Rayban Meta Smart Glasses - Review & Sample Footage!

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so these are the brand new Rayban meta smart glasses and in today's video I'm going to be showcasing the design the key capabilities of this the different use cases and also the pros and cons these were just released at £299 and they have a whole wide variety of versions of their smart glasses I have the rayb band wayers you can also get the headliners they come in multiple different options such as prescription glasses General sunglasses or the versions that I have here which are General transparent blue light glasses for those people that just want to use this whilst using their screens all day so let's go ahead and take a look at the design first and let's take a look at some sample footage that I've taken by some photos and videos with these let's get into [Music] it okay so let's start off with the design they come in this very nice Rayband carry case which is rechargeable via USBC this doesn't come with any USBC cable cable so you just have to supply your own you have yourself the indicator LED light so when you open it up you'll see this does light up you also have a manual pairing button there in case you don't get a opportunity to pair it properly but for the first time I've used this it was very easy simple to do when I took it out of the case it was in my bluetooth settings and it was paired very quickly let's take a look at the design of these ones these are very welld designed so these are the way farers I've got them in transparent with blue lights no prescriptions you can see there's two lenses just on the left and the right the one on the right hand side when you put this on is only for the LED indicator to Showcase when you're taking pictures and recording videos the actual camera itself is on the left hand side there and it is a 12 map Ultra wide lens if you look inside the handles you'll find the little power switch on the left handle just there you can see it's currently off you just toggle that this way and it will turn on and on the right handle you can see there's a little button just on the top top there this will allow you to take pictures and record videos a single press will take a picture a long press will record video and you can make adjustments of what they do via the meta app then you also have open a speakers just towards the end of each handle there that will fire your audio directly towards your ears and there is quite good noise leak cancellation on that as well and I'll be showcasing that as a test and a little microphone so if you do take phone calls then it's pretty clear audio when you are speaking whilst wearing these glasses so overall these are a pretty good design now let me go ahead and turn this on and showcase what it looks like when you pair it with the meta app of course you can pair it in the Bluetooth settings but if you download the meta view app you will see there it has automatically paired and it shows you the battery percentage there on the main homepage tab here you can see it just shows you different options for you to learn and explore how to use the metag glasses in the middle tab these are all of your videos and pictures you've taken using the glasses that you can import when you do import them it does require you to join the Wi-Fi of the glasses wait for it to fully import and it will be saved to your phone's Gallery then it will disconnect automatically when you go into settings you have plenty of other options here so let's just take a quick look at that so you can see wave erors glasses and privacy you can take a look at some of the different gestures notification LED brightness sounds and and then you have other options to unpair and reset the glasses if you need to this also includes meta's own voice assistant which I think is great you have to basically start off by saying hey meta and it will do various different commands some sample ones you can say hey meta take a picture or record a video you can ask for what the weather is today you can ask it to share a photo with someone from your WhatsApp contacts list so plenty of different options this is very much tailored to Instagram and Facebook live streaming so you can do various commands using those apps as well and in most cases where you do want something to happen with an app on your phone you will have to complete the action on your phone phone and not directly from the glasses so various other privacy options just there at the bottom when you go to camera you can set here what you want to do with the capture button so I've just set it to press once to take photos or you can swap it the other way around and you can press once to record videos instead of photos video length the maximum you can record using these glasses is 60 seconds if you do use this for live streaming via Instagram or Facebook then of course you can live stream longer and those videos will be then downloaded to your phone that's the only alternative way to get videos longer than 60 seconds but if you just want to use this independently without using Instagram or Facebook then just remember they are limited to 60c Clips at a time you can set this up with your phone WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger for making calls under music you can actually enable Spotify tap you can do auto pause as well when you remove your glasses which I think is useful and I have selected this to be on and then various other settings that you would expect from a smart piece of tech like this this so let's go ahead and just show you quickly how this works so you take a photo you will see the LED light just flash there there you go and then if you hold this down you'll hear a beep and now it started video recording you can hold the glasses and it will record the video so if you want to face yourself rather than seeing your own point of view then you can do that by just holding this out in front of you and recording yourself or you can put it back on your face and just Rec what you're seeing for your audience as soon as you just tap once it will stop the video recording if 60 seconds go by then it will automatically stop the recording there is no setting for you to hide that led light and of course that's mainly for privacy purposes so people know that you are recording there's no option and I probably wouldn't recommend trying to hide that light if you want it to record videos even if you try and put something over this maybe you put a little black tape or you just put