Raspberry Pi Zero 2W First time minimal setup. Powered by TV.

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[Music] okay so the pi 2 0 w is an incredible little computer for the money 15 gets you a fully working computer but what extra bits do you need what's the bare minimums so first up we're going to need a power adapter this is usbc and the pi zero 2w uses micro usb so i've got a little adapter to convert it but you may already have an old android charger that can power this device with micro usb strictly it needs 2.4 amps which is a more modern charger but you can definitely get away with way less power on a raspberry pi zero 2w so you also need an operating system so a microsd card is needed for that you can run an operating system from an ssd and a usb stick but we're talking about the bare minimums here so for this to work we need to use remote desktop which is a bit more tricky to set up i've got a separate video on it but essentially you're controlling this from a phone tablet or a computer but the performance isn't as good as the pi zero two w can be and if you're gonna play games you're not gonna do it via remote desktop what about if you wanna use it with a monitor or a tv well you're gonna need a mouse and keyboard or in this case a track pad this is bluetooth and it's rechargeable because the pi 02w already has bluetooth on board you're not needing any extra connection you're not taking any extra power from the pi as well now you can use a bluetooth speaker but if you're using a television you'll already have sound coming through the hdmi so we're not going to need that on our minimal setup to power it we just need a micro usb to usb a cable because the tv is going to supply power to the pi now not all tvs will be able to do this but most tvs in the last 10 years would have a usb socket probably capable of powering the pi if yours doesn't then you're going to need that power adapter again but as my tv works then i'm going to leave that one out because the pi 02w uses mini hdmi as its connection we're going to have a hdmi to mini hdmi adapter i'm assuming you've probably got an hdmi cable if not they are very cheap and very easy to get a hold of so in our minimal setup that's everything we need now i'm going to use a windows computer for this because probably more people have got a windows computer than anything else although that said i have videos for doing this on ios android mac os linux and windows so let's pop the sd card into here into the sd card reader now this little melee mini pc actually does have an sd card reader on it anyway so i could have just plugged it in there but i'm going to use a reader because probably most people won't have an sd card slot in their computer so that's booting up windows let's switch into screen capture now i'm going to use a tool called raspberry pi imager if you want to put it on a windows computer if you type in raspberry pi imager and you can see it's in raspberry pi downloads raspberry pi imager for windows and that's an exe file so if you double click on that it will install onto your computer i've already got it installed and it's down here so we'll say yes control shift and x so set hostname raspberry pi dot local enable ssh use password authentication i'm going to put in raspberry as the password configure wi-fi now my wi-fi this is the 5 gigahertz network so i need to delete the five gigahertz bit on my network because the five gigahertz won't work on the pi zero two w scroll down set locale settings you can see europe gb skip first run wizard that's really important for because it wants to do loads of things otherwise and we want to be able to control it remotely hit save i'm going to choose os now at the moment raspberry pi os 32-bit this is debian 11. isn't that stable and reliable although that said i haven't tried it for a few days and it's getting regular updates so you right at the moment you might want to use debian 10 and i do talk about that in the last version of pi news but if you're watching this in 2022 or beyond then it will be absolutely fine to use this version so let's click on that choose storage uh this is the sd card this is the actual storage in the device so i'm going to click on that and hit right and yes okay so that's all written so let's put the sd card into the pi pop that in so i've got my hdmi cable and my usb so let's plug this into the back of the tv okay so if we look at the back of my tv one of the usb sockets the usb 3 one is 900 milliamps which is definitely better for the pi 500 milliamps might be too low so let's plug in the hdmi and make sure i plug the usb into the faster more powerful socket so that's just those two and here's my pi sticking out the side for the purpose of this video i think i'm going to leave it sticking out the side and from the front you can see that the light is flashing okay so you can see it started up you can see it says ssh has been enabled and it does say it's a security risk because i haven't changed the default password it's also shown on the top right hand corner that there are some updates available so next step uh if i want to pair my bluetooth keyboard as is i can't do it because i can't control this to be able to get it to use the bluetooth keyboard if you have a mouse and keyboard that you can plug in that's absolutely fine and i'll show a less minimal setup but certainly an easier setup and especially if you can use more operating systems but let's get this bluetooth enabled by using remote desktop so i'm going to use my ipad to do this so let's start screen recording volume up volume down volume up volume down okay there's a couple of apps that i need to start off with there's loads of other ways you can do this but thing is a good way of doing this so what thing does is it searches my network for everything attached to it so i've obviously blurred pretty much everything out but the one we're looking for is raspberry pi and there is raspberry pi dot broadband and uh the ip address of that is we need to remember that next up we need this pi helper because we're going to ssh so we're going to control the pi remotely now you can see i've already set it up i'm going to set up another connection so let's call this pi zero the host and the port is 22. username is pi password is raspberry only because it hasn't been changed again you should change this hit save and you can see pi zero is showing up i'm going to delete this other one pi remote just because it's going to be confusing otherwise so you can see the cpu usage the memory usage and the disk usage if i tap on it you can see at the top i've got gpo that would show anything plugged in i haven't got any gpio pins on this so there's nothing there we've got folder access so we could actually put things into different folders on the pi remotely if we wanted to but i'm concentrating on the terminal for this now to be fair the tv doesn't even need to be on for this bit so what i want to do is install xrdp i'm going to