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hi I'm Alan this is a video good morning good evening good afternoon everyone welcome back to more Geometry Dash rating your icons number four today I'm going to go full on uh every single time I do one of these until I always get interrupted by a resub why everything which I knew without fail anyway I'm gonna be going full on Simon Cowell today we're gonna be uh judging these icons relentlessly uh if I gave anything above a seven today it's a crime against humanity because I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today I had a little bit of a headache so every icon set today is garbage anyway let's get into it I have my Discord server right here my trusty trusty lovely Discord server where I have all of the the things and we have a bunch of Icon sets I'm not obviously going to be able to get through all of them because as you can tell there's like a 10 quintillion of those I'm not gonna be able to get through every single one but we're gonna be trying okay the first one already uh as you can tell is absolutely fantastic I have no idea what happened here uh I have genuinely zero idea what happened uh what even is half of this stuff that's a toggle trigger a piece of it at least a speed changer what happened here you know I said I wasn't going to be giving any seven pluses to begin with but this is like a solid 9.5 uh the only reason is out of 10 is because where where is where is the ball the ball just does not exist 9.5 out of 10 missing the ball though what I'm going to be doing I think is I'm just gonna be doing like this and we're gonna be doing that just so like everyone has a fair chance of being chosen oh this icon set is neat I'm not a huge fan of the full solid black though why does this Comet have a dislike I like how you needed to include the comment that says nine plus ten demons equals 21 demons five that has a dislike I strongly disagree with uh that should have like positive likes it's okay I'm sorry buying ox but your cube is not the great greatest uh this ship is neat the ball is neat the UFO is ugly uh I love the Metroid wave Metroid wave is sick robot okay spider okay I think it's like uh five I'm getting even a 4.5 because I just don't like the colors I don't like primer or black primary black is kind of ugly gonna give it a 4.5 whoa wait two seconds do you like this series if you do you should subscribe to the channel I would really appreciate it let's hit 150 000 that'll be great thank you so so much for the support on the rating your icon series it means a lot if you want another video there's your incentive to subscribe thank you there we go no stop here we go that one old coffee the safe the safe uh white primary with the beautiful beautiful uh it looks like someone got sunburn slightly safe color picks I don't like this ship the ship the ship is really yucky not a huge fan of it I like the rest of the icons though I think white with uh gradients always look kind of nice because they're gonna like Fades I think it's cool so I kind of like this one I don't like that you I I don't like the ship and I don't like this robot other than that though pretty cool I'll give it a six let's do them that one I've seen a few people start using this Cog wheel I kinda I I don't know why but there's something funny to me about the default green and blue which I kind of like uh the Gatling gun is kind of cool but other than that other than the Gatling gun there's nothing like super special about it I do think it's better than the the purple and black one though so we're giving it a 5A on airs out of them I appreciate the cube this is actually a really good stuff I won't lie this is really good I the the safeness of the colors is always going to be a negative to me I think playing it all too safe with the colors is kind of kind of lame I won't lie but every icon is really cool and you have the snail you gotta love the snail okay I'm gonna attract points for the fact that I think is a little bit too safe but we're giving it uh we're giving it a seven I think angry a on air waking up on the wrong side of the bed is giving it a seven normal a on air gives it an eight Cube I think this one's fine I'm not particularly that huge on it I don't like the fact that everything is non-gradient except the spider I think a little bit of consistency where where if you have like six icons that aren't gradient and then you have one ingredient kinda silly goofy but then again I'm also like slightly biased towards this because it's hyoko's icon set and hyoko kind of sucks my mods uh but I think there's a good I can study overall I think it's like a six I'm gonna give it a six oh okay this one is interesting this one's very interesting I like the ball I think that ball is sick uh the UFO is a very safe pick I don't like this wave this wave kinda Oogie wuggy why did I say Uggy wuggy that was a disgusting word what is wrong with me anyway uh I'm not a huge fan of The Spider and the wave everything else that I really like I kind of really like everything else uh I I I like this Cube I think the cube is a little bit of a it's kind of it's kind of it's kind of risky you know it's kind of risky I like it I I dig it this ship I think is cool I like it I like this for the most part but again it's an another white secondary slash primary color scheme icon set which is so safe it's so boring why does everyone use white I don't know 7A