GENSHIN IMPACT Prologue All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS HD

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[Music] so what you're trying to say is that you fell here from another world but when you wanted to leave and go on to the next world your path was blocked by some unknown god [Music] outlanders your journey ends here who are you the sustainer of heavenly principles the irrigation of mankind ends now [Music] either [Music] wait and just like that the god took away my brother some kind of seal was cast upon me and i lost my power so whilst we used to cross world after world we are now trapped here how many years ago was it i don't know but i intend to find out after i awoke i was all alone right up until i met you two months ago yeah really owes you for that otherwise kind of likely would have drowned so finally we'll do our best to be a great guy we should head off let's get going [Music] that's a statue of the seven there are a few of these statues scattered across the land to show the seven's protection over the world among the seven gods this god controls the wind pymon's not sure whether the god you're looking for is the animal god but i'm on i'll take you to the animal god's place first and there's the reason why as we all know poetry and language flow like the wind there'll definitely be someone there who knows about your brother at least that's what pymon thinks whether the gods actually answer you is a different story you never know unless you try so let's hop to it [Music] oh did you just feel the elements of the world seems all you had to do was just touch the statue and you got the power of animal as much as they may want it people in this world can never get a hold of powers as easily as you it's a bit rude to say that about the power the gods just gave you if we keep heading west from here we'll eventually reach monstat the city of freedom monstat is the city of wind because they worship the god of animal so perhaps because you got power from the god of animal you can find some clues there there are also lots of bards there so perhaps one of them has heard news of your brother let's move then the elements in this world responded to your prayers and pymon thinks that's a lovely sign there's something huge in the sky it's heading towards the heart of the forest we must proceed with caution huh look at that don't be afraid it's all right now i'm back is he talking to a dragon there that was close my mom almost got blown away luckily my mom managed to grab hold of your hair thanks just what was that i'm gonna thought we were gonna get eaten hmm it definitely has something to do with that weirdo who's talking to the dragon of course not oh what's that there's some kind of shiny red thingy on the big rock over there let's go take a closer look [Music] be careful hymon doesn't have a good feeling about this is never seen a stone like this before so pymon can't tell what it is all pymon knows is that it's dangerous best we put it away for now okay we've got it now let's get out of here hey you stop right there [Music] may the animo god protect you stranger i am amber outrighter for the knights of fevonius you don't look like citizens of monstat explain yourselves we're not looking for trouble that's what all the troublemakers say doesn't sound like a local name to me and this mascot what's the deal with it [Music] hey that's even worse than being a mascot so to sum it up your traveling partners right well look there's been a large dragon sighted around monstat recently best you get inside the city as soon as possible it's not far from here i'll escort you there oh aren't you out here for some other reason i am but not to worry i can keep you both safe while doing that too besides i'm still not sure if i can trust you two just yet oh uh i'm sorry probably not something i should say as a knight i give you my apologies uh strange yet respectable travelers that sounded so fake do you have something against the type of language usage prescribed by the knights of evonius handbook [Music] so suspicious travelers what are you doing in monstaff she got separated from her brother during a really really long journey my mom is her travel buddy helping her to find her brother what oh looking for your family huh uh okay let me finish my other stuff first and help you put up posters around the city what exactly is it you need to finish doing first it's simple you'll understand in a bit uh a hilly troll quick get it nothing to it though i've got to say you surprised me a little with your moves there thanks for the backup how'd it feel now that you mention it how is it the hilly trails ended up here these creatures don't seem like the type to set up camp so close to cities like this exactly it's more normal for them to be much further out in the wilderness but because the dragon storm terror has been around a lot more recently our orchards have been destroyed and the local market has been affected as well when the storms hit we usually end up with at least a few injuries so the knights of evonius have been tied up doing the best they can to defend the area so these annoying creatures have been getting closer and closer to the city exactly that said clearing this camp helped make the area a little bit safer come with me a responsible knight must make sure to see you to the city safely [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me officially introduce the city of wind dandelions and freedom travelers under the protection of the knights of evonius welcome to monstaff finally no more having to camp outdoors but the city folk don't look too cheery everyone's been put out of place by storm terror recently but everything will turn out fine as long as gene's with us gene acting grand master of the knights of evonius gene defender of monstat with gene on our side surely even the vicious storm terror will be no match for us before i take you guys to the knights of evonius headquarters i have a present for you traveler it's a reward for helping me clear out that hilla troll camp hey why doesn't my mom get a reward uh because this reward is useless to you piemon but i'll treat you to a traditional monster delicacy sticky honey roast sticky honey roast come with me we'll head to the city's uh high ground so the present i want to give you is a wind glider outriders use them to ride the wind and the people of monstat love using them too i brought you here to give it to you so you can experience it right away oh you're really excited about these wind gliders huh well that's because the wind is the heart and soul of monstat oh alrighty then enough talk let's give it a whirl it's easy to use but you still need to pay attention to my instructions the sky [Music] [Applause] um how are you staying afloat like this with just a wind glider i'm preventing your fall with the power of a thousand wings now concentrate see yourself grasping momentum harnesses energy [Music] are you hurt you've actually got the power to go up against the dragon are you a new ally or a new storm storm terror is attacking monster itself kyle traveler you've come at the right time we must hold on amber are you perhaps forgetting to introduce us oh right this is kaya our cavalry captain these two are travelers from afar from afar is that all we know of them uh long story short [Music] i see welcome to monstat although you haven't arrived at the best of times i'm afraid i understand the anguish of being separated from family i'm not really sure why you're looking for the animo god but everyone has their secrets right relax i won't press you for more first and foremost on behalf of the knights of favonius i would like to extend our thanks to you for your help just now uh how about a traditional monstat delicacy sticky honey roast your fight to defend the city against the dragon just now was witnessed by no small number of citizens the acting grand master of the knights of fivonius is also very interested