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[Music] foreign [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes say hi victory [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Music] thousand hallelujah if i have ten thousand chunks he's still not enough for what he has done for us [Music] if the hair on our head where to be tongues it's not enough to show our gratitude he is good he is good let me say he is good he's so good he's good he's so good [Music] is [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign oh hallelujah [Music] foreign foreign oh [Music] the only wise god the one that was the one that is the one that is to come the one that is oh [Applause] the [Music] god [Music] hallelujah he's worthy to be praised foreign foreign foreign [Music] oh hallelujah hallelujah hear the sound of your voice we give you glory we give you christ jesus hallelujah foreign hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] oh my jesus let me help jesus nobody like searching for a better life my jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] that's the way [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey he is glorious he is beautiful in all his ways he makes all things hallelujah hey [Applause] [Music] my [Music] you know [Music] i want my [Music] is oh [Music] burns sings my soul my say the o god [Music] [Music] the world my said your god [Music] i'm precious father we magnify your name this morning [Music] we honor you we praise you in the beauty of your holiness we declare you are the greatest you are the mightiest you are the highest certainly in heaven above and on earth beneath none can be compared with you none can be likened to you you do great things you do all some things you are awesome in your ways please receive our worship in the precious name of jesus thank you precious father on behalf of our father in the lord and our mother in israel [Music] thank you for 40 years of leading this great work with sources that can be seen by all we are grateful receive our thanks in the name of jesus we thank you for 35 years of the holy ghost services thank you lord that it's getting better every month every year over the 35 years we want to say thank you lord receive our thanks in jesus name thank you for the solemn assembly of this year thank you for making it so rich and thank you for this 35th anniversary of the holy ghost service since we started thursday thank you for great things you've done receive our thanks in the name of jesus but this morning we are here to just say thank you to you and we pray as praises go up this morning let blessings come down in the mighty name of jesus please continue to renew the strength of our appearance in the lord day by day in the name of jesus spirit of the lord take over from the hands of man this morning and let jesus's name be glorified at the end of this thanksgiving service we thank you for we know you've answered and in jesus name we prayed praise the lord please put your hands together for jesus as you get seated praise the name of the lord hallelujah a blessed morning to everyone watching us from all over the world and joining us in this thanksgiving service for the special holy ghost program for march 2021. to god be all the glory in the name of jesus we want to thank the continental overseer africa for pastor ayo adelui who took us in the opening prayer hallelujah it's time for bible reading and it's my privilege to welcome my mom the wife of the general of a seer of the redeemed christian church of god pastor mrs foley adeboye mommy geo [Laughter] we give all the glory to jesus [Music] and love his lord his wonderful love we give all the glory to jesus until love is wonderful hallelujah we give all the to jesus answer love is love is wonderful love we give us the to dream those under love is wonderful love our bible reading for this wonderful thanksgiving service we are going to find in the book of psalms psalm 100 psalm 105. i'm going to read from verse 1 to 10 psalm 105 from verse one to sin or give thanks unto the lord call upon his name make known as deeds among the people sing unto him sing psalms unto him talking of his wondrous works glory jesus in his holy name let the hearts of them rejoice that seek the lord seek the lord and the strength seek his face ever more remember as marvelous works that he has done his wonders and the judgments of his mouth all his seed of abraham a servant you children of jacob is chosen he is the lord our god his judgments are in all earth he has remembered his covenants forever the word which he commanded with thousand generations which covenants he made with abraham and his oath onto isaac and confirmed the same unto jacob for a law and to israel for an everlasting covenant may the lord bless the reading and the hearing of his word we give all the glory to jesus [Music] hallelujah we give all the glory to jesus the glory to jesus [Music] thank you to mommy gio god bless you mommy amen it's time for us to receive the offerings and we'll be inviting pastor e.a khali khaled assistant continental overseer west coast three god bless you sir let somebody shout hallelujah if you are very sure that god will surely and definitely bless you shout another hallelujah amen in the book of ephesians chapter 1 and verse 3 the word of the lord tells us that god has blessed us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places and just as we know in the course of this program with the theme god bless you god has shower bountiful blessings upon our lives but i've come to