r/AskReddit People Reveal Their Creepy Stories: Part 2

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hotel staff of reddit what is the creepiest weirdest most unexplained event that you've experienced on the job I used to work the overnight shift at a hotel with rooms ranging from very cheap to moderately expensive the hotel was located just off the highway and was designed to be a convenient accommodation point for people traveling through the city and who didn't want to make their way into the busier parts of the city because of that it wasn't out of the ordinary when a guy who looked as though he hadn't slept in a while came in and booked into a room for the night he didn't want breakfast delivered or a map of the city he didn't seem to have any spare clothes he did want to make sure that the rooms were made up every day even though he was only staying the night in hindsight all of those things were somewhat significant as an indicator for what he was thinking at the time and what happened next the night was quiet I didn't scout the hotel through the night and I made no effort to contact the guests unless they called me for some reason nothing felt off the next morning when the head housekeeper arrived we prepared for her to start making up rooms while the guests leaving the day checked out we had a 10:00 a.m. checkout time but we were happy to be flexible with the time if we were given some notice the guy from the night before didn't give any notice hadn't checked out at 10 a.m. and specifically asked about the housekeeping services because of that me and a head housekeeper decided to knock on his door to check on him no answer I used my mas ter key to let us into the room and announce that we were at the door no response we walked in to see the man in bed he was curled up with the blankets up to his ears just laying there I knew immediately what had happened the head housekeeper didn't cut him on immediately she walked up to him put her hand on his shoulder and shook him trying to wake him after only a moment it clicked in her head what was going on and she squealed and ran back towards me the man had died through the night he had advanced cancer and had no family who would find him if he had died at home we don't know why he wasn't in hospital but given that he still had hair he must have refused treatment or treatment was not an option for him he wanted to make sure that when he someone would find him and so he chose to die embedded a cheap Highway Hotel it was creepy but it was also really sad no one should be that alone in life my coworker was an adorable little old Asian man who was very hard to understand he was the housekeeper on weekends so I would work with him most of the time he was the weirdest thing at the hotel but I'm sure it was a cultural thing for him what I could understand from him and from stories from co-workers is that he very much believed in spirits he claimed to have vanished an evil spirit from the kitchen and he also claimed that the third floor was haunted by a woman the weirdest thing he did was one day in the winter he brought a freaking pigeon into the hotel it was snowing outside and the hotel was moderately busy that night but he kept this pigeon with him the entire time and the damn thing never wanted to fly away would just walk around with him or stay on his cleaning cart the reason he kept it close is because he said it was a woman in its past life and she was cold and lonely so he took it in and cared for her /it it lasted that weekend and I think our general manager made him get rid of it or stopped bringing it into the hotel according to my co-workers he brought it home I used to work in a small twenty room hotel built from an old mansion so yeah super creepy from the right perspective I've heard old ghost stories but never saw anything supernatural rather the creepy stuff came from guests one time a lovely couple checked in although the guy was way older than the woman they were friendly and enthusiastic later that night about midnight keep in mind that at that time I am the hotel's only employee on staff my switchboard tells me that their room had dialed 9-1-1 since the guy was old I was afraid he had a heart attack or something I go to their room and knock on the door it takes a while but the door opens a bit it is pitch black in their room like they closed the curtains and turned on no lights I can't see the guy at all but I hear the man's voice and it's a cackle twisper out of the horror movie yes me excuse me sir is everything okay I saw that you dialed 9-1-1 him who are you me I'm noob osis the guy who checked you in you dialed 9-1-1 is everything okay him we don't giggles creepily have a phone me yes you do and you called 9-1-1 Foreman is everything okay him oh we have giggles meant to call 411 giggles suea he closes the door I go back to my desk fearing something insane is going on the next day the two of them come downstairs super happy acting completely normal again [ __ ] was just weird now I'm pretty sure I have an explanation for the guy's behavior drugs but damn if that wasn't creepy hahaha I'm laughing just thinking about it I'm a setup manager at a hotel for big events I was double checking all the rooms before I went home for the day and I went into one of the event rooms and flicked on the lights I [ __ ] you not there was a grown-ass naked man in the dark he like flinched when I turned the lights on and it scared me I sort of yelled what are you doing turns out he was swimming and needed a place to change instead of just going to his room like a normal person would he chose a dark event room okay super creepy story time I work at a mid-tier popular hotel in the south on the 3:00 to 11:00 p.m. shift about a month and a half ago I get a call from an older man working at the Haynes company trying to check on a reservation apparently the reservation didn't pop up in our system so he then starts asking me if it's okay if guests who stay at the hotel can get packages shipped to them during their stay sure whatever we will sign for them too he then slides in a worst case scenario you guys will end up with 300 pairs of stockings that was it or so I thought proceed to two weeks ago around 9:00 p.m. the phone rings and it's the Haines man again but this time he sounds a little off supersoft voice with almost shallow breathing he's checking on the reservation again which still isn't there as I try to offer to make the reservation he cuts me off to tell me that the package of stockings will be coming in in then even more shallow breathing in the creepiest softest voice asks do you wear thigh-highs I still can't shake the tone of voice I hung up so quick and locked the doors oh man so back in the mid day days I was stationed in Hawaii I needed some extra cash so I picked up a gig working security at a hotel this particular hotel had a smaller hotel next to it that was owned by one of the major airlines we basically provided check-in and check-out services for them but I never really did much for them in terms of security other than chase off the occasional drunk guy trying to follow the flight attendants into the hotel one night I got a call asking me to come up to one of the higher floors of the hotel to try on quiet things down these floors were typically where the pilots stayed and had bigger rooms and usually were the ones without much issue the elevators opened two to buck-naked pilots chasing five naked flight attendants around the hall the entire group were trashed and there were signs that there was probably some coke in one of the rooms on seeing me one of the pilots told me to get out of my clothes because they needed more [ __ ] if they were going to tame these wild women I politely declined and told them that they were going to have to keep it down because we were getting complaints the pilot saluted herded the women into his room and closed the door not sure what happened but there weren't any more noise complaints the weird part was for the next three months I had the job I would routinely see the pilots and the flight attendants in question all acted as if nothing happened and I never had another complaint I've worked as a front desk employee for over a year now story time on a slower night I was working the front desk by myself and we didn't have any housekeeping / Houseman working that night so I was completely alone aside from the guests in the hotel I'm a 5 5 + 1 20 pound girl by the way this will matter in a minute a big burly dude walks in and I can tell immediately that he has some form of mental handicap I asked him if there's anything I can help him with and he says I need to call the cops now I'm like oh [ __ ] Oh duck play it cool I asked him if it's an emergency and he says he just needs the cops here he's ran away from home thus far he hadn't seemed threatening so I do call the police but I called a non-emergency number they usually respond pretty quickly he puts his hand out like he would like to speak to the operator so I hand him the phone I couldn't hear the operator but I she asked him what the problem was he proceeds to answer with I ran away from home and I'm suicidal and very homicidal I'm of course like WTF but I'm trying to keep this situation calm I give the operator the address and the dude waits in the lobby staring at me until I secretly call our security company to send someone out who then escorts him off property cops showed up about 30 minutes later and never bothered to find the guy ten tenths thought I was going to have to fight off a handicapped dude and I was pretty upset the cops didn't take it more seriously and try to find him t LDR big handicap dude told me to call the cops because he ran away from home and was suicidal and homicidal