in meeting you and formally invites you both to our headquarters gene what's the hurry i thought we agreed to meet them here there have been sightings of storm terror outside the city once we meet we must relax i'll lend a hand when the time comes gene i've brought them and once it was over i brought them straight here monstat welcomes you winborn travelers i am jean acting grandmaster of the knights of favonius this is lisa our resident librarian [Music] oh are you sweeties here to help us out [Music] you're both so adorable sadly the timing is regrettable storm terror has caused quite a ruckus in the region since its recent resurgence simply put monstat's elemental sphere in ley lines are now akin to a yarn ball in the paws of a kitten for a mage it couldn't get much worse my skin is one elemental particle away from a full-blown breakout if it weren't for this interference the knights of fevonius would have better ways to help you than just putting up missing person posters we simply ask that you're opposing mom stat while we help you seek out your brother hey don't be such a slug we should be a part of this too good in that case we need a plan with storm terror now directly attacking monstat we may have an opportunity to cut this problem off at the source lisa has revealed the sources of storm terror's power with her detection magic is that so they're located in the abandoned four winds temples terror's ability to whip up these kinds of storms can be attributed to it drawing power from the temples our objective is to deal with three of the four temples i trust everyone understands why we are only dealing with three pymon doesn't knights of fivonius time is against us the storm is rampant there's no point in maintaining a defensive position all right we need to take initiative and act before the situation escalates this is it one of the deserted temples of the four winds these temples have been left to waste for years now the people of monsted almost never come here there's a chance there's a monster nest or hilla troll camp inside even storm terror has given up on its own temple yes i also find it hard to accept but storm terror was once one of the four winds huh wait did you just feel that the wind here something's off let's go in and take a look be careful the dragon's power is disturbing this area wow i can see so far into the temple dragon's breath is that where the power is coming from great i'm tired but at least this way we've helped gene out in the past we were at least able to defend the city and keep it safe this of course is mostly thanks to gene but now with storm terror directly attacking the city itself the winds change so too should our tactics it's what lisa likes to say speaking of which the four winds we were discussing earlier if you want to learn more about our history you can ask lisa i'm not saying i don't know our history it's just mean a librarian is supposed to be more knowledgeable than an outrider right let me show you how the knights of fivonius conquer our adversaries deal with it bravo what a performance you are to my surprise a well-trained knight the battles you just fought were sights to behold i see you already have the nightly virtue of modesty stories of your heroic deeds to save monstat from destruction shall be known throughout the city of freedom well into the future please do visit me at our headquarters when you have the time i also know a lovely tavern if that's more your thing quite rewarding no we've seized another temple from storm terrace grasp i can take care of the rest here you go take care of other things while i'm at it see you later then bye-bye there's no way hilly turtles organized an ambush like this themselves not with their limited mental capacity thus you were behind this always so inefficient agree to disagree but your involvement in this just made things a whole lot more interesting hey cutie you're going to help me out too how kind of you don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything good question basically things other than that which require brawn or brains so what does that leave dragon of the east lion of the south wolf of the north falcon of the west they are the four winds of monstat affiliated with barbados the god of animal the dragon of the east storm terror its real name is divalen though most and monstat seem to have forgotten that in all this storm terror business so now you know why divalen is only able to channel three of the four winds power because it has been consuming itself from the beginning because of hatred i presume hatred hatred for monstat hatred drove it to become something more powerful than the wind itself to become storm terror but why would one of the four winds hate the city it was supposed to protect uh as a child of monstat it's something that's really hard to say aloud here take this it's a very old story from more than a century ago oh it's finally done well all that lay flow and elemental line stuff lisa is going on about should hopefully be back to normal want to go back and see how the knights are doing but if you've got anything more interesting to do pymon can come too by the way we obtained another animuculus in one of the four winds temples right we might come across more of them in the future so don't forget to offer them to the statues isn't that gene it seems she's talking to someone let's let her finish then go say hi which is what has brought us to this point in the first place if you are unable to promptly deal with the storm terror threat then leave the defense of monsta to the fatoui we can put an end to monsters dragon issues all we need to do is bring that monster to the monster yes what's your point uh i'd expect a more professional attitude from your diplomats yet here you are saying you want to put an end to one of the four winds of monstat i won't have any of this nonsense in front of the knights of fivonius it's not as crazy as you make it sound fine that's enough negotiation for today at this stage it's simply an amicable exchange of constructive opinions no i'll be sure to make thorough notes oh you're back thanks for your help the elemental flow is finally stable the aftermath of storm terror's last attack is finally settled for the moment however the pressure from the delegation has become too big to be ignored delegation from leo harbor or in azuma city they choose to follow the god of cryo their envoys go by a particular name the fatoui heard of them oh them they're super famous wait infamous is more the word i don't think killing storm terror is the right course of action the cryogod's fatoui have always coveted the animal god's power i don't believe they have monstat's best interests at heart what is it oh let us head back to headquarters then we shouldn't discuss important matters out in the open are considered the same in status monstat is independent and does not belong to any other nation in fact despite being referred to as a city monsta is a nation though nya's fatoui are known to be the most aggressive diplomats in tibet makes sense given the tone of that woman just now so rude it's a crystal embedded with some kind of power lisa are you able to analyze it let me take a look i can see impurities in the crystal but upon further inspection no i'm sorry i can't make a proper analysis at the moment give me some time i'll take a look through the library's restricted section right i'll leave the research to you then lisa understood i'll notify you all if i make any progress so i wouldn't go getting your hopes up they're incredibly ancient texts not to mention ouch gosh that hurt the impurities in the crystal it hurts when i get close i see it appears to react to visions the impurities and the elemental energy we embody repel each other it's strange though you have elemental abilities as well but don't seem to be affected in the same way anyway the crystal would be better left in the hands of my cutie it'll just be a pain if left with us both