Jerma Stream - Enter the Gungeon

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oh it's boost our plan make sure you buy the case of lupa that's what this ad just told me there's a little loud it's loud and I drop it and mix it maybe that'll help yeah I apologize I'm a little bit under the weather I just get back from a trip to Florida and you know the deal guys every single time you go on vacation you have to get sick every time happens to me every single time I've ever taken a plane it doesn't matter if I I could get inside of a plane and just stand in it for ten seconds and I would come out sick I don't know what it is but it's really really annoying yes there are new emotes so I have no idea how to play this game all I know is it exists it's like a roguelike binding of issac nuclear throne kind of mishmash okay we can be the convict the pilot the marine the hunter or I want to be the Jawa why can't I be the Jawa I'm gonna be the pilot why not though is what celebrated for its excellence who dis research guide Rennicks two months in a row welcome welcome back I can like buy things here is that like our seventh or you look at inventory okay so the job was co-op only whatever so this is my inventory I can look at bosses I'm just gonna go I don't really I don't think I've unlocked anything because I'd literally just turned the game on right that was in the game I would legit thought that was is again sab 3,600 welcome sab thanks for something welcome to the family new emotes I can't go in here help there are three new emotes there's German Jupiter there is what's supposed to be German are your anus but it just turned into a blue egg and there's glue man so if you have some new emotes to play around with I can't go on the pizza room yet I have to level up my Domino's ability the cultists that's what ran champagne okay always been celebrated for its excellence Firefox turtle welcome back thanks Evan that's gonna play you can destroy the box other destructible environments game of the century where it's all approach me and press e to speak Minya links welcome back probably gonna be quite a few of these in the beginning here for his ice that was delicious welcome back keep my words I shall know you how to heed my words and I shall show you how to survive this in a cursed labyrinth continued to the door to begin your tutelage do you know the question pupil when do I get a gun so very soon proceed to the door agony but across with four months the master of the bun crust flip the tables be okay you can table flipping this game that's so awesome hello his face when you do it to he has an extremely angry face explode goodbye goodbye explode you blow up fine proceed your next challenge flyboy anything that outlines in white when you approach can be interacted with cool this is the most important lesson you can dodge roll by pressing a right click in a direction that's cool you are invulnerable to gunfire during the first half of the dodge roll but vulnerable again when you hit the ground this means you can dodge through bullets and other hazards that requires precise timing when you give the word I'll open the barrier use the dodge roll to reach the right side of the room without perishing wait until the last second and press right click alright all right let's go so it works like pretty much anything else you just have to it's when you touch the ground is when you can get hit again ok I did it nod roll is the prayer of the gungeon ear and the gungeon provides for its devotees no one knows why this only works in the gungeon only that the gungeon provides whatever no less talky more play use your dodge road trip over the impasse you got it you got it got it don't worry you've got it the door was open but you've gotten one last pit to cross time and well did you not see anything to do that now I dodged rolls the first and best way to avoid dying in a gunfight sometimes though the number of bullets can be overwhelming for instance there's no dodging through that but there is a way to clear the path these are called blanks using one will delete all enemy projectiles in a room to stop enemies from shooting for a period they kind of freeze time lots of pushing your vitami away and use my crimping GU very cool Joey fooled wha-at which with me in it welcome thank you enjoy Charbagh Jupiter yeah but I'll go over the emotes just for a second here I'm seeing a lot of people put the egg down that is supposed to be Uranus but like ran out of ideas I tried Uranus I tried so many things this is nothing worked I wasn't happy with any of it so that's just the Uranus egg that's Uranus and it's staying that way I've had at least two people tell me that that you'd like please delete that emote because it sucks so bad like well that's why I'd stay in they can be found throughout the gungeon yeah yeah yeah so you get to I'm assuming also I apologize I'm fairly ill at the moment I'm fairly ill so if I like lose my place or stumble around or not go to the game or you know say something dumb it's because I'm sick guys you know you got the basic scoundrel I suppose you've earned reward I'm done with fitting your statue in agreeance it's a sweet pea gun use the most aiming left-click the fire oh it is a pea gun oh it's Bullet Bill he's hair for a revenge oh this is fun I think I'm gonna really like this camp cold-blooded truly you are ruthless next rooms will be a real gunfights kill all the enemies in each room and the doors will all open meet you in a few rooms ahead now go let me make sure that this is the sensitivity I want we could probably drop it a little bit screens shake them out get that out of here controller aim what controller aim assist maybe it's just tied directly to mouse input it's actually not that bad it's not terrible all right let's kill some enemies okay so it's in the direction you're cut so you can't like it's not alright because that was confusing me so I can dodge roll its whatever direction you're currently pushing for some reason I thought it was where the mouse was moving but no it's wherever you're moving on WASD is where the dodge roll will happen I might actually change that to something else besides right-click the Sun is smaller than Jupiter this is unacceptable the Sun should fill the told chat well Jupiter is supposed to be huge and we're talking about the grand scheme of things Jupiter is if you look at you like your science textbook Jupiter is gigantic that's four emotes that I've wasted okay I'm out of emotes now because I made Jupiter so ammos on the right these coins are something minute you know what a Dodger I'll shoot in these blanks but there's more to learn you know how to use items that don't exist in gun form a lot of people are trying to connect them to get look at look at look at storm flare and Buck Krusty I just accidentally did that I have a record keeper welcome back record keeper he's writing down jotting down all these things to happen in this dream thank you they get med kits they get up approach it and hit II still have a bit of fight in you so you might want to wait to use it space button uses items okay I am going to make what is it like what's the controller like in this game oh okay let me uh okay I've lost all control I just hit right trigger I don't know if that did I'm trying to figure out like if the controller is better or not I don't think so controls actually feels a little awkward that one gal that want that 830 first guy just subscribe welcome thank you what does this do teleporter what if you find one you can always return there as long as you aren't in combat they use it first open the map by holding tab and click the pizza symbol you wish to warp to got it okay so this is that's really cool because one of the things about Isaac which this game I guess takes a lot of influence from you can't really just Sandman welcome welcome back thanks a lot dude appreciate you can warp to any teleporter on the map not just ones in the same room but they won't work if you are in combat fast travel I love fast travel in games it just cuts out the middleman he's the telephone back to where you were I'll be waiting a few rooms North who you should explore try to find a better gun before you challenge the boss okay [Music] [Applause] whoa Benji Benji Benji just subscribe oh thanks Benji Benji love you I do like the feels very satisfying to shoot guns that is my teleporter let's do some exploring rootin tootin cowboy Adam Clarke Adam Clarke 41 first and last name just subscribed welcome thanks dude you have two or more guns hold ctrl to slow time and pick the one you want already I don't think I have more than one right now control the switch guns oh this is super your gun is in here a k47 ak-47 accept no substitutes so is do I have like a meter that I'm using or is just slow time forever how does this work radio vidya that the two months welcome back you don't need you don't need to get for Reis ups that are more than like two or three months is though welcome back Rhett wizard from gauntlet legends you'll find that where I can somewhere okay I'm gonna use this okay these books are freaking me out I think the books are projectiles so do you have ice let's see okay you do not have unlimited ammo on any weapon