RATCHET AND CLANK All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD

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[Music] [Music] final step attached robotic ignition system thank you for using helpdesk technology [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] interesting you're quite handy with your wrench ship with it hmm currently I'm in search of someone who could be of assistance in setting the solar system do you know where I might find that fellow well he's on the radio every week other than that no hey what's with all this save the solar system stuff anyway hello my race the blog have a small problem whole planet has become so polluted overpopulated and poisonous that we are no longer able to dwell here but I a chairman drek I'm a solution we are constructing a pristine new world using the choicest planetary components available so what does this mean using highly sophisticated technology which you couldn't possibly understand we will be extracting a large portion of your planet and adding it to our new one unfortunately in this change in mass will cause your planet to spin out of control and drift into the Sun where it will explode were flaming wall of gas but of course sacrifices must be made and if you don't like it you can take your whiny sniveling snotty-nosed populations pull the line behind me and kiss my we're still on the people on those planets are hosed well good luck getting captain Qwark to help you actually you could help me if you could use your ship to take me to the coordinates contained in this info bot I might be able to gather further information there even if I wanted to I can't I'm missing a crucial component of the ship the robotic ignition system how did you know that I sir happened to be equipped with the latest in robotic ignition systems my programming allows me to start any ship I choose so I agree to take you to this wherever it is and you get my ship started for me that is what I'm proposing deal this could be a problem take care of it whoa this is great so that's where I've been stuck this whole time please return your appendages to the steering mechanism observe huh oh right sorry oh and by the way you can stop calling me sir the name's ratchet pleased to make your acquaintance sir you got a name my serial number is B by four to nine six I'll just call you crank for sure hang on so you see it would be most beneficial if your citizens were not in the city when my workers begin removing it unfortunately you have no choice [Laughter] captain okay you're right you will withdraw my troops he's all yours gentlemen try not to leave any bugs where are you hey oh sorry about that well we're not leaving the way we came in perhaps we can procure a ship from one of the inhabitants if there are any left [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't hurt me don't hurt me Oh what are you mercenaries torturers assassins I'll tell you anything here take my info but it's all I've got left sir we're not assess hold on let's see what he's got as this ever happened to you hi I'm captain quark and believe me there's nothing worse than storing Donna blar G and snaggle beast from the inside and knowing your equipment isn't functioning properly that's why I come to Al's Robo shack for all my electronic needs al has been the exclusive repair shop reminds super electro gadgets since I was knee-high to a sand mouse if al can't fix it it's not broke right out you said it pal so if you're fighting crime or just fighting grime you come to Al's Robo Jack in Metropolis for all your robotic repairs Al's Robo jack it's Korg tastic do you know what this means yeah captain quark is really sold out no it means captain core because I'm Metropolis we could tell him about this invasion if we had a ship where a ship what you're not going to torture me well this planetary chairman I could arrange where you can borrow our courier ship cool you can count on us right thank you your chairmanship leanness welcome to the captain court fitness course if you're strong enough fast enough and clever enough to beat my fitness challenge you will receive a reward from my head trainer simply make your way to the third island to complete the course good luck quick hitter prices is not responsible for sprains broken bones snap tendons bruised egos or accidental death incurred while taking the challenge excuse me captain but we have more pressing issues we urgently need your assistance Clank yes do you notice anything unusual about captain Qwark well I find the fact that he has a spring where his legs would be to be quite puzzling and why do you think that is possibly an injury incurred while battling evil this isn't the real captain Qwark you numbskull it's a robot Oh [Music] listen up you log balls that was the most pathetic display I've ever seen on that obstacle course what do you mean we finished the circuit man oh yeah but it is big big make then I was computing I would beam power courses like that for breakfast that's not all if it were up to me somehow you managed to impress that fool captain quack captain Qwark knows about us he certainly does and worst of all he wants me to give you a prize but that ridiculous performance cool what is it I'm supposed to give you a steaming shock so you can stay to intro like little insects all right let's see not so fast today the two of you disguised my obstacle course so I am going to make you pay but that prize is ours from the captain that's not fair bad life's not fair sweet I bet captain Qwark uses stuff like this all the time real men can spin without silly toys like fat the two