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[Music] are are these any good that is the question that we are here to answer today the Rayban meta smart glasses an overwhelming number of you have reached out asking about these even my friends and family have messaged me so I bought a pair I bought a pair of rayan metas to find out are they any good but in doing so I I made a massive mistake when I purchased these and I'm hoping today to save you from that same mistake that I made if you decide to buy the Rayban meta smart glasses this pair right here I am returning for sure I'll explain that later but a pair of glasses with a tiny little POV camera that can do photo and video and Bluetooth headset built into it so a pair of sunglasses a Bluetooth headset and a POV camera allinone those are three things that I use quite often maybe I could just use these and I don't have to I don't have to bring those three things with me all the time I'm sure a lot of you are asking that same question we're going to walk through what these are if they're any good and then we'll end with the big mistake that I made uh hopefully save you from that mistake and today I'm hoping that I might be able to even fix that mistake at the end of the video I'm hoping to fix my own dumb mistake it's like a mistake I should have seen coming like I don't know why I didn't realize it but I also think a lot of other people aren't going to realize it first let's get into these glasses and what they are but but it is it is getting and the sun's going down so let's let's go inside oh that'll that'll kind of come in play later now first thing that that I care about as a photographer is the camera how are the camera on these things that's probably one of the the main things that people are are looking at these for and saying like oh they have a camera on them I could use them as like a POV camera just snap photos and videos throughout my day and I would say as a camera system they are pretty good on the left side of the frame right there is an ultrawide 12 megap so camera that shoots vertically now these are are made by Facebook or meta who owns Facebook and Instagram so so the vertical format it's kind of their their preferred way of displaying photos and videos so the photos and the videos coming out of here which are just HD 1440 by 1920 so 1920 tall 1440 wide shooting at 30 frames a second vertical still so vertical photos vertical video and it's pretty good like they're not going to compete with something like the iPhone 15 Pro if you've got one of these maybe even the iPhone 14 pro I probably can't compete with that I would say it's more on par with like an iPhone 12 really good you take a photo and you go oh that was a great photo or you shoot a little video clip and you go very good clip nothing to write home about but also nothing to complain about and you've got 32 GB of built-in memory here which is 500 photos if that's all you shot was photos and about 50 60c Clips that's kind of how the video works on here if I if I press it just once there's a photo right there see I have a little little illumination light to let people know I took a photo of them and then if I press and hold I start a video clip I'm now recording a video clip and this will record up to 60 seconds before it stops now I can just stop it at any point during that 60 seconds by pressing it one more time and I've ended that video clip but if I just press it and hold it'll start a video clip and it'll shoot up to 60c Clips at a time which is weird because you can live stream from these glasses to Facebook or Instagram and if you're doing that I think you can do it up to 30 minutes so odd that in like video mode on these things I can only do 60-second Clips but if I'm live streaming I can do much longer now a big note on the photos and the videos is it is very difficult to frame your shot with these like with the with the insta 360 go when I have this thing mounted up on my hat it's mounted like right in the middle and I usually tilt it down a little bit so I kind of know like like I've gotten to learn where that framing is so I can kind of move my head and I know what my frame is now with these one the camera is not in the middle it's off set to the left side so if I'm just looking at something and I just go snap and I take a photo usually the framing is is too far left and too high if I had a camera I would I would kind of squat a little bit I would aim a little low to get the entire person in frame so with these you kind of got to look at the person's belly before you take the photo and then you usually have like a good top to bottom just framing in general like there's no sort of like eyepiece to be able to see what your shot is same with video I I found that a lot of my videos are framed a little far left and a little high that is uh that's the cameras on these things now the speakers is is really what I think people don't realize why they were buying these things like people think that they're buying them because like oh they have a camera on them I will shoot things for for Instagram and for Facebook but really and truly I use these more for Bluetooth headphones over the past couple weeks than for the camera system let's take a quick break right there so I can thank the sponsor of today's video Aura frames Aura is the Wi-Fi connected digital photo frame for your photos and videos we take we take thousands of photos these days whether it be on our phones or on our action cameras or now on our sunglasses all of these photos they they just end up in your phone or on your computer and they never end up in your life but we have two Aura frames in our house one's like right as you walk in the door and then one's right like below our TV on the mantle there and through the Aura app I've loaded up a ton of photos on each of those frames you have unlimited storage space to load photos onto these frames and they just cycle all day long like every time I look at the frame it's a different photo that was on my phone and I probably would never have seen again and I actually get to see it in my life Morgan and I love Aura frames but one of the things that we love them for the most is giving them as gifts I gave one to my parents and I gave one to my grandpa last year so my parents live in Arizona my grandpa lives in Cincinnati but from the Aura app because I'm connected to both of their frames I can take photos of my kids load them into the app and then shoot them digitally to their frame so my parents just sitting in their living room look up and boom there's new photos popping up on their Aura frame and the other thing too is that like you don't have to pick the very best of the best photos like just fun moments