Rattling Stabilizer - Is GREASE the ONLY fix? Try this instead! Epsi, Holee, Band-aid Wrap!

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[Music] man this build came out so clean the bright white caps with the yellow accents like a nice fried egg this is why i love keyboard so much that coil cable looking good too i love the feeling of new caps they sound good too listen to these mods just perfect i bet the space bar is perfect too oh wait wait what what what what what happened to the grease welcome back to the channel this is scott k stabilizers the one thing that still annoys me the most to this day get it right it's a thing of beauty don't and it's a rattling mess that we spent hours squeezing grease into but is grease really the answer today we're going to be covering alternative options to optimizing your stabilizers without going down the typical grease trap note these are not my original ideas rather references and an homage to the original creators we're going to be covering the apsi mod the holy mod something i tried with the command strips then finally the band-aid wrapping of the bar ends let's get started for this demonstration we'll be using durak v2 screw-in stabilizers these are pretty good from the get-go with very tight tolerances however they can also use some modding and plus they're also see-through for the fc mod we need leftover bits from the dust keys films or adhesive stabilizer pads for the holy mod and the bar and wrapping variety of different band-aids finally i found these waterproof outdoor command strips that i thought would be perfect for this trial let's find out in order for us to test the effectiveness of the mods we'll be using a dz65 rgb pcb that we could screw the stabs into i also placed the noise isolation pad underneath the pcb to help control the reverb from the desk we will also be using a lubed and filmed jwk l4 linear switch and a 6.25 u gmk space bar so what does this sound like with the stock stabilizer let's find out yeah the short answer is bad first up the apsi mod the epsimod is a version of the holy mod that another keyboard enthusiast epsilon keyboards demonstrated using leftover bits from desk keys films this mod requires the usage of this little sliver here by cutting it to size and applying it into the inside stem of the stabilizer unfortunately this being part of a leftover from a switch film the sliver does not have any adhesive on it so you would have to apply your own adhesive to make it work in this case you can use permanent double-sided tape [Music] to do this mod you have to be familiar with the structure of the stabilizer stem if you look the stem has a front side and a back side front side is the side with two holes and backside just has one you're going to be applying the film material through the back side onto the little angle that you see here the second layer of film will be cut and applied to the flat portion on the bottom when cutting the film take note on the sizes the piece for the lower area will be about 1.5 millimeters long while the piece for the upper slant will be about 2.5 millimeters long however one thing to consider is that you have to now apply double-sided tape to this and try to squeeze it into a tiny little hole i found that to be extremely difficult and it's just annoying trying to get double-sided tape cut it out to the size and apply it to this so i have a different method it's actually using the leftover bits from the stabilizer pads specifically this one's from kbd fans what's interesting is that if you flip it around that there's already 3m adhesive already applied so now you could actually cut this thing out and this little portion here is actually exactly the size you need to fit it into the stem so super super convenient here what we're going to do is cut this into a smaller piece like this then we're going to cut out the little shaft that you see right here [Music] once you have this portion cut out then you're going to end up with a little sliver similar to the dust keys film but with adhesive already applied here is a demonstration of where and how you'll be applying this pad into the stabilizer stem the 2.5 millimeter longer piece will go into this little angle that you see here like this the 1.5 millimeter shorter piece will go on to the bottom that you see right here like this essentially what you're doing is adding material to decrease the gap that the stabilizer bar will be sitting in now that you know how you'll be doing this let's cut out the pieces you need and apply it into the stem hole remember you need two sizes one longer one at around 2.5 millimeters and one shorter one at around 1.5 millimeters one thing to note is that your stabilizer should be new and fresh if you have grease remnants left in there this stuff is not going to stick to the inside of that stem this is where a skinny angled tweezer really comes in handy use the pointed end to peel off the adhesive to the pad material remember you're going to be taking this and going through the back side of the stem the side with one hole not the side with two holes here is a closer look at the inside channels of the stabilizer stem we're using the longer 2.5 millimeter piece here and then we're going to be applying it to the angled portion of the stem like so [Music] use your tweezer to position it where you want it to go then gently pat it down to allow it to stick then push it down bit harder to get it to adhere properly now the first part is done we're now going to take the shorter 1.5 millimeter piece and apply it to the bottom of the stem follow the same method as you have done for the top part now your stem is done and ready to go here is a closer look at both stems with the fc mod applied before we install this we're going to apply some crytox 205 onto the stabilizer housing where the stat bar clips in this is another point of contact that can create noise so it's best to take precaution it's also a good time to lube the inner walls of the housing if you so desire as well next we will apply a thin layer of crytox 205 to the bar end as well this is not to fill the inside of the stem and go crazy with the loop rather it is to provide lubrication so that the bar slides in and out of the stem smoothly [Music] now you can put the whole