Irish flight delayed so trad session started between DaoiríFarrell, Geoff Kinsella and Robbie Walsh.
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Channel: Daoiri Farrell
Views: 21,377,395
Rating: 4.9545207 out of 5
Id: 4_XvKcLxj6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2017
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I really like the camera work on this. Very pleasing... Subtle but very effective.
Love the music too!
It’s amazing how music brings people together.
Except that guy in the sky blue shirt.
He’s proactively not enjoying himself
Same thing but with Georgian flight.
I was sitting in the Atlanta Airport around Christmas time a few years back and a group of kids were going around singing a cappella Christmas carols at the gates. It was pretty cool and most people were stopping to watch/ video and cheering them on.
The kids moved to one gate where a gentleman was reading a newspaper and was oblivious to the fact that about 6 teenager had formed a semi circle around his position and were about to start in on some crazy harmonic version of jingle bells. As soon as they started dude lowers his news paper, looks around like WTF and calmly folds it up, grabs his bag, and nopes the fuck out of there. It was hilarious.
There legit has to be one person there who is like "Fuck these guys"
When I saw the people filming with their phones I was like "That's so sad, can't they just enjoy the moment 'for real' instead of automatically grabbing their phones and holding them up like it's a conditioned response to anything vaguely interesting happening nearby". And then I realised that if it wasn't for people doing that, we wouldn't have been watching this at all, so meh.
That guy was clapping funny in the middle.
This day couldn't start any better.