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got your nose how dare you [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today we're taking a look at our slash blurs images because my life is constant confusion let's get started cat armor with a freaking scorpion tail what part of this is curse this is amazing also are are we going to talk about the fact that this picture is from 1998. first off this is amazing that this happened to begin with and second off oh my god it's so cute is this a sticker cause i would buy this as a sticker it's absolutely amazing no no absolutely not no [Music] what part of this is cursed again these are just cute i want one of these okay all right we've left beautiful station and headed straight into horror town why just why why is this a thing well you'll definitely be able to tell when you hit the curb i'm sorry was charizard sunbathing on top of you because uh i have questions welcome to the business center hello yes this is business wait wait is this a gravatron oh my god i think this is a gravitron i tried to do this so many times i loved it and that's the quality voice work we do here on mk susan you didn't tell me there was another man there's a who is he joke in here but i refuse to make it ha ha how i you know what i'm just gonna sit here and be impressed the way that i learned how to eat chopsticks was uh because i came from the florida georgia line and was a redneck i went to a summer music school and uh everybody there ate with chopsticks i somehow let slip that i didn't know how to eat with chopsticks and a bunch of my friends broke into my room stole all my silverware and replaced it with chopsticks for four weeks until i figured out how to learn and now i'm pretty decent but i'm not this good oh my god you'll have way too much time to be making to baby cars in like games that don't even have cars to my knowledge i know this is terraria i know i'm not going to play it stop bugging me to play it but yes i'm impressed with the amount of time whoever you know built this spent on it okay but why does the dog look so happy this dog really just like wearing human clothes like it's a normal thing and he's like totally not phased by it for some odd reason i looked at this and we are number one started playing in my head and i thought that was relevant to tell all of you also i want salsa now and also somebody didn't do their homework on the packaging design ah he's such a cute puppy is this this real no this isn't i have no idea if this is real or not i know exotic fish have to get transported somehow but like i is i guess you could sort of move it for like a very short amount is this real the top of the fish blending doesn't look right like the the line looks too sharp so i think it's not real but still i think i got whooshed by this one for a second there just got a new phone it's the ballpark 12 pack loving these 5g sandwiches man i really really miss the game rectangular prism it was one of nintendo's best consoles in all seriousness i never had a gamecube as a kid and i'm 10 seconds away from trying to source an old gamecube just because all my friends had them how is this curt how is this cursed speaking of gamecubes hi gamecube i'm more worried about them dropping it and hurting somebody behind them but this is amazing dude i don't think you realize how lost you are you're not in an actual car you're actually in your living room that's a steering wheel hooked up to an xbox that is playing counter-strike you are more lost than you will ever know okay to double check this wasn't some sort of weird minecraft shooter uh what glass wall is this because i kind of want to like put various things up behind it and just see what they look like this would be something that would amuse me of somebody with adhd for like three hours did this person actually like you know what i respect this and i'll tell you why if i look at somebody's normal gravestone all i'm gonna get is one quote to figure out their entire life i look at this grave and i know exactly what he was passionate about and what he was known for grew did we tell you you could join the raf oh my god this is amazing yeah i mean it's the closest you're you're gonna get to to the same effect nanolexy was a grand theft auto san andreas modder i've put well over a thousand hours on the on the internals of of these this game mostly physics mods but uh but yeah this is beautiful and brings back so many memories honestly he's probably guilty i agree oh please tell me this is real oh my god wait i have to look this up oh it's not real why is everything fooling me today i wanted sabaton to actually be on the stage with the toy guitar all right smile marie cheese oh oh dear didn't quite pay enough attention to the gesture that spider-man uses for his webs oh dear and today we've learned a very important lesson not everything needs to be in 4k what is just a bald guy with a red child oh i don't think i can make any of the jokes in my head right now for legal reasons i genuinely have no idea what's going on in this picture except for the guy kind of staring at the girl which seems kind of weird like the subway is a weird place i hate it the newest testament presents the bible too jesus is back and he's all out of mercy coming probably tomorrow according to your local church would you like to come chill with the homies saturdays are for the myrrh boys well that's just hunky oh god oh no thank you face swaps i can't get behind number one this abomination face swaps i can get behind number one go fast eat harsh kerchow oh yes and uh right here is our complimentary key cleaner whenever you start complaining about the job here uh we'll just have you key in the cleats oh my god keem the cleats yeah i just said king mclean's i need sleep somebody's gonna buy these uh and i'm going to regret their existence not the shoes the person hello kiwis this is what you look like filleted hot damn spiderman knows how to pick shoes i don't i'm not wait wait wait wait wait are you telling me we could have more drumsticks robin jack i'm getting horse chickens you all want some you all look way too excited for this stop no don't come to lunch tomorrow i have