Raspberry Pi Zero W Surveillance Camera

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers comm this time it's the second part in my occasional series in which I'm doing projects with a rasp be pi0 specifically I'm going to be taking a Raspberry Pi 0w and using it to make a networked surveillance camera so let's go and get started right here we have our grass peopie 0w which is the version of the raspberry pi zero with onboard Wi-Fi which we need to create a network camera device this said you could use any model of grass peopie for this project so for example you could use a Raspberry Pi 3 a plus like this or you could use a Raspberry Pi full but here I'm going to stick with there - raspy PI 0 w - which we now need to add a camera and there were various options available for example we could use a standard Raspberry Pi camera which I've used in a previous projects but this cost about 24 pounds or $30 and so for this project I thought I'd try out one of the smaller and cheaper cameras made specifically for the PI 0 so what I've got here is the 0 cam from the PI Hut which they sell for 15 pounds and which is a 5 megapixel resolution unfortunately I can't find a u.s. supplier for this product but lots of retailers sell very similar looking models such as Adafruit with it zero spy camera for the Raspberry Pi zero which retails for $19.95 ylides out the packaging is rather substantial here we go to thin little magnetic clasp on the case but you'll see inside we've got a very small camera which I think I removed by the magic of filmmaking and there we are this is a very very small camera indeed and it's even got hit control electronics integrated into its ribbon cable and to make it clear how small this camera really is let's compare it to the standard sized Raspberry Pi camera which as you can see is a much bigger module and it's also important to note here that these two cameras have got different sized ribbon cable connectors if you can see it's larger on the standard Raspberry Pi camera than on a zero camera and that is because the ribbon cable connector on a Raspberry Pi zero is smaller than the one on a standard Raspberry Pi now it is possible to use either of these cameras on any model of Raspberry Pi if you use an appropriate adaptive cable here for example is the adapter required to use a PI 0 camera with another PI which has a larger ribbon cable connector but the important thing I want to stress is you must make sure when you're getting a Raspberry Pi camera you better have the right ribbon cable and potentially adapters to connects to the point you're using right with all that clear let's now connect to this camera to our Raspberry Pi zero which requires us to very carefully pull out and raise the retaining bar on the end of the PI zero push the ribbon cable in with the contact sight down and push the retainer bar back in and there we are we now have our camera connected to our Raspberry Pi zero quite how I'm going to mount all this up I'm not yet quite certain but I do plan to use this a hive own case and I know that once I've put the PI 0 in this PI PO case it's impossible to slot in the micro SD card and so the next thing we need to do is to take micro SD card under there one is a over there that's the car we're going to use it's a tundish kind Durance model we just did well on my recent SD card group test video and so what we're now going to do is to get some software onto this card and we can then put everything together right I've now put the micro SD card into a reader in my laptop and we're going to install the software motion i/o s this is an excellent mimic distribution which turned a cinder ball computer into a video surveillance system and it's written by Kalin christen and we can obtain the software from there his a github pages here as you can see where if you wish you can make a donation to support its development to download the software we need to go down to a supportive device is a there we are and if we click on that we will get to a page listing all the Singapore computers which you can get motion iOS Raspberry Pi of courses towards the bottom because it begins with an hour the version we want here is of this version there which works for the original PI in the PI 0 and 0 w but they're also versions you can see for the PI to 2 pi 3 and the PI 4 but I'll download the version for the PI 0 W there we are click on that unsafety my raspberry pi downloads folder and there we are the image is now downloading and we now need to write it to the microSD card and to do that I'm going to use it velena ezio which i've got to running down here and which you can obtain from velena io /d ed sure but if you don't want to use that sure I know some of you don't like Ed sure you can always use Rufus or win32diskimager but whatever image you're going to use you need to select your image that's going to be what we downloaded here where's it gone there we are the most recent version in motion 9 OS and it will put that there we've already selected the microSD card but yes that's the right one always worth checking and will now flash the image to the microSD card until Windows it's fun to do it of course it is windows will now wait for the thing to complete and there we are it has completed and make sure you don't reform at any partitions again the windows can't read just click cancel on any of those and now we need to actually put some information on to the microSD card in addition to the image because we need to tell it the details of our Wi-Fi network so that PI 0 can get online and that if we open up this PC we should be able to see the car but we can't see all of it and I've discovered