literally and metaphorically fascinating do you know anything about what makes you special i do not know what to make of it either well then the knights of fivonius have another favor to ask of you please accept the title of honorary knight and the gratitude of the acting grand master honorary night of the phonies we ask for your continued assistance in finding some answers storm terrors rage and strange crystals i know monstat's peace hangs in the balance may the wind open your eyes to the truth we'll meet back here if you find anything there's something you didn't tell them the dragon and the crystal weren't the only things we saw so you do remember him that green guy he looked just like that guy down there see see wait hold on a minute that that's the same guy that green guy disappeared use elemental sight to track him down what [Music] [Music] so what is to be sung transpired in days of yore when the divine archon still walked the earth a dragon cast his curious gaze on the world below as he parted from the heavens that gave his birth the dragon sought truth amongst common folk but mortal trifles only fogged his mind the wind-born bard strummed his strings dolce and the holy liar answered his questions kind the dragon was but a child full of wonder and soared the heavens free from care the bard's songs invited him to sing along for he yearned to let all perceive him fair enchanting legends the bard and dragon were but the tides of despair soon engulfed the land the lion fang perished in the falcon flat slept as a vile dragon approached monsta over the cathedral loomed death and his friends of the people's agony the bards soon sang the soaring dragon heeded his grave cause and amidst the windstorms of brutal wars blood of venom sent the skydragon into slumber only to awake to be expelled in abhor why do people in this age loathe me so but the holy liar replied no more wrath and woe vigor and venom poured from the dragon's bitter eyes the dragon's curse sprawled in silence but the liar could no longer see his cries wait you guys are oh that's right you're the ones that scared divalent away who's that huh oh right most people seem to call him storm terror why do you call him that are you too meant to be close or something oh so close hey so pymon thinks this guy has a screw loose i'm venti the bard three-time winner of the most popular part of monstat to be precise so what do you need for me given you recognize us pymon doesn't believe we need to explain any further of course it's about storm terror storm hey cut it with the amnesia act all right show it to him oh isn't this what the crystal has been purified when divalent he the anguish he feels has brought him to tears tears he was once such a gentle child now so full of rage and suffering i also came across a teardrop crystal can you purify it [Music] huh you really do have some wonderful abilities someone like you is going to end up getting written into a bard's poem oh a hero so bright should she stand in the light they'll stand in the shade and you'll be met by a blade alas i've really not the time to compose a melody for you at this moment anyway even if davalan is not taken down his life will still wither away in the breeze he'll burn himself out in the flames of anger i really must thank you for purifying the teardrop crystal it has helped me greatly but i've already come to devise my own plan oh and what plan would that be seeing this tear has brought to mind a friend so dear friend one must be going hey where are you running off to to the symbol of monstats hero bye-bye [Music] huh what do you make of that as far as he's concerned you're a weirdo too you know know what [Music] familiar i don't know you're alone on that one what did he just say symbol of monstats hero oh my my nose it's that huge tree you know the gigantic one you can't miss it surely you still remember oh what are you doing here though i was just wondering if you would happen to follow me you speak of the god of animal barbados he already disappeared from monsted a long time ago liu and inazuma's respective gods of geo and electro are still present but monstat has seen many a moon since they last saw their own god why do you wish to know about the god of animal does it have something to do with divalent oh uh it's because gods just how is it that everyone sees storm terror i'm quite curious that said there's no need to rush i have not been back in a while it seems there are a few who are unhappy with my arrival seems the dragon wasn't the only thing affected by this change in the wind now then you were saying someone had told you about the dragon is that so quite the scholar i must say that lisa she's not wrong the conflict has reached this point only because both sides have resorted to the use of force his hate however did not arise from the people not making tribute to the four winds nor was it born from his own nature but instead came about as a product of his degradation degradation the black blood flowing through his heart has been torturing him for years that's what has allowed him to be led astray by the lies of the abyss mage they are from the abyss order an organization comprised of non-human beings they despise mankind i don't know where they come from all i know is that they hold deep hatred toward the human world many hilly trolls out in the wild take orders from them and act as their weapons before arriving here i too was like devolent cursed and left to waste but now before us stands the symbol of monstat's hero the place from which monstat rose the wind amongst the branches is good i love the way it smells being here with you beneath this great tree feels like when the tear was purified earlier like the poison is leaving my body feels much better so how exactly did you get poisoned ah that would be because i tried to communicate with divalen earlier but was interrupted as a result not only did i not manage to help devolent break his curse but instead was also infected myself yes it was you so to make up for it you're coming with me to the cathedral the monster cathedral to do what exactly to claim a certain holy liar to hamel so this holy lionel is one of the most treasured items in monstat it's the liar that barbados used to play with it perhaps i can help and draw his gentle nature back out of this nightmare he's going through will it really stop stormcare from causing more damage of course i'm the best bard in the world there's not a single song i do not know no matter if it's from the past present or future look me in the eyes do you not find me trustworthy so how can we get the holy liar it's said that it's enshrined deep within the cathedral somewhere safe i'll go take a look around you can come if you want let me handle this hello there sister may the animo god bless you young bard how can i help you actually i know a secret that can save monstaff from its current predicament oh what a blessing from the god of animo but you should report that to the knights of fivonius why have you come to me because you dear sister are able to help i'd like to borrow the holy liar with it i'll be able to help storm terror please see yourselves out [Music] what it's a vicious dragon indeed but once the acting grandmaster makes up her mind nothing can stand in the night's way that's simply not acceptable wouldn't storm terror end up getting killed that way that foolish beast betrayed the winds not even the god of animo themselves would forgive it please i beg of you i'm afraid not little bard strange somehow i feel so bad rejecting this sweet child then i guess i'm left with no other choice i cannot hide anymore my disciples rejoice behold the god of animo barbados has descended shocked aren't you don't you just want to cry out and rejoice how does it feel to finally meet the god you've been serving if there's nothing else i'll be going back to handle the cathedral's paperwork now [Music] huh she didn't even bat an eyelid but i have at least learned what