just wanted to confirm that there's secret rooms in this game and like what is this that looks like a secret room do I have a bomb or anything that I can blow the door with I don't know my brain is telling me that that I can go in there but I don't know I have no idea well let's go yeah there is yeah I just don't have one do the blanks blanks will blow it up I thought blanks just kind of froze time and removed projectiles all right well they bells worked it okay hey you learned something ever done you learn something every day [Applause] [Music] another nephron welcome welcome welcome thank you I'm assuming those are like spirit hearts or do I have to actually put it on all night shield has joined the shootout all Knights helm has joined this shootout so I'm gonna take a look the shield of sir manual ambassador this house sigil a cup of knowledge a diagram on the book passive stripping the shield does it say any like we're like I'm just curious someone to see it says it anywhere I like turn the page whatever I mean I don't know I think those are just hearts they are in place keep going up I think I've explored everything I think it's time to fight be a big meanie behind the door Super Saiyan spud welcome dude I'm ready for the final test let's go hey oh he's the bad guy all getting stuck in the door they're a finite amount of time you can get that like is if I'm a stamina meter or something like that can I just do this forever looks like I just do it forever place that shield you found my shield which means you know my terrible secret we never conquer the gungeon yeah I suspect it as much for you nothing left to teach you steady aim pilot thanks you're only invulnerable for 50% of the time yeah I don't like it when you hit the ground is when it's over but it's didn't know if there was like a Dark Souls stamina bar or something oh I think if the stream ends like abruptly it means like I have to go puke and leave so sorry what do we have here you must be the new arrival listen to me son here's to change the past what's going on zombie man welcome enjoy your stay enjoyed Jupiter there's no salvation here I was like you once came to change the past and now I have no future and he's just drinking he just slamming bottles over here well I just did you a favor is that all this guy dozer static spirit manual he's stuck in those halls lost scent really yeah I'm swaggin I can like switch characters and I'm gonna stay on this guy for now [Music] I'm Matt Damon all one word I'm Matt Damon just subscribe what I didn't think you could I think you died in like the hub area can't go this way did I open up the main game was that what happened here I believe that's what happened here hey you kidding me you're now ready to enter the gungeon thanks guys oh look at them look at you guys all right keep of the lead Lord chamber number one it so it begins and so it begins where am I wear my glasses six months mom will be proud that you just recept thanks a lot Herzberg Herzberg thank yourself welcome welcome to the gungeon much appreciated you so should I just be kind of playing this game like I would play Isaac and look around for secrets is there any doors that need to be broken open can I get in somewhere and I do anything like these like Wizard of Oz top hat people though they're kind of funny way seems to be more like nuclear throne yeah it doesn't a nucleus don't feel to it celebrated for its excellence look back LeBaron welcome back the Barrett of blondest I like this I like this this games fun oh you could yeah oh that's awesome you can use this as like a action movie shield get down that's awesome oh whoa big fat guy with a sword doesn't mess around the hell die fine Harbor French Champagne no azmuth celebrated for its excellence and mr. monkey man where the resub welcome back monkey monkeys I feel like I shouldn't be touching down on the ground okay how's antenna behave never seen before going down oh I apologize for the nose noises they're gonna start happening more frequently I could feel it it's kind of easy once you figure out the hell he does whoa whoa kamikaze bird a new gun wind-up gun charge it does that mean it plays a little song okay let's try [Music] Jesus did a lot of ammo to the Futurama gun celebrated for its excellence Ronny jizz Oh Ronnie jizz oh thanks welcome back that guy I hate these things maybe they sweat [Music] okay I like the of the German Jew pa'dar slide show that that person just I have a limit of like 12 V months by the way that was specifically intended to make sure people couldn't just do a fall chat of Jupiter to the boss oh you did think I do how to do that one you think I was good enough to do the push shoot oh shoot j sh wh Joshua Joshua welcome back - thanks how I welcome back welcome back Zebedee what does the term can mean right like welcome back I mean he didn't go anywhere I don't know why I say welcome back like it's just like something people I wasn't in icky do I have like okay alright that's I just hit space jar of bees hell does that do peashooter jar of bees who needs keys okay these bees have been carefully trying to hunt down enemy munitions and destroy them okey dokey okey dokey wait that's a that's an active isn't it if you let me get this straight active items so how do I switch between my actives is there like a certain button I need to press enter and reload move up use blank next gun next item left shift okay so here's the jar bees cool very cool they say there was a key in here whoa the Avenger of faith the faith Avenger thanks for selling dude welcome welcome faith Avenger really sure what this is all for but this room can't be completely useless can it or is it maybe it is maybe there's something specific I have to do that I don't know oh is that it I can go down here there's like a mini-boss or something down there I don't know what it is I wish I could mute my microphone right now because I so desperately to blow my nose I'm gonna have to like take a break and just go blow my nose into my toilet well it's a shop okay that's what the shop looks like because it's kind of the big mustache just pee to fire up my drift for all the bullets the teleporter come back and spend more so what does qualified as money it's the bullets mo he is this bag of corn backpack shoot him he doesn't do anything he just says no firing of the shop oh I don't capacity up kind of didn't want to do that map 30 blanks alright I'm trying to figure this all up whoa he's got a gun like a shotgun okay okay okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it oh my god I'm out of health I'll get a diet out great I can't get hit by the boss at one time well I can't you can just Rob the shop nothing yet that Jeremy Irons dropped the gun is great he may have overreacted a little bit yeah I think so I shot him with like the giggle gun and he took out a shotgun went crazy alright well I might just die here cuz I don't know let's see this is the first time ever seen this yeah bird gatling all right whatever I give is dead okay to my piece I like the Telegraph too bad I can only get touched like half of one hand and it would have been nice to know that the guy in the shop was going to literally drop a nuclear bomb on his own shop hey did somebody shoot me with a gun might as well nuke my own shop whatever let's go back to it again nice catch okey-dokey let's do it this time don't take away all of my health guy in showers with celebrated for its excellence nutritious problem thanks I understand we're starting together this is a locked door some smart timber what do I think of dungeon I literally just installed it and turned the stream on so I'm going to reserve any judgments we're going to say for probably like an hour itself seems like it's very funny for six months I'm assuming your name is assertive a sort of like a I get it he's sort of thanks welcome back welcome back even though you never left goodbye that these guys remind me of something I just don't know what those gumdrop Wizard of Oz people remind me I've got to wish I knew what it was to be Jupiter's should not a shotgun shell it's something very specific so extremely specific whatever it is lame man 69 welcome thanks thanks thanks thanks you gotta say about that thanks the eaters knowing you pick sheep noises they're not good you have to make some kind of defensive structure here action-movie this is like lethal weapon my guy kind of looks like Mel Gibson in that movie you got it does it for the little like shrimp areas in the front down what if the sub sound is Paul Ferrar from WWF circa 1998 probably sick glove [Music] look around around I don't need to utilize my cue anytime a game gives me in a small number of active items to use I'm always terrified to use them and I never use them because I don't want to use them in the wrong spot and it gets me killed left hand is kind of locking up here I think it's because I'm sick I like my whole by both my hands of Isis cubes right now I'm gonna go like turn the stove on and put my hand on it just do dropping chandeliers not that hot I'm gonna go get a frying pan put it to like low and then just place my hand in the frying pan for 5 seconds and it's not gonna be too hot okay there's anything in this room ice my fingers