thing together by inserting the stem into the housing then the stabilizer bar into the stem and clip onto the housing once all done you can see that the stem operates up and down smoothly and you shouldn't see any resistance or hang up here if you do you might have to repeat the process to ensure that the tolerances are correct [Music] let's install it and do a quick sound test to see how the fc mod works if you hold down the one end slightly and tap on the other end you can see that the bar is either rattling around or not given that there's almost no grease or lube in this thing i feel that this mod is a pretty good success bust out your band-aids because it's now time for the holy mod for the holy mod we'll be using a skin flex waterproof band-aid i chose this one because i know that the band-aid will be making contact with some grease so i wanted it to stay on the stem as long as possible remember to choose one that is not too thick and also not too paper thin either so that you can effectively close the gap within the stem you want to cut the band-aid to get a sliver the size of the stem opening similar to what we have done for the fc [Music] mod similar to the fc mod the holy mod also applies a medium inside the stem to help close the gap between the bar and the stem in this case the medium is a piece of band-aid that will be stuck across the entire upper portion here then wraps around the front for extra security from falling off now take the little sliver that you prepared and cut it to eight millimeters long and two millimeters wide once you have the slivers cut to the right size you'll be sliding it into the back end of the stem to apply it to the entire upper inner surface this does take a bit of finessing to make it work and having a thin angled tweezer is key to making this successful [Music] once you have it in press it down against the band-aid to apply it onto the surface then wrap around the top and to the front finally tuck it into the little crevice above so that you can provide extra security for the band-aid from falling off in the future with use [Music] now here's a look at the final product [Music] once both stems are ready to go we could begin the assembly process as we have done before remember to lube the stabilizer housings with some crytox 205 so that you eliminate the rattle between the housing and the bar also a good time to apply some to the inner walls if you want [Music] once again apply a thin layer of crytox to the bar as well so that you could actually lubricate this part and ensure smooth operation within the stem now you put the whole entire thing together insert the stem into the housing then insert the bar into the stem and then clip it onto the housing once you have it all done you should be able to move this up and down and you can see the stem slide up and down without any obstructions and as smoothly as possible now let's do a quick sound test to see how the holy mod is once again almost no lube or grease in this and it still performs very well so i think this is also very successful so i pick these command strips up and try the same thing as the fc mod so how did it turn out the overall results are similar but i did notice that the command strip material was thicker and it did cause a bit of sluggishness i wouldn't recommend this for the duroc v2 stems but perhaps it'll be a good option for other stabilizers with larger stem openings finally wrapping the bar end with some band-aid let's see how this works in this case you're cutting the band-aid but not to put it into the stem but rather to wrap the entire bar end with it this is similar to the heat shrink mod that some have tried but i could never find heat shrink that was thin enough to fit into a dual rock stabilizer housing for this demo i'm using a thin waterproof band-aid which is thin enough to fit into the duroc v2 without any issues i didn't take exact measurements of this little square but i assume it's around six or seven millimeters once you have it ready and cut out just stick it to one end and then just use your fingers and wrap around the bar as evenly as possible similar to the advice with the stem make sure your stabilizer bar ends are clean and fresh if you have grease left here the band-aid is not going to really stick and stay on there similar to the other mods make sure you take this time to add some lube to the um area where the housing and the stabilizer bar will actually connect and touch and like the other mods as well take some lube and apply a thin film to the bar ends even with a band-aid [Music] take the whole entire thing and assemble it all together then test to make sure that everything works nice and fine and smooth without any hang-ups here let's see what this sounds like overall very good as well i feel that i do hear a tiny bit of movement of the bar inside the stem but that means you could probably wrap a little bit more of the band-aid to increase the thickness so after trying all these out what did i end up going for with this build i chose the holy mod i felt that the epsi mod and the holy mod were very similar to each other but the apsima just required more material and more time to perform the band-aid wrap was also really good and has great potential and perhaps even better longevity but i was just too lazy to find that perfect thickness for the duroc v2 stabilizers so here's the final result here's a small bonus this spacebar is filled and i'll cover this in another video thank you for watching if you enjoyed the video please like and subscribe and i'll have more content for you in the future thanks
Channel: Keybored
Views: 428,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyboard, Mechanical Keyboard, ASMR, Holy Panda, Glorious Panda, Zeal, Zealio, Tealio, Alpaca, JWK, Durock, Keycaps, Taeha, brandon taylor, taeha types, badseed tech, glarses, hamaji neo, squashy boy, :3ildcat, randomfrankp, kwerty, linus, GMK, rama, TGR, taekeyboards, epbt, Custom Keyboard, Tutorials, keybored, durock pom, new linear switch, typing test, custom mechanical, group buy keyboard, how to lube stabilizers, how to tune stabilizers, how to lube keyboard stabilizers, keyboard stabilizer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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