i wanted to know she didn't deny that the cathedral is enshrining the holy liar now since you're the hot shot of the knights of favonius maybe you can give it a shot barbados bless you i know you you and amber saved monstat that day so what brings you here tasks from the acting grand master is that so not that i don't trust you it's just that a suspicious bard came looking to borrow the holy liar as well he's full of nonsense and even called himself barbados he must be up to something there are regulations in place for the use of the holy liar currently it's only used in looty harpastum signed documents from the grand master seneschal and community representative are all required so may i see the document from the knights of fevonius a signed document is required without it there's not much i can do now if you'll excuse me i really am quite busy as of late ah it didn't work i knew it you knew it i just wanted to know how influential the hot shot of the knights of fevonius is you see the best warrior should always be presented with the best sword and yet here we are does the story not make for a fitting ballad so what are you trying to say that we're not good enough no that's not it more of a commentary regarding monstat's inability to see the warrior standing right before its very eyes very well looks like borrowing it is not going to be possible we're simply going to have to steal it today we stand for free will any suggestions on just how we steal it come now speak up that's what free will is for look at you sidetracked from the start but seriously you're more suitable for the job than i aside from singing i don't really have any other talents besides if i was caught i'd have no one to write the grave injustice of my arrest how can it be a grave injustice if you got caught stealing red-handed but things are different for you you are the superstar of the knights of evonius you've made contributions to monstat should you get caught you would easily be able to talk your way out of it the guards here it seems they're off duty throughout the night if we manage to seize this opportunity it should be smooth sailing from here stop mentioning us getting caught what do you say [Music] ah yes seems i did mention that your point being why does your decision hinge upon whether or not i am a god i want to fill you in on her background story when we get the time huh you she disappeared freeze what are you doing here we're busted right what follow me [Music] hey luke this is this week's accounts the disaster has greatly affected business well let's hope it all ends soon hi we'd like a seat at your uh least conspicuous table um the second floor has fewer customers you'd be less conspicuous up there but aren't you a bard why not sit front and center let's save the paid performance for next time we'll be heading up now see you in a bit hey keep an eye on them there's something strange about that bard i'll go ask around ask who exactly the protectors of monstat [Music] i'll catch up master g luke have you seen two thieves around what happened why have you mobilized so many guards haven't you heard master d luke two thieves are trying to steal the holy liar huh how odd isn't it the holy liar is a treasure that was played by the god of animals themselves such a precious piece of cultural heritage why would one want to steal something they can't sell off would pay better to steal from my sellers huh sorry off topic believe they headed that way understood thank you master d luke [Music] today i think i'll have a glass uh you can put down that bottle you stole from behind the counter something cold right i want answers let me finish my drink first i'll pay you well with a performance it's not about money you seem too young to be drinking no need to worry when i started drinking you are still he is master de luke the boss of the the owner of this tavern he's very famous by the way his dandelion wine is one of my favorites although most of the time i can only afford a bottle or two i just heard about some thieves from the guards for the record i like your guts for trying to steal the holy lyoda hamel even if you are fools but we don't often get to see people like you it wasn't us that stole it the real thief is still out there this is the hot shot of the knights of evonius why would someone so aspiring steal monstat's sacred treasure hot shot oh so it's you so you and the bart are close friends well despite only being a passing traveler you still offered your help to monsted in its time of need a shame you joined the knights the knights of pavonius inefficient right from beginning to end and towards the fatoui weak and conservative forget it i don't feel like talking about it seems you don't really like the knights of fevonius just differences in approach is all i have my own hopes for this city now answers why did you steal the holy liar you sure you want to know it could implicate you in the affairs of the knights of evonius that's fine i somehow always end up implicated in their affairs if i tell you the story with a performance will you believe me it depends i'll make my own judgment then will i get paid your reward will range from anywhere between five maura and the holy liar it all depends on your story very well let me put on a show [Music] what did i just witness this is confidential information why did you let me know why hmm perhaps the winds are changing what say you master d luke interesting give me some time i'll organize some contacts outlander as one of the nights it seems you're not a suspect blonde is the only description on the wanted poster you should be safe as for the bard however it'd be better if you stayed in the tavern no problem i like taverns okay let's meet here tonight after the tavern closes you're here wait you're well first of all i contacted more than one person secondly she came here as jean herself not as the acting grandmaster a gene you would never see even as an honorary knight what a surprise i heard about the holy liar but i never suspected it was you so the sound of the holy liar can purify storm terror and return it to normal is that true that's right your honorary knight is putting themselves on the front line to try and resolve this storm terror issue now that's the hot shot of the knights of evonius i'm talking about feels like we're breaking the law though i understand this kind of absurd explanation is hard to believe but we can ask the bard to play the song again to try and persuade i believe you to persuade our stubborn command wait what i can't think of any reason for divalen's betrayal given it was once one of the four winds however if it was poisoned in the battle over monsta all those years ago and then corrupted by the abyss mage after it woke up we can't really blame it but as acting grandmaster i obviously cannot make such a statement publicly diplomatic pressure from the fatoui makes it hard for us to seek a peaceful resolution to the storm terror issue people would think i've lost grip on the gravity of the situation that's why i can only do this in private that's one of the reasons i don't like the knights of evonius what surprises me is that you would believe an outlander so easily my cautious and meticulous superior even you trust him don't you sir i already told you not to call me sir wow um this is really awkward i have a rough idea of where the holy liar to hamel is nice recovery she's really talented at changing the subject the conflict between monsta and schnez stems from the conflict between the seven nations and their respective gods the cryogod's fatoui seemed to be after the animal god's power right if the knights of fivonius publicly prevented an attempt on divalen's head then the only other way to affect the animal god's power is to take the holy liar the number of fatui that have come to monster is far from limited i've already managed to coerce a few reports out of them d luke has determined that the holy liar is not being held in the