proceeded to stare at me until I called security to take him off property fun times I've had several weird and scary moments happen while working in a hotel in DC from suicides and luxury suites to terrorist claims working in the hospitality industry will definitely have you talking about something one of the most scariest things I've witnessed firsthand is having the fireplace in our lobby explode almost right in front of my face it all started in the morning when the lobby began to smell a little bit like gas usually it's never a problem because the restaurant is next to the front lobby but after several complaints we decided to look for the source turns out the fireplace was causing the smell it was gas starting fireplace one of the new guys tried to adjust the temperature on it and instead the fireplace reacted unexpectedly and started a three feet flame one of the bartenders tried to blow it out with the fire extinguisher but turns out it was not the correct one to use and it caused the fireplace to explode and create an even bigger flame all I remember is falling to the ground because of the explosion and the sprinklers went off the entire front lobby and restaurant were flooded I thought I was going to be able to leave work and they still made me stay my whole shift lesson learned from this incident not all fire extinguishers are used for the same purpose there's like four different kinds to stop a specific fire now the creepiest request I ever got was from to find an escort for a gentleman and giving a room to a porn star DC hotels for you exclamation mark we once had a double leg amputee guest who was also an alcoholic he got around in a motorized wheelchair and his caretaker / nurse came with him for this trip one night he was down in the lobby drunk and his caretaker had clearly had enough of him for the day he was cruising around the lobby in his wheelchair taking turns way too fast it was raining at night so the tile floors were a little slick and yes the signs were up anytime he would zoom by his caretaker she would have heartedly tell him to stop but he didn't care the front desk staff kept asking him to slow down but he would just flip them off mumble something and go faster this particular hotel had a very steep ramp and a front next to the stairs the ramp was not for wheelchairs it was only to help people bring luggage and /out on the side next to the ramp clearly stated that in his drunken agitated stupor he didn't read the sign and went flying down the ramp he toppled out of the wheelchair and tumbled down the ramp ass over teakettle like an egg as soon as he hit the ground he started yelling about suing the hotel and how he was going to take all their money the poor security guard working had to pick the guy up to put him back in his wheelchair while he was still screaming then the security guard just slinked away as fast as possible I still laugh any time I think about that one another time we got a call at the front desk from a guest saying the person in the next room was s creaming a couple people went up to check it out and somehow a morbidly obese man at least 400 pounds had gotten himself stuck when he was in the shower I don't know what he was going for but he got himself wedged in between the shower and toilet kind of half sticking out of the shower he was completely stuck and saying that his knee was going to give out any second the fire department had to come and cut him out but it was that same poor security guard that was tasked with holding up a fat dripping wet naked man until the fire department got there if anyone at that hotel deserved a raise it was that security guard he's seen some [ __ ] my dad used to work in a hotel a few years ago he hears a scream from a maid as she's cleaning one of the rooms he runs in and there's a giant Python just chilling in the bathtub this thing is apparently like four feet long they tried to track down a couple who had just checked out of the room but the number they'd given the front desk wasn't working eventually Animal Control showed up and took the snake that poor maid was terrified to clean the bathrooms for a while edit some have pointed out that using the word giant to describe a four foot long snake is a bit of a hyperbole maybe so but four feet of Python is definitely a huge shock when you're not expecting it it's not under the same category but I've worked in hotel for almost 13 years and have an interesting story my coworker is a bellman at a hotel and one night he was assisting a young couple / guests with their luggage or so we thought he assisted the guests with two full carts of mostly random odd-looking stuff and few luggage the gentleman seemed to be normal but his girlfriend was on drugs not the pharmaceutical kind either so my coworker spent over 40 minutes unloading their stuff from the car then to their room now he had bunch of boxes with random things long black cases looked like rifle cases and bullet cases and weird-looking machines that couldn't be identified after chatting with him a lot of his stories didn't add up at all and sounded very shady after my coworker finished assisting him he did not give my coworker any gratuity for assisting with all of his stuff after being annoyed for all the services he did for our guests feeling uneasy about him being really shady as well my coworker ended up just looking up his name online we found out the guests had a warrant for arrest in another state his warrant was for drug possession / dealing indecent exposure and gun possessions also on the warrant said he is armed and dangerous so my coworker went to management / security and they decided to call our local police department they looked up his info and the police department came in with full arsenal interested him he had massive amount of drugs within and to distribute and weapon possessions the guest was arrested and taken back to the state and put in jail moral of the story is always tip your bellman especially if you're doing shady / illegal activities in the hotel going on 20 years ago I worked at a Holiday Inn there were always a number of people that actually lived there paying for rooms by the month you'd see them at the bar hell one guy was so trusted we gave him keys to the kitchen he'd go in there late at night and make the front-desk sandwiches one of these dudes was walking around one night with a paper lunch sack full of hundred-dollar bills he was going up to everybody he could at the bar in the lobby and gave out his hundos people actually complained about it because it freaked them out a bit not me I took a hundred the next morning he was found dead in his room by the cleaning crew suicide not a hotel but I worked maintenance for a vacation cabin rental company one night I get a call from a guest that she is mize in her cabin so I grab some traps and bait and head up she was there by herself little strange but I made some small talk as I set up the traps she said her husband worked a couple states away and was supposed to meet her there later that night the next morning they were due to check out at eleven noon comes in there still and so the front desk tries calling no answer 12:30 comes and housekeeping needs to get into clean as it was a turnover so front desk tells them to knock and go in in case the guest is asleep or something she had attempted suicide by overdosing on pills when her husband never showed she was unconscious but still had a pulse so she left by ambulance I think she ended up living thinking back afterwards I remembered thinking it was a little odd how many prescription pill bottles she had in plain sight the night I was in there we also have one Lodge that sleeps 24 people that's really creepy when you're alone I've had multiple people some who have never worked or stayed there tell me matter-of-factly that a man hung himself in the upstairs bedroom I'm not sure but I hate being there by myself I've heard footsteps on multiple occasions had doors shut or opened themselves while I was in there with no draught seen shadows out of the corner of my eye etc my uncle used to work at a crappy motel in upstate NY there was always some shady clientele coming through but nothing to write home about one day a customer complained about his room smelling so my uncle took note and carried on with his work the next day another customer complained about a smell in their room it was the same room my uncle gave it and went to find the source he walked in and immediately smelled it an animal must have gotten into the wall and died because it was awful it smelled like it was coming from behind the bed so he tried to move it but could he removed the mattress to make it easier the bed was a solid oak frame that went down to the floor in a mattress that sat on top of it underneath the mattress inside the square oak and frame was a dead body they later found out it was a mob killing in this stash that there a week or so ago and it began to smell and permeate the mattress and oak frame he didn't work there much longer after that edit I called my dad to confirm and he said my uncle actually was working in Long Island and this was the 80s so it matches with the Mineola story as some of you all have found creepy AF also similar to the Iceman killer stories but not the same location I don't think I'm a housekeeper I've walked in on a few people having sex or being naked but they are usually pretty embarrassed but this one time when I had just started I knocked on the door to clean this guy's room he opened it just a peek so he could see who was at the door I thought he must be in a towel or something he's gonna tell me to come back later or go away well he did once he saw it was me but not before flinging the door open the rest of the way