Raspberry PI 5 complete hands on set up, including Pi-Apps and review

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hi welcome back to a new video now I've had the new Raspberry Pi 5 for a few weeks now and I thought I would do a video to show you around the new board and compare it to the Rasberry Pi 4 board I'm going to connect up the pi five install everything ready for use and finally I'll share my thoughts on it at the end so let's get started so this is the new Raspberry Pi 5 board so if we have a look it does look very similar at first glance to most raspberry pies this side you can see a couple of micro HDMI ports as on the pi 4 and on the other side you can see the micro SD card slot if we turn it to this side you can see the ethernet port couple of USB 2 ports and a couple of USB 3 ports we can also see the new custom rp1 IO controller that provides the Raspberry Pi 5 with USB and gigabit Ethernet amongst other things this is custom made for the rasri pi 5 we can also see on this closeup the fan connector under this heat syn is the new processor it's a quad core 64bit arm processor clocked at 2.4 GHz and this is a completely new addition to the raspber 5 range it's a PCI Express 2.0 connector and I'm sure there'll be lots of interesting peripherals coming out for this as time goes on so let's put it side by side with a rasid pi 4 8 gig model and as you can see the obvious difference and that's that the USB and ethernet ports are flipped so you can see the ethernet on the pi4 here versus the ethernet on the pi five here so let's take a look at the new raspber Pi 5 case with built-in cooling fat so this case comes with three plastic parts and a built-in cooling fan here the cooling fan connects directly to the new fan connector on the Raspberry Pi 5 board and it's using the cables here that you can see so let's get the rest of P five into the new case so as you can see the base plate has some rubber feet on the bottom and some ventilation holes and cutouts for our ports so so we'll take the pii board and this simply drops into place like this now we'll close up so we can see the next part being connected so as you can see inserting the fan connector is a little tricky and a bit fiddly but not super difficult and now we just slot it in at this side and push it down and it should click into place now with the main case assembled and the fan connected we can just simply push the top plate into place we don't have to keep the plate on if we don't want we can take it off and it will provide additional air flow if we do now to use our new rasbery 5 we need to prepare a Micro SD card to use with it now the simplest method to do this is to use the official Raspberry Pi 5 imager application it's available for Windows Mac and Linux now as I'm currently using a Windows desktop to we're going to install the windows version however the installation on all platforms is very straightforward and once installed the application looks and works exactly the same on all platforms so as you can see we're on the Raspberry Pi website so we're going to go here and click on software and then we'll scroll down a little and what we will find is the download for the Rasberry Pi imager so we're going to take the windows version but you select the one that you're using so click on here so now we should be able to go to our downloads folder and see that we've now got the Raspberry Pi imager installer ready to install so we're going to do that now so what we need to do is double click on this file here and then run through the installation so the first thing we need to do is Click yes on the user account control message on this window we need to click install to start the installation and when we click finish the r imager will start for the first time so I'll click finish so after a few moments the Ry image application should load so I'll full screen it here and you can see a bit better so as I said all platforms the Rasberry pie image application looks exactly the same so if you're running it on Windows Mac or Linux this is the screen that you should see so I'm going to plug my micro SD card in to my computer so with my micro SD card installed I can now click on Rie device and choose device so I'm going to select Ras RI 5 and then we're going to choose operating systems so I'm choosing the default option which is the Raspberry Pi OS 64bit version now this will download the Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit version image directly from the internet so we should see in here the micro SD card that we've just connected so select that and click next now you can apply customization at this point directly to the raspber pios so you don't have to run through the settings but for the purpose of this video I'm going to choose no and set it up manually so click no now at this point it's really important to note that everything on your micro SD card is going to be erased so please make sure that you backed up any important data from this micro SD card before using it for this process so we're going to click yes now this will start the process of downloading the Raspberry Pi operating system from the internet and then installing it on our micro SD card so we'll come back when that's done now when the RAS repi image application has finished preparing our micro SD card you should get a message like this now at this point you can click continue and remove the micro SD card from the computer so we're going to remove the micro SD card from the computer and plug it into the rber pie to insert our micro SD card into the Raspberry Pi we'll just flip it over and then insert it into the slot like this and it should go in without much force now we need to connect up the other cables that we need so let's connect up our ethernet connector and then our keyboard into one of the USB 2 slots now we need to insert our power connector which is USBC and finally we need to connect the micro HDMI cable so with those done we're ready to start our Raspberry Pi we can turn the Raspberry Pi on by pressing the new power switch here notice it has a built-in status LED that lets us know the current power state so when we start the raspber pie for the first time we'll see this loading screen after a few moments we'll be at the raspber bu setup screen so now we need to click next and we can choose our keyboard layout and Country these are all fine for me so I'm going to select next now we need to create a user account so type username in here and we've done that to password and confirm and and then we can click next on this page you can set up your Wi-Fi connection just select your connection and enter the password I'm using ethernet so I'm going to click skip for this now we get to choose our default web browser we can have either chromium or Firefox Firefox is my preferred browser so I'm going to select that one and click next and now we can choose to install our software update I'm going to skip this option just so I can show you what the updates look like when you do them in your Raspberry Pi operating system and also we can also get to the desktop faster using this option and finally we need to click restart to restart into our new Raspberry p desktop