your finger over it to block the light this is this is clever enough to actually stop the recording so there's no way for you to actually try to record videos without other people knowing by hiding that light so just keep that in mind now these are also very comfortable to wear and of course Rayband they are a very large company specializing in glasses when you do put it on you get like a confirmation beep if it is powered on that it's now ready to use so I've just heard a beep there also is a very light LED indicator just on the inside of the frame so I know when I'm recording a video or when I'm using voice commands of course you might not be able to hear a lot of the audio that's coming directly from the glasses into my is but what I do want to do is before I run into the audio tests and see how the noise leak is is just to quickly run through some of the key specifications so these are ipx4 water resistant so if you do wear this in maybe light rainy weather then it should absolutely still work fine in terms of the battery life this does last around 4 hours on a single full charge of the smart glasses which I I actually think is a very good amount of time but paired with the charging case you can get up to 36 hours of charge without having the need to charge this entire set together now speaking of the camera lens like I mentioned earlier this is a 12 megap Ultra wide lens I would of liked the option to change it between Ultra wide and wide but of course you would need more lenses to have that capability I think having glasses like this and you want to get a wider point of view of whatever you're filming and taking pictures of Ultra wide was the right strategy to go through but with all of your photos and videos that you're taking with these smart glasses this has a 32 GB internal storage which is very easy to transfer via the metav view app and on the topic of recording this does max out at 1080p 60 frames per second and like I mentioned before the video clips are restricted to 60 seconds if you do use this as a standalone independent video recorder but if you do live stream then you can also record you know all the way up to 30 minutes and then you can can download your live stream recording and have it work in that way but if you're the type of person that wants to buy this without the need of live streaming then just remember that you can't record more than 60 seconds at a time I will then tend to use this for recording b-roll footage for getting different shots of my products and I think that's quite a good use case for me because 60 seconds is enough for getting each clip that I need to this also has five built-in mics that provide spatial audio which I think is great because you have the mics not just on the handles but on the nose part here and in terms of audio we're going to be testing the noise leak because this actually from the first gen metag glasses has 50% less noise leak so why don't we go ahead and start off with testing playing a song from Spotify connected via my smart glasses my microphone is just here on the side and hopefully I'll try to get as much noise leak as possible for you to hear it but I will start off with 50% volume and work my way up to 100% to see how much you can actually hear but just remember how you're listening to this it might be slightly different to how other people will hear things when they are in person around me but let's just go ahead and see what you guys think of that okay so I'm about to play a song from Spotify 50% volume the speakers will be firing it directly towards my ears rather than towards this microphone but let's go ahead and see if you guys can actually hear anything it's about 50% volume now it's very clear to me you may be struggling to hear anything I've tested this by getting someone else in my family to wear these glasses at 50% volume I couldn't hear anything and I also tested this with a phone call and I couldn't hear the other person on the end of the line when someone was speaking via the glasses which I think is very important Factor when you do have open Air Tech like this so let's go ahead and put it up to [Music] 100% now you're probably hearing it a lot [Music] more so just going to pause it there and of course with any open Air Tech like this there is going to be noise leak there's never going to be a situation where it's a 0% noise leak but if you keep it relatively low where you can still hear everything clearly then you can be pretty confident that people around you might not be able to hear everything you're listening to or if there's anyone that you're speaking to so now that we've tested the noise leak and I'm pretty impressed with that let's go ahead and test out the photos and videos so I've been going out past couple of days taking a few Clips not exceeding the 60-second limit using the smart glasses and it's very convenient and quick to do if I don't want to use the capture button there I can also do voice assistant and ask it to record a video but also one thing I also want to mention is that the right handle here is a slider that you can swipe to turn the volume up and down which I think is very convenient and you can also tap here to play and pause your music and the capacitive on this is very responsive and it's probably the best that I've seen in any other smart glasses that I've tried this and I have reviewed a couple of other smart glasses from different brands before none of them have worked as well as this so let's go ahead and take a look at some sample Clips but before I do that let me show you how quick it starts recording by just using a voice command and you'll see that with the light turning on just there hey meta record a video now you can see the light is on the video is recording the 60c clock has now started and of course I'm going to Showcase how the audio quality is from a recording by using these glasses so right now you're hearing everything from my shotgun mic let's go ahead and switch over now the audio that you're hearing I've edited it so that it comes directly from my meta smart glasses and it is pretty clear to be honest if you are going to be live streaming in your own Studio inside your house wherever may be then you can be confident that your audience are going to hear everything clearly you don't need to worry about that you don't have to worry about trying to connect any external wireless microphones to yourself connected to these glasses in any way so I think this does a very decent job it's obviously not the greatest because it is