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why are the videos im about to watch keep appearing here

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JsabCubie_Cube 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2022 🗫︎ replies
I always kiss my nieces and nephews good night oh no Uncle you've got a scratchy beard I'll kiss your wife she can pass it on to you oh I hate 50s Comics it's Dora Dora Dora the monstrosity chair seat thing please burn this to death that's a dimmer Dome stabbed through the heart to Piccolo uh uh I don't really get why you put the door here but it's here am I supposed to walk sideways to the p i I don't know man oh dear God Richard stand his wife you know I never thought a cat could be from you know the Neanderthal era but I believe this one is and he looks like he might eat my face off okay I actually really like this I don't like that YouTube commentator who used this as a background but I like this this is nice dinosaur roaring video contest you you are invite birthday party yay oh you're a monster you're gonna murder them on their birthday what the nurses saw at my birth I really don't like that I don't like it at all man Chef faints after tasting Gordon Ramsay's food KSI watches Harry do a Madness it looks like uh Gordon Ramsay is just sticking his hand down his pants give me the extra flavor swag my dude yeah yeah that's definitely so oh he creamed in his pants that's why it's funny Jesus come on look it's a cog and a dad there there's something now right frying Nemo coming to theaters now forget Finding Dory we're gonna fry her up with some good oil Obi Don Kenobi I have The High Ground Anakin don't make me make you say hello to my little friend airport canteen snack bar oh the cup snack by my favorite you know guys I don't know if I'm straight or gay but like honestly that that pair or whatever it is is kind of doing it for me damn on Nintendo 3DS rated PG-13 or G we don't really care oh look he's vegging a little stick look at the little buddy he's so cute in the pinch you might be able to breathe through your butt I'm gonna have to try this next time I stick my hand under the water lightning bolt is guided to the ground through rocket Trail and it struck this moose who was just having a snag damn you Rockets r2p2 more like it was that a good joke I know it's a freezer or like a fridge but come on that was a good joke right uh I've only got cats on the brain always I like to say hmm I don't believe your temple is very holy anymore in fact it's very dirty and Unholy I can't get it up anymore in bed oh come on guys why do I have to be the middle spoon because you're so comfy Batman big Superman I just sat on my testicle so hard that I fainted KFC managed to move us why this dude's having a bad day he's not getting carjacked he's getting bear jacked man I really hope you don't try and fight it man that's definitely not a fight you're gonna win did that rhyme I don't know oh it's me Mickey Mouse totally not the ripoff I see we have giant crickets having sex house that's exactly where I want to live coming to theaters this summer it's the scariest swamp movie ever made okay that's freaking sweet I really like green teas it's like a New York thing but yeah I like that armor I really don't know what to say about my hotel room view it's the minions they're looking at you playing with your banana huh this just doesn't seem safe or smart but you know what you do you dude I'm not gonna judge you it's the fruit man also I like how his crotches appear that's pretty good joke I would have made it a carrot I know that's a vegetable but come on it's a chunky little giraffe don't call me chunky I'm big boned no you're definitely chunky oh you know what keep these toes away from Little Zan he might stop munching on him and then overdose yeah this is cool and all but like this is in the middle of a parking lot maybe don't disrupt traffic I'm just saying I didn't need to see uh Patrick wearing uh SpongeBob as a corpse suit but I've seen it and I don't like it and I don't like that he's making eyes at his friend who's inside of him it's me the meow cat give me your soul or I eat it for dinner not the medic but definitely is gonna need one after that it's gonna need complete facial reconstruction I'm just go the monkey has it I'm sorry I'm sorry I was gonna make some joke but look the monkey's got a tattoo that says tat on it and look at his erect nipples you know what I'm not against these castings I know some people are gonna be like but he's not black that is the perfect casting right there 100 alert the Twitter logo upside down looks like Sonic with a beak gotta go fast and complain about social injustices Ah that's a nice wiener cattle you got there Shinju Chihuahua I don't I don't think that's a Chihuahua that looks like a man who is dressed as a Chihuahua JoJo's Bizarre Adventure coming to Fox we've ruined one of your favorite shows once again I don't like this Pikachu it looks like it breathes like this ah and it's perfectly healthy that's just the way it breathes I