a stone right now that's everything in there please refrain from cooking your hands oh this is a big chest nice is the Toy Story alien gun bounces around to look at it mostly confirming that functionality bounce physics work was done to improve the design smaller lighter and an attractive shade of purple the rubra dine MK ii delivers on the promise of the original prototype Oh a semi-automatic Oh god dammit I told you my like fingers a stone right now I like I've tried to hit like W and my fingers locked up and I hit Q again I just hit Q again literally I'm turning to stone as we speak guys I'm a halfway through the stream I'm gonna stop talking as my mouth is going to close essentially kind of cool gun money hey hey should I buy a blank yeah sure mega dowser it's actually really annoying no she's just breaking the boxes I was just breaking the boxes chill out dude I wasn't trying to hurt you I was just trying to hit you boxes take it and run no I'm not risking that I want to like beat the first a little level here oh it's criminal deep I have a lockpick like how this can't be picked or something I don't get it doesn't need another key okay broke oh okay whoa wait a minute I just shot the hell out of it I got a bag of lunch next time you use a key are you serious you just can't be junk so you can fail to pick locks that's kind of cool all right let me go let me go beat the boss all right let's do it let's go beat the crow okay if I strict somebody's hand right now they would go and pull away cuz my hands that cold if I grabbed you on the arms I would leave frostbite on your heart like mr. freeze all right let's go Wow antipsychotic Jen you sorry all right note to self do not dodge into him dodge away from him you know you don't want to get yourself killed that's not mr. Freeze's powers it could be reddit's whoa easy holy that's crazy give me some yeah how was a good feat boys okey-dokey um I'm assuming I get to take this ice cube items recharge while active I guess I just get a few things huh all right I'd be the game thanks for watching guys Dagon no dog on the order of Dagon welcome back yeah that's kind of ironic and I got I got the Ice Cube game trying to tell me something am I being trolled right now take a look at some things here real quick so active items begin their cool-down period sooner and cool down faster the junk doesn't do anything this is do what can I only have a certain amount of items like is this actually going to cause a problem eventually when I fill this up or can you not have do you get an unlimited amount of passes did I thank you lord I still f2 did that actually happen all right don't shoot the gun Ruby play a 36 I wish you could see what they do half heart can you just steal and run that's a good cue at least yeah well what's that guy what the hell something for the collection I will compensate you that's salad fingers how do I give him something something for the collection I will compensate you I want to give me the trash that's impassive I haven't figured that out yet I'm gonna change you know what's gonna happen here I'm gonna change the reload two links or 24 thanks links are thanks to the Reis up okay dodge roll right click reload mouse button for dodge roll right click that's know dodge roll is gonna be that reloads gonna be this trying to think if that would be go to bed use blank thank you very much so that won't be cue anymore I won't accidentally hit it okay let's try that that's that feels a little bit better there's now I won't accidentally hit it go this way first how often can you dodge roll as often as you like the only part about dodge rolling that's not good is you can't really stop yourself so if you run into something that you don't want to run into and you're only invincible for the first half of the dog me six one seven Wow thanks for your something dude yikes die here he is enemy to celebrate this enemy so much whoo what the this is not good I'm dead oh my god that is ridiculous okay [Music] I actually I'm going back on what I just did it actually caused me some problems that I didn't want to have what a lame room that kind of eases heart I mean I could have like I could I'll be fine next time I see him it's one of those things with uh I'm gonna make that the blank button reload needs to stay are it's just too burned into my brain to not do it let's try to her character the marine the convict let's try the convict under test and see how much if he falls as fast as the other character he does does he start with Molotov cocktail shotgun and a snub nose so you're essentially Sampson okey-dokey is the donate button Frasier no I admire your inquisitiveness but no it's not Frasier it's not kelsey grammer wish i not buy it Kelsey Grammer I don't know why I love that so much ha the French Champagne it makes sense okay exit I like the shotgun a lot celebrated for its excellence megalomaniacal halide hope like I'd mispronounced your name last time hopefully I had pronounced it correct you've got a very long something I have to remember about this game is when you kill all the enemies in the room sometimes more just appearing spawn need to remember that is it it that it ooh somebody said a perfect Jupiter oh yeah that's perfect you what are you right [Music] [Applause] so Jin so Jin you so Ginny you I'm pronouncing that correctly I hope it's not that I'm sorry but welcome trying not to like therapy how do you guys like a Street insider streaming knowledge like behind the scenes insider stream knowledge not the hardest thing to do while streaming is not burp into the microphone because let's face it right we all sit here we play games and you know hours go by days go by whatever you know however your time goes by and you said dealing like every couple hours maybe our it happens insider streamer tip especially people with like a webcam when you watch them for like three hours straight and they haven't burped they're trying so hard to not do that inside that streamers head they're going to god I'm trying to hold this burpin alright it's the hardest thing about being a streamer there there's the insider knowledge all these fire rooms that I don't understand it you could mute it I mean there's no just unless I had like a button but I don't trust that man I don't I don't trust a little button to press for me like they do a huge boroughs burp because what if it doesn't work I hit like let's say I bind mute to like T and I'm pressing him like ah thank God nobody can hear this ah the whole chats gonna freak out Stein jetpack I mean what's better at the jet pack or the Molotov cocktail I mean I'm gonna just use the jet pack because I'm gonna use it unplugged the mic and then let it oh I'm gonna use the jet pack I don't know how good it's gonna be but sometimes you gotta try the weird stuff that wasn't even real that wasn't that wasn't even real this is a real burp oh I keep living in tech name I didn't take a one point of damage liver excellent I am super super stoked gross that's not real that wasn't real I like this gun too I mean it sucks but I like it it reminds me of Clint Eastwood I get to be Clint Eastwood help right there big guns for this dude here Wow that I didn't know those guys just explode well alrighty I have not been utilizing the slow time thing have I let's see what is it that's actually fairly useful if I don't like it on control yeah now we're done a lot of money from that - gonna find a shop still have full health is the shop all right I see maps I see table text um simply just a flying thing mo think I got enough ammo I don't think I need anything from you but you know I'm gonna buy this thank you I think that's all I want from this dude just don't really know what that is why do I wear the mask what mask not wearing a mask hold on it's been like 30 seconds I need to make sure my hands don't turn into gravel jeez well that's that rooms done okay alkalete Oakley I'm not really a big guy somebody said I'm a big guy I'm not a big guy I'm actually pretty small I'm actually very small I'm a tiny person I'm very tiny yeah boss oh is it worth I guess pretty suspicious room down here let's take a look at it we got German to Bane twice now fellas keep it up why is it a contest to see how many times I the fresh the fresh champagne Sanders didn't pain again thanks a lot girl a lot of two-month here a lot of two-month or is here I need to get some work some sounds I do have to get them I have to but I'm talking about my little vacation and anybody that cares about vacations that leaves it like a really big gun rifle dokie okay I shoot through the wall I was actually at Disney World for about a week Disney World in Universal woman to Harry Potter world Disney went to Hollywood studios [Applause] whoa sham sham fushime sham passion celebrated for its excellence and of course who could forget elbow elbow Pete I was not in Los Angeles out before gonna use the signal I'm gonna fly to this is a different boss booth help who's this bullet King great I'm gonna fly oh I thought I was in the middle of it I can't dodge roll oh I can't dog throwing this thing on how to take it off this is like true bullet-hell I love the vizag roll exists no that's a great feature still no these credits do that's a new