Building a new submarine and diving to MAX DEPTH *again*

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today we're going to build a submarine that can actually get to the bottom of this sunken uranium mine at 243 M deep you want me to swim into the tunnel I think that's the Last Hope because it's literally stuck on this side oh oh we might have broken the fiber optic right now last year we already built a submarine that was supposed to reach this bottom unfortunately spoiler is imploded at 129 M underwater so this time we are upgrading it from this to this that is very heavy what broke in the last year's design was more specifically this 3D printed part its purpose was to seal a tube with a camera inside let's look at a cross-section it's actually two parts glued together with epoxy resin an oing seal sit in here and therefore when the outside water pressure Rises water is stopped in both of these contact spots well we must remember that at the bottom of this m shaft the pressure is very large and the part that broke the O-ring was pushed up by the pressure so hard that it broke the top part off now we still really like this design and to be fair this happened because I didn't put enough epoxy inside but still there's a simpler solution no it's not filling the tube with oil that's for the future it's your second suggestion aluminum end cups here you place an O-ring connect with this acrylic plate then Place more seals and insert into a tube where there need to be cables you drill a hole and use this penetrator that clamps and seals it easy enough purely theoretically this should last to about 500 M underwater so I hope [Music] so that's not the only upgrade we need though it's more of an aspiration than anything but we want to build the best underwater drone we are capable of at least for the time being that's why we need power these are the previous Motors we used and these are the new ones actually these as well four of each side it will perhaps be more useful in some other missions but the Drone will be theoretically able to carry a human standing on it above water by the way we got a lot of these components as a grant from our new University so now we need to make use of them somehow for example this singular blue robotics roster is $700 we cannot afford it yet we got it let's test if it was a good pick I can barely hold it yes yes it was here's how I began designing this new drone starting with this blob I carved out these four Tunnels for the Main Motors they are at a 37° angle then four Tunnels for vertical Motors that allows it to move and rotate in every axis in other words 6° of Freedom I'm actually sort of replicating what we already learned during this project then Peter did 90% of all other design work and we got this 55 kg yeah okay it's time to build [Music] this we placed two waterproof cameras at the front 60 mm apart to simulate human eyes and do stereo Vision in goggles but we didn't have have enough time to set it up for this Mission so we'll use only one of them for now the rear of the Drone is similar but there's connectors instead of cameras we decided to print the rest of the shell in nylon so we ordered that online I'm so excited it's made by jlc 3dp who sponsor these Sprints and this video so let's get it assembled wo this is awesome though the print quality I mean the unique feature of these prints is that they are printed in SLS technology not the regular fdm printers that means that you can see normal layer lines and they are extremely tough jlc 3dp service is really simple because you just upload your STL file to their website and get an instant quote SLS prints are usually hard to get because for that you need a really expensive printer that's why jlc is just the simplest way to get it inexpensively you can also select many other materials for example even stainless steel now we just need to put all of these parts together one more thing jlc offers very fast delivery use our Link in the description to get up to $60 of free orders so now the last major part the electronics which will fit into two of these pipes the biggest upgrade is the battery pack it's formed of not one but three of these well the motors need a lot of power all other parts are pretty standard but I really like the overall layout now we need to connect all the penetrators and connect the electronics to the penetrators well that was three days in itself and we burned two pxo because of a stupid mistake the pipes clam down to a polycarbonate plate we need to add some buoyancy foam unfortunately it's yellow so we'll need to fix it someday you're racist and it's ready Let's test the Drone in water watch out now right uhhuh we decided to test the maximum power it's it's stronger than you after we confirmed that it indeed swims violently we had about 15 hours until the scheduled mission in the mine so we got to go we just need to do a quick trip across the country [Music] yo we've arrived at the uranium [Music] mine this is the place okay we've been here once before 415 days prior the M shaft is 243 M deep putting that into perspective if the ground ground and water disappeared underneath us up to the bottom of the M shaft standing on the top in this place would compared to this crane the first goal is to beat our previous depth the second goal is to reach the bottom and also a bonus goal don't lose the submarine that would be a nightmare anyway we can start the mission [Music] all right let's do it then you might be wondering how did we record this shot well we did that with CPS 5 it's the same design we're trying to beat today although we didn't upgrade this green one if you're interested in building it yourself then listen closely after our last year's Adventure Jack who had built the CPS 5 himself also took it Underground on a expedition to explore a flooded cave it's in contaban mountains in Spain this drone has allowed him and his entire team to reach the depth of 88 m in the cave this is the actual footage from the Expedition although going 88 M underwater wasn't deep enough to reach the bottom of the cave system this year he plans to improve his CPS 5 to be able to explore it further if you would like to do things like that as well over the past couple of years years we've built an extensive DIY course which now teaches almost a thousand students how to build this very drone from scratch actually a lot of beginners who have never done anything like this before are building these drones by themselves and then using them for