of you make me sick ratchet that's the man we saw in the infobox remember he knows captain quark hey you're that robot guy right no actually I build robots I myself am NOT a robot guy per se nerd I like him so now that we've cleared that up what can I do for you well we saw your info bot announcement you were with Captain quark we're trying to find captain quark we thought you could help us your logic is commendable however I haven't seen captain quark since we shot that commercial say do you run on standard XP 18 sister boards version seven point six six back at ya I may be able to help you out after all how does a hella PAC upgrade found upgrade match since he's a seven six six I could have the little guy up and flying in no time of course I'll just need my fee for service okay this won't hurt a bit hey wait am i cool now yeah you too man claim you're welcome [Music] readings interpretive German bread dispense with the pleasantries lieutenant my sources tell me you're behind schedule you must prepare this planet to be harvested for our new world yes sir as you can see everything is moving as your former commander can tell you I don't take disappointments well narek is destroying yet another planet yeah but if that's the kind of help he's getting I don't think we have anything to worry about you should not underestimate chairman drek he is quite dangerous we must find captain quark look lieutenant doesn't seem so tough let's take him out ourselves perhaps we can persuade the lieutenant to tell us where dreck is ha now you're talking [Music] yes quite lovely that should just about do it commander we are finished with this world commence towing our planet to its next destination you have fulfilled your treaty where we are ready to return to base not so fast lieutenant just because we don't need any more trees doesn't mean they should have it destroy [Music] unfortunately our scans do not show a trespasser available on this planet look plumbers crack what did you just say I said look the plumbers back alright wise guy shouldn't you be on one of them escape transports escape transports news flash giant robots attacking the escape transports are taking all the rich folks office God darn planet so why aren't you on one sushi Oh economic disparity what he hasn't got enough votes working people after weed for captain quark to save us well got anything worth a lot of bolts I got this thing shows two weirdos ditching their ship it's got coordinates to a desert planet to an info bot ratchet we could use that geronimo just slide down a sewer pipe maybe maybe this is the solution radical we seem to be under attack from the planet surface relax kid it looks like some sort of fireworks display did you see that guy on the left that was skid macmorrow does he know captain quark like doubt it he's a pro hover boarder always going off about how cool he is looks like he's in trouble I'll say I've never seen him look so freaked out it's him skid Micmac not mine from the info bug in the flesh dude you guys get a load of that epic space battle I was in we saw her screaming for help that was like a war cry my agent and I got ambushed and the way the hover board practice that he survived the crash sir he's okay but I've had a little trouble getting back to my ship due to my sprained ankle oh come on if you can take out all the sand sharks I just might have a spare motherboard for you we'd love to help you mr. McMorris but ratchet no I need to find captain's one of your boards hmm I've always wanted a decent hover board all right you just keep that foot elevated [Music] you man pitch a brand new Z 3000 it can't even buy these well I got a bear gets you dudes into other board races you've just acquired a gadget rongzi 3000 hoverboard use your new hoverboard at the racetrack and Blackwater City on Planet rogue are [Music] [Music] yes using the latest and precision laser technology the gadget Ron trespasser is guaranteed to work on gadget Ron's line of invincabels amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] you sure showed them I suppose I did is your current occupation leaving a rotten taste in your mouth then you need to know about BTS blog tactical Research Station hi I'm supreme executive chairman drek and we here at BTS are seeking motivated individuals to fill positions in these exciting career grind boot tester warhead assembly technician mutant animal husbandry robot repairman cannon test dummy an administrative assistant so called BTS build our weapons did you see all the cool gadgets they're making let's go get some no we must continue our search for Captain Hook you're absolutely right I am sure we need to find quark although when we find him wouldn't it be nice to be able to tell them where chairman drek is I suppose well we go to the space station and talk to the scientists they work for Trek so they're bonded know where he is I am unsure about your logic wow you think too much come on let's go [Music] I'm back so you are and I found this hey cool it's a what is it a hydro displacer great I always wanted one of those I guess selecting automated self-destruct feature vessel annihilation sequence initiated please remove all personal belongings [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is Donna Kratz reporting live from Blackwater City we've just learned that captain cork will be presenting the grand prize at the intergalactic hoverboard Championship which will be held here over the next few days in related news this planet has recently been suffering from an infestation of strange amoeboid creatures the city's administration has assured