Moist Meter | Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

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initiating moisture welcome to the moist meter today we're taking a look at the new ratchet and clank game rift apart if twitch chat is anything to go off of this game is completely reinvented erections and created an entire new generation of furries but not only are the furries getting erections anyone who can appreciate beautiful visuals is as well this game is absolutely stunning i would argue one of the best looking games ever made and i don't say that lightly jackson the co-host of the moist meter whom i'm sure you he doesn't shut the [ __ ] up sometimes in these things he hit me with a text message right before the game came out saying that it might be the most beautiful game he's ever seen and i thought he's being sarcastic i would have never expected ratchet and clank of all games to be like the defining next-gen visual experience but it turns out he was right on the money this game is absolutely gorgeous everything's [ __ ] ray traced and that's not anything i've ever cared about in the past but in here i was sitting there with my eyes wide and jaw on the floor like an old man who just found a color television for the first time in his life this [ __ ] was completely different than anything i've seen before it is impressive beyond impressive and i really love the huge emphasis on action in the cutscenes the cutscenes aren't usually just characters talking to each other it's characters going through [ __ ] hell and back like the world is exploding around them and all kinds of colors and vibrant [ __ ] all over the place and it's just so incredible like you're grinding down a pipe like it's sonic but much better than sonic dodging incoming minecarts getting shot at by robots then you're summoning the kraken and it's just so good i just absolutely love the visuals in this game the character design the universe here it just looks so good every other game that comes out these days is mainly just different shades of grey it's like the game was designed by dogs they just can't see colors so they don't put it in their games but this game is bold with its with its color choices it's not afraid to just have all kinds of you know erupting pinks when you're using some kind of dimensional item and then you switch to a different weapon and all of a sudden you got [ __ ] blue cyan icicles exploding turning people into ice cubes you're fighting a green goo guy it's just so good i love the way the game looks and not only does it look good but it plays incredible there is no loading in this game that i didn't notice a single load screen or even a single second of loading when it's going from point a to point b going from cutscene to gameplay or gameplay to cutscene it's seamless it is completely seamless if you die you immediately respawn back without any down time for the most part it's crazy i am the smartest man in the world and i can't figure out how that's even possible what insomniac's done here is actually a game changer i i'd never even imagined a world where games would never have to load until now and now i don't want to go back to seeing a loading screen it's going to make me puke just wild and the gameplay is i actually think probably the best part about the game i know i'm going kind of wild about you know some of the technical stuff and how good the game looks but it's just so much fun to play it's a very old school experience exactly what you'd expect from ratchet and clank it was always known for having great weapons and it has great weapons here too i was constantly playing around with the weapons and you can switch on the fly so i was going from using my shatter bombs which was my go-to weapon i think it's the strongest in the game i maxed that out i'd go from throwing three of those to clear out like a giant cluster of people and then i'd go to put my dick in their ass by switching to like the you know maybe the lightning rod or if i was feeling a little wild i'd bring out the warmonger which is a rocket launcher and all of these weapons just work so well together but the thing is the game never really challenges you to switch up your play style i could have gone this whole game just using shatter bombs until i ran out of ammo and then just switched to something else i never really had to analyze how i approached the fight because this game lacks enemy variety and that's really my main complaint about it i have nothing but great things to say about this but this is the one little mark on the report card that your parents would be a bit ashamed of there is only like five or six different enemy types in total and they don't really require a whole lot of thinking beyond just attack them with any weapon that you want the only difference the only exception is there's one enemy type that has a shield so then obviously you have to get behind them or explode something behind them for the to do the damage other than that though it's just hey they're bullet sponge i played on the highest difficulty so you get all the same enemies all at the same time and you just spam your weapons which is fun because the weapons are fun but i would have liked to have to like change up my play style or just even think a little bit more about approaching a fight i just could turn my brain off and just shatter bombs all over the place fire the warmonger maybe just maybe i'll bring out something a little crazier like the black hole disruptor whatever the [ __ ] it was called it was a minigun but you know you could always just set up with a little sprinkler that freezes them for cc and then throw mr fungus man down and he'll help you fight and then that's about it you clear the entire wave and then you move on i would have just liked a little more enemy variety and making it a little more varied in terms of how you approach combat and that extends to its boss battles as well there is quite literally only two bosses and they're just constantly repeated of course that's excluding things like the final boss or like a really important storyline boss but other than that the only bosses you'll be encountering are one of three i was wrong i just remembered another one there's actually three bosses there is the giant robot guy who can jump around and does a little shock wave he also can do a flurry of rockets that track you there is the giant dinosaur t-rex thing which throws rocks at you and it has tusks that'll just stab you a bit and then there's just an airship which shoots bombs those are the only three bosses you will ever encounter outside of the big main story bosses and i think that's extremely underwhelming so you'll go through like these huge waves and it's pretty it is pretty difficult because the enemies have decent ai so you'll drag your ass across the hypodermic needles and emerge victorious on the other side and then you get your boss battle which is extremely underwhelming because you fought it a million times by now and you know exactly what to expect and exactly how to fight it i just found that to be a bit lazy to just keep reusing the same three bosses throughout the entire game and it's not a long game but it's also not a short one and there is reason to replay it it took me about 10 hours ish a little less maybe to just complete it on my first playthrough that was with doing a lot of side missions as well as a bit of grinding to get some of my weapons maxed out so i bet you could do it a lot quicker if you just b-line the main story but there is a reason to go back because it unlocks a challenge mode which you can further upgrade your weapons and it's just more reason to play and the gameplay is so fun that there's absolutely an incentive and a reason to go back so you'll get more time out of it but across that entire like first playthrough you're only seeing the same [ __ ] when it comes to the bosses and the actual enemies and i found that to be a bit underwhelming now that complaints out of the way i want to get right back into sucking the game's dick i think what they've done with ratchet and clank ripped apart is the gold standard for next gen moving forward this feels like a game that's worth 70 dollars to me no loading screens extremely fun to play looks beautiful unlike any game i've seen before i really do think this is up there in the conversation with some of the best looking games ever made and of course the controller complements this all great with the haptic feedback it's genuinely hard to not enjoy this game the characters are fun the writing is fun the world is fun and just being in it is a great time at no point was i ever bored or just waiting for it to end i just really enjoyed my time with this game so plugging this into the moist meter i feel comfortable giving ratchet and clank rift apart and 85 percent this would absolutely be a 90 if they just had a little bit more to the actual enemies you fight it's so much fun to use the weapons and it would have been even more fun to use them in situations that required all of them or at least thinking about how to use them and when it just became a little bit tired fighting the same enemies over and over and over again and fighting the same bosses and i really think that weighed it down quite a bit because you're doing a lot of fighting in this game this baby is like 85 percent pure action so if you're bored of the enemies at like the halfway point which i think a lot of people will be because by the halfway point you have seen every enemy the game has to offer 12 times over they introduce one very quick different enemy towards the later half of the game but they're only there for a second i'm not trying to spoil anything but yet by the mid point of the game you have seen every enemy and fought them a million times and i think a lot of people will get kind of tired of that so i think that's really just the main thing that holds this game back from being even better but i still think this is an extremely great game that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 724,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2_Y_gccXQRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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