like cool moments where you're like I wouldn't frame that and put that on the wall but I would like to see it again and if you two want to pick up an aura frame for your friends or family or honestly honestly one for yourself like once you buy them for other people you're going to be jealous and you're going to want one in your house go to the first thing in the description shoot over to Ora frames.com and use code David Manning at checkout to save $40 off of the Carver frame okay let's get back to the Rayban meta review because not only are there two like really tiny little speakers that are perfectly aimed at your ear holes there's also five microphones on these so you can not only listen to music do podcast you can also do phone calls and I will say that was the most impressive part of these glasses is phone calls with the Rayband metas when I first put them on like I got them out of the box I put them on I immediately called Morgan and I was like hey what are you up to and I wanted to see like could she tell something was weird and and she couldn't at all and then I asked her how do I sound and she said you sound like you're holding the phone up to your ear so I asked her like do these sound better or worse than when I'm wearing my airpods and she said that they sound better now there's a caveat here I was in a pretty noiseless situation these do great when there's not a ton of background noise going on and they still do really well when there is a lot like when you're in a noisy environment the microphones for the other person on the other end of the phone call it will still sound really good it gets a bit robotic with the noise cancelling like it sounds good just sounds a little you know like that sound of of when a microphone system is cancelling noise it gets a little like you get a bit of that on there but the five mic microphones also allow for when you're shooting video to give you spatial audio so that later if you're listening to the video that you recorded on a system that has spatial audio you can actually hear things as they move around you because again it's being picked up by five different microphones that is pretty neat now back to the speakers the speakers the speakers are really good at 70% volume I would say at 50% volume even if someone's kind of near you they won't hear that you're listening to music so if you're like in line at Starbucks and you just kind of stand there and people are respecting you know social space and they're maybe 3 ft away from you then they will not know that you are listening to music or a podcast or anything like that about 50% volume and you are it's totally just yours and I would say that the audio sounds best at about 70% that's kind of where like if somebody was near you it might sound like something I can hear something going on but I can't tell what it is at all and then if you were to crank these to 100% someone like 2 ft away from you it would sound like you had headphones in like airpods in and you had them cranked and there was just that kind of bleed coming through where you're like wow that guy's got his music really loud the other problem though is that at 100% you realize that these are small speakers like there's just no there there's no oomph to the audio at 100% like at 70% you're like oh that sounds really good the audio sounds nice but at 100% it just gets that like small speaker sound and the other problem with that is that if you're in a super noisy environment like there's no isolation going on here like these are not airpods that are stuck in into your ear holes they're just kind of shooting at your ears competing with all the noise around you so if you're like driving down the street and you have your windows down there's no chance that you are going to be able to understand something like maybe a podcast or even a song that you really want to hear the words no chance that these are powerful enough to compete with that much noise around you same in like a super noisy environment you're downtown you're on a train like there's just a lot of people there's a lot of noise going on around you you really got to crank them up to to kind of hear anything like a podcast where you actually want to understand what the people are saying but again I will say like in actual use case of these glasses the Bluetooth speakers like that's been the thing that I've used most like I'm just cruising through a Costco out on a trip I've been on phone calls I've been listening to podcasts or music just kind of cruising around now the one weird thing with that though is that you do look like you're crazy like if you see somebody talking to themselves but then you look over and they've got one of these things in their ears you go that person's on a phone call but if you see someone walking out the street and they just have sunglasses on and they don't have anything in their ears and you don't know that these are smart glasses you go that person's talking to themselves they do have a touch panel right here on the side this whole side piece is a touch panel so I can do a couple of things with this if I swipe forward I can turn the volume up if I swipe backwards on it I can turn the volume down I can tap it to start and stop music and I can double tap it to play music from Spotify now how the Spotify integration works is kind of odd it just gives you like a Spotify recommendation and you can't you can't actually ask the AI assistant that's built in to play something from Spotify now you can just pull off Spotify in your phone pull up a playlist hit play and it will play them through the metas but I can't ask meta to play music now you can ask the AI which is called meta you can ask it all sorts of other questions like I can say hey meta what year was Albert Einstein born you get like this little Albert Einstein was born on March 14th 1879 hey meta what is 642 * 12 7,744 so you can ask meta all the s normal like voice assistant questions and then you can also say things like hey meta take a photo and it'll take a photo hey meta take a video and now I'm recording a video hey I've never stopped it like this hey meta stop video hey meta oh there it goes shout about this case real quick the battery life in the glasses is about 4 hours and then with these bad boys we get up to 36 hours total so eight recharges on these uh just by using this little charge case you've got a little USBC port on the bottom a indicator light right here on the front it's like the little button bit and then on the glasses like in the bridge are the two contact points and then in the case is the is the recharge bit so I just put them in the case close it up and now my glasses are rech charging so all around the Rayband metas they're