revealing he was butt-ass naked and that's how I learned what ginger pubes look like still don't know what was running through the dude's mind but he didn't have a boner so I'm gonna rule that out sounds like co-workers ducking with you I worked at a hotel that was owned by a college the rooms inside the courtyard were rented out to customers but the outer rooms were meant for long-term stays and college kids there was an old man that lived in the very front of the hotel had for decades he was a germaphobe and was terrified of spiders he would come down at night and talk to me for some reason I was super interested in everything he had to say mostly cause it was boring at slow at night but he knew a lot of history about the city we live in one night he came down to the lobby and was in tears I asked him what was wrong and he told me that there was a spider in his could I get rid of it for him normally the only people allowed in his room were the housekeeper's when they changed his sheets so I had no idea what I was in store for I opened the door to see that every inch of his room was covered in old newspapers he had plastered them on the walls the tables the sinks chairs everywhere there were stacks and stacks of newspapers everywhere I found this spider at the bathroom and killed it just as I was about to flush he was like No I asked him what is wrong he didn't want me to flush it because it might crawl back in so I took this much spider in a tissue and out the room he was a sweet old man but it just really creeped me out seeing his room covered in newspapers we have this guy who always has hookers not been surprising since we are a brand that promotes a party lifestyle but recently the dude came down and asked me to give him a different room was super vague about his reasoning the room wasn't cleaned well enough so whatever I do it in about 30 minutes later we get a call down from the original room which in our system comes up as vacant from a woman attempting to order room service red flag so essentially this scumbag banged one lady switched rooms got a new hooker and left the first one in the original room my supervisor had to interrupt his back-to-back session for some explanation and he just had his tail between his legs Lowell guy comes in with a work crew to stay with us for a couple of weeks a dozen guys total and all of them were cool except this one each guy was to get his own room which required me to see their ID so I could enter them into the computer the conversation went something like this me okay I need to see your driver's license guy no you don't need to see my license me pause sir I need to verify who you are so I know you belong in the room I am to give you four that I need to see a government-issued ID guy these guys will vouch for me me these guys aren't paying for the room the people who are paying for the room have asked me to verify everyone I need to see your ID sir guy hands me an obviously old college ID card me sir I need to see a government-issued ID and his college ID back to him guy so then if I don't have it on me what would you do me I'd have to call the company and verify your employment status with them I would also have to explain the call by stating your refusal to provide ID to me directly guy finally hands over his driver's license so if someone doesn't have a driver's license what do you do me we can also accept state ID cards concealed carry cards and passports as valid ID guy and if they don't have any of that me done entering him into the computer and handing his dl back to him then they either need to be staying with someone who does have valid ID or they need to find another place to st pay for the night he wasn't aggressive or loud just really hesitant to just hand over the dl and let me get on with my job also his co-workers were injuring themselves rolling their eyes behind him one of them thanked me for how I handled the whole thing and apologized for his behavior I worked as an interim night Auditor the first night on the job a man calls to the desk and asks for bath towels I felt weird about the way he had asked so I asked security to come up with me sure enough the man has no pants on people when you go to a hotel and there are girls working the front desk it's not usually the case that the girls are just going to your room to bring towels and they're not going to respond to your sexual advances seriously people put your ducking dick away was working as a bartender at a hotel bar this summer one night while I was playing flappy birds there was no one at the bar I saw three people coming downstairs I hide my phone and look at them one of them had a dildo duct-taped on his forehead dressed as a ducking roust ER the other guy was wearing a KKK cloak with a whip in his hand singing the uptown funk song and the third guy dressed as a maid a guy with a female maid costume they just pass around the bar making a circle around the bar twice it's was a round bar then coming behind the bar their ouster asked if I could make a [ __ ] for them while I was taking out the shot glasses they stopped me and said no I mean a real [ __ ] to which I was confused and told them him not into guys they laughed and said we know but we want to make trained sex and we need a four I got confused for the first few seconds than my imagination kicked in not knowing how to react I told them that my shift was ending in 15 minutes and they could ask the next bartender if he wanted to a few seconds later in some awkward eye contact they went outside near the pool to wait for the bartender I went to the bathroom just to avoid them and when I came back they were gone TL DR I was going to go on a train trip invited by a [ __ ] I'm probably late to this but whatever I have two stories from when I said to work at the Queen Mary I had always heard about it being haunted but I was always a skeptic about anything paranormal I'd usually worked the third shift from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. our job usually consisted of tearing down for parties that were held at night and setting up for breakfast catering x' in the morning so there was a lot of downtime in between those events for the most part we'd hang out in our warehouse storage room the warehouse was located to one of the old pools that were drained one night me and my coworkers were just chilling there waiting for a party to end when we started hear the sounds of kids laughing it was one of those eerie echo lofts that just sent chills down all of our spines but then we also started hearing splashing sounds a look of terror fell across all of our faces eventually we all got the courage to look outside and when we got to the pool you could see what footprints that leap from the pool to the door of our warehouse we all just noped the duck out of there this second incident wasn't as scary on another night we had to clean up after a party around 2:00 a.m. while cleaning up one of my co-workers told me to look up and check out this hot girl up on the upper deck of the boat you could see this beautiful woman in a red cocktail looking down at us being the teenager that I was my coworker and I decided to try and get a closer look we climbed up the stairs to the u4 deck in order to get a better look but in the time it took to climb up the stairs she had disappeared never really believed in ghosts but after working there for about a month I truly became a believer in the paranormal I worked the front desk and this elderly Asian man repeatedly came and asked for the small lotion containers I didn't think anything of it but one morning he came down and it seemed really upset he yelled halfway in his own language saying that the staff was not supplying him with enough lotion I asked housekeeping if they put some extra ones in his room to keep him happy however the next morning he came again to complain I finally got an empty shoebox size to tub and filled it with the at least 50 lotion bottles I've never seen a man so content with a box full of lotion not technically a hotel but my mom used to be a manager at this huge old mansion that was used primarily for weddings but at rooms available if the parties were traveling in from out of town according to her and the rest of the staff this place was definitely haunted several stories validating these claims stick out in my memory something about a chef killing himself in one of the rooms or original homeowners daughter dying in another room etc I mean though this place was very beautiful and elegant it was huge in several hundred years old so you can imagine that some of these stories weren't very hard to believe especially since my mom always was working there late sometimes alone and consistently had creepy stories the one that sticks out in my mind the most is relatively tame but absolutely chilling so one night after one of the weddings my mom and some of the other staff are cleaning up they did the normal stuff cleared the tables and tablecloths break down all the equipment collect the decorations and box them for the client then place all the chairs upside down on top of the tables so that the next day they could vacuum or mop the weight / cleaning staff leave around midnight but being the manager my mom has to stick around and close up shop so as she is making her way to the back office on the ground floor she passes the dining room and sees that the chairs are still placed on the floor around the tables despite the fact she almost certainly can remember them placing them on top of the tables an hour prior so she goes around the entire dining room places them back up on the tables then proceeds to continue what she was doing before about an hour later at around 2 a.m. she's getting ready to leave going room to room