now the setup complete we have rebooted into our Raspberry Pi desktop now as we skipped installing updates during setup we should really install them now now as I said I skipped the updates just so I could show you what happens when you do have updates on your Raspberry Pi so what happens is you get this icon here and if you click on this you can choose to show updates or install the updates so if we click show updates it will show you all the updates that need to be installed as this is a fresh install there's quite a few so we'll click install and we'll now download and install all of our updates and we'll we'll allow that to complete and we'll come back on that's done now we have our updates complete there's a couple of settings that I'm going to change the first one for the sake of this video is I'm going to change the wallpaper there's nothing particularly wrong with it but it's little distracting when you trying to do things so if we right click on our desktop and choose desktop preferences and we can change full screen with image to no image and then we can set a color so we'll set this blue color here and choose select and okay so there are a couple of settings I us to change on a new res pie desktop and I'll show you what these are now so we'll click on the applications menu and go to preferences and res P configuration the first setting that I us to change is auto login this defaults to enabled so what this means is when you turn your asri pie on it will automatically log you into the desktop usually this isn't a good thing for me so I'm going to turn it off and what that means is when you turn on your rpie next time you'll be shown the login window rather than going straight to the desktop another thing that I usually change is I want to connect this RV pie using the command line from another computer on my network so to do that I need to enable SSH so if we go to the interfaces tab and enable the SSH option we can now connect to this device from another computer using SSH similarly if you want to connect this device using VNC for a graphical display you can enable that one too but I don't need that right now so I'm going to click okay and save those settings so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to install a couple of applications that I usually use so again I'll go to the application menu and preferences and I'm going to go to recommended software so when this application loads it will show some of the recommended software now one of the things that I usually install is Visual Studio code so I'm going to tick that and press apply and when I do that the application will be downloaded and installed now an additional thing that I do on a as Pi desktop is install Pi apps Pi apps is a sort of App Store but for Raspberry Pi applications it's really useful and I generally install it on every Raspberry Pi desktop that I use it's up to you whether you want to do this but I would really recommend having a look if nothing else first and deciding if it's right for you or not the installation is fairly straightforward so let's do that now so we'll go to this website Pi apps and we'll click on install now and it'll take take us to this page here now it gives us this command to install it but I would generally never recommend downloading something and sending it straight to bash I would always just download the script first by selecting the URL and then copying and then I'll take it to our terminal where we can go W get and we can paste the URL Link in there and down download it there now WG has downloaded the script for us and now we can look at the script before we run it as I said I would never generally download the script straight into bash to run like that because you never really know what's in there but I'm just recommending that it's better to always check first so now we have our script downloaded we can go to our file manager and we can open the install script up now this really is an optional step but with the install the script open we could check it over to make sure it does what we expect it to do but I trust this so I'm going to install it so we're going to run this and go cat install and pipe that into bash and this will download any dependencies that we might need and then it will install Pi apps and create a desktop icon for us so now the installation complete let's minimize these windows and we can see we've got a new P apps icon on our desktop so let's double click the P apps icon to start and when we do start it you'll see this message here and we need to click execute to start the main application and it will load in the pi apps main menu so what we can see here is a list of categories and if we select one for instance we'll choose multimedia and we can see there's a whole list of applications that we can install so we'll choose audacity for example and a little information about audacity will pop up so we'll go back and we'll choose engineering for example and we'll choose Cura for our 3D printer and again it shows us a little information about the application so let's install an application so let's go to multimedia and let's choose audacity because I want that installed on my pi and we'll click install now Pi apps will go through installing this application in this terminal window behind and when it's complete it will automatically close the terminal window so now it's complete we can wait for this to automatically close or we can close it ourselves and now we've got audacity installed as you can it's gone green there's lots of applications in here and it's worth having a look and I definitely recommend having a look at the p apps website and the GitHub page just to make sure you're comfortable with how it all works so finally what's my opinion on the pi five well it's definitely an improvement over the pi 4 and the improved CPU Benchmark does show this the new PCI Express connector is a welcome Edition and it does open up the possibilities for new expansions so would I recommend buying a pi five well that all depends on whether you have a pi4 already if you do then I'm not 100% sure you'll need to upgrade unless you really need more performance one of the new connectors but that said if you don't have a pi 4 then it's definitely worth a look the CPU performance improvement over p3s and older is a huge and really noticeable change and one of the best new features is the power button it's a great addition if not a little late to the party however once it's in the official case the button can be a little tricky to press especially if you happen to have longer Nails the pi 5 is more power hungry and you'll need a good quality USBC power adapter that can output five amps to get the best performance it also seems to run a little warmer than the pi 4 so active cooling is probably a must thanks for watching I hope you found this video informative and helpful please consider subscribing if you can it will be much appreciated see you soon
Channel: LadyTechTalks
Views: 13,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HmplS3ZKF4o
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Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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