they're pretty good at all three things like as sunglasses they're they're good they're Ray bands gray bands are decent sunglasses as a POV camera pretty decent as Bluetooth headphones pretty good are they better than any of these three things at those three things not really it's a bit of like a jack of all trades master of none situation and for some reason that still really works like I really like wearing them I really like using them while I'm out and about but again I made one massive mistake when buying this pair of glasses that I'm going to try to rectify today and here is the big mistake that I hope to save you from um they're great as headphones they're great as a little POV camera to have with you at all times and they're pretty decent as sunglasses but the problem is is that how do you actually use sunglasses well you use them when it's bright outside when it's sunny and you end up taking sunglasses off a lot during the day like for instance when I go into a store I want to take my glasses off all right I went inside Costco with these on because I was talking to Morgan so I was using these as my my my phone call my Bluetooth device to talk to my wife and then I walked inside Costco and I was walking around and then I just realized like it's way too dark to use these indoors if you are a person that wears sunglasses indoors a lot I don't I don't know how you do it it's very difficult and I couldn't see anything I need transition lenses is what I'm getting to I don't think these work well indoors it's it's too dark that's where these come in I ordered a second pair of these glasses because I think these are going to solve my problem they sell transition oh wow those are really clear they're even more clear than I thought they were going to be but those are super clear glasses these are the Rayband meta glasses but with transition lenses in them oh wow hey I've also never been a person that wears like prescription lenses and um I didn't even know what I looked like with prescription glasses on again they're they're not prescription these are just transition lenses that if I go outside they will turn as dark as these glasses but when I come back inside they go clear and this is this is kind of like the weird thing with these glasses is I think this is the only way that purchasing these glasses Mak sense because again you're going to take your sunglasses off during the day and if you're in the middle of a phone call or middle of a podcast you can't do that if if your glasses and your Bluetooth headphones are are paired together on UV light look how clear they are totally clear watch this hang on look at oh they're sunglasses they're totally sunglasses they become these are actually darker than the gradient that is on this pair like this pair is the gradient version and this pair becomes just dark sunglasses and uh that actually is even better oh this was a great decision oh I'm so happy with this this is now I'm actually pretty stoked on them that I can use them indoors and Outdoors I don't know how long it takes them to become clear again like I can tell they're already lightning up because they're not in the Sun but I have no idea how long it takes for them to go from dark to to light they go from from light to dark in like 5 Seconds especially one of these things that was like instant that is the way that I would say if anyone is looking at the rap oh the other thing is look look see I switched to the gloss black because I went first for the matte black and you see fingerprints all over these things like fingerprints and like you know like grease from your face it gets all in there and that just looks terrible oh and don't get polarized lenses so the transitions are nonpolarized which means that as a Creator who uses screens all the time I can use a camera I can hold the camera whether these are clear or dark and I can see the screen without having any polarization issu so polarization is for glare it's not for protection like these are 100% UV protection and these are 100% UV protection now these are polarized and these are not which means that I'll see I'll see more glare when wearing these than wearing those but there's no like protection difference that's kind of a misnomer or a a myth amongst the whole polarization movement as a Creator you you definitely do not want polarized sunglasses and these are not and look they're they're lightening up a lot lot it's been like a minute and they're actually quite light already I can only already like see inside I could walk around Costco right now and I know they're even going to get lighter if you're going to get the rayb band metas I think this is the only way to do it this makes it so that you spent $300 some and you can only use your Bluetooth headphone POV camera cool guy smart glasses out in the sun and this makes it so that you can wear them all day long and uh Outdoors they become sunglasses and indoors they just become like make it look like Clark Kent look like Superman with these glasses what do you guys think of the Rayban meta glasses are this like the first time that you've thought about smart glasses because this is the first time that most people that are hitting me up are like hey I'm finally thinking of doing it I'm finally thinking of pulling the trigger and going for this whole smart glass thing um I think this is like this is going to be this pair of glasses I think gets a lot of people to transition into the smart glass world okay I'm going to go set up my new glasses and I'm going to box these back up and and get these returned to Rayban these are are dope comments questions about these glasses throw them down below I'll get them answered for you and I will see you [Music] soon I've never worn glasses before like not I mean like actual prescription glasses and that look looks pretty good one day when my eyes go bad I think I'm doing Rayband wfirs with with prescription lenses in here o I wonder if I could get prescription transitions for the Rayband metas that would be dope again I don't I don't need them yet but I did just turn 40 November 15th 40th birthday so I'm getting old going to need these soon get those prescription lenses ordered
Channel: David Manning
Views: 98,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David Manning, ray ban meta smart glasses, ray ban meta smart glasses review, meta smart glasses, smart glasses, ray ban meta smart glasses unboxing, ray ban smart glasses, ray-ban meta smart glasses, ray ban meta, rayban smart glasses, ray ban meta smart glasses live stream, ray ban meta glasses, meta, ray ban meta smart glasses ai
Id: utSc7DxIvTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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