to turn the lights off the last room she has to turn the lights off for is the dining room so she goes in gets ready to turn off the lights and what does she see the ducking chairs back on the floor around the tables the way she tells the story it was at this point she frozen a mix of terror / confusion and just nope the duck out of there my friend and I landed jobs in the same hotel we both worked the night shifts on weekends and we were the only employees there he was reception I was the bellboys security gofer we were bored one night so I dragged the helium tank for balloons I guess maybe for weddings from storage and into the admin offices behind the front desk and we proceeded to answer telephone calls with high-pitched voices all night long not sure if it's creepy but I'm sure it was weird for the caller's I'll add a category to the title saddest experience working at a hotel I worked the front desk at a Best Western in Pennsylvania my shift started at 7:00 a.m. when I relieved the clerk that works the overnight shift two police officers walked into the lobby a few hours into my shift and asked if I was the clerk that checked in a certain guest I looked in our system and saw the overnight clerk checked in the couple men and women in their 30s at about midnight they explained to me the woman that paid for the hotel room is in trouble for stealing a credit card from a woman in New Jersey and making unauthorized purchases which led them to the hotel once the overnight clerk ran the credit card authorization at 3:00 a.m. that morning when I got to work that day we have a ledger that showed you which rooms were rented / available in the names of guests I had no interaction with a woman being tracked down by police because they didn't have a warrant I couldn't just let them into her room but I sent a cleaning lady to her room to see if she was inside and we'd take it from there if she was the room was empty so the police handed me a photo of the woman and asked me to call them as soon as I see her returning to her room not even an hour after they leave the woman walks through the lobby with the guy she checked in with I smiled and let them get into the elevator before I called the police within minutes the out-of-town police along with out local law enforcement to send upon the hotel and made it up to the hotel room the couple was staying in when they barged and they found the woman alone in the room the guy that was with her moments before was gone I saw her being led out of the hell in handcuffs while bawling her eyes out it turns out the woman arrested was severely mentally challenged and she thought she was on vacation with her boyfriend when the police made the arrest the boyfriend was the one who stole the credit card from one of the nurses from her outpatient therapy group she frequented and took her on a tri-state spending spree before he abandoned her in another state okay nobody gonna believe this but here it goes never worked for a hotel but this involves a hotel when I was about 12 years old my dad was starting up a pair of chillers for a newly constructed posh Miami Beach hotel he would work from seven P 7a and his job was essentially to monitor the units since it was quite boring and things weren't the best at home I would often go with him and hang out on the beach sometimes we would take our chocolate lab anyway so there was a basement level hallway that connected this new hotel to one in the lot next to it which was much older the old hotel was actually in the 50s a nursing home with a bad reputation ie shut down for abuse exceed one din to a hotel at least thirty years prior whenever we would walk through that side you would get a creepy chill up your spine but never saw or heard anything crazy anyway one night we had the dog and were walking through the hallway dog chilling when all of a sudden he just stuck his feet in the ground and wouldn't go another step forward I mean we couldn't drag this dog forward he wanted to go back in the other direction so badly so we eventually took him back turns out the spot that he wouldn't cross was pretty much the exact midpoint between the new and old hotel worked as one of the room cleaners for about two years as a young teenager went from cleaning the rooms to managing the cleaning staff I was the only one who could speak English and was a legal resident of the states lots of people answered the doors naked or yell come on in while they're naked lots of people want you to change their bedding slash clean the room so on so forth but they want to remain in the room while you do it it's uncomfortable and it led to some pretty heavy policy changes apparently flushing just isn't worth doing for some people out there a couple bounty hunters were chasing a guy fleeing a BailBonds situation and management decided that hi as a sixteen year old would definitely need to be involved in a [ __ ] and help them get into his room knocked on the guys door yelled that it was housekeeping and key to the works that too was horribly uncomfortable in a sinking I hope this guy has something to lose and isn't about to go apeshit on me working for my minimum wage kind of way there was half a rabbit in the parking lot one morning there was no blood about to indicate that the severing of the rabbit happened in that location another redditor once suggested a bird dropped that half which is plausible but the other thought was animal sacrifices and I wouldn't put it past the clientele I can't vouch for other hotel chains but this particular one did not change out the brown blankets and the colorful comforters daily monthly wah s a bit more likely they didn't have extra ones to replace while the used ones were washed they only had a few spares to replace damaged or ruined blankets / comforters so if they were okay they got sprayed with some disinfectant and put back on top of clean sheets management said it was industry standard I was a teenager so I trusted them but looking back on it I find it hard to believe there were fun times though if any guests left anything behind and didn't return to claim it in like 10 days or so we pretty typically got to keep it and I was quite surprised at how many older couples would leave cash tips in their room as appreciation for the cleaning staff all in all it was a super weird job you could only get an hour or two of work if it was a slow day or you could still be working seven or eight hours later if your staff failed to show up and you had a full load there were some cool days in some nightmare days and there was also a day where I found a bucket of dildo sand which wasn't always will be a great conversation piece I was working in a big resort in Greece where we had four hotels located in the resort I was working in one of the smallest of the four hotels where usually at night there are only two people working myself the groom and a receptionist one night it was ridiculously misty maybe happens three times while I was working there I was just standing around the driveway when I see someone approaching from the gate around 4:00 a.m. nothing out of the ordinary but as the person got closer I notice it was an old lady in a white nightgown wearing nothing else in walking bare feet this literally looked like a scene straight out of the horror movie I kind of froze for a second and thought to myself that I had fallen asleep on shift or someone pulling a prank but sure enough this lady comes closer blank expression on her face feet completely muddy and scratched up I slowly walked up to ask her if she is okay expecting her to jump and choke me to death as she would bite my face off as she got closer I could see she was really confused and didn't really know where she was I tried to ask her if she knows which hotel she was staying at and what her name was but she couldn't remember where she was staying or what her room number was so we went inside into the reception where my colleague is also doing a double-take on this lady and looking at me with a sort of expression like where the hell did I find this thing after a few minutes of searching with the name she was giving us and calling the other hotels we found a family with similar last names she had been giving us she was really confused and was giving us many names in one of the other properties so I got the longest golf car we had on the property put her in the furthest seat in the back just in case she decides to go all zombie mode and take a nice bite at my neck and off we went to the hotel with myself constantly looking behind my shoulder like a paranoid 20 year old every 200 meters turn out that the old lady was on holiday with her family and she was suffering from Alzheimer they think she kind to sleep walked out of her room and then got lost and confused after that the mind is a very dangerous and scary thing not hotel staff so sorry but I have a relevant story I was staying in a hotel and was walking through the halls at the same time as the cleaning woman was going room to room to change sheets and such as I'm walking past her she's entering a room and suddenly I hear this kind of surprised yell from her and foot shuffling my head whips around just in time to see some guy with his dick in his hand before the door was slammed and the cleaning lady moved on she noticed that I saw what happened and just shook her head and said something about how she hates when that happens not sure how creepy that is but it sounds like it's not such a rare occurrence at some places there's probably a few dozen guys with an exhibition fetish that just go from hotel to hotel showing their junk to hotel staff for shits and giggles definitely was creepy and weird to me though I can understand having that fetish just seems mean to do that to