realize one thing when blessings are released in heavenly places we must also activate our blessings and one of the key elements in activating our blessing is our giving for long abraham carried the promise of god but what the day he activated it by his offering god brought those walls into manifestation god promised isaac and the seed is sold guaranteed the adverse and the fulfillment of god's promise i believe god with you this morning as you give you will be activating the blessing that has been released in heavenly places and there shall be manifestations in your life in the mighty name of jesus one thing about the offering is that it is a reflection of your love how much you love determine how much you give and there is something about love love give access to every good thing and every blessing the that's why the gift of a man we always make a room for him package your offering this morning and be ready to give to the most high generously ready to give to god abundantly and god will bless you bountifully now those of us who are giving online kindly look at all the information on the screen or on the website follow the online giving at www.rccg.org and god will bless you as you do package your offering and go and present it to god with the art of love and god will accept you and accept your offerings in jesus name the choir will be leading us in session of praise we will dance to the nearest baskets to us and offer our offering choir god bless [Music] you receive my praise o god receive my praise o god receive my praise of god blessings and honor i give up to you receive my praise my grace [Applause] praise god [Music] oh foreign okay [Applause] foreign father we are grateful for the opportunity to give this morning lord you are the one who force loved us and love made you gave unto us your only begotten son further out of love this morning we have brought our offering and we ask that you will accept us and accept our offerings in the mighty name of jesus lord we send our offering on an errand this morning that it will activate our blessings in the mighty name of jesus every blessings we have pronounced upon us by this offering we declare it will become a manifestation your name and your name alone will be glorified thank you awesome father jesus mighty name we have prayed let the people of god say good amen thank you sir and god bless you may the lord accept all of our offerings and let it be a sweet memorial before him in jesus name right now we'll be singing the special hymn composed for the special holiday service of this weekend by our beloved daddy the choir will sing the first stanza and then from the second stanza we all rise and we join them to sing after that there will be choir administration by the choir then would be the message by the continental overseer for africa ii pastor ea or day and me please listen and be blessed in jesus name [Music] if i lift up [Music] my god in power if enemies attack me yield on heaven if i lift up my eyes to me i will end singing [Music] my god is the greatest provider if i find myself in need i will end singing hallelujah my god is the greatest of healers if sickness attacks me here on heaven [Music] my god is the greatest promoter [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] here on earth [Music] hallelujah [Music] i will bless my father forever [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] i use sometimes a goat 444 harushi titanic [Music] jesus keep me fill me with your holy spirit [Music] the day to dwell for heaven jesus keep me your love get to dwell forever [Music] jesus keep me everywhere [Music] there to dwell forever jesus keep me your love love you more than life faithful [Music] [Music] you [Music] jesus keep your me dare to dwell forever jesus keeping your love for testing for your righteousness [Music] foreign jesus give me your love death to drive foreign [Music] lord we bless you forever [Music] [Music] of the lord [Music] mercy of the days of the days of your life [Music] [Music] how can i say thanks for all the things [Music] you've done for me things so undeserved that you gave to prove your love for me all the voices of a million angels could not especially my gratitude [Music] all that i am a dab i hope to be i'll leave it all be the glory to god be the glory to god be the glory for the things he has he has raised for the peace just let me leave [Music] my life [Music] and let it be pleasing [Music] and should i get he prays let it go to come back [Music] is glory he has done he has done to god to [Music] he has done [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] me oh foreign oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] why [Music] foreign oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] am [Music] [Music] so [Music] left i believe without any doubt there is someone there who can shout a more glorious hallelujah for this 35th anniversary let's wave our hands to the god of heavens and bless his holy name let's appreciate the one who sits upon the throne of the whole universe the living god the one who was the one who is the one who will ever be let's bless his name let's adore him let him hear our voice this day let's thank him and tell him how much we appreciate him for all that he has done for us in the past 35 years of the holy ghost services let's bless his name let the lord know that you are really appreciative thank you heavenly father we honor you lord we appreciate you thank you thank you thank you we give you all the glory we give you all we give you all the glory we