me next no going back now if Dutch suspects a rat within the gang Arthur suspects Dutch is to be less trusted at the least this is a major turning point in our adventures with Dutch do you have my back always Dutch but there's more than your back to worry about we need more money we've been on the run for months now and I've seen you killing for broken Cold Blood like you always told me not to and I'm sorry but I can't help but think that if we there is country in r no Ridge past butcher Creek I believe we could hold okay you and Charles you could take Folks up that away Micah and I need to do some reconnaissance I need time and no traitors the tension between these two is palpable after all this is the man who rescued Arthur from poverty and became a father figure figure Arthur quite literally would jump off a cliff blindly if Dutch asked him to but the way Dutch is leading the gang or what's left of the gang at this point he is acting more and more like Micah basing his plans and his vision on Survival rather than making solid choices for his people and doing what's best for them we ain't so good at doing scores anymore Dutch are you feeling all right Arthur what is going on Dutch what is happening to us what's happening to you and if Dutch's cruelty towards strangers and individuals is starting to be seen his cruelty and abuse towards the Native Americans does not go unnoticed he uses eagle flies asking for help as a way to meet the ends of his own goal and at this point it's safe to say that Dutch does not care about the gang or view the gang in the same way even questioning Arthur in huge ways here lies the breaking point of our friendship oh all right Arthur who knows what other secrets I'll learn about who else we catch up with eagle flies at the oil factory two men on a mission Arthur to help and save eagle flies and Dutch well Dutch has another plan hello son hey saved your life he did you're quite the hero Arthur ain't you just a regular good guy same as always what is it with you Arthur what is it I don't get you don't get you no more oh the doubting the doubting come on get him out of here now that Arthur has saved eagle flies Dutch brings Arthur to help him out with his main goal for coming here grabbing the money from the office and getting out of there it's low super low even for Dutch but at least we got the money now on the way out however Arthur gets jumped and yells for Dutch's help I got one a white one Dad I need help but Dutch just walks out money in hand I need help [Music] besides the main story with the gang the moments with the Native Americans are some of the best examples of the theme Redemption come on we need to go you you ran away oh I did no such thing don't be a fool they can be back here any minute we did it gentlemen oh we got some money and with the train job but we got a whole lot of money come on everything is coming together exactly as I planned we take eagle flies back to his father and blow up the train bridge to create as Dutch puts it noise to distract Uncle Sam but here it is revealed that the tide has indeed turned even though Arthur and John are technically still in the gang they aren't mentally or emotionally questioning Dutch's plans his loyalty and whether or not they should be loyal to him they even talk about where Dutch's money is hidden and how to steal it from him go what about loyalty to to everything been law I've been LW look what that cost you know all that ever mattered to me was loyalty was all I knew it's all I ever believed in well not anymore John soon you got to go go don't look back you need cash you got a family I need a vacation and Dutch has all the money Abigail thinks she might know where some of that money is well you tell her she better make sure and we'll find out just who and what we should be loyal to after detonating the explosion we go back to camp and find Dutch who is paranoid about members like Uncle and Pearson leaving and calling them traitors meanwhile Arthur is urging Dutch to let the women and the children go but Dutch can't take his eyes off of his own plans one more Big Score we got money to leave all this turmoil has the army and Pinkerton spinning we take a boat and slip away I don't know what you saying Dutch but it seems like I've heard it all before just one more there a goddamn train Arthur this is different we know this is full of cash Army payroll money and supplies to repair the bridge that you blew this is all going to plan it's sounds wonderful hell yeah I ain't got much to lose but you know the women and the children and John and his family I'm afraid I have to insist I mean we got to let him go cuz if the Pinkerton come through again they will kill everyone John [Music] insist yeah insist of course pal whatever you think is best I will see to it huh now we going to rob a train sure he insists upon it insists I was broken by these last two missions let go and now we have to help the man who has led us to ruin we do Rob the train right before it crashed crashes but the backstabbing has not stopped and the worst is yet to come we Face grave news where's John I tried I tried he didn't make it that Patrol killed him we had to run come on let's go before another Patrol turns up not only do we get quote unquote confirmation from Dutch that Jon is dead we also find out that Abigail is kidnapped leaving Jack to be in orphan something that Dutch not only allows but doesn't bat an eye at we go with sad and break out Abigail Abigail saves Arthur's life and we find out that Micah is the true rat not Molly at this point Dutch has not only betrayed Arthur he's betrayed the entire gang everything that it stood for and everything that the gang had built up and Arthur knows he has nothing to lose so he goes back to confront Dutch and Micah we all need to have a little chat black long you're back hoay I just saw agent Milton Dutch Abigail shot him she's okay not that you care too much about that you rats Olie seems old M was pretty close with Milton what the hell are you talking about C pooke you talked that's a goddamn lie Dutch Dutch think of the future Milton told me and you believe him black lung you believe him it all makes sense now no it damn well doesn't Dutch think touch be practical now Dutch John you left me you left me to die my boy I didn't have a choice John I didn't you I didn't have a choice left me all of you you pick your side now because this is over all them years Dutch for this snake be quiet cowpoke be quiet you live in the clouds No you be quiet Mr Bell and put down your gun there's pinkerton's coming fast now who amongst you is with me and who is betraying me B out here than than for yourself he's lying and before we get to see the biggest shootout this side of the Rockies we are interrupted by the Pinkerton it seems that something has blessed us enough to have this moment open up and we escape with John and Arthur distracts the men and lets John Escape who goes into the epilog which I just did a huge video of Arthur fights Micah and before grabbing the weapon that could end the true rat of the gang we are stopped by the man who led the gang to ruin and in one moment a moment too late he realizes it's over a dut he's a right you know it and I know it he's sick he's dying he's talking crazy there up there on the rids I gave you all I had I did come on Dutch let's go buddy we made it we want it come on John made it he's the only one the rest of us no I tried in the end I did come on let's go we can make it come on Dutch come on h
Channel: Premo
Views: 435,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RDR, RDR2, Red Dead Redemption 2
Id: -DXtyGLn3ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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