unsuspecting cleaning staff read it what is your most disturbing scary or creepy real story serious I posted this just a couple of days ago on another thread this isn't very interesting but I woke up with blood gushing down my cheek when I was younger and I didn't feel anything but my face felt wet so I went down to my parents room and they freaked out til this day we still have not clue what cut my face but I needed eight stitches next to my eye we checked the sheets pillow pillowcases edges of the bed etc still no idea so I was sleeping and in the middle of the dream a character of my dream who was doing something turned her head looked at me very seriously and said there's someone in your apartment wake up I nearly had a goddamned heart attack and my apartment was empty it was you you were in your apartment all along I had awesome parents who let me sleep in the living room on weekend nights when I was very young because my sister was a light sleeper and I could stay up until dawn but of course I always end up sleeping on the couch because Nick at night made me tried so one night I wake up to the prickly feeling like an instinct just bolted into a sitting position and stared out the front window we lived in rural Georgia so you can imagine the magnitude of trees in perfect light cast from the moon I see a silhouette of someone in the stucking tree the family dog dashes to the window and is snarling into the glass terrified I run into my parents room and try to explain to my parents that there is a strange person outside dad grabs something defensive and darts outside with the dogs to beat the wax off the hot head I tremble in Mama's arms until dad comes home and says he saw no one and to go to bed I decide to sleep in my regular bedroom I fill in my sister-in as to what happened dad is making regular rounds in the house with a cup of coffee we're all still and I finally think I can sleep nope I noticed the man outside my window from what I can see in the moonlight he gives me a shush signal and runs away just turns around to run a straight line away I swear I couldn't stop crying for what felt like hours when I was a young child I had the same dream every night for years about drowning when a huge wave swept over me and I sank to the bottom years later I had a temp job delivering mail one summer during college I saw this old lady sitting on a front porch waiting for me when I got up there she looked at me and said in a foreign accent you drowned when oceania sank beneath the waves freaked me out my house sits farther back in the lot than most other houses it is a strange layout as well the sidewalk runs the length of the living room and ends at the front porch which lets into the living room large windows that do not open allow great light to get into the living room but at the cost of no privacy the rest of my family was on vacation and having the house to myself I decided I would get smashed well I pass out on the couch in the living room at about 9:00 when I realized I was too scared to walk back to my room the couches right underneath these big windows I woke up suddenly not knowing why I had a severe case of the chills and I could not figure out why then the banging started it came from right above me I did not move but I opened my eyes and looked up at the window someone was standing there pounding on the glass without moving I looked at the cable box it was around 3:00 in the morning the banging continues then it stopped suddenly but I still did not move suddenly it commences again coming from two different directions now someone is banging on the window and another person is banging on the front door they kept doing it would not go away finally after about 40 minutes they quit it was the most terrifying event I could recall at the moment it made me a nervous wreck after that I called a friend the next day to see if he would come over and stay for the rest of the week and his response was what the duck for so that W he can both be murdered in our sleep thanks a lot [ __ ] when I was about 10 all of my cousins and siblings were over about 10 of us there the parents and grandparents were out for an adult dinner so it was just the kids sitting around watching a few movies when all of a sudden the house shook and there was a large flash coming from the backyard it felt as if a bomb dropped we all heard felt and saw it and as a pack we ran into the hallway the eldest cousins in the group debated on calling the police but opted to call the parents after a few minutes we gained our courage and ventured out into the living room again this time with weapons just in case after a half hour with no other issues the parents came home and thought we were insane there was nothing wrong with the backyard and no neighbors reported anything it's been 10 years and we still talk about it trying to figure out what it was that has been the scariest thing to happen to me by far I once sat across from a guy who told me about killing his girlfriend him cutting her into pieces and boiling her head he explained why he killed her and wished he could talk to the parents so they could understand that what he did was a good thing it wasn't i sat with him for 45 minutes as he went into detail was the most surreal 45 minutes of my life source worked in max security mental health facility okay so this happened to me last summer when I was back at my parents house during the holidays it was around 3:00 a.m. and I was in my room on my computer when I got a call from my sister now that was already a little bit weird since my sister's room is just down the hallway from mine and she could have just came in my room I went to pick up and the call ended as soon as I reached the phone I figured that she wanted to speak with me so I got up and went to her room as soon as I reached her door she started screaming that someone was in the room with her so I busted in and of course nobody was here after she stopped crying she told me that she woke up and saw a dark shadow just centimetres from her face and that's when she screamed so I told her that she called me she tell me that her phone is not in her room and that she was sleeping sure enough her phone is actually downstairs in her purse the weird part is that I have a log of her call on my phone but she doesn't never managed to explain this one I was delivering a hot tub to this contractor / realtor in this fancy gated community near Branson Missouri when I arrived the construction workers were in charge of telling me where the thing was supposed to go it was going on the fourth floor balcony but because of the way the house was built the fourth floor was floor the other three floors were on the side of a hill but the driveway was even with the first fourth floor entrance if that makes sense so a lot of construction going on but to get the hot tub on the balcony I had to make a ramp take it from the drive down into the yard up a ramp to the porch through the living room door across the living room out the back patio doors onto the deck problem with this was the deck was unfinished a huge section of decking was missing they had literally installed only enough decking so that I could go from the patio doors to the far corner of the deck where the hot tub would sit there was no railing the hot tub weighed 900 pounds and it was a four-story drop if I fell the construction workers volunteered to help me we got it out onto the deck crossed the narrow bridge of installed decking to the corner and I was about to lay it down you move these on a dolly while the hot tub is on its edge for clarification laying it down isn't that hard you tilt it bring it down to your lap grab the strap securing it to the dolly and lower into the deck it's very controlled and I've done it thousands of times however this deck wasn't finished so the contractor wanted to leave it on its edge it's a lot harder to take it off when it's standing up because the dolly is under a 900 pound tub but I have done it before I told them that we would have to put blocks under one side of the dolly tilt the tub and pop the straps to release the dolly so it could be removed from the area then you tilt the hot tub back remove the blocks and then set the hot tub down on the deck problem the deck wasn't wide enough to allow me to do this safely I popped the strap on the hot tub put the blocks under and I tilted the hot tub but that put me with my feet four inches from the edge of the deck with nothing but four stories of air behind me we were able to free the dolly on one side but not the other the hot tub had to be leaned over further toward me I tell everyone to freeze and they do I didn't want anyone messing with it because I had to shift my feet back five inches so my heels were off the deck I'm freaking out but it's all going smooth I have a construction worker on each side of me helping support the tub three construction workers freeing the dolly and one useless worker playing with a strap that is going to secure the tub to the house so that the wind doesn't blow the tub over we are inches from the Dahle freed when one of the construction workers freeing the dolly gets impatient and kicks the corner of the tub to dislodge it from the dolly it works for him but unfortunately for me I didn't have my feet set yet I shout that I'm falling the two guys beside me take the weight of the tub but no one can get to me my arms are windmilling I'm bent almost double backwards trying my damnedest to stay on the deck I can see the boulders down below out of the corner of my eye I'm falling in there isn't anything I can do about it I feel myself go I'm falling my heels slip out from under me and no one can reach me but then suddenly I'm flying forward something is under the small of my back