this reporter that every step has been taken to eradicate these nuisances Darla Gretchen Channel 2 News that yes I hope that poor woman is all right she's fine I think I was talking about the hoverboard races who thought I was a goner this time some nano wit and genetics must have left the cages open again you could come down now honestly a gadget engineer deserves a bit more respect if you ask me so you are an inventor gadget engineer I create revolutionary devices for executive chairman drek for instance viola my soon-to-be patented grind boots look I I need to get out of here so I can find a new job how about I sell you these at Cost sell after we just saved your scrawny butt alright alright I'll give you the employee discount too well thanks I'm gonna get out of here while I still can welcome to the heifer con intergalactic hoverboard competition captain quarks giving away a brand new platinum Zoomer ATAR to the winner of this competition a platinum Zoomer rater perhaps that would be the proof of your accomplishments that skids agent requires wait do you guys mean skid Mick Mars yeah skid couldn't make it so we're here to you know fill in for him yes we'll see about that [Music] [Music] hi folks captain Qwark here it is my distinct pleasure to introduce this year's hover con intergalactic champions let's give it up for newcomers hey that's us today's winners will take home a brand-new professional-grade model t15 platinum Zoomer later manufactured by gadget Ron this hoverboard drive delivers more lift speed and maneuverability than any other anti grab device on the market well folks that's all the time we have tonight remember to set your info bots to the court classic channel for tonight's episode of dogfight over death canyon story ghost early thank you and have a cool testing day [Music] Hey press conference is over captain Qwark the London will report is bugging him in his trailer oh you see my friend and I need to speak to the captain about a matter of galactic security you mean you and your walkin camera you paparazzi make me sick no baby but sir I'm sure the captain Qwark won't understand once we save it I know how it works you convinced me to let you in you snap a picture of the captain in his underpants under then do you sell a picture to the info tabloid for a million points you've got it all wrong meanwhile I'm stuck in making six bolts an hour and I have to listen to a lecture from that cheapskate quark so you don't get in unless I get a kickback in advance you see how it works you grease the hinges then door opens captain Qwark its ratchet and clank captain you know from the home oh yes yes I know who you are you do yes and thank that galaxy you found me huh there's an awful clapping hatch to destroy our planet ratchet he knows great does that mean we can go hoverboarding now my friends we're all in grave danger and I believe that together we can put a stop to this madness together you mean you want our help look ratchet I've been keeping an eye on you I've never seen anyone with such raw talent you are a true hero in the making really you mean I could be famous oh absolutely oh here take this what makes one man toil and obscurity while another becomes a hero is it strength compassion determination or just pure blind luck wise men through the ages have struggled with that very question but captain quark knows the secret that's why he's been able to defeat more test pits rescue more damsels in distress and save more civilizations than any other hero in the galaxy now is your opportunity to see if you got the stuff heroes are made of this info bot contains coordinates to quark secret base can you quickly conquer quarks killer cannonade a confounded complexion can you quickly clunk ken can you quickly quit I'll just make your way through the defense's to the center of the base prove yourself learn the secret and earn your place in galactic history consult your doctor before attempting any strenuous exercise not responsible for death or dismemberment your results may vary meet me at yeah leave me at my headquarters hey captain ratchet what do you think we won't fail you sir still having trouble tell me later later we might be dead by then all right Clank let's get going [Music] well well you do continue to surprise me step into the ring' of heroes and I will finally give you what you deserve wretched this is no time for you to become cautious we have reached our goal I don't know there's something fishy going on here listen to your little metal friend ratchet your destiny is mere steps away it's just something doesn't seem right this is it workers going to help us stop Jeb and Rick why thank you Clank you've been plan comes together what do you mean what do you think he means genius he's not gonna help us he's gonna kill us you catch on quick although there is one problem with your hypothesis I'm not going to kill you you're not no he is what why but why it's really not that difficult to decipher I'm the official spokesman for Drex new planet I can't have you two getting in the way of my comeback this isn't over quark No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I wonder what that info bot is for maybe it can replace you know the directions destroying that planet we must help that commando are you serious that's it I am out of here captain Qwark is gonna be sorry messed with me this is not about captain quark anymore there are innocent lives being lost yeah well I'm done with this stupid hero stuff I got my own agenda now ratchet this is not like you what do you know about me you've spent this whole time looking for quark