gave you all we give you all the glory [Music] we [Music] [Applause] praise god [Music] blessed father we bless your name king of glory we worship you the lord that sits upon the troll of your universe we thank you today the wonderful the counselor the mighty god the prince of peace the lord was who is who will ever be the lord speaks by decrees the lord of the holy ghost services the ever faithful the never failing accept our thanks and prayers in the name of jesus we want to thank you for proving yourself over the years i want to thank you for adding another year to the life of our father in the lord we want to thank you for helping him all the way we want to thank you for your strength upon his life we want to thank you for mommy in the lord his partner lord we worship you without exalted forever in the name of jesus today all we have come to do is to say thank you may your name be glorified forever in jesus mighty name we have prayed and everybody we say i like to begin by thanking our father and the lord and our mother in the lord for giving us this unique privilege to bring this world of thanksgiving at this landmark service we pray that the almighty god who has always kept you will always be there for you in the name of jesus i will lift up my eyes i will lift up my eyes this has been our theme all the way since we started the solemn assembly god of heaven and heart himself has shown us clearly that those who lift up their eyes unto him they will not be put to shame but because this is a thanksgiving service we look at revelation chapter 4 verse 10 and 11. revelation chapter 4 verse 10 and 11 the 4 and 20 elders fall down before him that sat on the throne and worshiped him that lived forever and ever and cast their crowns before the tron saying thou art worthy o lord to receive glory and hollow and power for thou has created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created i found that the lord had realized that the living god created him for his pleasure and he lives for that pleasure every day of his life and that's the reason why we've come to give god exceptional thanksgiving on this very day to the god of the whole universe who for the past 35 years has shown to us that those who decide to live for his pleasure it will also show up for them he has shown up for him and for all of us time and again and is never tired of showing up for us from the scriptures we seek directions through the lives of the saints of old who through faith have subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness obtained promises the mouths of lion according to hebrews chapter 11 verse 33 this saints of old revealed to us the efficacy of god's word and the potency of his promises this morning when our mummy was reading the scripture psalm 105 verse 1 says o give thanks unto the lord call upon his name that's the reason why or give thanks unto the lord call upon his name that's the reason why people of holiness because the bible tells us in hebrews chapter 12 verse 40 abuse 14 says follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the lord he has made up his mind that he will follow peace with all people even when it is to his own detriment sometimes he has made up his mind that he will not allow anything to come between him and his god it's a principle that it lives by on daily basis the principle of holiness the principle of falling peace with all people it's principle of humility the principle of humility according to james chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 10 james chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 10 but he give it more grace we are for his seat god resisted the proud but giving grace unto the humble western says humble yourselves in the sight of the lord and it shall lift you up all over the world it is known that to the glory of god is exceptionally humble he will say sir to everyone god says we should make known is this among people god has given us an example to live by to show to us that the word of god can be real in people's life it's principle of sacrifice is principle of agape love we will also look very briefly at the purpose of his life he has discovered this purpose and that is one of the reasons why we have come to thank god today that god sent someone to the world who understands his purpose and his purpose is to please the one who has chosen him according to philippians chapter 3 verse 10 philippians 3 that i may know him and the power of his resurrection that i may know him that is always his purpose hebrews 11 5 reveals to us that enoch before his translation he had a testimony that he pleased god that was the purpose of enoch and that is the purpose of enoch of today he has made up his mind that he will please the one who has chosen him all the time it doesn't matter what it cost him we will look very briefly and we thank god for his passion you want to talk to somebody who is passionate about what god has called him to do we have a case study what is his passion to preach the gospel with evidence following him and that's the reason why he lives that life of sacrifice or prayer the life of relying absolutely on the holy spirit the bible tells us in mark chapter 16 verse 20 mark 16 20 and they went forth and preached everywhere the lord walking with them and confirming the word with signs following that's what we see here because he's passionate about that that's what we see all over the world as he goes around carrying the message of the one who has called him he's passionate about seeing signs following and god has