r/Blursedimages · I KNEW THAT

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oh no oh no I saw this I've seen this before this has got to be like a cruel joke or something how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zac and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash blurs images look at this man this man is in heaven I love rhesus so much this is yeah I'm a little jealous when you got to go you got to go and with here with a bro well you got to go with your bro hmm you know I feel like I don't know whenever you're in a wheelchair usually your legs can't work this is uh this doesn't make sense screw it Xuan malthus guys are surviving that cat um y'all gotta milk you see ladies and gents cats can be weebs to disgusting oh my god it's a freaking cat spider that actually yeah from a distance like if you blur your eyesight it does look like a very furry spider ah yes ice pop funk engine nevermind the cat look at like he's playing it but funk engine I love that Oh like that like the vibes and this image gives off at all okay I see this guy is like double mustache going on like a bunkbed mustaches but um he looks like he just got 'told some like life-changing news dog oh no don't squish your head in between the pipes don't do it the heck could you switch TV channels our remote control is dead gasps oh this dude is trying to impress someone that is uh whoa that makes me uneasy oh man this this you know yeah the original designs bad but it could have been worse everything can always be worse warning no diving shallow water you could be permanently injured that I'll keep that in mind this is it guys this is desce training this is actually concept art believe it or not oh I don't like this it's a storm Trumper I couldn't think of anything clever wow this isn't weird at all it was just the invisible boatmobile but it's you know it's got a new bumper I love subtle visual humor like this that's good I like that oh yeah that guys he's feeling something it's 4/20 alright waluigi's fortress oh my god we found it oh yeah like this this is uh this is this is cursed I can't confirm cheating wife garage sale all must go like her I I want to know the aftermath of this photo that he's like not even telling his friends like I'm just gonna take a picture I'm gonna put this on the internet oh my god okay there's like stacking things on the top of the garbage can to like have it not fall over and then there's next-level stuff like this I gotta give props Swiper you son of a [ __ ] Jojo noises thanks I hate why Obama this is horrified you could see the outline of what I assume is the hair overlay they just put on there oh man this image this is cursed that's for sure man mortified Oh dog oh wait a minute what is that a field of good good theft auto san andreas yes I do believe the Pope enjoys this game very much do not arrest this person not only those cops know how to read oh yeah I don't like that I don't like when people can see me through the back of their head with a tattoo no thank you rubber band minigun what I need to see this in action there's got to be a video somewhere right captain crunches oops all spiders uh oh no today is my lucky day what did the cops just like hey man can you get a picture of this this is like gold holy cow new shoes getting those squats in a while working that's a win-win yo mama that's great I want to believe that's in the actual trailer oh my goodness at first I thought this is like Sid from Ice Age it can't be the only one right is everyone's favorite candies fricker gay bar [ __ ] I I don't think I could say the rest of these about the video getting did monetized diz oh I get it there's Disney Disney yeah do you understand you need me to repeat the joke no that cat that is the face of a cat who woke up but did not want to is this cemetery he's at dressed like that I don't I don't even know what to say hey spider-man I wouldn't that's uh so that's a little inappropriate although cap doesn't look fazed by it but you know that guy's balls of steel so like yeah I'm not really surprised that's it boys I'm bringing out the heavy ammunition for this hunt rip it's never nothing that looks like it was professionally done at least to me I'm not a guns guy but like that that looks too cleanly wrapped onto there and oh man the heck is going on here an illegal drug deal perhaps they're like up in the top of the tree I mean that's uh if that's what they're doing it's a pretty good spot to do it this kid I want to see their reaction to this whenever they see this later in their life oh god no those poor reindeer wait is Santa okay that's all I need is Santa okay I know it's a little early but I'm super excited with how my Christmas tree came out this year yeah it looks great that looks really great what Christmas special is that though this kid wanted to be one with his fish he wanted to share the set you know you can't share the same air with a fish but you can't share the same water this this is peak human evolution this is genius oh thanks I hate Zeus without facial hair chin is so small sympathy loss of grandmother let the Fiesta begin no oh my god I just flip to the next to vision that that holy cow yikes I don't know what to say this Russia is located in Russia wait a minute what that doesn't make sense oh my god can you imagine like walking into your kids room and though they hey what you working on oh my god The Human Centipede kids love it yeah I bet they do you're freaking packages arrived brother I don't know why when Hulk Hogan mode there the pigeons are behaving strangely today oh my god the little those like drops of blood in the snow in front I and like that oh no you poor boys what did you do that I feel bad Homer - Homer - Homer - Homer - oh yes no one will see these guys coming little munchkins no trespassing all violators will be shot survivors will be shot again oh okay remember remind me not to mess with this guy on a bad day hail Santa hail Santa that ho ho all right I saw this figure earlier today what why must I be subjected to this I don't deserve this I don't get paid enough for this mm that Mouse is uh going to town on another Mouse what do you think the baby's gonna look like and well ladies and gentlemen we've reached the end of blurs images I hope you enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching if you liked what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell so you know different every time you zpz uploads and until the next one I'll see you around you
Channel: EzPz
Views: 138,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images best posts, blursed reddit, blursed emkay, blursed ezpz, ezpz, ez pz
Id: gn-smo-yllA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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