Play Most Any Song In DADGAD | Tom Strahle | Pro Guitar Secrets

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[Music] [Applause] hey there I want to thank you for subscribing and for watching I really appreciate every one of you and I hope that my videos are helpful my video that I did a couple about a month ago which was play button basically any song an open D tuning it's quite popular so I wanted to do one play most any song and dad dad to me okay and if you don't know what that get tuning is I've got a couple videos on it you can watch but basically it's it's exactly what it sounds like dad get da DG ad so it's D on the bottom string then a then D then G dad yeah and commonly thought of as kind of a Celtic tuning a lot of finger style players use it but what I want to do is I want to kind of use it in a strumming context and maybe you're doing a gig where you're doing a finger style thing and it in dad get and you want to go to a different song but you don't want to change guitars or retune this is a way you could feasibly play any song in dad get tuning and actually quite simply in an open D I use basically two shapes a major in a minor shape I kind of like learning you know your first bar chords that's the same thing that I'm gonna do right here okay so the one chord in in D is going to be one way to play it I'm gonna show you several ways to play that with the D chord but this is one way 12-12-12 1100 okay so I've got my second third and fourth fingers kind of squished together here and my first finger is tucked in and below here okay and basically that's dat f-sharp in an 18 don't worry about that I'm not gonna go too deep into this but that's the one chord and that's one way to play it in the D chord okay now here's the G shape we're gonna use and we're gonna transpose all these songs I'm going to show you we're gonna transpose them into the key of D so that there because dadgad is varied eccentric if you were to play in the key of E flat or in the key of a flat or you know be it would be very difficult to get to strum all the strings because there would be too many weird notes from you know okay so the four chord is G and you could play it here five five five four zero zero so it's just the same shape so down the five chord is any and it's gonna be seven seven seven six so we have one okay the 6-quart would be nine nine nine seven you notice I slipped my first finger down a fret so nine nine nine seven zero zero I could do the two cork well the three chord would be the same thing down here at the second fret okay so before four four two zero those four B minor here F sharp minor here the three chord and then the two chord we're going to not need the first finger we're just going to go ahead and move everything down to the second fret so it's two two two zero zero zero okay so one is here D to E minor three f-sharp minor for g-minor Versace major five a major six is B minor and then we go back to okay now another thing you can do if you want to you can get rid of the a string note whatever's on the fifth string you can take that finger off and beat it with maybe your second finger do you want a more hollow sound [Music] but it's not to fooling about okay let me give you a few more chords that we can use okay the F chord of the flat three major would be this [Music] okay that would be three three three two zero zero we could also do the flat 7 major which would be C essentially okay and that would be ten ten ten nine zero zero we could also do b-flat that's a cool one I like that one a lot and so that would be eight eight eight seven zero zero b-flat deep okay we can take something we can add a couple minors to we can take a key and make it minor okay that's a beautiful chord that's a minor four chord G minor and that would be five five five three zero Sarah we can make that a major one to a minor w five minor chord that's pretty much gives us enough course to work with you what we can do one more I'll show you one more and that oh by the way the the a minor one it is seven seven seven five okay we can do a three major chord which would be this kind of cool and we're gonna put it to use here in a second I'll show it to you you're crazy thinking that sounds weird well you'll see but it's basically four four four three zero zero okay so let's take for example let it be by the Beatles that's in the key of C so we need to transpose it to the key of D again I'm going to try to do it if I can come up with a good way to teach transposing simply I'll post that as soon as I can okay we'll transpose up a whole step to the key of D and it's basically the five chord six corn corn per for work alright now I'm going to show you another D chord we can do there's several here but this one here is very simple open Roman more all right so I might see that let it be six [Music] alright ok so that's it that's a simple way we can strum let it be now if I wanted to because you know I think of dad dad is often being a finger picking thing I could also finger pick now nothing we can do with this décor instead of playing all of this we can just put one finger down and just have the first finger know so it would be 0 0 0 11 0 0 [Music] all right now another song big plastic trees by Radiohead that's originally an a the DS a better keeping my singing anyway sorry I apologize for my signal to the poor port to the blackboard now I'm gonna save the low note this again any section here we go [Music] it's gonna go to the to court so it's gonna go to that you minor chord here cover it back up to G again I'm gonna see something check this out when using the second verse Amaya the second the backup to tea right now [Music] Meyer today is massive [Music] okay now here I'm gonna freeze the loading shape you drama when you save those blow notes that that Lodi sounds so rich when you save those for later in the song you bring in a new level of drama especially if you're playing by yourself you need those little tricks you can use and just kind of save your play high notes first and then save the low stuff for later to give yourself another dynamic level okay let's see alright I said we're going to use the major that yeah the major three chord there's saying say think so by Weezer is originally in c-sharp minor' that actually or C minor they're actually tuned down a half step so they're actually playing in E so this I'm doing it in D again we're transposing your D so it starts on the sixth chord and then it goes to the major three and any gusoff poor and the one [Music] 6:3 that's pretty cool huh all right one more song this one's a little bit more complex we're gonna do desperado and this for this one for the first chord I'm just going to go ahead and play you know I'm not gonna play the bottom I'm gonna leave this bottom string over this desperado and again the original song is in G so we're transposing up 1/5 so if G was way too high for you if you couldn't sing as high as whoever sang that song then this D is much better key anyway so this is a cool trick this sounds like the piano part a little bit so if you just take that shape you kind of imply the d7 chord and then we're gonna go to the G G minor so the minor forecourt and into the D minor an E major oh I didn't show you that one did I and that's another one so he majors 2 2 2 1 0 0 and into the fork to the five chord which would be a [Music] e a [Music] minor f-sharp minor [Music] - the one and B minor [Music] we'll see my good [Music] minor day [Music] I love it the minor for birth my gosh is so beautiful [Music] anyway so there's some songs just to give you an idea what you can do with a couple simple shapes the minor in the major shape and and transposing and simplifying songs down to their basic one six four five two three major three minor four whatever all those different variations and again I'm going to talk about those in the future I've done some theory lessons I've probably got something up there if I find something that I've done I've done over 300 videos I've probably got something up there if I find some I'll put it down in the comment or in the information for this video I'll put that link down there but in the meantime I will try to work on a way to kind of communicate transposing simply because I know that that will be very valuable and I'm sure they're great videos out there about it and I know they're great videos out there about the Nashville notation system so feel free to look those up and that would probably help you understand what I'm talking about when I say one six four or five minor four that kind of thing okay god bless you guys I'll talk to you soon thanks [Music] you
Channel: Tom Strahle
Views: 605,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DADGAD, open tunings, guitar, acoustic guitar, free lessons, tom strahle, Martin D35, Martin guitar, elixir strings, D35, strumming, fingerstyle, fingerstyle guitar, radiohead, the eagles, radiohead guitar, eagles guitar, weezer, weezer guitar, beatles, beatles guitar, let it be, eagles
Id: wAnfMfHVb4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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