honored his word through his life he's passionate about winning souls any program that does not involve soul winning you will not see him there he's about bringing souls to the kingdom is passionate about warning backsliders is passionate about preparing our people ready for a break room is passionate to be used of god to heal the sick to deliver the oppressed to see the manifestation of all this in the life of people and much more and we see it happily in all holy ghost services all over the world that's why we have come again today to thank the almighty god for his life for his persistence and dogged determination looking for someone who is persistent someone who is doggedly determined to ensure that what god has called him to do is achieved this program is an evidence of persistence and sacrifice when he was telling us of all the things that happened from the very moment when the holy ghost service started oh it appeared that if this roller coaster everything just went off smoothly oh you can tell the story of 35 years in 35 seconds but is he as smooth as that it's been a journey filled with all form of sacrifices a journey filled with all forms of pains a journey filled with all forms of determination he had made up his mind that whatsoever it cost him he will achieve what the master has asked him to do and that's the reason why time and again it will tell us according to philippians chapter 3 verse 13 to 14 philippians 3 30 to 14 brethren i can't not myself to have apprehended but this is one thing is a man of one thing this one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth onto those things which are before i press forward so time and again he will tell us we have not started yet we have not started yet because the one who had called him has shown him the future it's my prayer today that for someone who is listening to this message may you see your future let your human be louder we have come here today to thank god for the kind of partnership that he has forged remember i have given us four p's already i have told us about principles have told us about purpose i've told us about passion and have told us about persistence and dog determination we are thanking god for the partnerships that he has forged the partnership with the holy spirit the holy spirit is a senior partner beginning from the moment that the lord chosen to ascend to the leadership of this particular denomination at a certain meeting he told us that the holy spirit told him up to now i have been residents from now i want to be president if that is going to happen reverend doctor must go you must be known simply as pastor [Music] and because residents from now i want to be president if that is going to happen reverend doctor must go he wants that particular you must be known simply as pastor reverend doctor and because he was ready to do all to please the world reverend doctor jesus appeared he was ready he was ready to do all to please the one who are choosing him he was ready to give anything because the bible tells us in romans chapter 8 verse 14 romans 8 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god hence the holy spirit took him over and i've been leading him one step at a time a few days ago i cast my mind back i remember specifically almost 40 years ago when he told us that the time is coming that when the radiant christian church of god is holding a program in nigeria if you don't book your your flight on time you won't get flight almost 40 years ago that can only be by the holy spirit by that time we were less than 1 000 in the whole of nigeria few people insignificant and unknown but the holy spirit showed him the future because he had forged partnership with the holy spirit and on that day while he was talking about the fourth dimension of ministry he revealed to us the time is coming when we have representatives among you here who will be heading continents many of us by that time we didn't know the way to ikeja but he spoke to our lives he spoke vision he spoke into our future he lifted us up from the littleness that we were to begin to aspire for greatness the transformational leadership in him transformed us from weakness to strong people today god had used him to raise a group of ministers who have one wondrous works all over the world partnership united partnership if what partnership with his wife is jewel of inestimable value our mother in the lord who has stood by him all these years mummy has modeled what it means to be a true helpmeet we have had pastor's wife who will say when i married you i didn't marry a pastor and i didn't say i want to marry a pastor they were not married as believers but the moment she knew the direction that her husband was going she followed all the way time and again mommy will say babangiti so we pray the moment she says that what she's telling you is that the way that is going that is where i'm going that is a lesson for all the women folk that's the reason why the bible says proverbs 31 27-29 proverbs 21 27-29 she looked well to the ways of our household and he took not the bread of holidays our children rise up and call our blessed a husband also and he praises her many daughters have done virtuously but thou exhaled them all to our mummy we want to say you are truly an excellent woman daddy has forged partnership with other ministers the holy ghost service started in 1986 sometime around 1988 he discovered that the way the holy ghost was moving he would not be able to do this work alone so he called on the elders of the church the members of the