and it's slamming me into the bottom of the tub the dolly is removed and a tub stood up with me hugging it before I find out what saved me the useless guy playing with the strap had already secured one end to the house when I fell the strap was already behind me hanging off the deck the construction worker pulled it tight with all his might arresting my fall it wasn't there for that purpose but he saved my life that day I would have been dead if not for him I thanked him by sending him and his wife and kid to Breckenridge Colorado for Christmas it was actually a vacation I'd saved for and was about to surprise my wife and daughter with but I felt he deserved it more plus my wife and daughter didn't know anything about it yeah that was one of my most scariest moments ever TL DR fell off a fourth floor deck but construction worker saved me at the last moment so I rewarded him with a vacation to Breckenridge Colorado this is not supernatural creepy but is one of the more disturbing and surreal experiences of my life one early morning a few short years ago I'm walking to my bus stop and eating a banana it is dark misty around 5:00 a.m. and I am internally debating something trivial like if I want my daily Starbucks before or after the commute as I approach the dimly lit corner around my street a tall man in a black mask steps out of the dark alleyway to my left sleepy and disoriented I barely acknowledge him when he shots put down you're ducking person points his gun to my head things start to click the man says put down your bags and I tell him okay okay putting them down over here he orders me to walk over to him tour the alley and get down on the ducking ground and I agree I'm coming okay okay my heart is beating a million miles a minute and my hands still smell sticky with banana I know I need to get away I don't know why but my mouth won't stop working look see I'm on the ground my stuff is over there please just take my stuff but he doesn't like it shut the duck up okay he gets on top of me and puts the gun to my head at this point I should mention the fact that I'm on my way to coach a high school practice that I'm dressed like a dude huge baggy pants hat jacket if not for my telltale voice I'd look like a prepubescent 90s rap star anyway as the guy gets on top of me gun to my head he looks at me and pauses I can t tell you why I know this but I swear that at this moment it clicks for him that I'm a woman he gets off of me stands up and points to the dark alley come with me my stomach hurts I remember that there have been a recent rash of sexual assaults in my neighborhood during the daytime no less when the man points down that dirty alleyway my internal voice speaks the duck out says voice number one there was no way in hell you were going to go down there without a fight but he has a gun you [ __ ] replies voice number two ducking follow me the real voice his voice hollers so I do what I do best I talk I'm coming I'm following you I call and the man makes a crucial mistake he believes me I take one two tiny steps backwards toward the sidewalk and he turns his body and his gun toward the alley this is my moment I take a deep breath tucked my head down in case he starts shooting and starts sprinting away I hear a voice screaming in a high-pitched wail before I realized that it's mine after running six or seven blocks I head back to my apartment hoping he's not there to see where I lived the police check out the alleyway an hour later but the potential attacker is long gone the only evidence of the encounter is my banana peel browning in the alleyway and the adrenaline rush that I couldn't shake for days I would be lying if I said that if that experience doesn't bother me still but I'm so fortunate to mainly be haunted by the what-ifs and not the woods a week after gaining my CPR certification I had to try and perform CPR on a woman dying of a heroin probably other drugs to overdose I was at a thrift store with some friends looking for Halloween costumes and someone came in saying that someone was passed out in the parking lot I was in the dressing room and it just got super quiet so I came out and told them I was certified and I'd go take a look and that they needed to call 9-1-1 go outside and don't see anyone on the ground someone comes out and shouts that the person is in the car that's parked far out by itself I ran over and honestly freaked the duck out she was pretty much already dead completely blue in the face slumped against her car window she had the red druggy rings around her eyes but those were blue - because she was so oxygen deprived we opened the door and I'll never forget that when we turned her head to see if she still had a pulse she had tears running down her face we pulled her out of the car put her on the ground and took her pulse again because the first person to do it wasn't sure we started CPR and the ambulance arrived about a minute after they got her strapped up and in a continued CPR they had another ambulance coming those EMTs got out and there was literally like six of them surrounding her the cop told us they had administered some type of drug that can apparently reverse heroin overdose as if given in time but she was pretty much dead already they would do t-h-e necessary stuff until they could get to the hospital and call it according to him I also remember when we opened the door there was heroin needles and empty pill bottles all over the floor she wasn't very old we also think she had kids she had some toys into car seat plus two names tattooed on her headed Wow thank you guys so much for the responses and the gold it was definitely a rough situation but for being 19 at the time I think I handled it well my mother told me that's not too long ago but it happened about 10 years ago now when my cousin was 17 18 years old she was in a car crash and had died a couple of weeks later in hospital she was really close to my dad's sister our and used to babysit her kids who were no more older that four years old all the time our aunt's house was under construction just before she passed away and it continued on after she passed away one day my aunt got a phone call while she was at work from one of the construction workers complaining about a teenage girl who keeps showing up at the house and walking around and that she shows up a number of times during the weeks and it has been happening for a couple of weeks my aunt asks for a description of the girl to see if she knows her from around the neighborhood and sure enough the description perfectly matches my cousin who died a few weeks before long brown hair red baseball cap denim dungarees and a white jacket when my aunt got home she showed them a picture of my cousin and that all agreed that it was the girl they'd seen walking around the site this story really freaked me out when I heard it because our family was never one to believe in anything paranormal or have anything of the paranormal sort happened to that before when I was in high school I had a really good friend who lived next door to a house that was always up for sale people would move out in the middle of the night without a word and it hadn't had the same owner for more than six months straight for a couple of years one night we were really bored and he suggested we go explore the house next door since it had sat empty for a while we go around back and there's a dog door that he can crawl through and he unlocks the door and lets me in the house itself is really unremarkable it looked like it was built in maybe the 1950s and was a craftsman-style house in an older nicer part of town my friend's house was similarly built the kitchen had a really nice built-in breakfast table set against a picture window the houses electricity was off but you could see the street light through the window my friend and I sit down on the floor across from this table and are just hanging out talking why who knows all of a sudden my friend screams and in that instant my vision goes black but it wasn't that I just couldn't see my body was engulfed in this sickly coldness from head to toe I start screaming and I feel my friends hand grabbing mine and pulling me in some direction forcefully my vision slowly comes back and I start to warm up when I realized that were outside under the streetlight it was December and should have been much warmer inside of that house finally I look at my friend and he looks scared unreal why confused and kind of panicked myself and finally asked him what happened he says that as I was talking a black thing this figure that was all black and only had the vague shape of a girl crawled out from under the table and sat on top of me apparently I started groping around with my eyes wide open like I couldn't see and he was so freaked out he pulled me out of the house we are still friends and we bring it up every now and then but the story itself never changes and it still sends chills down my spine to this day I've never felt such blackness or coldness in my life it was palpable almost sticky for a couple of days afterward I couldn't shake this unsettling feeling and I could never walk past that house again I'm scared to get out of bed now every time I stay at my grandma's house I hear someone walking upstairs it starts at one side of the room casually walks to the other and stops this will happen maybe twice a night I didn't start hearing it until I was about 14 when my grandparents made me start sleeping in a different room on the first floor because they started sleeping in separate bedrooms bla bla bla regardless both of their rooms are also on the first floor for a little backstory I have always been afraid of the upstairs at their house I don't know why but it's always freaked me out and I refuse