just you know smart glasses is not Hightech audio equipment but it does the job and when you're ready to stop recording One Tap of the button and it stops recording but now that I've just shown you a sample audio clip and video clip from these glasses let's go ahead and show you a whole bunch that I've taken okay so in this first video clip I'm just walking through the train station in terms of stabilization I actually think it's pretty okay of course as you are wearing something on your head it will naturally shake a little bit as you're walking but as I'm going down these steps the stabilization is actually pretty good so it didn't really shake too much where I wouldn't be able to share it online but I think for smart glasses that is very good decent stabilization now you can use this for many different purposes if you wanted to live stream maybe you doing some shopping here's just a sample clip of me browsing around at the store at the supermarket seeing different things that I want to buy if that's something that you want to showcase then this is also a very great option and you can see the colors are very vibrant the video is very clear you can read all of the pricing the labels The Branding I think this is just great just to have yourself walking around different places like this and in this clip as I'm just walking through the station I'm just going to go quiet so you can hear some of the natural sounds that are coming from the background using the internal mics one other use case I think this is good is if you want to do any driving videos you're showcasing things in a brand new car for example this is really great to wear on your head and showcase like this and you do see a lot of your cabin this is kind of like having a dash cam on your face you can really see everything on the roads clearly as well as everything on the interior of your car so when I do a lot of my car reviews then I think I'm going to be wearing this because it just makes it so much more convenient to Showcase different things when I do set it up with my car but if you just want to wear it and you're driving in maybe a very busy area or you're seeing something that you like to showcase on your road trips then you can just quickly turn on the recording and just use it in your car like this one other thing that I think is going to be very popular with these types of smart glasses is Fitness videos so there's a lot of Fitness influencers online and people record their videos by setting up their phones on tripods but having a POV point of view like this you can also get some pretty cool shots with all of your workouts and routines that you can share to Instagram and to Facebook or even if you wanted to live stream your workouts then wearing these glasses is going to be a very convenient way to do that and just on the topic of Fitness if you do want to go down the cardio route where you have a lot of fastpaced movements then you can see it can be quite shaky and is not too stable because your whole body is moving alongside the glasses as well so it might not be the easiest to Showcase and you can see in some situations it does cause a little bit of blurring in the actual video so if you wanted to do it using cardio machines then this is kind of like an example that I just wanted to Showcase how it may come out and speaking of blurriness with fast-paced movements this is a sample clip of me just running through the park and you can see it's probably not so great it does cause a lot of shakiness and it's not very clear in terms of the background but overall stability is quite good but I wouldn't really use this for running videos so I'm just going for a walk in the park so this is how the audio is outdoors it's pretty quiet there's no cars on the road next to me it's pretty peaceful and the audio is actually not too bad for smart glasses so I'm pretty impressed from that front so you can hear a lot of the natural noises in the background so hopefully you found this audio test useful so that's it guys those are the Rayband meta glasses let me know down in the comments below what you think of this is it worth £299 or $299 will you be getting these what are you going to be using it for I would say some of the cons I've talked about a lot of the positive sides and this is a very well-made piece of tech I would say if there's an option in the future to obviously upscale to 4K I think the option to just replace the light on the front with the light on the inside rather than having on both whilst you're recording would also be quite good and it would be liked by a lot of users I would presume I think that would be an option to have but also using this in very low lighting conditions the quality is not great if you're going to do any type of shooting maybe at night or your indoors where it's very dark then it's not going to come out very clear and of course that has a lot to do with the resolution and the quality of the lens but there's only so much Tech you can pack in such a tiny amount of space in a set of glasses like these obviously this is like the second generation and as meta start producing more and more third gen fourth gen we'll see improvements in that area but I would definitely recommend you need to be in a very well lit bright area for the quality of the videos to be decent enough to share on your social media and lastly I would say enabling the option for having Clips longer than 60 seconds that would be I would say you know pretty much a game changer because you do have 32 GB of storage and not everyone live streams on Facebook and Instagram maybe you just want to use this as a video recorder for supplementing your actual footage from your camera so if that does happen then I would say these are the perfect set of smart glasses that I've seen who knows in the future that may come very soon I'm excited to see what happens in this space if you did find this review useful make sure to like this video make sure to subscribe I've got plenty of new tech videos coming out all the time and I will catch you all at the next one take care [Music] n
Channel: Trending Reviews
Views: 138,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trending, reviews, gadget, technology, smartphones, cameras, phones, review, unboxing, techwear, innovation, android, google, ios, macbook, unbox, therapy, mkbhd, apple, fcpx, tutorial, meta, facebook, instagram, vr, smart, glasses, rayban
Id: cGPWMqzvu2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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