supreme court that they will be working with him along that line and he chose two of us pastor israel a baton and myself to join that group i remember that day very well like yesterday when we were going around the altar the altar used to be central in those days and that was leading us to go around the altar i was like a small boy running after the elders i could remember distinctly till today what god had used him to do every month he was having more people it was hardly more people today there are hundreds of thousands of ministers all over the world who have been touched by the power of the holy spirit through the ministry that the lord has committed to him we should make known god's stage among his people by looking at physical case studies among us and that's the reason why we have come to tango today it's possible that as we are sitting there you have not fought that particular partnership anytime that is inviting you to the lord jesus what he's saying is that that changed my destiny this is a partnership that defines everything and when you hand over your life to the lord jesus you are saying lord i wanted to be the sinner partner of my life i wanted to go forward to lead i will follow and there is no way jesus will be your sinner partner and you will fail no way know where jesus will be your sin no partner and you'll be defeated no way no way jesus will be your sin no partner and storms will overcome you it's not possible that is the reason why this money you have no option but to seek that partnership to undermine your life to jesus wherever you are i'd like you to stand up on your face if you are within a church setting like here i'd like you to stand up if you want that partnership you want to hand over your life to jesus so that he becomes your senior partner and go towards the altar wherever you are if you are alone in the house go move towards your television something is about to happen something that jesus has been waiting for all these years it's time for you now to take that decision if you are within this auditorium stand up and then come towards the altar you want that partnership in your life you want to forge that partnership you want the living god to take over your life absolutely and completely wherever you are stand on your faith and come towards the altar at this point in time because we shall be praying within the next one or two minutes thank you jesus blessed be your name if you are coming please come very fast come very fast come very fast god bless you and start stepping out god bless you after stepping out the god of the whole universe himself is the one who is inviting you to this partnership oh thank you jesus god bless you god bless you god bless you the lord bless you the lord bless you the lord bless you the lord bless you this is your day decades from today you also you will be able to say one day i forged this partnership with jesus and my life had never remained the same thank you as you come forward begin to pray and call upon the almighty god that he will step into your life today it will save your soul and he will make you his child his son his daughter make sure that you pray pray that prayer it's possible that maybe you have taken that decision before but you have not been living for him you've been rising before it this is the time to ensure that you make amendments so that he can become your sinner partner he doesn't want to be no partner to unserious people but he will be your single partner if you make up your mind say lord jesus wherever you lead from now i will go if you want to be restored back to him you also can join this particular group brethren let's stretch our hands towards this our beloved brothers and sisters and let's pray and call upon the almighty god wherever you are all over the world we are praying for you at this point in time and we can assure you that the living god will answer your prayer as the almighty god that we are present today on behalf of our father and the lord attorney aimed to be a worldwide phenomenon the almighty god will also do something new in your life blessed father we want to thank you there is none like you we worship you we exalt you what a good god you are we thank you that we have a case story that we can see that we can touch that we can behold someone who has proved that your word is true father accept our thanks and praise in the name of jesus lord of heaven and earth your children have come forward we also know that you will save their souls we pray my father my god that every one of them lord as a personal lord and savior you will write their names in the lamb's book of life we pray that their life will never remain the same again thank you heavenly father and in your kingdom we pray none of us will be found one day in jesus mighty name we pray and everybody will say god bless you brethren those of us who are come forward we have someone there who has assigned god who will lead you to where pastors will be praying for you they will also collect your names and your addresses on behalf of our father and the lord who will be praying for you every day from now on so you we want you to uh to be attended to by the counselors now the lord bless you let's put our hands together for these our brothers and sisters god bless you may you also become a case story let somebody shout hallelujah what a word god bless you sir in the name of jesus christ and the words will abide with us and we will also follow in the footsteps of our beloved daddy jio in the name of jesus it's time for thanksgiving proper and