to ever go up there alone I'm 23 now still won't go up alone there's one room specifically though it's a long narrow bedroom when you open the door there are closets on your left and right a bed placed roughly in the middle of the room and a window on the far side opposite the door I was told growing up by my grandparents that the sons of the previous owner claimed to see a gorilla come out of the closet at night dance around the room and go back into the closet I thought nothing of this story until I had to start sleeping in the other room the room located directly below the scary room upstairs so we all go to bed all the lights in the house are often I'm still awake lying on the bed then I heard it thump-thump starting at one end of the room upstairs it got closer to me passed right above me and continued to the end of the room where it stopped I am wide awake terrified out of my mind it was no question to me that I had heard footsteps I knew that slow casual pace I was freaked out and went to my grandpa's room I told him what I heard he told me that the house is old and it creaks but he turned the dining-room light on for me so I felt a little safer I tried going back to sleep then it started again this time from word ended the first time by the window upstairs it walks over me again and stops when it reached the door I thought it was over until five seconds later when I heard it coming down the stairs one two three four five silence has it reached the landing then six seven eight nine ten and silence again as it reached the first floor I was frozen in shock whatever it was it was on my floor of the house and sadly unaffected by the dining-room light I was staring at the doorway to my room the dining room light was shining in and my vision began to distort I felt dizzy with fear so I pulled the blankets over my head and suddenly heard a scratching sound from inside my room I knew exactly where it was coming from to my grandpa's gun case it was a very obvious sound scratching on the wood long scratches down the front of the gun case tore I could even hear the door ever-so-slightly tapping against the frame as each scratch began I tried to scream a decadent I took a second to take a deep breath and let out a loud scream in seconds my grandpa had made it to my room and I was relieved needless to say he still didn't believe me so I did what any normal person would do i draped a sheet over the side of the bed and slept underneath it I wrapped myself tied in a comforter put on headphones and turned my back to the door there could be a party of ghosts in my room and I wouldn't even know the next morning my grandpa told my grandma about what happened the night before she said oh that's silly you know your cousin woke me up the last time she stayed here she came in my room saying I hear footsteps I slept under the bed for the rest of my weeks stay with them I've stayed there countless times since that happened and I hear the footsteps every time I sleep on top of the bed now but keep my back to the door and sleep with headphones on I haven't heard it come down the stairs since that first night but if it does I don't want to no edits because I'm bad at writing and I can't stay in the same tents when I was about seven my two brothers and I were playing in an area that was used as an unofficial motocross place we decided to dig a tunnel for some reason being the extra smart guys we were it took a few hours to dig about six feet in and two feet high I was right up at the face when suddenly the tunnel collapsed it was all dirt with no supports my world went instantly blackened hot by hot I mean furnace hot I couldn't move a muscle from the weight of the soil completely enclosing me I started to really panic as you do everything started turning red which I guess was blood being forced into my head every breath was getting harder as the soil constrained me more and more even though my hands were near my face I couldn't move my arms to clear the dirt around my head and also started breathing in dirt which made me cough which made me contract my stomach and then I couldn't draw breath at all this isn't what made me panic though the total darkness turning red with the incredible heat made my young mind think I was going to hell I don't know how long I was buried for but it seemed like an eternity suddenly I felt something grabbed one of my feet my brothers had been frantically digging through the collapse to pull me out and managed to reach me and then pull me out we never told my parents I just went home and got hosed down TLDR got buried alive and pissed myself when we first moved into the house I grew up in I used to hear things calling my name from the opposite end of the house like I would be in my room playing with LEGOs or something and I would hear my dad call my name from his room so I'd go to my parents bedroom and ask them what they wanted and they'd always tell me that they never called my name being a little kid I honestly started to think that they were playing a joke on me because this happened about once every couple of days well one night it happened and I went to ask than what they wanted like always but right as I stepped into their room I heard my mom's voice calling for me from the living room which is all the way on the other side of house it was at that exact point that I knew no one was tricking me because I was looking at both of my parents sitting in front of me I kind of kept this to myself until my brother was diagnosed with partial narcolepsy one of the symptoms of narcolepsy is apparently aural hallucinations so I thought maybe I had it too went and got myself checked completely fine so I have no idea what was calling my name all those years and I still hear it at night whenever I come visit and stay over okay this is 100% true I'm 23 now and this happened about 10 years ago so I was probably 13 or 14 anyway I used to skate board all the time with my friends Tim and Brandon one day we got done skating and we decided to go to 7-eleven to get some food / drinks before we went home remember I was only 13 14 so we weren't driving we had skated to the 7-eleven and we're planning on skating / walking back home anyway we buy our drinks and we left the store we walk to the parking lots exit and prepare to cross the highway it's not a bust highway since it's a small town while we waited for the traffic light to turn red so that we could cross I looked behind me at the 7-eleven gas pumps I noticed a 40 to 50 year old man pumping gas into his white truck he stared at me and before I knew it he dropped the gas pump and jumped into his truck he slammed on the gas and sped straight at my friends and I he missed us but he grazed my arm and knocked my skateboard out of my hand my friend Brandon screamed WTF you ducking dick as the man peeled out and sped into the parking lot next to 7-eleven I swear to god he drove through a ditch which was between 7/11 s parking lot in the parking lot he was in and tried to run us over again this is where it got bad the three of us started running at full speed across the highway and toward the local library which is like two to three blocks from 7-eleven when we were about half a block away I looked back and saw the maniac speeding toward us follow F rage Brandon and Kim ran up to the library doors and I ran towards the woods it was Sunday so I knew the library was closed and there was a trail in the woods which led to my backyard meanwhile this Maniac peeled into the parking lot and hopped out of his truck I looked behind me before escaping into the woods and saw him grab either a shotgun or a crowbar I was pretty far away at this point and I was freaking out so my vision wasn't great from the bed of his truck I ran all the way home when I got to my street my neighbor Tim's dad told me to get in his car because we had to go to the video store which is where Tim's mom worked when I got there I found Tim and Brandon they ran to the video store after realizing that the library was closed and three cops a minute later my mom came in crying her eyes out because Brandon and Tim told her they didn't know if I lived or not everyone had thought that I was captured Tim told me that he saw the guy running after me into the woods which is scary because I thought the maniac was chasing them not me anyway he was never caught and I spent the next five years worrying about every white truck I saw and I forgot the most scary part my town is small but it's not empty there were plenty of people around while this was going on I felt so helpless running for my life while there were at least 100 people around not doing a thing about it also to be clear we didn't provoke this man at all he T read to hit us for no reason and that's creepy Brandon called him a dick but that was after he tried to run us over we were good kids trying to walk home and we almost died / got seriously hurt because of it amused also bussed Highway equals busy highway I may have posted this before but I don't remember I was in high school doing homework at the dining room table from there I could see the front door our front door at the time had a 2 ' X 5 ish pane of glass on it with a lace curtain over it I remember hearing a noise like somebody was on the porch it was probably 9 p.m. or so it was very dark outside and the porch light wasn't on as I'm watching the front door I can see the screen door opening it stands open for a minute or so and there's nobody there or they were dressed all in black I'm frozen waiting to see what happens next the screen door just slowly closes if someone was there they didn't just let it go someone was closing it carefully so that it would make noise after that I don't remember if I heard footsteps maybe they saw me watching