r/choosingbeggars | fresh | ep. 67

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what is up guys it's fresh back with another video it's been quite a while since my last using beggars video and I don't think I'll be making as many of them but here's one today and I think it's gonna be pretty funny I hope you enjoy it is your Samsung watch still available hi yes it is can you do $50 for it I really need it sorry I can't go that low two hundred is already a great price for it especially because it's in great condition and it includes a bunch of extra accessories please you had it up for a long time now and I doubt you will sell it for that much plus I'm a broke college student so can you please make an exception if you're a broke college student you should have plenty of other things to be worried about than buying a SmartWatch screw you it's for one of my classes and I might fail if I don't get one you know the idea might seem wild but to be fair I've been assigned required textbooks more expensive than that would you trade for a ps4 with four terabyte hard drive and some gains and three controllers and extra charging docks and also pay me $100 as well seems kind of convoluted let's see the counteroffer yeah I can trade for a Nintendo switch without the box plus a single game a 64 gigabyte microSD card and at mathematical statistics books and also pay me 150 dollars as well I don't need the textbook and my ps4 plus the 4 terabyte hard drive and the games and controllers and charging docks are worth total three hundred and eighty dollars so I'd want your Nintendo switch and $100 I don't need the extra controllers in charging dock and my statistics textbook is worth $200 to the University co-op so I'd want your ps4 4 terabyte hard drive and a hundred and $50 K by K byee wow this would be like the worst episode of let's make a deal ever you're saying you'll pay 45 yep nah sorry that's a 40-minute drive for me I do a rapist anyway oh that makes sense hi I am in need of a babysitter from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday the hours vary depending on when my boyfriend gets home I can pay 65 to 75 dollars maybe more depending on my pay each week I have three kids ages 6 3 and 14 months must be in my home and Liberty p.m. me if interested and we can set something up must be reliable and on time that's 71 cents a child per hour good luck with that not only does she think she's gonna get a babysitter for 71 cents a child per hour she thinks she's gonna get a reliable babysitter that will be on time for 71 cents a child per hour I don't know about that about Alexandra I'll just get to the point don't approach me with hey hi what's up what it do etc be original or it's getting deleted don't waste my time if you just want sex cuz you probably can't even satisfy me I'm not looking for anything serious as of now but am willing to work towards something if I feel I can prosper I am a queen and should be treated as so if you aren't the spoiling loving you're my world romantic time bye I love to laugh and do fun things I also love getting dolled up and going places just as much as being bare face and staying at home I've lost my patience for BS and quite frankly I'm tired of wasting my time you have point zero three chances sorry not really I have my own car etc and a good job if you don't have tore own thing as by I'm not babysitting and I damn sure I'm not taking care of you I love to eat which means yes I can cook I speak some Spanish and catching up on my French sapiosexual ugh favorite colors blue birthday cake ice cream is my fave I switch moods like my clothes mm-hmm if you're younger than me bye no car job bye cannot speak in coherent sentences that actually sound intellectual by under 8 inches by shorter than 5 foot 8 by can't take a joke bye can't cook bye don't like feet bye don't want to spoil me by a liar bye about anything bye bad communicator bye and listen and retain information by doesn't like to travel by no sense of humor by you must like animals I have four and I am one by can't bring anything beneficial to the relationship by if you read this thank you if you skimmed through it then that means you're lazy and probably are in bed so bye that's right gentlemen step right up line up to date Alexandre you can't start off with hi or hey cuz that's unoriginal you also can't bring up anything sexual despite the fact that you must meet some certain sexual requirements of hers both physically and fetish wise okay so I haven't heard the term sapiosexual before let's let's find out together sapiosexual okay sapiosexual of a person finding intelligence sexually attractive or arousing I'm not sure how liking intelligence or finding intelligence attractive becomes a sexual orientation like it can be something you find appealing in a person but she talks about dick way too much to be anything other than heterosexual I don't care what this bougie-ass sapiosexual term is you girl has Wi-Fi no you can't have the password for real for real someone messaged me there Hulu account info I am broke she may not see the irony but by the number of comments it looks like her friends might man pretends to be my father when I was much much younger my parents passed away and I was adopted by an aunt living in another state my sister is over a decade older than me so she chose to stay where we grew up so every winter spring and summer break I flew alone to see her and back as some of you may know there are extra rules for when a minor fly solo depending on the airline most of the time I would get priority boarding so the flight attendant could talk to me ahead of time know where I was seated and once everyone else was boarded I would be moved to the closest available seat to the front or they would switch me to an aisle seat in both cases it was so I would be in their line of sight a few times this meant my seat was upgraded you can probably see where this is going the situation names CB or choosing Becker the [ __ ] in the middle see lady the wonderful person in the aisle seat stewardess flight attendant me the tiny child with a gameboy and tears eye board along with those in need of assistance sit in my window seat and stewardess comes over to make sure I'm not afraid