on air is out of ten I like this one two out of ten screw you we have a texture pack icon set here the oo cube is always appreciated uh we are ignoring the fact that four of these icons are demolished ruined absolutely gutted and murdered by the fact that I use a texture pack why does do GT players have this like weird fetish of making every icon just more complicated than they need to be I don't know 5.5 ARS out of 10. speaking of over complicated icons for no [ __ ] reason what the hell is this disgusting tongue why is it like this tenebra's what is wrong with you negative a thousand okay H storm I kind of I screw with that you Storm's eye contact it's it's a texture pack thing again which just adds a lot of like random highlights like the the orange thing here at the on the horns like the random Alliance or the ball of UFO and [ __ ] I'm not a fan of I I like the cube I think the cube works but that's because it's simple bonus points for the 69 gold coins I think that is a nice little touch it's like a a an orange garnish an orange peel garnish uh on your beautiful beautiful drink that you order at the uh adult bar when you are an adult and you are allowed to order adult drinks it's kind of like a nice little neat garnish the 69 coins very cool 6.9 a on air is out of 10. [Applause] that's that's the same person we already did oops oops that one you know what it uses a lot of 2.2 icons which is fairly it's valid these four do exist the Primera Cube though I won't lie Primera Q okay the the Spider goes so hard the Spider goes so hard with the bucket hat uh three out of ten even though that's like my favorite UFO game like this one I hate the UFO the UFO is ugly as hell but I like the Symmetry with the even amount of gradients as non-gradients if it wasn't for the UFO this would be a really sick set I actually really like this one the UFO definitely makes it a little bit ugly the fact that the UFO is like in the middle and like if you look at the icon they're like straight on it's like kinda really ugly because of like the first thing you see 7A on air is out of ten I like it I think this one's cool okay I I want to pick random stuff but this one's actually kind of sick these are fully customized probably made by the the person I don't know if it's made by make you but these icons go hard these are really cool these are entirely custom made like the person made them themselves these are sick that spider is fire that robot is really cool as well it gives me like futuristic sci-fi Samurai Vibes the UFO is really cool I like the funniness of the dart Dart ball is awesome I wouldn't use it myself but it looks cool and the cube is really nice it has like a cyborg Cyber attack cyber punk-ish style throughout the entire thing except for the the the wave that's really clean I really like that you know what as much as I'm not a huge texture pack fan I like I like it when people make their own custom icons I think texture packs are cool if they make original icons and not just like edit all the already existing one this is a 10 out of 10 a on air this is a really cool set [Music] bam it's the same person it goes hard as well though but we're not doing the same person again how what are the odds odds Happening by the way how does that even happen anywhere bam that one okay I don't know it might might just be me thing just not liking the UFOs in this game I think the UFOs are kind of ugly for the most part this one's cool though I like the cube that cube is underrated I think more people should use this Cube ship good ball good UFO eh wave good robot good good question mark spider okay I like this one I think it's solid I'm gonna give it a 5.5 a on air is out of 10. what the hell is this I caught this caught my attention I have no idea what the hell is this um it's art aeon okay yeah good point I'm I'm curious what this comment says by the way why is there why does it have dislikes wait hold up it's Jake Snipes it's not a dislike anymore let's change that 7.8 out of 10. oh okay I like the the change from the white second second area primary to the gray always awesome love the UFO this is this is a cool set I don't like the cube I'm gonna be real if it wasn't for the cube this would be a really solid set ship I like I oh I'm I will always stand by this I think this ship is the single biggest disappointment and drop it at history because the ship itself is so cool but oh my God if I if I'm going to Fat shame one thing in this world it is going to be the ship eight Aon airs out of ten I like this one this is good Kaiser the Creator why do you only have five creative points you're gonna more anyway that's beside the point I love this ship the crocopotamus is the greatest ship in the game I've used this Cube for many many years the base robot I don't know how I feel about the spider I've never been a huge fan of the spider the wave is whatever the UFOs whatever the ball is decent I like it bonus points for creating disruption 6.5 million hours out of 10. what is this wave bruh I mean you get negative 10 000 for these for the for the for the ship what the hell is this is the most disgusting ship thing I've ever seen in my entire life but what is this wave why is it just a circle why is it just a small ball yeah goofy out wave I don't know how I feel about it oh someone who uses the the the the the the Egypt mummy dude guy Cube you're a local goat you're spooky goat homie homie changed his name