BREAKING: John Kennedy And Mayorkas Clash About Illegal Immigrants Affecting Redistricting

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uh thank you chair Murray senator Kennedy Mr secretary I um I don't hate anybody I look for Grace wherever I can find it and I certainly don't hate you uh my chairman talked about the uh the woolly mammoths in the room and I'm I'm I'm glad he uh he brought that up um the Chairman's immigration bill was negotiated by two members of my party Senator Langford and Senator McConnell and I don't I don't speak for either one they're both good men the chairman said that the Republicans who negotiated his bill trusted you and wanted you there and and I'm not doubting his word it gives me no joy to say this but most Republicans don't trust you and a vast majority of the American people don't trust you that's why you've been impeached now my Democratic colleagues are going to try to sweep your impeachment under the rug and violate 200 years of Senate President in doing it I I don't think that they will be able to sweep the issue Maybe be your impeachment but not the issue under a rug as big as the United States of America again it gives me no joy in saying this I think well more than a majority of the American people think that U as a result of your behavior and President Biden's Behavior our Southern border is an open bleeding wound I think they believe that um our Southern border is chaotic I think a vast majority of the American people believe that a lot of it is political I think a vast majority of the American people believe that it is chaotic by Design and that uh and that that all of this is inent intentional and and I think while a vast majority of of the American people who don't trust you um believe in legal immigration they don't believe in illegal immigration and they think you do and they think President Biden does and they think that's why the border is open and they think that your attitude and President Biden's attitude is that uh while they may be poorer under President Biden than they're stupid enough to believe you and the president when you say that it's not your problem um I think that needed to be said isn't it a fact Mr secretary that uh the number of illegal immigrants that you and the president allow into our country um counts for congressional district reapportionment Senator I'm not sure I understand your question but I can surely share with you that I disagree with its phrasing isn't it true Mr secretary that the number of illegal immigrants that you and President Biden have allowed into our country uh counts for allocating electoral votes I I same answer you don't know I I don't understand um your question the never cross the notion Senator that uh we uh intend to allow um illegal immigration is nothing short of preposterous so you do disrespectful and if I may it is disrespectful to the extraordinarily hard work that we perform and far more importantly that the Personnel in the Department of Homeland Security and across this Administration perform to stem illegal immigration build lawful safe and orderly Pathways and invest in an working system and we only wish we only wish that that bipartisan legislation about which I have not heard a critical term Mr pres Mr secret you're using up my time you do this every single time you do this every single time and it's a fact and you know it and I know it that the more people you allow into our country illegally the more people are counted for reapportionment and the more people that you allow into our country illegally the more people are counted for allocating electorial votes now maybe that's a coincidence but that's a fact and you know that and you've done nothing for four years not a zero abs absolutely F zil the the the and in fact um the only people I know in this country who are better off today than they were four years ago are illegal immigrants and that's as a result of your policy I I I don't hate you for it I I don't hate anyone but that's why you've been impeached and my colleagues may try to cover it up they're going to try to cover it up but they can't cover up the facts I've gone over my time I'm sorry Mr chairman Senator Peters well thank you Mr chairman secretary mycus it's wonderful to to see you here today and I'm going to see you again next week when you come before my committee the Homeland uh and governmental Affairs uh committee and uh it's uh good to have an opportunity to ask your
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 1,415,511
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Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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