and reminds me of the rules I give her a thumbs up and don't get comfy because she said this wasn't a full flight which means I am definitely getting moved enter choosing beggar and lady who stow their bags and sit without much fanfare after everyone has boarded stewardess comes up to a row and smiles at me now this conversation is paraphrased simply because of how long ago this was but Seabees dumb words are ingrained in my memories so stewardess hey sweetie grab your things we're moving you up front me yes ma'am çb up front you mean business class stewardess that's right we need to keep a close eye on her she winks at me because flight attendants are fantastic lady stands up to let us out and then CB stands and begins grabbing his bag from the overhead compartment he's positioned in such a way that I can't get out until he's done stewardess sir and since I'm a dumb kid I have a bright idea me don't worry I don't have a bag up there thank you CB I'm grabbing my back I don't care about yours he swings his bag over his shoulder and steps forward to let me out of our row except now he's between me and stewardess with ladies standing behind me he's staring at stewardess waiting she catches on sir I'm sorry if there was some confusion but only the little girl is being moved up front CB why would you move my daughter away from me what kind of airline is this the look of frazzled confusion on her face matched my own she turns to me stewardess is this man here your father me no I don't have one of those CB don't lie you're going to be grounded longer for lying turns to stewardess she's just angry because I grounded her from her Gameboy now hurry up and show us our seats to update you folks at home I'm crying because I'm just really really confused clutching at my Gameboy like a teddy bear because like hell it's being taken away from me stewardess sir what is your child's name she had learned my name during our talk earlier he's glaring from her to me and back again is if one is going to tell him çb Bridget of course stewardess I'm sorry sir but that's not her name I'm going to have to ask you to store your bag and sit back down çb that's not fair why are you moving a kid to business class when I'm the one with back issues stewardess due to her circumstances this is for her safety please sit down sir CB but what about my circumstances stewardess please consider buying a business class ticket next time you fly with us CB I'm never flying with you again unless I get to sit with my daughter this is an outrage stewardess sir please sit down she is not your daughter at this point lady is behind me and has one of her hands resting on my shoulder for comfort and is holding me close to her legs kind of like a hug and the look on stewardesses face says one more word from anyone and I will escalate this situation he stores his bag and sits down in my previous window seat CB I hope you don't think I won't be getting free drinks out of this it's the least you could do stewardess don't worry sir I won't think that turns to lady and I if you both don't mind coming with me we have two seats available for you since lady is behind me and I'm a sobbing mess I don't know what expression she had but she grabs her bag and follows I didn't look at CB either but he was sputtering so I think we can all imagine that lady also got a free drink later on in the flight so stewardess was full on in petty revenge mode and it was awesome lady was seated in the aisle seat across from mine in business class and the whole flight she and I played hangman and did crosswords together once we landed I was actually escorted off the plane first which was odd to me at the time because usually I was forced to be last off so the flight attendant could help me without holding up the line and then a security officer walked with me to the bagging area to meet with my sister and waited with us until we were leaving never saw him again thankfully oh my goodness you know you see a lot of choosing beggars pretending to be sick or have sick children sick parents whatever the case may be to get a certain thing that they want for free but pretending that a kid is your child that's a new low since they're in a plane I guess a new high low key can I get your PC for free what no I mean it's just sitting in your room I'll give you my PC for yours ylim ow what are your specs I need a PC don't be selfish if you're not using it LEM ow Loki stop using laughing acronyms as a crutch word please hey can you give me a ride to redacted tomorrow I could probably swing it before work I can pick you up around 7:20 if you're ready and waiting of 8:20 and not 7:20 sorry not gonna happen either way could you call in I haven't seen her since last week no earliest I can do is 10 yeah I'm sorry man I have to be at work at 8:45 my whole team counts on me so I really don't like to call in at all live a little huh it's a one-time thing I promise sorry no can do try a cab it will screw you too last time I do anything for you or your mom let me know if you grow a heart between now and tomorrow well if you can't afford a cab and don't have a car to drive yourself it doesn't sound like there's a lot of help you could be givin them in the first place your comment has been awarded with silver an anonymous redditor liked your comments so much that they awarded it giving you reddit silver as a reward you get some special Flair on your comment and that's it very dapper want to say thanks to your mysterious benefactor reply to this message you will find out their username if they choose to reply back red silver what the hell just give me an upvote or reddit gold I think the last time I saw someone this disappointed to get silver was mckayla maroney in the London Olympics thank you to everyone who watched this video be sure to subscribe for more daily reddit content drop a leg if you liked the video and I will see you all tomorrow [Music]
Channel: fresh
Views: 978,291
Rating: 4.9101219 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, fresh, fresh reddit, r/, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggars, cringe, reddit cringe
Id: KWJw8BZeJ58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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