them and decided to quietly get out of there woke up clock says 3:30 4:00 a.m. I'm 17 and in my bedroom it's pitch black but I hear some rattling downstairs terrified I quietly tiptoe to my parents room weird it's empty where are my parents at 3:30 4:00 a.m. go upstairs to my brother's room he's usually awake all night but while the light is on no one is in the room so I guess whatever those noises are downstairs it must be them why are they awake maybe someone died I go downstairs in the middle of my living room is what looks like two men stealing our TV no one else is in sight I run upstairs as quietly as possible shut and lock my door suddenly there's banging on the door I wake up it was a dream and the relief washes over me I look over at the clock weird coincidence it's 3:30 4:00 a.m. I'm shaking but decide to go downstairs to prove to myself that everything's fine I go downstairs the two men are in my kitchen screaming at my parents and brother I run upstairs to my bedroom and lock the door ten seconds later I hear banging I will come it's 3:30 4:00 a.m. this time I had actually woken up and I don't manage to fall back asleep for about 36 hours headed lots of responses about lucid dreaming here I spent most of my teens and early 20s as a lucid dreamer discovering the techniques after a childhood plagued by very frightening sleep paralysis I found a message board back in 1998 where I learned to at least have fun with it the above story wasn't a sleep paralysis experience but it was typical of the kinds of nightmares I used to have weirdly enough I rarely have nested dreams anymore and haven't had a successful attempt at lucid dreaming in a few years my guess is that it has something to do with hormones I lived in a bizarre little house as a child it was incredibly tall and thin like an attached house except freestanding with three floors a basement Internet ik it was full of quirks such as two fully functional fireplaces a shower stall in the center of the basement a backyard so small that you could take five paces without hitting the fence and an old-timey rope pulled down waiter that led from the kitchen to my bedroom I love that weird little place but unfortunately it was incredibly old and half of its charm was the fact that it seemed to have been designed by an inarticulate Conclave of lunatics and eventually the repair costs exceeded what my parents were willing to sink into it and we had to move preparing for the move was a chore I packed most of my stuff myself and I had taken to throwing stuff down the dumbwaiter and shoving all my clothes so thickly in my closet that they became a single solid brick of fabric while clearing that closet out in fact I came across a feature I hadn't noticed before an attic entrance in the roof being an adventurous kid I opened her up stood on the closed brick and began my first and last exploration into the topmost part of our weird little house the first thing I noticed was that it wasn't as dark as it should have been the place was strung with old red Christmas lights which still burned with leftover incandescent and a dozen little cracks and holes peeped down into all the bedrooms below thus a con thing I noticed was that the place was set up for habitation the insulation was plastic towei there was an old Burnie piled with sleeping bags and sheets and a rusted mint-green refrigerator which still worked when I tested it the third thing was the bones there were a lot of bones I was a kid at the time with a limited understanding of anatomy but there were bones of all types heaped into a series of piles around the center of the Attic small and large clean and white from every and any imaginable sort of creature haphazardly stacked and a half-dozen osseous clubs two of them were blackened as if someone had tried to burn them and the walls nearest those blackened files were scrawled in dark bone charm messages mostly they were just smears but the word sorry appeared more than once that room had been sitting over my head for eight years while I slept I always seemed to get to these threads when my story will surely be buried but here goes when I was 13 my grandmother was dying of cancer and my mother and I stayed at her house and took care of her during her last few weeks one night at three or so in the morning mother ran into my room and told me that my grandmother who was by this time completely bedridden entered my mother's room woke her up and then walked out of the room there was no creepiness at the time just a genuine concern for what my grandmother could possibly be doing up at 3:00 a.m. when she was literally days away from dying we ran into a room and sure enough she had passed away obviously given the shock of my grandmother dying my mother and I didn't sit around chatting about how weird the whole experience was but months or perhaps even years later I asked her about that night and she has no memory of telling me that my grandmother was up and walking around the house she doesn't even remember what woke her up or why she woke me up gives me shivers just writing it I posted this on another through a few weeks ago about a month ago I went over to my girlfriend's house except I felt really uneasy when I went into the living room turns out they replaced a china cabinet with one of her grandmother's whom passed away a few months back her grandmother was bedridden in the hospital and I've ever gotten to meet her I felt uneasy the whole time being around her grandmother's furniture made me so anxious and almost sad when I told her she said it was probably nothing she went to the bathroom when I went over to the cabinet it was about six feet tall dark wood it had two doors on the side and glass up front and in the back was a mirror I was looking at the teacups and small baby dolls when I could swear I saw someone in the mirror behind me just a silhouette I called out to my grillfriend but as I did I heard a shrill screech from the bathroom I start pounding on the door and it opens she was sitting on the floor crying she said she saw someone in the bathroom mirror we booked it out of her house no shoes no jacket nothing and right to my car I don't for an hour or so with no destination when I returned her to her house her mom was sitting on the doorstep she said she kept seeing shadows move nope I will go out of my way to make things like this happen someone claims their house is haunted I want to see someone said they think they saw a skinwalker my friends are looking I've never found anything but this this was something else posted this before but I'll do it again I was on Manassas battlefield with my father when I was younger we were sitting on the back of his tailgate eating McDonald's on top of a hill looking at some cannons it was foggy and misty out that day with a slight chill November I think all of the sudden we see a man dressed in full civil war attire waving at us standing by the cannons about 50 to 100 meters away my dad had a pair of binoculars with him and we got a closer look of the man he appeared to be in a Confederate uniform and was standing stationary only moving his arm to wave it was a come here wave my dad thought there was a reenactment going on and that the man needed help so my dad walked down to the men while I watched with the binoculars when my dad got close to the man he stopped walking and had a confused posture after a couple seconds next to the man he turns around and Sprint's back to me he proceeds to throw everything in the back of the truck and we leave the battlefield in a hurry my dad said while walking down there the man slowly disappeared and my dad said he got the strangest feeling in his stomach and man chills to this day my dad gets the chills and goosebumps telling the story my dad saw combat in Vietnam so he is not an easy guy to scare from my perspective my dad was right next to the guy and never disappeared we don't know what we saw but I think it was a ghost TLDR I think we saw a ghost of a Confederate soldier when I was a child I lived in an old Victorian house and I would always hear laughing while I was trying to sleep I was an only child with a single mother and when I was about 5 to 6 I would wake up hearing laughter in the hallway in the middle of the night after mentioning this to my mom she swore it was probably just the TV being left on late one night I woke hearing the laughter in my room I went to sit up but felt like there was someone holding my shoulders down invisible hands gripping into my shoulders while I heard laughing I screamed my little heart out my mum ran into my room flicking on the bedside lamp convincing me it was just a dream until I said that my shoulders hurt she lifted up my t-shirt and there were two adult sized handprints on my shoulders I honestly thought I had imagined it and that it had never happened but the other day I mentioned it in passing to my mom and went blanket wide and said I don't want to remember that thanks for listening to another episode of red attacks subscribe and activate the notification bell so you won't miss any stories feel free to share your own stories below in the comments have a good day
Channel: Reddit X
Views: 323,875
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Keywords: reddit stories, r/askreddit, reddit, reddit scary stories, reddit top posts, r/askreddit questions, Reddit X, eipc reddit, reddit posts 2019, reddit top posts 2019, ask reddit nsfw, r/ask reddit, reddit ask, reddit compilation, dark reddit, askreddit, askreddit scary stories, askreddit creepy stories, askreddit spooky stories
Id: Hv1q1vtlMqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 57sec (4437 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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