right now it's my privilege to invite one of our assistant retired general overseas pastor d.g ko and the continental overseer africa one pastor j.o obayami to please lead us in the thanksgiving praise the lord can we put our hands together for jesus i want someone of you to please rise up on your feet and shout a big a fantastic hallelujah to the lord god almighty let me hear that sound of hallelujah very well do you know what i'm saying to search that's a song in the europa language i'm sorry the sun says already by battle on jawala jew hey [Music] oh [Music] am i right are you sure glory be to god in the highest today is a thanksgiving day that is coming forward now mommy will be coming to which we rise up to thank god but before that i want us to say daddy good morning sir mommy good morning god bless you sir that year just plug 79 what do you say congratulations sir [Music] not only being clogged in 79 40 years ago he was appointed as a general passer and he got to the throne and everything was doing fine peace wonders is happening miracle is happening ah surprises is happening what do we say today congratulations sir [Music] the holy ghost having 35 years it's just like yesterday you heard from the preacher's mouth what you said to daddy congratulations sir let somebody shout out hallelujah [Music] to come and take the remaining person may god bless you all in jesus name everything we have to do here this morning do it joyfully wonderfully [Music] let somebody shout out hallelujah [Music] it is time to appreciate the almighty god and we are going to do it in two sections or segments the first one will be our daddy our beloved mummy the nuclear family the members of the governing council members of board of trustees both retired ago continental overseers and everyone that have been celebrating with that day in location like this you will humbly request you to kindly join our daddy and mommy as they come for special thanksgiving following that in the same sequence the special plans given and the general terms given will be done at the same time but today all over the world there is no member of redeemer a redeemed christian church of god that should not have a special thanksgiving so when the time comes both the special thanksgiving and general thanksgiving we commence i want you to kindly rise up as we sing this cross to start the special thanksgiving we give all our thanks to the lord thanks to the lord thanks to the lord [Music] [Music] touch to the lord [Music] with humility and due respect i humbly invite our daddy and mummy and all the members that we have already called nuclear and extended family to come to the podium for the special thanksgiving hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello i know you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] glory to kindly pray for us [Music] we thank you for this speciality today [Music] we thank you for giving us a great child of destiny to lead the redeemed christian church of god we thank you because you have silenced all the doubting thomases we thank you for today today is a remarkable day today is a memorable day father 40 years of ministry 35 years of the holy ghost services and 79 years on the surface of the earth father we are grateful to you we cannot thank you enough father for how far you have taken the redeemed christian church of god through the leadership of your son pastor no cadet we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you father we thank you for all that you have done in this life you have proved yourself reliable you have proved yourself dependable you have proved yourself to beat it only through god all the promises you may father they are almost come to pass further this is where we are today father this is beyond our widest imagination thank you for talk that you have used to lead us thank you for the inspiring leadership thank you for the mighty anointing that has rested upon him ever since glory be to your holy name our father my god we thank you for mommy we thank you we thank you we thank you father you have not allowed her to cause any friction we thank you it has been smooth glory be to your holy name glory be to holy name we thank you for their family we thank you father for peace in the family we thank you for joining the family thank you for fruitfulness father we are grateful to you unto your hand we are committing your son and your daughter father almighty greater anointing further released to them in jesus name father almighty extend their life in jesus name almighty and neverlasting father we want to continue to see them further because of false members of the dream christian church of god we want to enjoy them for many many years more in the mighty name of jesus our father now god we thank you continue with them continue to go with them continue to lead them continue to guide them continue to use them for your glory and at the end further let them lead us to your kingdom and reign with you forever thank you blessed lord when jesus mighty name we have prayed shout hallelujah me [Music] [Music] oh oh [Applause] me oh [Music] hey [Music] me [Applause] me [Applause] oh foreign people come [Music] me foreign what a powerful hallelujah [Music] it is time now for thanksgiving special thanksgiving for those of us who have something special to thank god for like i said earlier all of us should have something special to thank god for today if not any other thing because of this day of joy and also the general thanksgiving we join you will stay there if you want to do general