absolutely cracked individual uh at this game however uh homie has this I I'm I I've never been a huge fan of this ship I think it works uh I don't like this wave I think everything here Works to an extent my only issue is this spider why does this spider have eyeballs why does the spider have eyeballs I will never not find that really unsettling UFO does stick out like a soreathon because of the white but I think it adds a little bit of nice contrast I do wish that it was like a an overarching theme from all the icons well I I kind of like them the only icons that I don't really like in this is The Spider and the wave everything else I think is cool Wessel gets a dude [Music] why is it so tiny anyway 5.75 hey on air is out of ten dude I'm not saying I'm a dangerous boy it's always Seth apparently uh I like this set I think it's fine I just think this ship is like really ugly this ship is really ugly I won't lie I think everything else is fine though and I think that's pretty swag I I've talked about this myself uh about like how I don't like gradients because my colors just don't work with gradients even though orange and blue work very well together as a gradient it sucks ass I think the same applies here where the purple and green gradient just looks really ugly which is why I'm not a huge fan of this wave this wave Works fantastic if the gradient works but purple and green gradient it kind of looks like like diarrhea I'm not gonna lie don't question my history of diarrhea if it looks purple and green that's that's a different story for another day bang dab in the middle I don't think this is bad I don't think it's great I'm gonna give it a 5A on airs out of 10. ew okay I like the dude I don't know why but every white icon should always have glow of a different color because it actually looks so good like this icon set will look like 50 times uglier if it wasn't for the fact that the glow around it actually looks kind of fire but it's just a very safe pick again I'm gonna give it a six out of ten six a on airs out of ten [Music] see this one's this circles back again to where every single icon does not have the gradient except the spider so therefore this the spider kind of like sticks out like a sore thumb it's another very safe one but I do think I wanted to track points because everything has no gradient except for this like you could argue that this is but I think that those are just highlights right I think this is good I'm gonna give it a 6.75 a honors out of 10 because you use orange and orange is swag silliness is a better way to better metric next time we can judge them in sillies okay I'm down for judging it in sillies next time I like the colors these colors go hard together I like the colors a lot I used to use both this ship and this Cube at the same time that was like my main icon set when I became the first Victor of death funk by Neptune I use this Cube and this ship I use black and yellow though because that was like the hip thing back in the day just like black and yellow you know that song I think this is great though I'm gonna give it a 7A on airs out of 10 because I like the icon set I love the colors it's just really the the robot that I kind of dislike but I think that was a good set I like it a little smiley face I like the colon 3 and the colon 3 is cool uh I hate this ball with a passion really heavily dislike the ship if this was a consistent theme across the entire thing where all of them just had like the blue blush and the face I would appreciate this set a lot more however because of the inconsistency and there's just four icons that share the same theme can't give it that high I couldn't imagine playing with icons that are consistently constantly staring into my soul I could imagine that uh I think the inconsistency across the icon set is a big detriment three a honors out of 10. I actually like this set I won't lie I do like it I I I've never been a huge fan of the default Cube I think the default cube is a little bit boring but other than that I think this is a really cool set not the biggest fan of the spider that's about it I do like this actually I'm gonna give it an 8 a on airs out of 10. that was fun uh I'm probably gonna do these like every month or so like one rating your icons every month so for next time we're gonna Purge the channel again and then we're gonna do that anyway the loser of today who got the lowest score was I'm allowed to bully this by the way because I am never mind that I can't find it I suppose am I blind I'm probably just blind there we go the lowest scoring one today is Snappers because I just don't like texture packs that overcomes like icons and this robot looks like it wants to violate me and the highest score goes to make you for this awesome set with the custom icons which are very cool I really like them anyway swag money and beautiful women I can't say that on YouTube [Music]
Channel: AeonAir
Views: 101,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aeon, aeonair, aeon air, geometry dash, geometry dash 2.11, gd, rating your icons, rating your geometry dash icons, rating icons in geometry dash, icon tier list, gd icon tier list, aeonair rating icons, aeonair rating your icons, rating your icons aeonair, rating your icons 1, rating your icons 2, rating your icons 3, rating your icons 4
Id: x3uE88G6KWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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