their own missions so after watching this video go to CPS and sign up for free training in it we show how to get started with building the CPS 5 underwater drone yourself the link is in the description now let's proceed down the M shaft and now it's we're at 10 m do I go further yes yes yes I can still see [Music] you okay 14 M do I go further wait wait wait wait no don't go deeper around the 14 M Mark the spool with the fiber optic tether Tangled Up So after a quick analysis I opted to dis assemble the frame of the spool and untangle it that way mhm I think that's it crisis of death we can continue okay I'm swimming down finally guess see very C well you're going fast 30 m and there's going to be a level from what I recall y yeah here you go do you see the entrance to the horizontal shaft each 40 m there will be a horizontal corridor which we decided to swim past since inside we could tangle up very easily and never come back okay right now I'm going deeper as we discussed oh I see a freaking very sharp Spike I hope this won't cause any problems I'm at 39 M wo it's already pretty deep 54 we'll see the second entrance in a second now yeah yeah yeah yeah I think so the image is very clear yeah the image is perfect also I can see way further because of the stronger lights right yeah okay I have the second entrance at roughly 70 M I think 69 M and go in the force on the Drone is roughly a Toyota Yaris and in a second it will become a Toyota Corolla and couple of more meters down and it's a cyber truck never mind almost 100 95 99 M another entrance another entrance okay oh yeah and now there is this obstruction that I remember at the depth of 106 now you can see exactly what it is yeah but it's it's no biggie I think I think we're going faster maybe yeah I'm pretty pretty sure we're going pretty fast oh okay so now we're approaching the crush Zone we're almost approaching 129 no yeah that's 129 and that's that's 13 okay we broke our record that's our record done all right going deeper still I'm really cold Wim Hof method we are near a place where Wim Hof lives actually yeah oh that's an obstruction this is the biggest obstacle that we've seen I think oh crap and I'm just pushing through it okay slowly yeah I I know it's not that bad look okay oh there's a beam beam horizontal beam crap you you need to go horizontally like 90° to the left yeah like we need to oh no it's okay oh is it okay I'm stuck you're stuck oh no okay there's a line or something yeah I'm stuck on the line I think a little bit all right oh okay we lost the video we go the video okay video is back why though I don't know what water damage I guess I'm pulling I'm pulling slowly okay okay okay great great you pulled me should we go deeper or aboard I think we should go deeper all right cuz the video slightly suffers I don't know why okay so we try again all right going close to this yes yes there's a high probability that we won't make it back okay okay I'm below the beam why why is it so shaky what why is it so so shaky I'm not sure all right we're at60 almost approaching oh oh man man a the compression is not like horrible I'm lifting so much crap with these with my propellers there's a lot of dust in here oh oh oh the compass is working yes okay I don't think I will get that video back do we scrub it yeah yeah pulling it out okay but that's not the end okay pull it out 160 while pulling the Drone out by the tether I got stuck at 110 M this time it was really stuck what was the depth 109 I can actually feel it hit something Peter tried rebooting the Drone and surprisingly soft restart yeah that turned the camera back on oh I got the camera wo now it was possible to turn around with the Drone and inspect the place which the tether was Tangled all right I will look up after swimming up and down for a while we realized that since we recording the computer screen we can hold the Drone and go back on the recording to analyze what exactly happened what we concluded is that the fiber optic tether winded around this wide line anticlockwise then as I was pulling on it the contact point traveled up until it reached this metall looking weird thing which is attached to the white line at this point our hopes for retrieving the Drone were low but we had to try the first step was to unwind the tether the problem is there isn't enough space to go around in here especially with that big of a drone we had to go down until it was possible to do it there and yeah I forgot to turn on the screen recording again we're swimming back down just to get unstuck [Music] yeah okay the tether and the line are separated now however tether is still wedged under this metal thing it's not fixed meaning that it can still slide through but when Peter tried to swim up this happened [Music] oh oh oh no communication is lost oh we might have broken the fiber optic right now or the battery might have discharged completely hello what what what okay don't celebrate please then the realization came okay in the tunnel you want me to swim into the tunnel I think that's the Last Hope because it's literally stuck on this side if we apply force from the side the tether could come out and it just so happens that it's wedged in front of this [Music] Tunnel right there mhm yes okay I I think I think you're in the tunnel right yes yes I can feel you I can feel you I think yes it's done okay okay yeah let's go back now we could finally pull the Drone out all the way from 100 m without any major obstacles this is this is why you you couldn't steer it properly what it it tangled on the motor see here oh wao before we show you the Damage Done to the submarine subscribe to our Channel because in the next video we'll visit this m shaft for the final time and we guarantee that we'll get to the bottom even if that means losing the submarine on the submarine the fiber optic tether gots completely sucked into one of our horizontal Motors but the communication still worked to the very end the two vertical propellers were completely jumped by a fishing wire or something of that sort which we must have caught somewhere at the 110 M Mark we also concluded that the electronics enclosure didn't leak and the last thing don't forget to check out the free training on how to build a cps5 submarine yourself thanks just a second something [Laughter]
Channel: CPSdrone
Views: 162,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P2kChvtPxyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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