go the essay a celebrating reload time whoo this thing is great I have a lot of weapons now [Laughter] I just wanted to talk to him just murdered the guy with my giant penis gun that was that was rude I'm sorry about that anything else here I got full health okay I just was crying I was not nice all right the good thing is actually have weapons to use these the default anything oh my goodness how's he doing I don't know what that was just hurting me by being mommy kind of a lot of going on right now a lot of things are just happening of which I did not understand these hold on a second give me the shotgun come on there's this book is running down my face right now what I have to concentrate okay we're good lady was a sniper what does he have like certain of time for shooting yeah that was if that was a grade a book of alert what the is happening right now people oh this game is just a game of popcorn just pops on the walls and you die is it open to the door and got destroyed I need to buy hell through the shop however I get there you wanna play the Ricochet games fine what do these guys come from oh yeah these guys here before the heck that's next anybody there's still people here there's another one of these guys Oh for the love of all that is sacred just fly no the flying is a bad idea oh this game is bucket hard okay well we're gonna do it again this is one of those hard games isn't it left side of town not to be confusing the guy from the right side of town here from the left and always remember that that wasn't fair is it a box that's nice mo easy for the candy soldiers a jug of whiskey double vision one for each of you okay not entirely sure what that supposed to be but I'm gonna use it at some point layered you guys are making like Kinder Surprise egg Jupiter's goodbye let's go strafe around those guys these guys are very straight bubble an old video camera say cheese this is a weapon this is an actual weapon in the game is a flash camera it's like at 60 uses I kind of don't want to use it we'll just see what it does what does this do I don't know what this does to ever I'm sure there's like a reason to use that but I just don't know what it is does it just have everybody on screen it's in the line of sight the lock doors look like toast we gotta do any key okay I'm holding the button I'm whole I'm doing what everyone told me to do I'm gonna hold the button I'm gonna let it go all right thing is pretty awesome actually I'm gonna use that another time when there's more enemies in the room not just just a half heart 20 you've said what a ripoff 20 20 how much is the key 25 you ever expect anyone to buy your so I just try to bra bump-and-run no bad idea man go away slime is this game permadeath yes it is a kind of like binding of issac weird Idol weird item you know he and what I want ammo for get it for the camera and on records laser sight cool I gotta feel like this is kind of gonna give me a headache is this hurting anybody else's head [Music] it helps actually does help it's easier uh I used the key already didn't I you see what's over here I didn't know what the jug doesn't even try to use it yet there's the boss room kind of want the heart let's try okay see if I can beat the first boss it's the penguin again penguin it's not the penguin what is it this Gatling gun and good I'm not sure what it does humans all right let's take some pictures all this thing's insane against bosses you just gonna get hurt like sightseeing we're like a weird tourist well do you see those missiles drop well look at that like die here this is really too much damage though I don't know if he's jumping enough that's the one problem of range I'm just barely out of rain thanks I don't like the ring-around-the-rosy can come I'm playing with him right now I don't like the Robin hit that like voice crack I promise this because I'm sick nobody makes fun of me a sturdy bookshelf and it really is a sturdy bookshelf Oh fine he doesn't usually do that cat come on I'm not feeling well the jolt er I like how fat the ball it's out with this thing still don't know what the jug does what does it do doubles your guts oh just doubles the shots that was the amount of bullets I can shoot or something better accuracy sooner or later I'll start noticing girls and see hair in funny places I don't have enough money for anything let's go can I use caps lock here I think you can but not not an overabundance amount like if you use more than like six words that are caps right pretty sure at times you out I'm a pretty lenient guy but the one rule that I have is don't take it too far don't go overboard really making my life a living hell over here buddy ah the bounce off the wall what did I just say I just get hit by it I must have gotten hit by not paying attention let's take a look and see what this thing is these are new enemies that I don't know what the hell they do just think actually is pretty damn good why does it have a squid on his head doesn't be still alive yeah I got actually scared the hell out of me here this crazed look in his eye he was sprinting at me have any medkits or anything somebody sub - who was it Oh his red ranger again red ranger with like the 75th sub he is here he's a different character this is this guy not no tanky Harland Dark Souls no it's not gonna help you like every tiger Lotus thanks again and thank you Red Ranger I know I said thanks but thanks hey no sir thanks but thanks oh let me try the other characters about the marina try this guy within a game that's like a bullet hell type game you just have to memorize the enemies because like when you start to see new people like the guy that was sprinting at me I don't know the hell that was guys terrifying I don't know what was that what was that guy what can I do with these picket fence posts by the way there's something special I can do with the white picket fence it's like a shop or something in town I can look at do I have to unlock that or something cuz I don't thing was anything over here you recept on this account ranger 8 you don't unlock the shopkeeper ok you can feel the house that's kind of neat what does he do ahh calls it an ammo drop that's kind of cool does not reveal secret walls and marine side I'm his boss no okay better reload speed and weapon accuracy right off the bat that's actually I think I like this character a lot [Music] let's try let's take any unnecessary damage yep okay he's dead I got him starting to see how necessary the table flipping really has become it helps a lot look walk to you as well wow he is so much more accurate the other guys would have their ship going like this and it played binding of issac and yeah I played the hell out of binding of issac I have like 200 hours in binding of issac I would compare this game more to the new wave then I would binding of issac you they have spot it's is very it's like a combination of those two games dueling pistol one shot huh I would say right off the bat this game is probably more kind of twitch-based than Isaac is yeah you need a lot more of reaction shots in reaction times Isaac Isaac is more about slowly kind of making your way saluted not getting hit whereas this is like a legit bullet hell murder shoot everybody in my Isaac what felt a little more like calculated where this is kind of extreme action this is I'm having a fun time though and I haven't beaten them second boss but I'm still having a good time waiting learning things quite a bit I don't want to mo to favor done one thing I can't say that I love so far in the first kind of 30 40 minutes of the game of playing it is the spawning enemies in the room I guess I'm just I'm very used to like a game like Isaac we're all right here's your threat take care of the threat and move on well a lot of times you'll go in a room and clear the threat and then wait a second there's like another wave of enemies here I can't say that's my favorite feature of the game but I just probably have to get used to it I would assume to push it over 25 I think I could get anything oh I like this gum though this guy knows doing me a lot of favors I can do an ammo drop but I'm not gonna do how much it doesn't have much drop do what does it give you okay this is I've never seen this room before but this is the key I need another key to get this all right I'll find one kill the bird first kill the bird I don't want the bird it caused all these problems because it will die final nothing in here just gives you max ammo so then I'm not gonna use it now then I will hold on to it down here is the only place I haven't got anything I think I will try boss I will try thanks for 7:00 welcome to the friend family what everybody here is a best friend let's listen to the back of the head that ricocheted off the wall and hit him in the skull and he made this surprised awful noise hey God cheese [Music] guys I love you what is that look suspicious what is that he's well we're gonna go to the shop and see if we can buy two keys play sell to him gone I think that's just the boss room but find out I don't even need my active damn the chest blew up better be the chest blew up now with the chest blow up they're going to PAX East this year I hope so I need to get a badge I didn't get one when they