you don't know anything about me I know that you will do the right thing well right now the thing I want to do is find quark how do you start this stupid thing have you forgotten me you need a robotic ignition system I will stop the ship if you agree to help that commando so blackmail is it fine just shut up and start the ship like so soon oh you're talking to me I'm not in the habit of talking to myself you buffoon did you get rid of them yes I do the thinking around here you slug brain idiot I simply needed you to eliminate those two nuisances before they can cause any real trouble but I wanted to do you still want to be highly-paid spokesman for my planet yeah then the next time I send you to do a job I want results now get out of my sight at attention you deserting maggots the next time you soldiers trying to go AWOL I'll shoot you bouts at work I just want a separate worm you save our farmers if you don't get to the turrets and that those shits out of the sky this whole planets gonna be rubble meet me at the city entrance he needs our help yeah why don't you go help into another trap well go on go fight some evil at least I'm not a coward whatever seems like like work I'm selling you for scrap fault who are you what are you doing we are on a mission to save the galaxy speak for yourself and your hands actually I don't care who you are I've got to get the heck out of here I think join the army to get money to go to college I never knew I'd end up in a war go figure this is a noble cause so noble my Jaime I just want to get home to my family here I pulled this out of a busted robot give me some bolts for bus fare and it's yours thanks a bunch good luck saving the galaxy whatever excreting supreme executive chairman drek as you can see we're about to test our newest automated pilot's helmet this helmet and the House Lannister control our latest fight effort others using only their thoughts please enjoy the demonstration we still have a few minor adjustments to make the kids worked out of that thing I have got to get me one of those if they are working for chairman drek they may know where he is is that all you can think about Drac this dreck that I got my own problems if you cannot see the importance of this situation you do have problems yeah well if you're so smart how come you fell for quark stupid trick yeah forget it we both need to get to this planet and that's all that matters lasted phangan won't budge I've tried everything not know short of nuclear weaponry well you tried see it not so fast soldier you're going into that compound even if I have to tell you ah that ventilation shaft leads to the third platform soldier find a way to use that shaft to infiltrate the compound undetected you've shown bravery by making it this far soldier and for that I reward you i intercepted this communique that you might find useful take it I'm off to find my battalion good luck I hope this message finds you well as many of you know our home planet is no longer available we've abandoned our factories our laboratories and our happy lives because of the encroaching pollution leaving much behind unfortunately the nearby planets will supply us with all we need to create our new home which is nearing completion once our scientists locate the ideal orbit so reserve your space now prime locations are filling up fast now do you understand why we must stop him he won't rest until he has destroyed every planet in the galaxy yeah well I got bigger fish to fry bigger than the galaxy Wow different fish anyway look then that commando guys say we could get into that compound yes by using the ventilation chat but we will need something special to walk on that fine let's get going in come back later these mad new boots are device designed for climbing special metal services however your feet appear to be [Music] whoo hey you giving me these or not they are magnetic I appear to be stuck to them Oh hey I know you two look the plumbers back very funny are you doing here sir maintenance what else I help fix this planet's useless air defenses well I think you'd better hurry up the turret works fine your little Yahoo it's the locals they haven't got the skilled manpower to use it I'm a pretty good shot you know I could lose my job oh come on what's the sense of keeping up a turret if nobody's gonna use it besides the blood chased you off the last planet why don't we pay him back alright go on if you want just don't break anything well well looks like he's good for something after all here take this what is it it detects underground boats my grandfather designed it to suck up loose change on any planet in the galaxy what a cheap old man he was well see you around sometime since you now own a metal detector a boat icon will show up on screen whenever you are near a buried stash of bolts when equipped the metal detector will give you signals to indicate your proximity to the very bolts the detector plate will always indicate the direction to the Volt's hold down the circle button to activate the device as you move closer to the bolts the Rings will become redder and the beeping will become faster continue holding down a circle button and once you are directly over the bolts the metal detector will suck them out of the ground rush rush [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hmm better not let ratchet see this one [Music] what are you having their ears metal filings does you know what I mean what is it I will show you this but you must promise to stay focused on our emissions is it something about quark cities are full of smog swamps are full of muck and dark bits