goth grand hotel i imagine they don't want to leave something stolen in a place where it could be so easily found hi mom if too much of a scene gets made then it becomes a big diplomatic issue [Music] such as the diplomacy between the seven nations fear this might fall short of their true intentions i think they intend to use barbados his connection to the wind to draw him out just like lisa traced the source of the storm to the temples the god of animal hasn't been seen for more than a thousand years what makes you think that's their intention would be better forget it i don't like having to pry here take this what is it a disguise to protect your identity put it on before you run into the fatui unfortunately there's still one of monstat's allies at least that's the facade we're maintaining our actions are going to get them stirred up better to not implicate yourself on a personal level where did you write scurry out from senora is not going to tolerate this kind of interference in our affairs can't run from dead finally the liar is back in safe hands where did that guy go though he was here a second ago senora is going to end you the songs bards sing of your demise will be so terrifying the people of monstat will never sleep again for the nightmares they give them big talk for a guy who still ran off in the end chicken back this is the holy liar you managed to retrieve it the pattern of flowing wind carved on the rosewood and the strings still feel cool to the touch too ah the memories what do you think venti can you summon divalen although this liar is the real thing i doubt that it's going to work as you can see the liar has been through a thousand years of history its animal power has run dry in this condition you couldn't play music fit for even d luke's tavern with it bart's fight to get on the stage of my tavern don't make assumptions is that really important right now master de luc and you did you just borrow the holy liar to play music for drunkards to hear what do you mean anyway we won't be able to call to fall in with it the wire itself is fine but the strings you're up outlander [Music] relax it's not broken it's just that the intensity of its animal power has greatly diminished do you still have devolence teardrop crystal with you great try to use it on the holy liar it worked as expected this youthful glow praising yourself really i was talking about the holy liar thanks to our traveler friend having purified the crystal the holy liar won't continue to lose power that said its power is far from replenished it'd be great if we could get more tears i can surmise that devalent will already be crying suffering alone in some deserted place to fallen poor baby this is not something that an honorary knight can accomplish alone i will mobilize the rest of the knights to assist when you get the teardrop crystal please let our honorary knight perform the purification process heroes supporting each other and setting out on a journey together how exciting let me come up with a song for you is that all you're going to do just sing hmm wouldn't be much of a bard if i didn't now would i you're so cheeky you deserve an ugly nickname oh pima knows from now on you'll be known as tongue deaf bard this search reminds me of a feud i once had with the fatoui six months ago a thief stole treasure from the east temple of the four winds whoa what was it a cup used by barbados no although if such a thing existed it would be very valuable among all the relics they managed to dig up one particular object was very rare it was a vial which contained the animal god's breath relics come in every shape and form huh anyone with an eye for fine art would like to add this relic to their collection once word got out the fatouis started trying to seek it out as well they've made tons of counterfeits that can be found everywhere in response i just bought everyone i could find irrespective of its authenticity we're still at it now i've bought more than 2 000 fakes today and the fatoui are yet to find the real one whoa you guys are insane another so it means the real one must be out there somewhere on the black market right what would you like him i'll give you a discount on them if she finds any because pymon's just great like that sure you can try to find the real one i'll take what you find even if they're fake once you're done find me at the winery i'll trade you a beer for every 20 you find [Music] [Music] freeze leave it onto me thank you didn't think we'd find a volunteers in a place like this as nights we are taught to hone our investigative skills wow very impressive in my experience the secret to finding what you are looking for is to never look for it in the first place don't think too much about it and don't search too hard and before you know it what you're looking for will appear right before your very eyes what don't worry about it too much the more flustered you become the less likely you are to find it pay attention to what you see in your peripheral vision and you might just stumble upon what you're looking for i don't know it doesn't sound like that would work no seriously it does well in fact it's how i used to find my tortoise whenever you went missing you had a head before yes why something [Music] [Music] um what [Music] so ah we're done gathering that was hard it's too early to relax we're still not done with storm terror besides the vatui could also be planning something luke i heard that the fatoui have recently proclaimed you persona non grata what an honor nobody was ever proclaimed persona grata by the future anyway the fatoui the diplomatic delegation from schneznia what if they got against master de luc the fatoui are a problem not only for the knights they also present a real threat to the whole of monstat and when it comes to threats against monstat to luke is that's enough gene unites are subject to too many restrictions you can't directly confront this so-called diplomatic scum personally i despise them if i were to choose between eating a cryo-slime alive or joining the patui i prefer to be crushed to death by a meteorite jeez your wording is so very dramatic the fallen protection squad assemble let's put our crystals together oh the color of these crystals looks muddy to lolly you're going through so much pain let's start purifying these crystals first please traveler it is hard to believe such a interesting it's like filtering wine the process is refreshing i think we should have enough tears now so next we use the crystals on the holy liar like last time it worked it seems completely different from before the liar's animal power seems fully restored we should be able to use it now it's all thanks to you now where should we summon storm terror it must be away from the city else there will be casualties should we fail perhaps here at the winery if the winery was destroyed it's not something i couldn't eventually fix but i'd still rather not go through the hassle the wind that blows at sea or in high places should be able to carry a bard's words far away it's never going to work if the air is too dry or suffocating sea or high places right then the best location to play the liar would be if you go east from starfell lake there are mountains south of the beach oh you mean that beach we were on when you told pymon about your sister if you head to where the cliff juts out that place is known as star snatch cliff what do you think bart meets the requirements smell let me think star snatch cliff all right let's do it there very well then let's meet at star snatch cliff when we're ready please don't be late yes ma'am oh sorry i didn't mean to everyone is finally here what a view lovely for a faded reunion isn't it well we must be prepared for a fight regardless of the outcome things finally seem to be taking a turn for the better monstat has really been going through so much recently in the end the solution to our problem was as simple as a traveler in a song i suppose the knights of