first come on sale gas masks you don't have any keys you kidding me was the gas masks do get it I have no idea what this does but I just bought it prevents poison damage okay probably could've guessed shoot in the shop room somebody already got me so you can't get me I was already gotten am I really not gonna get three chests that sucks what can you do can you skip please cup seems like after you've seen them like three times already like they're quite long [Applause] Gatling gun no unnecessary damage the thing your good thing the bushes were just walking my way I was gonna do that to you it would hide this time unfortunately damn now what a run I got know how to hide you have to utilize my blaster is effectively ricochet ricochet gone ain't gonna do me favors here what hi it's very bad Oh yeah very good it's it's I'm having trouble with the WASD and the dodging I played all of Isaac with a controller so WASD is very foreign to me in these games attracted to bullets kind of like you know it's the combination of like the dodging with WASD Shane I'd much rather using control I think it really works that well look what the buttons are let's see right bumper is shoot or that needs to change the game with controller is better in your opinion well Red Ranger 8 apparently just recent crime she strikes again you use controller too I heard the control is hard because it's not like I'll give it a try coz I'm having a lot of trouble with the WASD claimin [Applause] [Music] whoa claim it underscore welcome thanks to interact ax next gun left triggers map what does right trigger even bound to in the first place why you can actually drop items to that's cool let's give it a try it's gonna go straight up default utopia Fox thanks for the two months like I said look a lot of two months we've got a lot of two month ORS okay I already like the dodge roll is much easier it feels much cleaner but I'm not so sure about this needs to be right trigger for sure ps4 recommended I'll just do my own shoot right trigger dodge roll left bumper no oh it's be ax and the rest is kind of use item will be right bumper use blank will be left no I want that be use item a go left trigger use blank will be left right trigger shoot dodge rolls be a interactive X reload trigger use item kind of need something for the map I'll just do back there ok let's see how that works that's a yeah I think I think I like this a lot better a lot better we'll see we'll see how it goes oh yeah I didn't even press that button to happen I can already tell there needs to be a change I'm gonna go with dodge rolls gonna be a my rectum will be be use blank I didn't not hit a left buffer I'm so far away from left bumper should not have happened alright something actually I know odd is going on you guys noticing that when I'm like aiming this way like the whole screen is moving over here is it doing I feel like it wasn't doing that yeah that's like actually kind of freaking me out it's like push you can be all the way to little right left and right of the screen because I'm aiming up there no this might be a failed experiment guys are you see I'm talking about like a look where I am it's because I'm like Holt yeah this is it open no way yeah like stuck on the edges of the screen yeah I did I like this back back to bed yeah let's see you know when I move my mouse around it's not like this alright whatever we tried we tried controller it didn't work and then that's it that's a big no way yeah even I'm like aiming better no way so there's a thing in the controls right well maybe I could change the sensitivity on how far it moves steam control I could imagine the steam controller being incredible for this I could hang ghosts elaborate ruse excellence two months to 12 months 60 days 6-0 the hell is this problem the backup gun watch your back Oh interesting shoots behind you well let me let me get my let me like move my ass around a little bit hold on a second guys I'm gonna get a little more comfortable you're not comfortable you can't play games like this so I'm like I'm sorry for like the loud noises I'm making with this we're gonna move this here I'm taking my pants off you know what I mean like it's like you know no I'm talking about sometimes you got to undo a button when you like too fat like me I'm getting fat did I tell you that you guys know that yet like moving around too much I'm hitting buttons but I shouldn't be hitting I'm just like gonna scooch around my pants is still on I'm just shuffling around a little there let's do it No just turn around you I wanted to last-hit to be a backward shot you see my coffee my head is starting to do that then you know when you get sick and your head is doing that thing where it feels like you have two heads on your shoulders like you're looking through somebody else's eyes when you get like that headache you feel excuse excuses how many excuses is that that's like five excuses let's get like six his default gun is really not that bad does this mean I'm not sure two heads on your shoulders coffee more like iced water it's iced coffee this is keep the so much trash on the ground I don't know where this key is there it is the hell is this shrine to a prideful bulleting till now fallen offer a blood sacrifice sacrifice accepted stronger french champagne as always with celebrated for its excellence red ranger six how do you keep track of these accounts do you know the password to all these accounts feel like if I have like 15 accounts on twitch I would probably forget the password unless they're all the same password which in that case that's dad's not secure piece of cheese there the guy shop I don't think I have any money I have 23 wax wings yeah I don't know if anything it's like a shriveled up lychee trigger-finger this guy again no did you bring something does that can drop him right I drop something I'm gonna drop him the Atlas active why not right how do you do it it's just down on the d-pad or not the d-pad keyboard controls use blank drop item G I'm curious I just throw this in front of what does he do oh he gives you money he gives you money all right now get the litchi trigger finger [Music] no no I was testing the weapon I was testing it Jesus Christ get me out of it nice dumb boy that's gonna help too many things many things on the screen you're dumb hey no an eccentric is a difference I like this straight down damnit you've burned in my brain like I told you guys before when you kill all enemies in the room you're safe that's not the case with this game and I need to start remembering that I need to forget everything I remember about Isaac and just played this game it's kind of hard to lose all that memory though especially when you put that much time in doing okay well let's try not to die the boss no it's the king this guy wasn't that bad let's go King bullet did I already kill the guy no get away free while those ones spin up real fast I got em what's his anything behind this yeah give it give me a watch move the chair there's another health right here this is seriously like another health right here isn't there yeah I can't touch this the stupid throne is in the way I can't move this chair are you kidding me okay I can blow it up this this is crazy I hope I can use this weapon I'm probably gonna die because of this weapon let's see well see how long I last what the Ghostbusters reverse gun okay it's pretty good it's actually kind of good only should I'm using so much ammo though then we're not gonna use that there you go don't cross the streams I know they told me not to cross the streams but I have two streams coming out it's inevitably gonna happen inevitably inevitably all right well time to time to lose time to lose because I've done very and you guys know how bad I am and stuff like this I'm gonna lose right now I'm gonna fall through and die nokey dokey well uh huh Nikki what is going on in there okay I'll come back I'll come back to that what's going on here the altar is empty yeah okay just save the person in there thank you hi yeah yeah nothing in here I don't think so I don't think so good luck finding keys I know that's been the story of this whole stream no keys and dying to the second bus or the second room you know does this give me trouble too internally in my brain it's shoot or dodge and while I'm trying to do both at the same time but you have to pick one shoot dodge or reload my brain is mixing them together like a big pot badge do that you don't want to eat god that enemy sucks this whole room dude like seriously that was unbearable I'm still alive I keep those these are the rooms that I keep dying in it's these rooms that are the worst if I didn't have the proton back I definitely would have lost my can I go in here is he he's angry with me is that the problem now that's such a deep where's that health but it was Mads back here now though that room was no joke they don't mess around in this game alright I'm gonna have to try to get my way to the boss room because I'm gonna die any keys out of my way um oh definitely for the proton fact and when I get to the boss we're just proton packing that guy and hoping that I don't die never mind we're using it here oh god I hate that out of me so much that guy's sucks I ate it he