the best way to make things work is to take out your microchip car which I'll do now and to put it back in again like that and windows will now come up with things that can't see don't worry about those cancel don't whatever you do reformat things that you don't need to reformat and you can see we've got to drive which windows can access which is the first partition there if we open that one up you can see various files here on the microSD card including things like a boot code bin and a confit text and what we now need to do is to create a new configuration file here so I'll right-click and do a new and text document and we need to give it the name WP a underscore so click count like that and it's going to be not txt but a conf 4 conf so we've created our newer configuration file do we want to do that yes we do we know what we're doing now we know it will open up that file I'm going to use notepad here and I'll say a little bit about that in a second but I open up notepad and we'll open up that configuration file file and open and it's down there and what aandhi will have to do show all files because it's not a txt file but it should appear now there we are and it should be there we are let's open it up with Google of course the empty and we now need to put two information into this file and we can get a lot of that by going back to the the web pages for motion iOS and going to a page labeled Wi-Fi pre configuration so we'll do that or gets more space in our screen like that if we scroll down here these are very good instructions for doing this all kinds of computers but what I'm showing you here is a very very simple version of it but what we do need is to take this code here so we'll take a copy of that code and do a ctrl C to copy it take it back into notepad and a control V and we've got that now sitting in our configuration file next we need to change the country code here if we're not in the United States I'm in UK for which the country code is confusingly GB and I'll give you a list of country code for a link in the video description the next thing we need to do is to enter our SSID or service set identifier the name of our network and our password so for example if your Wi-Fi network is called Skynet you would put her by net in there and if your password was say 1 2 3 4 5 you put your password in there 1 2 3 4 5 now of course Skynet and 1 2 3 4 5 aren't my actual details who are now put in the correct ones for my network and are there they are slightly along the password and now we just need to pass a file under save and that everything should be a setup on the micro sd card however it's worth noting that if you read the pages here on the web about setting this thing up by the post we wrote all this of course they should know what they're doing they actually tell you here you should be using not notepad to write your file in Windows your config file but you should download in this door notepad plus plus and the reason for this is that for a very long time 33 years to be exact notepad in Windows did not work properly with a UNIX line feeds however in May 2018 notepad was updated to properly with eunuchs line feet which means providing you're using an up-to-date version of Windows which has been properly updated using notepad as we've done here to write the file should work with no problems at all anyway with everything now setup I'm going to close down notepad take out the microSD card and we can put it into our grasp beep i0 light with the tricky bit completed I put the PI in the case as you can see the cameras hanging out the end I'm so not quite sure how to mount it but as you might see on the back there are some uh sticky pads so I think I'm going to bring the camera around a stick it on the back of the unit like this and this is clearly hardly ideal we could be careful not to knock this er ribbon cable here but this will work and I'd point out I've remove a little piece of covering film from the end of our lens and that this is a fixed focus camera but you can change the focus if you wish by carefully a twiddling this thing on the front anyway let's now put this down like that and we need to go in search of some power and they're going to start with a micro USB adapter although in my next section I'll be using this USB power bank anyway let's now connect in the power like that and how is the only thing we have to connect because we're going to access to PI wirelessly via Wi-Fi but if we want we can also connect a mini HDMI lead which will show us the output during the boot process and this is one way of finding out the PI's local IP address anyway let's now press the power switch and here we go the PI is booting up it's going to its initial boot and set of process formatting the data partition and we just speed on through a bit of this set of process there we are motion is starting up and it's family network we've got our network details correct obviously it's found its local IP address it's been allocated at 192 168 1 5 so what we now need to do is to go to a web browser on another computer on the same network and to enter this IP address and if you haven't got the address by plugging in a monitor to your PI 0 you could get it by looking into the control panels for you Ruta or you could run an IP scanner so for example down here I've got angry IP scale or this machine I like angry IP scanner we could scan through the local Rangers about say 192 168 1 0 2 1 91 6 sake say 1 I don't know 30 would probably be a good guess and if we just start that off yes there it is it's found the motion I device on one line 2 1 6 8 1 5 the world is that with us and if you don't find it in that address