fivonius may have played a part in it too oh we get it master d luke everyone please step aside i the best wandering bart of the mortal world shall begin my performance with the holy liar [Music] [Applause] then why do i see sadness in your eyes sadness that speaks of your yearning for this song communicating huh oh you you were planning this all along is please be careful you've known my true identity for some time now haven't you gene though i thank you for continuing to use the name venti how's the holy liar can it still be played or it doesn't need to be repaired oh unfortunately i think it's beyond repair you're right if we don't fight the evil at its source then we can't save davaon at all in which case i shall call upon outrider amber to track it down no need why is that i eradicated one not long ago in one of the four winds temples what when if you want to track those monsters down then i'll seek answers for my contacts i've got other means for getting the job done oh dear look though he dislikes the knights of fevonius he protects monstat in his own way oh why does our little pymon sound so doting all of a sudden wait for my word i'll be sure to let the abyss order know that their blatant disregard for monstat will not go unpunished [Music] your highness your humble servant returns when your homeland returns to this world we shall revel in its glory the abyss order enemies of the human race even the underground networks rarely come across in the information on them with that said it was a bit of a hassle but i managed to dig up a few clues really that quickly you really are well connected master g luke come to think of it mr big animal god barbatos why exactly do you need the help of mere humans uh how do i put it the seven as people now know them were once known as the seven archons each archon presides over their own part of tavat that is the role the archons play only in performing this duty can we attain power but i don't like the idea of ruling monstat and i don't feel monstat would really like it either go forth and establish a city of freedom without rule we have not forgotten barbados wish for mom stat gene you're such a devotee maybe someone got a little too free and it's just too lazy to care uh however it may have come to be i haven't been back to monstat for an extended period of time without a doubt i am now the weakest archone among the seven [Music] oh you flatter me oh such a humble god is it a blessing or a curse but we digress let's get back to the topic at hand we attract the abyss mage to the vicinity of the winery i cannot stress enough how important it is to not let it escape well huh what's this after the abyss mage was defeated a certain energy dispersed from its body it seems that energy was being used to cut off the connection between me and divalent huh do you know if storm terrors lit of course i believe the people of monstat all know of it after davalan woke up he took the ancient ruins as his lair as it was with the storms that previously cut monstat off from the outside world the entrance to the ruins is also sealed by a special barrier but now as the energy dispersed from the abyss mage i was able to read the rhythmic flow of how the barrier's magic was woven i must admit it sounds even more horrendous than a chorus of hilly charles but it should be enough to let us break through the storm barrier and reach storm terror's lair which means we're going to confront divalen i'm fine with that gene is the one who wishes to avoid any direct confrontation no when there are no other options left it is my responsibility to alter our course of action if slaying him is our only choice i will gladly become the knight that leads the charge fortunately we have yet to need to go that far by that you mean i mean that the holy liar is not our trump card our real trump card the traveler of course the traveler correct but you have a much more precious forte the impurities and the tears and the curse that binds to volume belong to the same maleficent power which means you tone deaf bard don't you see how crazy this is you've seen what devon is like when he's ticked off she'll be swallowed whole before she even gets to lift a finger hey nice plan worth a shot i am with you honorary night oh so we just need to fight monsters from the abyss and a dragon no pressure or anything humans aren't without their strengths let's go and so epic actions of brave heroes finally leads to this 11th hour it's a storm barrier [Music] it looks so dangerous leave it to me although this wooden liar is all i have i don't need the liar to break through this kind of storm bit wait what is that [Music] enemy attack the stage will need to be cleared before it can begin my performance generally speaking such chores are not the concerns of the performer himself wait what's going on there shouldn't be any hilly trailheads in the vicinity of stormterror's lair uh the hilly trolls usually do not venture into areas with high elemental concentrations it puts a heavy burden on their bodies the abyss order must be manipulating them behind the scenes yet they shouldn't have been able to determine that we would come and presumably spreading their forces to halt our plans without further ado i suppose i can play faster if my only audience is the wind it actually opened you're not entirely useless toned fart this is it we are now entering storm terror's lair watch yourselves looks like this is the front gate to storm terrace lair the gate is enormous compared to us but still pilot wonders how divine gets in there with a body that huge he doesn't walk in he flies in oh you do have a point it's stuck it's stuck hey check out that roof is there a giant hole in it hmm i suppose we could make use of that wind current let's make a detour then let's make a detour then heading up do you think there will be abyss mages hiding in the ruins do not underestimate them just because i have beaten one of them before i'm not posting i'm simply [Music] huh why am i so diligent too diligent for a poet in fact so says the person that made zero effort to search for the dragon tears and drink in the tavern all day hi man doesn't get it what part of you is remotely diligent [Music] oh we can't advance any further the ruins seem to be guarded by ancient seals is this the work of divalen no these ruins were once part of an ancient city these ruins even predate the existence of the four winds monstat is a city without a ruler however before it was it was ruled over by a tyrant anyway i'll sing you that story when we have a chance in the future the markings on this seal if my archaeological knowledge is not mistaken this appears to be a light if we retrieve and reintegrate all the parts we should be able to get it working we should be close to completing the ceremony for this actuator let's put the last part back and see [Music] onward from here i'm thinking about turning these adventures into songs after we're done hopefully this song will be sung for years to come by the people of monsta just like the legend of vanessa i have loved that song since i was small how are you feeling today honorary night i am completely prepared and fully confident that we can do this even master de luca convened us to the very end despite only being an accidentally involved bystander you shared your secret with me and i only returned your trust to the same extent as for master de luc trust perhaps what about the tone deaf bard it's freedom freedom when you first arrived at monstat did no one tell you that monstat is the city of freedom she really is a child of freedom monstat is a romantic city without the reign of a king and its citizens enjoy the most freedom amongst the seven nations i hope the dragon that once protected monstat will soon be free too no one should have deceived him by telling him that monstat betrayed him and no one should have told him that it was his eternal duty to protect the city he has the right and freedom to choose his own