update first though so sudo apt update and you can see on the screen the tv screen nothing's happening it is all happening in the background and now i'm going to do exactly the same but i'm going to do upgrade up grade return this might take a while as it's 70 packages so yes so this is just updating the software on the pi if i had an ordinary mouse and keyboard it would be absolutely fine it would just do it because i could click on the update icon in the top right hand corner you can see my tv is no longer showing a picture that doesn't matter because i'm still using the pi remotely so let's do sudo apt install xrdp i'm fully aware there's more remote desktop solutions but i like xrdp you don't have to sign into anything and uh it works well for me that said uh well let's say yes to that that said um i'm gonna try no machine and i really need to have another look at vnc okay so that's all done so let's do reboot and let's do remote desktop so xrdp remember that 109. you can see i've got 109 here already but i'll create a new one add a pc and i don't need to configure anything else hit save so now if i click on that one connect once username was pi in this case and password as raspberry so now you can see the ipad is showing exactly the same as the tv screen so i'm going to tap on the bluetooth icon i'm i'm gonna do add device i'm gonna switch my keyboard on press and hold the pairing button on my keyboard and i should get a blue light flashing there you go bluetooth keyboard has come up so i can tap on that and pair so it's asked me to enter 164 667 16467 enter so now you can see i've got mouse and keyboard control and everything is working fine this needs to be optimized for the tv and i'll do that in a separate video but let's go back to uh another way of setting this up without having to do the whole remote desktop bit now as much as i like that setup and it is definitely a setup that requires less power than any other method i prefer using my logitech keyboard and because it uses a usb dongle uh there's no need to do all of the remote desktop bits so you set up the operating system you just use it like you would use an ordinary computer so you can see i've got a usb hub plugged in here this is the power cable that's going to plug into the tv and i'm going to try it because i'm not sure if this configuration can be powered from the tv because i've obviously added the usb hub and i've added the mouse and keyboard but certainly from a setup point of view super super simple and it means that you can put any operating system on your pi zero and you don't have to worry about remote desktop enabling bluetooth or anything like that because this will just work if it does need more power then you can separately power the device so at this configuration it's being powered from the tv but if i was to plug a micro usb into here then i'm powering the pi zero two w separately um but i'm trying to i'm trying to come at this from a minimal setup so let's plug this in and see if it works okay so this is the setup this is all getting plugged in now so hdmi first then i'm gonna plug you might have noticed flickering earlier on i think this hdmi is a pretty dodgy one i probably should use a better one so let's plug in the usb and it's definitely powering it up again i'm using the what was it 900 milliamp socket on the tv but let's see if it starts up yeah started up all right let's just see yeah the mouse is working straight off so no issues there i'm going to shut it down and i'm going to plug it into the really low powered 500 milliamp socket okay plugging it in now let's lit up we started up on 500 milliamp that's a surprise because it says it needs 2.4 amp and obviously i haven't got a lot plugged into this this mouse keyboard can be powered directly from an iphone so you know it isn't something that takes a lot of draw but i have got the usb hub in there as well but if you're going to start plugging more and more things into it maybe then you start to think about do i need to plug in separate power into the pi zero 2w but again i'm coming at this from a minimal setup point of view i have to try retropie with a controller okay so i'm plugged into the 500 milliamp usb i'm using the four port usb hub so i can plug other things in i've got my wireless controller for my xbox 360 controller and as you can see i've changed the sd card this has got retropie on it and let's have a look and i still haven't got around to doing my retropie video or the audio's a bit loud through my homepods so if i resume you can see that it's working fine this is the retropie i used in my original zero w not zero 2w video and it absolutely works fine you can see the fps is pretty high so it's a 50 fps at the moment this is a psp game but it's a psp that's quite out of that the sort of game that you get from the psp store so exit the menu and you can see i've got other games on there i'm going to do a separate video on retropie working on this but as you can see it's working fine you can see i've got games on there for the psp but if i go back i've got various different systems that i've got on there but this is working on a 500 milliamp usb socket powered by the tv i just didn't expect it to work on such little power and just going back to the keyboard because i think i've maybe shown it in a more complicated light than it needs to be this keyboard with most devices uh is is super compatible so i've just put it in pairing mode if i click add device on my sony tv you'll see that it will show up bluetooth keyboard click on that because i've got a remote control as long as you've got a way of controlling it you compare this to pretty much anything so 580242 i need to type in 580242 enter now if i use function and home uh you can see i can navigate around the screen uh i can go into youtube and obviously this is easier on your lap because it's a folding design but you have mouse control so i can go up to the search bar i can type in lee psp video oh yeah you go lately psp video hdr has just shown up and then enter to select that because you can use a web browser on these android tvs [Music] i guess it's entered a skip oh there you go so it goes straight into it and here it is working nicely with my ipad so you've got various different shortcuts and things mouse control works as well i don't know if it works with lumafusion yes i can use the the video i'm editing at the moment also works really well with this samsung galaxy s8 using an hdmi cable to give me decks so now i've got a very portable computer option so if i wanted to launch chrome or click on all apps and then when i want to close it up i can okay so i hope all this helps thanks very much for watching please like and subscribe you
Channel: leepspvideo
Views: 11,977
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Id: 3eGP00uXcUU
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Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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