Ray Ban | Meta Smart Glasses - Are They Any Good?

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these are the new Rayban meta smart glasses normally I wouldn't want to necessarily buy something from Instagram sleta but I'm a big uh Rayban Warfare fan and I'm constantly looking for ways to shoot some more behind the scenes kind of stuff and having a camera that is that big on a pair of glasses instead of pulling something out of my camera or out of my pocket or having stick something on top of a camera it's pretty great just go like this hold it down you can still see a little pulsing light there so if you're worried about someone uh maybe kind of trying to be a weirdo with you you're definitely still going to know so if you see someone with this and that's kind of flickering like that you know that they're taking a video uh and it gives you a fake kind of flash thing too if you want to take a photo but it's a pretty sweet solution here's the thing about these smart glasses is yes they're expensive so this pair was 330 which is not cheap but if you're buying a pair of rayb bands you are going to be spending in like the $1 to $200 range anyway but then also if you're going to buy some sort of action camera you're going to be spending in the two to3 to $400 range as well now there are definitely a bunch of limitations about this obviously it's going to be pretty small and uh you're not going to be able to do nearly as much as some of the other options but I think that what really kind of has this is the convenience of it all now it's not lost on me the irony of myself living in the Pacific Northwest buying a pair of sunglasses in uh what is late October so I'm definitely trying to see if I can get a pair of just like neutral glasses so I can wear them as regular glasses because I think the thing I really want to do is end up taking this to weddings because if you see the nice thing is the camera on this thing and I'll just record this just because I can you'll see again the lights on right there the camera on this thing is on the left eye so if I have a camera up to my face like this or like this or even an offset one it's not going to get in the way and I'm still going to be able to kind of see a little bit of the camera maybe um but I'm definitely going to be able to see my subject and what's going on now there's definitely a few limitations I'm going to be running into with these the first one is we are only vertical so it's definitely made for social media obviously this is a collaboration with meta AKA Facebook Instagram WhatsApp all that kind of stuff so if I'm going to be doing this for YouTube content and I want something widescreen not really going to be able to get it they are technically full HD and a little bit beyond that because it is uh 19 like 43 by I don't know 1400 or something like that so you get like a 4x3 aspect ratio vertically so it does give you a lot of flexibility and it's high enough quality that you can definitely use it for social media but if I was going to be using it for YouTube stuff I would definitely have to be putting it like on the side of the screen the other thing about that is you only get one minute of recording so one thing I like to do is record like a full wedding ceremony obviously that's not going to work but for you know Social Media stuff a minute's more than enough these don't have a USBC port or anything like that they have a really nice charging case which is super helpful uh but the only way to get things on and off is via the meta viewer app so it's not like you can disconnect completely from a phone or another device and use these to their full potential you still have to use a phone now these are smart glasses so they're not just glasses with a camera in them they have voice activated AI stuff that'll go through your phone and ask meta whatever you can say hey meta take a picture hey meta blah blah blah blah blah I'm not that kind of person I'm not gonna talk I don't talk to Siri I don't talk to Google but the thing that I find uh most useful that has nothing to do with photography is it has really good speakers in here so I've been listening to podcasts uh I have been I've listened to uh the Seahawks football game when I went to Home Depot yesterday to fix my toilet um and it's nice to be able to hear everything going on around you while still being able to hear your the audio you're not going to get amazing audio quality but it's pretty good especially for the fact that it's a decent distance from your actual ear all right so we're going to turn this on do a little walk test to see how well it does so the thing about this is I don't know what they're doing in their algorithms and stuff but it looks really really good um there's definitely times where it's a little bit uh blurry in a weird way but overall the stabilization especially for something it's definitely meant for social media content you're not doing more than that on here and from all my testing and things really really good I do a weekly bike ride uh with some friends a group Road cycling ride through these same roads and just getting some behind the scenes content with these glasses on my road bike super good and the footage looks amazing now at a wedding where you don't have the assumption of privacy especially because I'm already carrying around camera I don't see much of an issue of it at all the issue I find would be if you were on a bus or the Subway or something like that people don't necessarily think you're taking some sort of video and I don't know let me know what you think about the ethics of all that kind of stuff in the comments down below because I don't feel like I'm ever going to be using it in a place that would be ethically compromising to me or potential subjects but I can see where this could be sketchy in the wrong hands so making this more subtle while still giving an indicator that something is being recorded I think is definitely a big help here obviously one of the more unique things about this as well is I can talk while this is happening I don't have to wear a really large thing so people around me aren't going to necessarily know as much that I'm taking video which is I guess a bad thing in that making people more unaware that stuff's happening I guess but for me it's really helpful because I'm already there to make images and having more cameras whether it's sticking a GoPro here on the top of a camera or something like that is definitely more obtrusive but I think the unique thing is you can have both your hands in the frame you don't have to be you using like a mouth Mount or a head Mount or anything like that to get a good kind of POV kind of thing again it's only 60 seconds Max but for for a lot of social media things I think it works out pretty good as a first impression these things are great it's not going to be better than another camera it's just going to be more convenient just like your phone being in your pocket is more likely to get you more images than having a carer on something like this because I'm going to be much more likely to bring this everywhere cuz they're just sunglasses or regular glasses and the fact that I can integrate them basically as a set of headphones will make it even more likely for me to bring them elsewhere as well so if you kind of combine a pair of headphones with a action camera and a pair of sunglasses that $330 price tag doesn't end up feeling as bad definitely not cheap but I have definitely spent more on all three of those items over the years so to be able to combine them in a sort of more limited fashion into one device gets my uh seal of approval I know these are going to be polarizing uh well literally polarizing but polarizing in terms of the fact that they are made in collaboration with meta so let me know your thoughts in the comments down below does the footage look okay do the photos look all right would you buy them are they worth it is it overpriced let me know your thoughts I'll see you in the next [Music] one [Music] yeah
Channel: Benj Haisch
Views: 49,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smart glasses, ray ban smart glasses, ray ban meta, ray ban stories, ray ban wayfarer, ray ban camera, ray ban camera glasses, spy glasses, photography bts, pov glasses, bts glasses, meta smart glasses, meta, ray ban meta wayfarers
Id: eU5BD3Rpadw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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