way of life then t well then traveler may the thousands of years of wind that have blown through monstat go with you just like the last time i shall channel animal energy for you oh no wonder you said his voice sounds familiar [Music] look there are two shiny spots on the ball it's back they appear to be poisonous blood clots that have coagulated on his wounds the abyss order must have cursed the wounds that's what's corrupting devon's mind to save we're going to have to get rid of those blood clots aim for those blood clots sorry this is hurting you hang on just one [Music] [Music] but first let me be clear even after hundreds of years without use the fallen's teeth and claws are still very dangerous [Music] wow oh it's been a while since we flew like this together honda fallen just now why why did you not ask me to protect you like the last time i'm not wanting you to listen to the abyss order doesn't mean that you have to listen to me freedom if demanded of you by an archon is really no freedom at all [Music] is this the power of the animal archon but i am no longer part of the four winds even if that's so you still protected us regardless now spread your wings of freedom and go with my blessings and so the storm terror threat was quilt i clarified the misunderstanding to the citizens of monstat and let them know that they are safe to them it seems storm terror attacked monsta out of nowhere and vanished just as quickly they must be finding the whole ordeal very confusing however winds change their course someday they will blow towards a brighter future you guys are back the honorary night returns triumphant yep we're back from tussling with the volume you just returned yesterday right gene got back first and she told us all about your heroic deeds i wonder if i'll ever get an opportunity like that that doesn't come into it you guys deserve all the credit for how you resolve this crisis when i brought you into the city that day i was just doing my duty as an outrider you're welcome but have you been waiting for us here this whole time of course not just because i'm not out on the front line doesn't mean i don't have work to do in fact i'm dealing with the aftermath of the crisis as we speak aftermath here what happened in monster while master gene was away the monsters lurking nearby made a coordinated attack on the city fortunately we weren't completely taken by surprise i detected the hilly charles we're moving closer to the city a while back oh yeah i know remembers when we first met you were clearing out one of their camps exactly and if we hadn't started making preparations back then monstat would be in much greater danger by now i know it's strange hilly trails aren't usually capable of coordinating like this our best guess is that the abyss order is behind it they've taken over the hilly charles hmm good thing we saved avalon or they might have taken him too that's right and since i'm the outrider it's up to me to keep eyes on the abyss order from now on oh i'm sorry you should be celebrating your victory not listening to all this somber talk hmm i promised to take you out for some sticky honey roast didn't i before everyone got caught up in the storm terror crisis there's no time like the present right you guys hungry you bet you may have forgotten till just now but it's been on time this whole time awesome let's go it's been way too long since i last ate a sticky honey roast myself wait for me a good hunter i'll be right there i just have to clean up here real quick [Music] greetings may i take your order why so cold i've always thought that we enjoy quite the intimate friendship ah so you do feel something for me and people say my charm is fake to bask in the presence of monstat's new big hero is quite the morale boost and that's coming from a knight sweet talking sugar-coated captain kaya [Music] nonsense i speak from the heart just looking for a quiet spot to collect my thoughts while all the other knights are working hard to clean up after the battle thinking can be an arduous task you know believe me i'd much rather be taking out the trash so what you're thinking about then the abyss order a dragon wreaks havoc in monstat and the acting grand master leaves the city to combat the threat strategically that's the perfect moment for the abyss order to make their move if you were the abyss order would you squander this golden opportunity by sending in nothing more than a few hilly churls to get to the bottom of it i decided to wait so i waited and watched for their next move then came the day you made all hell break loose in storm terror's lair just as the hilly trolls cries sounded from the city gates that same day i saw shadowy figures lurking in the city itself inside the city well all the other knights were outside fighting the enemy as you can imagine that left the inside of the city completely unguarded except for me of course and so i approached the abyss order infiltrators for a bit of let's call it fraternizing through various means i managed to gather some rather interesting intel the situation is this the abyss order the abyss order has a leader yes and it was this very leader who devised the plot to turn divalent into a weapon of war what exactly did you have to do to find this out let's just say i'm blessed with certain linguistic powers there's more the abyss order has a name for this leader they call her the princess now i'm sorry to cut this intelligence briefing short but i do believe i spy amber heading this way i think she's still angry with me for my absence from the defense effort during the attack i'd better slip away before she notices me [Music] one minute i see kaya the next he slipped away clear sign of a guilty conscience are you sure because that sounds like exactly what he'd say to talk himself out of trouble but let's forget about him i worked super hard today and my tummy is rumbling let's order hi sarah one sticky honey roast please come take a look now the storm terror threat is behind us what are your plans for the next step hyman thinks it's time to leave monsta and keep looking through the seven nations until we find clues about her brother really oh well i guess this is goodbye for now hey don't feel down you'll always be a friend of the knights of evonius and our honorary night wherever you may go and wherever the wind may blow that's the spirit remember monstat will always welcome you all right now let's eat before it gets cold [Music] amber's recommendations are worth the wait of course well i don't trust myself in the kitchen you could always trust me with the menu oh i almost forgot to mention jean's waiting for you at the cathedral it's something to do with the holy land of hamel you'd better head there now this is barbara the deaconess of the church she is here to retrieve the holy liar to hamill may the animal arkhan protect you i'm not really in a position to speak compared to our acting grand master but i still want to thank you all on behalf of all of monstat for your assistance fortunately everything was resolved peacefully i can't imagine how an all-out war between the military and the dragon would have ended now the fatoui have no choice but to keep their mouths shut they must be annoyed that things didn't turn out as planned for them this time they even lost their best excuse to pressure the knights of fevonius diplomatically speaking they gained nothing and on the contrary simply proved just how vexatious they can be sounds like quite the story so did you bring the holy liar with you we cannot ask you to keep defending the liar forever the senate shall has been pressing me for a while now we uh did bring it with us um it's just it's a little oh don't worry i'm not here to collect rent the church has always received special funding [Music] oh barbados even if i atoned for these sins for the rest of my life it would still not be enough oh give it here [Music] [Music] no no i don't know how you managed to fix it but you'll