Rattlin’ Bog

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top of the mornin Lincoln and Hoover friends happy st. Patrick's Day I hope that you guys are enjoying some extra family time at home so since we can't be together at school today to sing and dance along with some Irish songs I thought I would send one to you guys um so what I'm gonna be singing today is called the rattlin bog it is a traditional Irish folk song and it's a pretty silly song it keeps adding on parts to the song throughout and you have to keep track of what the order is and what you've added and it gets pretty long by the end um normally this would be sung for fun with lots of people who are singing and clapping along to the steady beat I'm here by myself practicing my social distancing so I hope that you guys can add that part at home and sing and clap along with me so this is the rattlin bog [Music] either one of them Oh [Music] you [Music] and the having st. Patrick's Day
Channel: Elizabeth Damp
Views: 12,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AspoIAVg9Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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