Ray Romano and His Son Greg Play Fast Money - Celebrity Family Feud

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The Romano family won the game! [ Cheers and applause ] And now it's time to play... All: Fast Money! [ Cheers and applause ] Well, I just want to say one thing -- Brad and I take a lot of shots at each other, but we played brothers on TV, we are brothers in real life, and we both like to give back to these great charities, and we decided before that we're gonna split anything we -- for both charities. Wow. My man. So this is gonna be for his charity and my charity. [ Cheers and applause ] Alright, you ready? Let's win it now. Now let's win it. 20 seconds on the clock, please. Oh, boy. We asked 100 married women -- "Name something your man sits on like a king on his throne." His reclining chair. Name an animal that when it mates, you better get out of its way. Uh...rabbit. Name something you make with batter. Cake. Name something guys talk about at the barbershop. Women. Give me a word that rhymes with "simple." Pimple. [ Bell rings ] Yeah. Yeah. Let's go, Ray. Alright, here we go. We asked 100 married women -- "Name something your man sits on like a king on his throne." You said... his reclining chair. Survey said... Yeah. Alright. Alright. Name an animal that when it mates, you better get out of its way. You said... the deadly rabbit. [ Laughter ] Survey said... [ Buzzer ] Yeah. Deb: Can't believe it. Name something you make with batter. You said... Survey said... Whoa. -Alright. Alright. Name something guys talk about at the barbershop. You said... Yeah. Survey said... Ray: Alright. Alright. Give me a word that rhymes with "simple." You said... Survey said... Whoo! [ Cheers and applause ] I go back now? Yeah, that was good. [ Whistles ] Greg. Man: Come on, Greg. Well, we might as well just get it -- How many points you think Ray got? I'm hoping over a hundred. At least. He got a lot. He got 161. Alright. Okay. That was with a goose egg. I had a goose egg, too. You ready? I'm ready. Alright, let's remind everybody of Ray's answers. 25 seconds on the clock, please. We asked 100 married women -- "Name something your man sits on like a king on his throne." Chair? [ Buzzer ] Try again. Bed? Name an animal that when it mates, you better get out of its way. Elephant. Name something you make with batter. Cake. [ Buzzer ] Try again. Cookies. Name something guys talk about at the barbershop. Girls. [ Buzzer ] Try again. Sports. Give me a word that rhymes with "simple." Pimple. [ Buzzer ] Try again. Dimple. [ Bell rings ] Deb: Good job, Greg! Good job! Alright, let's go. We asked 100 married women -- "Name something your man sits on like a king on his throne." You said... Survey said... [ Buzzer ] Ray: It's a toilet. Toilet. Toilet was number one. 39. Name an animal that when it mates, you better get out of its way. You said... Survey said... -Hey! -Alright! Lion. Lion was the number-one answer. Alright, good enough. Good enough. Name something you make with batter. You said... Survey said... -Aw! -Ooh! Cake and cupcake was number one. Name something guys talk about at the barbershop. You said... Need it. Survey said... Oh, yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] Steve: Sports. Sports was number one. Pimple. Pimple was number one. 00:04:30.645,00:00:00.000 I want to thank Ray and Brad and the rest of you
Channel: ABC
Views: 376,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quiz, competition, game, questions, survey, father, son, charity, money, Steve Harvey, Ray Romano, Brad Garrett
Id: zBqAatNLMTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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