thanksgiving but special and those who want to give special thanksgiving will come to the altar over to use summer the band [Music] every day every day [Music] my dad [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] we thank you for giving them something to thank you about i set our thoughts in jesus name those who have come out for special thanksgiving father almighty everything you have brought for them make it permanent for them in jesus name come next year further let them have more to thank you for in jesus name and father now god i pray for all your children who are thanking you today father i pray that you will release more victories more joy more peace more breakthroughs more prosperity unto their lives in jesus name father almighty as they have thanked you today father i pray that they are joy we know no band in jesus name you will give them more testimonies in jesus name it shall be well with all of them in jesus name if you shall be far away from them in jesus name that shall be far away from them in jesus name failure shall be far away from them in jesus name father almighty i pray that you they will serve you to the end none of them will fall by the wayside in the name of jesus thank you father blessed be your name and jesus mighty name we have prayed shout hallelujah [Music] oh foreign is [Applause] [Music] [Music] my thank you [Applause] there was one shout that brought down the wall of jericho let me hear you shout hallelujah today thank you [Music] i just oh let somebody shout hallelujah i want to decree to all of you who are thanking god this morning no more obstruction to your progress [Applause] so go ahead shout another hallelujah [Music] i want to pray for you before you go those of you are here and i want to pray for all of you all over the world who are linking up with us i want to say thank you to every one of you thank you for your love thank you for your support thank you for your gifts your prayers without you all these things will not have been we thank god for god the father we thank god for jesus christ who saved our souls we thank god for the holy spirit our greatest partner and then we want to thank god for all of you we want to thank everybody in every department who had contributed one way or the other to the success of the journey now before i say the closing prayer i would like to give you just two minutes you see the bible says when blessings go up when places go up blessings come down maybe there's one peculiar blessing you want from god talk to him for two minutes tell him that that's very special blessing that anniversary kind of blessing the most kind of blessing that you want the almighty god to give to you wherever you are all over the world ask him now for that very very special blessing say lord i have praise you [Music] now let the blessings come down let this particular blessing come down so so thank you thank you jesus thank you so thank you father in jesus mighty name we have prayed [Music] the god i serve who has all your prayers he will bless you so much you will say father this is more than enough as you continue to live holy for him that blessing that we always overflow he will give unto you as you have lifted up your eyes to him this past weekend he will send help to you physically it will send help to you materially it will send help to you maritally he will send help to you spiritually he will send help to you in the morning he will send help to you [Applause] in the afternoon he will send help to you [Applause] in the evening he will send help to you even while you are sleeping at night he will send help to you [Applause] from the east he will send help to you from the west he will send help to you [Applause] from the north he will send help to you from the south he will send help to you from all over the world he will send help to you [Applause] from people you know he will send help to you from people you don't know he will send help to you [Applause] he will turn evil your enemies to help off your destiny and from heaven above he will send help to you god the father will help you god the son will help you god the holy spirit will help you from now on you would never be without help [Applause] and you will serve god in the end you will finish well you will finish strong you will finish strong you will finish victoriously your end will be glorious you will never know sorry again and in the kingdom of god you will not be missing authoritarianism foreign foreign [Applause] watching [Applause] dara [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and so shall it be in jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] let your hallelujah be the greatest of all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is oh boys [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] you
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
Views: 23,802
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg.org live stream, rccg video, rccglive, rccg sermon, rccg latest, december 2021 rccg holy ghost service, rccg december 2021 holy ghost service, rccg holy ghost service sermons, pastor e a adeboye, pastor adeboye sermon, pastor e.a adeboye 2021, rccg message, rccg special service, pastor e a adeboye service, pastor e a adeboye message, god bless you, rccg january 2021 sermon, rccg live youtube, holy communion service, rccg live tv, @rccg, congress
Id: FyZtOcJXdi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 15sec (7695 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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