are full of tar but here Joe I resort the Sun shines 24 hours a day visitors get a free o2 mask to explore our warm waters the benign marine life will welcome you to the big blue world under the sea you can also use our complimentary flippers tip I take its speed swimming so come to Joe I resort and leave your world and your troubles by July resorts pokey taru I knew it oh come on switch off your nerd circuits gonna have some fun look we'll go just long enough to pick up the o2 mask perhaps the extra oxygen will help your brain to function properly yeah and maybe the salt water will rust your mouth shut hey you two are the first friendly faces I've seen in weeks you are friendly aren't you to you yes to him no well friend have I got a deal for you since the blarg began dumping their toxic sludge into our ocean the wild life has become ravenous mutant yes you could say that all my customers either left or became lunch so I'm closing the place down however I just so happened to have one count'em 102 mask left how much it's not for sale but you said I said I had a deal and indeed I do you boys get rid of those blargh ships and it's yours just discard me to the other end of this resort and you can use our jet fighter jet fighter eh all right but you better not try to stiff us we're here now where's that fighter right there in that locked garage one Taurus crashes a jet and Wham glassy that lock is unlike any I have seen very astute observation mr. shiny I can't open it either I don't trust the tourists and the Board of Directors don't trust me so we have a little problem we have a little problem I just want the o2 mask so if you can't open up the lock that's your problem now cough up the mask well I can see that you really wanted to fly a jet so I'll tell you what go talk to Bob at his Robo chat he knows about these locks features of a gadget Ron the Buster back you can find one at BOTS Robo chef Justin well well what are we go here hey watch it I recognize that work open to see ya later yeah you installed the health pack I can see that I thought that did your brother mind everything he knows look if you want some real hardware I can fix this little feller up with a thruster pack ooh will it help us get past that warrior blocked by the fighter garage ah you know about those gizmos huh well I sure as heck well it's got a real special power slam move right in it's a good thing I need this to get to that jet or you'd be out of luck pal I've got it I'll have you fixed up faster than a horny toad hoppin better new that's right I am the man yeah well I guess that should do it here you go it's about time the o2 mask allows you to breathe underwater in poisonous atmospheres or even in outer space it will Auto equip when you need it hello again supreme executive chairman drek here to fill you in on our progress we have now found the perfect orbit for our planet one which will allow for the optimum temperature all year round however there is a planet now occupying that orbit and sadly for its few insignificant inhabitants it must be destroyed that's why we've created this the planet buster Maximus a device capable of blowing an entire planet into subatomic particles here's how it works we attach the planet Buster to this ship fly it into orbit around the planet and let it go quite ingenious really once our trained professionals put the finishing touches on our new planet now this guy's gonna blow off an entire planet that's just me that's what I've been telling you look I'm still gunning for quark we end up taking out direct - thanks fine what you do care don't push it pal you are about to embark on a very dangerous mission we will be launching a heavily armed surprise attack from our new moon base against the completely unarmed actually that doesn't sound your orders are simple destroy anything that moves steal the power generators from Florida City then destroy anything we must get to the moon base and stop threat no we have to get to the moon base to find quark if Drac is there quark is probably with them but wreck is going to destroy that city we must get to the base that's what I said no that is what I said alright fine [Music] it is time to begin your new assignment ah photo op by your shiny new shuttle terrific idea you were to take that shuttle to the moon base and ambush those two miscreants when they arrived oh yes of course there is just two washed-up a ground combat true that is why I will be loading you my Starfighter you can still apply its said of it you will acquire the Starfighter once you get to the moon screw this up and the endorsement deal is you would I did not see directorship we must have missed him ah who knows where quark is now if we're gonna catch those two we need a faster ship perhaps the space station will supply the ship we need well we're here let's go check it out hello captain [Laughter] perhaps we could have painted ship in there great idea let's go [Music] quark is history despite my earlier criticism and I must admit your parenting skills are improving I knew you'd come around but that has not helped us locate direct come on Clank can't you just once relax and enjoy a little success hey you want to catch Drac bet you this baby can do it this is Darla crash reporting live from Gorda city this once peaceful planet is being torn apart today in an unprovoked attack it now seems certain that supreme executive chairman drek will not be dissuaded in his efforts to destroy the galaxy for his own selfish need all hope certainly seems lost Darla crack channel 2 news yes I know it is worse than I expected - look maybe you were