a tactical banana well that's a face app i didn't need and uh my baby or da mao why does my pizza place do this i i i i don't know i don't know i wouldn't expect to rip off a slice of pizza and suddenly nipples again the high quality voice work you've come to expect from mk a mermaid but the bottom half is a banana a merman anna and we're going to call the business mohammed ibrahim law firm uh yeah i'm but it's kind of long i know that's why i'm going to shorten it to milf uh sir no time for questions just get the sign made this is just this is just poor timing have you seen this cat well now i have brother may i have the nugget i'm blind and i can tell that's not a panda i think there's an epiphany everybody who builds computers has at some point that the case doesn't really need to be anything besides you know some fans and some dust protection at most but yeah you can build it with wire shelving if you want to i know a guy who built a cardboard case jeremy stop you're a pickle we need to talk about our marriage i thought there were two people in this picture you did okay i had to look this up because uh i saw it as a hand immediately uh apparently the middle one looks like a guy jumping i i i i didn't see it i'm sorry this does not seem like it's going to end well presenting the pride flags transgender gay lesbian bisexual pansexual asexual intersex genderqueer heterosexual latvia estonia and lithuania wait something's wrong here the intersex flag is out of date spikey horse spiky horse go oh god oh no no i don't need spider verses i know i invented spider geese on twitter like a week ago i'm still sorry for that that doesn't mean keep inventing spider animals you know at a certain point you want to just redo the entire road unless you're going for the digital camo road skin i guess oh we found him somebody find the real spider-man quickly oh it's a shrug still thinks they're lap sized they're not clumsy the super huge chew toy oh he's so cute okay shaving seems like it went pretty well and not and uh yeah that's that's about what you got i knew it wasn't just an iceberg it was those damn spikes shakira shrek shrik that's that's really what you posted this on the internet in full view of everyone knowing absolutely nothing about anime this this could be the actual story for all i know a day in the life of a software engineer yep yep that that checks out we told the new guy to catch the sparks because we recycle them did you also ask him to go get a steam hammer just when you thought your house was dog proofed they learned to war on doom crossing eternal horizons i have this favorited on my spotify because i love animal crossing and i love doom even more you know i'm gonna let this slide because it uh this actually works i have absolutely nothing to say against this i have everything to say against this because i absolutely hate it oh that's gross oh imagine the sound of watermelon chewing why why are we porcelaining weapons and tanks and stuff like what this has been a trend i don't understand oh my god jesus i'm so tired hawk and i say unto you this fracker right here is lazy the perfect tool doesn't excel you mean they weren't hammers before the ratchet on the other end is kind of cool though this is the best blending of two memes i've seen in a good long while it deserves a solid you see the hypotenuse is my forehead sir sir excuse me that is not how you meet and here we have the major internal structures of a north american race car the tongue is as big as the brain for reasons of annoying and the thick trunk you all refer to is actually quite empty uh do i you know what i'm proud of you dinner before dessert my name's doug duck damn a dagger dog's hat woke up this morning and chose pointy violence you know what there's reasons that i'm not even gonna get into this yes it looks dumb yes there's still science behind this i give up just try not to be a selfish prick remember kids electricity will kill you it's not the voltage that kills you it's the number of freaking knives he's holding oh first place we didn't need this and secondly the results weren't quite what i think was intended you have a machine that cost several hundred dollars sometimes even thousands of dollars and you sat there and used an oscilloscope to draw an oo uh i'm sorry i'm sorry was this like a real thing i'm impressed question mark i mean teamwork they're getting around together i really wish the image was high-res enough to see all the books but this is absolutely amazing right not interesting enough too busy reading book you know mr freeman i can kind of see it i'm sorry is this a bear i have no idea what this is what the original animal was but if you don't assume i feel like this is pretty much where everybody was by the end of 2020 and zoom meetings and all of that and honestly i don't blame them yeah this image didn't make sense when it was memed around like 10 years ago and it doesn't make sense now okay that one looks entirely real and i'm disturbed by it did you preserve the fish to stick them inside a guitar are they just behind the see when you play violins we don't stick weird animals into our instruments we're not as cool but we don't stick weird animals into our instruments oh maybe that's our problem and that brings us to the end of our slash blurs images but wait we have some lovely fan art to show off for you today today's fan art is brought to you by user maximum succotash1059 and they say second time posting it's been a while but reposting some old art i made it's the lexi kitty or a nickname i have for her is lexie the kitty queen i don't really think i should be in charge of any kitties this just seems dangerous to give me an army but this isn't some adorable fan art i love the tiny hearts in the hair thank you so much for that lovely fan art maximum succotash 1059 and if you enjoyed these blurst images hit that like button if you want more weird confusion in your subscriptions if you hit that red subscribe button
Channel: EmKay
Views: 418,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Blursedimages
Id: XfbnwG7DEfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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