range let's just close out down if you scan from something like one line to 1 2 X 8 0 0 so 1 & 2 1 6 8 1 2 5 5 you should find local devices in that range anyway let's go back to the web browser with our IP address and press Enter and all this looks good look you've got a motion I is running and we need to put in a username will do admin for which there isn't a password users press Enter you should be straight in you can of course change that if you are not trusting everyone else who's using your network oh and we've got a picture that's good isn't it it's looking at the camera looking at it and let's just select that camera and maybe a rotate it around cuz clearly we should have got the board of the way around but I'm not going to rotate things right now because of all the wires connected in you can see we've got a little light on the thing as well where are we down here anyway there is a things to rotate let's rotate 90 degrees and apply that hopefully that will bring us around the right way around it's not going to work look a bit like a smart phone won't it but never mind there we are that's yes that's working so we've got we've got the camera working so what I think I'm not going to do actually is to close this down I'll go back to the menu here there's all sorts of fantastic options here this really is great software motion iOS but what I'm going to do is to play around a bit put the camera somewhere a bit more interesting and we'll try something more exciting so here I am back again and the rats peopIe zero is now being powered by the power bank I showed you earlier which is a three thousand billion pound power bank and I put a graphic on the screen to tell you how long it'll power the rats be PI zero with the camera oh and there's that information isn't that exciting anyway the pi zero is now in my kitchen and if we go to a web browser here we are we can see it's looking at my fridge it's surveilling my fridge we can keep a track of the fridge and it should be able to record a film to the fridge if motion occurs if something needs a reporting back I've just click up here on my little movies thing there you'll see there's no media I'm just showing you that before we look at other things so let's now bring up the the menu here and I've been trying out various settings and to be honest I think I found that over as be pi zero is a little bit underpowered to be using a motion detection with a motion iOS so I've had to keep the settings fairly low but it does work I've got a 640 480 for the video resolution their videos rotated 180 degrees because the cameras that way up as it were and then we've got down here video streaming settings everything here is fairly straightforward and the defaults are really good and here we've got movies being recorded to a length of 30 seconds being triggered by motion and then down under the motion detection section you'll see if it's detecting more than a two percent change in the images seeing it's constantly looking at frames comparing onto previous round that see the change it'll trigger motion detection signal under the record a video and it's worth pointing out you can if you wish here set up notifications to for example send you an email where that note motion is detected you go and to account details and things without obviously tiss to send an email but it can be done anyway that's all the way it's a set up so that's just to close that off there and I'm now going to a race into my kitchen and we'll see if it records and movie and Here I am back again the sets now er you probably saw things on the screen I have not seen it I wonder what happened when I was not here if you see what I mean let's click on that and yes it's recorded a movie and that we could play that film here but I think Howlett downloaded is having a little thinker with aether somewhere isn't there we are let's download that film to this computer and save from there and is there we are there it is down the cola and if we just play that film hopefully we will see what just happened oh it's me look going to the fridge and being detected by the camera and it's taking a recording oh look I looked at some carrots and things did I want the carrots and things no I decided to take the old bran cereal which was clearly much more exciting there will so a not brilliant quality video clearly here but perfectly serviceable if you wanted to keep track of your fridge you could clearly do it using a Raspberry Pi zero there we are we've taken a Raspberry Pi zero W anted a camera and turned it into a network accessible surveillance device in my next Raspberry Pi zero projects video I'm going to be taking this the headphone amplifier for the PI from PI Maroni and adding it to a Raspberry Pi 0 to turn it into a media player with its own screen and control buttons but now that's it for another video if you've enjoyed what you seen here please beste on the like button if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and I hope to talk to you again very soon [Music] you
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 430,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raspberry Pi Zero, Raspberry Pi Zero W, Pi Zero W, Pi Zero camera, Raspberry Pi camera, Pi camera, Raspberri Pi Zero camera, Zero cam, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt, motionEyeOS, motion eye, motioneye, Raspberry Pi motionEyeOS, Raspberry Pi motioneye, Raspberry Pi motion detection, Raspberry Pi Zero Project, Pi Zero Projects, Raspberry Pi wireless camera, Raspberry Pi surveillance system
Id: rhIzfRmKHnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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