shoots you like three times with the same bullets they don't disappear and they're huge projectiles all right no I can buy key I need to buy the health to twenty four thirty forty fifty I have like just barely enough now what chest am I going to open the chest have Rarity's on them is there should I open the green one or the this one over here or should open the door with the person in it kind of scared of that room to be honest if I have is this guy gonna attack me I mean I have if I could hit to time them dead I don't think I want to do this okay you know if I'm gonna do it I can't do it I don't have the right key he told me no soda pop shot Cocola speed up that actually helps a lot that does help a lot but is it gonna be enough is it going to be enough fire speed seems to help it's not more people what's this here an angry book still more places to go to okay mr. boss room all right cross your fingers hope there's a key in here of our health doesn't look like there's either one of those okay half proton pack and sidearm damn it what's with the no key drops all right wish me luck I don't think I've haven't not seen the second boss yet so yeah let's go let's go let's go let's go all right it's Medusa do sit with two machine guns look Gorgon alright damn just burner burner oh boy that's definitely poison [Laughter] [Music] okay so she circles around with poison and then fills the screen with bullets got it I'm actually like having fun because I'm getting my ass kicked I don't I don't feel like it's not angering me they're like I'm learning things because typically I would be very angry you know this games fun that's so far so good so far so good yeah when you die in this game like now that I like have to learn a lot of the game mechanics the game is so fast patient that you feel like I can just I'm gonna just get back to where I was before in like a minute ago even though it's already been like an hour like if I wasn't making any progress at all that I'd probably good night you'd be mad finally a key eating one of those desperately sponsorship confirmed you can roll through sources of poison or fire to avoid taking damage even if it's that much poison on the ground there was a lot of poison on that ground a lot I guess I've never been poisoned so I just don't know how much damage it does like if you get caught in it doesn't kill you does it tick for like five or ten or something five or ten what am I talking about there is no denomination of five or ten for health in this game this is two five or ten rabid test subject thank you for subscribing no family enjoy your emotes whoa I don't wanna get stuck in this room but I'm gonna have to pick people off good ago and a chest where is it fresh honey potion of gun friendship temporary +12 gun I don't know what that even means but we're gonna keep it bable bable welcome back welcome back famil devil ok a lower case a bullet bullet bullet okay it has a lot of ammo I guess we're gonna use it bullet bullet bullet thanks for the Supply Drop nerd what somebody steal my item was it a rat I think a rat just took my item this thing's insane I mean it's really really annoying but Wow got some ammo heavy boots low center of mass no idea allows the gungeon ear to keep their footing even when great force so you don't get knocked back anymore temporarily Chris this is what like kind of like Boca Belial to give a reference I guess I don't have enough money for any of your stiff mmm I guess we're going to go over here um sometimes you just got a go all right sometimes you just got to go and that time is now you just got to go let's try this item fill it fill damn it you know I can stop moving around so much actually easier to dodge if you could just kind of stand still further away you are the better tune that's why I'm getting like up on his face there hi we're taking my hitta gum take it more these credits more these space picket-fence credits and keys buzzkill are you crying is it was hitting your king sod when their chests like an open anything else I could buy no jhaggat it go why not for the monster this actually might mess me up because it's gonna be bouncing all over the place see how much damage it does oh hello damn it Lisa's not red like their stuff did he did the thing I did it takes a longer to kill things with Morty raging where Morty's raggy like it's raging thanks for something thanks for Riesling you are back even though you've never left just gotta go he's a speed man I'm taking my time and you guys can't take your time taking the time as a mistake you just got a goal and you've got to get them dead immediately don't wait around for Christmas just kill them don't be scared we're gone that they dead jeez hi it's Alex playing this fun game he's at dreams [Music] [Applause] right Oh welcome right Oh can I open this is Impe gonna freak out if I touch this is that his secret gun chest is he gonna start shooting me or something what happens if I open that I don't know I don't really need anything right now nothing in here is really any good prime primer I kind of wanna open this and just run you feed it to guns to get one gun that's what it is well I kind of like my guns I don't sound sick did I take cold medicine it's more of like a head problem than it is like a nose and throat problem I mean if I've been like kind of stuffy but it's mostly like I don't even know it's in the room as I blend in I might have to go buy that health now wait for me ah get away you tiny little Meg - we oh I hate these rooms so much Meg - be thanks for something no I have to go get healed these rooms are seriously the worst I have to do it and should I take the ammo - maybe no but thanks for something mister speed - me not another one what I didn't even see that I didn't even see the middle yeah damn now we're in deep again use your cue I want to save it for the boss because the boss was pain in the ass you're not gonna take a hit there with the one please give me some health anything hearts I'll take a heart god I hate you I bet that is by far the worst enemy I've seen in the whole game so far without a single doubt in my mind zorkin don't push the red button was that dude getting all these cool things but I keep seeing the Iron Maiden enemy I keep oh Oh finally I knew it would be a while before someone came down here but seriously I've been forever anyway we should get back to the shop it's been closed for way too long you should come by we're on top of the breach you can't miss it thank you for rescuing mistress cadence and this woman okay they're good guys all right well that guarded that I got the shop okay I think I have anything for this I'm not even sure what it does which way should I even go probably gonna die at the boss again it's pretty much inevitable at this point before where is he Mary you cube meat boy good meal Ross Emel Ross Emile Ross welcome thanks welcome to the team welcome to the team all right I'm gonna dumb to lose again so this is like a new snake this is like snake rattle and roll hazing welcome both you guys most amazing now I gotta concentrate because I might be able to beat this guy nope welcome to Tunis yeah the real bane of my existence are those iron maiden enemies that shoot five hundred bullets that shoot once hit the walls turn around to shoot you again and by the time they shoot you the second time he's already doing it again I think if you watch this bog back besides like the boss encounters I think that's one of the only times I've actually died by that enemy or not died a little this for this way the reason why I lost is because of those enemies I'll go to the shop at this home do one more time yeah that's pallbearer from WWI that is correct now with speedrunning this one damnit go go go go go go go chop don't need anything his shop not yet ah my mo condo yeah it sucks getting to the boss with like half a heart especially when your head to see the boss beautiful especially when you haven't seen the kind of dogs that's just a normal shotgun it's not right better than having the default I guess right mustache goat welcome mustache go thank you so much for your subscription for only $5 you can join the tape can you join the team you get perks you can badge next to your name you can post these super cool emotes and you join the family Wow super cool check out these super cool perks Wow super cool I died I need a better guy kind of wasting bullets to tell him to surprise me like I just jumped around the corner thinking I was going to be shocked by that dammit I thought he was gonna be dead I didn't think II was gonna get it off but he did can't believe that guy got off it's okay got my armor back now might actually be a good time to call it quits boss kind of not seeing anything anything this better be a room with a ton of cool in it no in the chest bionic leg more machine than man movement speed increased uh uh that's good to get early so that's that's it let's go fight fossil you don't really have very good weapons whatever spicy ranch welcome dose months thanks for the dose month skip this is actually a bad place to fight him there's nowhere to hide I wish I could knock this into him I'm paying there's so much attention I'm just like looking at where the thing was falling there's