never touch the liar again [Music] we uh really should get going that trick i used to repair the holy liar i mean the magic i used isn't going to hold forever you know hey don't go [Music] at last monstat's rodent ruler in the flesh scurrying through the streets looking for leftovers monstat calls this a god resident rodent beats invasive vermin don't you dare speak back to me insulin barred how impotent you've become that's murky where looks out of place did you steal it from your master's face i should have held your tongue so this is a gnosis huh wouldn't be caught dead wearing this ugly thing in public beauty is a waste when the beholder has no taste [Music] bendy well we have what we came here for come before our dear favonian friends arrive leave nothing for them to find uh ah honorary night you're awake um i wouldn't say he's all right exactly i found you lying unconscious outside the cathedral and used my elemental powers to heal you that bard awakened first but strangely my healing powers had almost no effect on him this is the first time i've encountered such a patient he just said it's completely normal and then got up and left the cathedral he left already where'd he go [Music] the symbol of monstat's hero that's what he said i wanted to stop him but gene i i mean master gene said to let him leave hospital remembers fenty healing under that tree before it's probably due to the connection between wind rise of the animal archon master gina's figured it out as well but we can't tell barbara the wind amongst the branches is good i love the way it smells i said the exact same thing last time why do i only say these things when i'm down on my luck uh so you noticed ah this isn't something i'm meant to discuss with ordinary people but i suppose i can let you in on the secret as you know visions are external magical foci that only a small minority of people possess they use these visions to channel elemental power in truth every wielder of a vision is one who can attain godhood and ascend to celestia we call such people allergens allergens pymon's never heard of them before that's because this is a secret that only archons are privy to we don't need primitive tools like visions instead each archon has an internal magical focus that resonates directly with celestia itself known as a gnosis it's just a glowing glass ball i carry around to avoid suspicion so who is that nasty woman who spent time on flying and stole your gnosis her name is senora number eight of the harbingers she and the rest of the harbingers have been given godlike executive authority by the saritsa of snechnaya and with it strength surpassing that of other mortals that's nega isn't that indeed she is one of the seven the saritza who reigns from her winter palace and the one person that the fatoui harbingers all answer to the seven don't always get along well but still i never thought that she would plot to steal another arkhan's gnosis uh how should i put this 500 years ago i knew her well but i can't say the same is true now you see a certain catastrophe happened 500 years ago and after that she cut off all ties with me but we can save discussion of the cryo archon and the fatoui for another day if you seek the rest of the seven many difficulties lie ahead of you still you should head for monstat's neighboring nation of leeway the geo archon who reigns there unlike me administrates his entire region personally he only descends once every year to give his divine predictions which set the direction for leo for the rest of that year even so it sounds like he works much harder than a certain someone hmm in any case this year's rite of dissension is soon to begin if you miss it you'll just have to wait another year what oh why didn't you tell us before well then bye we're going moment when born outlander just use it gratefully or better yet treat me to a glass of dandelion wine traveler as you set off on your journey once again you must remember that the journey itself has meaning the birds of tavat the songs in the cities the tzaritza her fatoui and the monsters they are all part of your journey the destination is not everything so before you reach the end keep your eyes open use the chance to take in the world around you great so that's that for the animal archons admonishments back to venti time [Music] if you want to chat now's the time a bard stays not always in a single climb up till the end divalent remembered his duty as one of the four winds as such i don't intend to forcibly strip him of that duty and force my ideals of freedom onto him just hope that divalen will be able to choose for himself and understand what freedom is before i became an archon i too was taught the meaning of freedom in this way by a friend if you wanna chat now's the time a bard stays not always in a single climb kaya shared some new intelligence you say see so the abyss order has a princess who orchestrated the plan to corrupt a volun they were probably trying to turn duvalin into a weapon of war for the abyss but that said i have never heard of any such prince of the abyss order i think so too apparently but how does a princess come out of nowhere and take command over the entire abyss order if you want a chat now's the time a bard stays not always in a single climb that the two lady didn't hang around did she she just grabbed your noses and left she wanted to avoid any eyewitnesses from the knights of favonius the slightest slip up here would have destroyed the fatoui's diplomatic relations with the knights so they're just gonna keep acting like monstat's allies as if nothing happened huh if only the seven nations had banded together against the abyss order in the first place the fatoui possessed the strongest military among the seven nations yet they've used it to steal the holy liar covet the power of gods and use divalen as a bargaining chip against the knights speaking of the liar didn't deluxe say something like this before he said that the fatoui could only run amok across the seven nations and threaten the knights because of the harbingers yes as i said earlier the cryoarcon has given them authority and strength beyond that of other mortals but sariza i haven't seen her in 500 years what is she thinking what's her plan whatever the answer is i have a feeling it's only going to make your search for the seven all the more difficult if you want to chat now's the time a bard stays not always in a single climb as i said before vision wielders are known as allogenes and may ascend to celestia a gnosis is a higher order nexus of elemental manipulation and is emblematic of an archon status as one of the seven but as for which of the seven took your sister i'm sorry i don't know wait as one of the seven i'm not clear of suspicion yet either am i we're a great team indeed say once you find your sister how would you like to become one of the new four winds you don't seem too into it hey tunde bart if being one of the four wins means free food you can consider piemon if you want to chat now's the time apart stays not always in a single climb well then best be off to leeway if the dissension ritual you failed to tally then another year you must dally [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 1,233,839
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Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, GENSHIN IMPACT Prologue All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p 60FPS HD, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact walkthrough, all cutscenes, genshin impact cutscenes, genshin impact ps4, genshin impact walkthrough english, genshin impact walkthrough no commentary, genshin impact all cutscenes, genshin impact gameplay boss, all cutscenes game movie, genshin impact characters, genshin impact, genshin impact game
Id: pahK44Cd8H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 3sec (6603 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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