right this is a lot bigger than you or me I was really selfish focusing on quark it is not too late to stop Dredd hey yeah we've got this new ship let's go get him no you are talking hey hey welcome to my shop what can I get you I'm looking for dreck sure yeah I got lots of stuff on sale after the bombing no one is around to buy anything are you ok low prices oh you bet I can make you a deal on a busted turbo raider off a mangled carbon Iser or I got this info bot guess that bombing was pretty loud huh oh well you're one shrewd negotiator I'll tell you what I can let this info box call for a high price well that's about it for me thanks wait you're complaining I gave you a great deal she's afraid to go out at night afraid to go out during the just plain afraid then you need industries is now taking pre-orders now that's what I call serious firepower clanks gonna be jealous as he sees this this is starting to become annoying I'm not sure why I bother with you incompetent idiots all right I'll try this one more time you are my most elite troops I'm sending you down to the planet's surface to destroy those troublemakers now go oh and if you have to destroy gadget Ron to get rid of them so excuse me sir I was wondering if you were concerned about the invasion done our defenses are the best money can buy don't give it another thought you ever been on a hoverboard yeah once or twice I am in search of a hip young star to represent my newest line aboard come on that kids can look up to then I am your man you can beat my chest BOTS in a race that job is yours [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was terrific no I just need you to say a few words about our hot new boards huh now of course just look into that camera right over there and say what comes naturally rolling hi this is ratchet for gadget Ron hoverboards and if you um yo dudes for the freshest boards in the galaxy check out the new XC 88 from gadget Ron it's so hot it's cool jumpy hey I was thinking do I get a discount on gadgets now uh you have to be with the company for two years before the employee discount kicks in I can however let you have this the gadget Ron holla guys is the perfect infiltration device for all our non robot customers simply equip the device and press the circle button you will instantly be disguised as a sentry bottom preventing detection by all sentry bot security systems press the circle button again to weigh that fellow sentry bots who within deactivate force fields for you Oshin use of any weapon while the skies will be activate the holy guys that should do it fine mom I know my fellow our however there is one small this pathetic planet Isaac into place just above the planet's surface I will of course be on hand to press the button that will blow this mud wall to smithereens no see you then ratchet are you all right he is going to pay me it shouldn't have taken me this long to see it Breck is going to find out what happens when you mess with my home what are you smiling at this is the ratchet I always knew was there okay if we're gonna do this we need to get on the trek ship then we can find out where he set up that laser I will try to make you proud mom be a vegetable I've been waiting for the total of memory from entire planet witness the power the destruction and the nothingness that follows good so joint ultimate supreme executive chairman drek as he pushes a button that ends one world and they can't another then stay tuned for the galaxy's funniest superhero bloopers - featuring Captain Clark now we know where it is let's get them [Music] [Music] imbeciles after all the trouble you've gone through you're about to die right where you started it's super wicked this is it Clank let's get him hmmm you might have been useful to me after all too bad you chose the wrong side so it has come to this once I step on this ignition switch our countdown will commence the end of which signals the destruction of your pitiful world there must be another way to make a home for your people you think that's what this is about who do you think polluted our last world ID this is about one thing and one thing only - and lots of it you see I've been paid for every square inch of my new world once the inhabitants move in I will begin polluting this world as well then the whole thing starts all over again why you you evil little save it Clank we have to stop that timer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up you know this time I am thinking what you're thinking [Music] this can't sure that was close [Music] why you can pull us up now the servos in my arms appear to be broken broken as in fall to our deaths broken yes that was close [Music] let me take it [Music] where do you think you're going we still need to fix that arm [Music] do you have a problem with unwanted hair is painful eating in your nether regions causing you undue embarrassment do you just plain stink then you need this for gadget Ron personal hi Janet or hi I'm Steve cork and this little baby can take care of any grooming needs that are just too much trouble for you to handle yourself allow me to demonstrate [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 25,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, ratchet and clank all cutscenes, ratchet and clank game movie, ratchet and clank movie, ratchet and clank full story, ratcher and clank full playthrough, ratchet and clank ps2, ratchet and clank
Id: M7KHXrCe1Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 15sec (4335 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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