not smarter pressing e too many button presses so I hit him with his own little been cool get away from me don't get that close I already already super jacked bird jeez the role does have iframes it's the first half of the role so right there like right when you touch the ground I believe is when it's over okay 47 it's a little bit there than the shotgun yeah I believe right when you're touching the ground right or the half way through the air heavy weapon grow it's kind of like a heavy weapon this crow who's this dude what does one of my planets doing in this camp greetings what can I do for you you're just a traveling tinkerer got stuck here a while back I thought I might fix these elevators to kill some time Albert has only go down one floor at a time right now but with the right equipment I might be able to configure these to traverse multiple cores talking shortcuts here soldier okay I'm not sure yet it won't be easy though whoever engineered this place was crazy going to head back to the breach for now speak with me there when you get a chance okay don't look this enemy then when I hate why does he have to do that three times can't he just do it once can't he just pulse like one one time in every direction does he have to pulse 3 get out of here with this guy why don't you keep stop giving them to me I hate that enemy [Music] it's freaking me I don't know if they do but freaking me out dude Muhsin Mills mousse and Mills welcome back thanks dude much appreciate it thank you for your more than one time subscription what did I say I don't get it this game say well I don't know about this one who where's the exit this is such a stupid idea for me to be in here when I don't know like how this whole room works yet I got a dumb idea why didn't even come in here for son of a and I can't even go up there tonight I'll get me out of this room just don't teleporting out by I don't care I'm not going to lose all my health in the stupid Indiana Jones room hate that enemy delete that enemy from this game because the I hate it it's the Sun a lot of it I have a lot of money please let me purchase things from you what's this like joke cartoon gun I'm gonna buy it I wanted all right well I bought like the cartoon Looney Toons gun I can't wait I can't wait to shoot Donald Duck in the face with this and have his whole face turned black and his bill goes around to the back of his head another person up here is this the other shop lady uh what is going on here what's the thing on the top right um hi break the targets and win a prize they call me Winchester and for you I have a simple game of skill would you like to know the rules sure to play this game you have to break the targets in a certain comfort shot each shot what ricochet a few times before anyone break more targets get a better reward hey not today buddy I don't know not today I need somebody to fight the first the second boss and win so not today I'm okay on health let's give this a test how do I shoot this thank you so just launches out bombs all right I'll give it a test might be good for bosses pretty damn good yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I like that one oh yeah I like that one that's a that's kind of a good one I [Applause] actually didn't know why I press space I might as well take it sure I'll take it for this gun Forgotten bullet who laid down his reign offer gun at the altar yeah I'll offer in the shotgun take the shotgun live to gun another day at peace I don't know what that means is that just full health of them where do I get extra life go around the room I will spin around oh no watch out for the ghost gun watch out for the ghost gun good roll eh but that tracking gun wasn't even pointed at me really get to the boss [Music] don't you do it like all the enemies of bullets it's very charming charming I'm actually not paying attention to the walls because there's lots to do with the wall right lots to do with the ball it's getting kind of heavy I can buy a key hello I'll check water key please and bye bye [Music] what's in the box what's in the box what's in the box a earth ring some floors are familiar sure is that Marceline from adventure time that's the right character I'm thinking of right no no is it who is MRSA Marceline whoever name is who's the bubblegum princess Princess Bubblegum Flame Princess right last place to check for the boss room oh you don't hit anything else I can do like don't no I'm not doing this I'm not doing this give me my funny gun this is a new boss would be holster Jesus I'm gonna dodge that way that's number back on oh my god I can't see that little friends are annoying till the ads kill the ads come on how to be perfectly placed right there I'm gonna die oh these all these boss variations I've seen a different boss every time I've gone in this room can I just get the same boss like two times in a row so I can know how to fight it so I don't lose immediately first it was like the Medusa lady what was that guy I'm like on tilt right now I'm gonna go back what do you do as well try all the characters right hi is the minigame guy actual stream puke is it okay hunter Timothy 32 hunter Timothy thanks a lot welcome so this is where you get permanent upgrades is that what I understand here dungeon acquisitions Department you can donate blah and will order new guns and items for the collection yeah yeah okay interesting it's their order you can find the new stuff down on the chambers so this is how you unlock weapons okay it's a big dude do anything different Thompson submachine gun heart bottle rocket-powered bullets let's get those you're like heart bottle might be kind of good and I get at the Thompson again we're gonna take a look at some stuff rocket-powered bullets enjoin heart bottle has joined yep yep okay let's take a look closer look where is it where is it okay I do have to actually pick it up before I can look at it probably that would make sense friendship cookie seems like a lot of stuff in the game game erase sucks No do I have the microtransaction gun I don't think that I don't think that's a thing standard pistol and crossbow single shot and I got a little this little dog the dog game [Music] hey no boom thanks for summing nope m8 if you're enjoying the stream I'll be enjoying SiC me oh yeah you can tell them sick guys I'm sick you tell was actually kind of fun you can aim I can actually land shots I would sure be what don't even do watch out for the March Simpsons strongest enemies in the game you just face it through that ringer the actual little pistol pistol get out of here will you just get out of here don't like this room too small probably should look at the character description to see what this dogs actually supposed to do you pick up items or something for these sniff walls this dog of wall sniffer I hope they can do that - that's cool apparently not anything in the right spot for the magician oh here comes more Marge Simpson I shouldn't buy that but on the right next to me I could have ran away I did different angry Marge Simpson Thanks I really do need to do some sensitivity stuff here next time my huh I play drop my mouse DPI or something because it is kind of a little too much for me just a little bit I guess I'm gonna buy this do not test it it was there was a spot over here like a training dummy or something so this guy didn't freak out every time you used a weapon let's just go don't care this game have co-op I actually don't know I think it does have co-op isn't it does it local and local or I don't think it's online let me press all right I don't like a blunderbuss with this anything we have to charge I don't like it all you got have to hold have like five buttons being pressed I need to use it the poison or the fire or the grease would've led in it stock a little too far I know weapons kind of suck I'm gonna go donate this weapon to the creepy guy in the well gamma ray hi doesn't lie just unlock this somebody was saying this thing sucks we'll find out what a new beat boss first try yeah this game doesn't mess around that is something I have come to realize hey this game doesn't hold your hand know what I mean this there's no hand-holding here says poison seems to be actually kind of like it it's fun gamma-ray people don't forget to meet the elevator guy yeah where is he is he back there is it just in this floor somewhere like on the floor see ya come on get him in there hope one of those stupid iron maidens don't spawn they all know how much I love those things like you don't the reload this those okey-dokey I don't have enough money definitely have no money for anything we should die he died hey well let you die very long time where you going down up up down we're gonna aim oh I need to find some okay oh my god he's serious where am I how was I supposed to know that was gonna happen I've never been seen these platfor bye don't care I've never even touched those so I didn't know that could even oh god I can't really dodged do any places to fall more MORE baby Gately save enough money to buy something I hope I could buy a heart that would be great well no hard but Armour which is 24 I mean Armour is probably better all right it's like that blocks a full hit I have it well I have ammo and other