see what you did there you taped the cigarette to the no smoking sign you should have lit out oh it is on fire good for you nuke on a stick isn't this a weapon in Fallout not the fat boy where you like shoot a mini nuke and can hurt yourself but isn't this this should be a weapon in Fallout we are giraffes yes children watch us majestically play watch us and become furries I think you're holding that as a eel looking and throat looking device backwards and also the child's a monster maybe don't fix him what is this story behind this I've seen it many times but seriously was he fighting Riot personnel with a cow's author we're playing games Joe Vader I don't want to be up here anymore it's inflatable Godzilla he'll choke you to death damn right I will and nothing can go wrong oh it wrong okay that's freaking awesome I never thought I needed to see a Medusa skull but this this rocks yeah they already did this joke in South Park now I'm not amused Mr Fantastic but this this I'm amused about look at SpongeBob with his fire but oh God we're trapped here forever dear God I think my neighbor just unlocked the susano my friend your your neighbor's just been murdered by Itachi he wasn't didn't unlock it he's been murdered it's okay Karen your husband didn't deserve you but I do can you bear with me nope you're leaving me okay oh they're getting married such a romantic hi guys I want to be in the photo too yeah this is really dumb this is like that ice cream that costs literally like two grand just dumb just dumb I've come for the beer but not the Rona or should I say Corona yeah I don't think she's making it down those stairs that's a never-ending wind and I'm opening Windows no this is just this actually makes my stomach hurt a little bit huh I mean he's hot I get why you're taking a photo with him but also put on a shirt dude that does not count uh dude these were used for duck hunting and are actually illegal now if you ever watch Tremors 4 they use one to blow up a graboid oh she's sleeping with a little lion oh the light is definitely not gonna eat off her face you've heard of the minions now get ready for minion dastic you know I like to prefer the adult version of minions is what Brandon Rogers imagined this is good though but still yeah this is all well and good but you know someone's gonna get like a banary one or a low punny and make it really gross right yeah how to be a good boy I have seven years of good boy under the belt and I'll teach you how to do it too you look just like your father thank you mother yes thank you wife yeah I wish I could die that way too with my um T-shirt just strangling me you're trying to bring me back to life with an iron oh yeah dude gotta do some radical TR and I failed I'm not going out on a date am I yes here we worship soar on the sun baby and we sacrificed the Teletubby with the ring to him you know sometimes things go wrong but they end up working out all right kiss me you die it's Nerf or nothing I took it too literal I'm nothing but Nerf yeah this is all well and good but why do you have such a big sperm for the sperm bank hey yo it's Finding Dory over here we got my cousin Nemo isn't that right Nemo that's right but I'm not that Nemo isn't that right cousin Vinnie that's right haha sorry we called the cops on you but you know what they say gotta catch em all including you it's a Pinkie Pie versus Jesus brodies versus Christians let's go you know I feel like this lady's name is Deborah and I want to hang out with Deborah she seems like a good time why why you've ruined Smash Bros for me forever why have you done this hmm those are some delicious snacks for my dog yeah maybe don't sit on the hood of that uh punch bug I'm just saying Gene Simmons got a long tongue and you don't know where it's been PS5 or Pokemon it's a PS5 Pokemon it's the Majestic Bob horse yay what's my name engineer I don't know if that's actually engineer I've never played Team Fortress and I have a vague understanding of it and that's about it hey yo I didn't need to see this but I guess the live action Netflix remakes of Annoying Orange is going pretty well huh I mean your chimney sweeping but it also looks like you're taking oh no he's taking a dump he's taking a dump I thought it was two guys no he's taking a dump in a chimney sad just such a real smooth take it back now y'all depressed this time uh do press this time uh sorry it's Vogue but done with a budget doing my job um oh you fricked the bottle of oil that's a little gross dude and it did it consent I don't think so I'm not even lying little dude I've been there one time I got a pizza I drove home I hit a deer with my brother he was driving and then we get home and I he's got the pizza and he drops it it was just one of those days and you know what makes it not one of those days if you like comment subscribe and have a good one
Channel: EzPz
Views: 20,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Blursedimages
Id: chrnayeT8wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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