guns just gonna have to deal with it gonna have to deal with it look it's still coming after me another one in here I hate I I don't like I gotta get something I gotta do something there's another one down here and there's like a ton of other people in this room the hell's even here like where's my point of entry here come here you stupid son there's more people it is I think that's it god damnit you I don't care I don't care just get get that giving away from that guy I have such bad guns this gun sucks it's gonna so slow and so inaccurate and doesn't kill anything I only have one heart for the boss what a surprise huh there's the key and did I miss any chests no I'm gonna go back and kill though goodbye some parts what is that a dungeon eagle let's hope it's good I don't get mad at this game no I only get mad at the one enemy that one enemy is the worst thing in this whole game it's the only thing I get have you heard me get upset about anything else besides the stupid Iron Maiden's spam the room with bullets turn around shoot you again what same bullets enemy no it's the only thing I've been upset about I don't want it's gonna like take one of my butt's gonna hurt me or something I'm not gonna do that right now anything in this room that I need to be aware of well you trade in your guns the gun muncher I have a munch on this piece of what did that do somebody told me this was the gun muncher it's not it's not the gun muncher what did I just do to myself you're talking about here well I look over chat it says everyone saying turret ride your guns to the gun guy I want to feed him that I want a feeling this feed him figure the gun muncher take take this thing I don't this thing's all that that's gonna spawn more Iron Maiden's he's kidding me please tell me that's not true Winchester rifle well it's only one place I haven't gone it's up there over here alright up this way this could be good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah my dogs oh Jesus I guess he's okay he's all right I think he's okay well I'm probably gonna lose what's the snake guy mo Kondo let's try this again we're not getting stuck on the is that thing oh all right I'm gonna give it one more attempt and then I'm gonna I'm gonna move on I want to work in a video all right P Jerry that's right got a headshot Oh give me the gun excuse me I just I don't like using that gum I'd rather just be able to aim and go click click click looks like give him a very vague hint about the video you're making patch notes it's definitely not what do you think either passionate going over some patch notes it's the only it's the only hit you're gonna get it's not gonna be out for a few days because there's a lot a lot of work that needs to get done no it is not an overwatch video you seriously didn't die right in my face the League of Legends you'll see it's not gonna be I'll probably like maybe three or four days depends on the thing that I need when it comes in because I do need things becquer one one seven one seventeen bomb news for boo okay welcome thanks sub thank you so much for taking a five dollar bill inserting it into the soda machine the other thing that goes like ring here what would you like to drink I mean you put the $5 in what would you like to drink would you like a sprite Fanta or a good old-fashioned come on what's he gonna say guys one somwhat slicked up quote come on come on I want to see you in the chat Mac yeah what is it come on oh yeah there it is dr. pepper remember when that was a thing that I used to do what a dumb thing I drink dr. pepper idiot hey guys welcome to Durban nine eight five one of my things is I drink dr. pepper hahaha why is that a joke didn't I like drink dr. pepper really fast and throw up on stream or something and I highlighted it I forget it was something like that mr. Pibb I don't really drink a whole lot of soda anymore not anymore wasn't a real big kick for it for a while but I got over you need that bought it so my youtube channel somewhere but don't I like piss my pants or something don't I what happens in that like pepper dr. pepper chugging hey do I piss my pants already got so many money I have 45 dr. pepper dr. pepper look I didn't get sued what is this a shrine to an old gunslinger there's an inscription killer your past you've already dammed your future the rest is worn away okay oh I thought for some reason that might have worked I was gonna throw the bomb down the well he's gonna wake up and be like you great what do you got at the shop you pooped your pants no I like I drank a bunch of dr. pepper and I pissed my pants something like that I don't remember somebody will which of these 20 yeah give me another one why not okay let's go kill the boss it's the bird again I don't shoot with my pants on I never said that I said I warm the seat up first I gotta stop like talking scroll how am i doing I can like hold control I'll stay he doesn't mail a move - interesting really like for him to get way there oh wow why my game just froze that game froze but control is broken actually apparently it did please hurt him kill him feel like it takes a eternity [Music] please give me the cowboy belt any more damaging weapons they're a little guy over here maybe sure have a lot of health in this game oh I don't I'm not sure if that's necessarily the case just some weapons I think just take forever to kill anybody you want to spy free you want to snipe is that what you want to do forgot some money no whatever don't need money it's not about the money guys it's not all about the money staying as far away from this as possible no there's more people here full of love of all that is sacred do you wanna sex once welcome dude on the back thanks for the continue to subscription whoa [Music] [Applause] Lara wait it's logic welcome to the family you are now okay do you want to be a brother a sister an uncle a father a distant relative like what do you wanna be did you get to pick you get to pick you could be like an uncle it could be an aunt grandfather who do you want to be in the family you're the same color as my bullets leave me alone demon head alright interesting interesting locked creepy uncle you want to be a creepy uncle brother you could be whatever you want we're like there's like hundreds of us at this point now I think [Music] we want to jump down this hole somebody said jump down the elevator hole is it gonna kill me that's it gonna kill me I've seen like three people say that now if I jump down this is it I'm just gonna die no do it do it it's a secret room do it no I did this is this is what's gonna happen here I'm gonna do this because people are telling me it's like oh you're gonna find like the elevator guy and I'm gonna die and then I'm going to turn the stream off we press on it actually doesn't work yeah yeah debris any clear some I waited on you three uh I wish you'd told me that before how do I get back up well I don't have that where's the shop like we buy one Wow Texas baby munch the Texas baby munch x7 welcome thank you for subscribing hope you enjoy what you're seeing on the spring sit back and relax where's the shop I need the shop I think the shops down there this guy still not dead damn I have cystic fill them run with these things I'm just I've done I'm out of here I'm running away from this game I'm running I'm sprinting demon puke is that it okay at least can get the elevator open let me out of this hellhole take it what you need more I see $120 at three keys but inhale them ah let's go let's go die let's go die by the boss now this item is actually pretty good I want full ammo on this thing when I get to the boss which who I might have inevitably going the doctor but he got you have some health I would love I would love that I would love that right now just go excuse me sir my diaper such a bad spot damn oh I'm dead see you later I'm just dead somebody's to change my diaper just I just did like a green in that diaper all right I think that's gonna be it for now I'm sick I'm tired and I need to work on a video but yeah enter the gungeon extremely difficult game very fun if you like that sort of thing and I definitely recommend it if you like rooms that fill with bullets for you to dodge then give it a whirl yeah take these again thanks for all the new subs I was away for about a week and I'm kind of sick so that's why I haven't been around these last this last week screaming well I see see I proved it again no I'll see you guys soon maybe tomorrow I'll uh I'm gonna do some sub notification stuff so get some more sounds and all that great stuff Iron Maiden positive or negative definitely a negative oh yeah good afternoon good night take it easy guys and I I'll talk to you later bye bye
Channel: Ster/Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 10,474
Rating: 4.9142857 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, ster, star_, shtur, stream, Ster/Jerma Stream Archive, jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, streams, full stream, jerma gungeon, jerma enter the gungeon, enter the gungeon, pc
Id: IUMS5_I9V9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 34sec (11614 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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